0 just like sara . just like sara . your monthly gift today couldk . change your life forever change your life forever because of you. >> we're happy c and i know. >> thank you.rators are bus thanaiyou.y, thank you. thank you. t patiently. please call or go online. right to or go online. if upraise are busy, please wait patiently. for girlfriend or right away. >> steve bannon was not at the capitol building on january 6th. >> he didn't break any laws that day. at he's not even accused of breaking any lawsg on that day. >> but he was donald trump's chief political adviser. >> so today, steve bannon was sentenced to nearly half a year in prison by the january 6th committee. >> why will ? by th because in 2020 two, the democratic party puts his2 political opponents in jail. that's why in a moment, l. steve bannon will join us for his first interview sincstevee the sentence was handed down. bu us.t first, good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. >> and it feels like permanent washington has alwaycker car lid donald trump, but actually that's not true for hat years, trump was considered merely a joke in d.c., a celebrity sideshow. >> people are happy to have himh to the white house correspondents dinner. and that was true., d.c. that was as late as the 2016 primaries. s they were still many primaries. many professiona professional republican people . >> you wouldn't expect people like bill kristol, joe scarborough, people were making highly positive noises about donald trumpe noises and t changed in a moment. it changed on february 13th ofn deba that year at the republican debate in greenville, south carolina. that's when donaldn sout trump criticized the iraq war. quote, obviously, the war in do a iraq was a big, fat mistake, he said. and of course, by that point,n it certainly was obvious that it was a mistake. but that didn't mean you were ae allowed to admit it. washington in washington, you weren't thousands of lobbyists, think tank analysts, hack beltway journa journalists owed their salariele and their reputations to perpetuating the lie that american foreign policy was succeeding. everything was fine. no one really believedrica that the evidence was too strong on the other side, but everyone had to say it. too many careers were at stake. and yet suddenly here was donald trump refusing to playgig along, giving away the game in public on tv. the reaction to this in dc was violent and immediate.. donald trump must be stopped ifi donald trump is going toontrumpt criticize the iraq war. as a republican , god knowsgo what elsate he might say.t the never trump movement that resulted from thatm that year'so carolina debate. and that's where it began. that movement went on to do all kinds of things, including subverting the rule of law in this country as an entire rul federal agencies. >> but one of its firse t effors was little remembered spoiler campaign designed to siphon votes from trump designe in thel election. a group of liberals in washington and formerly headed b by bill kristol, recruited a longtime federal bureaucraton called evan mcmullen and convinced him to run for president . mcmullen didn't seem like a presidential candidate. he was 40 years old, neverd presiden married, and very obviously odd, very odd. 40 yeard >> hnee haved no trouble raisine money. >> there are a lot of liberals m happy to write him checks. the problechecks.e nom was vote. >> they were not impressed by evan mcmullin at all.mcmulle. he by the end, he won half of one percent of the popularotal total and zero electoral votes. and he was soon forgotten, except on wikipedia. and yet and here's the point. six years later, evan mcmullen i has reemerged. he's running for senate inn utah the state of utah againsthe incumbent mike lee. >> and amazingly, he could win. he could actually win. now, if mcmellonif m does win, d vote could very wellgive give democrats control. >> the u.s. senate democrats cos how did this happen?it doe how is this possible, you wonder? it doesn't make sense. utah is a conservative, highly republican republican state. mcmullen evan mcmullin has the same politics and worldview as pete . >> but a judge, he is a liberal democrat are, but he's nots running as a liberal democrat. and that's the key to success. i this year.g as a >> evan mcmullin is running instead as an independent, e is and many voters appear to be under the impression that he actually is independent, but a he's not. that's a lie, a transparent lie. evan mcmullin is roughly as independent as kamala harris is . he's considerably less i independent than, say, ellen ohmar, evan mcmullen, is anything but independent. he is entirely controlledn. and has always been. >> mcmellon even uses the democratic party's fundraisinarg platform, actblue. his campaign has paid nearly two million dollars to democratic party consulting services in the last year alone. that would include precision strategies co-founded by a biden adviser. other firms include foundationad strategies, blueprint, public affairs and cms strategy. d these are all partisan democratic party firms iny politics. consulta you pick a side inhire the consultants you hires side and mullen has picked his side. the democratic side e. not surprisingly, the creepy liberals at the lincoln project who lie for a living are busy pretending that evan mcmullen is not one of them. oh, no, republicans, they write. evan mcmullen truly represents your values, really, whichalues. values are those? does evan mcmullin oppose amnesty for illegal migrants? does he oppose race crazed teachers unions?e am as he oppose even tony fauci? >> no, of course not. evan mcmellon is fully on board with every anti family scheme. the democratic party has dreamed up over the last decade as a supposedly faithful mormoni . >> he can't even acknowledgeckne that roe v. wade was a bad decision. decisio he is a neo liberal robot. he is a there's nothing independent about him.h him read the watch him read theocrati democratic party's talking points, for example,c on abortion, i am committed t the sanctity of life, butsancti i think that means that means. th the lives of women means the lives of unborn. and of course. u and it means a life, the lives of children. we have and i think we've got to take a more comprehensive approach to that. >> but just to be clear, you don't support overturninge as roe v. wade anymore as you did in 2016.n >> i'm just trying20 to i d get clarity. way fo i do not i do not think thaty to that is the way for the country to move forward on this issue.s >> oh, so keeping roe v. wadee n is the way for the country to move forward. but of course, roe v. wade, whatever you think of it, froze everything in amber in 197 nineteen seventy three and imposed the most radically pro-abortion regime from the courts.e most on all fifty so of course you can't move forward under roe v. wade. in either direction. >> it doesn't make sense. it's effectively pro-abortion. you don't typically hear mormons talk likdon't typicae t. and in fact, even mcmellon,ot as you just heard, suggested,k did not used to talk like this.. in fact, back in 2016, he denounced donald trump, the guy noo would eventually get roe v.r wade overturned because he said trump wasn't pro-life enough. >> i'm the only pro-life candidate in the race, mcmellon.e in the race in 2016 wrote in 2016 four years later, after trump successfully pointed several pro-life justices to the supreme court who overturn roe v. wade, mcmillan has clarified what he y means. he says pro-life. o do turns out being pro-life has nothing to do with protecting children. here's link. mullen said, quote, you weren't actually pro-life if you can't say black lives matter.y black >> oh,lives matter right.k live black lives matters , which is n explicitly pro-choice organization. th you following all this?isy it doesn't make any sense. l he's a liberal democrat, and i'd be fine if h e ran ran as one utah voter should knoww what they're voting for and he should be honest about who he is . ng for and hif you pay any attel to mcmullen's last three years in, quote, public life, it's. very obvious. >> iinn 2020, he endorsed joe biden because he caresares o about republican values. watc h. y choo fosir many, choosing between donee two americas will require us to do something we've never done before. crossing party lines to suppor crossing party lines to support a unified presidential presiden candidate of another party. candidate of another party. i believe joe , to be an patriot who is loyal to the republic honorable patriot who's loyal to the republic. >> and that's why i plan to pu t country over party and in and cast m november cast my vote for joe . he's putting country over partyc by voting for joe biden, who not one time in his entire life has put country over party. >> so after endorsing biden fori office and againce, lots oflet'l people did. that's okay. don't call it independent. evan mcmullin did not act independently, just the opposite act. the he proceeded to crib his personal opinions directly from he got his opinions from ka karine jean-pierre and the other geniuses in the whiteer house pr office. >> there isn't a stupired democratic buzz phrase hes no didn't use and then overuse again and again and again. we can give you a million examples. here's one watchem kyuss quote,n a majority of house republicanst are voting to overturnturn the election results and then to see that violent that deadly insurrection happened that demoa threatened our democracy and then to watch a majority of house republicans still vote to overturn the results of the election. all of that just describes, ofbe course, a party that is sick, that is rotten to the core. isn >> okay, so he's an msnbc contributor. i mean, that's what he is . and if the voters of utah want to elect one , they should just reid elect joy reid. at least she's not pretending to be something that she doesn'd to she's not . >> and she's alsprobo probablyay a little smarter than ever. mcmullen no, and voted too overn overturn the results of the election. relts of the e, not a majority f republicans. house republicans. what happened is that republicans did exactly what democrats did in nineteen sixty nine , in twenty one in two. thousand five in 2017, republicans objected to the certification of t the results pending an audit. >> huh. aud that'sit what actually happened. we watched, but mcmullanoesn't n doesn't mention nineteen sixty nine twenty one twentydates becn five twenty seventeen because he's just repeating talking points he gets from his handlers of the democraticg poin from handler party. party and he's been doing this for years. here he is accusing millions of republican voters of racism. ant >> there's a taboo within the republican party about attacking racism in america. and i know that that's the casew because when you do it as a conservative, you get attacked by elements within the party. the party. there is an element of a the republican base that is racist.e th >> yeah,at there's a huge taboo in america against opposing racism. taboo in america we've organized the entireg society on a bipartisan basis. to oppose racism. but somehow evan mcmullen's, the only man brave enough to oppose racism in public, he's also against polio car crashes. the guy's a . but he's false. e guy is a lot of in politics is probably not the stupidest person in politics. mazie hirono still serves in he is a the senate, but he's a fraud. ee if he reminds you of anyone else guy pretending to a be republicans, he can vot undermine his own voters once he gets in office.once actually sounds a bit like mitt romney, the other senator from utah in a recent debate with mike lee mcmahon just came ou t and said it. >> senator >> watch. senator romney has worked hardwh and consistently over the past heree years. i think it's important he works with republicans and democrats, senator lee, to deliver for utahdemocr lee. and he voted in favor ofthe bipn the bipartisan infrastructure bill that you voted against. >> right. so, look, if voters in utah uta want to elect a liberal democrat, if they want to elect another pete but a judge, and if they think that peoplette judges politicg's and mcmullen's politics represent the politics of the families of utah,mcmullin go ahead and do it. but don't lie., do bittorrent's parents sayare. who you are. you are a liberal democrat. you arliberal democrat. that's the update from so that's the update from utah.g we want to go to new york where something equally surprisingng happening. someth is happening, somethingway. surprising in a good yo so new york is anan overwhelmingly democratic state no . no republican is going t roepubi get elected governor of new york , obviously. but this year, a republican looks like he may be elected governor of new york . >> congressman lee zeldin is running against kathy hochul. she is currently the governor of new york . she's never been elected. she was appointed after they threw the old guy out forad some kind of sex crime that no one ever really explained. hochul has done a lot to make the state even worse, particularly new york city. >> which is now dirtier and more dangerous than a lot of third world cities. kathy hochul has mad much dirtier and much more dangerous this year in new york city, robberies are up 34%, felony assaults are up 14%. grand larceny, 40%. 34% motor vehicle theft. murders in 36% murders in the subwaysas his system are as high as they've be been in a quarter century.quarte thato that's the population center of the state that popul kathy hochul runs. now, before you say, well,thy hh maybe she's not responsible for. all this, responsible for all of it, but she's responsible th for the change that made the worst crimes possible. and that would be new york's so-called bail reform law. that law lets criminals out on the street immediately. and kathy hochul supports it. >> why does she support that? we're not sure, because she why? not debate lee zeldin. she spending sure. your time doing improving new york , cleaning up the calcutta like encampments in midtown? actually , they're far worsee than anything in calcutta right no now. >> no, she's not doing anythin,e dividing it anate better. instead, she's dividing it and attacking people who are, quote, unvaccinated. >> watch thig peops. where am i vaccinated? neckless all the time to sayeary i'm vaccinated. all of vaccina yes, i know you're vaccinated.uh you're the smart ones. but, you know, there's peopleo t out there who aren't listeningd to god and what god wants. you know this. you know who they are.ed m i need you to be my apostles. ad i need you to go out and talks about and say we owe this to lov each other.e we love each other.each. jesus taught us to taught us to love one another. and how do you show that love. but to care about each other vae enough to say, please get vaccinated because i lovet o you, i want you to live.e. >> swensson joe . she's an embarrassment.and an that might be the most embarrassing tape ever shot of a sitting governor , even an elected governor . >> and the truth is it has done nothing. sermons like that have done thec nothing to improve the condition of new york , not in thians city and not upstate. and that's why people arew york florida an leaving new york by the thousands for florida and texas and tennessee.d tenne. why? and because it's too expensive. it's too dirty. too dirty and too dangerous. people are getti and above all, it's too dangerous. people are getting hurt that include her political by crime. that includes your politicalpont opponent, by the way, leeee zeldin, whose life intersected with crime earlier this year, someone attacked during a campaign event earlier this month. a gunman opened fire outside his home on long island. his >> watch this. a gunman opened fire outside the family's long island home, grazed here. and the >> and then the bullet was bull found right here. wan, his wife were away campaigning, but his daughters were in the kitchen when they heard gunfire. y campg buthey hid in the bathrm and called for help to 17 year olds. outside were shot and took two 17in the front yard. the shooter got away. wer police say it was a drive by shooting, not linked to the xeljanz, except the random t location perilously close to where they live. anybody.s the link them? it could have been anybody. poi that's kind ofnt the point. living in new york now that state n is dangerous. that state needs new leadershiep and it looks like it's about to. get it. as we told you, lee zeldinin isn is running for governor .new pol a new poll today, an independent coefficient survey shows heldon lean the incumbent in the race for the first time. >> congressman, he's bringsnow. us now. >> congressman, thank you so much for coming on . belie >> it's pretty remarkable. not that we didn't have faith in you as a person, but i mean, it's an overwhelmingly democratic state and you're now winning the governor's rac e first. >> congratulations. second, what do you attribute this to? democratic i mean, you have a governoru ar who is just not doing a good job. she's unlikable, she's corrupt . she's pandering to criminals.>> she is pandering to tax and spend liberal. pandg policies as opposed to just focusing on what is most important ing th new york voters. if she was tackling rising crime, if she was tacklinge rise costs, this might b skyrocketing costs, then this might be a different campaign.ln but here wg aboue are talking at how we need to remove districtoe attorneys when they refusemove h enforce the law. we don't have recall elections in new york , but the governore godoes have the constitutional authority to get rid of a d.a. who refuses to do their job. rif we're over here talking about the need to get rid of castle's bail and some of these other criminal laws. and we need to support our men and women in lawou enforcement who are being hung out to dry,ig get in the handcuffs, thrown outon them as opposed to puttif the handcuffs on criminals.s i we have a state bansteadn on sae extraction of natural gas.hochun >> and now kathy hochul wantts s to get rid of all gasall ga powered vehicles here over the course of the next decade. the next decade. we had the new we just had the new cdc guida guidance come out where they'rec out adding the covid vaccine to adding covid vaccine into their list. and you have a governo talkinis talking about as a possible consideration, her past remarksu have indicated that maybe she would mandate that for kids, but we already have it f being required on college students and we have people who arecollea getting fired for their refusal to get the coveted vaccine, like our health care workersheaa who used to be held as heroes, s now treated as heroes. y who believese should be no that there should be no covid co gradine on anyone, whethervid vs grade school, higher ed employment or otherwise. and everyone who shouldd be fired, who was fired should , be getting their jobs back with mass pay. s so the contrast is clear and even democratsr. an and independents are saying, you know what, we have to go a new new direction in order to kath to gotate. kathy hochul has to go and she will on november 8th. >> it sounds like she will . it's just a remarkable story. it kind of comes out of nowhere because, again, it's so overwh overwhelmingly democratic . it almost seems likemingly she's trying to wreck the state where we are out heres of campaigning our tails off too earn the support of voters, to e do our part to save the state. kathy hochul right now i is crawling across the finish line. she's trying ts o survive thiser campaign. and clearly her goal here is to save kathy hochul and the the average voter out there in v new york hitting a breaking point in the state. listen. there's a reason why natio new york leads the entiren in population loss. i don't thin nation population loss, tucker.c and i don't even thinkan that kathy hochul can finish the sentence that new york leads the entire yo the nation in ion loss. population because and if you can't finishs that sentence, no one's going to ever expect to actually fix this. >> and a lot of people pick up on it. so nicely put. put wow. congratulations, congressman lee. zeldin of new york . >> hopefully the next governor looks like you will be. thank you. thank you. st >> to see bannon committed no crimes on january 6thtr whatsoever. >> donald trump'ump's ies chief political adviser. >> and effectively for that, he ed was just sentenced to prison for refusing to comply with the january 6th committee. with the january 6th. he wil steve bannon joins us for his first interview since that sentencing. >> that's next. do not move on now. did you know that she pulled over in front of the church? now on breaking out of jail on you see what you did to my door? i don't like that. well, what am i doing? >> i get arrested. i got to. i don't play like nothing but these cuffs on 30% going to go further back by. >> no, i was the fifa world cup has moved to the holiday spirit . >> this is going to make everything wonderful. we've got work to do. we're going to need a ton of stars and sweaters. christine is going to be getting kind of by you. do you have any idea how busy i am this time of year? >> okay, maybe not a song which reminds us when we call that christmas spirit, your family isn't generic . >> your holiday card shouldn't be either. >> that's why i make mine at shutterfly. they've got the best selection of designs and personal touches to show off your family style. >> so no matter what your family's into, you can create a card that celebrates them. >> shutterfly will even mail them for, you know what this says? >> it's because you love your crazy family. >> get 40 percent off everything from stocking stuffers to cards with code 40 at shutterfly. by now, you are all familiar with the you lawsuits where marines who lived at the base were exposed to dangerous, life threatening chemicals in the water. but what about their sons and daughters? what about their spouses? one huge topic that is being overlooked is that they were all potentially exposed to the tainted water from drinking, cooking and even swimming in. yes, the families of those marines living at camp lejeune between 1953 and 1980, seven were exposed to benzene, vinyl chloride and other toxic chemicals. many of those family members also suffered from cancer and even death. the same legislation that allows marines to recover damages for health issues also applies to their sons and daughters, husbands and wives. if you or any other family member was at camp lejeune during that time period, please call stanly law. stanly law is at the tip of the spear fighting for financial compensation for those family members who became sick or died because of these life threatening chemicals. stanley law fighting for the families of those who fought for us . >> the president pulling out all the stops from selling off all the stops from selling off oil reserves to student loan i love san francisco, but i'm working overtime to stay here. now is not the time to raise taxes. i'm voting no on propositions m and o, because the cost of everything is going up. san francisco collects more tax revenue than nearly any city in america. but our streets are dirty and public safety is not getting better. i'm working hard to live within my budget. the city should too. join me in voting no on m and o. now is not the time to raise taxes in san francisco. we can't wait any longer. climate change is here. already threatening san francisco's wastewater treatment plant at ocean beach. risking overflow sewage to dump right into the ocean. there's a solid climate plan in place, but changes to the great highway required by prop i would cost san francisco taxpayers $80 million to draft a new climate plan and put the entire west side and ocean beach at risk of contamination. protect our beach, ocean and essential infrastructure. reject prop i before it's too late. >> i can never go back to regular compression socks again. copper fan. nothing toear. steve bannon had nothing to do with jan 6th. he wasn't there. he committed no crime. but that didn't stop january the january six committee from trying to destroy him anyway. today, bannon was sentenced to four months in federal prison at the request of that steve bannon was sentenced to 4 months committee. congressman matt gaetz has pointed out the department of justice official who prosecute.o steve bannon, a man called matthew graves, is a partisan democrat. bannon he was on joe biden's domestic policy committee in the twenty what w campaign and worked for other democratic campaigns. >> so what we're seeing clearly is the corruption of the rule of law. >> congress held lois lerner and eric holder in contempt famously, but of course, they never spent a day in jail. but never spen they were never going to because they were faithful democrats. >> steve bannon joins for his first interview since his sentencing. >> he ben, thanks so much fort e coming on set. e you agree with matt gates thateg this is partisan? h matt that's 100%. i mean, the whole just a department under merrick garland has become radically partisan. and i think that'sn? after we win on november 8th to deliver this crushing blow agains t the democratic party, this regime. tucker, i strongly believe you'll see merrick garland impeached next year by the new congress. >>r november 8 i certainly hope. people who say four months in >> tucker: peo prison is not a big deal . it never beeo san to a prison. it is a big deal .never been how are you going to respond to this? do you do planpr tisono submit? >> well, what we get well,t? number one , we have the judge a laid out today a number of areas of appeal. i've got a great legal team. are my legal team is workinge appeal the appeals right now. we'vs righe appeals on use ofpowers attorney , separation of a exe powers, executive privilege, the structure ofcuti p the januo six committee. thr so we've gotough a lot of appeas that will work through the appeals proces s. all so this is all my sentencing peg is all pending. the the appeals process. of th and we'll work through it. like i said on your showo the first time, at the end of the day, i've got to go toy this prison by this illegitimate regime. prepared to do what the judge did today. i'm prepared to do it. but we'v iwee got a long appeals process. >> what do you t think thiuckeru about our system?t system? you ar more broadly, however? i mean, you're saying thateing you're being sent to prison because you advised donald trump politically. i mean, that doesn't sound like a free country where something>> like that could happen.t free rt >> it's not free right now. now. whether it's you see this and whether it's the fbi rolling up individuals praying in front of abortion centers are designating parents going to parents rights at school board meetings for parents rights as domestic terrorists. ing to the justice department is completely and totally out of control il boarn. . the fbi is out of control. that's why i'm a big believere n in defund the fbi, use the appropriations process to defund both these apparatusesfb. until they come to the table. you we start calling it the rat's nest. i think the only way you're going to do it is yo topu got to start at the top. we got to impeach ray and we're going to impeach murghaby an. after full investigations, i think merrick garland could be impeached on the southern he could b border. i think you can impeach.e but what he's trying to do to these parents, the parents rights movement, i think thatth merrick garlanern d will bed net impeached next year by the new congress. >> one of the reason ysstem our system has become partisann and the rule of lawo on is evaporating because no one is pushing back against it.f ariee you satisfied with thespoo response from electedo republicans to what's happened to you?u? is anyone r you, it'p fo do you think? >> i think it's fine., electe and look, look, elect d republicans. what they need to do now is focus on the 8th in november. tucker, there's no substitute for victory. we have a very good opportunitt viy here to shatter the democraticni party as a national political institution. from school boards to state legislatures toto attorney general secretaries of state to take the house by 40 or 50 seats and maybe taked the senate by four or five seats to meet elected officials right now. should sht focus on just focus on winng with the and winning with the biggest at. i can do this myself the biggest wave we can. i can do this myself with mywye. lawyers. i t the republicans have my back. what i want republicans to doth is in the new congress is toon focus on cleaning out the rats nest at doj and cleaning at the rat's nest of the fbi. >> if you're lois lerner, the you're eric holder, both of >>d committed from my rea countr actual crimes againstun the country. unlike you, you've not been accused even of doinlike.g and h of them skated on contempt charges. do do you t you think they're asha? >> do they see the double standard as either one reachedut out to you to commiserate with you? >> i'm sure, like on a humana level, know that, look, as you o know, the city is so partisan. this process now is so partisan and they are some of the most partisan people, especially eric holder. eric holder is the hatchet s the hatche man the for obama. so, no, they did.m . and by the way, i wouldn't want him to right now. hey, this is an unbridgeable r gap. you haveepublicans the republicn the mega forces on one side, you have these radical democrat is not s or another. you see, this is not real law. it's like a banana republic. re. you can' there ist compromise in this. there's no substitute for victory. weo substitute for have to win n on the 8th. thd then this new congress hasd to really go and enforcee the rule of law.f >> and the way you enforce the rule of law is to startvestt serious investigations, not political , serious investigations. tuckand after those in tucker. and after those investigations, start bringing articles of impeachmeng ot, throw these buo out, whether it's my years atuto dhs or garland, if the attorney general and who knows where it is . who knows whers where it endss. >> tucke is right. steve bannon, good luck. i'd be you don't seem yo worried. d be worried if i were you. you're a brave man and i appreciate your coming on network. >> tucker: >> thanks, tucker. appreciate it. solook it'ins looking like elonk will succeed in buying twitter this is a huge problem forg the biden administration because elon musk has promised twitter. a problem for th to stop censorship on twitter.rb and censorship is the only thingecause that keepstwite the democrats in power.r.nistra so the administration 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far this week. we're on the road in columbus. the shoot america's win game has been decided. a touchdown. buckeyes heisman trophy winner draft pick the second ranked buckeyes into a clash with the hawkeyes. the best three get the best in the biggest game. big new saturday, ohio, ohio state on fox. i have a distributor. it's the biggest drug broker in vegas. you build up their trust, set up a sting, take them down. cortez's dangerous man. i couldn't make it. he could kill us both. whiff of fbi presence between one up dead. go get the product. she stays. he left her there. we got a real problem. the cleaning lady all new monday at nine eight central on fox. >> angie, you are not going to believe what i am going to show you right now. >> when a group of women put me on flawless second skin, the latest biotech cosmetic breakthrough under one . >> i watch what happened. i only had one eye and i see huge difference so far . they have put the product under my right eye and i see a dramatic 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and they help reduce stress on your feet, wear them any time anywhere. so go to mypillow .com or call a number on your screen. now use your promo code to save ninety dollars, my original, my slippers or for as long as nineteen ninety eight you can get our sandals or slides. quantities won't last long and with my 60 day money back guarantee you can rest assured they'll be the most comfortable footwear you'll ever own. >> well, it looks increasingly likely that elon musk will soon own twitter, maybe within the next week. and for the biden administration, this is an t existential problem.ucker:s liky and the biden adrate a free and open internet censorship intehe only thing that allows neo liberal leaderrnets to stayn power. hut yoan't have a debate. they have to shut you down. and so the administrationin is now finding ways to stop t elon musk, not to argue against his position, but to crush him with the power of the federal government.federal government. they a they're not even pretending there's a legal basis for doing that. they don't have to. bloomber a legal g reports that, quote,er biden administration officials are discussing whether the u.sut subjects some of musk'so ventures to national securitys reviews, including the deal for twitter and spacex, is startling. satellitdeale network. >> on what grounds, you ask?net. well, according to bloomberg, quote, u.s. officials have grown uncomfortable over musk's recent threat to stop supplying these startling satellitee sateu servers. they were co ukraine for free, by the way. they're also concerned by plans to buy twitter with a group of foreign investors and quote, foreign investors every publicly excuse me, every i publicly held company in this nation is owned in part by foreign investors. every single one . >> and , of course, thousands,. tens of thousands of acres of fr us farmland are owned by the communist chinese government. but because apparently elon musk plans to form some sort of a partnership with , quote, foreign investors, maybepartner the saudis, he needs a national security review. don't fall for it. this is about censorship. review. this i and elon musk's promise to end elon musk's promise to end it. that's the worst thing that censorship, which is the single worst thing that could happen to the bush administration te bo the democratic party and to the people currently running the country into the ground. country into the ground. they can't have free speech. >>h so on the campaign trail, as you well know, joe biden fo promised to end fossil fuels once he took office. he made that promise. he canceled the oil and gas leases. he shut down a major pipelin e. and apparently, the u.s. government helped blow up the pipeline from russiment bloa to western europe. europe. i mean, they did.on w and yet on wednesday, biden insisted that the cost ofrg energy, the rise, that the unprecedented rise in it has nothing to do with him. we blamehere's whod because of s invasion of ukraine, the priceln oil and gas increased dramatically. hed strategic petroleum reserve. is more than half fulln barrel with about four hundred million barrels of oil. that's more enough for any emergency drawdown. my message to the american energy companies is this you dow should not be using your profits to buy back stock or for dividends. not now. profits to buy back stoc not while a war is raging. >> you should be using his record breaking profits toduct increase production and refiningion . invest in america foran the american people. bring down the price you charge of the pump to reflect what you pay for the product. a d the american people catch a break. they deserve and get a fair as price at the pump as well.. >> >> well, there are so many liese in that script. we're not going to attempt to rr reverse engineer it and correct them instead. ser a man much smarter than we, victor davis hanson, a senior fellow hoover institution,profe joins us tonight. professor, thank you forfor comg on . how do you assess the president's claims about energy? it's very pathetic.m abou he's trying to square a circleoe of two things that are circl incompatible. p i mean, he came in herehe cam with this green religion, which is god is renewable energy and satan is fossil fuels. so he council member, he counseled keystone. energyn't push the constitutio pipeline. he has he has fewer federal leases than any others than president . >> he got his wish, tucker. he got got production downhe got by two, one and a half, two million barrels and scheduled increases. increases l. so he got everything he wanted.. it was steven chu, the energyit wassecretary's dream. it was barack obama's dream when he said electricity would m skyrocket, cash canceled coal. >> and then guess what? electrid inflation came and there wasnd s a spike in demand and thee american middle class is being liquidated because they have to choose between food and fuel. >> and he wants to be reelected. buants to bet being reelected and destroying fossil fuels are incompatible. ted and and the result is this,s you'd call it orwellian paradox, where he goes around the world to the most illiberal regimes. and zuelans ana, iran, even rusa before the war, and saudi arabia and his messagessags. >> would you please pump this yolthy, dirty fuel that we don't like but we desperately need? and you can do it. i but we won't. but you'll do it forust our interests. and oh, by the way, we juscalltu called you a pariah or he's he goes to this strategicthinks i petroleum reserve. he thinks, well, i'm not actually pumping it out ofn't the ground, which i can't do. so i'm pumping it the second time. so if you pump what i've already been pumped in, i don't get blamed for the green people. >> give me a pas and the green o the oil companies and he thinks, well, yes, i wanted todo put you out of business. and yes, i said, you're greedy. and yes, i said, you're priceg gouging. on federal cut back oncu your federal leases, but you owe it to me to get reelected, to go out and start pumping dont more fuel that i don't want. and so it's so coherent that the american people don't evenon want to attempt tocohe try to understand it. they just don't want him anymore. and it's reall im anymory hurt him. we's hurt us around the world. and remember, we impeachedmere e don trump on the mere allegation that he used securityy policy issues for his own political career.n . what is bide our agenda. doing? and what is biden doing? he's dabbling with some ofld the worst regimes in the world against our national interests. >>interest a pump of fuel that e in abundance. so abuddan that he will do bettd the mid-term. and better in the i don't think fu the american people are furious about this to the extent they can understanabouisd so incoherent. >> you've got to give him some credit for hutzpah, though, in attacking energyckiny producers for the shortage. please. it's shameless. sur he's very shameless, that's for sure. after saying these after saying that these executives were sort of sinister creatures, price gougers, and dabble in this filthy, dirty oil, it's warming the planet. now he's saying you havein th a patriotic duty to ignore everything i've ever said on the campaign trail. and more of it so i can get my guys reelected. victor davis hanso. >> it's unbelievable pictures, y handsome. thank you for that explanation.u so smart. >> thank you so looks obviousl the republicans are going to do pretty well on november 8th.ove that's not goo but that's not good enough given how unimpressive so many republicans are. the good news is that a lot of the republicans are going toubll be swept in on the crest of are this wave are legitimately impressive. and one of the most impressive, joe kent of washington state joins us next. >> a heart, do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance, john . >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, select vote found 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been an explosion at the lavatory. oh my god. karen, you up to be an all new nine one one. >> the cleaning lady. i have a distributor, biggest drug broker in vegas. we've set up a sting. take them both down. he could kill us both. go get the product. he stays. >> we got a real problem on nine one one for the by the cleaning lady monday on fox. >> when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening to the legal system leaning left. ted cruz i.

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,Finish Line ,Ts O Survive Thiser ,Nation ,Reason ,Population ,Loss ,Snatio ,Population Loss ,Lion Loss ,Entiren ,Entire ,Tucker C ,Wow ,Sentencing ,The Ed ,Chief Political Adviser ,Donald Trump Ump S Ies ,He Wil ,Front ,Door ,Church ,Cuffs ,Fifa World Cup ,30 ,Work ,Stars ,Sweaters ,Ton ,Holiday Spirit ,Idea ,Song ,Christine ,Shutterfly ,Shouldn ,Holiday Card ,Designs ,Touches ,Selection ,Isn T Generic ,Family Style ,Card ,Chemicals ,Water ,You Lawsuits ,Marines ,Code ,Sons And Daughters ,Stocking Stuffers ,Topic ,Yes ,Spouses ,Drinking ,Marines Living At Camp Lejeune ,1980 ,1953 ,Family Members ,Legislation ,Issues ,Cancer ,Seven ,Health ,Benzene ,Vinyl Chloride ,Death ,Husbands ,Wives ,Damages ,Family Member ,Compensation ,Stanly Law ,Tip ,Spear Fighting ,Camp Lejeune ,Stops ,Taxes ,O ,Oil Reserves ,Propositions ,Stanley Law Fighting ,Student Loan ,City ,Cost ,Safety ,Streets ,Tax Revenue ,Budget ,Wastewater Treatment Plant ,Climate Change ,Overflow Sewage ,On M ,Plan ,Ocean ,Prop 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,Individuals ,School Board Meetings ,The Rat ,Control ,Nest ,Appropriations ,Table ,Out Of Control ,Il Boarn ,Big Believere N In Defund ,Apparatusesfb ,Ztopu ,Investigations ,Impeach E ,Top ,Merrick Garlanern D ,Thatth ,Spray ,Parents Rights Movement ,Bed Net Impeached ,B Border ,Rule ,Pit P ,Electedo Republicans ,Response ,Partisann ,Lawo On ,Anyone ,Ariee You ,Thespoo ,Look ,Substitute ,Victory ,Democraticni ,8th ,Selecte ,Elect D ,Efine ,Opportunitt Viy ,House ,Officials ,Attorney General ,Hat ,Winng ,Seats ,Institution ,State Legislatures ,School Boards ,Toto ,Psht ,Secretaries Of State ,50 ,Wave ,Cleaning ,Back ,Lawyers ,Rats ,Doth ,Toon Focus ,Mywye ,Both ,Countr ,D ,Contempt Charges ,Doinlike G ,Standard ,Reachedut ,Level ,You O Know ,Wouldn T ,Radical Democrat ,Hatchet ,Prepublicn ,Gap ,Did M ,Forces ,Tchatche ,Startvestt Serious Investigations ,Banana Republic ,Law F ,Weo Substitute For Have To Win N On The 8th ,Renforcee ,Buo Out ,Tuckand ,Articles ,Garland ,Impeachmeng 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,Europe ,Russiment Bloa ,Priceln ,We Blamehere ,Whod Because Of S Invasion ,Shed ,Half ,Strategic Petroleum Reserve ,Profits ,Message ,Barrels ,Dividends ,Emergency Drawdown ,Energy Companies ,Four Hundred Million ,Price ,Pump ,Production ,Record ,Refiningion ,Break ,Fair ,Script ,Reverse Engineer ,Gliese ,Energy ,Professor ,Forfor Comg On ,Senior Fellow ,User ,Profe ,Hoover Institution ,He ,Council Member ,Religion ,Satan ,Circleoe ,Pi ,Pathetic M Abou ,Herehe Cam ,He Counseled Keystone ,Others ,Increases ,Constitutio Pipeline ,One And A Half ,Production Downhe ,Ewish ,Energyn T Push ,Dream ,Electricity ,There Wasnd Sa Spike In Demand ,Cash ,Electrid Inflation ,Energyit Wassecretary ,Coal ,Fuel ,Result ,Ted ,Middle Class ,Food ,Buants To Bet ,Dirty Fuel ,Orwellian Paradox ,Regimes ,Rusa ,Messagessags ,Zuelans Ana ,Ofn T The Ground ,Interests ,Strategicthinks ,Pariah ,Petroleum Reserve ,Out Of Business ,The Green O Oil Companies ,Pas ,Priceg ,The American People Don T Evenon ,Don T Want ,Gouging ,We Impeachedmere E ,Political Career N ,Allegation ,Securityy ,Policy Issues ,Reall ,Around The World ,Im Anymory ,Interest ,Doing ,Agenda ,Wofld ,Dabbling ,Abundance ,Don T Think Fu The American ,Energyckiny Producers ,Extent ,Shortage ,Chutzpah ,Credit ,Planet , ,Price Gougers ,Duty ,Havein ,Sur He S Very Shameless ,Sure ,Sinister Creatures ,Executives ,Explanation ,More ,Guys ,Pictures ,Victor Davis Hanso ,Obviousl ,Cove ,News ,Goo ,Crest ,Life Insurance ,Impressive ,Heart ,Dollar Policy ,John ,Five Hundred Thousand Dollar ,Twenty Nine Dollars ,Twenty Nine ,Five Hundred Thousand ,Hundred ,Canra Afford ,Insurance ,Intn Selectquote ,Wwe Shop ,Needse ,Twoas ,Hel Pounds ,Cocom ,Two Hundred ,Twenty One Dollars ,Weight ,Stresshing ,Golo ,Release ,Pewith M Onkalo ,Focus ,Anyonyoeht ,Hoax ,Weight Gain ,Queen ,Prices ,Eighty Nine ,Chance ,Bill ,Bed Sheets Go To Mypillow ,Mypillow Brickhill ,Type ,Mattress ,Feel ,Bed Sheets ,Killens ,Wi ,Variety ,Deep Pockets ,Thirty Nine ,Queens ,California Kings ,Rv ,Split Kings ,Forty Nine ,Zipper ,Thirty Four ,Party ,Explosion ,Fox ,Lavatory ,Karen ,Listen ,News Business ,The Cleaning Lady Monday On Fox ,News Headlines ,Left ,Sirius Xm ,Fox News Radio ,

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