Public health reasons. Nancy pelosi is 80 years old, at mortal risk of death from coronavirus, they tell us, but shes not wearing a mask. It turns out that everything pelosi demand that you not do, she is doing herself and she seems very happy doing it. Its hard to remember the last time a public official was caught on video with her hypocrisy showing the way pelosi just was. Infuriating doesnt begin to describe the experience of watching that video. Oh, but there is an explanation, ladies and gentlemen, there always is. Watch nancy pelosi tell you what really happened. Ive been there over the years many times. I appreciate the question, and i will say this, i take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that ive been to over the years, many times, when they said what we are able to accommodate people, one person at a time and that we can set up that time, i trusted that. As it turns out, it was a set up, so i take responsibility for falling for a set up. And that is all im going to say on that. Tucker nancy pelosi wants you to know she appreciates the question and that she takes responsibility for being set up and trusting someone who lied to her. In other words, she takes no responsibility at all. None. Its the salons fault. Nancy pelosi is the victim here. If you live in Nancy Pelosis neighborhood or neighborhood like it, you will recognize this behavior immediately. Yet another selfcentered rich lady blaming the help for her mistakes. Where is my bracelet, carmella . You stole it you can chose to your nancy pelosi screaming that at her housekeeper as the bracelet she cant find dangles from her wrist. Its all a metaphor for how liberals see our country. Its how they explain their mismanagement. They attack people below them. Michelle obamas gold america for racism and inequality from her 12 million estate on Marthas Vineyard beer joe biden blames americas problems on beat cops, workingclass cops we 50,000 a year to protect us from criminals. The cops did it, biden yelps, its their fault at the same time you will notice biden always gets a pass to the people who caused the problems we hire cops to clean up. The real problems like unemployment and drug addiction and disintegrating families. Biden never mentions the people who caused those problems. His friends at google, his donors and private equity, his allies in the chinese government. Biden never blames them. By never takes on the powerful. No one on the left ever does. They think jeff bezos is a hero because he is rich. They sniff his throne like beagles. Instead, their target is always the dying american middle class, which they punish and degrade and humiliate at every turn. This is a revolution, have no doubt, staged for the benefit and amusement of our ruling class. Maybe the first of its kind in history. Nancy pelosi, of course, is one of the leaders of that revelation. She doesnt have to explain why she does things. Today she announced she would not explain. She would not tell us exactly how she was trapped by the hair salon. Her assistant set up her appointment by text messages. You can see the text yourself on the fox news website right now. Whawhat about her allimportant covid protection mass . Did the hairstylist tear that off nancy pelosi space in some kind of vicious assault . She didnt say. Instead, she used her for a familiar to anyone whos been around politics for a while. It was a set up. Oh, a set up. It sounds like something they wouldve said in the mafiacontrolled baltimore of Nancy Pelosis youth her father ran, and they probably did say that. The use that phrase for a long time. A set up, that is Hillary Clintons explanation for how she lost the 2016 election. Most famously, of course, that is what pelosis old friend d. C. Mayor marion barry said when the feds busted him for smoking crack with his girlfriend. Watch. Okay, i understand. This is a set up. This is a plea for set up. Listen to your rights, mayor. Set me up like this. Set me up. [bleep]. Tucker oh, thats what he said, that is what pelosi is saying, that is what they always say. My mistress gave me the crack pipe. The hairstylist forced me to violate the same restrictions i forced on you, its her fault. Youve heard it all before, you will hear it again. When they are in trouble, liberals blame the girl. Thats who they are. And i want to introduce you to the woman nancy pelosi is blaming. Erica joins the now famous line in San Francisco and she joins us to an ipo think you so much for coming on. Think is a much for having me. Tucker nancy pelosi claims on karma that you orchestrated a set up to entrap her to getting her hair blown out without a mask. Did you . No, absolutely not. Tucker how would you have done that . Can you prove this wasnt a diabolical set up designed to bring down the speaker of the house by blow drying her hair . She had called a stylist in, or her assistant did come and made the appointment, so the appointment was already booked, so there was no way i couldve set that up. And ive had a camera system in there for five years. I mean, i didnt go in there and drink amazon as soon as she walked in and set her up. So that is absolutely false. Tucker pelosi says salons in San Francisco. Of course, she lives there and shes the most powerful democratic legislator in the world, but she said she understood the restrictions allowed a oneonone appointment in salons. What do you make on that . I heard that, and i thought to myself, welcome as a hairstylist, i see clients oneonone. So, that would mean that i would be open, right . Tucker yes. [laughs] sorry im starting to left, it would mean that. Are you open . No. Tucker what is that doing to you and your business . For the past six months, i mean, we are pretty much done. I mean, weve lost at least 60 of our clients. Ive lost the majority of my staff, so, six months is a long time to be closed down. Tucker yeah, no, its too long. So your business has been destroyed by this. How do you feel about seeing the most powerful woman in america come into your salon in violation of the rules she supports, get caught and then blame you for it . To be honest, it was more hurtful. Shes been coming in for quite a while, and just to see her coming and not wearing a mask really got to me but this isnt even political. Shes been coming in there. Its the fact that she actually came in didnt have a mask on, and i just thought about my staff and people not being able to work and make money and provide for their families, and if she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down . Why am i not able to have clients come in . So, its been hard. Tucker it you youre not making a political point, youre making a human point rooted in common sense and i dont know what the answer is, what do you think the is . If nancy pelosi feels comfortable using your salon, why cant civilians use it . I will be honest, in our area in San Francisco, we are obviously the last city or county did not open. Weve been trying to figure that out. Weve been asking ourselves these questions for six months. For the past actually four months. Of why we are not reopened, and its kind of a good question. Again, we dont know. Tucker what are you going to do come are you going to stay in the city, do you think . In San Francisco . I dont think so. The hard part of all this is that ive been in that community for 12 years. Since this has happened, i received nothing but hate text messages, death threats, theyre going to burn my hair salon down. Unbelievable. With bad reviews. Its just sad that my community is pulling this, when they are saying that i threw her under the bus when i didnt. So thats hurtful, but yeah, i think im pretty much done now. So, yeah. Tucker i think that is one of the most heartbreaking stories ive heard in a long time. A long time. I just want to state for the people who are hating you for telling the truth, i dont consider this political, you dont seem like a political person, and im just sorry this is happening to you, erica. Thank you for coming on tonight. Thank you. Tucker some potential good news about a Coronavirus Vaccine may be on the way. Brooke leventhal has been following the story today and joined us today. During the sars epidemic in 2003 took almost two years to develop a vaccine. The Coronavirus Vaccine could be ready this november, less than a month after the pandemic became an issue in the u. S. In a letter sent to governors last week, the cdc asked states to fasttrack applications for facilities to distribute the vaccine by november 1st, just before the 2020 election, prompting complaints politics might be rolling out the speedy rollout and jeopardizing the quality of the vaccine. The cdc americans can trust the process. The vaccine will be safe, supported by science, and meeting all fda standards with one Company Involved calling it a historic victory. Priority will be given to Frontline Health care workers and people, especially vulnerable, to the were symptoms of covid19. 2 million doses should be ready by the end of october. Ten to 20 million more by the end of november, tucker. Tucker will have a lot more on that story as we learn more. Rick, thanks so much for the update, appreciated. Up next, we have been waiting a long time. Weve been keeping track, a long time, for mark steyn to get back and he is back. Hes gone for a few weeks and the whole country falls apart. Hes going to tell us what he noticed upon his return. Plus, there is more to the chris cuomo reporting you heard last night. An update from the internal situation at cnn. Tumultuous, as always. Will tell you. Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year look, here, the lives. I mean, think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years. Tucker think about it. We are still thinking about it. That was joe biden in pittsburgh yesterday with a trenchant observation about 100 years. Did you understand it . What we learn today is the russians are spreading misinformation, like they always do. This time they are trying to convince us that joe biden is slipping. He is not. Hes not losing his mind, thats just what Vladimir Putin wants you to think. Actually, whats going on, is the democratic nominee for president is testing you. He wants to make sure youre paying attention. He does it all the time, watch. He doesnt want to shed light. He wants to generate heat, and he is stoking violence in our cities. Tucker the president is stroking violence and generating heat. Sound like a stacy abrams novel. Sounds naughty. Sounds like a real problem if you are talking about climate change. Were used to the president being confusing, happens every day. We are like fish in an aquarium, though. Its not a big deal, we are well use to it. Ladies and gentlemen, a man who is not used to it, mark steyn, about to pull out the proverbial fish tank and blow our minds. He spent the last several weeks out of the country in an undisclosed location. Hes been detached from social media, he is essentially like the proverbial alien from another planet joining us cold. Were going to get his reaction to come. Mark, you are saying this all for the first time. When you left, joe biden was quoting flawlessly. How do you assess the change . This is stunning to me because six months ago we were all talking about how joe biden is not the superb, coherent, articulate guy from the 90s and the 80s. Whats stunning to me now as i missed the fantastically incoherent joe biden, circa the New Hampshire primary, when he was threatening coeds to take them outside and beat them up for being dog faced lying pony soldiers when he was coming up with the fantastic anecdotes about corn pops and rappelling down into that gorge in afghanistan with a bathing suit or whatever the anecdote was, and now he is reduced to, you know the saying, come on, man. Its like the worst in a wheres the corn pops virtuoso, esther williams, bathing suit, razor holding onto the rain bow, wheres the insane specific detail of joe biden at their brilliant best from just New Hampshire primary month . Its a tragic. Tucker you cant even lie anymore, its sad. Youre absolutely right and you lose your ability to make up false stories. Youve lost everything. Yeah, when you cant even fantasize anymore. He was fantastically insane six months ago, and now hes just doubly insane. Its a real loss for america. Tucker im sure you missed this too but the mayor of washington is considering tearing down the Washington Monument. Not the only monument in america under attack. The walls of graceland, Elvis Presleys old home in memphis have been graffiti with slogans like blm, abolish i. C. E. Authorities are unclear who is responsible for the graffiti, probably trump support is, whats your guess . One thing, i heard earlier today that china now has the biggest navy in the world and people get worried about that but the great thing about america is now we have the most influence in the world. Any American City you can walk around and there are these fantastic pollutants, americas leading the world and i think that is actually something to cherish at this moment and a few months ago when we were talking about china, it was a rare moment. Talking about china uncoupling from china, china becoming the dominant power, no point in going to war with china because they make all the aspirins so three days into the war we will all have splitting headaches and ill be able to man the drones and all the rest of it and if you had to that was the most important issue of the debris at six months on, if you had to name the least important issue of the months, what would you come up with . Moving the Washington Monument . Renaming eskimo pie . The sierra club, 86ing its founder because 14 years after his death, an acquaintance of his had something to do with the Eugenics Movement . Theres no comparison. The big issue of the day, china snapple the world out from under us when we were talking about transgender bathrooms, and now six months later we are just talking about renaming eskimo pd whether we should just take everybody down and leave empty plumes, walltowall. Tucker something you can feel good about, if you are looking for the World Headquarters for illiterate graffiti, youre in it. Now, i think we should rename yeah. Theres only three or four slogans, but they are everywhere now. Theyve mastered it now. I think there actually, acab, i cant say what it stands for, but the ability of these people to spell a four letter word like acab is impressive given all the schools have been closed for six months. There is something to be said for that. Tucker thats true. A lot of vowels and that word. Also, sadness while you were gone, nancy pelosi was entrapped in a conspiracy orchestrated by a far right cabal of hairstylists. Wondering if adam schiff is the one to untangle this knot of deceit and conspiracy . Well, im inclined inclined to think that nancy here you know, the problem here is that our rulers are not bound by the rules they impose on us, and that applies normally when is Governor Northam and virginia ord Justin Trudeau getting into the old black face and singing a couple of choruses of waiting for the robert e. Lee to reduce the stress of virtue signaling all day long, but this is actually worse now because they are not being bound by the rules they impose on us which are things like getting a haircut, opening the door if you are a business, leaving the house. So they have taken this whole thing of not living by the rules they impose upon us to a whole new level. And its one thing for justin and Governor Northam to paper around in black face but when its getting a haircut, when its getting black hair, has lots of america would like to get right now and they cant get it but nancy pelosi can, thats taking the whole contempt for the citizenry to a whole other level. Tucker then she attack to the owner of the salon, who was going broke because of the restrictions that pelosi both supports and flouts. Thats kind of icing on the hypocrisy cake. Yeah, this woman hasnt been allowed to do her job because the last time i was here, we were in the two weeks to flatten the curve and the two weeks to flatten the curve is now about to enter into its third quarter. So weve adopted some kind of new decimal calendar where you are stuck in the groundhogs fortnight for the end of the year, and this willingness of the citizenry to accept this is actually astonishing to me, it cant actually go on. There is nothing that is more demoralizing than seeing just ordinary activities made it illegal and the citizenry accepting it. Tucker really quickly, give me your 10second take on the news thats dominating the country tonight and that is the conversation between chris cuomo of cnn and the disgraced felonious lawyer Michael Cohen, which you played less time on the show. Did you catch that . Well, i did catch that and i have to say chris cuomos ratings were probably be a lot healthier if he did the show in Michael Cohen mode. Cnn has had notorious double acts, bad double askeds throughout its history, as you well know, tucker. I wont mention any, but in this case, i think actually cuomo and cohen would be the way to go for cnn. Tucker you know what, that is a great i actually like the chris cuomo will not reporting better than the one on tv, a lot of people did. Thats authentic, thats authentic. Tucker in a minute we will have an update on chris, at cnn. Mark steyn, we are so glad youre back. Thank you. Thanks a lot, tucker. Great to be with you. Tucker a church demanding its worshipers denounce their White Privilege. Weve got a video of that. Chrichristianity revived. Video i had. Tucker if youve been online recently youve probably seen this. If you type antifa. Com you will go automatically to the joe biden for president website. Its not an internet rumor, its actually true. We just did it. Youre not supposed to think anything about this. Youve been commanded not to. Reuters issued a factcheck yesterday assuring you this is not proof of a connection among the two. And no, its not proof. It seems unlikely the Biden Campaign set this up at the Biden Campaign is almost surely benefiting from it, as some percentage of its voters go on the internet for directions on how to make urine bombs and end up on the Biden Campaign. Why hasnt biden made a statement about it . Why hasnt biden does about it . Why havent biden disavowed antifa itself . If ku klux klan. Com went to Donald Trumps website, reuters would not issue a factcheck saying its no big deal. He was asked about the violence in the cities like kenosha and portland and he had yet another opportunity to condemn antifa, as well as blm. Both antifa and blm are extremist organizations that promote violence, but biden did not condemn him. He did the opposite. Remember the blm psychopaths who cheered when a trump supporter was assassinated on monday . By and essentially said he agreed with them. He said the dead guy asked for it. Watch this. I think what happened in portland where one of these trump guys riding along in vans, inciting response, shooting rubber bullets i guess, or paintballs. Apparently someone was shot by someone in the crowd, by a bullet, killed. I think that prison should meet the legal requirements of whatever that calls for. It should be investigated and it should follow through on what needs to be done. Tucker someone should made e an ad out of that. Its remarkable. Look at how hard hes trying to say not one cross or critical word about a murderer. At the guy who assassinated an american on the streets, as joe biden should meet legal requirements . What the hell is back with mark why not say its wrong to shoe people who support my opponent. Its simple, but joe biden wont say that, he wont say anything like that ever. You saw him go to great pains not to even suggest that and you know why joe biden cant disavow antifa, he cant disavow blm despite the fact that both promote violence, because joe biden benefits from antifa and blm pit stop lying about it, thats whats happening. At a catholic mass on sunday in new york city, a pastor, the man called Kenneth Boler asked attendees to join him in a new kind of catechism, one for racial justice. He let a prayer denouncing White Privilege. The service was live streamed. There are images of george floyd and other people. Watch. To affirm that white villages unfair and harmful to those who have it and those who do not, yes. Do you affirm that White Privilege and the culture of White Supremacy must be dismantled where it is present . Yes. Do you strive to understand the suffering that White Privilege because his . Will to remove White Privilege from her thoughts and actions he can better promote the thoughts of our church . As. Tucker wow, that is 2020 and 20 seconds. This is a religion . The left has won. For years they have tried to replace god with political orthodoxy and now theyve succeeded. This has been their goal. They said it repeatedly. Watch. Its really sad. We have to be very prayerful. I pray for the present all the time. I pray that god will illuminate him to see right from wrong. Its very problematic. And so god does not expect you to vote for people who will ultimately hurt you and other humans around you. Its also important that we stop seeing religion used as a kind of cudgel, as if god belonged to a political party. And if he did, i cant imagine it would be the one that sent the current president into the white house. Tucker jesus himself is under bidens ip remember when he attacked Jerry Falwell for saying that . And if he said it, it is wrong. They shouldnt of said it themselves. Hes written a new book, donald and the fake news. He joins us now, thank you so much for coming on. The video of the catholic mass in which the creed has been replaced by talking points from blm really should make us think. Well, its stroking violence, if i could coin a phrase. Ill be honest with you. If they had a swastika on the altar, it would be no different. Christians have always been at the forefront of fighting racism and slavery, theres no question about that. We need to understand that the Abolition Movement in europe and in this country was led by christians. What we are seeing here is Something Else entirely. The people who are using these new terms, systemic racism or White Privilege, these are marxists. Of these people not only dont believe in god, they hate god and on the website, the blm website, they rejected just about everything a christian wod say. What they are doing now is a power play. They want to hollow out the church from the inside because the real church is their enemy. This kind of a church that will do this kind of nonsense, of course, is perfect for them. But we saw this, unfortunately. I wrote a book about von harper being a christian and the 30s, seeing the nazis do this. They didnt say we want you to worship the devil, we are atheists. They would come in and effectively coop the churches but force the churches to play along just enough so that slowly they could confuse people and take over. What we are seeing right now is exactly that. When you are using these kinds of terms, i want to say to every pastor, every christian in america, this is something. If you do not reject this with everything you have, you are bringing about the death of Christian Faith in america, which by the way, is the only hope for people who think racism is wrong. It is only the bible that says we are made in gods image. Ask marxists if they believe in gods image. Ask what did karl marx say about racist . He was a vicious racist, karl marx. They are just doing this to get power, they have no values, they couldnt care less about whether we are made in gods image, they dont believe in it. But they are using pastors like this and churches like this. Listen, there are many good christians and good pastors who are going along with this, thinking theyre doing a good thing. I want to say to them, your writing on the back of a tiger. That tiger will eat you. That tiger hates you and is using you right now. This is a warning to every american, that is whats going on. I read about in my book and ive talked about it but it is absolutely chilling, that video and what i read in the article. Absolutely chilling. They are taking over churches. Dont let it happen to your church. Tucker our only hope is the knowledge that god created us all equal. All equal. We all have equal value, period. All lives matter, that is the message. Thank you. Thank you. Tucker i played a tape for you last night of disgraced lawyer, cnn talk show host talking in a pretty unguarded way and we have some news tonight from within cnn. They didnt like it. Will tell you why. Gives us confidence. They help us with achievable steps along the way. So we can spend a bit today, knowing were prepared for tomorrow. Wow dad, do you think you overdid it maybe . I dont think so. What do you think, peanut . Nope honey, do you think we overdid it . Overdid what . See . We dont think so, son. Technically, grandparents cant overdo it. Its impossible. Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Tucker last night, we played you tape of a conversation between disgraced, followed lawyer Michael Cohen and his good pal cnn anchor chris comeau. In the tape you heard cuomo complain that reporters have been trying to find women who have accused cuomo of Sexual Harassment, barely touching them in elevators. We send the tape to cnn and asked some pretty obvious question. Who exactly are these women and do you believe their claims . Sienna never got back to us, they have not commented publicly so far on it, but today we heard that chris cuomo is in trouble with his employer. We are not sure what that means but we hope and we say this with total sincerity, we hope that cnn isnt thinking of firing chris cuomo of the tape we aired. Not every claim of Sexual Harassment is true. We can tell you that first hand. Should never unquestioningly believed an allegation just because of the biological makeup of the person who levels it. Believe all women, believe all men its insane. Always use reason to assess what you hear. Always ask questions. Never swallow any claim hole. Anyone who tells you that you are required to believe something is your enemy. Flip them the bird and think for yourself. People who say you must believe arent interested in what is true, they are trying to manipulate you. Cnn is trying to manipulate you and that is why they hurt people who question the ruling class orthodoxy. Maybe this experience, the staple force them to pause and rethink what they are doing. Maybe the dwarf king will finally tell his gargoyles to stop with the snap judgments. We hope so. One other thing and this applies to chris cuomo specifically. You shouldnt punish a man for being sexy. The unblinking eyes, the beguiling literacy. That is who chris cuomo is. Its not his fault the ladies go crazy. Last night in massachusetts, sandy cortez backed incumbent senator markey and he won, defeating joe kennedy the third. That made joe kennedy the third first candidate to lose an election ever in massachusetts. But the loss had deeper implications. Nancy pelosi was busy with her hair salon so she didnt notice. But what does this tell us about who is in charge, who has the ear of democratic voters . Dana perino has been watching closely. She hosts the Daily Briefing on fox of course he enjoins us every week. Are we reading too much into this result . Does this mean something, do you think . I think that everything is a little bit of a clue, and i think that we wont know a lot until we have some years behind us and can look back. But i think youd agree that we are living in the middle of a political realignment and i have to say, i feel like its happening pretty quickly. I mean, for a kennedy to lose for the first time in massachusetts history, he ran a pretty good race, he got some endorsements, but think about it, ed markey was a congressman, has been a congressman since 1976, okay . He 78 years old, hes been in congress for 44 years. My first job on capitol hill, our Congressional Office was across the hall from his and that was 1995. I feel like wow, this guy has been in office for a long time. When joe kennedy said he was going to primary him i thought while matt, thats going to be interesting. I guess i assumed younger people would go along with him but that wasnt to be because early on, ed markey took up the Green New Deal in alexandria ocasiocortez, will never forget that. Shes very loyal and shes very smart and she brought all those voters along and they were able to basically do a whole makeover, who was able to run a pretty good race, and he won. Tucker ive known ed markey since i was a kid, just like you. One of the most charming people in congress, ive got to be honest and say that, as you know. But ed markey knows which way the wind is blowing and he moved hard left because his party has moved hard left. He outflanked a kennedy on the left. Maybe that is the lesson here. Theres another thing to think about, though. Were talking about a massachusetts race, what does this mean in the larger picture for 2020 . Ed markey can kick back, hes going to wins general election and he will be in the senate for the next six years. Joe biden doesnt have that luxury. He doesnt have the left fully locked up and he needs to move to the center in order to get the other boats. While this political realignment is happening in some states, and alexandria ocasiocortez, running in New Hampshire and massachusetts that just featured her. She is smart, and watch to see what she has done in 2024 when she will be old enough to run for president. Tucker i dont think theres any question about that. And i look forward to that, i have to say. I think it will be fun. Tucker dana perino, great to see you. Several democratic mayors and parts of the country have broken with their party and are supporting president trump. Thats not something you probably expected. One of them joined us after the break to explain why. Go go go go go go go on a real vacation. Visit go rving. Com or your nearest rv dealer. Tucker the mayor of bopit, minnesota. A town of 1500. One of several democratic mayors who are supporting the president s reelection. Why . They say joe biden and the Democratic Party are not doing enough for the working class. She joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate it. Its not a small thing for a democrat to announce on television she is supporting the most hated republican among democrats ever. Why are you doing that . Thats a very good point. Its not a matter of who we are supporting. Its a matter of who the Democratic Party is representing right now. President trump is supporting our mining ways and rights and Everything Else we stand for up here. We are hard working individuals. We have an amazing work force. We dont see the backing with the minerals we have. Everything that supports the Green Deal Energy that Everyone Wants right now, we are just not seeing the support on the other side. We are hard working class up here. This is what we have up here. You have to take advantage of what you have. This is the route we are going. We feel like the Democratic Party left us and not us leaving them. Tucker you cant have energy of any kind without copper. Your part of minnesota has been for 100 years a democratic strong hold. What kind of response are you getting from your voters . I am getting a lot of support which is very encouraging. Its a big step for a small town for someone to make a bold move like that. Yes, it is what it is. I am standing up for the people that understand where we are coming from and what we want to accomplish. This is where we are going. We want to continue living up here. We dont want back lash from other political parties. Our small town has a budget of what new york has for office supplies. We are trying to put in a new Water Treatment system and put a camp ground in. I dont want political backlash where our city doesnt get funding. Its a matter of farming what we have and do it safely and responsibly. We dont want to get minerals from somewhere where they have child labor working and no safety standards. We have it here. With at strictist environment standards and i would rather drink the water here than other areas. Tucker dont drink it in washington, d. C. Its filthy. For 100 years the Democratic Party represented the people in your town. Now they are not. What happened . A lot is happening. We have been fighting for tariffs and changes in legislation and things like that. People china is able to buy steel. Their Mining Companies are subsidized and ours are not. I want to see the working class up here doing the job they can do. Tucker thats a lot of talk about who built america and your part of the country has a legitimate claim on that. Absolutely. Mining up here for 150 years and still able to drink our water. If anyone is a better steward of the environment they might want to come learn from us. Tucker anybody who says they care about the environment and doesnt go outside every should exit the conversation. Mayor, thanks for coming on. Thank you. Tucker we are out of time. So much going on. We could do 5 hours. Back tomorrow night 8 p. M. The show that is the sworn enemy of of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. Now its time for the hour that follows us normally the great sean hannity. Tonight trey gowdy sitting in. Good to see you. Welcome to hannity. I am trey gowdy in for sean. We begin with breaking news. Joe biden left the basement today in a rare public appearance on the campaign trail. Biden delivered a short speech in delaware and actually took a few questions from reporters, but those questions were hand picked by campaign staffers. Watch this. Stop boasting can you do anything. You always talk about your ability to negotiate. Negotiate a deal