Rigging, there you go. Millions voted for a ghost with a whitened smile. They had no idea who this man was or what he might do if he got elected. At the urging of the media, they voted for him anyway. Now the rest of us get to find out what they voted for. Joe biden is assembling his cabinet. We will go by his choices to let us know what to expect. Whats emerging as of tonight looks a lot like the h. R. Department at a large leftwing multinational. Heaps of woke authoritarian social policy mixed with a corporatist economic agenda. The rest of us will get stern lectures about our moral failings. Those never end. A small group of highly connected people will get even richer. Indoes that sound familiar to yr if jeff bezos and the google guys took over the entire u. S. Government, and effectively they have, this is what it would look like. Steve is the archetype to theli new biden aid, one of joe bidens closest advisors. Hes spent years as a lobbyist representing Companies Like general motors, at t, glaxosmithkline, eli lilly, novartis, pfizer, all the big pharma companies. He is one of the people who helped lead the alignment of he was the perfect man to do it because he shares their goals and their worldview protectively on the question of china. 20 years ago steve was the deputy chief of staff to bill clinton then in that role he helped lead the effort to allow china into the world trad organization. That turned out to be not a small thing. His lobbying worked. The result of the end was one of the greatest disasters ever to befall this country in peaceti peacetime. One study found that thanks to that decision to let china into the wto the United States lost nearly three and a half million good paying jobs. The effects of that have rippled through the generations. If youre wondering why theres a sentinel epidemic in middle america, if youre wondering whr americanborn middleclass americans is in decline and thats a big part of the reason. Millions of men loss of jobs and an entire society collapsed. If you live inward from the coast, you have seen it firsthand. Steve ricchetti was one of the people behind it, not the only one but one of the key people. He wasnt punished for it. He he has been promoted. Joe biden was more of him. Biden also wants less dissent from population. Diagnose what we all know which is that an Armed Society is an independentn society. Hes not for that thats whyhy hes hired congressman Cedric Richmond is a senior advisor. He plans to disarm lawabiding americans, not criminals. People who commit gun crimes are being let out of jail but lawabiding americans, people who have done nothing wrong, who have tried in good faith to protect themselves and their family. They will be punished. Thats not speculation. He has had some television. Here he is on cnn. If its buyback then im all for it. If its a mandatory buyback i think you may run into some complications but the thought of it does not offend me. It sounds like something i could support. Gun control didnt play a large role in our debates coming up to the election. There was the most no discussion about issues for six months. Its becoming clear that preventing americans from defending themselves and their part of thea big biden agenda. Thats part of the reason the Campaign Manager Jennifer Omalley dillon is going to be deputy chief of staff. A Record Number of americans have purchased illegal firearms to protect themselves from sky skyrocketing crime, she has called for more than the confiscation of more than 10 million legally own firearms. We are not making it up. Its not propaganda. Here she is saying it herself. A plan that supports mandatory buyback of weapons of war. The assault weapons ban is very, very important and we need to have it. That only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war currently out there and i think theres 15 or 16 million. Tucker i think theres 15 or 16 million. She doesnt know the number. She doesnt knowuc anything. Imagine what she knows about firearms or anything else. Probably zero. It doesnt matter. She plans to seizens them anywa. Mandatory buybacks are seizures, taking private property by for force. Not because the people who own those firearms have done anything wrong. They havent. Jennifer Omalley Dillon doesnt think you should be allowed to have them. What is it going to look like . Whats going to look like when the Biden Administration tries to disarm lawabiding americans . Apparently we will find out. We do know the entire country could look very different very soon. Alejandra me or makes herr know that. Biden has chosen him for the department of homeland security. If youre old enough, you remember it was created almost 20 years ago in the wake of the 9 11 attacks in it have on atrpose. The country. Mayorakas plans to use the agency to radically increase the amount of immigration from the third world into america. America doesnt have enough going on. We are going to mix it up. In an interview on pbs, mayorkas called for legal amnesty for anyone who arrived in the u. S. Illegally under the age of 31. Regardless of how old they are now. Think about that. How many people would that include . Probably tens of millions. Watch. What else would you look for . Perhaps a greater population of individuals who would qualify in terms of their age. One of the limitations on daca is one had to be under the age of 31 at the time of application even though one was, mightve been brought to the ugited states has a 2yearold decades ago. Really the determining factorye should be how old was 111 came to the United States, as opposed to how old one is now. You could see it being expanded . I would. Tucker yeah, i would. Guys like that, barack obama is a perfect example of the opposite of donald trump. No matter what trump says, he could be reading the phone book, he could be reading the lyrics to the birthday song and thatrua always sounds big, loud, jarring. People like that, the actual radicals, people are saying things that are completely out of the mainstream. You can check the polling. Its not speculation. That view is not a majority view. Its the view of a tiny group of radicals. The people like that say those things in the coma stone like its totally natural. Of course, not a big deal. It is a big deal. If mayorkas gets his way itll be a different country overnight with very different politics. Different politics and the entire point. Thats a snapshot of domesticsh policy. How about Foreign Policy . Joe biden says he is nominating a man called antony blinken, tony blinken to be secretary of state. Blinken is the cofounder of the socalled Strategic Consulting group. We know that its represented Silicon Valley firms and pharma companies. Because technically its not a lobbying operation we dont know that much more. They are not legally required to disclose where they are their money. We believe eric schmidt of google was reportedly a client that tells you a lot. Blinken has written offense for the New York Times, hes been a Global Affairs analyst at cnn. That tells you a lot. Like everyone else on the channel blinken fell hard to the lucas russian collusion line. Watch. Every time the president tears down the fbi or mueller or any of our institutions hes actually doing mr. Putins bidding. Its what pollutant was trying to do in the election, so doubt about the credibility of our institutions. The president s ongoing collusion with russia is striking intentionally or not. Criticize when you the fbi, thats not your First Amendment right as an american. No, you are doing mr. Putins bidding and its part of the president s ongoing collusion with russia. Tony blinken is the best we produce. There is not a credential he doesnt have. He went to harvard, unlike you. But he is not a genius. You can tell that by his position on the invasion of iraq. Here is blinken during the Obama Administration celebrating the invasion of that country like its been a roaring success. The wisdom of going to war in iraq will be debated for years. Ill leave that to historians. What is beyond debate and whatat News Coverage of iraq failed to acknowledge is that iraq today is less violent, more democratic and more prosperous and the United States more deeply engaged there than any time in recent history. Tucker yeah. Iraq is in great shape. Good point, tony blinken. You seem like a pretty smart guy. You should be secretary of state. So under joe biden, he will be. Not impressive. What does it add up to . It is starting to look like the opposite, the mirror image of what donald trump ran on in 2016. Policies that were so popular trump got elected on them despite having no background in politics and coming from the outside. Still got elected because those policies were popular and remain popular. Biden is about to give us the opposite. More giveaways to our chief global rival, china. More pointless wars in the middle east that no one outside washington supports. Massive increases in illegal immigration and a huge drop in american wages that always is the inevitable result of that w when you flood the low end labor pool, the price of labor goes down. Thats called supply and demand but they dont care. Then the chaos and instability at home which they stoked for months. Fewer americans able to defend themselves and their families in the face of that chaos which they caused. Above all, this is the defining characteristic so far, more corporate control over our lives. This is the point. This is the theme. Lets hope were wrong. As of tonight, it looks like this is what we are staring down. If you believe the federal government is powerful now and in some cases too powerful. Wait until it fully aligns with big business. That appears to be happening. The question is, how many people knew they were voting for thaty when they voted for this guy . Probably not too many. Charlie hurt is the opinion editor at the washington times. We are happy to have him on. You are watching this cabinet come together. These choices by joe biden. This is the first glimpse we are getting of what biden believes because so one asked him when he ran for president. What is the picture that you think is emerging . Its truly extraordinary. The arrogance of joe biden in finding ourselves where we are right now. Not only did he not have the decency to ask for the job or campaign or audition or interview for it, at one point he told people, i am not going to tell you until or unless i get elected. This is say what you want about donald trump. Donald trump asked for peoples votes. What comes with that, we know the issues. The candidate comes with the mandate. When you have somebody like joes biden, he comes with a blank slate and fills it with whatever he wants. What he is filling it with right now is this globalist, statist, everything hes done for the past 50 years. What is frightening. 2016 was a rejection of that mentality. I dont think 2020 was an embrace of the state. Joe biden ran as i am a nice guy. St i am not donald trump. Dont ask me any questions. Thats what he got elected on. At if you go back to 2008, barack obama ran on rejecting the exact same stuff going on inside washington, d. C. Remember hope and change . Joe biden thinks he can put humptydumpty back together in washington. The terrifying thing is who knows whether republicans will be able to capitalize on it and make joe biden pay for it. What voters are getting is not what they wanted out of this election. Tucker if you look at the backgrounds of almost everyone biden says he plans to hire, these people are lobbyists and consultants and shills for big multinationals. If republicans are payingat attention, if theyre not saying wait a second. We are not the party of soulless big corporations. We have to be the party of everybody else. Do you think they figured that out . I dont know if they have. One of the biggest obstacles in washington for President Trump was republicans. Thats because they refused to understand that. The single greatest, the most important lesson republicans in washington can learn from donald trump is exactly that they are here to represent the people and not whether its corporate interests, state interests. When you look around, all of these people wall street is thrilled with what is going on in washington right now. The international community, whatever the hell that is, w they are thrilled with what they are seeing out of washington right now. Thats not the american people. Tucker i cant resist asking you this. Its a little off topic but it was striking. You saw general mattis who worked in this administration left on bad terms, saying the first thing biden needs to do is take America First as an idea out of the militarys operational understanding. Like, America First is no longer the point of having a military. What do you make of that . Obviously on the face of it, its insanity. You would think that democrats joe biden and anybody who would utter such a nonsensical thing would pay a heavy price. The question comes back are republicans smart enough to weaponize that against democrats . I dont know. I pray they are because they are our last hope. Tucker thank you. Charlie hurt, great to see you. The coronavirus lockdowns came and Small Businesses died and jeff bezos made 70 million. 70 billion. S rick savage is a business owner. Who refused to go along with thw program. Hes been under attack from the governor of maine. Rick savage joins us after the break. Well be right back. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. Call Coventry Direct to learn more. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. Our friends sold their policy to help pay for their medical bills and that got me thinking. Maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. Im skeptical, so i did some research and called Coventry Direct. They explained Life Insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. We learned that we can sell all of our policy or keep part of it with no future payments, who knew . We sold our policy. Now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. If you have one hundred thousand dollars or more of Life Insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. Dont cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what its worth. Visit conventrydirect. Com to find out if you policy qualifies. Or call the number on your screen. Coventry direct, redefining insurance. Tucker well, the coronavirus lockdowns have really hurt the country. They have been great for companies that dont like the country. Like amazon. They profited more than anybody else. Family owned companies, and restaurants especially have been destroyed. Research by the website yelp said half of the restaurants shut down for the coronavirus closed for good by july. One restaurant that refused to close is the sunday River Brewing company in maine. The owner came on this show in april to announce he will would remain open in defiance of the one of the worst governors in the country. O weve had enough. We are encouraging all businesses in maine to open up. We should have never been shut out of the first place. We need to open back up and get the summer tourist business going or were going to lose a third of our restaurants, whom he knows, who knows how many hotels and businesses. O we are advocating for everyone, its time to go back to work. Shannon that was in april. L. Rick savage openly defied the governor of maine, who was both incompetent and vicious. She set about and this is not a governors role by the way, but it happened. She set out to destroy his life. Not an exaggeration. Finally janet mills got that restaurant, his restaurant shut down this week. Rick savage joined us tonight for an update on what hes been through. Thank you for coming on. You knew you were taking a risk in speaking publicly against your governor. Shouldnt be a the case in a fre country. You knew that it was. Tell us what happened. 100 . Since i came on your show, the next day we opened up. They brought in, she had state troopers at 9 00 the morning trying to figure out how to shut us down. She asked Department Heads trying to figure out how to shut us down. We were going to open up on 4 00. We opened up at 11 00. Two Health Inspectors, one Health Inspector. They shook our hands and we walked them to the office. We were in a small office. Its a six by 12. We talked for a few minutes in the Health Inspector took our Health License which meant we cant serve booze. You need a Health License to serve alcohol. We signed the paperwork. We were very good with them. They left. The next day we got another one. We got, we were up to 30 something inspections since i was on your show. The state has been coming after us. We have been in court. They open up a quart for us. Courts have been shut down. She had a court open up for us. These are court papers weve been dealing with just since ma. We have been cleaned, open, we have done about 85,000 people. No cases. Same people every day. Team staff, same people at the bar. Tucker let me interrupt you andd get to the science. Is there any evidence at all that your restaurant has been a source of Coronavirus Infections . Any reason to be doing this to you at all . Not at all. Not at all. Theyve been finding me 600 a day for months to stay open. The Health Inspectors that were in my office, they didnt have masks on and they werent doing social distancing. The same Health Inspector who writes a sworn affidavit for the court that she witnessed, nobody with masks on and not social distancing. They didnt have them on. They came in several times with no protection gear on. Three or four times for inspections. Weve been inspected so much, the most inspected restaurant in the state of maine. The only restaurant in maine thats been in court. The only restaurant in maine theyve shut down. We are the only two people, my brother and myself, that have amassednd mandate from a judge that orders me to wear a mask 100 of the time im in my restaurant even if im drinking a cocktail or eating. We tried to make a deal yesterday that i would stay out of my own restaurant to keep it open for my staff. No, they struck it down. They imposed 5,000 fine on starting today. The assistant attorney general was chuckling when he read the court order. She was chuckling. Like a kid in a candy store. She got what she wanted. I have 65 families that work there. We are coming to the holidays. We will take care of our staff to make sure they are taking care of for the holidays. My brother and myself dont work in that restaurant. We have six other companies. They are singling me out because i call janet mills out. We had a commissioner of alcohol at a meeting two weeks ago, a zoom meeting and he said, he apologized for being behind in settings working on a 39 count indictment against the sunday River Brewing company. Tucker its an instrument of tyranny. Youre being punished for speaking out. The media in your state which is utterly corrupt has taken the t side of your governor who is incompetent. I am alive almost never seen anything. Youre a brave man, rick savage. I hope youll come back and tell us how the story ends. I appreciated, we have a. Gofundme. Maine back to work. We gave a lot of it to Small Businesses in the state of mai maine. I wrote the checks out. We need to raise some money for highclass lawyers to get through it. Its about freedom in maine. We are in a bad spot. Its not going to be good in another or two. Tucker rick savage, thanks so much. A couple hundred miles away from the sunday River Brewing company, andrew cuomo is urging his subjects not to celebrate thanksgiving. It came to something of a surprise when he announced that he was celebrating thanksgiving with his own family. Wn listen. The story is my mom is going to come up and two of my girls isgi the current plan. Bu the plans change. But thats my plan. Tucker oh. So youre not allowed to celebrate thanksgiving with your family but Governor Cuomo is because he is the governor and youre not. Shut up, surf. Well, people didnt respond well to that so hes changed his plans and announced that he will be working thursday. He almost got away with it. Good luck to other new yorkers who tried to behave as Governor Cuomo behaves. Hes threatening Law Enforcement to enforce the cancellation. Hes attacked any sheriff who wont comply with the order. A sheriff from Fulton County new york is one of those refusing to enforce the unjust order enjoins us. Thanks for coming on. Tell us your position on this order. My position is founded in myd background as a county court judge for 2 20 years, District Attorney and now sheriff. Basically the constitution. The constitution says that a sheriff or Law Enforcement basically has an obligation to the oath i took which in this case is an executive order aimed at how many people you have in your own house at thanksgiving on its face is unconstitutional. So i had a man bump into me and tell me he was scared to go to his sons house and have thanksgiving because there would be 14 of them. I said why are you scared . Well, we dont want to get a ticket. Twe dont want to get a fine. I responded in a facebook based a week and a half ago and hek took off. E said im not going to enforce an unconstitutional executive order. Some executive orders are constitutional and enforceable against businesses, bowling alleys and restaurants. You should be free of government intrusion in your own home on thanksgiving. Tucker you are defending thebe bill of rights and for taking that rear stand and god bless you for doing that, the governor has attacked you. Hes made remarks about myself and other sheriffs being arrogant, acting as dictators, picking and choosing the laws we choose to enforce. This is not a law. Its an executive order. Some executive orders have the force of a law because there is state Liquor Authority and the health department, state Liquor Authority, similar to the gentleman from maine, the state Liquor Authority has control because you have a bar license or a license for liquor and restaurant. He can set fines, suspensions and revocations. One thing that so many people have come to me about an cent, they want to be included. They will protect their families and loved ones but when its dictated you have to, you have to let us come to your house, you have to limit. That puts people up. They dont want to cooperate. Everybody wants to reduce covid certainly. My mom is in a nursing home for eight months. I haventnu been able to hug her or kiss her or caress her. I have visited her, she recognized me one and four times. The nurses and doctors tell me thats the most, the worst part. People can be with their family members especially when their family members are dying. Tucker its the worst. Sheriff, thank you for articulating that so clearly. I appreciate it. In january its worth thinking about the two senate races, runoffs in the state of georgia, they will determine the fate of the United States senate. If democrats when met, they will control the entire government. What would it mean exactly . Its worth knowing. We will tell you after the break. Picking your Health Insurance coverage isnt something you want to play games with. Hope you got dental. And thats why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. They guarantee you wont find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer, so youre not just picking by chance. No copay . Sweet. With Health Insurance plans constantly changing, having the wrong fit could mean missing benefits or costing you thousands. 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They should be punished but the rest of us should not be punished. If democrats take full control of the u. S. Government, all of use will be punished. Before you decide to sit this out, think about what this might mean. You know who knows what its going to mean . Senate majority leader chuck schumer. Watch this. Now we take georgia and then we save the world. Now we take georgia then we change america. Tucker then we change america. They are not kidding and you should know that. If democrats take full controlam the First Priority is to pass the heroes act. You are told thats a coronavirus Economic Relief package and there is some of that, but there is a lot more. The current version contains a bunch of policies that will ecreate a permanent democratic majority. The bill would legalize ballot harvesting for example. Democratic Party Organizers to collect absentee ballots and send them in. Sound like a good idea . Right. Future elections would be like the most recent one but even worse. And more corrupt. Thats a fact. The bill would also allow illegal aliens to receive the 1200 stimulus check that american citizens received earlier this year. People who have no right to be in this country would be receiving tax dollars. Really . Why . Xthey dont explain. But that would happen. The bill release federal inmates with Health Conditions and felons over the age of 50. Some of them probably wont cause any harm when they get out but Health Conditions are so broadly defined, a lot of healthy criminals are going to be on the streets. Like we need more of that. The bill includes a 500 million grant they would pay states release prisoners. What . It called for more visas for foreign physicians even as american doctors continue to face unemployment. Whats the purpose of that . This legislation calls up washington bureaucrats to find ways to expand Financial Services based on race specifically in the marijuana business. E really . Thats the answer . Even if you are for legalize weed, what is this about . Ha its about corporate profits of course. The word cannabis appears 60 times in the bill. There were diversity appears 20 times. You get the point. If democrats take the senate, things are going to change really, really fast in ways most people arent going to like at all. Legislation by the way would no longer take 60 votes to get through the congress because if democrats control the senate they will eliminate the t filibuster. That means they can do whatever they want. Theyve already promised theyre going to do that. When the democrats have the white house again, if Mitch Mcconnell tries to do what he did to president obama, we should get rid of the filibuster. If all this takes eliminating the filibuster, another jim crow relic, in order to secure godgiven rights of every american, then thats what we should do. Tucker oh, checks and balances are racist, says obama. The most dishonest, divisive president weve ever had. With no filibuster, the Democratic Senate could do whatever it wanted like pass the gun confiscation program. You might think courts would never allow that the democratsat have the power to transform the courts by packing them. Say goodbye to an independent judiciary. With democratic control of all three branches of government no more checks and balances to joe biden power. De biden promises to pass something called the equality act. Sounds like a good idea. It was against that . The bill achieves the opposite of equality. Would force Public Schools to allow biological males to support and girls participate in girl sports . Really . Whats it going to do to your daughters . Senators cory booker and Elizabeth Warren unveiled the justice for black farmers act. He was against justice for black farmers . Nobody. But read the bill. If enacted as a law it would create an agency devoted to equitable land access. What would they do . They would spend up to 8 billion buying privately owned and doling it out on the basis of race. The Robert Mugabe plan. Sounds like a good idea. A Democratic Congress could wipe away any federal law that protects christians or jews. End right to work states. It would bankrupt the gun industry. Allow people to sue gun manufactures for crimes committed by criminals. Democrats would make it impossible to they would repeal the Hyde Amendment that prevents your tax dollars from being used to pay for abortions. Biden could pick cabinet appointees without having to negotiate with congress. This what would happen . Stacey abrams, the new attorney general. Andrew cuomo running hhs. This could happen. Its not secret. They talked what it openly. If democrats win the senateat seats in georgia, there is no limit to what they can do. You may be angry at the republican party. Again, you have every right to be, but do you want to live in that country . T you should think about that. A new study by scientists in norway upends the official narrative on Climate Change. Youre going to want to know more. Well be right back. Tucker you hear people bark about climate science. Okay, heres some climate science. A new study shows even if human beings cut greenhouses emissions to zero, Global Temperatures would continue to rise for 400 more years. Thats not what theyre telling us. Michael shellenberger is the author of apocalypse never and explains this study. Thanks for coming on. Tell us what this study finds and its implications. Even if we stopped allic emissions today, we would still see Climate Change and Global Warming over the next 400 years through a combination of factors. The release of methane from permafrost, other factors. Fa its something that weve known i think youre right to point out that theres a very simplistic idea that if the United States takes action that somehow we are going to stop Climate Change and thats just not the case. Tucker right, if you take the bus while barack obama and john kerry fly private, we can stop the rise in the oceans. But that doesnt seem even close to true. Yeah and i think the big thing that gets missed in all this is the fact that weve been doing really well adapting to the climate. Deaths from natural disasters have declined 90 . This recent scare around fires in california, we saw that wellmanaged forests survived the fire is very well. They didnt have the highintensity fires. Sea level rise is something we have been adapting to. In some places we see it makes is more resilient so what i object to with all of this is the sense in which we are all sort of these helpless people unable to adapt our conditions. Even that study that you are citing mentions that we have passed the point of no return. That sounds really apocalyptic but actually thats how it always is. Who would want to return to past years . I think most of us are happy to get through 2024 happy we are past the point of no return. Its the kind of thing that i think is aimed at grabbing headlines and this is the big picture. Tucker its bad news for the people who increase their own power and control of the rest of us with climate solutions, isnt it . Yeah if you look at the bidee claimant plan, it still degree new deal. Its repackaged. 2 trillion deal is mostly going to go to things like energy t efficiency which obamas own economists found cost more than it delivered in terms of benefits. Also just buying a lot of solar panels almost all of which are made in china. On boxing solar panels and spreading them over landscapes is not good high paying jobs in the United States. If they really cared about a Climate Change they would be pushing for a Green Nuclear deal. Instead we are at risk of losing our Nuclear Plants because of the policies proposed by climate alarmists than democrats. Tucker in a lot of cases spoil the Natural Environment they want protected with wind turbines. Great to see you tonight. Thank you. Silicon valley got joe biden elected. Thats a problem. Democracy cant continue under the circumstances. A tech entrepreneur says he has a plan to fix it. He joins us next. Tucker the most powerful companies in history, the tech monopolies of Silicon Valley, did everything they possibly could to get joe biden elected. It worked. But they didnt stop with his election. Ey days following the election come facebook lamented a new, more aggressive policy that elevates leftwing t Media Outlets over everyone else. Cnn, npr, the New York Times will get more visibility on the site, while conservative sites will get less. What is this, exactly . And how long will it last . Peter rocks build a multibilliondollar tech company by the age of 40 becausu he knows how to deal with the tech industry, which is clearly out of control. We are happy to have him on. Peter, thank you so much for coming on. So, it does seem like these companies flex their muscles they did id in the months befe the election come over there continue to do that and it is clearly a threat to our democracy. How do we respond . Absolutely, tucker. And i want to explain the reason why i decided to come out. Big tech took a cheap shot on the american people, particularly the working class, and although i went to harvard law and i am a ceo in tech and i spent four years in Silicon Valley and seattle, i am not a member i am a member of the working class. I believe in them, and they are my people. And the working class has suffered tremendously from what theyve done here, and there is a feeling of despair and darkness, but myes message to tm is a message of light and hope. Because big tech has awoken a Sleeping Giant. That Sleeping Giant is much bigger than big tech. It is the american people, and they are now ready to fight. s view tucker what should thatbatt . How do they fight back . I think the solution require strategy, and we need to do three things. First, we need to invest in technology and entrepreneurs who are grounded inin judeochristin thinking. Second, we need to create new text Power Centers outside of Silicon Valley and seattle, where faith, family, and freedom flourish. Third, we need to launch a new Tech Movement committed to serving people, and we need to rally those Tech Professionals out there and there are many of them who believe the same. Tucker wow. So, you just set up, i hope, a number of future segments on this show, where you can put some meat on those bones, but in 30 seconds, tell us, do you see this forming now . Absolutely, tucker. I believe there is great hopn the future, i want the audience and you to know that, because we are going to take leadership from big tech. They have proven that they are not able to serve people, they dont believe in people, and we do. They can only speak to computers. We can speak to the soul. Tucker do you plan to work, yourself, try this solution in the coming months and years . Absolutely. I have already relocated my company to texas, in austin, and we are growing like crazy. We are having a lot of influx of people interested since weve taken a stand on the issue, and we are going to keep coming, and we are going to be victorious, ultimately. Tucker peter rex, we will see you again. Thank you so much for that. Thank you, tucker. Keep me in your prayers. Tucker amen. Thats it for us tonight. We will be coming back on thanksgiving day with a special show. We are going to have someone sitting in this chair tomorrow and friday, well be back monday, youll like it. Chase Jason Chaffetz it sitting in for sean hannity, and the best thanksgiving, will see you. Jason thanks, tucker come appreciate it. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family, as well. Welcomed to this special edition of hannity come hypocrisy versus the left. Im Jason Chaffetz and for sean. Democratic governors are in full on panic mode. This is especially true in new york, where infections are, once again, spiking. Keep in mind, new york is already home to america as a secondhighest covid19 death rate, due in part to Governor Cuomos disastrous nursing home fiasco. But wait, according to hollywood, andrew cuomo is a hero. Watch this. To my governor, the governor of the empire state, andrew cuomo, congratulations, andrew, on your muchdeserved fs

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