0 with invisalign with red flags you get a doctor director smile you love for 60% less. that's a lot less like a true smile. shoes derat you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet, trying to revive nerve relief from the world's number one selling nerve care company survive contains alcohol apologizes to relieve occasional aches, weakness and discomfort, trying to revive nerve relief, anything. and welcome as tucker carlson said last night, we told you the sad and bewildering story of dr. oz, a man with absolutely everything going for him talent, decency, charm, money, name recognition, all the right endorsements, who is nevertheless losing by a big margin as a republican in what should be a republican wave election to a radical and incompetent democratic lieutenant governor who's presided over the decline of the state and who by the way, also had a stroke and can no longer speak in complete sentences. that's happening right now. dr. oz is getting crushed by a stroke victim who was already crazy. it's bizarre. the question is why is this happening? we spent some time on the phone the other day calling around to various smart political people to find out why it's happening. and we heard a lot of theories almost all of which boil down to dr. oz is a bad candidate. mitch mcconnell is in charge of electing more republicans in the senate, gave virtually the same explanation yesterday at a kentucky chamber of commerce lunch, quote, candidate quality has a lot to do with outcome. he said other words, not my fault. they sent me bad candidate. okay, but before we accept that, before we accept that republicans just can't win at a time when democrats have completely discredited themselves, it's worth pausing to ask exactly what this means. what does a bad candidate? well, there are no bad candidates like there are no bad dogs or bad owners or no bad candidates. they're just candidates who are running on the wrong things, candidates who are talking about issues that people don't deeply care about. a good candidate is the opposite of that. a good candidate is a candidate who promises to fix the problems that voters worry about most candidates like that tend to win elections because the message is bigger than the man, a candidate with a powerful message can overcome virtually any obstacle from multiple bankruptcies to universal media hostility to a dull orange skin tone. if voters believe you will make their lives better, they will vote for you. period. not complicated. unfortunately, donors and party leaders often do complicated. they want candidates to talk about issues that they care about, which are often very different from the issues that the public cares about. remember the republicans used to yell at you about entrepreneurship. that's the most important thing . entrepreneurship. okay, sounds kind of amusing now, but basically that is still happening. consider pennsylvania, the state where dr. oz is now losing. what do voters in pennsylvania care about most? we haven't seen the most recent polls, but we would guess launch order is at the very top of that list. what do we think that. well, here's video from a story that a local television station, fox twenty nine is doing tonight about murder in philadelphia, the state's largest city. you're seeing the pictures on your screen right now. reporter chris o'connell went to a nearby cemetery and asked how things were going. workers there told him, quote, we can't dig graves fast enough that so many young people are being murdered in philadelphia right now. we can't dig graves fast. when was the last time you heard that? you didn't hear it during covid the global pandemic that politicians told you was the worst thing ever to happen to america? the covid wasn't the worst thing ever to happen to america. and over time people figured that out. they weren't they had been lied to. and that's one of the reasons so many americans now hate politicians. they're tired of the lying and it's the very same reason that voters will tend to reward any candidate who tells the truth about what is actually happening and what actually matters. here's one thing that actually is happening. it actually matters something that everybody sees but the candidates virtually never mention and that stealing suddenly there's a huge amount of stealing in the united states . it's everywhere that's the problem because stealing is a crime, a moral crime. in fact, it's the first time that most of us learn not to commit as children don't steal, don't take what doesn't belong to you. it's immoral and it certainly is immoral. it's somehow in the last few years, our leaders, democrats mostly and honestly to some extent both party their leaders have decided the stealing isn't really such a big deal . it's not really a crime, certainly not something we should be worried about in a country this rich with this much income inequality, how can you really tell people not to take from those who are better off than they are? that's their attitude. it's a decadent attitude, but that's what they really believe. even if they don't always say it out loud without any sort of public referendum, the kind you would have in a democracy. cities around the country have effectively decriminalized stealing. so what's been the effect of this? well, more stealing and stealing quickly metastasize into looting and then social collapse that's happening right now everywhere. here's footage from a grocery store in los angeles. that footage is followed by footage of a crowd of criminals storming a 7-eleven. what ? that's l.a. could be anywhere. we saw that on the internet this morning. we're shocked by it, transfixed by it really. it's repulsive. there is no excuse that no one in that crowd needed what they stole. they didn't need new ports to survive. no one stops that's in this country anyway. but they stole anyway. why not? because of us , but because of them. because they're greedy and piggish. their parents never told them not to and most of all because they could joe biden just fine. we'll never say a word about what they did. criticizing theft is an offense against equity, but that's happening. why isn't every republican candidate in the nation running ads with that footage in it? no one is. as far as we know, most are ignoring the chaos. but that doesn't mean isn't real. it is real. and again, because it's not addressed, it's spreading. starbucks is 16 stores nationwide because of increasing theft. it's going unpunished. target distributes its operating hours in six san cisco stores used to close. it tends to be able to buy stuff after work. now they're going to close five . why? because of crime stealing walgreen's shut down seventeen stores all together. stores are losing an average of forty five million a day because of theft. what does that add up to the disintegration of society? that's not an overstatement. you see every robbery up dramatically in new york . it's so bad in new york the grocery stores are locking spam and ham and anti theft cases. robberies of 40% in san francisco, 20% in l.a. motor vehicle thefts are also up by similar numbers. meanwhile, in los angeles, arrests for theft and motor vehicle theft have actually been going down. oh, so the incidence of crime rises, but the punishment of crime falls. prosecutors in california have stopped enforcing law. but it's not just california. it's at the federal level as well. joe biden's doj has done nothing to stop the crime wave and so it is accelerating everywhere. illinois and washington state, for example, some high in stores along the gold coast have hired security guards to usher in customers one at a time because of videos like this where a handful of criminals come in at a time. in this case, the that ring made off with over one hundred thousand dollars worth of louis vuitton items. this may be the most brazen shoplift you'll ever see after singling out a six hundred dollar seventy inch tv, police say john lomax, the man in blue , puts the tv on a shopping cart and starts to wheel it through seattle's downtown target. court documents say he's stolen from his target twenty one times before suspects running to the streets of san francisco, arms full of a trio of these violently smashing and then grabbing twenty thousand dollars worth of watches and run within seconds. steve swip 93000 thousand dollars worth of merchandise from louis vuitton and bellvue customers and then returns with a pistol jabbing at the employee, removing all the bills and register gun and takes cash, runs out this thing. he's done it before, makes your heart beat faster. watch. what country is this and why is no one stopping him? you've seen videos like this are all over the internet. there's a security guard. this just stands there haplessly doing nothing. some of them are cowards, probably some of them aren't. but none of them know. none of them believe they're going to be backed up by a government, local, state or federal if they intervene and try and stop someone from stealing so people steal with impunity. why wouldn't their parents don't tell them not to? and what happens then? if you allow people to loot stores, it will not be long before they are sticking guns in your face and pulling the trigger. dessau order leads to violence every single time we've seen this movie repeatedly and once violence begins and the state does nothing to stop it, in fact, in some cases encourage it. what happens then? people become desperate and left with no other choice. they take the law into their own hands. that is already happening. we have law enforcement and courts to prevent this so people won't have to do this, but they're not functioning. so people are doing it. watch this las vegas smoke shop owner defend himself with a knife when a robber dressed in all black in a mask suddenly vaults the counter where he is monthly. go to police. yeah, that's going to take some money. it takes the coins. we cut out the rest of it, stab that man until he fell down and didn't resist. the store owners called joe biden when he told reporters no embarrassment. i don't think he planned on getting stabbed that day. but if you try robbing a store, you are taking a risk. that's the message people who robbed stores have forgotten, but they're going to be reminded of it very soon as more store owners find they have no choice but to defend their lives and property with force, with knives or guns that's going to happen. do we want that? in some cases, those people will be arrested. in other cases they'll become local celebrities. but in all cases we're putting the onus of law enforcement on the individual when that is the core duty of the state. but the states giving up and again and a lot of cases in the case of the demonstrations ,they're encouraging yet. so again, more store owners are doing exactly what that man did, defending themselves and their livelihood. that's even happening in california where despite the strictest gun control in the country, a man with a rifle tried to shoot and kill a store owner in july. and here's what happened next. and we have twenty is going to do some after taking on four armed robbers, 80 year old quico is back at work at norco market and liquor investigators say four men in a stolen vehicle with stolen weapons back into the parking lot pull over to here. inside, greg was alone watching the security cameras. greg grabbed his shotgun. no, he would have to defend himself. but i was trying to make sure i did what i was for. one of the men was shot in the arm. you can hear him screaming in the video saw so that by administration is constantly lecturing you about civil rights crime. it's the most basic violation of civil rights and they're doing nothing if they cared instead of sending tens of billions of dollars to corrupt oligarchs in ukraine, more money for zelenskyy, maybe they could send the money to immigrant convenience store owners for security. but they're not. they could investigate the prosecutors who are refusing to enforce the law in violation of our constitution and their oaths of office. that would be a start. but they're not doing that either. the doj isn't even acknowledging this is happening . instead, they're focusing all of their energy on phantom white supremacy threats, people who complain about the mutilation of children, they're the ones feeling the heat from the doj. and where's the other side? once again, if every republican office, every republican candidate in the united states focused on law order and equality under the law, there would be a red wave. larry elder joins us now. he is a former candidate for california governor . when we would have voted for he's the host of larry elder show on that epic times. happy to him. larry, thanks so much for coming on . so why don't i mean, you live in a state and you tried to fix it yourself, but you live in a state where stores can't stay open because they're being looted. i don't ever hear officeholders even mention what. tucker, excellent monologue as usual. three broad themes. the first day of let's talk about the police, the police in city after city, whether it's l.a., whether chicago, whether new york , they are demoralized by this lie that they are engaging in systemic racism against minorities, that they're using deadly force against minorities just because they're black and they're no longer engaging in proactive policing. they're not engaging in some form of stop question and frisk, which happened under the giuliani regime in new york . they call it a deep decline in crime. even mayor rahm emanuel, a democrat mayor of chicago, even said when he was mayor that the chicago police had, quote, gone feel close quote, meaning they weren't engaging interactive policing. the second big thing, of course, is soft on crime policy, soft on crime govindas like the one in california, soft crime. voa's gavin newsom bragged during covid that he released 8000 convicted felons. some of them were violent offenders, tucker. and the odds are that at least half of them are going to reoffend. you have these soft on crime policies like proposition 47 that allows you to steal nine hundred and fifty bucks not just a day, but per store. and if you get caught, they write your ticket as a misdemeanor and you don't go to jail because you've got this bail proposition 57 that allows a bunch of categories of crime to be called nonviolent and they include assault on a police officer. i kid you not. that's nonviolent serial arson ,nonviolent of an intoxicated victim, nonviolent. and as a result, you're finding a greater chance that the bad guy doesn't get caught. and when the bad guy knows he's not going to get caught, crime goes up. if he knows he's not going to get convicted, crime goes up. if he knows he's not going to get incarcerated, crime goes up. they may be crooks, but they're not stupid. and finally, the one that few people like to talk about and you mentioned it in the monologue is a breakdown of the family. you said their parents plural, are not telling them not to steal. that assumes that there are two parent often is the parent or the grandparents, 40% of all kids in americans day end of the world. tucker, without a father married to the mother, 70% of black kids, half of all hispanic kids. 25% of white kids. and if you enter the world without a father married to the mother, you're many times more likely to drop out of school, commit a crime and end up going to jail a young black man if eight to 10 times more likely to be murdered than a young white man. in fact, murder is the number one preventable cause of death for young black men , whereas accidental car accidents and drownings are the number one cause of preventable death for young white man. and a lot of the crime is taking place in the inner city, in the ghettos and in the barrios where the father is not there. i don't know why every republican in the country wouldn't be running on this. i mean, it's just so obvious if this continues will be living in a completely different place that we don't want to live in. so why don't they say that out loud? well, you know, i ran for governor of california. you pointed out it's one thing to talk about these issues because it was a central of my campaign. but all the media wanted to talk about is whether or not larry elder, 20 , 20 , was stolen. i said i'm here to talk about crime here, talk about bad schools, underperforming schools. yeah, but do you think 20 , 20 was stolen? so i cannot control the filter through which my message goes. they still abc , nbc, cnn, l.a. times where i was called the black face of white supremacy. they didn't care that i wanted to talk about crime. they wanted to talk about the fact that i was republican , that i voted for trump and that had gavin newsom been recalled, it would have been a republican takeover. that's all i cared about. and republicans are outnumbered in california, three to one in california. independents and democrats are conditioned to loathe republicans and i don't know what it's going to take. it's going to take like a drug addict. you've got hit rock bottom and more and more of this crime is taking place in the suburbs like beverly hills, like hancock park. and until and unless that happens, we're going to still have the same old policy pushed by the same old people. yeah. make them defend the looting of 7-eleven at every turn. can you did this. can you defend this? and of course, again, larry elder, great to see you. thank you. my pleasure. thank you. well, speaking of chaos, law enforcement has been suspended at our southern border, which is wide open as a result. last month loan u.s. officials deported. nearly 200000 illegal migrants have forced those are the ones they encountered by comparison at the end of twenty 20 migrant counties total just seventy two per month. now, some of these people are using military style camouflage to enter the country, which is bizarre. fox's matt finn has a story for him. hey, tucker. we've seen illegal migrants use all types of methods to disguise or camouflage themselves. now new pictures appear to show suspected illegal migrants wearing ghillie suits to blend into the desert. border patrol agents in the el paso sector were arrested. the three migrants in southern new mexico. gilly's the type of camouflage material used to blend into various natural environments. military personnel, police and hunters use them. fox news has reached out to the u.s. customs border protection for more information on those pictures. and these arrests come this week. the federal government announced there were one hundred and ninety nine thousand migrant encounters at the border in july. for comparison, at the end of twenty 20, migrant encounters were around seventy two thousand per month. now skyrocketing to nearly two hundred thousand last month, bringing the total number of encounters to a record one point nine for million this fiscal year. but sources tell fox news that number is now over two million. the biden administration claims the number of encounters is inflated under title 42 expulsions where migrants quickly cross back into the u.s. after being expelled under that covid-19 order. and as we have been reporting, states like texas and arizona are now moving migrants to other states and cities like washington, d.c. and new york as a form of protest to the federal government. tucker medicine, thanks so much for the thank you. gilliss story is bizarre. the timing right looks european. what is this exactly? you can just walk. and why are they wearing camouflage? we will find out more . well, it turns out the united states suggests it's a hate crime if you're against the mutilation of children. but a lot of people are so offended by this atrocity that they're speaking up anyway and they're being banned from social media. even the ymca can't go to the ymca. they're not backing down. let's talk to one of the founder, not one . drop the word. and examiners will need another . over the past 40 years, more than 10,000 animals have been killed in very strange ways. the mammary glands of grain is caught out like that just misprints overwhelmed law enforcement. there's no evidence to point to one thing or another to go replicate that and not leave evidence. i don't think that would be possible. people it could be that theologica of weapons testing, lots of speculation, willingness to coming in cases are among the greatest unsolved serious crimes in. so he took up the case ourselves. tucker carlson, original cattle mutilations screaming now on fox to sign up at fox station. i'm steve johnson, founder of idealism with rising interest rates and inflation, there's a lot of uncertainty in today's real estate market. now more than ever, selecting the right real estate agents can be the difference. and tens of 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big tech companies have tried to silence them. they've been banned by twitter that was linked to another social networking site. so after being criticized, twitter just reinstated their account. jamie michelle is the founder of. she joins us me. jamie, thanks so much for coming in. thank you for what you're doing. on what grounds are you being banned? what is your crime exactly? well, thank you for having me, tucker. we were banned for hateful conduct, which they consider calling out child predators and abusers and people that want to sexualize them. they i guess, are a protected class of people now on big tech. so for speaking out against them and trying to protect children, we were taken down. we've been taken down three times in three months now we're brand new coalition just started in june. and yeah, they they can't seem to cut us a break here. so people are intentionally sexualizing children, which i thought was a crime. it's certainly a moral crime, but because you don't like it, you're the dangerous one . exactly. in any moral society, it would be criminalize what we see happening and it should be criminalized. but that doesn't seem to matter. these people are going full steam ahead with their agenda and they're using our community ,the lgbt community to use they're using us as shields essentially to continue to push this unabated. and so i decided that that's enough. we're not going to let us continue anymore because the vast majority of our community stands so strongly against this and we're just as disgusted by it as everyone else. and i think that our voices are going to be really effective to actually putting an end to it. i hope you're right. i'm just wondering what percentage of the american population of any party or sexual preference or whatever of all americans? three hundred and forty. what percentage are for this? it can't be right. i think it's i think it's a very, very small minority, especially with our community and the people outside of it. they use us to push the agenda . but i think that they're so loud and that's all you see coming from our community because they have the backing of big tech woke media corporations and even this administration. so they have a big backing, you know, and so if they want to get their point across, everybody that has some power in this country is going to help them do that. and we're growing incredibly fast. we're only three months old, but we have almost one hundred and seventy thousand followers and they can see how effective our voices from inside the community are going to be to fight this. you know, they have censorship and we have the majority of the population. and so i think in the end will win. and regardless of what they try to do to to suppress their voices, it's totally right. it's like nancy pelosi, cnn and media matters. so the only people who are in favor of this. jamie, appreciate it. thank you. yes, thank you. thank you so much. so they always want to highlight the bravery of people who stand against the insanity who history will record as heroes. joe lieberman is one of them. she's 80 years old. she's been banned from stepping inside a ymca. why? because she dared to object when a male employee was assigned to watch little girls remove their bathing suits in the bathroom in a women's locker room. so this week, a few dozen people joined xamon to protest the ymca. some of the protesters, including her, were assaulted by lunatic's men dressed as women. >> some of the footage from that on monday. you may read some version of my personal story, a naked in the shower room. and what i saw that day was so discriminator chillis woman is the woman, the brave woman from my video. she joins us tonight. joe , thanks so much. we are grateful that you are joining us . why at this stage in your life are you taking it upon yourself to to speak up against this in the face of what we just saw? i was in the shower and i saw that man in that woman's suit and i saw him watching little girls. you can't not act when you see that going on . you must do something so and bless you for doing that. that's exactly right. your moral sense is just is clear. i have no idea what your background is , but you have a very clear sense of right or wrong and i wish more people had it. so you tried to explain that in the video we just played and rather than listen to you, people screamed at you and then appeared to come at you. have you noticed there's no conversation about this? it was a mob of hundreds of people that came streaming into this, permitted gathering and they kenneled this i think that's what you'd call it. they pushed, shoved, they knocked women to the ground. these are the men and the supporters of men that apparently the ymca and the city want to allow into the women's dressing and shower area. i object. and you at the age of 80 were banned by the ymca. it's hard to even believe this is real because you were taking a shower and there was a man in there and they banned you, not him. what could you tell us if that's true? a and b , what ymca is ? yes, that's correct. i told that guy to get out of the shower and then a staff member came around the corner and i said, get them out of here. and she said, that's discrimination. you're out of here for life. and i'm calling the cops. can you tell us what ymca where did this happen? this happened in port townsend . that's on the olympic peninsula in washington state. it's just it's i hope they are punished for the way that they treated you. and i appreciate your bravery forthrightness. i do, too. we did try and get the police to come help. they were standing across the street and they were told by a directive to stand down. they did not come to help us . i hope they rot judgment. thank you for all you've done. appreciate it. good to see you tonight. thank you. we've nearly wrapped up our production of a new documentary for our documentary series called transgressive the cult of 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wonder why. to give just one example, the fda recently approved biogen's alzheimer's drug even though the fda's own advisory committee voted 10 to zero to reject that drug. but there is a promising approach to alzheimer's, apparently, according to researchers at the cleveland clinic, might be a very effective treatment for the disease. but you never hear that. why is that exactly? dr. marc siegel joins us tonight to assess facts. thanks so much for coming on . so we know you announced on this show the results of that study, which were just, i thought remarkable as a as a non doctor. i thought this incredible cutting the risk of alzheimer's was 10%. that was the last i ever heard of alzheimer's as a prophylactic for against alzheimer's. why? well, you just said it. first of all, alzheimer's is affecting over forty million people around the world and none of these treatments that are being studied are marketed and a lot of money spent work at all and they devastate not just six million people in the united states , but families devastating families. right. and tucker, i did announce on this show that study from aging over seven million men were studied and they found that 69% decrease in alzheimer's over just six years . even more importantly, they showed improved brain growth and less gunwalking up of the brain with neurofibrillary tangles. it's dramatic. it works. and the fact is the reason it works and this is the most important thing it works because the way or sildenafil works is that it relaxes smooth muscle that lines blood vessels so it improves blood flow. right flow to every area of the body. and i think i know what you're getting at, which is it's a billion dollar industry for one reason, just one reason. but you know what it works for multiple reasons. and it doesn't just work in men . tucker, you ask me that question before i came on . it works in women as well as men. it decreases altitude sickness. in women, it decreases lung problems, pulmonary hypertension in women. i guarantee you if this was studied in women as well, you would find that it decreases the risk of alzheimer's y it improves blood flow to the brain. it improves brain cells. and that's definitely a positive impact. and should be out there now. it should be used right now for both men and women. we need further studies on this, but it's a hugely promising, very disappointing that since this study came out a few months ago, there's been no progress. we need progress now. well, exactly. cheap. the results seem from my perspective, almost miraculous. i appreciate all that information. dr. siegel, thank you. thanks. so it's like twenty minutes ago it feels like this the other day the democrats were telling you that the united states postal service is going to rig the presidential election for donald trump. well, postal service is now actually taking an active and explicit role in our elections, but not on behalf of trump. they've created a dedicated division to, quote, handle election mail ahead of the twenty twenty midterms. why they're doing this exactly. and what are the implications of insectivores with the texas public policy foundation? he's written a fascinating story on this. he joins us now. trump, thanks for coming on . what is this exactly? well, tucker, this is a very concerning development because the government unions that represent the postal workers always endorse democrats. the further to the left, the better. and we have evidence that they mess with elections, they mess with election mail. now, of course, that mail in ballots are taking on a greater and greater significance in our elections. we see this new division, the special division created in the postal service to deal with election mail. and tucker, i just don't think that people should be trusting the postal service with their mail in ballots. they ought to be voting in-person with government issued id to be totally safe . why is there any mail in balloting if you can't be bothered to get to the polls ? why why do you have a right to participate in democracy? i don't i don't understand. i mean, it's just an invitation fraud. they support it because it allows fraud. why are republicans putting up with this? well, they're putting up with it because voters like the convenience and they certainly like convenience until former president trump warned them about the dangers. so now you're beginning to see this division between republicans who are becoming more skeptical of mail in ballots and democrats who love them because, of course, you can send people to the house of voters and help them fill out the ballot and make sure that they vote for the right people . so what happens with mail in ballots, tucker, is you lose the secrecy of the ballot. and that's a very important thing that people, i think just forget about. and no one trusts election. and so then the system really does degrade is built on trust. this undermines trust. it's poison, obviously destructive war. i appreciate your reporting on this. thank you. thank you. well, it's talk to any canadian or for three or four years going to brag about their free health care, which is not, of course, free . and there's a catch to it. it turns out once government controls all health care, they can impose their entire human agenda on you up to and including canada, encouraging doctors to euthanize people for reasons that probably don't merit euthanasia. that's happening. we'll tell you how next. to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with gall is amazing. they've been maintaining the weight is gone and it's never coming back with golo. i'm not only kept off the weight, but i'm happier, healthier and i have a new lease. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. you lose one hundred and thirty eight pounds in nine months the goal of a lifestyle change and you make the change and stay off with the unexpected rate on marello. it's more important than ever 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