Is that republican first ladies lie a lot and are evil and for the sake of civilization should be destroyed. So cid buy a word of that and they assigned their most dogged journalist to crack the case, the sd persistent Brian Stelter. He understood immediately that the whole kidney operation story was just a cover for something darker and more sinister, likely in other International Scandal atgrom thatar Vladimir Putin himself. He ended as much his viewers. One thing the president of the white house have been quiet about is Melania Trump and her status. Last time i caught a gli her was on may0th, 24 days and more than three weeks. There have been questions about her surgery, her time at walter reed and now her invisibility. Tucker questions about her surgery, questions about her time at walter reed . Who is asking those questions . He didnt say because he couldnt say. Those are not real questionsthie passiveaggressive attack. The cnn point was that Melania Trump is a liar and shes doing something immoral. She must be, look who she is ma Stephen Colbert came to the same conclusion, watch. As of the time w are taping the show, the first lady has not been seen in public for 25 days. Im not surprised, i took that shawshank guy years to tumble out. Monia is supposedly reemerging to atten and it will to t press. But the white house did release the official photo proving the first lady was totally there. Tucker over Rolling Stone which apparently still exists someone called jamil smith said Melania Trump wasnt hiding to conceal signs of physical abuse. They then suggested thathe may have punched my monia and then ordered the secret service to cover it up. Keep in mind that at one time he was a serious intellectual, or what passed for one in washington. And now he is simply a buffoon. And when the actual Melania Trump sht a veterans event, very much alive and unscathed, so much for all those questions that Brian Stelter pretended to care about. Whatsesting about this how much journalists pretend to hate Melania Trump. Melania trump is not an overbearing public figure. Shes not lecturing you about your weight or trying to control your personal life. She doesnt weigh in on tax rates or global warming. Its likely she will run for senate in new york when this is over. One thing she is one of her husbands key political advisors. Many of you h not even heard her voice, she doesnt talk much in public. Melania trump has done nothing wrong to you, any you know or anyone you will ever meet. She married donald trump, and that is her only sin in the eyes of the press corps and its enough to disqualify her from even the most basic consideration of decency. Here for example is super sensitive modern comedian guy at jimmy kimmel making fun of her ac which he thinks is silly and funny sounding, alien, really. Im curious, just like a cat. I ask lots of questions about this and of that. [laughter] tucker do you think kimmel would be okay mocking the accent of his many guatemalan housekeepers . What about an ms13 member . Please comet would racist. But Melania Trump . At one time people would argue that people should be judged for what they do. Collective punishment is wrong it is immoral. Thats what they said. Did they ever really believe that . Who knows, but they d beit now. Tammy, what do you make just to be totally clear, i tyy defended theonor of politicians. In fact, there is a role i dont. But me cian, whyre theyatta . What does she have to do with it . In large part its because theyre jealous and envious. Here, you have a woman who has power, influence, shes perfectly lovely, shes smart and speaks five languages. Yes, she married a man that they dont like buthe has access to things that they can now do not have access to. Used to be the ones that were fawned over, who would be looked to for power and appointment and credibility. Now, as a woman who never really cares about them and has gone to certainly some cocktail parties but doesnt car about what the elites in washington necessarily things. She cares about her son, her family, and her parents and that is her crime as well. Keep in min is for every woman who has been dared to be part of this administration. When you tbout the hypocrisy of the left, it is the attacks on these women that are when they talk about either being beaten by the president or hiding in walter reed, oraving to secrete herself away, it presumes that she is a victim, that she is helpless, that she is not willing to take care of her own life. That kind of misogyny is an insult not just to the first lady but for women who do experience violence and domestic violence. And yet these are the people that are supposed to be champions for women. The fact of the matter is that the arguments about the champions that come from the center right argument, that women are individuals, that they exa of a powerful womanady is living a life that best suits that. Nd she should be lauded tucker she never bothered anybod im trying to imagine a conversation where jeff zucker because of his errand boy and says, its time to attack her. And im thinking, if you really think that it is appealing to attack Melania Trump, and, she is at 57 favorable. She had a much higher percentage of men that were favorable to her, but that means you dont want to talk ause are in attacking the voters that you need. They probably see this as a wrong idea because no one uses silence better than Melania Trump. That silence that you see now has all of america waiting to tune in tomorrow when she reappears on the scene. So politically given her ratings, its not a very smart thing for a columnist to do this. He ran the political erations at the white house, and you used data to do that. When people become so emotional and when a political cause becomes a moral cause, its pretty hard to make rational decisions, isnt it . I think thats right. A lot of what we see today is getting back to rationality in our politics. Now Hillary Clinton as first lady endured a lot of ats when s went into health care and controversial. But, it takes a village, the country Melania Trump is not in controversial issues, shes trying to help kids. Shes doing those things that the country can agreed upon. The way that the left has framed everything is a moral divide. Nothing about trump can be good everything that is a construct can be good. And, thats fine, lets deal with policy issues. But remember the attacks on the first lady i would contend because the attacks on the president dont work. I think there is an inherent decision here to destroy his base of support and that is why she has now been targeted. Cleahe is a strong wom she knows whats going on here, and the media tries to enfranchise her but she will stick to what matters to her. Childrens lives, supporting her son and her family. So this is the army of what it is of course, what the media is doing and what some of the establishment is doing which is claiming that, we dont think that will work as a political matter. I think this will be over tomorrow, and shes gotten more astute about the office of the first lady. Donald trump is 40 favorable and shes at 57. There are very few people that can break 50 that are so polarized. Our senior political analyst here at fox news, he joins us now. If you are a democrat, you have to take the house back. If you promise people you were going to and you told them that satan occupies the white house, this is not just an opposition of resistance. Do stuff like this help them . They possibly could, but there is something thats very real about the democrats and their current dilemma which is everything, absolutely everything is about donald trump. You talk about living free in someone elses head, the obsession there is an obsession with him that carries through to everything. Tonight, thinking about kate spades apparent suicide, its very simple. It says, everyone you know is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. Be kind, always be kind. Dona trump was the farthest thing from my mind when i posted it. The First Response was about trump. This is what they call tucker you are not only a political reporter, but an observer of people. What is that about . Is he the exclusion to everything in the world . No. He has a many foibles which we have discussed here and we all recognize. L of loathing of him is transcending of anything ive ever seen. We have had hatedirst ladys, llary clinton was despised by many, and so was michelle obama. But they both were at least more visible and active then is the case with melan trump theoa her husband and ills over to her and thats we are here. It is almost a force of nature, and i think one of the things that has happened is, because there was such a wellspring, wellspring of antipathy towards him, a great many democratic politicians. I need to get on that bandwagon and stay on it, or i will be voted off the island. So i think that has precluded him fromg through, what was it about trump that succeeded, and what message and ideas can we develop to overcome that and get back into power . I cant think of a message that they carry into this campaign that might get them there. I dont think Hillary Clinton much o either. Before we go, because it really struck me, can you just repeat what you put on twitter . Everyone you know is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. Be kind, always be kind and ive had peopay to me come tell that to trump. Well, people are totally obsessed with him. Yes, and we are ignoring one anothers humanities in that. Everyone you know has a battle you know nothing about, be kind. Amen. President trump is upset that the Inspector General report from doj has not been released. What is the hold up exactly . And panama only anderson joins us to discuss her friendship, and what wikileaks is doing with Vladimir Putin. We have details from her. Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty standwith you™. Liberty mutual insurance. With expedia you can book a flight, hotel, car, and activity. All in one place. Everything you need to go. Expedia® [ drum roll ]. Emily lapier from ames, iowa. This is emilys third nomination and first win. Um. So, just. Wow um, first of all, to my fellow nominees, it is an honor sharing the road with you. And of course, to the progressive snapshot app for givingood drivers the discounts no, i have to say it for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. Safe driving tucker so whats the difference between a creepy lawyer and televangelist . One uses peoples vulnerable emotions to solicit money and enrich himself on the other is a televangelists. They have already raised 550,000, to more than 16,000 deluded fans. And of course they more. Stormy daniels said she needs at least 850,000 to cover her Legal Expenses which mostly dont be fooled if encounter the creepy lawyer holding up a bible in your living room for leading a gospel choir in your back yard. Dont try to give him money or his thoughts and morsels of stale Bread Company escape. President trump technically controls the department of justice when it comes to the Inspector General he seems to reserve his oversight for twitter. He tweeted what is taking so long on the Inspector Generals report on cricket hillary and slippery james comey . Here are they areo many horrible things to tell the public, they have a right to know. At transparency. Which raises the question, where is the report, why we seen it and what could be in it . Byron, what do we know about this report . It appears it will be delayed again. The Senate Judiciary committee had scheduled a hearing for today where they were supposed to talk about it. That got delayed until next monday the 11th and now we are aring it might be ded beyond tthe reasons, feet are bg dragged somewhere in this process, there is a hangup with classified information and perhaps the most intriguing and at least the last month orix weeks, the Inspector General has gotten new information and actually interviewing people. I dont know exactly what thats about but its an investigation that is going on. Tucker what do wew t the content so far . It will be probably close to 500 pages and you can expect discussion on many topics. We expect discussion about that Loretta Lynchbill clinton meeting on the tarmac in arizona. The Inspector General has looked into that a lot. Expect a lot of discussion on james comeys decision to draft and exonerate a memo, and i expect a lot of discussion on whether comey was trying to affect the outcome of the election on september 28th, in which he reopened the vestigion. The democrats specifically wanted the Inspector General to look into that. Comey reopened the investigation but what they found out was that mccabe knew about it much earlier in october. Just a couple more things, look for discussion of the statement on july 5th and 201616, saying that Hillary Clinton wouldnt be charged. Look into why Loretta Lynch did not appoint a special counsel to look into this, and why Andrew Mccabe it took so long to recuse himself. Remember his wifead a huge clinton related contribution . The last thing, the thing we have heard of the most about witches mccabe versus comey on this leaking thing. Mccabe says, you told me it was okay to leave and comey said it, no i didnt. Weve already gotten a lot through professional responses. Apparently we have read that he committed perjury were lied to federal agents in the course of inv. That would be for civilians a felony. In that case will he be charged we dont know, there has been a criminal referral to look into this and by the way, has now been reported that mccabe was invited to testify at this Judiciary Community and he has asked for immunity in exchange for his testimony. If he doesnt get it, he would have to take the fifth amendment. So you are unlikely to see and say anything. Clearly, he is concerned about criminal exposure from whatever is in this report. Tucker 500 pages. It a long way to. Thank you. The Philadelphia Eagles were set to visit the white house, and that was canceled of course over the National Anthem. What does that tell us about america and what this country wants . Plus, Pamela Anderson comes on to discuss her concerns about her friend julian massage, turns out shes also friends with Vladimir Putin. Amazing, quite a conversation, when we return. And warm woolen mittens brown paper pkages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things yot ta somor joints. Ew of mfo. Orite things but do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. And with twice the detail of other tests. It can show dad where hes from. And strengthen the bonds you share. Give dad ancestrydna for just 69 our lowest fathers day price ever. For just 69 prepare for your demise, do your worst, doctor. I will. But first, a little presentation. Hijacking earths Geothermal Energy supply. Phase 1. Choosing the right drill bit. 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Both the anthem and celebration of sports champions have become politicized. What is happening to this country exactly . Pulitzer prize winner and work of the New York Times for a uthor of a new book. Thentry is collapsing. Thanks fo. Led t country ide of the cities more than i think any reporter i know so maybe you are bestuated to what are people really worried about . What do americans stare at the Ceiling Tiles and think of at night . Their children, the future of their children, and, where they come back in the war, and and they look in a lead establishment, andou think the media do look at the rest of the country as obstructions . Dont you think it, dont you think we got caught out and apot understanding what was happening, and they promised to double down and get to the people, and yet they havent come up because the split screen has turned into an octagon and at the desk is now two desks with the host walking in between. This guy over here is trying to put makeup on me, and i dont want it. Tucker you tell him to stop. Laugh laugh after november t was thisng that, we k of miss the story, maybe we should get into that dark space but no o ever did. I mean you live in the midwest. Why did no one ever venture out there to find out what was going on . Because its too hard. Up there when flint i isoned, but you dont go there when flint is not poisoned. Let me just say this. Its not a great white menace. You know how many people were at charlottesville . You know how many of these racist baboons were there . I dont know, the media never bothered to count. Its not true. 9 million of them voted for obama and 4 million blacks have decided not to votese the are not going with the establishment elite cricket hillary, they just werent doing it. So again, its about jobs, its about work. And i know unemployment is low, but what is it paying . What are wages really doing . How come so many people live in apartments . It serious out there and it goes all the way from boston to bakersfield. Take a look and spend some time, some real time. What do you think the biggest story is we are missing . And live, i think its a house of card again. The writer, your timing is wrong again. You are trying to make decisions and look at britain and austria, the whole word is sort of shak its a very scary place to get to. I cant quite put it into words but i know that you are onto something. I havent read your book, but im going to. Everybody said that, and they are right. It was good to see you. Out in chicago, Catholic PriestMichael Pflueger has made a name for himself talking about gun control. And, he blames gun stores for the existence of illegal guns. Heres an example. No town is. Guns are accessible ends on streets all over our country. We will hold the gun shops and gun sellers accountable in those who purchase the guns and sell them illegally. Tucker what a demagogue at that guy is. Antigun activists are highly predictable. Father flagger is happy to announce the gun rights of you and me, and yet photos at rallies show that he has routinely come brace yourself, protected by multiple armed guards. And it gets weirder than that. At one of his bodyguards was arrested just last week for standing outside of his church playinth any legal government gun. So maybe its time for father pflueger to be held accountable himself. While congress ever do anything about that . We will talk to one congressman on the question comes next. Plus Pamela Anderson is here to discuss her friendship with Julian Assange and Vladimir Putin. The most unlikely storyfevening. If you listen real hard you can hear the whales. Oop. You hear that . vo our Subaru Outback lets us see the world. Sometimes in ways we never imagined. The kayak explore tool shows you the places you can fly on your budget. So you can be confident youre getting the most bang for your buck. Aloha. Kayak. 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Officer Ron Rockwell Hansen as he was about to fly to china. The doj says hansen was paid 800,000 to past American Military secrets. That comes less than month and they helped destroy america spy network in china. China had them money, motive and means to spy aggressively on the United States and it does and has for years. Meanwhile our leaders who are hapless and dishonest and, congressman spoke to tim ryan of ohio. Americas trade deficit with china has more than 300 billion every single year. The biggest losers from that is heartland. Ans industrial according to a report by the policy institute, the state of ohio alone has lost 121,000 jobs since 2001 just due to the china trade deficit. That state not surprisingly also has a very high rate of opioid abuse. President trump has pushed to altered the american trade ith china and congressman joins us tonight. 121,000 jobs, just in your state since 2001. That seems like a crisis, like a huge story. Why was that not discussed more in washington . I think in a lot of ways it was a regional issue in manufacturing is harder than anyone else. It hit the heartland the hardest and those industrial states around the great lakes states suddenly they competing with china and a couple dollars an hour wages and not the good union wages we had in the midwest. Tucker when china was admitted, i remember a bipartisan chorus saying it would not kill american jobs. Everything would be fine and it was all upside. And hundreds of thousands of american jobs were destroyed by that. Do you think the people who lied about that should be held to account somehow . These were people in positions of power and i think for many corporations it was very, very good. All of a sudden you dont have those legacy costs and you are not paying ae union wso there in corporations where they are doing really, really well under that scenario. Those jobs primarily are almost ion health care lifted up communities and those are people who voted for school levies, police and fire levees. And so now we have to figure out what we are going to do with globalization and automation, and thats why i think a lot of those corporations, we need to figure out how they are going to reinvest back into those communities. Not just in the United States but these communiti , those corporations dont think of themselves as american, they are Global Companies what do you do about that . I dont think you can always force people to ds. I think people dont like the government has an opportunity to create incentives and do one of two things. Why do you have to prepare these communities to accept private investment. They can help with broadband, a new energy graded, so people want to be in those places that have forever walks and amphitheaters and those sorts of things. So a Massive PublicWorks Program to get those people that are 45 or 50 years old backo work, and with a goodement in the medicare system. The longer term plan, and this is my big beef with what we are doing in the country. The longer term plan is how do you get private capital invested in the communities like yours . I was on the show where we took venture capitalist from silicon valley, got them on a bus and went to youngstown, ohio, akron, flint, and south bend, indiana. Getting ideas to percolate out of these communities and get private investment behind them, there ideas in these communities. Startups are the number one way to grow businesses. Almost all new job growth in america comes from startups. So we have to invest in these communities and get the start of the start of the community should be a start up nation. Imla that you do. If i could just say quickly, china has a 10year plan, a 30year plan, 50 year plan and 100 year plan. America act, we live in a 24hour news cycle and thats why they are cleaning their clock. In america and economic structure is pushing in the same rectd come on america, we are divided. We have to and find some common ground. Tucker hours of the country run by day traders, i agree with you completely. Julian assange has many enemies but she also has a close friend in Pamela Anderson. She says she fears the wikileaks founder is in physical danger. We will find out what she means by that. Over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. In 24 hours, youll send him off thinking youve done everything for his wellbeing. But meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. While meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. Like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated againingis meningitis b strikesuickly. Be quick to talk to your teens doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. Especially when inside another amazing machine. Your aamazg machine. With Standard Technology like lexus Safety System plus. The lexus es, and es hybrid. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Tucker congressman waters of california is supposed to be the hit new thing, but it turns out she may be an old persons version of what young people like, because actual young people dont seem that interested. Waters held a two hour meet and greet sunday to renergize her election campaign. It was targeted at millennials and named quote reclaim our time. But not many people are interested in doing that. It turns out about ten people showed up total. And we recommend that. For six years, wikileaks founder julian assge has lived in the uadorian area, but since 2016 that has been taken from h. Heas lot of enemies of course but also friends and one of his closest is actress and model Pamela Anderson. She has called it Julian Assange a hero and said she fears for his safety. Pamela anderson joins us tonigh tonight. How are you . Tucker good, thanks. How do you know him . I met him through vivian westwood. She is a great friend of mine and a supporter of his and she knew i would love his cause and thought it would be great if i met him. And we get along great. I see him a lot, ive known him for many years now. He has a great testament to the human spirit to be in the situation that hes in and to have the fight that he has in him, and and a sse of humor. He is really an incredible person. Tucker it so it raises the interesting quen, why has he received almost no support from the entertainmentorld in llooxample . While i think those are big supporters and people have misunderstood it, his intention was not to get trump elected, it was to give true information so people ceducad decisions aeople they wanted to vote for. So people want to blame somebody, so they blame him. Yes. I get lots of flak for that too when im in hollywood. Tucker so the idea is if you suprtulian assange are mehow against Hillary Clinton . In some cases. Tucker you also know Vladimir Putin. Remarkably, impressively. What do you make o allegaon working together to expose hillarys emails . Thats crazy. Everyone likes to blame russia when anything goes wrong in america and i have spoken at the kremlin manyimes and the last time i was there there was something happening. The first thing they say to me is, so what have we done wrong this time . Its a common joke. America likes to blame them for everything. I was with julian before the election and he had no idea, he really did not think that trump was going to win the election. But, it turned out the way the data. Tucker s y a speakin at themlin, youre hanging with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in london. You ever yourself, how did i get here . This is the life path that you planne [laughs] pamela well im an animal activist, i spoke about the environment, i spoke about the economy and they invited me to the kremlin, they love the way i was speaking. I touched a lot of people and i wanted to continue my work in russia. That was just a coincidence. I am on the council of the International Federation of animal welfare. So it is just a coincidence that i know all these crazy wild, intelligent and interesting people. Tucker i know you live in france now, but i think you have a home in l. A. , malibu. When you go back there, and you say, i was justt the kremlin talking to Vladimir Putin, what kind of response or you get . Pamela a lot of people are happy about it because hes made a lot of great improvements. In my situation i wanted him to stop porting ste products to russia and that pretty much stopped the seal hunt in canada, which was my was my goal initially. We also wanted to talk about environmental issues, and animals in captivity, capturing selling them to china. And endangered species. Ive been speaking with the minister of the environment and people like that and of course, theres a lot of crossover e in. Se i have a lot of causes i i believe in justice for all, and Julian Assange is an incredible person. If you read anything his mother says about him, which is an interesting source to go to a companys always been like this since he was a child. Hes been worried about doing the right thing and i think is very brave, and he isnt really in deep trouble, i think, for his health. Hes never been in the sunlight, r siyethats alrea h now hes been cut no internet, no phone calls and no visitors. One of his only choice is pretty the embassy,nd he will be arrested and then deported to america, which i dont think will be favorable for him. Tucker i dont know what i think of anything of this but i think its an amazing and fascinating story. Thank you. More with Pamela Anderson in just a minute. She is no fan of uber and she will tell you why. Pamela i would say if probably get a job there. Tucker more coming up. 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And go bold try all of my bold creations pouches with expedia you could bo fght, hotel, car and activity all in one place. Maui designed to respond torn on and arof thedsright sunaii, all while enhancing the view. After thirty years, were still independently owned and the freethinking hawaiian spirit that first inspired us, is still a part of everything we do. Our polarizedplus2 lenses not only protect eyes from harmful rays, they also make colors more vivid and contrast crisper. Try on a pair and see for yourself. E views better from h ersation with pamela d a anderson about Julian Assange and Vladimir Putin. Then uber and lyft is popular with the public. She is camni against ridesharin. Luring drivers and exploiting them. Tell us what you mean . Everybody knows the difficulties they are occurring. People are being sexually assaulted. The drivers are exploited. They are hired as 3rdparty providers. Uber is not taking responsibility for any of their wrong doings. Also they are not Getting Health Care or any of the things they should be receiving as employees. Tucker i am confused. The people who run uber are socially conscious and good people. They say they are very good people and rich. Why wouldnt they pay for their health care for the drivers . Exactly. Thats what we are fact for. Also you will get better equal drivers. More qualified drivers. When people have real benefits tucker i don understand why nobody says anything about this. If a factory were paying people what uber pays per hour and not paying for their health care well, walmart did it. People said this was exploitation but uber gets a pass. Why . Its technology and evolution. We have to right the wrongs. I say if you are a sexual offender, you should get a job at uber. Tucker you are not for uber . No. I am not for these ride hail apps. You are sending strangers to pick up children or a late night out and drinking too much. Its an ap, people think its safe. It is not safe. It has bugs to work out and they need proper payment to the drivers. Anybody can be an uber driver. They have to finetune that. Tucker are you saying the billionaires who run uber are so greedy, they wont take responsibility for their employees . I think people are finding all of these loop holes. They have to tighten it up. A lot of people are affected like this. The employees and the driver. The drivers are the core of the business. They cant get around that. Tucker the beauty of cable news. You never know what you will hear. Have a great night. See you tomorrow. Sean breaking right now the results of primaries in 8 states. California may play the key defining role deciding which party will control the u. S. Congress. The single most important Midterm Election in our lifetime. Upstate as we get them. Newt ggrich will weigh in as the results come in tonight. And just breaking, the fired deputy of the fbi Andrew Mccabe is asking the u. S. Senate in exchange for testimony on comeys handling of the clinton probe, well he wants