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The reaction has been predictable and depressing. You see the usual dumb people on television to make partisan points or boosts cable news ratings as they invariably do, and and that includes the president s dislike of the media and active terror. And up it went on like this with maximum selfrighteousness. The president cannot escape scrutiny. President has seen for two years are not interested in trying to detoxify the environment or rather helped pour gasoline on the fire. I blame that rhetoric out of the white house that comes from the top. To say no connection between what trump has had between hillary clinton, barack obama, eric holder, and cnn, tucker obama is responsible for the pipe bombs now, over and over. But this time strangely at didnt. They didnt seem to care very much, maybe they just expected its coming. The president tweeted back to the media, and blamed them for making america angry. The crowd shouted, lock her up. And it was, it is all normal now. The two parts of the country that despise each other so much, there is nothing that one cant imagine the other doing including acts of terrorism. This is ominous, we are not supposed to hate our fellow americans this much. The question is, how did we get here . Our leader made a series of terrible decisions and never apologize for them. The middleclass died and nobody noticed. New technologies were supposed to unite us but instead drove us further apart. A rotten education system, disintegrating families, shocking rates of substance abuse, all of those played a role and there were other factors, too. But more than anything, our thinking changed. Thats what really happened. Over time we stopped debating politics, issues and ideas and started attacking each other for things that we cant change for who we are. Take immigration. 20 years ago we would be arguing about how many migrants to admit into this country, under what circumstances, whether or not it was all good for america. None of that is seriously under discussion today. Instead, we get moments like these. What is happening here is a sin against god. I believe that. If the of all people as made the country not to clamor for what the administration is doing to end. Those who selectively use the bible to justify this cruelty are ignoring a central tenet of christianity. Said, suffer the little children unto me. He did not say, let the children suffer. Tucker a a sin against god. What you are hearing is not political debate. It is theology. Its not based in reason, but in something deeper, something less predictable and more ferocious. It is a religious argument, those are not resolvable which is why you are told not to start them at the dinner table. Religious disputes push people into extremism. If i think your ideas are wrong, im happy to argue with you about them but if i decide you are evil, i may be tempted to hurt you, if only in selfdefense. Politics like this isnt really politics, its secretary is se. We invited beto over work onto the to discuss whether health care is available to illegal aliens. But, he couldnt even see the other side, he saw only callousness and sin, watch. I think there is an interest in making sure that if someone is going to be sick, if someone needs help, that we deliver in the most efficient and costeffective way possible. You can pay for it in the emergency room. Tucker what about not paying for it at all . Will then you can watch people die in your emergency room. Thanks for joining us. Beto orourke is not stupid but he has developed a habit of mind that leaves no room for a legitimate disagreement with his own views. If you are opposed to paying for health care for illegal aliens and you are in favor of watching people die, your morally corrupt. Why would anyone waste time trying to reason with a monster like that . Would you debate human rights with idi amin . Of course not. Facts are irrelevant. As character and motives are all that matter. So watch this exchange with congressman alex adam schiff. We know that russia hacked John Podestas email account during the election. He might be the person who has the answer to that, hes the ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee. Watch how he responded. Tucker can you look into the camera and say, i know for a fact that Vladimir Putin was behind the hacks . I know absolutely. Not only in the United States but also in europe. Tucker you know what, you are dodging look and say, i know they hacked it. I think Ronald Ronald reagad be rolling over in his grave tucker you are you cant say they hacked you are going to have to move your show to russian television. Tucker in other words, schiff replied, i dont care what you are asking. The question is, why you are asking. And the answer of course is, because you are a bad person and in this case a traitor to your country. Most political conversations look like this. When we defeat someone, we know longer argue against what we believe. We wait until they make a mistake, and there is no forgiveness. The point is not to make things right or improve anything, the point is to vanquish an enemy. So lock her up and criminal guilt is for courts and judges to decide. And what about this . The reverend john kasich who is the republican governor of ohio, watch when you disagree with him, you are really disagreeing with god. We have got to start putting ourselves into the shoes of other people. We have got to start thinking about the consequences that others suffer, and if we have been spared those by the grace of god, let us be appreciative. Let us count our blessings and let us reach out to those who have the less, and lets stop putting up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight, the trouble in the problems of others. It is not right and the lord doesnt want it, and our people at their hearts want to reach out to others. Look what they do in these storms, they go and risk people they dont know. They put them in their homes and feed them, thats america. Tucker the lord doesnt want it, says pastor k. Well whats easy to know and foresee is, the people in power claim moral authority they dont have in order to compel you to obey. What happens . Resentment builds. Factions form. Craziness starts to seem normal. Its all bad. And if you want to fix it, stop talking like this. Mark steyn is a bestselling author and joins us now. Are many of our political debates in fact theological debates all of a sudden . You said two sides to every question, and thats how it should be. But thats why it seems entirely normal to those people that when you, on a day when there are ten socalled pipe bombs that failed to go off, almost everybody in the establishment thinks the answer to more violence is less speech. The answer to more violence is never less speech, and it is to restore, in fact, the idea of two sides to every question. You cant say as a left increasingly does on any number of issues that on immigration, there is one side. There is a virtuous moral side, and on the other is the evil side. Thats true for gay marriage, for climate change, thats true for islam, and thats true for transgender bathrooms. Thats true for an ever wide range of subjects. When you do that, in fact, you do incentivize because if you say to people you cant talk about this, theres nothing left to shoot up storefronts and law bombs through windows. And that includes republicans like mitt romney quite shamefully calling out a vigorous open speech, which actually, we need more of. We need to expand the borders of speech in this country. We dont need sensitivity training, as a canadian friend of mine always says in a factious society, you actually need in sensitivity training. You need to train people to have vigorous debates and not get to the point, whether its on left or right, we are obvious jokes, whether in bad taste, obvious vulgarity is, things that drive people nuts and call for people to stop tweeting, and all the rest of it. We actually need more speech. If you dont want days like yesterday, you need more, better, and more vigorous free speech. Tucker i mean, i doubt youve noticed the irony at the sensitivity department at the heart of every corporation becomes less sensible and cooler with many ironies. But how do you debate someone who believes he has already won the debate by virtue of his personal virtue . I think thats the key point. When i got into difficulties in canada with the human rights guys overheat speech, i actually won that and we got a law repeal because it pushed back. But i remember the minister of the crown up there saying to me, the object the object of this was to denormalized mean. Thats why these guys on the left and the islamic guys were doing this, to denormalized. Id never heard that word before. If someone disagrees with you about immigration policy, about climate science, about transgender issues, then you denormalized them, you dehumanize them, you delegitimize them. And once you have done that, you are actually on the same continuing to same, its okay to punch their lights out or shoot them up. Thats the danger of that. Tucker right, because you are not even human at that point. Thank you as always for routing us in reason. Thanks a lot, tucker. Tucker at least ten suspicious packages have been intercepted across the country so far and a spelling investigation is underway to determine who sent them and why. Director of counterterrorism terry church is here. Without speculating in an irresponsible way but from the fact that you are aware of, what does this add up to . What does it tell you . I do feel this is some sort of lone offender. I dont think it involves a group, i think it someone who has been planning it for a while because after all, this person has put 710 bombs in the mail. It took a while to do the research, to do the building, putting the packages together and have a plan. And these crimes occurred from the time the packages were mailed and placed in the mail stream, you have to figure out what happened between where these packages were and are trying to piece this together. The things we talked about before, finding cameras and potential witnesses and people in the mail stream that handled these devices. Its hard to believe, and i should say to our viewers that you are one of the reasons the unabomber is behind bars right now. But it seems likely with all these packages, at least one of them apparently handdelivered, there would be an awful lot for investigators to look at, wouldnt there be . There definitely is. They are sprawling and they can become even bigger. So what you have to do right at the beginning, if you have to prepare to and hope that you can get a break and some of the key areas, or that you start doing everything as you should do it, and then lay the foundation if you have to go forward and if you have to become even bigger as far as manpower, you look at essentially two things, that are Pretty Simple and pretty basic. There is a strategy and structure. The strategy of the forensics tale, the investigative trail, the analysis trail, the handling of public tips, and then go back out to the media, you could take every one of those categories and go back to other bombings and illustrate how that has been helpful and thats why we concentrate on those areas. Then the structure is how you collect it all and bring it together. And like panning for gold, separate all the garbage from the nuggets that have to be processed. Tucker there must be a lot. So there are an awful lot of bombs but none of them went off, what does that tell you . Were these designed to go off or just to terrify . I have a rough time when i have to start speculating on it so i will just say it like this. Theres a lot of possibilities, and the bomber may be the person whos starting to do this. I dont think any of these people think that way because i dont think any of them care if they hurt anyone. Is it a republican, is it a nationalist . Who knows . Tucker we dont know, but it is interesting. Thank you very much and it great see you tonight. Tucker you are welcome. The federal government will be deploying nearly a thousand groups to the southern border as many thousands of americans make their way to the United States. Sheriff, thanks very much for coming on. So will these troops make a material difference do you think in the crisis weve been covering for the past week, with this Migrant Caravan . I do. It sends a very Important Message that we are not going to let people come to the border that they see as a vulnerable, they see as weak, and thats why they are coming. They could claim a refugee from mexico, but they are coming a thousand miles to our southern border because its a vulnerable border. What i see tucker is our congressional folks, republican democrats and independents pointing figures, congressional figures, and no one is solving the issue. Our state and local Law Enforcement is standing by doing everything we can do and its tough and challenging. Tucker is so if you were in charge, obviously you spent your life thinking about this problem and its right in your neighborhood. What would you do . The first thing we got to do is this. Ive worked the southern border for 43 years. I seen the evolution, icing the successes on the borders and the failures. What we have going right now which is very positive is a collaborative effort from state, local and federal Law Enforcement, the executive branch that is working so closely, the best its been in my three decades, when it comes to best practices on the border. When it comes to Community Plans and federal plans that couple met each other, thats so important. We have a president thats out there in front of saying we need to have a secure border which i 100 agree with. What we need is our congressional folks, our elected National Leaders to say, lets complement that, too. Lets be part of that. This is a policy and a legal issue that needs addressed. Tucker right. So i need to ask you this question since you live there and as you said have been involved for 35 years. In washington and new york this is framed purely as an ethnic issue and racial issue. Is that help people in your county see it or is the more complicated from your perspective . We dont see it like that, you dont hear that kind of talk on the border. You hear it everywhere else. But on the front line where you deal with it every day, 34 years ive never seen a complaint on a lawenforcement officer thats based on race. You just dont see that. What we see as a Community Working with Law Enforcement on all levels trying to come up with solutions to stop the flow into our country. To enhance the quality of life on our border and throughout the nation. Thats what we see down here. But the rest of the country doesnt see as the violent aspect of this, too. Ill give you an example. Last night my deputies at work within a border team were out chasing smugglers. They found one of the smugglers and had a physical altercation. Thats the stuff you dont see. These criminal trends at National Organizations that are pushing these drugs and human smuggling which i call modernday slavery into our country, they dont see that. We see that. Its a vulnerable and dangerous game. Tucker no one mentions that here. Funny. Sheriff, thanks very much for your perspective, great to talk to you. Up next, it was a very bad day for the creepy lawyer. If you are looking for major breaking developments in the cpl saga, you are on the right channel. We will be right back. One. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Thats right, 36,000. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. My unlimited 2 cash back is more than just a perk, its our healthcare. Can i say it . Whats in your wallet . East bound and down performed by jerry reed east bound and down, loaded up and truckin were gonna do what they say cant be done weve got a long way to go and a short time to get there im east bound, just watch ol bandit run whatever party youve got going in the back, weve got the business up front. [clang] woman learned ao play second language. Applied to college. Applied for a loan. Started a business. Started a blog. Shared a picture. Shared a moment. Turn your wish list into a checklist. Learn more. Do more. Share more. At home, with internet essentials. Tucker the allegations made by Michael Avenatti, are they true . They are not true, i never met her and i dont know who she is. There was a letter released within an hour of that breaking from 60 people who knew me, men and women, saying that it was nonsense. The whole thing was totally ridiculous. None of these allegations are true . Correct. Tucker the Senate Judiciary committee has referred creepy lawyer and one of his clients, julie to the fbi. Creepy lawyer and his client claims without evidence that kavanaugh was involved in a very long series of gang rapes. The cbo spoke about the criminal investigation into him, and here it is. We welcome the investigation requested by senator grassley who obviously has no idea what he has just done. What he has effectively done is open up a pandoras box and my client and i are very much looking forward to a full and complete investigation into my clients allegations. Tucker creepy but undeniably brash. Unfortunately for him thats not the only bad news he received today. Cpl also blew up his president ial campaign completely by suggesting an interview with Time Magazine that democrats should nominate a white man for president in 2,020. As obviously not allowed in todays democratic party. Mr. Lawyer was previously seen as a front runner for the democratic nomination two years from now. Senator John Kennedys serves on the Democratic Committee and hes joining us tonight. If you wouldnt mind explaining to us with this criminal referral is about, on what basis you made it . They are very serious allegations. The committee is alleging that mr. Michael avenatti and ms. Julie swetnick violated title 18 of the United States code, basically conspiracy, making a false statement, obstruction of a senate committee. Basically the basis of the allegation is that Julie Swetnick and Michael Avenatti said that Julie Swetnick had personal knowledge that judge kavanaugh spiked punch with drugs and alcohol, and that judge cavanaugh fondled and raped women. Then when she gave personal interviews to the news media, she recanted most of that testimony. The Judiciary Committee interviewed ten witnesses trying to corroborate Julie Swetnicks allegations. None of them could, quite the contrary. I dont know whether ms. Julie swetnick was just a pawn or not, the fbi will find out. I dont know Michael Avenatti, based on my relationship with him through the committee, he clearly has a casual relationship with the truth. And it appears to me that he will do the right thing, but only when constantly supervised and cornered like a rat. Tucker and so what you are saying if im interpreting this correctly as there is no evidence that these ten gang rapes took place, that which Julie Swetnick said she was present for. So this will be the one case in my memory where someone actually gets punished for lying to a Congressional Committee under oath . And this is serious because we want people who are victims of Sexual Violence to come forward. But if someone comes forward and it lies about, that undermines the legitimacy of the allegations that are valid. And at one point when it was clear that there were no clock, corroborating witnesses, mr. Avenatti alleged he had a witness and would present a sworn statement but would not tell us the name of the witness. And i will tell you it was a turning point in the hearing. I think even if you ask the democrats, when mr. Avenatti entered the picture, it was clear we were getting into the foothills of the preposterous. Tucker i live there so i didnt even notice. Thank you, senator. What do private jets, country clubs and Luxury Hotels in paris have in common . They are all things that new jersey senator Robert Menendez leveraged his influence to get for free. He might lose his reelection bid as a result, and we will speak to his opponents, after the break. With uncontrolled moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, you never know how your skin will look. And it can feel like no matter what you do, youre itching all the time. But even though you see and feel your eczema on the surface of your skin, an overly sensitive immune system deep within your skin might actually be causing your eczema. So help heal your skin from within. With dupixent. Dupixent is not a steroid, and it continuously treats your eczema even when you cant see it. At 16 weeks, more than 1 in 3 patients saw clear or almost clear skin, and patients saw significant reduction in itch. Do not use if you are allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur. 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Watch out, piggy giggles get symbicort free at saveonsymbicort. Com. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. The Political Press spent so much time mindlessly exalting over the eminent blue wave like the herd animals that they are, they largely overlooked the real surprises of the cycle. There is an actually Competitive Senate race in new jersey, and thats a blue state if there ever was one. Recent polls show single digit margins democratic incumbent robert mended dez and robert hugh again. The close race isnt part part a result of menendezs behavior while in office. Court documents say specific allegations that menendez and a donor had with an underage in the Dominican Republic several years ago. He strongly contests those allegations. It is centered on favors that he performed for a donor that let him ride on his private plane, paid for Expensive Hotel rooms in paris and gave him access to a private plane and contributed generously to the campaign. Federal prosecutors then failed to convict him successfully on those charges mostly because the Supreme Court narrowed the standards for what constitutes bribery in america. Earlier today, video of menendez supporters ripping out lawn signs surfaced on the internet. Here it is. I dont live here. I dont care. Tucker ripping out lawn signs and lettering. Our rule generally is that we dont have candidates on right before elections, but this was such an amazing race, we couldnt resist talking about the race. So this race has received relatively little attention. The alleged corruption against menendez also got relatively little attention. Do you think his behavior is one of the central issues in this race . Absolutely. When we started this race tucker less than a third of new jersey had even known that he was indicted by the obama administration. When he went on the senate floor and was pontificating about when will women listen men listen t, and he goes with specific allegations in corroborating evidence, and that same belief in the department of justice materials, he said when confronted, so lying in sexual misconduct, the people of missouri deserve to know that. Tucker i edited the first story on that and he called me a racist, but, what you are saying is there arent enough democrats in the state to find his behavior abhorrent that they might vote for you or a republican. The race, the momentum is so powerful and clear, some internal polls have a slight lead, slight other polls that we have seen, and its really in the margin of error right now. The momentum is so clearly on our side, people are realizing that new jersey can actually do better. And i am a jersey guy. We were born and raised with three kids here, so momentum is so clear. People of new jersey want better and deserve better and we will give them better on november the sixth. Tucker at the state is controlled by democrats, not exclusively built largely. Are you concerned you cannot get a fair shake in the election . We believe we want all Fair Elections and we get challengers, for the first time in a long time. The republicans are challenging every precinct to make sure that we have the kind of election that americans deserve and we want as many took it out and vote as possible especially with the momentum that we have. A very significant democratic endorsement on wednesday, and tomorrow im getting a very significant spanish endorsement that previously had been in senator menendezs camp. So obviously its tremendous. We are surging at the right time, things are looking good and 12 days left to go. And we are making sure that happens. Tucker we will be watching. Pretty amazing that guy is still in the u. S. Senate. Its a disgrace. Tucker it is a disgrace, thank you. Time now for final exam. Can you beat our news experts and remembering what happened this week . Hows your shortterm memory . We will see how there is a is, the break. Hey guys. Today were here to talk about trucks. I love trucks. What the heck is that . whoa what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road . I think its the chevy. Ford. Is it ford . Nope, its not ford. I think its ram. Is it ram . Not ram. Thats a chevy its chevy thats right. From the family of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road. Gorgeous. Chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these. At afor the financialts time world to stop acting the same old way. You need a partner that is willing to break free from conventional thinking. We are a different kind of financial company. 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Im aiming it. Ohhhhhhh i ordered it for everyone. [laughing] dad vo we got the biggest subaru to help bring our family together. Im just resting my eyes. dad vo even though were generations apart. What a day. I just love those kids. avo presenting the allnew threerow subaru ascent. Wave to grandma, everybody. avo love is now bigger than ever. Tucker time now for our special political mastermind in addition of final exam. Ed henry and from the washington examiner, byron york. Ive been off most of the week so i havent followed the news. You know, i bought a lot of Christmas Gifts early. Tucker you really if you read five editions of it . There is a close call. He is trying to buy this. Tucker hands on buzzers. I asked the question and the first want to buzz and get to answer the question but you have to wait until i finish asking it before you answer. He rule, you answer and each correct answer is worth a single point and each incorrect answer detracts a point from your tota total. At first five wins. Isnt it bestoffive . Tucker you see the point. I just wanted to make sure. [laughs] tucker it was a contentious few years between donald trump and ted cruz, but the two have apparently made up. Earlier this week the president gave ted cruz to new nicknames, name one of them. Ed henry . Texas ted. Tucker is that correct . To me he is not lying to head anymore, he is beautiful ted, or i call him texas ted. Tucker nice. Both are true. President trump [laughs] question number two. There was a recordbreaking lottery drawing, a Mega Millions jackpot worth 1. 5 million. Only one person won. What state does that person live in . South carolina. Statement is South Carolina correct . Someone in South Carolina is in the money. The Mega Millions drawing late last night has produced a winne winner. Tens of millions. You have greater odds of dying by falling out of bed than winning the lottery. Tucker amazing. So when you have the special political mastermind addition, you know it will be close, and it is. 11. Question number three. A replica of the worlds most infamous Passenger Ship is due to set sail in 2,022. It will follow the same north atlantic journey from england to new york as the original shape. Whats the name of the ship . Ed henry. Titanic. Tucker not lusitania, titanic. Titanic number two will set sail in 2022. It traces the same north atlantic journey as the original, from dubai to england and onto new york. Tucker so, the judges are saying begrudgingly that you win. They said technically you missed titanic number two. I was unclear my question and therefore you are technically correct but they want to ram and they were not totally correct. They are mean. Forget it, dont buy ship of fools. Whatever. Tucker oh now the score remains 11. You said replica of what ship, so it wouldnt be a replica of titanic number two. Tucker i said what is the name of the ship. Its a do over. Tucker so they are cutting the baby. Question number four. As required by the game Show Commission of poughkeepsie, new york, we now ask our weekly animal question, multiple choice. A Popular Video on the internet shows a farm animal in ireland singing like a human. What kind of animal was it . A, a goat, b, a chicken, c, a donkey. Ed henry. C, a donkey. Tucker thats one of those questions you either know or you dont. Finally, we have a musical donkey. I was off on monday and tuesday. Tucker is that it was your weakness, turns out it was your strength. Now final question. You have an extra question . This is the final question. If you tie it, we have a tiebreaker and its a longstanding traditional tiebreaker and if you watch the show, you know the answer. There is a thief on the loose in the u. K. , caught on camera stealing a case of beer. People say the thief looks a lot like the character from the 1990s sitcom, friends. Which character was it . A, monica. B, chandler. C, ross. Ed henry. Ross. It was on the five. Tucker if you spent a lot of time watching tv. Do you recognize this accused beer thief . Some people say it looks like ross from the show friends. Tucker thats unbelievable unbelievable. I dont even watch tv. [laughs] tucker byron york and i are staring at you with jaws agape. How do you do it . Tucker so you win the eric one full commemorative mug because it reminds us of the Pivotal Moment in this years history when eric wemple of the Washington Post website came on the show and deeply enjoyed himself. Enjoy your coffee with that. Thank you to you as always. Thats it for final exam. Tune into the news each week and see if you can outwit our experts next thursday. We will be right back. Dad oh, hey guys mom on speakerphone hi son on speakerphone dad, i two goals today vo getting to a comfortable retirement doesnt have to be an uncomfortable thought. See how lincoln can help. The new lincoln mkc. Mix. 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And they feel sad about it. Ask them who is responsible and they will always point to people they disagree with politically. They will never concede that their unreasonableness for stupidity had anything to do with the culture that they so disapprove of. Are they right . Joe concho joins us tonight. So i wonder if the news media, and im happy to include myself in that, played some role in getting us to where we are, do you think . I think absolutely tucker. No doubt about it. Stephen colbert and his 17 writers must have been taking quarters of cable news. Im sure if you were in the building, im sure that you must have been horrified. Tucker i used to work there, lots of nice people ther there. Absolutely. I still have friends there as well. I was hoping it would be measured and a sober like the old cnn of aaron brown and Campbell Scott and bernard shaw. And john king has been there for a while and he said no one is blaming the president. The president now wants to make this about him. And i asked the producer to put up these to chirons, or basically the lower third of what you see there. And it sounds like a 2011, when gabby gifford, tucker, in arizona. Sarah palin was accused of that shooting because she targeted that district, targeted and people automatically assume the shooter Jared Laughlin had carried it out because sarah palin incited him too. Turns out he had no political leanings whatsoever and he was just a deranged individual. And the second, manhunt four serial bomber going after trumps targets. This is unbelievably irresponsible. We work in the least selfaware industry in the country. We look at this and say, how could you be so up to us . I thought it would be measured but instead i get these chirons pointing fingers at the president when we have no idea what is inciting the deranged lunatic sending the bombs. Tucker or there are copies of the email saying, go ahead and take out my enemies, but there arent any of those. You say this is immediate responsibility. Look at the new york times, they had a story about they talk to five fictional writers was fantasizing the president would be removed from office including an assassination by a secret service agent. The gray lady is pushing this and if they are absolutely partly responsible for the temperature of the country today. Tucker i dont want to add to that garbage, i hope the show doesnt. I really mean that. Its fair to call this the most functional moment dysfunctional moment in our lifetime. We have more on that coming up next. If you have psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla,75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. 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We will be back tomorrow night, with a show thats the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity and groupthink. Sean congrats on the success of the book. Buckle up, busy news night and lots percolating out there and we are only 12 days away from the all important midterm elections where you get to decide, where you have all the power. Does nancy pelosi become the next speaker of the house . Or, building the wall on our southern border, that Migrant Caravan is headed straight for the southern border of the u. S

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