Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20230304

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leaders in quo pennsylvania were not embarrassed. they were proutel wed, quote. well, we're incredibly saddened by the loss of representative tony delucdeluca ta. e th he said in a statement, we are h proud to see the voters continue to showim their confidence in him and his commitment to democratic values by reelecting him posthumously. >> in other words, electing who can't possibly represent you is not an offense against democracy. it's the essence of democracy. that's not a typo. they put out in a press release and actually makes it kind of sense when you remember that itd was also in the state of pennsylvania. the democratic party leaders back to senatedidated john candd john fetterman long after he had suffered a massive stroke. he could no longer talk or communicate clearly. or >> here he is during one of his rare public appearances last year here balae, running for a t that could decide the balance of power in washington. youwhat qualifies you to be a s senator ? you have 60 seconds. >> hi., good night, everybody.yo if you work full time, you true. should be able to live in dignity as well. true. and i believe they haven't have any businesses being being we b can't have businesseeis being subsidized by not paying individuals that just jus simply can't afford to to pay their own way. >> you're saying tonight that sp you support fracking, thatpofrac you've always supported fracking, bukilwayt there is tha 2018 interview that you said, nt quote, i don't support fracking at all. >> so how do you square the twor . oh, i do support fracking and i don't, i don't i support fracking and i stand and i do support fracking. >>t debate, as you wellveryon remember, was considered saw eing by most everyon who saw it, but not by democrats in pennsylvania. they didn't seem even mildly ashamed to be caught runningerm a candidate who couldn't speak for letterman's own wife, a former illegal alien called jazelle, candidly told w shals withs how she deals with her brain damaged husband. quote, you jus wt like ignore hm when he's speaking. now, democratic voters love this because they always lovatte when women attack and diminish their own husbands. it makes them feel like they're' not alone. >> it's totally normal to hate your husband. and of course, they took gisele's advice. they elected john fetterman to the senate in a party w or nd debate is allowed. it's not like you need a senator who can use wordo s oe for that matter, a president tha who can think. now, wt bie naivelden woy assumt joe biden would be in trouble during the twenty twenty primaries when hee misidentified the state he was standing in or mistook his sister for hisabout 10 wife or e about a hundred other weird and disjointed statements that suggested regular amphetamine injections were the only thing getting him through hihiugh hisi . biden senility seems slieemeo ot and was obvious, but whaict we missed was how much the democratic party had changed. hee biden's campaign was never about joe biden. ce anyonhe could have been anl or sharp, older, young, alive,wh or dead.r of the candidate himself wase of irrelevant. what mattereficed was the powerf the office. democrats just wanted the seat c . the details of who occupied it ve didn't matter to them. and as if to prove it, diannes. feinstein has been a senator from california for more thananh 30 years. she's now eighty nine , the oldest member of congress, and she is sadly completely outr of last month, shtiree learned tha. her staff had announced her>> retirement from the senate. she had no idea.en'te th watcath this. >> i haven't made that decision. i haven't released would anythi. it will be my plan.know you put out the statement. i didn't know they put it out. so, yeah, it is what it is . >> we put out your statement. an feinstein staff informs her we've decided you're leaving d becao, we didn't tell senat you because we don't care what you think. you're just the senatoorup andr shut up and and dianne feinstein just kindei of nods and accepts it. int >>el keep in mind, this personss sits on the , quote, intelyo agents committee in the united states senate. and it's sadorrupt, really. >> you'd think even a corrupt machine state like california would deservvote votede more th. voters voted for her assuming she would be aware ofbut, n their surroundings and maybe keep their best interests in mind. ody inartybut no, nobody in they cares because representative democracy means nothing to democratic leaders. >> and they don't mind if, younu know, they feel that way. w so that's how washington a actually works. >> but even by those lowwatch standards, itht has been a little bracing to watch the short political career omafh john fetterman unfold. fetterman got to washington inba january and within a month suffered a mental breakdown sore severe that he wound up in the psych ward where he remains tonight. and we're not mocking john fetterman. ve course, we feel for him sincerely. but the mercenaries in hisuc orbit very much including his wife, giselle, should be ashamed of what they have done. campa apparently, fetterman crackeigde under the strain of a senate campaign in. she was forced to pretend that w the brain damage he had suffered from a stroke wasn't actually a big deal . no problem. >>aso i'm fine.'m so bu ct helo wasse not fine. w he was so close to the edgel hol that within weeks of getting to washington, he wound up in pb a mental hospital as an inpatient. he has not appeared in publics since. nod we're supposed to think that's not a big deal t . suppo ab're not evense supposed to thinkou about it. >> and just to showmal it how completely normal it is for newly elected us senators to have mental breakdown, to disappear from public viehad that's such not a big deal thato fetterman somehow just co-sponsored legislation in the u.s. senate, quote senator,e us senators bob casey and johnts fetterman of pennsylvania reads a straight face newsylvaad repoo joined a bipartisan group ofrtne senators on wednesday introducing new legislatiogin aimed at preventing future freight train derailments like the one last monthrailment in en palestine, ohio. >> s et o herepa you have a guye getting round the clock ho questioc care, deciding d how to prevent train derailments. there's so many questions here a ,but the most obvious one isoh a logistical question. how is john fetterman doing this he in if he's in the psych ware and we don't kno ww because no ble will say veterans chief of staff, a man called adamocwh jentleson, is blocking anyone who dares to ask that questione on social media,mi on twitter,no for example, steven miller of the last white house asked jentleson thiso is cos quote, ah who is cosigning and introducing legislation from senator fundaments officehc ? well, heur himself is currently hospitalized. and under current medical oh oh, no answer. gentnswer. jentleson just blocked steven miller in response. so the problem with this is not john fetterman himself. once again, it's impossible not to feel sad for john fetterman or anyone else who suffers from mental illness. a lot of or eccentric. >> some of us are verya eccentric in a tolerant and compassionate society, should do its best to helphelp people suffering from problemsnr like depression or w the whatever .r the problem is that a society that elevates people who arewout mentally ill is doomed. >> wouldn't a functional are society elevate people to positions of leadership orst? the wisest, the smartest, the sanest, who have the greatest degree of foresightl and emotional self-control? >>ye yes, it would.sition >> they would not intentionally put people in positions ofow authority who were incompetent. they were not allowed john fetterman to write railroad safety legislationsych from his bed in the psych ward that is part ofthis the description. >> insane. biden, of course ia ne, celebrag this is a new glass ceiling shattered as if we're allo empowered by being governed end by people who can't think straight. >> but this is a dead end. this road, this way of thinking is destructive for everyone. it's not it's grotesque.ue , and if we continue, we mightndin wind up with people dressed inon admirals outfits pretending h to be women. that could happen. >> i'm honored to serve as the first female four star u officer of the u.s. public health service commissioned corps. y me >>nt now, that person is obviously mentally ill, but so are the rest of us . carol if we accept it, as normal. >> adam carolla is an expert jou on the hilarious and terrifying. he joins us tonight.s thanks so much for coming.toniyo it'su so it does seem like the standards for leadership have been inverted inverte, like the craziest person, the least competent person, the mosty obviously unqualified person becomes the leader of everybody else. >>ell, well, i mean, think aboui this. doment. a little thought experin all the people you just h mentioned and throw in, biden will throw in kamala harris as well. >> would you hire them to coach your small town high school football team? and if the answer is no, if you like, you really, really start laughing, right? her said feinstein and fetterma or even biden orrr kamala harris people to judge any of these people. if you saithem td i would like m to coach our high school sootball team, you would be laughed out of the small town you lived in. so if they cannot raise to thatn level, then maybt.erunnin they shouldn't be running the government. but i think they're runningovere g a government because of their deficiencies. so if you just too sectiok a crossll section, ten thousand people from the phonebook, assuming phone book still exists,they deu they don't. but it's a cross section of the population. you would get some high uplo to people, some low aptitudew people. this is not a representatives samplenot like the u.s. senate,i for example, the white house,sp it's disproportionately stupid e and crazy, like we're selecting. bad people on purpose. > well, it does dovetail nicely into the sort of intersectionality and al the stuff and all the affirmative action hire. col bud t could it go any other way? i mean, if your criteria for the hiring a football coach was we need the , we need the darkest,s we need one to cross dress and transgender, how would that football team's record be ati me the end of three years ofelse playing? >>s i mean, how else could this go ? well, maybe you've hit upon a solution to the current crisis in our formerr meritocracy, where congress and passes a law forcing the nba and the nfl l to abide by the same hiring standards they're imposing on , say, jpmorga morgn and citibank and everybody else, why not do that? u ab and we can allan watch what happens when you abandon wel the meritocracy? >> well, it would be the greatest experiment ever. and i think it would be very informative to a lot of people . i think if you said we're going m, we'rementetball tea going to hire by the same standards that the federal government hires in terms ofhins intersectionality and race yand everything. and then you watched a bunch of fuys bounce the ball off o their foreheads and into the first row and score no points in each game.end in and in a tie zero to zero, then maybe americans would take a look at the horrible sloppy play on the court and say, we don't want this ino our government. the problem is we can't do the math. >> we're not doing the math.. the second joe biden said, i'm going to i'm going to run with a vice president who's female and black and other peoplerage should have been outraged by that. that's an insane statements and a racist ting and insulting you statement to everyone who's in the country. s on youi told you when i was os show a couple of years ago, i said joe biden is essentially a drunken airline pilot. theand we're all in the passenr seats. that's insane. likand it seems like an extreme analogy, but is it that muchowif different? >> well, it t wawes actually foreshadowing of what we'ramerica'e seeing in americas airports now with the new near miss every week, thankweek ts te equity hiring standards now being imposed on the airlines. >> so you call that early. adam carolla, appreciate it. thank, >> thanks so we'll be honest, a lot of problems that. government faces actually are kind of complearx, in some casen very complex. >> it's hard to know what to dos if someone said fix social security, what would you do?r pe >> it would be tough to figure that out. but other problems are noto solv complicated. they're pretty easy to solve. anothand one of them is crimems and other is homelessness. so california hasnethan anymore homelessness any placen probably in the world.t but th gavin newsom, the governor, spent billions on trying to prevente proble the problem's gottene worse. california has 30% ofwe s the country's entire homeless population. >> so that's juspet a mystery to gavin. >> we spend billions. it's getting how come? what's interesting is to see the alternatives to this lunacy. and one of them is a placelen th called coronado, california, one of the prettiest cities in i the state. richars thd reilly is the mayorf coronado and joins us tonight with his solution. >> mr. mayortion , thank you so muchiring for coming on .st i can't remember a mor veieould inspiring story of yours, if you would, how you solved homelessness and vornado. >> well, tucker, there are several factors that have contributed to coronado's continued success at maihose maintaining a low to zero rate of homeless. si and one of those factors is our approach. and our approach starts with a sincere effort to connect anyto homeless individual with the resource g s they need to get back on their feet. so anye time there's a homelesst individual in town , we have wit contracted with a third party shelter providera ro that can connect him with a roof overd their head and the resources they need to improve their life . retsplitysincerely believe tha we have a civi tc and morao o bl responsibility to help those that actually want to be helped. bu a at we also have a broader responsibility to the larger community to make sure we are te maintaining safe and clean public spaces that include u making sure that the sidewalks are not blocked, that we don't have people shooting with drugs and using alcohol in publichave spaces that we don't have ver people andy in public. so we also maintain a veryement. consistent and proactive amount of code enforcement. and i thine combin thok those the combination of thosed two has what is whatto is contributed to our success. >> so i think the key to what you just said, and it's something that you never hear anybody say, which is weth do, f course, have an obligationdd to the least among us ,ic and that would include people living on the streetted d devoted to drugs. he buret we have a twin obligationc to everybody else because they live therit alse, my >>or is their city also and i don't know why you're the only mayor i have heard in the last 10 years to say that out loud. >> why is that a hard concept? >> i wish i knew the answer to that, tucker, butun i have to say, this is important for viewers to understand that what is happening here in california is not normal. you consider that frome 2012 through 2020 , who we actually saw the number of homeless individuals nationwid u drop from six hundredt and twenty to about five hundred ande eighty thousand. so wtie saw a decrease around the entire nation. meanwhile, over thatr of same te period, we saw the number ofan homeless increased by 40 percent in california, and that is despite us in the pastve three years alone, spending ten billion dollars, an effort to solve this mess. >> yeah. thank you for noticingd ba the obviouils. fu acting on it.ace. mayor richard bailey of coronado, a truly beautiful place. >> thank you.den thank you so a lot of people playing the bush administration doesn't really care about you, but that's untrue. >> ey carry if you are ukrainian, they care very, very much. and that's why the attorney general showed up in kyiv todayi to kiss the ring of his real boss, former congressman dennis kucinich joins us to explain what is going on . we'll be right back .wo do you ever worry we'll live forever now? forever now? it's literally never crossedsee! my mind. what if we live to likesuch g one hundred thirty five years of being retired? i don't want to outliveoo our mone workingy. s answ i've beeern eating all these stupid seeds. i can totally live to be 100 . i can totally live to be 100 . >> why do you think you should be terrified? since we started working with empower, we'rno. nevepeople w all our financial questions answered so we don't haveer to worry. >> so you never know. >> never join. 17 million people don't take control of your financial future. >> to empower what's next, start today to empower .com. looks like you've been sleeping well. my god, he's back to my pillow 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