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A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of Political Correctness in Campus Craziness and. We have tremendous respect for china, the energy and the genius, its incredible what theyve done. But we cant do it, it has to be a twoway street. We only have one way streets not only was china but everybody. Our enemies, our friends, our allies. Our allies treat us worse than our enemies. Its all changing and when we get those trade deals done properly, sir, can you get this done immediately . He its got to take time, its like its got to just state. Like when you are cooking a turkey. Thanks giving my mother would say, eight hours. I said, eight hours . She made the greatest turkey ive ever had. It takes time. So they run and they say, can you do nato right now . Can you sign it next week . And i said look. I like mexico, and i like the new leader. I think hes going to be terrific. A little different than us, and i think im doing better with him than with the capitalists. He knows that mexico needs the united states. They need the united states. Canada charges us close to 300 tariffs which is essentially saying we dont want your dairy products. They have a wall called an economic wall. I mean justin, justin trudeau, nice guy. But theyve taken advantage of us for so many years that we have to take our time. With that being said, we are doing very well. We are on our way with a good deal. Fair with mexico. And when china makes a car, they sell it into the united states. And they sell it into china and there is a 25 tariff, and thats just the beginning. There are others. A man was driving down a street in china and he looked over, and it was a chevrolet like camaro. Does that make sense . Hes in beijing. And tell me, how much did that car cost in china . That guy looks 119,000. You understand, thats all taxes and more taxes. We cant do that anymore. We are a country with unbelievable potential. We are a country that has been ripped off by anybody and we are not going to be ripped off anymore. And if it takes me a little angst to tell senators and congressmen and all of the people that really do have their heart in their hands, and sometimes i dont know where people are coming from with their suggestions, it will take that time. With that being said we are moving so fast that i cant even believe it. And we are not going to let them rob us anymore. Every day we are keeping our promises, canceling obamas illegal anticoal destroying regulations. The socalled clean power plan. Doesnt that sound nice . Clean power. You know when i ended the paris accord, whats a more beautiful name than the paris accord . Lets call it the West Virginia accord. That was going to cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Hundreds of billions. In other countries as an example, china, didnt kick in until many years in the future. And we all agree, we all want a clean environment. And i want Crystal Clean water and we got it. Weve got the cleanest country in the planet right now. There is nobody cleaner than us and its Getting Better and better. Its part of our companies, our states and our jobs. Just today, that helps our coalfired power plants and saves consumers, you, me, everybody, billions and billions of dollars. We have eliminated a Record Number of job killing regulations and republicans have passed and reforms. And nobody knows what that means, that could be a tax increase. And they looked at me and they said, we dont know. , they had the 2018 tax reform. Are you going to raise taxes . And tax reform, i said nobody knows what it means. But they said nobody knows what it means. I want to put it down, tax cuts. They said what would be your favorite name, mr. President . And i said, the tax cut cut cut bill. And we almost did it, and in this case congressman, a couple of them are a little bit tacky, and we have done great reform. And you people are benefiting. Companies are benefiting and those companies are the ones that are providing all of the jobs and setting records on jobs. We are protecting also so important for West Virginia and a lot of states, and we are protecting religious liberty. We are also standing up to social media censorship, thats the new thing. Id rather have fake news then have anybody including liberal socialists, anything, then have anybody stopped and sensitive. We have to live with it. Everyone of us is sort of like a newspaper. You have twitter, or whatever you have, you have facebook. But you cant pick one person and say, we dont like what hes been saying, hes out. So we will live with fake news. I hate to say it but we have no choice because thats by far the better alternative. You can turn around, it could be them next. We could be the right of americans to speak their minds. We want to give critically ill patients access. We want the right to try. Do you know what the right to try is . For 40 years, they couldnt get it. The patients are terminally ill. They are very sick. I know people, if they have money they travel all over the world to try to find the cure and if they dont have money, they died. We have the greatest scientists in the world which is why china and so many other people are trying to steal our technology. We cant let that happen. And they want to be able to give its like hope. Its the right to try. If that person is terminally ill, we have a great new drug but it will take two or three years to have it approved. Maybe longer. But the tests are really looking good. This prison is very sick and this person is going to be dead, in 90 days. We couldnt get that drug for that person, no matter who you will. And the Insurance Companies have had problems, the medical companies, everybody. I said Whats Going On . We are going to take the right to try and we went through with the help of corey, with the help of your great and wonderful you are a cold lover, arent you, shelley . Soon to be with the help of patrick. Patricks going to a lot of things. We got it approved. So now if we have a great drug that hasnt been approved and somebody has a certain illness, they will be able to try. And you know what, some of its drugs that we have in the pipeline are amazing, and its going to give them hope. We have just secured 6 billion to fight the opioid epidemic, and i know in West Virginia thats a big deal. We confirmed a Record Number of Circuit Court judges, its a record a growing bigger and bigger. We have a lot of them in the line if sumer would ever get them approved. Hes not exactly thrilled about approving them. And, as i just said, how do you vote against him . The democrats may find a way. We secured a record 700 billion for our military this year and 716 billion. Billion, with a b. Our military will be stronger and bigger and better and more sophisticated than it has ever been. And you dont get a lot of good fighters out here. The stronger your military, the better chance you have of never having to use it. We dont want to use it. And all of that equipment is being built here in the usa. We make the biggest ships in the world, we make the greatest ships and rockets. And, the space force. Thats very exciting. Thats the new frontier and im not just talking about sending rockets to the moon, im talking about militarily, thats where its at. Thanks to the leadership of u. N. Ambassador nikki haley, we have reduced the United Nations spending by 1. 3 billion saving u. S. Taxes, 350 million just came out but nobody wants to write that. We just passed the landmark va accountability. We say we are fired, get the heck out. 45 years. 45 years they are trying to pass. They also pass veterans choice, they have a right to see a private doctor. They dont have to wait in line for three weeks, four weeks, eight weeks or two months. I withdrew the united states, from the horrible Iranian Nuclear deal. And this month we reimpose some sanctions on Irans Nuclear program, and i also recognized the capital of israel and opened the american embassy. And i understand now, what happened . They said it, we are going to do it. We are going to move our embassy to jerusalem, it will be the capital of israel and we are going to do it. And then, they dont do it. Politicians dont do it. So i said im going to do it during the campaign. I said i will do it right here in West Virginia. And i now understand why many, many president s before me said they were going to do it and didnt do it. Because i was inundated with calls from foreign leaders, every country. Dont do it, dont do it, please dont do it. So actually what i did, i was about five days off. I stopped taking calls and i said, i will return your call next week. Because i knew that what they were going to ask me. So, i approved it. So i should have done that years ago. And with the palestinians, it was a good thing to be done. Every time there was peace talk talks, they never got past. In the Negotiation Israel will have to pay a higher price because they want a very big thing but i took it off the table. They could never get by. You understand that, corey. You both understand that, shelley. They could never get past the fact of jerusalem becoming the capital. Now its off the table. Theres nothing to negotiate. But, its their term next, lets see what happens. Ive always heard thats the toughest steel of all deals, its called peace between israel and the palestinians. And instead of paula apologizing for america, we are standing up for america and we are standing up for those that defend our country we must elect more republicans, we must elect Patrick Morrissey. We need him. We need patrick. So get your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, get the people that love our country and get out to vote. We need this energy. Loyal citizens like you, returning power to where it belongs to the american people. This great state, they were settled by pioneer men and pioneer women, who tamed the wilderness to build a better life for themselves and for their incredible american families. They didnt have a lot of money, they didnt have a lot of luck, but they had to grit and they had a faith and they loved each other. And i will tell you what, they were smart. We are the smart ones. Remember. I say it all the time, you hear the elite. They are not elite, we are elite. You have more money and have better jobs than they do, eat they are the elite. So let them have the word, elit elite. I always say, the elite decided not to go to something im doing. Right, the elite. Well, i have more money than they do. I have a much better education than they have. And i have many much more Beautiful Homes then they do. I have a better apartment at the top of fifth avenue. Why are they the elite . Because you are the elite. Arent you insulted when they say, the elite . To me, and the consulted. Your people and the people that preceded you in West Virginia where the carpenters and the coal miners, the ministers, the farmers of the factory workers. They all have one thing in common. They love their family, they love their country and they love their god. [cheers and applause] we stand on the shoulders of generations of America On Patriots who knew how to fight and it knew how win. We are winning again. Just like then, we will keep on finding and keep on winning and we are going to win for our continued freedom. I joked that i will have Patrick Morrissey coming to me soon. It will be your senator, and he will say mr. President , the people of West Virginia Cant Stand Winning so much. They havent won in decades and now you are winning with coal and when with everything. Hes going to say, patrick, hes going to say, mr. President , please. They dont want to win so much, they cant stand it. Please, you are winning too much for West Virginia. While i dont care what the people of West Virginia want to, we are going to keep on winning, because i believe thats what they want. Thats what they want. Because the people of West Virginia never give up, and they never backed down. Because we are american, and are hearts bleed at red, and blue. We are one family and one nation under glorious god. And we will make America Wealthy again. Thats happening a lot faster than the fake news ever said it could happen. We will make America Strong again. We will make america safe again, and we will make America Great again. Thank you West Virginia, thank you. Tucker you cant always get what you want, the Signature Ending to a president ial rally. Tammy bruce has been watching the speech in West Virginia and the events of today and she joins us tonight with a recap. Tammy, tell me what you thought of the president s remarks in light of everything that happened in the news. While he was on his game frankly more than ive ever seen him. He clearly loves what he is doing still. He had a message he wanted to impart, and he did so. I never realized his outgoing theme song was a message to the elite, but apparently days at this point. They are not getting what they want. This was an unflappable man. There was a lot of news today, but some of it wasnt necessarily surprising. Its been baked into what weve been watching for the last year or year and a half. So its not surprising in the president of course signaled his approach when he was going to this rally, reiterating his feeling about the mueller investigation, that nothing that happened today was about the Special Counsel and the socalled russian collusion. His team today today at this rally was a reminder of what he has accomplished for them and, more than that being in a state with people that the democrats took for granted. That Democratic Administration effectively abandoned, that hillary and obama wanted to destroy and change by getting rid of coal. He reminded them that hes with them, hes a part of them and they are with him. So this is what you will see leading up to the midterms. An optimistic man remaining confident. He mentioned the Mollie Tibbetts murder, but obviously it so early at this point, not going into the details there but making it very clear with what it also is leading up to the midterms, the red wave means safety and strength. The blue wave would mean open borders and crime. So thats the message you are going to be hearing leading into the midterms and the one i think that resonates. I think i was however surprised to learn that Michael Cohen was taking commission for saving a broken bag, and apparently its extremely expensive and he made 30 grand apparently brokering the deal and didnt pay taxes on it. I found that kind of amusing. Even the elitist products, they might come back to bite you. Its a message from the lord. Thanks for having me. This is a a fox news alert. As i mentioned Paul Manafort was found guilty on eight counts of financial evasion. Michael cohen pled guilty to criminal charges of his own and a lot happened. The Michael Cohen case could prove to be more damaging to the president legally and politically because he was directly implicated. Far cry from the Paul Manafort case. The former Trump Campaign chair found guilty on five counts of filing false income tax returns, one count failing to file a report of a foreign bank account into charges of bank fraud. The jury could not reach a verdict on ten other counts and prosecutors have until the end of the month to decide on a possible retrial. It is also the possibility that Paul Manafort will be pardoned by the president. And, there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president and the governments charges against mr. Cohen. His actions reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty over a significant period of time but, cohens plea deal indicates he broke the law. But between the 43 and 63 and Campaign Finance charges that have been mentioned, including two women that alleged affairs with the president that he vehemently denies. Remember, no Campaign Finance law was broken in this plea deal contradicts that statement and raises questions about whether the president or anyone else from the campaign will be implicated. Tucker at its core, a confusing story, really. They retired harvard law professor, he joins us now to help sort this out. The Paul Manafort story seems pretty cut and dry, hes convicted of tax evasion and most people think he did it. But cohen, part of this guilty plea includes money that he moved and thats a very common scenario. You see a lot of that in the past, is that illegal . How is that a crime . That in itself is not a crime end of the president had paid it directly it would not be a crime. The allegation here is it was cohen who paid it and made a Campaign Contribution which he didnt report, at the direction of the president. Some stations are already playing the Funeral Music for president trump, but this is much more complicated and much more nuanced. First of all the crime itself is very, very vague. They try to put edwards, the former president ial candidate on trial and of course got an acquittal. But second, it really depends completely on the credibility of cohen. Remember as judge ellis said it, when they squeeze people like manafort or cohen, they squeeze them not only to sing but sometimes to compose and they embellish the story. They did pay the money, and all he has to do then is say, and the president directed me to do it. Thats a kind of embellishment the people put on a story when they want to avoid dying in prison. You can die in prison, or give me a story that i can use to go and get the president. The risk of that happening is what judge ellis talked about, and we may see that at work here. So we are a long way from tolling the bells for this administration. Its a bad day, its a negative day but not a fatal one. Tucker but im so confused, if somebody comes to you and says, if someone says give me money or i will humiliate you in public, and you do give that person money, thats a Campaign Donation . Not if you make it yourself. But if somebody else pays the money in order to influence the outcome of the election, that it is technically perhaps a violation of the Election Laws. And they never tried them again. But again, a violation of Election Laws are regarded as kind of jaywalking in the realm of things about elections. And there are so many of them. Every administration violates the Election Laws, every candidate violates the Election Laws when they run for president. Usually they pay a fine or Something Like that happens. Here they are trying to elevate this in an Impeachable Offense or a felony against the president. They may name the president as an unindicted coconspirator, they did that with nixon. Even back then i complained about that because naming somebody because they have no opportunity to defend himself or herself and yet that may happen. This is the beginning of a story that will unravel over time but its not nearly as deadly lethal as some have portrayed it as being. Tucker is certainly confusing. Thank you for explaining that. President trump you heard about today the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from mexico. And you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman. That should have never happened. He legally in our country. We have not had a huge impact but the laws are so bad and Immigration Laws are such a disgrace. Tucker that was a president moments ago. For the last month, i ones have searched and prayed for a missing College Student called Mollie Tibbetts. Today tragically, her body was discovered. The suspect is an illegal immigrant who led them to the body in a cornfield. National Correspondent Matt Finn is in iowa tonight with details. Tucker, Mollie Tibbetts body was found in a cornfield not far from where im standing and 24yearold Christian Rivera has been charged with firstdegree murder in the death of 20yearold to Mollie Tibbetts. Police say rivera has been in the country illegally and tonight we are learning more about his background. So far we have learned that i. C. E. Has placed a retainer on rivera and say that he is here from mexico. It is one of the lead investigators giving us more details on Christian Rivera. We have confirmed with Homeland Security investigations that he is an illegal alien, and we believe he has been in this area for a 47 years. Investigators say that rivera confessed that on july 18, the day that she went missing, he approached her and followed her while she was jogging. She spotted him and said, leave me alone, im going to call police and took out her cell phone. Rivera told police he continued to follow her and then blacked out and doesnt remember what happened after that. He came to in a rural area not far from here. Authority saved this morning rivera led them to a remote location about 13 miles from her hometown, and that is where they found what they believe is the body of Mollie Tibbetts. It was a Surveillance Video that was submitted to them that showed Mollie Jogging and then, rivera is a black vehicle. Police say that he did see mollie prior to the day that he allegedly murdered her. Its not clear how often he saw her but police will also clarify in the coming days whether he may have been stalking her. Mollie tibbetts was set to return to the University Of Iowa is a sophomore this year and her father, rob tibbets was on the ground here for 30 days pleading for information leading to the arrest or conviction of anyone involved in the disappearance of his daughter. He even went to the Iowa State Fair to hand out flyers, begging for information. After 30 plus days he has now learned that his daughter has been found, dead. Tucker . Tucker thank you. As with the kate steinle case, it looks like a Young American might still be alive if the country were willing to simply enforce its own federal laws. Luis miranda is joining us tonight. So, the line where the rest of us are kind of forced to accept is, all immigrants are great people, better than us in fact. And if we suspect otherwise, we are bad people. If we point to evidence proving otherwise than we are flat out bigots and we should be quiet. Why dont americans have a right to police their own borders and say, if you are not here legally, you have to leave now . Im glad that you are giving us the opportunity to have this discussion because democrats, lukens, immigrants and dependents, all alike, we can agree that these heinous crimes have no place regardless of who does them. Just this week we found out that a white man in denver killed his wife and two beautiful young daughters. Also tragic, just as this young woman in iowa whose death is a huge tragedy. Tucker luis, i didnt say anything about this mans race, the story is not about race. Dont make it about race, stop that. I was saying this is about nationality and citizenship, this man had no right to be here. Thats the difference. In the first place, he didnt have a right to be here in the first place. He should not have been here, his presence violated federal law. You and your party tell us that we are racist for wanting to enforce our laws, but it has everything to do with whether we think laws are real. We both agreed that the Immigration System is badly broken, horribly broken. And people who dont have a way of fixing that have oftentimes been republicans. Tucker no you dont, this is just spin. Why dont we as american citizens, you, me, our neighbors, everyone, everyone who was an american have a right to say, if you dont have a right to be here, when did we lose that right . People who you own big corporations who are inviting these people to come work oftentimes have depressed wages. And that is recovery and reconstruction after katrina. Tucker two hands the africanamerican Unemployment Rate in new orleans it remains very high. They didnt help The Americans who needed the help. I agreed to his eternal shame. Thats one of the main things to be ashamed of. But i have a simple question. You must verify the legal status of your employees, and if you cant, you cant employ them. One of the things that we tried to do under the Immigration Bill tucker universal everify. Because democrats are totally against it now. Totally. They take money from these employers that included it and it included border security, it included verification. Tucker but thats not true true . Democrats right now ask members the 40 odd democrats in the senate, are you universally verified . If you cant prove that your employees are legally in this country, then you cant employ them. Im sorry, its 2018. We added Border Patrol agents. How do you use your resources, and the problem that i have right now is we have Immigration Agents shaking down moms taking their kids to school instead of looking for real criminals be one here was a real criminal, and that if we eliminate i. C. E. As democrats are calling for then how do we police our Immigration Laws . We cant. You represent a party that would like to eliminate immigration enforcement. It turns into this kind of debate that takes away from the reality, that we need a safe and secure border. We need someone who is actually stopping the flow of illegal guns and drugs north and bulk cash south. The one im sorry, this is disingenuous. The country is flooded with heroin from mexico. We are both in agreement on that. But when you politicize it, and tucker you are not telling the truth. Okay, thank you, i appreciate i it. The left is already hyping up its base for the 2020 election, but could their priorities be hurting them in the upcoming midterm . The great dana perino joins us next. Ca and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Where were changing withs . Contemporary makeovers. Then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. Who has the upper hand now . Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com. I got it. I gotcha baby. vo its being there when youre needed most. Hes the one. vo love is knowing. It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. vo love is why we built a car you can trust for a long time. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. Right now, get 0 Apr Financing on the 2018 Subaru Impreza. Tucker democrats are pretty spun up that the party is getting its base ready for 2,020 and on almost every issue, they seem to be moving well to the left of the general public. Abolish eyes, medicare for all, bashing people for their skin color. Its getting pretty hardcore. But, how will it help them if at all during this years races in the midterms . Dana perino joins us tonight, she of course is the host of her show. Is it possible to strategy for 2020 it affects the midterms adversely or the other way around . Absolutely. I was listening to a podcast and the woman said she could list with 35 democrats that came to mind that would want to run in 2020. They are stirring up the base in 2018, but its the wrong base. Basically what they are talking about is, Supreme Court obstruction, impeaching the president , medicare for all, and this relates to the previous segment, abolishing i. C. E. So Democratic Senators and tough Reelection Race is right now dont want to talk about those things. The might be good Bumper Stickers for 2,020 but they arent helping 2018. Tucker do you think that enough races could be altered by these means that the republicans hold the house . They are definitely going to lose some seats, no doubt about that. But at the stars aligned just right, we havent even talked about that congressman Duncan Hunter was indicted along with his wife were illegal use of campaign funds, going on personal trips and also buying hawaiian shorts and saying that they could pass it off as a donation to wounded warriors. That kind of corruption is something that democrats are starting to pick up on and you will see that they will look at collins, they will look at hunter, they will try to pin corruption and Law And Order issues against the republicans. But the republicans could find a way to keep the house. But its just its possible that the democrats will find a way to pick off a lot of these races. I think theres 3545 tossup races right now. That means depending on how things go, we got a long way between now and november, but these issues that the democrats are talking about, it helps with the outrage in 2020 but it wont help them in 2018. Tucker its great to see you, we will be right back. And a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. Flonase. indistthat was awful. Tering why are you so good at this . Had a coach in high school. Really helped me up my game. I had a coach. Math. Ooh. So, Why Dont Traders have coaches . Who says they dont . Coach mcadoo you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum just to help you improve your skills. Boom mad skills. Education to take your trading to the next level. Only with td ameritrade. 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