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or five years ago. >> the word that she relayed to the president called the vice president, a -- apologized for being impolite. do you remember what the president called him? >> the p word. >> mr. jacob, how do you describe the demeanor of the vice president following that call with the president? >> when he came back in to the room, i'd say he was steely, determined, grim. >> of course, the most dangerous part of what donald trump did on january 6th was what he did himself. as will be discussed in detail in a future hearing, our investigation found that early drafts of the january 6 elipse speech prepared for the president included no mention of the vice president. the president revised it to include criticism of the vice president and then further ad libbed. here's what the president said january 6 after his call with vice president pence. >> i hope mike will do the right thing. i hope so. i hope so. because if mike pence does the right thing, we win the election. all vice president pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify. we become president and you are the happiest people. and i actually -- i just spoke to mike. mike, that doesn't take courage. what takes courage is to do nothing. that takes courage. and then we're stuck with a president that lost the election by a lot and we have to live with that for four more years. we're just not going to let that happen. mike pence is going to have to come through for us. if he doesn't, that will be a sad day for our country. and they want to recertify their votes. they want to recertify. but the only way that can happen is if mike pence agrees to send it back. so i hope mike has the courage to do what he has to do. i hope he doesn't listen to the rinos and the stupid people that he's listening to. >> of course, we all know what happened next. the president's words had an effect. president trump's supporters became angry. when the vice president issued his public letter, the crowd at that capitol erupted in anger. the rioters who had erected makeshift galloing began chanting "hang mike pence." testimony in our investigation has made clear what the target of the rioters ire, vice president mike pence. the righters breached the capitol at 2:13 p.m. now let's take a look at what was going on at the white house at this time. we received temperature that the president's chief of staff, mark meadows was notified of the violence at the capitol by 2:00 p.m. and likely earlier. the testimony further establishes that mr. meadows quickly informed the president and he did so before the president issued his 2:24 p.m. tweet criticizing vice president pence for not having "courage" to do what needed to be done. here's what the president wrote in his 2:24 p.m. tweet. while the violence at the capitol was going on. here's what the rioters thought. >> he deserves to burn with the rest of them. >> this escalated after pence. what happened to pence? pence didn't do what we wanted. >> he voted against trump. >> that's when all this started? >> yep. that's when we marched on the capitol. we've been shot at with rubber bullets, tear gas. >> mike pence is not going to reject any fraudulent votes. that's right. you heard it here first. mike pence has betrayed the united states of america. mike pence has betrayed this country and he's been trayed the people of the united states and we will never ever forget. >> real simple. pence betrayed us, which apparently everybody knew he was going to. the president mentioned it like five times when he talked. you can go back and watch the president's video. >> this is our capitol. be respectful to it. four million people coming in. a lot of control. we love the cops. love you guys. >> it's only a matter of time. justice is coming. >> although the president's chief of staff mark meadows has refused to testify before this committee, mr. meadows aide, ben williamson and white house deputy press sister sarah matthews testified that mr. meadows went to the dining room near the oval office about the violence at the capitol before the president's 2:24 p.m. tweet. in future hearings, you'll hear more about exactly what was happening in the white house at the time. here's what some white how staff told the select committee. >> do you know where he went? >> yes. i followed him down the hallway and i followed him to the outer oval corridor, which is the hallway between the oval office halfway and the outer oval section of the oval office. i followed him in to that little corridor hallway. i saw him walk in to outer oval. i maybe took a step in to outer oval and lef: i don't know where he went after that. looked like he was headed to the oval office. >> we talked at that point about how it was bad. you know, the situation was getting out of hand. i know ben williamson and i were conferring. we thought that the president needed to tweet something and tweet something immediately. i think when kayleigh gave us that order of don't say anything to the media, i told her that i thought the president needed to tweet something. then i remember -- then i remember getting a notification on my phone. i was sitting in a room with roma and ben. we all got a notification. we knew it was a tweet from the president. we looked down. it was a tweet about mike pence. >> i believe that i had sent him a text saying that we may want to put out some sort of statement because the situation was getting hairy at the capitol. it was common after i would text him, i would go down and see him in person. >> you went down to speak with mark meadows after this. what was that conversation? >> very brief. i told him the same thing in the text that i can recall. i don't remember anybody that was said between us other than i told him that. to my recollection he immediately got up and left his office. >> our investigation found that immediately after the 2:24 p.m. tweet, the crowd outside the capitol and inside the capitol surged. the crowds inside the capitol were able to overwhelm the law enforcement presence and the vice president was quickly evacuated from his ceremonial senate office to a secure location within the capitol complex. by 2:24 p.m., the secret service had moved vice president pence from the senate chamber to his office across the hall. >> the noise from the rioters became audible. we recognized they got in the building. >> then president trump tweeted, mike pence didn't have the courage what should have been done to protect our country and our constitution. giving states a chance to certified a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certified. u.s.a. demands the truth. >> it was clear by the escalatelation that it was escalating quickly. so when that tweet, the mike pence tweet was sent out, i remember us saying that that was the last thing that needed to be tweeted at that moment. the situation was already bad. so it felt like he was pouring gasoline on the fire by tweeting that. >> 30 seconds later, rioters inside the capitol opened the east rotunda door just down the hall. just 30 seconds after that, rioters breached the crypt. one floor below the vice president. >> the secret service couldn't keep him safe. >> the secret service rushed mike pence down the stairs. >> they were trying to figure out whether or not they had a clear route to get us to wherever they wanted to move us to. >> we moved down the stairs and through various hallways and tunnels to the secure location. upon arriving there, there was further discussion we were going to leave or stay where we were. >> vice president pence and his team ultimately were led to a secure location where they stayed for the next 4 1/2 hours. barely missing rioters a few feet away. >> approximately 40 feet, that's all there was. 40 feet between the vice president and the mob. mr. jacob, you were there. seeing that for the first time. does it surprise you to see how close the mob was to the evacuation route was? 40 feet is the distance from me to you roughly. >> i could hear the dim of the rioters in the building while we moved. i don't think i was aware that they were as close as that. >> make no mistake about the fact that the vice president's life was in danger. a recent court filing by the department of justice explains that a confidential informant from the proud boys told the fbi that the proud boys would have killed mike pence if given a chance. this witness whom the fbi refers to as w-1 stated that other members talked that day. w-1 further stated that members of the proud boys said that they would have killed mike pence if given the chance. we understand that congressional leaders and others were evacuated from the capitol complex during the attack. we would like to show you what happened after the vice president was evacuated from the senate. >> the select committee contained never before seen photos from the national archives that show vice president pence sheltering in a secure underground location as rioters overtook the capitol. mike pence is seen looking at a tweet the president just sent, a tweet asking the rioters to leave the capitol. after 4 1/2 hours spent on working to restore order, the vice president turned to the senate floor to continue the certification of electors. >> vice president pence was a focus of the violent attack. mr. jacob, did the vice president leave the capitol complex during the attack? >> he did not. >> can you please explain why he refused to leave the capitol complex? >> when we got down to the secure location, secret service directed us to get in to the cars, which i did. and then i noticed the vice president had not. so i got out of the car that i had gotten into. i understood that the vice president had refused to get in to the car. the head of his secret service detail, tim, had said that i assure you we're not going to drive out of the building without your permission. the vice president said something to the effect of tim, i know you, i trust you but you're not the one behind the wheel. the vice president did not want to take any chance that the world would see the vice president of the united states fleeing the u.s. capitol. he was determined to complete the work that we had set out to do that day, that it was his constitutional duty to see through. the rioters that had breached the capitol would not have the satisfaction of disrupting the proceedings beyond the day on which they were supposed to be completed. >> let me see if i understand this right. you were told to get in the cars and how many of the vice president's staff got in the cars while he did not? >> most of us. >> during our investigation, we received testimony that while the vice president was in a secure location in the capitol complex, he continued the business of government. we understand the vice president reached out to congressional leaders like the acting secretary of defense and others to check on their safety and to address the growing crisis. in addition, the vice president's chief of staff make several calls to government officials. here's mr. short's testimony with representative kevin mccarthy. >> he indicated that he had had some conversation, i don't recall if it was with the president or somebody at the white house. he expressed frustration that not taking the circumstances seriously as i should at that moment. >> so mr. mccarthy indicated he was in touchwith someone at the white house and they were taking it as seriously as they should? you have to answer yes or no. >> yes. >> while the president made several calls to check on the safety of others, it was his own life that was in great danger. did president trump call the vice president to check on his safety? >> he did not. >> how did vice president pence and mrs. pence react to that? >> >> with frustration. >> mr. jacob, immediately before you and the vice president were evacuated to a secure location within the capitol, you hit send on an e-mail to john eastman explaining why his legal theory about the vice president's role was wrong. you edited your e-mail by stating that "thanks to your bullshit, we're now under siege." we'll take a look at that e-mail. dr. eastman replied, and this is hard to believe, but his reply back to you is the siege is because you and your boss, presumably referring to the vice president of the united states, did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so the american people could see for themselves what happened. mr. jacob, later that day you wrote again to dr. eastman. let's show that e-mail on the screen. in that e-mail you wrote, and i quote, "did you advise the president in your professional judgment the vice president does not have the power to decide things unilaterally?" you said it doesn't appear the president got the memo. dr. eastman replied, he's been so advised. he ends the e-mail "but you know him, once he gets something in his hard, it's hard to get him to change course." when dr. eastman wrote that, did you understand that he in that e-mail to refer to the president of the united states? >> i did. >> and mr. jacob, did you hear from dr. eastman further after the riot had been quelled? if so, what did he ask? >> late that evening after the joint session had been reconvened, the vice president had given the statement to the nation saying that violence was not going to win. freedom wins. and that the people were going to get back to doing their work. later that evening, mr. eastman e-mailed me to point out that in his view the vice president's speech to the nation violated the electoral count act, that the electoral count act was violated because the debate in arizona was not completed in two hours. it couldn't be because there was an intervening riot of several hours and that the speeches, that the majority and minority readers had been allowed to make also violated the electoral count act because they hadn't been counted against the debate time. he implored me now that we have established that electoral count act is not as sanctimonious as you made it out to be, can you implore the vice president can suspend the joint session, send it back to the states. >> we'll show you the text of that e-mail, which dr. eastman wrote at 11:44 p.m. on january 6, so after the attack on the capitol and after law enforcement secured the capitol, he still wrote as you describe "so now the precedent has been set that the electoral count act is not so as previously claimed, i implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation and adjourn nor ten days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations. so even after the attack on the capitol had been quelled, dr. eastman requested in writing no less that the vice president violate the law by delaying the certification and sending the question back to the states. is that correct, mr. jacob? >> it is. did you share dr. eastman's proposal with vice president pence? >> not right at that time. because the vice president was completing the work that it was his duty to do. but a day or two later, back at the white house, i did show him that final e-mail from mr. eastman. >> what was vice president pence's reaction when you showed him the e-mail where dr. eastman after the attack on the capitol still asked that the vice president delay certification and send it back to the states? >> he said that's rubber room stuff. >> i'm sorry. he said it's rubber room stuff? >> yes, congressman. >> what did you interpret that to me? >> i understood it to mean that after having seen play out what happens when you convince people that there is a decision to be made in the capitol legitimately about who is to be the president and the consequences of that, that he was still pushing us to do what he had been asking us to do the previous two days, that that was certifiably crazy. >> we know the vice president be didn't do what dr. eastman requested because he presided over the completion of the counting of electoral votes later in the evening. >> the number of electors appointed to vice president for president of the united states is 538. within that whole number, a majority is 270. the vice president for president of the united states are as followed. joseph r. biden has received 306 votes. donald j. trump with the state of florida has received 232 votes. the whole number of electors appointed to vote for vice president of the united states is 538. within that whole number, a majority is 270. the votes for vice president of the united states are as follows. kamala d. harris has received 306 votes. michael r. pence of the state of indiana has received 232 votes. the announcement of the state of the vote by the president of the senate shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the person's elected president and vice president of the united states. each for the term beginning on the 20th day of january, 2021. and shall be entered together with the list of the votes on the journals of the senate and the house of representatives. >> mr. jacob, we heard earlier that you and the vice president and the team started january 6th with a prayer. you faced a lot of danger that day. this is a personal question. but how did your faith guide you january 6th? >> my faith sustained me through it. down in the secure location, i pulled out my bible. read through it. and just took great comfort. daniel 6 is where i went. daniel 6, daniel has become the second in command of babylon, a pagan nation. he completely faithfully serves. he refuses an order from the king that he cannot follow. he does his duty. consistent with hisest to god. i felt that that's what played out that day. >> it spoke to you? >> yes. >> at the end of the day, mark short sent the vice president a text message with a bible verse. here's what he told the select committee. >> at 3:50 a.m. when we finally adjourned and headed our own ways, i remember texting the vice president a passage from second timothy about i fought a good fight, i finished the race and i kept the faith. >> he started his day with a prayer and ended his day with a bible verse. fought the good fight, i finished the race and i kept the faith. white house attorney eric hirschman testified that he received a call frommr. eastman. here's his account of that call. >> the day after eastman -- i don't know why -- he called me. he texted me or called me. wanted to talk with me. he said he couldn't reach others. he started to ask me about something dealing with georgia and preserving something potentially for appeal. i said to him, are you out of your f-ing mind? i only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on. "orderly transition." i don't want to hear any other f-ing words come out of your mouth orderly transition. repeat those words to me. eventually he said orderly transition. i said good, john. now i'm going to get you the give free legal advice. get a great f-ing criminal defense lawyer. you're going to need it. i hung up on him. >> a few days later, dr. eastman got in touch with rudy guliani. he asked to be on a list of presidential pardons. his list stated "i've decided i should be on the pardon list if that is still in the works." dr. eastman did not receive his presidential pardon. let's see what he did as a result of being deposed by this committee. >> i assert my fifth amendment right. >> did the trump legal team ask you to prepare a memorandum regarding the vice president's role in the counting of electoral votes on january 6? >> yes. >> did you watch the president of the united states saying that the vice president could declare that the vice president had been re-elected? >> fifth. >> dr. eastman, the first sentence of the memo starts off by saying seven states have transmitted duel slates of electors to the president of the senate. is that statement in this memo true? >> fifth. >> president trump authorize you to discuss publicly your january 4th 2021 conversations with him? >> fifth. >> so is it your position you can discuss direct conversations that you had with the president of the united states but you will not discuss those same conversations with this committee? >> fifth. >> dr. eastman pled the fifth 100 times. finally let's hear from the federal court judge. the only one to date who has opined on whether the president was involved in criminal activity. page 36 of judge carter's ruling says "based on the evidence, the court finds it more likely than not that president trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the joint session of congress on january 6, 2021." page 40 of the ruling says the court finds that it's more likely than not that president trump and dr. eastman conspired to disrupt the joint session of congress on january 6, 2021. page 44, dr. eastman and president trump launched a campaign to overturn democratic election, an action unprecedented in american history. their campaign was not confined to the ivory tower. it was a coup in search of a legal theory. mr. jacob. what would have happened to our democracy if vice president pence had gone along with this plan and certified donald trump as a winner of the 2020 election? >> so there would have been short term and long-term effects. short term i previously described a constitutional jump ball situation, political chaos in washington, lawsuits and who knows what happens in the streets and you would have had the vice president declared that the outcomes of these state elections were incorrect. so for all of those reasons there would have been significant short term consequences. but in the long-term, we would have established a situation where a vice president would have asserted that one person could have the authority to determine the outcome of an election, which is antithetical to everything in our democracy. it's antithetical to the rule of law. so it would have been significant impacts both in the short and the long-term. >> in the statement that you released earlier today, you said the efforts by president trump to overturn the 2020 election were "the most reckless, insidious and calamatus failures in american history." what did you mean by that? >> exactly what i said, congressman. >> thank you, judge. thank you, mr. jacob. mr. chairman, i yield back. >> gentleman -- >> i'm sorry, mr. chairman. i want that back. mr. chairman, this was an informative hearing, a powerful hearing. i grateful for your leadership and the leadership of the distinguished vice chair. donald trump knew he lost the 2020 election. he could not bring himself to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. so he latched on to a scheme that once again he knew was illegal. when the vice president refused to go along with it, he unleashed a violent mob against him. when we began, i asked how he got to this place. i think the answer to that question starts with the fact that people in positions of power put their political party before the country. that cannot be allowed to continue. i'll yield back, mr. chairman. >> thanks very much. without objection, the chair recognizes the gentle woman from wyoming, mrs. cheney, for a closing statement. >> thanks very much. thanks to representative aguillar and thanks very much to our witnesses today. mr. jacob and the judge. thanks for being here with us. we have seen so far in our hearings that president trump knew that his claims of a stolen election were false. you have seen that he knew that mike pence would not really counts electoral votes and you have seen what president trump did to pressure mike pence to taking illegal action. over the course of our next hearings, you'll see information about president trump's efforts, john eastman's efforts, the trump legal team's efforts to apply pressure to republican state legislatures, state officials and others. judge carter has recently written "dr. eastman's actions in these few weeks indicate that his and president trump's pressure campaign to stop the electoral count did not end with vice president pence. it targeted every tier of federal and state elected officials. we'll examine all of those threats and we will examine the trump team's determination to transmit materially false electoral slates from multiple states to officials of the executive and legislative branches of our government. we will look at the pressures put on state legislatures to convene to reverse lawful election results. and and honorable man receiving the information and advice that mr. trump received from his campaign experts and his staff, a man that loved this country more than himself would have conceded this election. indeed, we know that a number of president trump's closest aides urged him to do so. this committee will address all of these issues in greater detail in the coming weeks. mr. chairman, i yield back. >> gentle lady yields back. judge and mr. jacob, our nation owes you a great debt for your knowledge, integrity and your loyalty to our constitution. >> you and vice president pence are exactly the people our nation needed at a critical time. you had the courage to do what was right. in the weeks leading up to january 6, many people failed this test when they had to choose between their oath to the country or the demands of donald trump. there were others that like you stood tall in the face of intimidation and put our democracy first. they include the judges that rejected the bogus claims of election fraud, the senior justice department officials who stood up to donald trump and the state officials whom we will hear from in our next hearing. we're deeply grateful to your courage and devotion to our country. there's some that think the danger has passed. that even though there were violence and a corrupt attempt to overturn the presidential election, the system worked. i look at it another way. our system nearly failed and our democratic foundation destroyed, but for people like you. judge, i want to give you an opportunity to share your thoughts on the ongoing threat. you've written the clear and present danger to our democracy. now is there former president donald trump and other political allies appear prepared to seize the presidency in 2024 if mr. trump or one of his anointed candidates is not elected by the american people. what do you mean by this? >> mr. chairman, i'm honored beyond words by your word. i was honored on january 6, 2021 then also honored beyond words to have been able to come to the aide of vice president mike pence. i prayed that day just like the vice president prayed that day. i believe we may have prayed the same prayer to the same god. i prayed that same prayer with my wife this morning before i came in to these hearings. i have written, as you said, chairman thompson, that today almost two eyes after that fateful day in january, 2021, that still donald trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present danger to american democracy. that's not because of what happened on january 6. it's because to this very day the former president, his allies and supporters pledge that in the presidential election of 2024, if the former president or his anointed successor as the republican party presidential candidate were to lose that election, this they would attempt to overturn that 2024 election in the same way that they attempted to overturn the 2020 election but succeed in 2024 where they failed in 2020. i don't speak those words lightly. i would have never spoken those words ever in my life except that that's what the former president and his allies are telling us. as i said in that "new york times" op-ed where in i was speaking about the electoral count act of 1887, the former president and his allies are executing that blueprint for 2024 in open and plain view of the american public. i repeat, i would have never uttered one single one of those words unless the former president and his allies were candidly and proudly speaking those exact words to america. chairman, thank you for the opportunity to appear here today for these proceedings. >> thank you again, judge luttig. as a part of the select committee's charge to make recommendations that are informed by other investigative findings, we will be reviewing the views shared i by judge luttig and other experts on potential improvements to the electoral count act among a range of other initiatives. i know the information we presented over the last week is shocking. the idea that a president of the united states would orchestrate a scheme to stay in power after the people have voted him out of office, were able to present this information because so many witnesses have cooperated with our probe. but the fact is, there's more people with direct knowledge with evidence germane to our investigation. i ask those that might be on the fence about cooperating to reach out to us, the committee's website address is being displayed behind me. there you can view the evidence we presented in our hearings and find a tip line to submit any information you might think would be helpful for our investigation. and detect how you might not think it's important, send us what you think. i thank those that sent us evidence for their bravery and patriotism. without objections, members will be permitted ten business days to submit statements for the record, including opening remarks and additional questions for the witnesses. the chair requests those in the hearing room remain seated until the capitol police have escorted the members from the room. without objection, the committee stands adjourned. >> martha: okay. so with that, they are adjourned for today. bennie thompson, the chairman of the committee bringing it to a close. with that as they all begin to be escorted from the room, i want to bring jonathan turley in, law professor from george washington university. obviously very dramatic testimony about the back and forth between donald trump and mike pence that day. a phone call that happened in the oval office that was disturbing to a lot of people including ivanka trump. she said she never heard the president speak to the vice president that way. at the end of this dramatic testimony about the threat that existed to the president, at the very end, bennie thompson said we'll get around to change or make adjustments to the electoral count act, which would be helpful to avoid these situations in the future. is that your wrap up thought today as we watch people depart the chamber? >> i was very surprised that the chairman decided to end with reference with judge luttig towards the 2024 election. it really did raise this issue again of not having a bipartisan committee. i thought andy made a good point yesterday when he said when you listen to this evidence, it's really powerful. they could have had another side. they could have had republican members in the traditional way, a balanced committee. it wouldn't have lessened this evidence. that's a good example today, this is heart wrenching stuff. it was so hard to watch it again. most of this we knew. but we didn't know the specific obviously testimony, some of these new videos. but it would have been more powerful in my view if they had more balanced committee, including the ending. i thought it was really something that they probably could have done without. it raises the 2024 election and ended on a more political note. >> andy, your thoughts of what we heard today and the video of mike pence being ushered from the room. you hear the anger in the crowd of them saying he betrayed us and that's why we're going in. >> i think, martha, still that from what i am hearing today, the committee has less confidence in the system than i have. i think yes, we heard horrific things as you would expect at a riot. we've seen all kinds of rioting over this country the last year or more. it's shocking to watch. but it's not that surprising given some of the other things we've seen. i still think there's a gulf here between the horrific ambitions of the people that were trying to change the result of the election and what it says about their unfitness to serve as president and advisers to a president versus he plausible was the idea that they would actually accomplish a coup. that they would have been successful. you know, the more this goes on, the less i think it's plausible even though it sounds horrific. and to the point jonathan just made, what i would say is if you were a defense lawyer, if you were a -- someone with a different perspective than the anti-trump perspective that is carried by the committee, i don't think there's any defending what president trump did. the most you could do would be to try to put it in some kind of a mitigating context. so for example, would the states really have gone along with this even if these guys were crazy enough to send it back to the states? there's no way that would have happened. 60 courts had no problem telling president trump that his legal claims were frivolous. when he pressures the justice department, the remaining justice department officials to go along with him, they told him to pound sand. the military would never in a million years have joined on to this. but you would have needed the military to have the coup that they're talking ant. i think the system didn't work. that doesn't say that the people that were attacking the system are in any way innocent or admirable, but i think we ought to have more confidence in the system. i don't see evidence this was plausible. >> martha: it's a great point, andy. you look at the construction of our country, the founding fathers laid this out so that no one person can be in control of the country. it looks as if most of the institutions -- we hear so much about how these institutions are falling apart. they held and hold quite strongly. and it's interesting. bennie thompson makes that point. he said don't believe people that tell you that because the system held that it won't happen again. so the reason that we need to do these hearings and the reason we need to go down this road is because they want to do it again in 2024, jonathan. you pointed that out. does that stand up? it sounds like the mission here would be to find criminal activity on the part of the former president. it doesn't look like they've established that either. so i'm not sure quite what the goal is here in terms of changing what might happen in 2024. >> yeah, i was very surprised by that ending. because of the criticism of breaking with tradition, not having a bipartisan committee. i thought they would have avoided references to 2024 to sort of tamp down on arguments, including in "the new york times" the democrats hope to use the hearings to reframe for the upcoming elections. so that surprised me. we've talked about this before. they have said at the beginning, they're going to establish not just a coup attempt by a criminal conspiracy. and that requires more than what we've seen. it requires the connections. requires a nexus it was trump and these violent acts. we haven't seen that yet. maybe it's coming. but if they're really serious about building a criminal case and a referral to the department of justice, they need a more concrete connection. >> martha: if they don't make the case, it makes this a mere to be very political in terms of what they hope to accomplish before the next presidential election. we'll see where they are on that measure. with that, i want to thank you both. andy mccarthy, thanks so much. jonathan turley, great to have you both with us today as we watch this hearing. so to all of you, stay tuned to fox news channel as fox station for continuing coverage of this story. i'm martha maccallum in new york. >> martha: all right. back now to our fox news audience. we had an hour of show prepared for you, but as you know, the january 6th hearings went a lot longer than we anticipated. so we want to squeeze in one segment here before we get to the end of the hour with you that we had planned. joining me on set here is pete hegseth, co-host of "fox and friends" and author of "battle for the american mind". very important story about our american school system and jason rantz, seattle talk show host. obviously we watched the end of that together here. one of the things that i'm very cognizant of is what is going on in the right-hand corner of everybody's screen. we have fully covered these hearings this afternoon. the market is down about 800 points. when we look at what voters are interested in, it's what is happening in their every day lives at this point in 2022. we see tremendous inflation, a lot of downward pressure on everybody's 401(k). it's not just for rich people. everybody across the country are invested in this market. at the same time, they're very concerned what is going on in this country with crime. we see that. inflation is a big concern. crime is a big concern. i want to join in on the lives of two individuals to make this point about crime. let's look at these two police officers who were just killed in california. this is corporal michael parades, a 22-year veteran and officer joseph santana that just joined the force. they leave behind their wives and five children between them. the reason they're dead, it is because of this man who was out on the street. he has a rap sheet. it's quite long. we'll show you here some of the assault, battery, car them, drug possession, weapons possession, illegal weapons possession. all of that. these families are now without their fathers thanks to this man. pete, let's start with you. when you look at what is on the mind of americans right now and you think about these two families and you think about the rampant crime that we're seeing in so many places, what goes through your mind today? >> the word that came to my mind, the word of malaise that jimmy carter used in the 70s. whether it's a border that is wide open, whether it's the crime in the story that you're talking about here, the stock market that doesn't impact individual people or their gas tank or their grocery cart. in this particular case, these two officers right here, there was a three-strike law where this killer should have been in jail instead of on the streets. what george gascon and other liberal das have done is decided to fail to prosecute. they're not actually executing as prosecutors. they're acting as public defenders. looking at criminals say how can i help you leave more quickly, which leaves the families and the officers in an impossible situation where officers don't want to be proactive and in more danger every time they go out and there's no recourse for justice for the taxpayers in those particular communities. >> martha: jason, i thought about this when i worked on this story earlier today. i thought the tragic killing of george floyd, when you fast forward through all of the impacts of that, left so many people unsafe. that's a real tragedy. his killing was a tragedy. the loss of these two police officers is a tragedy. it's linked to what pete is saying in terms of hold back on the part of some police officers. they're afraid to go in and get involved in many cases. these prosecutors that are not willing to keep people off the streets. >> it's oftentimes the communities that they want to protect from police violence, they're being victimized. communities of color are hit the hardest when you go after cops. when you decide we're not going to enforce the law. on top of that, now we have two officers that are no longer with us. two heros that put on the uniform every day and they went in to the community with the intent of helping people, protecting people. only to be let down by the system that they are working with. a prosecutor that refuses to do his job. this isn't just about what is happening in california or los angeles. this is happening across the country. we have prosecutors that are saying i do not believe in putting people in jail. they should be going to probation -- >> martha: yeah, you know, looks like he's about to be ousted. they have a recall effort that has amassed more signatures than they ever had in california history. i also want to bring in devin nunes, the former california congressman and now ceo of the trump media group. i want to get your thoughts on what's going on in california but first your reaction in this hearing today. what is your take-away from it? >> people that are not familiar with these hearings probably don't know this is very unusual. this is a made-for-tv production. this is not a normal hearing. okay? it's not being structured as normal. it looks normal but they have put all of the bells and whistles on there. but as it relates to california, as something that is now still lives in california, my family is in california and what is happening in los angeles, i spent a lot of my time in florida now in my new role. but i will tell you after spending a couple of weeks straight in florida where it is safe, it's clean, the roads are good and then getting home to california about a week ago or so and being greeted at the local coffee shop with a homeless guy blocking the door that i couldn't get in to, the coffee shop asking for money, and i don't live in los angeles or san francisco. i love in central california. so as jason said, there are -- this is happening in every city but especially every city in blue states. >> martha: indeed it has. i want to press you one more time on the hearing. you're saying it's an unfair hearing what would you have wanted to say if you were there? what question would i ask. >> it's an easy answer. the first thing that would come up is the chair, the guy chairing the committee, thompson, he's a guy who several times on the record never accepted the election of george w. bush, and never accepted the election of donald trump in 2016. so the first thing that jim jordan would have done had he been the ranking member would have pointed out the hypocrisy in all of it. it would have ended there. that's why they didn't want the republicans to be part of this charade. >> martha: moore to come. thanks, devin. we had a very short story to tell you today. jason, thank you. pete, good to have you with us. thanks. come back soon. that is "the story" of this thursday, june 16. "the story" goes on. we look forward to seeing you here tomorrow at 3:00. getting rolling now as the dow is down 775 points, "your world" takes over. >> neil: stocks hit hard as the reality of highest enter rates sinks in. suddenly investors that were yesterday celebrating a federal reserve getting tough on inflation. today worrying about the recession. the very higher rates could trigger right now. relentless selling. relentless panicking. because the selling just got a whole lot worse. the response from the white house, a whole lot more worrisome. we have you covered with jackie deangelis on the latest twist on shrinkflation. art hogan is here on

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