Congress has the authority over the fbi. It is not the other way around as much as the fbi would like to believe that. Dprosz misconduct is nothing new in the fbi of jim comey. In this is true, that the Obama Administration would have done that. But b, you have to press carefuly on the details. What to you know in you pray the story is not true. That is not a partisan veg. The very idea of our god given rights scleeded and they produce hard evidence of a crime and yet a human intelligence asset may have been inserted in your political rival campaign . How this is not front page news across the globe is stunning. Remember that devin nunez had another bombshell that there was no official foreign intelligence through official channels passing to the United States. That was a huge bombshell. He didnt say it didnt pass through unofficial challenge. Potentially that information was laundering through the state department and potentially u. S. Senate and potentially a human asset in the Trump Campaign. Tucker has this ever happened or alleged before in a president ial campaign . Not in the United States. I am sure it happened in pie novels and third world country s. But tucker, it is so unbelievable on its face. It is like a thick spy novel yet it happened. If you gave it a to a book agent they might laugh and say it is so absurd and could never happen. I have my suspicions about who the asset is as do many others by the way. It will be explosive when the name comes out. The list of suspects are very short and they are connected in ourigence scombrens community now. And this is it a key point, tucker and connected to political operatives and connected to foreign intelligence assets as well. It is serious stuff and not a joke. And like you said before. I wish none of this was true and it appears sadly it is. Tucker this is a crime to begin with. Is there evidence that the fbi was receiving information from the Trump Campaign in the campaign in yes, i believe there is more than one source for the fbi. Whether there was more one source paid may be a different story. I believe on based on reporting it is already out there. And i am telling you things that are out there in the public domain. There is a number of names of people who are connected to the obama team. One person is represented by the former white house lawyer. Was present in the meeting bob mueller is investigating. And it was with people who are connected with the clintons. One of the guys at the meeting is literally repreponderated by obamas former white house lawyer and worked with andy wiseman and they were on the enron prosecution. It is it a contaminated witchs brew of people connected. Tucker they always accuse you of what they are doing. Thank you, dan. Great to see you tonight. Yes, sir, you got it. Tucker the worlds creepiest porn lawyer is famous by attacking Donald Trump Personal attorney michael cohen. His own past Business Ventures are out. Michaels Investment Firm bought it over 9 million and since then his company was named for more than 50 or state complains including warrants for unpaid taxes. A venatti carried out an illegal pump and dump and run actuallys coffee shop and didnt pay state and federal taxes of his employees. Ashes v a renat that time i responded that knoll was unethiccal lawyer. But Michael A Vena tti claims that actuallys coffee is under new ownership. And yet last year he listed himself as chairman and principal of tullys. And not only business tax liens. There were seven years of personal tax liens state and federal for 1. 5 million and including a 300000 federal tax lien from just three months ago. Tucker . Big lien. Trace, thanks. Big programming note. Last night we mentioned the creepy porn lawyer threatening people and got us thinking and according to the Washington Free beacon between march 7th that guy will appear 108 times. That is according to one source. Vent avenatti sdpshgs and we invited the creepy porn lawyer on to this show. And we called his office. It may be a white castle, you never know. And he turned us down flat. Too bad. Maybe when jed zuker of cnn tires of him he will reconsider his offer. We are joined by someone who closely followed the career of the guy we talked about. Julian epistien is here. Good evening, tucker. The argument from democrats from day one is that President Trump is too shady to be president. They are now using a creepy porn lawyer with a history of financial problems. Is he the best standard bearer for your message, would you say . I think Michael Avenatti has been effective on television and advancing the interest of his client and used television more effectively than most lawyers do. I am not sure he is eight standard bearer of democrats and i think the Stormy Daniels is a side show. There is nothing in the consultantate story and any laws broken. But there are relevant questions was it used for a russian slush fund or a campaign slush fun or laundering money and lots of things that people are alleging and no evidence of. Tucker and right. There is no evidence of legal violation. I think if i can finish the point. The central question for democrats are concerned is whether the president knew or was actively in russian inference. And there no evidence of that. Tucker i agree. And i think that is a central question. And there is no evidence a year in and maybe we will find out he teamed up with putin and steal the election from clinton. Probably not. But right now it is all about the creepy porn lawyer. What is the point of this . I dont know who he represents or i would be uncomfortable if he got ahold of my bank ryders, wouldnt you . You need to find out how he got the information, to be honest, tucker, your indictment is of the cable industry. It is obsession. Cable industry. Bob mueller and the democrats are not necessarily. Tucker cable responds to rateinglies. I dont think hes been on this channel. I want to meet this guy. He is come on. Tucker hes too busy on the other channels whose viewers are responding and thats why jeb zuker hut him on every day. And he worked on thosens of democratic campaign. What does that tell you . I dont think that is where the Democratic Party is. What avenatti is doing is relevant because it gets to the campaign violations. And whether consultants were misused as a russian slush fun. Tucker how would a creepy lawyer know . What expertise is it he have. A russian speaker. I dont want to get off of the subject. Michael cohens law firm had a client whose principle benefactry was a russian connected to putin. Tucker what does that do with the porn lawyer . I dont think he is a standard bearer for democrats. What they are saying not impeachment or that trump violated criminal laws. Get the facts on the table. Tucker let me ask you. We are almost out of time. Well find out he teamed up. But let me ask you one last question and please answer honestly. Picture yourself standing in your kitchen getting a glass of water and you look out in the backyard and there is a creepy porn lawyer. How do you respond . I live in an apartment building. Tucker what is your gut reaction and you see thats guy, how do you respond . I would invite him in because i have a lot of the questions. If i saw anybody outside of my kitchen having my last glass of water, i of course would be creeped out as would you. Tucker yeah. No, i am an open minded man. I am raising important questions. Thank you for scombroining us. I appreciate it. Thank you, tucker. Tucker california is falling apart this is frank. Sup this is franks favorite record. This is franks dog. And this is franks record shop. Frank knowns northern soul, but how to set up a limited liability company. Whats that mean . Not so much. So he turned to his friends at legalzoom. Yup they hooked me up. We helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. You hear that . This is franks record shop. And this is where life meets legal. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Roundup for lawns has arrived to put unwelcome lawn weeds to rest. So draw the line. Roundup for lawns is formulated to kill lawn weeds to the root without harming a single blade of grass. Roundup, trusted for over forty years. I had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Mr. Elliot, whats your wiwifi . Ssword . Wifis ordinary. Basic. Do i look basic . Nope which is why i have xfinity xfi. Its super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey lets basement. And thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. So sophie, i have an xfi password, and its daditude. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Tucker california and new jersey spent decades of beacons of opportunity to the entire world. Now people cant flee them fast enough. In california houses are unaffordable. And the middleclass is gone with the immigrants. And Democratic Senators harris and corey booker have a solution. Smoke more weed. I am signing on to the marijuana justice act. It two of the last three president s adsplitted to using drugs. Congress and senators use marijuana. Other communities it is criminalized. It is time to legalize marijuana in our state and expunge the records of those carrying the convictions. All because of a drug that should be legal. Tucker great to see you. I want to preface our conversation i dont think people who smoke weed should be in jail. The drug war did not work with. And alcohol is in a lot of ways worse than marijuana, and so i believe all that. I am just amazed that the ruling class failing to take care of their own people is testifying them to smoke more weed and be more passive and less concerned by our failures. I dont think that is an accident, do you . I dont think they are telling us to smoke more weed. People are smoking bead and 80 year was reefer madness is not stopping. And there are numerous potential medical benefits of marijuana because we havent studied. We need to get rid of that classification. And states like colorado generated a quarter of billion a year. Tucker now you are making my case for me. I think we should fully explore the potential Health Effects of cannabis. There are probably big ones. I am all for that. But why shouldnt i be suspicious over hundred thousand californians are sleeping outside. Because people like harris have done a terrible job to taking care of the people and her solution is smoke more weed so i can have more money in the tax coffers and you will be less likely stage a revolution against my leadership. I am not parinoid. She is a new senator, and so. She was elected statewide for a long time. The attorney general. But what we have with the homeless population. There is a lot of care needed there and if that revenue goes to psychological and addiction care that is a wonderful thing. And so if the people are already smoking marijuana and consuming or edibles or oils, lets legalize tax and get it off of the shelves. And who is bringing it across the border illegally. You want to stop them . Cartels are just a market and when the price of anything goes up. If you can undercut it illegally. You can do that. And you can see that with cigarettes and they are bootlegged. It is not as simple as you are making it. Dont compare marijuana to alcohol. I dont drink. Compare it to sobriety and being aware and fully experiencing your life and fighting back against misused power. People who are high dont do that. If they are drinking beer, is that any different. It didnt work with the prohibition. Tucker why shouldnt i be suspicious. They have failed their own people and then encouraging us to smoke more weed. I dont believe anybody is encouraging them unless you have cancer and you are not able to keep your food down and that is a side benefits. I dont smoke it either, tucker and i see the benefits medicinally for people who benefits and if it is one of those situations where people are doing it and criminal elements are benefitting and bringing it out in the sunlight. The government is this be getting rich on it. We have no idea how to balance the budget and buy more weed. I know you agree with me. Tucker we are out of time. Harris is not suggesting the masses go opiates. California is failing fast. Where only immigrant and wealthy tech barons feel vehicle. Hygiene is an issue. And official outbreak of hypothetical a it is a necessity. Shot by a recent fellop who was shielded by the sanctuary policy. Stench of urine and feses is tronning. Welcome to the california tent city. They would have arrested more immigrant but oaklands mayor issued a at the same time and warned of the raids. Tucker california matters. Victor is a lifelong resident of the state and joins us tonight. Thank you for coming on. You described the economic distribution of california recently has med i cant haval what does that mean . It means 75 percent of the dpshgs geographical people. And coastal corridor where we cal tech and stanford and 3 trillion in capitalized Silicon Company and this is where all of the policy is made. And the people who make it. Lawyers and academics and politicians are never subject of the ramifications because they have such welt. California is a medevial society because we have the highest basket of gasoline sales and rank 49 or 45 in school. And highest kilowatt. And will gasoline is the high of the. And it doesnt affect the people making the regulation. Where i work at stanford. It is 75 or 65 degrees. They dont have to turn on the heater or air conditioning. But in the valley. Poor people go to walmart because they cant turn on the air conditioning. They dont believe in water for the agriculture. But they do in architecture. And that reverbates in california and it is dysfunctionam say the. Middleclass, 4 5 people left. And 4 5 people come illegally from southern mexico and Global Wealth in a small area. And you put that together. And you get what you have now. Tucker it is unbelievable. Ruining it for l own benefit. Victor davis hanson. Thank you. Thank you for having me, tucker. Tucker chief of staff john kelly said all of americas immigrants is assimulating. But is bring when you combine ancestrys dna test with its historical records. You could learn youre from ireland donegal, ireland and your ancestor was a fisherman. With blue eyes. Just like you. Begin your journey at ancestry. Com but as it grew bigger and bigger,ness. It took a whole lot more. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. Whats in your wallet . Better than all the rest applebees new bigger bolder grill combos. 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Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. Cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Pah thano, no, no, nah. K. A bulb of light . . Aha ha ha a flying machine . Impossible a personal computer . ha smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. A stadium powered with solar. A hospital that doesnt lose power. Amazing. I like it. Never gonna happen. Chief of staff john kelly summed up a mainstream position on immigration. Most people are decent people looking for a better life but that doesnt mean it is good for america. Listen. Let me tell you that the vast majority of the people who move in the United States are not bad people are ms 13. But they are not people who easily assimultate. And countries four sixth grade education are the norm. And they are not easily to assimulate. And kellys remarks set off outrage. And msnbc denounced kelly racist and speculated he would be kicked out of the marine corps. According to the u. N. The average american receives 13 years and guatemala it is 6. 3. And according to at this time Migration Institute fully cent percent have limited english proficiency. It is a badly educated group that comes here. That may not be a here when a humming industrial economy needed workers for the factories. But our factories are long closed and technology is in the process of eliminating more blue collar jobs. We cant take care of our own low killed workers and hundreds of sleeping outside and are hopeless. As for assimulation. You have been to miami. This is what pughs. 90 percent of the american hispanics say it is important that they be able to speak spanish and even half. Hispanic americans speak english than spanish to the children. It is it not assimulation. Shut up said msnbc. We dont want to hear the facts. And rules say it is unacceptable. In am citing u. N. Numbers. What is right . Kelly said, and we have to look all of it in context and it is factually and problematic. He starts off by saying all of these people coming in to the southern board not all ms 13. And yes, they are not committing crimes and that is provable by various studies. And they are coming in immigrant are not assimulating in to the United States. And that is not true. You mentioned the pugh study and talking about parent and grandparents think it is important to speak spanish and that is correct. That same study finds like just like every other wave of imgranlts, the first generation that i am speak spanish and parents tend to be bilingual and then the spanish is no longer the dominant language. Tucker you are wading in the deepened. And since you are throwing facts around and in the deepened. What percentage much the households speak spanish at home . Do you know . Offhand i dont. Tucker let me tell you over 40. And that is not assim always. I am not against speaking spanish or bilingualism. But the opposite of the way of immigration in the pass and we say you must adopt our culture and language. We are not doing that now. And so it is not assim ulgsz. Education levels is true. Why in a post industrial economy when blue collar jobs are going away. Why dontee only admit Software Engineers and people with skills now. You and i have different view point on assimulation. I think there is nothing wrong with people speaking spanish or bilingual. But in this instance, john kelly was the influx of people and why they are implementing a 0 tolerance policy for the migrant and having a procedure where the u. S. Will be slating women and children. Tucker please answer my question. Excuse me. No, why would you at a time when blue collar jobs import people with lower education level than native americans rather than the people who can do the jobs we need done. Ntwo points because u. S. Un employment and low. And hispanic is low. And africanamerican low is so our economy have room to grow and immigrants can drive the economy. This is it the point about kelly and the context. We have to go back to the law. If your asylum law makes no provegz of education or whether or not they speak english and how many people to allow. Tucker you know, you dont care actually. I reached a conclusion whether it is it good for the country or culture or economy. You just dont care, you are totally ignoring the material point. Technology is destroying a lot of jobs. And the people cant do the new jobs. You blow right past that no big deal. I would go back to the law context and that says people who come from material america. They center a legal. Tucker they have a legal right. Dam it, what about my rights. Thank you. Ands belgian Political Party wants to transform the party. And kitty spent a lot of time and bringing them to us now. At ally, we offer lowcost trades and highyield savings. 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Tucker countries in europe are scheduled to hold election. And islam party to put sharia and transform in a islamic state. The party is hoping to expand itself success this round. Kitty has travel to the town, place where the paris terrorist plotted their attack. And he interviewed the towns mayor who said the ties to jihad is marginal at best. Where are you giving that information in october 2016 or 15. We had a list, but this list was i just i had a list of few napes and i would say but it is not the job. It is not the job to police all of those people. Tucker not my job she said. Kitty that is unbelievable. Did the mayor said it is not her job to keep track of the dangerous people. She is the mayor of molenbeek and he ran a bar in the town and coordinator of the paris attack and 130 were killed 415 were maimed and when i said to her, you have that list, you have his name, you did nothing, she said, it is not my job. It was not my job to do something and of course, this is part of the problem in the jihadi area of europe. Pomititions areve politicians turn a blind eye. Tucker you are captive to the people who are changing your society. Thats absolutely right. I have spent three days walking the streets of molenbeek. It is a 80 percent muslim and a lot of sunnis and shiits and hardcore kind of religious individuals and you have a perfect storm much a lot of unauthorized mosque control would by iran and money flowing in. And one tide of population. 80 percent heritage muslim and then you have politicians and police who i am told that are happy to turn a blind eye and thats why you have plotters in belgium. And that terror drives two hours away to te destroy people in london or paris. And ramma dan is just around the corner. Tucker what do the ordinary belgians think of this . There is a great deal of white flight. I think you have images and the marketplace, i was the only woman with my head uncovered. Everything is covered with a burka. They want segated and sharia. And i can see it coming and there is a massive white flight and academics and teachers and certain individuals tell me that they are unauthorized mosque and people are moving out. But it goes against the liberal narrative. But these areas still exist. There is a massive mosque run by soudi who was given a 99 year as long as they could briej in extremist to have access to the migrants and we wonder why we live with the jihadis next door. Tucker are they temporary or residents . They have citizenship. 95000 people live there. 85 percent of them are french nationals and belgian born but are moroccan. And the teacher today didnt want to be on record. Her teaching colleagues find that no matter what, three generations in now. They have one foot till in morocco. And thats the point she said. Muslims traditions matter more than any european heritage they may have. Namazing. And not the belgium we think of. Thank you for that. Katie hopkins. Thank you, tucker. President trumps speech and final exaim is back. And what is happening last week. And then our social media experts say there is a new movement on line. And that is what you may have heard of. And a trial lawyer who is suddenly in the news and all of the social media. Again, not our doing. Enjoy it. Ill never find a safe used car. Start at the new carfax. Com show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. I had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. In your noise cancelling trheadphones . Ry maybe not. Maybe you could trust you wont be next to a loud eater. eating potato chips loudly or you could just trust duracell. silence at Bass Pro Shops and cabelas. Like bass pro or cabelas flag tshirts for only 5. An igloo 48 qt. Cooler for under 20. And save 25 on camelbak hydration packs. You agreed to never give up to be a decent neighbor to remember the good people who rise with every challenge to remember their strength when you feel tired to serve with grit and grace you made a promise we did too the allnew ram 1500 mr. Elliot, whats your wiwifi . Ssword . Wifis ordinary. Basic. Do i look basic . Nope which is why i have xfinity xfi. Its super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey lets basement. And thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. So sophie, i have an xfi password, and its daditude. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Tucker time for a final exam. We pit our friends here against each other. And find out who is paying attention to the news. Amy stoodard and griff jenkinses and both have won before. That increases the pressure. There she is amy. I won last year. It is brilliant and found the smartest woman in washington. You came back to win. Tucker adjusting the expectations. Rules. Hand odz buzzers and first one to buzz gets answer the question and you must wait until i finish the question. And incorrect detract from the totals. Are you ready . Trying to be. Nquestion one. According to the new york post. Americas greatest newspaper. Which hollywood trump hater is doing legal questions. Ro sanne bar. Roseanne bar. Roseanne odonled and an illicet campaign contribution. And exceeding the maximum allowed under the Campaign Finance law. And all of my donations and my goal is to support all of those opposed to trump. Tucker hes trying to lose. Yeah, i know. I have lost contact with this. I am going to have a practice session at home. It is little rusty. He was wrong. Tucker good point. Multiple choice. Question twochlt california was the first u. S. Itate man date that resident compost or recycle or go solar. C, go solar. Tucker to the tape we go. 2020, the major its of new homes and apartments be built what is the problem. Tucker did you know . I did. Tucker but second time you lost. The heat of his palm with the busker. You are back to 0 wroery. Question three. Here it is. Which Ride Sharing Company unveiled plans for a flying taxi. Uber. Uber. Tucker is it uber. Uber will pitch his plan. Finally. They will use helicopter style rotors to take off and land. Tucker you moved in the lead position and no trace of emotion. I will take the gina haspel for 5000. Tucker other multimel. Google unveil would a brand new fetture in which a robot assistant will do which every day task so that you dont have to. Shop for your food or make your phone call or c, drive your car. Make your phone calls. Tucker is that correct . Seemingly creepy artificial reservations. Can make dinner reservations for you. Tucker 1 1 and go into five. It is tied. And the outcome of this question will determine. Oh, i am looking for pressure. Tucker this is actual news. L. A. Pd, police chief said famous suit that robert downy junior was stolen. The estimated worth is 300,000. What is the suit. Let me repeat. What is the suit. Not the lawsuit. The outfit. As it fabric. Tucker what suit is it. It is a mutiny. A super hero move. Stshgs ferris a bowly were. Is that the suit he wore. It is a super hero film. It was in the sequel. I think we need new questions. The original Iron Man Suit that robert downy junior wore was stolen. If you see anybody who looks like it. Tucker the correct answer was iron man. Will he take ferris buel leres. Many rooting for you. But the one arm phenom won once again. I have the better mug anyway. Tucker you lost and this is for you. Thank you. Tucker thats it. Final examine. And Pay Attention to every news item and see if you can beat our there was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people. To help save the universe. From paying too much on their car insurance. Hey, theres cake in the breakroom. What are you doing . Um. Nothing . Marvel studios avengers infinity war, in theaters april 27th. Now. Where were we . Tucker sad news tonight. The war is over, the robots won. Despite repeated warnings, boston dynamics continue to make the robots increasingly powerful. The robots can now go jogging and they can jumpment if they can jump there is nothing we can do to stop them. This Time Next Year it could be row box news. The show could be robot driven. Robots could report on the spike in rapid raccoon attacks. Its just another one, attacked a group in georgetown by the way the other night. They look cute but be careful. With that in mind, enjoy the time with your family this weekend. Continue to tune in to us. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness. Have the best [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] a new peace offering from secretary of state mike pompeo. Economic help for north korea but only if it fully ditches its nukes. If north korea takes bold action the United States is willing to work with north korea to achieve prosperity. Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal will make it harder to negotiate successfully with north korea. Or anyone else. May have had a spy in or interacting with the Trump Campaign during the 2016 election. Like the sickest spy novel i ever read except it actually happened. Everybody is meeting hysteria with