In the world, and it can happen. For more, go to malarianomore. Org. Here is our the story. Well see you. Tucker good evening, welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. For more than half a century, hollywood liberals and americas Foreign Policy establishment eye at each other with suspicion, from vietnam to iraq, actors were often the harshest critics of whatever wars washington was pushing at the time. A lot has changed though. The rise of donald trump has caused elites from across the spectrum to realize they have a lot more in common with each other than they do with the american middle class. Suddenly, liberals in l. A. Are warming to the idea of pointless foreign wars. Rob reiner is an actor, a director, a liberal. He now has a group designed to investigate russian interference in the last election. He has joined forces with all kinds of prowar conservatives in washington. Here is their latest ad. Listen carefully. We have been attacked. We are at war. The free ward is world is counting on us for leadership. For 241 years, our democracy has been a shining example to the world of what we can all aspire to, and we owe it to the brave people who have fought and died to protect this great nation and save democracy, and we owe it to our future generations to continue the fight. Tucker so there is Morgan Freeman working for rob reiner in league with longtime War Enthusiasts in washington like david frum and max boot telling us we are at war. When does the bombing started exactly . We sat down with rob reiner to asking that question. Watch. So we are at war. How would you respond if President Trump took you seriously and sent the b52s to st. Petersburg or blockaded the gulf of finland. Would you support that . When we say we are at war, we are talking about a cyber war. Tucker it doesnt make that clear. It just says Morgan Freeman, who Everyone Trusts his voice, immediately trust, we are at war. If you dont really believe we are at war, where are you saying it then . If you watch the entire video, it talks about Cyber Warfare, it talks about how he was able to use the internet and cyber tools to attack the democracy, which is what they did. Tucker but shouldnt you say somewhere in there, we are not really at war. Just kind of taking creative license, its not really war. We shouldnt respond as if you were in a war. Why not say that so you dont confuse people . I say if you watch the whole video tucker i did. You wouldnt be confused about it. The thing that i have always felt is that, you know, people dont really understand the capacity for Cyber Warfare beyond the obvious stuff of hacking into peoples computers or using the internet, you know, facebook, we now find out that they were using facebook to push out certain kinds of propaganda. Propaganda has been around forever, you know, so we have had plenty of propaganda. Beyonce propaganda propaganda, there are other aspects to Cyber Warfare that have been used, the russians have used it, and we have to make people aware of the capacity of this cyber warfare beyond sowing distrust and confusion and democratic society. Tucker a couple of things. First, you have allied yourself with people like max boot and david frum, who have long advocated for real wars, hot wars. Both of them are big advocates of the war in iraq predicated on the idea that saddam had weapons of mass destruction. I think he made a movie on that. But are you a little concerned, you have wound up linked to people who are advocating and have for decades a series of actual wars where people dive. Are you comfortable with that . We have people on all sides. We have james clapper, the director of national intelligence, many supporters. Norman lear. We have liberals and hawks and doves, as you say, on both sides. We are not advocating going to war or going into a traditional war with russia, but we are already in a cyber war with the them. And people want to turn their heads away from that, it is at their own peril. The point id like to make, and this is important for people to understand, because this really doesnt have anything to do with donald trump. Trust me. Because donald trump, whatever happens to him is going to happen to him. There are already investigations. Mueller is going to find what he finds. The house and senate have their own investigations. Theyll find whatever they find. But beyond that, we have been invaded in a certain way, and the thing that has been so upsetting to me and i dont know how old you are, tucker, but i can remember when i had to hide under a desk during the cold war in the 50s because we were worried that we were going to get attacked by a nuclear bomb. And whenever the country has been attacked in one way or another, whether it was pearl harbor or 9 11, we have always come together as a country to defend ourselves against enemies, foreign enemies, you know . And this is the first time, because i think we are divided as a country, and we know we are, want to bring us together. Tucker heres part of the reason. I agree with you. We are very divided, and maybe this is one of the reasons. A lot of this is deeply disingenuous. Anyone who looks at Cyber Warfare will tell you any honest person will say the Chinese Military is the primary culprit in the you make United States. Hacked into the house not that long ago and Didnt Know Mike almost every federal agency. Nobody said anything. You guys in hollywood sell your movies in china. You bowed to the imperatives of their propaganda and censorship. You change your movies to suit them. Yet no one says we are at war with china. So you are sucking up to this regime that has actually broken in installing industrial and military secrets that have hurt this country. You say nothing until Hillary Clinton loses, and now, all of a sudden, we are at war with russia. Can you see why some of us are saying, wait a second, rob reiner, we are at war with china. Why are you selling your movies over there . Im not giving china a free pass here. Tucker of course you are. You guys in Hollywood Sellier Movies and you allow their Censorship Office to change your movies in order to make money. I dont personally do that. Tucker everybody who sells a movie in china does that. You know that. Kind of b. S. Ing a little. Thats real. Here is the difference, tucker. The chinese have done some stuff, weve done stuff we were too. Tucker but were going to judge russia because why . It doesnt make sense. Youre not letting it make a point here. We know about stuxnet, we know the capacity for Cyber Warfare. Its not just hacking into computers and stealing information. Its about using that information and weapon icing it in some way. Now, you can weapon eyes it in propaganda, which it has been done in this way, or it can be actually westernized in a physical way to disrupt power plants, water supplies, and so on. The russians have done that in the ukraine. Like i say, stuxnet, we did that in iran. This is not a surprise. The point is, we are at this point where you have two understand the capacity so we can put in place the kind of measures we need to defend ourselves. Tucker i agree with everything you just said. I love that you agreed with that. Tucker you didnt answer my question. What was the question . I dont want to be cynical, but i find it striking that the United States has been the subject of repeated Cyber Attacks by china and i didnt hear anybody on the left say anything about it, and all of a sudden, they have phds in Cyber Warfare and are calling for war with russia which, if anything, is less an offender. Is it all political, do you think . Yeah, it seems like so now, tucker. Youre exactly right that there is, to say the least, some ideological inconsistency in the establishment and on the left when it comes to our foreign interventions, and when it comes to how we see china and how we see the rest of the world. Tucker it does seem that way. Lets get back to the core claim here, and that is that russia hacked our election or hacked our democracy. We have talked about it for ten months now. Im still not sure that i understand how exactly russia hacked our democracy. Are we certain of that . No, we are not, tucker. Lets talk about the dnc hacked specifically. First of all, true or not, the entire narrative of Russian Election interference started as a Hillary Clinton campaign Talking Point. The dnc only announced it was hacked by russia two days after wikileaks had information that said the Clinton Campaign and dnc were colluding to mistreat bernie sanders. That provided the Clinton Campaign and incredible Talking Point going into the Democratic National convention to distract from the fact that they were mistreating bernie. The second thing is that the fbi repeatedly asked to examine the dnc servers, and the dnc repeatedly refused. A private Cyber Security firm bought and paid for by the dnc with ideological ties to the Clinton Campaign looked at the dncs service. We have to trust that when it passed along information to the fbi that that was an accurate representation of what was on the dnc service at the time. Third, the forensics or the information that showed a hacked passed along to the fbi were far from conclusive. A lot of the evidence is being used in a way that is analogous to saying, look, tucker, i met a crime scene. I see an ak47 on the ground. The shooter must be russian. There is a logical flaw in that and the Obama Administration agreed there was a logical flaw in that, and that is why they waited the entire summer of 2016 to attribute that hacked to russia. When they did so, they did so under somewhat suspect circumstances. Tucker it would be striking to conclude, as we may at some point, that all of this was built on error or a lie. Very specifically, why did the dnc not allow federal investigators access to their service. Was there a reason for that . We really dont know, tucker. That is kind of the problem here is that its not that russia for sure it did or didnt interfere in our election, but the degree to which russia interviewed in our election is definitely open for debate and open for more investigation, and this is one of the areas we dont have good answers on why the dnc refused access. Go ahead, tucker. Tucker its just, just the whole thing. Weve altered the course of our Foreign Policy. We changed american political history. You put the entire city on hold, cold, and no one has answered the most basic questions, like, what happen. Willis, thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me on, tucker. Tucker of course. According to new reports, president obamas u. N. Ambassador tried to unmask the identities of spiesupon u. S. Citizens, not rarely, but on a daily basis, sometimes once a day. Up next, what this says about the ethics of the Obama Administration, and the obvious question, which is, why were they doing that, exactly . Plus, Hillary Clinton didnt focus on the Electoral College and she lost. Now she says it is time to get rid of the Electoral College because it is a threat to democracy or something. Well talk about that just ahea ahead. For your heart. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. 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According to sources interviewed by fox news, Samantha Power, who was obamas u. N. Ambassador from 2013 to 2017, and a political aide before that, it made almost daily requests to unmask the identities of u. S. Citizens, often with no obvious reason for doing so. Power previously has denied any role in leaking classified information about u. S. Citizens. Joel rubin was the Assistant Secretary under obama, and he joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. My pleasure. Thanks, tucker. So tucker so this is exactly the scenario we were assured would not happen when one of these periodic debates about spying on American Citizens breaks out, for instance, the nsa. We were told, there is no chance anyone is going to spy on you, and if youre talking to someone who is being spied on, your identity will remain secret. Now we find that a very political appointee, Samantha Power, no background, just appointed, was unmasking people at the rate of more than one a day. What could possibly be a legitimate explanation for that . Tucker, it is interesting, i was a Career Officer in a classified position at the state department, and we would oftentimes read intelligence reports. First thing in the morning, we would do what they call it a readin. Sometimes names would show up that were american, but they would be blacked out, so one wouldnt see it. Essentially, that is masking. What happened is, the americans end up getting caught up in surveillance when the u. S. Is targeting adversaries, and at the u. N. , there are many adversaries, as you know. There are many countries who want to do us harm. So our government is surveilling those governments and american names show up, that is what happens, and those names get masked. It is important to understand what is going on. Are these americans being targeted . Are these americans up to no good . That is oftentimes really whats going on. Tucker how many Terror Attacks do you think Samantha Power thwarted by unmasking the names of over 200 americans . Honestly, its not Samantha Power unmasking the names. What would happen is, there would be a request into the fbi, the National Security agency, whether or not to unmask. They determine whether or not those names get unmasked. An unofficial, a diplomat in this position, Cant Esther Target or identify certain individuals and follow them. There really are rules of the road and how this proceeds. Tucker it doesnt seem like it. Just to be totally clear, and contrast with you, Samantha Power, not a career diplomat. A very lowlevel journalist, a freelancer, then an obama staffer, and at some point she worked at harvard as an academic. So she is a political person. Dont you think we should be a little uncomfortable that she put in a request of more than one a day for unmasking as a political person . That doesnt bother you . If her role was a political person, i could see your point. But she was the u. S. Investor to the u. N. Cabinet level position. Strong bipartisan support. She has to be looking out for a National Security at the u. N. And there are bad guys at the u. N. There is north korea, iran, russia, china, saudi arabia. These countries are looking to do harm to the United States in many instances, and we should know what theyre up to and who they are talking to. That is a question that needs to be figured out. Tucker i think these were by definition, i think these were american names. We have a Fourth Amendment, dont we, that says that you cant a criminal investigation, on the investigator, i come upon information for which i dont have a warrant, i cant use that in the prosecution. I have to put that aside because i dont have a warrant. She didnt have a warrant. How did she get an exemption from the Fourth Amendment . Im not sure thats actually what happened. I dont believe that we have seen frankly, i dont know where the numbers are coming from that we are discussing, because it sounds like there is leaking going on about this activity. But it appears that this was held in a classified setting, as it should be, and it has continued to hit and stay in a classified setting. Ill leave it at that. I dont think we have seen a plethora of american names coming out in the press of folks who were surveilled. Tucker actually, we have. I mean, you saw it with a number of people in this administration who have been impugned and, you know, maybe they did something wrong. I dont really know. But all the information that we have about what they did or didnt do comes in the form of leaks. Here is the bottom line. The intel is now acting as a political player in our country. Is that a good thing . Are they supposed to be doing that . I didnt think they were supposed to be doing that at all. I would be the first to agree with you that leaks are dangerous and we need to ensure there is no leaking. We dont know the source of the leaking here. Thats very important. There are two congressional investigations. I was a congressional staffer. Congress is injurious for leaking, as you know. What we need to ensure that names are protected and that as investigations are underway that the investigations go forward without that kind of noise happening. I agree with that. Tucker yeah. I hope Michael Flynn did something wrong because his life has been destroyed by those. Well, yeah go ahead, tucker, please. Its been well, were out of time. Hope theyre guilty. Good to see you tonight. Congressman and both parties are fighting themselves under attack by leftwing protesters. Up next, well talk to one, a city member of congress who says his home was attacked by a group of activists. Stay tuned. And pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. And all day all night protection. 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Hey, jason, 19, 20, 25 people on your front Step Screaming and yelling, and his daughters were next on, called her dad, who called the police. They left, i believed before the police got there. But these are people that dont think the rules applied to them. I was elected as a republican, but now i dont govern they reserve the right to crash our office in violation of security protocols, to crash town hall and prevent other people from speaking, and even trespass and violate a city ordinance. It is getting a little out of control. Tucker coming to your house seems especially threatening. If people behave in a rude way in public, i dont like it, but your house is yours, and that seems like a private sphere that they are violating. What did you do in response . Ill tell you what i did in response. I put up a Facebook Post saying that i was appalled and this has got to stop. Everybody condemns violence on the right. After charlottesville, we all condemned that. Where are the democratic leaders, especially now after pelosis experience, condemning this Dangerous Movement on the left . And it is becoming dangerous, make no mistake. Tucker did you tell them to get the hell off your lawn . Well, i wasnt there. Tucker you never went home. I was never there at the time. My neighbor texted me, i got home after they were gone. Luckily, My Family Wasnt Home at the time either. Tucker who were these people . This is a group funded by a big public union called take action minnesota. They also crashed our office. They have been doing this, ratcheting it up. I think there is a collective Temper Tantrum being thrown by people who didnt win the last election. And they keep ratcheting things up because theyre not getting any ears. Will crash the office, will videotape in the office when we are not supposed to. Well crash a town hall and not let other people talk in productive dialogue. If that doesnt work, why, well trespass and will invade somebodys home. There needs to be leadership on the democratic side of the aisle to say, you know what, enough of this. Tucker so they got your home address. These are labor people, but imagine if they had been antifa people in masks with two by fours, bear spray, knives, the kind of things they had brought to rallies recently. What are you going to do if that happens . I think the town hall situation is why its not going to happen. I shouldnt say its not going to happen. The reason so many republicans are scaling back on town halls is precisely because of what you described might happen. They want to hold the first democratic or leftwing rally of 2018 and call it a town hall. That is not free speech. That has nothing to do with a town hall. If it could happen in a town hall, youre right, it could happen anywhere. Tucker so when youre in washington, in the congress, and you see your car like colleague other side, do you ever your supporters showed up at my house, scared my neighbors kids, maybe you should pull them back. Do you ever say that to them . I have mentioned it a couple of times, but these people are ideologues. They are dedicated to the cause and they need these leftwing activists. I think they know that. Look at medicare for all. This is socialized medicine. A few decades ago, that wouldve been the Kiss Of Death in the democratic party. Now democrats are falling all over themselves to have Government Run in controlled health care. This is the base of the democratic party today. It is no longer jfks democratic party. Tucker no. Are you kidding . He would be yelled off the stage as a pig bigot. But it is the violent undertone, that seems like a new development to me. Actually, if you are as old as i am, its not. Remember the fdf, the Democratic Convention of 1968, there has always been the strain of righteousness that oke hard left. The 1960s were Proof Positive of that. And unfortunately we may be revisiting that again. Tucker congressman, thank you. Its horrifying. You bet. Tucker the case of Debbie Wasserman schultzs rogue i. T. Aids keeps getting stranger. Up next, will tell you about The Women In His Life repeatedly called police to report his violent, threatening behavior. Plus, Hillary Clinton says it is time to overturn two centuries of tradition and get rid of the Electoral College. Well talk to a Radio Show Host who says, good call. Stay tuned. Hard Exhalation honey . Can we do this tomorrow . grunts of effort can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. 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Get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. When you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Book now. This is not a cloud. This is a car protected from storms by an Insurance Company that knows the weather down to the square block. This is a diamond tracked on a blockchain protected against fraud, theft and trafficking. This is a financial Transaction Secure from hacks and threats others cant see. This is a patients medical history made secure while Still Available to their doctor at their fingertips. This is an asteroid livestreamed to millions of viewers from 220 miles above earth. This is ai trained by experts in 20 industries. Your industry. Hello. This is not the cloud you know. This is the ibm cloud. Built for your business. Designed for your data. Secure to the core. The ibm cloud is the cloud for enterprise. Yours. Tucker weve got an update on the increasingly bizarre story of imran awan, the i. T. Worker who remained on congresswoman Debbie Wasserman schultzs payroll, even after he was determined to be a Security Threat and was only fired after being arrested on federal charges while trying to flee the country. Not a good sign. Wasserman schultz has since suggested that awan was only targeted because, of course, racism, racial profiling, islamophobia. She didnt bother to ask me how that worked. Meanwhile, awan insists that his client is a husband and father, not a political pawn. Now Police Reports show that the women in awans life repeatedly reported him to the police. One woman accused him of treating her like a slave. Sitting as a congressional staffer he had the power to tap her phone, hurt her family members, even had her kidnapped. A third woman called the police after a domestic dispute, and follow no arrest was made in the end, Police Officer at the seams dried blood on awans hands. Contacted all 17 Democratic Women who once employed awans services seeking comment on this. 15 of them refused reply at all. Hillary clinton went on her recent book to her to tell america what happened, and it turns out that what happened is that Hillary Clinton became the countrys biggest sore loser. In a recent interview with cnn, she called for the abolition of the Electoral College which, for 230 years, has dictated the election of the u. S. President. Watch this. Do you think the Electoral College should be abolished . I said that in 2000, after what happened in the 2000 election with al gore. We have moved toward one person, one vote. That is how we select winners. I was amused after the french elections when i was looking to do an interview with a french electoral expert, and he said, unlike your country, the person with the most votes wins. I think it needs to be eliminated. Id like to see us move beyond it, yes. Tucker Leslie Marshall is a talk Radio Show Host, and she agrees with hillary that we ought to abolish the Electoral College. She joins us. Leslie, good to see you. Good to see you, tucker. Tucker so pardon my skepticism, but this last election seems to have changed the abuse of liberals on many things. For almost my entire life, liberals supported russia, particularly when it was soviet russia. Now they are against it because hillary blames russia for her loss. The Electoral College has function for a couple of centuries. A prosperous, happy country. Now we have to abolish it because she doesnt like it. Can you look right into the camera and say if hillary had lost the popular vote but will make the Electoral College, she would be for abolishing it . I would, tucker. Before i was a democrat, when i was in college and i was at an independent, i was against the Electoral College then and i still am now. I must admit, in our history, five elections have gone against democrats in favor of republicans with the Electoral College versus the popular vote. But that is honestly not why. As a democrat, ill take the advantage of it comes up, but i dont think its an advantage. I think it is a disadvantage. I am an state in california where numerous people will say, my vote doesnt count, and that includes many republicans who ta democratic candidate anyway. Unfortunately, that is true. There is something to one voice, one vote. I believe and i love a democracy, a true democracy. Even though we operate as a republic it, i would like to see a majority rule, even if my candidate loses. The president himself back in 2012 said, the Electoral College was a disaster for democracy, and he changed his mind as well. Its not just us liberals who change their minds. Tucker not surprised. Lets take what youre saying seriously. If we are going to have a one man, one vote system, pure democracy, as he said, real democracy, weve got to abolish the senate because it is not, of course, democratic. Robisons 40 million people. A senator from wyoming represents a little over half a million. It is not one voice, one vote. It is skewed. You get rid of the senate, right . I think when you have progress in a nation and do change, certainly our nation, country has changed in the past 230 years from the late 1700s until now. Not just our demographic, not just how many states do we have now compared to then. Honestly, and i know theyre going to get mad at me in rhode island, but to have two people representing rhode island and two people you mentioned the state i am in, california representing the population of this state, which is larger than some nations throughout the world, no, i dont think its right. And i know youre going to be tucker you want a direct democracy . Are you ready for the consequences . Gay marriage would be the law of the land. Global warming, not even a concern for most people. Youd never get a carbon tax under a direct democracy. In other words, the idea that the majority rules, its a great idea, and im for it. Im more on the populace side. But pure democracy would disenfranchise rich liberals, the ones who run the democratic party, completely. Their ideas have no popular support. Is that a concern for you . I dont think their ideas have no popular support. I understand what youre saying but a vote in california. You have to look at the demographic of the voters and the language of that Ballot Measure here in california. On a national scale, polls show that most liberal social issues are actually viewed favorably by both left and right, whether it is legalizing marijuana, gay marriage, and things like that. Honestly, tucker, most fiscal issues left and right arm also agreed on. People, even democrats, even myself or mark fiscally conservative. I think it would work out. Quite frankly, i want everyone to feel that they have a voice, and in this state of california where i live and the rest of the states in this country, i know many people dont. But look at how few people vote in our elections. Tucker i love it people voted this time, the public said they want something different, the elected trump how many people voted, tucker . How many people voted . Tucker leslie, i dont know. Of the people that could vote, how many voted in this election . Tucker people who care vote. Im happy with that. Leslie marshall, thanks for joining us tonight. Great to see her. Thank you, tucker. Your too. Tucker a christian tshirt business is being sued because it wouldnt make sure its for a gay pride parade. The stores owner has been denounced into some legal trouble. Well meet with him next find out what is going on. Its like nothing youve seen. The power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. All day, and all night. 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If you hurt an animal, it says a lot about how youll treat people. A print shop in kentucky is under siege tonight because its owner, who is a christian, doesnt want to endorse a gay pride event. Blaine adamson is the owner and operator of hands on originals in lexington, kentucky. In 2012, he declined to print a series of gay pride tshirts for an upcoming Pride Festival. He says he even employs gay employs, but he doesnt want to print materials that conflict with his religious beliefs. We are joined by who is or presenting him in court. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for coming on. Blaine, the obvious question first, and you say that it is not a question of disliking gay people, but that you have eight religious problem with this. Explain that, if you would . Absolutely. Ill print for anybody. It doesnt matter who you are, It Doesnt Matter who you are, what your Belief System is. What matters is what message youre asking me to print. We have shown over the country of our history that we employ employees and we also print for gay people. It just depends on the message they ask us to print. One specific example, the very Pride Festival we had an issue with, there was a lesbian band named mother jane. We predict traits for them. It was about who they are. It was about what messages we were being asked to print. We find that we have to decline messages often because of my convictions. Tucker it says in your bio that you have declined to print shirts that you thought were antichristian, but youve also declined to print messages you thought were antigay. Absolutely. One in particular, a shirt that says homosexuality is sin. As a pastor, i i dont think js would have gone about it that way. Jesus was a master of grace and truth. It didnt feel like that was something i wanted to print. Tucker you dont seem like someone who should be sued over this. Im a little confused, because we do have the first amendment. Cant someone say what he wants or not say what he wants. Can you really compel someone to Say Something he doesnt believe . Youre absolutely right. The Constitution Protects Blaine and others. It protects the right of Creative Professionals not to be forced to create messages, express messages, or celebrate events that sell violate their core convictions. If we want that freedom for ourselves, we have to extend it to those with whom we disagree. Tucker could i be sued for not writing a certain kind of novel or not having a certain kind of guest on this show . Im serious. Could i be, by the left . You are spoton, tucker. These laws will be applied to the left as well as the right. Could a republican speechwriter be forced or a democrat . We are seeing these laws be applied across the United States, and there is a case pending right out the Supreme Court that has these issues. It is whether someone can be forced to express messages and to convey ideas that violate the core of who they are. Tucker i would think that gay Rights Groups and christian groups and everyone would agree with what you just said. Blaine, quickly, how has this affected your life . Five years, probably not making millions printing tshirts. This has got to be pretty tough on you, i would think. Its just one of those things you kind of get through. We just continue on doing what e just keep keeping on. Tucker, one of the unique aspects of blaines case, people of both sides are on blaines side. We do have hope that tolerance is a twoway street here. Tucker and they absolutely ought to be. Unfortunately, we are out of time, but i really wish you both look in this. Thank you very much. Thanks. Tucker up ahead, President Trump has had plenty of critics who compare him to some of the worst figures in world history. One of those critics with a surprisingly different attitude a few years ago. 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Those who have had a drug or Alcohol Problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Tucker on this show, youve heard from plenty of democrats and some republicans who described donald trump as one of the most evil and also buffoonish humans in history. A dark fusion of adolf hitler and was the only thought despicable . This is Jesse Jackson describing the current president. Watch. Thank you for being with us tonight. With your building skills, your gusto. People on wall street represent diversity. We thank you for coming tonight. Lets give donald trump a big hand. Tucker we asked Reverend Jackson to come on and explain when the trunk evil

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