The Democratic Party started a working in earnest for donald trump. Which is in on us what theyve essentially been doing. First, democrats pursued an impeachment strategy that was so thoroughly dumb and nonsensical that in the end, it look like a republican plot. They literally impeach donald trump this week on wednesday and then it help them in the polls bizarre. But if that wasnt weird enough, democrat of the officeholders started saying things expressly designed enraged American Voters but not close call stuff, not calling for tax increases that polls show people dont really want it weve seen that before. Mike dukakis tried that 35 years ago. Ax in the end, it didnt work, but you didnt get the feeling that mike dukakis was actively trying to lose the election. Thats not the case with mayor Pete Buttigieg. At the democratic primary debate last night, buttigieg blew past mike dukakis land and landed in leon trotskyville. We have the tape, buttigieg promised to give reparations to illegal aliens. Take taxpayer money and send it to people who have no right to be here in the first place. He said that out loud. Watch this. T you said last month that the u. S. Owes compensation to people separated from their families at the southern border. Are you committing as president to financial compensation for those thousands of children . Yes, and they should have a fast track to citizenship. We have a moral obligation to make right what was broken. Avl tucker we are going to buy each one of them a new car im like. Whats the level of public support for what Pete Buttigieg just did . Could you even poll a number that small . Thats, like, the faculty lounge at wesleyan, like, two zip codes in manhattan, one in brooklyn, t and maybe add tiny census track in north california. They are for it at all because its demented. Pete buttigieg is billed as a moderate in the race for the other moderate is leading the field, joe biden. Last night, biden paid homage to the green new deal. He vowed to destroy the theology of the private jet class. Watch. As president , would you be willing to sacrifice some of that wealth, even though when potentially it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of bluecollar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy . The answer is yes. The answer is yes because the opportunity to transition to a highpaying jobs is real. Tucker the second biden said, am i going to screw bluecollar workers . Are you kidding . That would be great absolutely thats when applause broke out. Elizabeth warren watching this and shes getting nervous, destroying jobs, reparations for illegals . Wait a minute, they are getting to the left of me. Didnt think that would be possible. But warren had a plan. First, she vowed to create annk annual tradition again, not making this up, of honoring murder victims. Bu but not all murder victims. Some murder victims. How will she know which murder victims . Ms depends on their skin color and whether they identify as transgender or not. Because in Elizabeth Warrens world, some murder victims are more worthy than some other murder victims. Here is the promise i made. I will go to the rose garden once every year, read the names of transgender women, of people of color, who have been killed in the past year. Tucker what about everybody else . All murders are bad. All murders are bad, whether they are people of color, transgender women, it doesnt matter. They are all bad. But Elizabeth Warren brings identity politics even to commemorating the deaths of people who have been murdered. What a nut case she is. If thousand crazy enough, she almost done they also promised to let men transfer to womens prison simply by asking too. Watch. I will change the rules that put people in prison based on their birth sex identification rather than their current identification. Tucker a country so completely terrified to tell the truth about anything, we are also proud that we have to sit, that sounds totally fine because in a normal moment, in a normal country, people who say stuff like that would be left right out the street. Are you kidding . How that works . What you just said would make the entire concept of womens prisons irrelevant. Why would we do Something Like that and who would benefit . Its totally nuts its detached from reality. It would serve the whims of, like, nine people at the expense of every other person in the country. By the way, its also denying biology, which is not something we are in charge of. Its nature e this is crazy. This is the kind of thing democrats have been saying for the last year as they jockeyed to become the democratic nominee. Does anyone support this . To people support putting men and womens prisons . To the support reparations for illegal aliens . Shutting down americas single most robust economic sector, energy . Do they really support Free Health Care for illegal aliens, letting convicted murderers vote from e prison . How about identity politics it doesnt matter what your color is, by the way. Most people of all colors think identity politics is insane because it is. Its an incitement to tribalisml and worst. People on for that. By the way, people do not support wasting a year trying to impeach and remove a democratically elected president because he wanted to investigate Hunter Bidens corrupt deal all of this is crazy. It doesnt matter who seems the most moderate or whose best looking or what color they are what matters is the things they are saying are crazy. And people arent for them. And will never be for them. Why are they doing this . The Democratic Party has beenan taken over by extremists. D instead of seeing normal americans as their constituents, they see them as evildoers who must be punished. For more reaction to last nightw debate, we are joined by Daily Briefing host, or friend dana perino. How are you . You watch every second of this event for it what are your takeaways . A pretty good debate. If you missed it, you missed something that was moreev substantive than before. There were fewer people on the stage and i think that mattered. I think the questions were very good. E tim alberta of politico in particular asked them pretty good questions. I would say there were three main winners. Number one is donald trump. The president largely stayed out of the cross hairs. He just was not brought up all that much. De they didnt harp on the impeachment for that long in the debate. Us anytime you can stay out of the debate, thats good. Also, former Vice President joe biden probably had his best debate, some people might say thats a low bar. But he was more steady, more confident, had some jokes. M he seemed a little bit more in command. But also, Amy Klobuchar, the senator from minnesota, sheme definitely was able to shine. She was also able to raise over half a Million Dollars overnight, and that is that means shes in a much better position than she was 24 hours ago. Tucker i say this every time we talked, but we are getting pretty darn close. Very close. Tucker next week in christmas and essentially we are right into the primaries. There is not a real is biden still a front runner . Is he the nominee . Hes the front runner nationally. His polls hold. But in the early states, in iowa and New Hampshire, thats in question now. Mayor Pete Buttigieg whos been doing very well in the polls, especially compared to Elizabeth Warren. I think Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were really the losers in last nights debate. Partly thats because the medicare for all stance especially Elizabeth Warren, she cant stop losing on that issue. And Bernie Sanders prove that he is a true 20 er. Hes got 20 support, but doesnt grow at all. Mayor Pete Buttigieg he does very well in iowa, the first state thatll have voting in february 3rd, he was able to take a punch last night. One of the only people mayor pete could maybe pull it out. Then you need to go to New Hampshire. Plus theres all these proportionate things. Its not going to be easy for any of these people to win but they are closer than they were two weeks ago. Tucker im just struck again the distance where these people are on questions of policy, the actual substance, and where the public is. Buttigieg last night noted came out paying money in effect, reparations to Illegal Immigrants he says we haveng mistreated by not letting them in the country probably enough. What percentage of the public is for that, anybody . Well. Maybe he figured thats the wayy to help win iowa. Its a very confusing democratic primary right now. I would say that i had this thought before you came to me. E. I think joe biden, Amy Klobuchar are the moderates in this, or at least moderately tempered in this debate. Tucker exactly. Will she get it . I dont know. Thank you, dana, for that. Have a good weekend. Tucker you too. Time is running out for Democratic Candidates to win over voters or damage their rivals for the sharpest blows were exchanged between cElizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg. The mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served 900 a bottle wine. Billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president of the United States. This is the problem with issuing purity tests you yourself cannot pass. Senator, your net worth is 100 times mine. We need the support from everybody who is committed to helping us defeat donald trump. I did not sell access to my time. I do not do call time with millionaires and billionaires. I dont meet behind closed doors with big dollar donors. Senator, your president a campaign right now, as we speak, is funded in part by money you transferred having raised at those exact same bigticket fundraisers do not announce. Tucker really two of the most false people wh. Have ever lived. For more that happened last night, all which we will savor, we are joined by lisa boothe. I have to say, when he said, you are worth more 100 times than i am, it was gratifying. Tell us, how nasty did it get . It got pretty nasty and its going to continue to get nasty because heres the thing. You noted that time is running out before the february 3rd Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire the following week, all of these candidates are trying to have the breakup moments. They are trying to build up their name i. D. , trying tond fundraiser they can go the distance on what is still aup crowded primary field. If you look at the knives pointed at Pete Buttigieg and the reason why they are pointed at him is because if you look at the latest polls out of iowa and New Hampshire, he is the front runner right now. Thats why senator Elizabeth Warren is going after Pete Buttigieg and whats interesting is hes right about doling out purity test that you yourself cannot passg because not only is Elizabeth Warren worth 12 billion but she transferred that money from the Senate Campaign to her 2020 bid taking money from the very donors that she now denounces. But shes not the only one to go after Pete Buttigieg. Amy klobuchar also did. Watch this. When we were in thete last you mocked the hundred years of experience on the stage. What you can do at committee hearings, i think this experience works. I have not denigrated your experience as the local official. I have been one. You should respect our experience when you look at how you evaluate. You actually did denigrate my experience, senator. It was before the break and i was going to let it go but i do not think we have bigger fish to fry than picking the president of the United States. Klobuchar trying to create that breakup moments. Shes pulling at 34 . Also a weird moment from senator Bernie Sanders. He also said, if you look at the world and look at the problems, thats usually oldld people, usually old men, not getting out of the way. Senator sanders, you are the oldest candidate on stage. And im white as well. Yes. How do you respond to what the former president had to say . Ive got a lot of respect for barack obama. I think i disagree with him on this one. Tucker, i do not know about you, im glad he clarified thath because i didnt know. Tucker he knows that his party had people like him. Its confusing. They are open about it not kind of, its the center of the party, he and biden are in the front. Its so confusing it certainly contradicts the things they say they care about. Tucker its very bizarre. They hate billionaires but they got a couple of them. To add that in was also quite weird. Tucker i agree. Im glad youre here in the pursuit of his entire progress. The president was impeached the other day was he actually impeached . A strange parliamentary quirk thats preventing impeachment from going to the next stage of impeachment. Thats next. Some things are too important to do yourself. Get customized security with 24 7 monitoring from xfinity home. Awarded the best professionally installed system by cnet. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click or visit a store today. By the way, it doesnt really feel we are being impeached. Tucker that was during the show, actually. It was the president impeached . Its an interesting question of course, weve been telling you the last three days hes been impeached. But technically there is an argument that he hasnt been impeached. Because democrats so far have not sent impeachment articles on to the senate. Why . Because they think the senate trialea will make them look stupid, of course they have been. They may never send the articles to the senate. But if they dont send them, the president hasnt been impeached. Noah feldman was a star witness for the left. Now, feldman might be wondering what he unleashed. In a piece for bloomberg, the news site, not the president ial campaign, if the house does not impeach but doesnt send the article of impeachment, a president who has been generally impeached must be constitutionally have the opportunity to defend himself before the senate. And before you think democratsbe would be for that, once they were howling about honoring the memory of james madison, alexander hamilton, whose statues theyd like to tear down because they are racist but its all phony. They do not care about anything but what stands in their power. Years after the 2016 election, former obama cia chief john brennan was unambiguous. Interview after interview, he told us the steele dossier played no role in the ciasbr intelligence assessment of russian interference in the 2016 election. Brennan by the way told this under oath. The ig report indicates that he was lying. Lying. By statements that attracted the interest of u. S. Attorney john durham. John kirku is interested, hes a former cia officer and the whistleblower who went to jail for doing less than john brennan has done. Thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me. Tucker you someone whose life was turned upside down, destroyed for a while seeing a guy like brennan commit perjury in public and nobody cares, how does that make you feel . That seems to be what we are seeing now. If the New York Times is to be believed, john brennan was saying one thing on capitol hill and msnbc where he is a paid talking head and another thing internally to his own people and jim comey, who was fbi director at the time. We know that john durham, the u. S. Attorney for the state of connecticut who is doing this investigation has now asked for and will receive call logs from john brennan, emails from john brennan from the time that he was the cia director, as well as contemporaneous notes that brennan took when he was meetino with these other leaders. We are looking at one of these are many of these process crimes, making a false statement, perjury, which seems to be what john durham is picking up. A couple of weeks ago, john durham said that his investigation is not an injury. Its an investigation and its a criminal one. Tucker brennan wouldve have to know this, correct . He was at the center of this. For him to say confidently the steele dossier played no role in the fisa warrants, but common sense tells you that he knows this to be untrue and he said it. Absolutely, just like he knows that there was no but he wasnt honest about that andn neither was jim comey. We know he lied to the fisa court, we know they lied multiple times to the fisa court to get warrants against carter page. I think at that level, with everything being classified and with their arrogance at the same time, i think they think they can just get away with it. The truth isnt going to come out in the end. It looks like it will come out. S the one i want them because i love the country and i want to believe in our justice system. You see roger stone in effect facing life in prison. You see the whistleblower venerated as a christ figure. You are a legitimate whistleblower and you goif to jail. You got to wonder is this on thg level . I was talking this with my children the other day and they ask essentially the same question for they say, when i was growing up, i always assumed adults were smarter than kids and adults were fair because there were adults, we all come to realize it. Thats simply not true. People have political axes to grind. Sometimes karma is a real thing and sometimes there is justice in the end. Tucker i have no inside information unlike john brennan. I do not have clearance. But i think his time is coming. Thanks for having me. Tucker ms13 has defenders in congress and in journalism. We had them on the show. Americas deadliest gang also has thousands of victim across the country and thankfully an bunch of those gang members are in prison thanks to major bus by cops in new york. Well have details on what happened next. Do you have a box of video tapes, film reels, or photos, that are degrading . Legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud. Legacybox is simple and safe, with over half a million satisfied customers. Visit legacybox. Com today, and get 40 off. Billions of problems. Dry mouth . Parched mouth . Cotton mouth . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath oral rinse and lozenges. Help relieve dry mouth using natural enzymes to soothe and moisturize. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. Tucker nancy pelosi has praised the deadly ms13 gang as gods own children. Thats small comfort to the gangs many victims for this week, Long Island Police made a massive bust of ms13 members securing a huge troves of gunsns and weapons they used to devastate neighborhoods. In connection to this investigation, weve also recovered a large amount of evidence against the gang and their associates more than 10 kilograms of cocaine, 1,000 press pills a fentanyl, quantities of heroin and marijuana, nine handguns, two long guns, over 500 rounds of ammunition, and recovered in this operation in cities, this how brutal and savage this gang is. Tucker former head of the dea special operations divisions, he joins us. Thank you so much for coming on. We send drones to the other side of the globe who kill people who threaten us far less than ms13 does but how seriously do you think as a country we are taking this threat . T . First of all, tucker, thank you for having me. President trump went to long island and visited the families in 2017, 26 murderst over a period of the year and a half, and the Long Island Police Law Enforcement Community Came together with a federal, state, local partners and doj named ms13 as one of the top five threats to america. Law enforcement agencies came together and crush them. These are savages that were destroying families and actually using those machetes to cut people up, tucker. Tucker so why have you seen politician after politician and Political Consultants we put on the show defend ms13 . How could you defend this . I do not know, tucker. Look at new york states, they are giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens, they have all these bail packages now. They want to let these averages out to the communities and they are cutting up High School Kids with machetes. I dont understand it. The community on long island right now should be very proud of Law Enforcement. I can tell you as a native of long island its amazing work, dedication for two years. It was one of the largest operations in america against gangs. It was one of the largest in new york state history to dismantle and destroy these monsters. So i applaud the Law Enforcement unity and district attorney. St tims and he did a terrific job and tremendous leadership by all. Tucker i think the a pictures shocked our cameraman when we went to salvador to interview ms13 gang members ano one of the things that resonated with me is how far away el salvador is from long island. How exactly do they become a presence in suffolk andd nassauel county . Because they had a strong base and operations in california. Unfortunately they ran up against some of the best and brightest Law Enforcement in the country. Theyll be put out of business. Its a matter of time. They hit nine leaders of the i do not understand how anybody in america would want these people immediately deported. As a matter of fact, i applaud President Trump, attorney general sessions. The entire department of justice, homeland security, they took this threat serious, they worked together, use the capabilities of the u. S. Government, and they really put a hurting on this violent, nasty gang. Its going to continue. Now they are going to get more cooperators. They made multiple arrests in el salvador, europe, all of america, not just new york. This has been continued, tucker, and these guys are pretty good. They exploit to medications, exploit the intelligence theyve developed, and they are going to put a hurt on this nasty gang. Tucker i hope they do. One in three salvadorans live in the United States and ms13 primarily preys upon them. You think they would be grateful and i think they are grateful, right . They are the victims what about the case in july of the summer, the case in california, 19 out of 22 who were illegal, they cut the heart of a person, chopped up a homeless guy because he was in their area. This is unbelievable for the worst violence you are going to see. They work with the masking cartel, we have a very bad National Security crisis. Tucker i think what youre saying they are gods children to quote the speaker of the house. Thank you very much, tucker. Tucker the president complained that federal light bulb regulations make them look orange but now his administration is announcing changes to the regulations. Thats next. Plus Tech Companies, the ones that hate you, are working to silence you and make at the same time conservatives in washington are working with them. How does that work . Well explain how it works right after the break. [ indistinct chatter ] [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music playing ] [ squeaking ] [ screaming ] elliott . [ gasps ] elliott. You came back my son. My, my family. Lots changed since you were here. Its called the internet. Whoa whoa holiday movies. Im dreaming of a White Christmas family. Home. Woo [ gasps ] woohoo woo ill be right here. They get rid of the light bulb people are used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive. I hate to say it, itit doesnt make you look as good. Being a vain person, thats really important to me. Gives me an orange look. I dont want an orange look. Tucker doesnt get credit for being the funniest president , which he is. Doesnt like highefficiency light bulbs. Most people who use them dont like them but they dont have a choice because since 2007 during the Bush Administration, federal regulators have forced you to have those in the name of Climate Change but that could be changing. Dan boyette is the secretary of energy. He recently sat down with us on the question of light bulbs. Watch. How is your administration, the Trump Administration, looking to change regulations on light bulbs . Its insanity. Previous administration supposed limitations on light bulbs that would require higher standards. They make the incandescent light bulbs much more expensive, 300 in our analysis. Ta thats going to push the industry completely out. Folks wont be able to buy those products, the industry wont make those products because people arent buying them. We are simply its just simply going to say we arent going to impose these standards. We are going to allow consumers to buy the lightbulbs they would like to buy rather than the ones washington would like you to buy. Tucker theyve been on the light bulb thing for quite some time, the liberals and the Bush Administration were pushing this 20 years ago. Y. Its been a while, long enough to show results. Has forcing people by lightbulbs that hate made the world cleaner . If you look at the Light Bulb Market writ large, things have happened without government involvement at all. Today we have l. E. D. Light bulbs that are very, very efficient, very cheap, very nice looking lightbulbs. And they are very inexpensivee now. Has that made the world cleaner . Maybe its had some impact on climate. The real issue here is what china is doing and what india is doing. We are not going to have the impact on climate simply by changing the light bulb rule. All we are going to do is make it tougher for consumers to have the choices that they deserve. Ma the left is jumping up and down about this. But if congress feel so strongly about it, why dont democrats in the house sponsor legislation to ban the lightbulbs they hate . Why do not they do that . I guess they could. Tucker they call it democracy. Ot why dont they practice it . I assume they could, they have the prerogative. Ke but as washington, i think you know, tucker, sometimes congress punts. Sometimes they will take the inn around. Thats what they attempted to do here many years ago for the pass it off to the department of energy to make the tough decisions about what these regulations and what these standards should be. Today, we are taking that step to make that decision. Our decision is going to be thee leave the standards the way they are. We are not going to increase them. We are not going to make it even tougher on the american consumer. We are going to preserve the freedom that consumers want. They can pick and incandescent light bulb or can choose to buy and l. E. D. Light bulb. The people who fly to nantucket in private planes lecturing us about lightbulbs. Thank you. Thank you, tucker. Good to see you. Tucker we told you a lot on the show the past two years how google, facebook, and twitter work in secret to impose a leftwing political agenda on this country. In 2016 for example, google employees worked behind the scenes to boost Hillary Clintons voter turnout. They seem to despond that when6 they couldnt stop donald trump from winning. Google as you well know regularly suppresses conservative videos on youtube. At one point, twitter, meanwhile and you know this well, often bans users entirely for the crime of disagreeing with the left. At this point, it is very clear that big tech its conservatives and works assiduously to harm them. Republican voters are starting to figure this out. A harris poll from last year found that 83 of republicans understand that tech is biased against conservatives. Another poll this summer found that 42 of all voters, not just conservatives, believe the Trump Administration should take action to push back against the tech monopolys political bias. So far, thats not happening but no one in washington is doing anything to bring these companies in. But it doesnt have to be that way for there are a lot of things you could do if you wanted to. For example, Tech Companies have thrived under a special immunity from congress that protects thef from lawsuits over what people say on the platform. Its an exemption that fox news, for example, does not have. Why does google have it . Senator josh hawley would like to know the answer. Has proposed stripping that community from Tech Companies and treating them like everyone else unless they can maintain neutral platforms for all views, which of course was the original deal they struck. Thats a great idea, but it hasnt happened. Another idea is breaking up major Tech Companies so that a handful of monopolies dont have effective veto power over the first amendment, which is where we are today. Fu its another great idea. But again, it has not happened. Why all the inaction on these questions . Well, a big part of the problem is that conservative nonprofits here in washington, the ones that are supposed to be looking out for you, arent actually looking out for you. They are looking out for big b tech. A new report from the campaign for account ability obtained by this show highlights how conservative organizations in d. C. Have colluded with big tech to shield leftwing monopolies from any oversight at all. Its an amazing story and its happening now. This october for example,er americans for prosperity, thats a purportedly conservative Group Controlled by the billionaire koch family supported and ads supporting facebook and google. The ads they ran targeted state attorney generals, republican and democrat, leading antitrust investigations into those two companies. In march, americans for prosperity ran digital ads urging members of the Senate Judiciary committee, any effort of antitrust laws to break up americas innovative Tech Companies. In all, the koch network spend 10 million defending Silicon Valley companies that worked to silence conservatives. The Richest Companies in the world being defended by a conservative nonprofit as they attacked conservatives. Om why are they doing this . As one former koch employee told they show off the record, i know for a fact they take money from social Media Companies to do their bidding. It turns out, he was right. Google has given money to at least 22 right leaning institutions that is also funded by the koch network, those include the american conservative union, the American Enterprise institute, the National Review institute. The Competitive Enterprise Institute, the heritagetu foundation, and the mercator center. Google, for example, the single largest donor to the annual dinner a few years back. What does all this money buy, exactly . You know the answer. In september of 2018, the Competitive Enterprise Institute and three other groups that had been funded by google and the kochs sent a joint letter to attorney general Jeff Sessions at the time over the dojs plans whether Search Engines and social media were hurting competition and stifling speech. Heres how it works. Big Tech Companies silence conservatives. Conservatives nonprofits try to prevent the government from doing anything about it. Makes sense. Then there is the heritage foundation. Maybe the biggest and best funded think tank in washington. Half the conservatives in the city have seemed to work there at one time or another, 30 years ago i did for example. To this day there are nice and wellmeaning people at heritage. As an organization, heritage no longer represents the interests of conservatives. At least on the question of tech. A recent paper by heritage entitled Free Enterprise is the best remedy for online biased concerns defends the special privileges that congress has given to a leftwing Silicon Valley monopolies. And if conservatives dont like it, heritage says, they can go start their own google. The paper couldve been written by tech lobbyists. In fact, it may have been written by tech lobbyists. A trade association represents Silicon Valley called the liability exemption that googles enjoys, quote the most important law in tech. Well, the paper repeats that line verbatim. Word for word. Along with many other lines that the lobbyist wrote. Its embarrassing. Th but heritage isnt embarrassing. None of the socalled conservative nonprofits in washington are embarrassed. They make deals with people who hate you. No they secretly sell out your interests. They may beg you to tithe like its the medieval church. Thats the system weve had for decades. And maybe thats why no matter how much money you send, nothing gets more conservative. Just the opposite. You wonder how much longer the system can continue. Well, foxs chief meteorologist is here with a significant announcement. That is next. 10 years ago, we started legacybox. If youre like us, you have a box of old video tapes, film reels, and photos, just degrading away in your closet. [nick] legacybox saves these memories by professionally digitizing them on dvd, thumb drive, or the cloud. [adam] its easy. Load legacybox with your media, and you get back your originals and new digitized copies. [nick] legacybox is simple and safe with over a half a million satisfied customers. Preserve your memories today. Visit legacybox. Com and get 40 off. [nick] thats legacybox. Com. Tucker time now for the friend zone, we welcome a friend to the program, someone from fox. Tonight, rick reichmuth, one of our favorites. Rick has spent 15 years covering the weather here. When he is not monitoring the latest hurricane or heatwave, he is passionate about americas soldiers, especially those who have fallen in battle. He has raised money by selling a new kind of umbrella. He joins us now to talk about it. Hey, rick, what are you doing . 15 years . Tucker you dont look old enough. I was at your 65th Birthday Party a couple of years ago. And people were just stunned. Speaker you know, its been two years we launched weatherman umbrella. Fox has been so good about supporting me, as i have a little side gig working on this. Kind of wanted to see if i could take an umbrella, and we were starting to have success with it. Theres got to be ways to give back, so we partnered and for the last two years, each year, we made a patriotic umbrella, something that honors the stars and stripes and the country and 5 back each time. So last year, 2018, the design we were able to donate 75,000 to them, and this year 80,000. So many viewers who have purchased these umbrellas and people kind of taking and enjoying the umbrellas because of the quality, which was the whole goal 80,000. Tucker im not good at math, but you sold a lot of umbrellas, amazing. My wife has one, and loves you personally, but that aside, never stop talking. Your wife, seen right there a the official umbrella of the president s cup. This last week. We made the umbrellas for the u. S. Team and the International Team so really, it is great to be able to see our umbrellas. Something you work out for a long time, work hard, and to see them displayed and it was really an honor, a great team, great team working on this and then all the support around here as well. I want to tell you, we launched last year, our first umbrella, everybody has been asking h makg a smaller version to keep in our backpacks or purses, so we launched that two weeks ago and we are calling it the travel. In one day since we launched and that is until right now,e tucker so for your audience if they god to weathermanumbrella. Com, we have these on sale and Free Shipping before christmas. A big discount for your shipping as well. That is for your audience members, weathermanumbrella. Com and the travel umbrella we are really excited the smallest all the way to the golf umbrella and a dream to get to this point. Tucker i just go with what my wife says, but again she is a fanatical fan and she knows umbrellas, so anyway. That is what im aware of. Rick, great to see you, merry christmas. Good to see you. Tucker we are out of time. Amazing how fast that went. Heres the good news we will be back monday and every weeknight in the foreseeable future the show that is the sworn and totally sincere enemy ofof lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Good night from washington, man, we are close to christmas. Jason chaffetz filling in for sean tonight. We will pass to him in just a minute. Good night. Jason welcome to this special edition of hannity. Democrats and the deep state. I am Jason Chaffetz in for sean. With President Trump surging in the polls, impeachment is turning into a Major Political disaster for the left. According to a new survey, twothirds of voters believe democrats are more interested in the impeachment charade than actually passing legislation. Meanwhile, in the 48 hours after wednesdays vote, the Trump Campaign raised a whoppingg 10 million. And lets not forget, one way or another, President Trump will be acquitted by the

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