Talking points would be. Heres the most recent one. In the Days Since Last weeks elections, all the geniuses on cable have decided its a mirage. Its not real. It never has been real. It was always a fake threat to win the last election. Watch them sing that tune in perfect harmony. This was never an urgent issue. These people were a thousandplus miles away from the border. To also further your point, if you are so concerned about invaders and very bad people, wouldnt you be on the border today instead of your secretary of defense . Theyve been running on an imaginary caravan. The president talked a lot. He couldnt stop talking about the socalled caravan heading toward the border. This stupid [bleep] caravan. Its a lie that this caravan is a problem of that magnitude. Tucker this socalled caravan, the imaginary caravan. Thats what jeff zucker told him to say. Too bad we now have pictures. Reality is the enemy of the propaganda. A large number of migrants from that caravan are now just south of san diego and theyre trying to get into this country. In the meantime, those same people are overwhelming City Services in tijuana and causing crises there. The people are doing this because they exist. Theyre a physical reality. Well, apparently, nobody has alerted kamala harris. Thats why she just compared federal Law Enforcement officers to the ku klux klan. The plan was that, what we would call today a Domestic Terrorist Group . Why . Because they tried to use fear and force to change political environment. And what was the motivation for the use of fear and force . It was based on race and ethnicity. Right. Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at i. C. E. Is being used to enforce the laws . And do you see any parallel . I do not see any parallel. Im talking about perception. I do not see a parallel. Are you aware that theres a perception . To put i. C. E. In the same category as the kkk. Tucker american citizens trying to protect their countries bodiers, up holding laws are somehow like the kkk. It seems like an especially stupid and vicious thing to say. Its cruel, really. How would you feel if you were an i. C. E. Officer or your brother was . Can you imagine throwing out that kind of slander at your fellow americans just for doing their jobs . You would have to be an awfully selfrighteous person to talk like that. Harris is. So are a lot of them. Little to a man who advocates for unrestricted lateterm abortion explain that hes on jesus team and you arent. What you did for those who seemed less important, you did for me. Not the least of these. Its just society may act like theyre less important, but we dont because we understand the value of people, we understand the dignity of work, we understand the values this country stands for. Tucker we understand the value of little people, senator brown says. Really, do you . How about the millions of American Workers whose wages havent risen in decades . And how about the people of tijuana . The caravan came north because they knew they would have a shot of getting into this country. Democrats told them that. They encouraged this whole thing from the very first day. Now its a disaster. The mayor of tijuana says his city is buckling under the weight of the migrants. Many are criminals. Dozens of migrants never made it to the border. They are still missing presumably kidnapped by drug cartels. We would like to talk about it. We invited chris hahn on. He joins us today. So, chris, before we even get to all that, brown from ohio, is lecturing us on jesus. Do you think browns a little bit closer to jesus than, say, i am . Well, matthew 25 applies here, dont you think . Thats what he was quoting. We have people who want to come to this country and seek asylum legally. And we are sending troops to texas when theyre coming in in san diego. Is the president watching right now . Hes got to move those troops. Tucker you didnt address my question though. Is that the new standard . Do you think its a fair standard . This is not something i have introduced into this. Is that a fair form of political discourse . No, i think were pointing out the hypocrisy on the right. They claim they are christians but ignore the teachings of christ. Matthew 25 clearly directs us to help those in need. Tucker so, let me just ask you, which politicians would you say right now on the right are invoking jesus when they talk about building a wall . What exactly are you talking about . How about mike pence . Everything he does, every time mike pence talks he invokes christ every single time. Tucker just one example. How about the convention . The first thing he said was, im a christian, a father, and a conservative in that order. If hes really a christian, he should be practicing what jesus taught in matthew 25. Tucker and you think that jesus would have open borders . Is that what youre saying . Im aware of the verse. Im aware of the verse. Yeah. Tucker but youre comfortable with this is what youre saying . Youre aware of it but i dont know that you believe it. Thats what it says, tucker. And thats what mike pence pretends to acknowledge, but he doesnt. Tucker im trying not to end this interview right now because im getting offended. I wonder if you understand the extent youre playing with fire. Do you think thats a wise thing to do . Do you think if mike pence got up and said, im for building a wall and im quoting this scripture to justify it, i know for a fact that i would say, whoa, settle down. Its a Public Policy question. Its a multiethnic, multireligious country. But youre saying thats okay. I didnt mean to offend you on religious ground. Tucker come on now. Im on jesus team and youre not. What is that . I hear you. Im just pointing out that many on the right have taken christ up as their banner of how they want to govern and yet when it comes to doing Something Like this, they ignore the teachings of christ. I do not think religion or scripture should be the basis in our country. Tucker but its okay when brown does it. Let me ask you this. Everythings allowed now. It doesnt matter. Whatever it takes to get what we want. Is it okay to compare federal Law Enforcement officials to the kkk, as senator harris did yesterday . Look, i watched that whole clip, tucker. And frankly she was not comparing them to the kkk. She was suggesting to the nominee that there was the perception among some. She even said probably wrongfully. How are you going to correct the perception . Tucker i get it. Look, a lot of hitlers closest staff wore blue ties. Im not calling you a nazi. I just think a lot of people think you are. No, shes comparing federal Law Enforcement officials to the clan. And i just wonder is there a limit to what you can say in public if youre a u. S. Senator before you drive the country into some kind of internal conflict. Can you really say things like that now . You should not compare Law Enforcement people to the clan and thats not what she was doing. That are they should fear i. C. E. Tucker is there a poll on this . How would kamala harris, whos lived in rich person worlds her entire life, how would she know this . Does she have some poll . I dont think she does. No, shes trying to impugn the personal integrity of people. Im sure shes trying to correct that fear because senator harris is a very ostensible person. Tucker accusing Law Enforcement as being like the clan. I think shes totally irresponsible. I want her to be responsible. Finally, is it time to concede that the caravan is real and that theyre overwhelming tijuana. The mayor of tijuana says that a lot of members of the caravan are violent criminals and hes afraid of them. Is he a racist, do you think . It sounds like he might be. Nobody said it wasnt real. They said it wasnt a real threat. Tucker but the mayor of tijuana sounds like a flatout racist, maybe a clansman. Do you think he is . But the mayor of tijuana says its a threat to him. Hold on, wait. Im wondering, would jesus be okay with what this mayor of tijuana has said . Is tijuana analogous to the United States of america . Tijuana has a lot less resources than the United States of america. We have more people along our border, i would imagine, than there are Police Officers in tijuana. Tucker i think jesus would be very upset about the mayor of tijuana. Ill call father brown about this. Chris, great to see you. Thank you. What does that mean for American Workers in the age of automation . Jobs are going away. What is everyone going to do in 20 years. Well address that after ways to lose stubborn belly fat. The roasted core wrap. 2, 1. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . 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We are a different kind of financial company. We are athene, and we are driven to do more. [ready forngs ] christmas . No, its way too early to be annoyed by christmas. You just need some holiday spirit thats it this feud just went mobile. With xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. And with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. Youre about to find out you dont even know where i live. Hello see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. Tucker well, the percentage of foreigns born in the United States is the highest its been in the century. Its still rising in any case. 67 million americans speak a language other than english at home. Pretty much everyone in washington is fine with that. The number rising. But what would the effect be if we did that . Who is coming here . What are they like . And where is all of this going . Steven, just the first obvious observation. People when i was a kid used to care about overpopulation. I guess nobody does anyone. Thats a fair question. Immigration by 2060 will add 75 Million People to the u. S. Population. You would think people concerned about the environment, traffic, pollution would think about that. Tucker but those are real concerns, which i will admit, as a kid, i mocked the liberals for having. But as i get over, i realize i dont want to live in a crowded place. Does anyone on the left still say that . There are a few progressives out there. They have a lot of progressive support and they tend to focus a lot on population growth. But most mainstream people on the left dont touch it with a 10foot pole because longterm its new immigrants and the children they have. And so they dont want to touch the issue anymore. Tucker what percentage of the population . About 95 of the increase in the u. S. Population will come from future immigrants and the children and grandchildren theyll have. Tucker so thats almost a complete turnover in population. No, thats population growth. So most of all the increase is coming from immigration. Tucker so the language numbers are really interesting to me. One in five People Living in this country does not speak english at home. Has it ever been that high . Its hard to say, but it may have been that high amount past. Whats even more interesting or perhaps more troubling is how concentrated it is. There are all kinds of areas where 95 of the people or 85 of the people and 95 and 85 of the kids in school speak a Foreign Language at home. One wonders how assimilation can work with that level of immigration and Foreign Language concentration . Tucker so what are, broadly speaking, the education levels of immigrants coming here . It varies. Tucker of course it does. 80 plus of immigrants from india come with a College Degree or more. Tucker so how does that break down . What percentage for immigrants are coming with no education versus those coming with high degrees of education . Right now somewhat over a fourth of all immigrants have less than a High School Education when they come. A little over a fourth also have no more than a High School Education. So a High School Education or less is a little over half. A little less than half is some college or even college and more. Tucker so the majority have high school or less. And we know the welfare use and poverty is quite high. Tucker thank you very much. Well, you just heard, as millions of people, many of them low skilled, half, continue to enter this country, an obvious question arises. What does that mean for our economy, for americas working class . Thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me, tucker. Tucker theres a debate over what automation is going to do long term. Everyone agrees it will eliminate a lot of jobs that we currently think of as real jobs. Theyll be gone. But is there any scenario in the future as we perceive it now where you would want them to have a high school the diploma or less . How concerned are you about that . I think its a concern. I think its one among many. I think there are a lot of things were doing that really hurt less skilled workers. The way we approach immigration and education. We dont care about education for lessskilled workers. We say college for all. And if you dont complete college, you fell out somewhere along the way. Tucker so why wouldnt you if, if you were thinking thoughtfully, if you started with the presumption that some immigration is good, thats where i start anyway. Why wouldnt you be thoughtful about letting in more people who already have the education that you think your economy requires . I think thats what we should do. Most economists would look at the issue and say if you want to benefit workers at the bottom and their wages, pretty much the models say highskilled immigration is good for lowskilled workers. More lowskilled workers just adds more competition to the market. Tucker ive had this debate over a hundred times on this show over the last couple of years. And they say, all the studies say thats not true. Im not aware of a study that shows that. There are a lot of studies that show the mix of immigrants reflects roughly whats in the population. So thats okay. But thats the wrong question to ask. The question to ask would which would be better. Given to have highskilled immigration, is it good to have a lot of lowskilled or less . And what you would say is the less lowskilled immigration you have, Better Things will be for the lowskilled workers that are here. Tucker if you could do one thing to help people who are struggling to reap the benefits of our economy, what would it be . Well, i think conceptually we have to value work and say its not just about consumption and how cheap stuff is. We actually have to realize is that people having work is whats most important to them. Tucker wait a second. Paying everybody off with three grand a month wont be the answer . No, its a disaster. Its a great answer for the folks doing well. The funny thing is, the higher up the income ladder you go, the more people say, oh, not Everyone Needs a job. You go down to the bottom end of the ladder, people say, we want the jobs, because they understand how critical work is to their families, though their communities. And if we dont focus on that, if we just say, oh, well grow the pie, what they say, well just send everyone a piece. You dont have to bake your own pie. Well just give you a slice. Thats not a model for a good society. Tucker that used to be obvious. It did until about the middle of the century. As long as people have more stuff every year, well call that success, but thats not success. I dont see a lot of that, no. Tucker i dont either. Thank you for that. Thanks for having me. Tucker well, georgias disputed election has finally ended. But democrats are fighting to being detected was not an option. If i was recognized the whole operation was blown. The element of surprise was imperative. Wow. He wont even recognize you. Seriously. I dont even recognize myself. And thanks to my cashrewards credit card from navy federal with neverexpiring rewards its gonna be a killer honeymoon. Woo maui boom Navy Federal Credit union. Our members, are the mission. [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. 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On table ten. Hed be proud of us. A Family Business should stay in the family. See how lincolns Insurance Solutions can help protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you, at lincolnfinancial. Com tucker democrat stacey adams finally conceded. She and her team of lawyers fought on. But this afternoon, apparently, abrams announced she would be dropping her legal challenges, and that effectively ended the race. In her remarks, the woman who got fewer votes than her opponents said, democracy failed in georgia. Well, the senate race in florida is still dragging on, though. Hand recounts of some ballots continuing across the state. The democrat in the senate race, nelson, doesnt look like he will win. Political editor and chief investigate for fox 13 in tampa bay. Were going to miss the recount. He joins us tonight. What is going on . The hand recount is going to continue until sunday, but we can tell you that nelson is surely doomed in large part because he placed his hopes and trust in Broward County, which as weve seen a time or two, thats kind of like placing your hope and trust in lloyd from dumb and dumber. They thought Broward County would be dumber and less effective than it actually was. There were 30,000 votes that were flung through the machines not once but twice. Nelson said, oh, these machines. Broward, here you go again. What we found out again today, when they looked at the ballots by hand, they didnt register because most of the voters left that race blank. Maybe these democrats didnt vote for rick scott because hes a republican. Maybe they didnt vote for bill nelson because hes bill nelson. Who knows . Thats the fact of the matter here. It puts nelson in an impossible position. There is chatter and speculation. Some democrats said they couldnt see the race on the ballot because it had been tucked in the lower left and perhaps the poor ballot design by Broward County. Even so, thats tough luck for nelson. Theres history for that too. In Palm Beach County when it designed the butterfly ballot when it tricked democrats into voting for pat buchanan. Either way, it doesnt matter because once its all said and done, itll be certified on tuesday. Scott is going to washington. Tucker that was really a high point in the history of the state of florida. I just love that. Thank you for that and all of your updates this week. Theyve been great. Thank you. Tucker President Trump says hes ready to answer the mueller investigations questions, but is mueller ready to introduce evidence of the United States Postal Service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. With one notable exception. Who doesni do. Ve a deal . Check out the united explorer card. 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Not so much. So he turned to his friends at legalzoom. Yup they hooked me up. We helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. You hear that . This is franks record shop. And this is where life meets legal. Tucker well, the president says hes finished writing his answers to questions he received from the mueller team over at the independent counsel investigation. His lawyers say his answers will be turned over very soon. Meanwhile, more than three dozen sealed indictments have been lodged in federal court here in washington. Some of these could be for mueller. Bongino, author of spygate the attempted sabotage of donald j. Trump joins us tonight. Clearly, people are going to be indicted. If those indictments are for crimes against this country, ill applaud those indictments and root for conviction. But if theyre for something much less than that, like lying in the course of the investigation, that has nothing to do at all with the court crime, i and other people will think this is really a reckless act. What will it do to the country if mueller does that . Yeah, think about it, tucker. Think about all the lives that have been ruined. Politics have been up ended. Theres very serious talk about impeachment over a crime where no one can produce evidence. Let me applaud you. I agree with you on that. If theres ever evidence that actually surfaces, republican, democrat, or indifferent, then you deserve to the prosecuted to the fullest stent extent of the law. None of that evidence has been produced. As a matter of fact, one, collusion isnt even a crime. I dont say that as a word dance. I say that because there is evidence of russian collusion against the hillary team. Were connected to people connected to the hillary team. But the left isnt interested in any of that. Tucker it just seems like weve lost sight of the purported goal. No one is pretending this is about anything other than settling your political grudges with the force of a prosecution. That doesnt seem like an american way. It seems like a totalitarian way to do it. It absolutely is. Their case was bedrocked around this dossier, which is a political document. Its salacious and unverified. Number two, mccabe said they wouldnt have a case without the dossier. Their words, not mine. When asked about verifying the dossier, tucker, you know what he said . Oh, its in its infancy. The lead investigator in the case said. And lisa page, the fbi lawyer said this is just months ago, not two years ago when it started. She said, hey, it still could be literally nothing. Weve upended the whole country looking for this infamous russian collusion and it could be literally nothing. This is scary stuff. Youre not just throwing around the tyrannical word lightly. Theres backbone there. Tucker the last administration spied on its political enemies using our intel agency. The rules of politics. I mean, its disgusting. I know everyone thinks its fine because everyone hates trump, but thats a really terrible precedent to put in place, i think. Thats not even in dispute. April 14th of 2017, we not only spied on it using our intelligence community, we used foreign intelligence operators. Cnn wrote a piece about it. April 14, 2017 about british intel spying on people for the Obama Administration on the trump team. Tucker if the Bush Administration had done that to obama, as god watches, i would not have defended that. Great to see you. Well, the wildfires in california really are horrible. Theyre the deadliest in the states history. Is the government loses its ability to handle Natural Disaster . boysindistinct talking [crunching footsteps] huh whats that . 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My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Tucker well, its the tale of leaders failing the people theyre supposed to serve. The campfire in Northern California is now the deadliest wildfire in californias history. More than 60 people have been confirmed dead, more than 600 are still missing. Firefighters say it will take weeks to contain the blaze. A surprise snowstorm yesterday completely paralyzed the countrys largest city. Thousands lost power. People spent the night in their cars. Im frustrated, too. Im frustrated as a new yorker who was stuck in traffic line so many other people were. In truth, this kind of was a perfect storm. It emerged bigger and later than anyone expected. Obviously affected the whole tristate area in a very severe way. Tucker okay. But it was still a snowstorm. Those happen every single year. And so it raises the question, are american leaders still able to handle the basics of governing. Thanks a lot for coming on. So i watched the fire in california, which no Single Person is responsible for. The snowstorm yesterday in new york, same thing. And then the voting debacles in Broward County. And im thinking, keeping the roads clear, the fires quenched, the votes counted. These are the Core Functions of government and they cant do that. We seem to have a lot of things crumbling at the same time. I thought i would tell you something personal here. You were on my show a couple of weeks ago and i had a good friend whos a verified twitter personal and a public person apologize to me yesterday. He said that he couldnt share my interview with you because youre so controversial, it wouldnt it would upset his friends and family and things like that. I relate this to all of this because it seems that just our ability to talk about anything, whether its how to deal with fires and how to deal with snow or how to talk about politics or everything else, really does seem to be crumbling. Look, you know me. Im a pretty limited government guy. I dont think the government has a lot of things that it should do and it gets its hands in all sorts of things it shouldnt. But what the government should be able to do, and i say this as someone who lived in new york city most of my adult life, is the government should be able to handle a snowstorm when its six or eight inches. Of course they should be able to deal with that. That being said, Mother Nature is going to do things all the time that we cannot fully prepare for. There are i mean, this is there are things that are out of humans control. And i think part of the problem is that we think that we can control everything and we think that if only the government is funded a certain way or designed a certain way or acts a certain way, that we can remove all acts of god or control all acts of god, i guess is a better way to say it. And we simply cant. And the answer for most of the people on the left and the progressives its like well then we just need more money and more money and more money. And its not more money that you need. Its more preparation. Its more understanding that some strange things are going to happen and there might be a snowstorm that you didnt expect, but your team has to be ready. Youre in charge and youre the guy thats got to make sure that its ready and dont sit there and be surprised and woe is me, i got stuck in traffic just like everybody else. Tucker you create, i think every person does, a hierarchy of responsibility. Not all the things you want to do are equal and important. Before you curb Carbon Emissions and raise the selfesteem of school kids, shouldnt you make sure the roads arent crumbling and theyre plowed . It seems like these guys want a global reach and are forgetting their basic duties. Yeah, theres basic things that government needs to do. Put out the fires, plow the roads, make sure that were safe, make sure that people arent being mugged in the street, and that sort of thing. The california fire is a little bit different than a random snowstorm in new york. The california fires, i mean, this thing was absolutely massive. It was statewide. Its still going on, so its almost a little bit uncomfortable to talk about it. I think theres 600 people missing at the moment. I lived in l. A. Just coming up on six years, and if i tell you in that in los angeles in six years, i dont think im exaggerating when i say weve had maybe 30 days of rain in about six years. You get a little drizzle here and there, but i dont remember the last time it rained there. If you want to talk about why that is and does it have anything to do with climate change, or whether its manmade, et cetera, thats a healthy conversation to have. But the idea we can manage and control all of this and we always know why it happened and everyone not in charge suddenly knows they would be in charge and keep more people safe. Its that sort of armchair quarterbacking that makes everybody go, politics is just pointless. So we need leaders that are a little more nuanced and a little brighter and willing to go, its not just about money all the time. Its about how do we really understand these issues. Tucker and maybe theres a limit to human wisdom. Thank you. There absolutely is. Tucker there certainly is. I bump up against it every day in my own livment great to see you. President trump has endorsed a congressional effort to overhaul the countrys prison system. The First Step Act would reduce criminal penalties and increase funding for antirecidivism efforts. This is being supported by a wide coalition. What to think of it . We call one of the people we trust most on this question. Hes a former new york police commissioner. Author of the book from jailer to jail. He has seen both sides. Thanks for coming on. Thanks, tucker. Tucker so address the concerns of people like me who think there are probably a lo of people who go to go to prison longer than they need to and it doesnt help any of us when that happens, but theyre also worried about putting dangerous people back on the street. I think theres two things. Bad people that do bad things. They go to prison. Some need to be there longer than many. And the system deals with that. But what you cant do, tucker, is you cant put people in prison and expect them to be there, learn how to steal, cheat, manipulate, con, gamble, and fight and then dont do anything for them, dont give them any programs, work ethic, discipline, life skills, and send them back home and expect theyre going to be better people. At the end of the day, we have congressmen now sitting around washington in a circle jerk basically saying, b why is the recidivism rate going up . Because youre not doing anything for the people in the system. This incentivizes good behavior, gives them programs they need to be better citizens when they go out on the street, and it reduces the recidivism because they dont have to revert to crime and go back. Not to mention, you have 2. 5 million kids in the country right now without parents. Thats another thing. The bill also brings parents and their kids closer together with the 500mile rule. The bill is the best thing thats happened in criminal justice in probably two decades. And you have a couple senators out there that are opposing it. I challenge them to debate me or walk through a federal prison with me and see whats in the system for yourself instead of listening to a staff member. And i really urge them, and i would urge everybody watching, if youve been in the system or know somebody in the system and know what theyve been through, call your senators and tell them get this thing done, because Mitch Mcconnell has the votes. He has the votes. He said two weeks ago, if i have the votes after the election, were going to do this and get it to the president. He has the votes. Now we say, well, we may delay it until next year. Im here to predict, if they delay it until next year, itll never happen. They did this in 16. They were going to delay it until next year. It never happened. He has the votes now. To not do this now with the votes is an intention attempt to embarrass the president or its some selfserving declaration by Mitch Mcconnell and the couple of people opposing it. I think it has to be done. We have never worked this hard to do it. Ive been in washington, d. C. Briefing, testifying, and speaking since 2013. You have newt gingrich, van jones, lindsey graham, cory booker, everybody under the sun is trying to get this done. Theyve got to do it now. Mitch mcconnell has to do it now. Tucker well, youre one of the theres so much noise about this. I wanted to talk to someone i trust. Thanks very much. Great to see you. Thanks, tucker. Tucker well, a christian woman in pakistan needs to leave that country immediately or shes likely to be killed. One countrys reaction to her wooow woo wait, what . everyones excited about the chevy vehicles at the chevy black friday sales event. I can get used to this. 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Tucker heres a name you may have heard recently. If you havent, you should. Shes a christian, a mother of five, shes a farm worker from pakistan. Nine years ago she went to get a drink of water and quarrelled with a muslim women who objected to drinking from the same cup as a christian. They accused her of insulting the prophet mohammed. They assaulted her. She was sentenced to death. Two weeks ago, she got a break. The Pakistani Supreme Court decided there was not enough evidence. But her ordeal is not over. The lawyer who defended her has fled the country, but shes been forbidden to leave. Her family has pleaded for asylum in the west. If her pleas are not answered, obviously she may be killed. Cases like this are why the west created asylum laws in the first place. The uk has refused to shelter her, despite the fact that it has accepted countless other immigrants. They believe that accepted her would cause, quote, security concerns and unrest among certain sections of the community. Ponder that for a second. The United Kingdom gave us the rights that americans take for granted. Core rights. All of those freedoms are now dying in britain. In their place remains fear, a fear of offending the very people who have made it impossible to sustain those ancient freedoms. Not surprisingly, cnn has used it to attack the white house somehow. Trump, take notice. Youre the kind of religious extremists willing to behead you should not be allowed into your country. When we make room for him or people like him that story is not yet over. We plan to follow it. Well be back monday night, 8 00 pm. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group thinking. We hope to see you there. By the way, Mike Huckabee up next, in for sean. Hell be interviewing the White House Press secretary, whom he knows well. Itll be a great sh [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] Democrat Stacey Abrams ended her campaign and said she cannot win but, still, wouldnt call it a concession speech. I acknowledge that former secretary of state brian kemp will be certified as at victor in the 2018 gubernatorial election. This is not a speech of concession. Senate race in florida is still dragging on though. Hand counts of some ballots continuing across the state. Answered questions from special counsel robert mueller. I answered them. You have to be careful when you answer questions from people who probably have bad intentions. Nancy pelosi keeping her close and enemies closer. There is a great deal of excitement about the fact

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