Celebritiescentered focus of the public discourse. Maybe felt sad knowing that the dignified country you grew up in is gone for good. You can be forgiven for reaching those conclusions. Ieyo but theyre not the whole story but theyre not the whole story of what happened. Believe it or not, kanye west had genuinely interesting things this afternoon to say. Things we ought to be talking about in public but are not. Probably destroy his career for saying them, certainly will be despised by many of his former friends. Before any of that happens, lets consider what he actually said. Well go with the most offensive things first. Here they are. Ac yeah, people expect that if youre black you have to be democrat. I have, i have conversationssa i have, i have conversations i have, i have conversations welfare is the reason why a lot i have, i have conversations democrats. They say, first of all, it is a limit to a amount of jobs. The fathers lose the jobs and they say well get you more money for having more kids in your home. I think its the bravery that helps you beat the game called life. They try to scare me to not wear this hat. My own friends. Ca this hat gives me, it gives me power in a way. You know, my dad and my mom separated. So i cant have a lot of male energy in my home. You know, i love hillary, i love everyone, right . But the campaign, im with her, didnt make me feel, as a guy didnt get to see my dad all the time like a guy that could play catch with his son. Tucker she didnt make me feel like a guy who could play catch with his son. West didnt explain what he meant by that, and yet at the very same time couldnt have put it more precisely or poignantly. He grew up in a party whose policies have mathematically, systematically destroyed the american family. Especially in poor neighborhood neighborhoods. I didnt have a lot of male energy in my home. Millions of kids know what hes talking about. The Democratic Party wont acknowledge these kids or their loss. To party leaders, fathers in the home are at best irrelevant, at worst the impediment to political power. De married women tend to vote republican and they know that. When prominent democrats attack the patriarchy, theyre attacking fathers. When they wage war on toxic masculinity, theyre trying to suppress masculinity itself. Everybody knows this. Few are brave enough to say it out loud, west did and then kept going. Watch this. Ug so, one of the moves that i love that liberals try to do, the liberal would try to control a black person through the concept of racism, they know were very proud, emotional people. When i said i like trump, tomo some one thats liberal, theyll say but hes racist. You think racism could control me . Oh, that dont stop me, thats an invisible wall. Tucker you think racism can control me, its an invisible wall. Y the reporters looking on seemed stunned, even betrayed. And then just to rub it in, west went on to defend the bill of rights, watch. He what about gun violence with the debate about the Second Amendment . The problem is illegal guns, illegal guns are the problem. Not legal guns. We have the right to bear arms. Tucker what do we make of all of this . From watching you can tell that kanye west is an eccentric guy, he meanders, he talks like some one who has never had to filter his thoughts. Probably never did. Much like some one else who comes to mind, west may be precisely crazy enough to think for himself, and thats a valuable quality right now. No consultant advised him to say any of that, nobody controls him. Sometimes he doesnt control himself. But listen carefully to what he said. Sprinkled throughout the ramblings are flashes of truth. Real insights into the way the world actually is rather than the way they tell us it is. Nobody else is allowed to talk this way. Go ahead and try it at work, youll get fired. West doesnt care. That makes him dangerous to a system thats based almost entirely on piety and lying. Ro if youre benefiting from the system like that, kanye west must be crushed. The math of it, the democratic president ial candidates need to get almost the entire black vote to win a national election. Thats not easy to do. In order to do it, democrats pit americans against each other based on ethnicity. You cant support them, theyre the wrong color. You hear that all the time, thee essential democratic argument. Its destructive but for democrats it may not be working. Trumps Approval Rating with hispanic voters is 41 , larger than College Educated white voters. If anything like that happened among africanamerican voters the game would be over. So that cant happen. Kanye west must be destroyed. So the thought police swooped in almost immediately to arrest this disobedient artist and declare him incompetent. Wow. Okay, im doing this for everybody whos watching, who turned their volume down. You can put it back up again. If you think youre going to get a thoughtful playbyplay and political analysis you are not. That was an assault on our white house. A combination of stream of consciousness, i felt like i was sitting in on a psychiatric visit, and a commercial for donald trump. What i saw was a minstrel show. Him embarrassing himself and embarrassing americans but mostly africanamericans. Tucker shut up, kanye, youre crazy. A keep in mind this coming from the same people who believe Hillary Clinton is entirely well. Indeed a serious person. They hope this works, this crazy stuff, and that you believe them and in case you dont, they and in case you dont, they and in case you dont, they lemon said, who has a low k i. Q. Here was cnn tuesday night. Kanye west is what happens when negros dont read. And we have this, now, and now donald trump is going to use it and pervert it. Hes going to have somebody to stand with him and take pictures. Kanye, he put on a maga hat, attention whore like the president , hes the model spokesperson, hes the token negro of the Trump Administration . Tucker got that . He cant read because hes the n word. Thats what the liberals on a liberal cable channel are now telling you. They have no choice. They are terrified you will listen to what kanye west is saying, and thats not allowed. Jay con echols is professor of africanamerican studies, followed kanye west for years, he joins us tonight. Is it okay to say that youre the n word and you cant reads is that, i dont even know is that allowed . He didnt say that he couldnt read, he said that he doesnt read. Tucker hes dumb, hes the n word. Which ill not use. He did not call him the n word. He did. He said negro, thats an antiquated term but not the n word. Tucker if there was a meeting of black leaders with anybody and you said Something Like that which i would neverad do i sure hope not. Tucker i never would. If you did say Something Like that, youd lose your job so fast it would make your head spin. Again tucker what is this. You know whats going on. Kanye west, i dont know anything about kanye west, you do. I do. Tucker im not an expert. But i know you should be allowed to have an opinion different from the mobs opinion. Ke the group think, truly, the mob on cable news, its okay to have a different view, its all right with one guy disagrees. They use racial epithets and call him stupid and crazy . Number one, in terms of calling people stupid and crazy, thats something that the president has done several times to a lot of africanamericans. Tucker are we for that now . He essentially has done the exact same thing. Tucker i thought we were against that. Theyre attacking him on the basis of his race hes deviating from the group. But, tucker, call it out from your president. Kanye west tucker whats the president got to do with it . Don lemon don lemon, come on. Tucker is that okay . I guess thats what, i dont think its okay. When anybody does it, i dont care who color or party. My view on kanye, i have lots of sympathy and empathy, we have a lot in common. We lost our mothers around the same time. I know how thats a stabilizing force in your family. And how, i think he does suffer from some Mental Illness as he was diagnosed with bipolar, even though he tried to undiagnose himself. Tucker hold on, i thought he were what he said was incoherent. Thats what people are pointing out. Tucker i agree, but some were totally coherent. The democratic parties policies have wrecked the black family. Thats true. Thats incorrect. Completely untrue. Tucker look, theres a lot of social scientists, we can have a separate thats an actual position that people who study for the course of their life times believe, thats not a crazy perspective. A lot of people think. That im not crazy, i think that. You are not. That tucker why is it over the line when he says that . A lot of people are disappointed, i think. Tucker why . Theyre disappointed, kanye held certain position early on in his career, that he was, almost like a folk hero in the africanamerican community. Tucker i remember. Particularly in the hiphop community. Tucker he called george w. Bush racist. You are allowed to change your views. Ive changed my views on almost everything because america has changed. Dont we want that . I dont care about kanye west and i dont care about the political party, what i care is the freedom to think for ali yourself and tell the truth as you see it. He has. Tucker why are we attacking him for that . You on this show every night as you have said, i have the right to have an opinion upon people that voice their opinions. Tucker i totally agree, but were attacking this guy as crazy. And stupid, and hes like a traitor to his race because hes got a view that is different from the majority. Thats a fascist position. We should encourage people to think for themselves. No, we absolutely should. R what theyre trying to say and i think what they meant by him not reading, not that he couldnt read, but that him not reading, is that he didnt have an understanding of some of the things that he talks about. He hasnt actually read the thoughts hes trying to approve. Tucker instead of saying heres the information that welfare hasnt hurt the black family, its strengthened it. Ur no, youre crazy, you cant have an honest conversation. Even some of the things that even some of the things that even some of the things that that hadnt been in place since tucker hes not a policy expert. I dont know, its just a weird you dont get more money for having more children. Thats been phased out by bill clinton. Hes still stating it, he is not up on the issues. Tucker theres one issue, you have a famous person whos not a policy expert. But he thinks for himself. But the president brings himp in to talk policy, thats troubling. Bring in some guys who know. Tucker he brought him in to show how intolerant the left it, he succeeded. I love kanye, i want him to actually get himself together. Tucker we have to go thank you, professor. Thank you, tucker. Tucker the rage against kanye west wasnt just on television, it was all over twitter. They said kanye west is how people who benefit from the system of White Supremacy like dancing i cant read that, its crap and mean. Some one else called san . Ual said, kanye is that one black friend every white racist has its too nasty, ill go right to christopher harris, executive director of unhyphenated america. I want to be clear, ive never met kanye west, i never will. Its too mean to attack the guy because he agrees with you, on, like, that personal a basis that you are a traitor to your race . Who talks like that . The left talks like that, tucker. You look at donna brazil, one ot those nasty tweets, tweeted out that kanye west set black folk back 155 years. One individual who has an opinion thats different from the black collective is going to set black folks back into thel slavery years . Theyre expecting any moment plantations are going to pop up, all over america. But you know, if that were to happen it would be democrats trying to put is back on the plantation they owned. Tucker does it help anybody, individuals or large group of people, when you tell them you arent allowed to think for yourself, you have to take orders, anyone who has a a different thought should be punished . I mean, its hard to succeed in life if you arent having independent thoughts, isnt it . Maybe its not. Well, absolutely. Av and the left is anything, if nothing about not hypocritical. Jump out to hollywood, talk about Alyssa Milano. She talked about having a Mental Illness. Whats the difference between t Alyssa Milano and kanye west . Well, one, shes a dlist actress and kanye is a musical genius and hiphop superstar. But they both have a Mental Illness. Are we, is it okay to attack people for having a Mental Illness if they hate donald trump . I mean, is that tucker i dont know. Look, im not a shrink, i cant assess. T he seems like an eccentric guy to me, but thats not thenk poi. Shouldnt you assess what people say on their own terms, if i make a claim and you attack my family you arent addressing the claim. Thats what happens with the left. They dont have an a leg to stand on. What kanye is talking about, regardless of the color of your skin, things are better for people in america. People of different ethnicities are more frequently free than they were before. Ask yourself, what can you not do today in america as a black person that you could do when obama was president . Nothing. Iincky lf in fact, theres more black businesses starting, people, their families are strengthened people go around and talk, likes things are getting better. I want to point out one thing, did you notice that they had jim brown in there, right next to kanye west . But you notice, theyre too scared to talk about jim brown. Theyll try to go after kanye west. Tucker yeah, im just for freedom of thought, thats it. Independent of any individual. Us christopher, thank you. Nice to see you. Thank you, tucker. Tucker amazingly, were less than four week is a way from election day. We are taking a close look at the candidates and the countrys closest races. Our first such investigation is after this, stick with us. Ce will it feel like the wheend of a journey . P working, or the beginning of something even better . When you prepare for retirement with pacific life, you can create a lifelong income. So you have the freedom to keep doing whatever is most meaningful to you. A reliable income that lets you retire, without retiring from life. Thats the power of pacific. Ask your financial professional about pacific life today. Because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. Introducing the allnew lexus es. A product of mastery. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. When you rent from national. Its kind of like playing your own version of best ball. Because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if its a better car class than the one you reserved. So no matter what, youre guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] vo go national. Go like a pro. See what i did there . Tucker the Midterm Elections are in 26 days. Amazing. As we move closer to election day, we look at particular races and the candidates running in them. Tonight we want to tell you about Kyrsten Sinema running to take jeff flakes seat in arizona. T illegal immigration has been a long issue for them. Mi sinema is trying to portray herself as a moderate, someones who supports amnesty for illegal aliens and robust border security. There is growing evidence she is not a moderate. At least by american standards. In 2006 sinema declared that illegal aliens who die sneaking into the country are morally equivalent to americans dying in the iraq war. To say immigration is not a war or equal in magnitude to wary believe dishonors those who died in the country and others askine migrants. The deaths that people suffer in the mexico arizona desert are the same as the deaths that people suffer in the iraq desert. They are needless, senseless deaths. Thats not a mainstream position even now in the middle of the revolution were going through. Three years after she said that, sinema described it this way, i oppose all immigration laws. If you think that foreigners breaking your countrys laws are every bit as good as the citizens dieing to defend them, its possible you may have a problem with your own people, your own countrymen, the citizens of your nation. Sinema seems to have a problem with them, here she is in 2011. People go into arizona and say theyre super crazy. It is something in the water . The water is fine, its from colorado. [laughing]ng theres nothing wrong with the water. They just, theyre called republicans. Tucker charlie herd is the opinion editor at washington times, very smart man, joins us tonight. Charlie, things have changed so much that this is not disqualifying saying that the deaths of illegal aliens in the desert trying to break our laws are morally equivalent to the soldiers fighting in iraq. Three years ago it would have been over. Does this hurt her, do you think . I certainly hope it does. You raise a good point. In what weve seen, you know, everybody talks about this, what the tea party has done to the republic can party. I think there was healthy stuff, forcing republicans to get back to some of their principles. But my goodness, what were seeing happen to the Democratic Party, once legitimate party that we relied on to keep the republicans honest, or the supposedly conservative party honest. And to challenge them. Theyre getting dragged so far out of the left off the cliff,to that i dont know, that certainly would not hurt her in a democratic primary in any way whatsoever. I do think that it might hurt her in and election. I mean, a lot of what she said there, its kind of hard not to conclude that she hates america and if you hate our borders and you hate our laws enforcing our borders, then you kind of by definition hate america. And that seems to be the campaign shes runningha on. And then especially, if you think about, running against somebody like martha mcsally, at the least served her country. Tucker career military officer. Whos made a joke of the fact that sinema brag about having 100 pair of shoes, and mcsalley brags about 100 combat misses. Whether you agree with the foreign wars or not, and i have a problem with them, i think the idea that you compare the sacrifices that our men and women made following the orderss of the military, to illegals crossing the border, and dying trying to break our laws and get into the country, is astonishing. Tucker shows you how much arizona has changed because of immigration that she has this. H charlie herd, thank you, hope you come back. Battle over Brett Kavanaugh is over but the left hasnt moved on. The view, the tv show that abc nops on the air, says that proof is needed to call kavanaugh a racist. This is the opinion of their inhouse lawyer. Plus, opposing all immigration laws will not encare to you normal people. Kyrsten sinema seeps to be prowled of it, puts her in step with the consensus of washington, d. C. Subject of a brand new book ship of fools you can buy pretty much anywhere. C well be right back. At afor the financialts time world to stop acting the same old way. You need a partner that is willing to break free from conventional thinking. We are a different kind of financial company. We are athene, and we are driven to do more. A new way to save on travel. Now when you book a flight you unlock discounts on select hotels that you can add on to your trip up until the day you leave. Add on advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Tucker Brett Kavanaugh sworn tucker Brett Kavanaugh sworn in, ensconced in the supreme court. But the left anger is not close to ending. Pretty soon it will be so bad we will need a new committee to investigate it. Today on the view someone identified as a legal analyst said when it comes to sexualin assault, due process plays no role. Watchn this. After 40 years we finally changed the law. We finally said a womans word is enough. Ive taken many cases to trial with just a womans word. [applause] every single woman needs to be heard. More often than not women are correct. But, sonny, you are insinuating that evidence doesnt matter. As a lawyer, evidence should always matter. Testimony is evidence. You dont need corroborating evidence. You dont need a rape kit. You dont need witnesses because oftentimes theres no witnesses during rape. When youre talking about evidence, testimonial evidence tucker Allen Dershowitz spent decades teaching at harvard law school, he knows about due process, author of the book the case against impeaching trump and joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on, professor. Thank you. Tucker you heard specific legal claim that it is now the law in the United States that, and im quoting, a womans word is enough. Thats it. Is that true . Technically it is true, the law was changed some years ago, and i think it was a good change, that you dont need corroboration to make a case. So that if a woman, who was raped, immediately goes to the hospital, gets a rape kit, identifies her assailant, knew her assailant, her word would be enough. If its 35 years old, the main witness said no she wasnt there, if there are inconsistencies in the story, obviously, the testimony of the woman, though technically sufficient, would not be enough to convince any reasonable fact finder beyond a reasonable doubt. Think of the case today, Harvey Weinstein, i consulted briefly on one of the email issues in that case, had the main accusers, accusation against him dismissed today. Evidence came out that a detective suppressed that the main accuser told a friend that she had willingly and voluntarily engaged in oral sex with Harvey Weinstein to be cast in a role, having presumably testified under oath that he forced her to have sex. Women do lie. They lie for economic reasons. I agree that most women tell the truth but most isnt enough to convict somebody. You need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Technically, sonny is a good lawyer, she is correct. But if you have elements that cast doubt on the word of the woman, then corroboration certainly helps strengthen the case. Tucker so youre allowed to doubt a womans word, thats still legal. Is this a sexselective question . T is it do we believe women more than we believe men . First of all not only are you allowed, but if youre on a jury you are obliged to presume the innocence of the defendant which means you cannot presume that the witness is telling the truth. You have to look at the totality of the circumstances. Look, we know, weve seen case after case where women have told the truth, and have been assaulted, and men have gotten away with it. But we have seen case after case where women for their own reasons lied, the virginia case, the case other cases. Case after case. And so, we dont start with the presumption that theres a genetically linked characteristic tucker oh, good, we were getting pretty you were making me nervous. Thanks for clarifying that. I appreciate it. Tucker thank you. In a case of peak irony, the Obama Administration had a secret plan of attack in 2016 if donald trump refused to accept the election results. They were worried he wouldnt accept the election results. Of course the left still doesnt accept the election results. Theyre having to accept a lot of uncomfortable truths about their leadership. Theres a book about this, well be right back. L theres a book about this, well be right back. 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Tucker a report from new York Magazine reveals that the Obama Administration had a secret plan in place prior to the 2016 election. Yo r they feared that president trump, if he lost, would not accept the results of that election. So the administration plotted with several republicans to, quote, validate the results and ensure an orderly transition of power. They also had another plan in case thencandidate trump disputed the results. They were going to whip out members of the socalled Intelligence Community to claim that russia weighed in on his behalf and make his claims to victory seem less legitimate. Of course in the end he won. But they kept telling that story anyway. Russia, russia, russia. The point is theyve been planning for that for a long time. Us mark steyn joins to us assess what this means. Great to see you. How you doing . Tucker the Trump Campaign wasnt legitimate, putin wasas running it. This was the story line that was already, like, ready to go before anyone voted. Yes, i think what theyre trying to do here, tucker, is to reverse engineer an explanation as to why the governing party was investigating its political opponent. E which is of course classic p Banana Republic stuff. Op the russia collusion stuff was baked into the pie back in 2016. It isnt going anywhere. So theyve now added this new wrinkle to it, which is that they were fearful that trump, as the big loser would not accept the results of the election. In fact, i think this is nonsense. They werent worried about trump losing, they were worried about him winning. The point is, theyre trying toi construct a narrative that explains why the ruling party were investigating the opposition. Tucker but what would that have looked like . Ti how radical would trump have got if he had lost, would he have, say, written a book blaming everyone else but himself . En would he have traveled the country for two years giving speeches, again, calling everyone who was against him a racist and calling the country stupid . Would he have gone that far . . Yes, i think he would have worn illfitting pantsuits and gone on a tour of montreal, toronto, and oxford university. Because thats what thats what losing candidates seem to do. In fact, you know, the people who do complain about losing the election are democrats. If you recall, in 2000, al gore, late at night, called up george w. Bush and said he was asking for a recount. And bush said, you mean youre retracting your concession . And al gore famously replied theres no need to get snippy. Democrats are the ones who have actually contested the results of the election. Theres not a lot of evidence that donald trump was doing that. He was just having a joke, as is his wont. Whats disturbing to me, this is another sign of totalitarian society, when trump makes an obvious joke like, hey, vladimir putin, if youre watching maybe you could cough up those emails of hillarys youve got. When he makes an obvious joke, intelligence agencies then say, we need to investigate trumps joke. Thats actually what they did behind the iron curtain and its a bit disturbing that its now happening on this side of the iron curtain. Tucker whatever they are accusing you of doing is exactly what theyre doing themselves. That turns out to be the one true rule about behavior. Mark steyn, always great to see you, thank you for explaining that. T thanks, tucker. Tucker oh, final exam, up ahead can you beat our experts at remembering what happened last week . Ex one of the great pairings of all time, after the break. , after t. This is actually under your budget. Its great. Mmhmm. Yeah, and when you move in, geico could help you save on renters insurance man 1 behind wall yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too um. The walls seem a bit thin. Man 2 behind wall they are and craig practices the accordion every night says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. Im a very shy singer. Youre tone deaf ehh. Should we move on to the next one . Its a great building youll love it here we have mixers every thursday. Geico®. Its easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance. [ beep ] first man is the best were going to the moon. Neil armstrong. Buzz aldrin. That is a big mother. Its gonna be a hell of a ride. [ dramatic music playing ] we got a bad fire. Theres no easy way to say this. Theyre gone, neil. We need you to be commander. We need to fail down here so we dont fail up there. What are the chances this is the last time the boys are gonna see you . 5. 4. 3. 2. First man. Rated pg13. Tucker y the musical tucker you have waited all week. Time for final exam, where the best informed people in the News Business sit across from one another at a set to determine who is the best informed person in the News Business. This weeks contestants, Kristin Fisher and the host of special report, bret baier. Now, you know, you never miss an episode, you know the rules. For viewers just tuning in ill repeat them. Buzzers, i ask the question, the first one to buzz in gets to answer the question. Must wait until i finish asking the question to answer it. Can you answer once i acknowledge you by saying your name. Each correct answer worth one point, every incorrect detracts a point, best of five wins. Makes sense. Were ready. Tucker good luck. The art world was stunned this week when a painting by the graffiti artist was sold at auction. Something odd happened, once the gavel came down, what was it . [buzzer] tucker bret baier. No one bid. Tucker no one bid. Did no one bid on the famous graffiti artist banksy . O to the tape. [applause] [beeping] [excited talking] this work of art has been shredded, they say it adds about 50 to the value. That is quite a brilliant thing. Tucker that is a prank. But all right. Question two. That says something good about both of you, you arent watching art auctions during the day. D you have work to do. A multiple choice question. Singer taylor swift has become political as you know, urging her fans to vote against Tennessee Republican Marcia Blackburn next month. The president responded by saying of swift, one of three things. Was it, a, taylor swift is overrated. Ann b, i like her music less now. Or, c, lock her up. [buzzer] b. He likes it 25 less. Tucker i thought it was lock her up. To the tape. Marcia blackburn is doing a good job in tennessee, im sure taylor swift has nothing or doesnt know anything about her. And lets say that i like taylors music about 25 less now. Tucker all right. Good effort. Watching all of this tape finally sunk in. Tucker roughly 25 less. Question three, also taken from the world of pop culture, kanye west under fire today, foro showing all of america his iphones pass code on live television. He met with the president in the white house, kanye took out his phone and hit the same number 6 times to unlock it. What very unsecure number was it . [buzzer] bret baier. Zero. No, i dont know how many zerosd i think it was 000000. Tucker all zeros. Yes. Tucker was it all zeros . What we want to start with,uc is, i brought wow. Not exactly secure. Tucker the judges say thats enough zeros. We might be looking at the comeback story of the week. One to zero. You are back to stasis. G. Goose egg. Tucker which former american president will come to life in the form of a 3d hologram in washington . Kristin. Reagan. Tucker reagan . Reagan. Tucker a hologram at his library. Every four years almost every republican president ial hopeful invokes the spirit of president reagan. Ve now at his library, that spirit has become a virtual reality. Three holograms of president reagan will make their first appearance. [laughter] im not sure this connected. You should have holograms in here. Take more time off. Tucker lets get that in our contract. Have a friday off. Tucker final question, this one also multiple choice, frontier airlines, kicked off an orlando woman from one of its flights after she boarded the mane with a prohibited animal. This multiple choice. What kind of animal was it . Was it, a, a python no, no, no ten yards and the ball. Tucker kristin loses a point, it goes to brett. I could get the right answer. Tucker you could tie it up then weou need a tiebreaker. The questions are horribly unfair. Tucker those are the rules, like the electoral college, its in the constitution, you cant change it. Brett, did she refuse to fly without, a, a python, b, a squirrel, or, c, a raccoon . [buzzer] a squirrel. Tucker was it a squirrel . A woman was kicked off a flight after bringing an emotional support squirrel on to the plane. Frontier airlines only allows dogs or cats. This is unusual. Emotional support squirrel. [laughter] tucker i said it was multiple choice. I know, i know. I got excited. Tucker we have to go to the tiebreaker. We have the same tiebreaking question,o okay . If youve watched the show before, you know it. I dont. Tucker yes you do. Heres the tiebreaker. What is the capital of burkina faosso . The african nation. This is the question . Tucker has anybody gotten it . Tucker no. I dont know. Tucker it is wagadudu. I was going to say that. Tucker in this rare instance, never before seen wait, we have one more question. What is the capital of madagasar . Madagasar, the capital. Tucker yes. Can you google that . I have two thoughts. Tucker our judges are saying no reasonably informed person should have to know either one of those answers. For the first time in the history of the show we have a split decision, we have an actual tie, in which both of you get a medal, both of you claim the victory, both of you go home proud. This is quite the millennial. Tucker we only have one mug, but this requires at some point in the next 12 months you have to come back for a rematch. We will. Well share a cup of coffee. Look at this. Tucker our News Division is so good they cant even beat each other. So good we dont know the capital of madagasar. Tucker thats it for final exam. Tune in every thursday to see if you can top the experts. Not likely but you can try. Well be right back. Why bother mastering something . Because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. Introducing the allnew lexus es. A product of mastery. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. A product of mastery. 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The new motion passed unanimously by the city of los angeles requires all contractors of the city to disclose publicly any ties to a the nra. The message is very clear, we control what you think. Even bierman is a radio show host and state of california. He joins us tonight. Ethan, are you now or have you ever been a member of the nra . E have you ever had contact with anyone who has knowingly or unknowingly . Before we proceed. I have not been a member and i know lots of people who are members of the nra. I tucker okay. That shouldnt be allowed. They shouldnt be able to do business with the city of los angeles, which collects tax money from everybody. But only people who conform to certain ideological standards should be able to do business with los angeles, you agree, right . I just disclosed mine, i should be able to get a contract with the city. Thats all they require is disclosure, in light of the fact that the Trump Administration issued the rule excuse me, pushed the irs the new rule that says dark money is great. I would think, tucker, you would be behind exposing dark money so we know who is contributing. S tucker no, this is a voluntary association. So, for example, i took rifle certification in summer camp about 1978 in the state of california. Me would that disqualify me . No. Me as long as you disclose it. Thats all the city of los angeles is asking. This is a big issue. We have gun crime problems in the United States. Obviously, you have talked about it y on your show. And the city of los angeles is trying to address this. We, in california, are finding that the nra is doing things like blocking universal background checks, fighting against it. We see that as a reasonable step. This is a way of putting political pressure, no question about it, on groups like the nra. Tucker a way of suppressing free speech and punishing free association. Could we apply the same rules to the aclu . Pr they have argued on behalf of criminals for hundreds of years, you could make the case theys have increased the amount of Violent Crime in the country, have you ever given money to the aclu . If you have, we are punishing you. Is that a fair standard . If you are being punished, its different. All they are asking for is disclosure. Tucker how about mandatory ntdisclosure . You give money to planned parenthood . They literally kill people, leading cause much death in america is planned parenthood. Mandatory disclosure, if you have given money to planned parenthood, is that fair . This becomes fair game. The city of wherever, it does. Youre making a logical point, which is, you require but cities have a long record of this. They do things like, if you want to have a contract with us, 50 of the labor is going to be union labor. Tucker i get it. Of can you do a lot of stuff. You can make everyone wear a viking hat or stand on one foot or whatever. Should you, thats the question should you do this . Yes, i think in the case of los angeles, and the state of california, takes a very different view, regarding firearm laws. We have somebody who is about to become governor who has taken a strong stance here, gavin newsom, on these topics. The city of los angeles has beet very frustrated. The City Attorney has fought l hard to find where these guns are coming from. Tucker anyone who supports the nra, supports the Second Amendment, is punished . Sincerely answer my question,s you dont see that as a precedent thats scary . S almost mccarthyite . T everything you hate . I dont. I think were asking people to disclose who theyre donating money to. To your point, thats fair game. Fair game is i cant wait to talk to you tomorrow on my showi tucker. Tucker i cant wait. When we did with communists, it was the end of the world. It was wrong, by the way. Great to see you, talk to you tomorrow. Thank, tucker. Tucker thank you again, ship of fools number one on the New York Times bestseller list, you did that, we had nothing to do with that. Just want to say one more time with great and complete sincerity, that this show wouldnt exist and this book wouldnt be succeeding without your support. Thank you very much. For that we appreciate it. Were going to be back tomorrow night, and every weeknight, going forward, because we are the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. If you think pomposity, smugness, groupthink, and lying arent omnipresent,yi watch the news. Well see you tomorrow. Sean hannitys live from new york next. Sean number one New York Times list, congratulations, were happy for you. Tucker thank you. Sean we dont get to do this without the people in this audience. The greatest audience in all of television. Tucker that is for sure. I agree with that. Sean congratulations we are proud of you. Its a great accomplishment. Tucker dada thank you. Sean buckle up. In 26 days, we havet Midterm Elections. The countrys fate, not to put pressure on you, its all in your hands. I have been telling you for months, the single most important Midterm Election in our lifetime. Democrats, destroy trump media, they have no shame. Theyre not backing down. Eric holder trying to walk back his kick em w

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