Including one who had his eye socket broken. Another who had his kneecap broken by thrown objects. We move now to the scene in portland, oregon, 53 days into the violence there, criminals try to light the court house on fire, federal agents deployed tear gas on an attempt to force them back. And the mayor of portland blamed the unrest on the presence of federal agents. In the person who sent them there. President trump. Speak of their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism, we are all telling the trump administration, stop the rhetoric, kick these people out of our city, they are not helping us, they are hurting us. What we are seeing is a blatant abuse of Police Tactics by the federal government. Harris Top Democrats on capitol hill say that they are alarmed and are calling for an investigation into the use of federal Law Enforcement. The president , watch. More federal Law Enforcement, i can tell you, in portland they have done a fantastic job. They grab them, a lot of people in jail. These are anarchist, not protesters. And you open up over the summer, this is worse than afghanistan by far. This is worse than anything anyone has ever seen. All run by the same liberal democrats. Harris we have a big lineup to tackle all of this tonight. Dhs acting deputy dairy secretary Kim Cuccinelli on the federal governments plan to get the cities under control. Congressman jim jordan, Ranking Member of the committee that is now investigating all of this. Congressman, welcome. Plus analysis from two Law Enforcement, gentlemen, looking forward to it. For now lets begin with the correspondent on the ground in chicago tonight, matt finn with all that is happening right now. Matt, a busy day and night. And harris, the new disturbing video reveals each step of a highly organized mob so ill attack again Chicago Police department, the base of the statue that sent 18 officers to the hospital. One recovering this evening with a broken eye socket, the other a broken kneecap. Thousands of protesters friday evening watching to tear down the Christopher Columbus statue. Writers then blend in and talk of umbrellas to shield their identities. Then a person drops off all types of weapons including frozen Water Bottles that were thrown at police, also rocks and explosives. Cpd also says pvc pipe that was holding banners was intentionally sharpened again thrown at police. Today chicagos top cop acknowledges there were alleged incidents of brutality at the friday night riot and says they will be investigated, but for now the Police Superintendent says all of his officers must wear their protective gear to all protests going forward, because its not clear that they are going to remain peaceful. Are police do not want to engage in violent interactions with peaceful protesters. But when the law is being broken, or has been broken, our oath demands that we act. I understand the anger that is present in our city. In our nation, they are on the front lines of the finger. Is another blading weekend here in chicago, police say between just the hours of 6 00 p. M. Friday at midnight last night, 12 people were killed. 63 people were shot, and 41 shootings across the city. In this weekend, once again children were shot here in chicago. This time a shooting injured cousins, two boys ages ten and 11. Is covid the thing that is going to kill our children . Or are each other the thing that is going to kill our children . Which pandemic is worse . And today chicagos top cop says he welcomes any federal assistance the president wants to send to the city. Harris. Harris wow, matt finn, that really resonated on such a visceral level, which pandemic is worse . Thank you very much for getting us kicked off without report. Department of Homeland Security acting deputy secretary now came congenitally, when you hear that about what is going on in the streets, and i know that you told the Washington Post that there will be a heavy presence now in portland and other cities, what can we expect . What will that look like . Well, when violence advances, the president has made it clear that he wants to advance Law Enforcement to push it back. Or to bring peace back to the cities. We defend the federal facilities where we have people like the head of the police there in chicago who want to cooperate with us. We welcome that cooperation, and we are happy to come help them do their job and achieve the peace that we all aspire to further communities. In the clip you played of him, i could not have said it any better. I agree with every single word he said. I wish that we were seeing that in every city around the country who is having to take on the violent mobs. Harris you are talking about the Chicago Police superintendent that we talked about, i think. You know, deputy secretary, the mayor of portland says that violence was improving there, but then federal Law Enforcement made it worse. What is your response to that . You know, that is a fake talking point. We are literally at a point today where i think we are now over 50 straight days, 50, of violence in portland, 53, thank you. And we advance an additional dhs Law Enforcement component only about two weeks ago. So they were 35, 40 days into daily violence that this mayor was encouraging. He was not discouraging it. Look at the simple, simple fact that he has not put a curfew on and enforced it. One of the simplest ways to bring peace to the streets of a city, he refuses to do it because he is politicizing the violence to his own advantage while President Trump has put up there to try to help bring peace and order back to that part of the city where we have jurisdiction. Near the federal facilities. Harris i want to talk to you about what the jurisdiction looks like and what i would call the former military, the rules of engagement. Because that is really important. The people accusing the federal agents on the ground of taking people off the streets, snatching them up and putting them in the backs of cars and putting something over their head. I want to speak to what the facts really are and what they are able to do, these federal agents. Right, so in portland, just like everywhere else, our agents are identified as police on front and back and they have their unifiers on both shoulders. So there are Customs Border protection that are helping the federal protective service protect the federal buildings in portland. So Customs Border protection will have police on the front, will have Customs Border protection and a Homeland Security heel on each shoulder and their unit identifier appeared to be as our board tack, which is a s. W. A. T. Team and an individual identifier as well. Another name, but a code identifier like a s3 or Something Like that that is unique to them. They are identifying themselves according to the subject of some news this week of viral video that you seem to be alluding to. They identify themselves to that subject. They did not identify themselves to the crowd who is shouting at them. Because they have no obligation to do that. And it distracts them from keeping themselves and the subject they are dealing with safe. During their interaction with such people. So very standard for us. And we are going to continue to keep the presence they are as long as the violence days. If those violent criminals want us to leave or to reduce our presence, we are always there and have been since the courthouse and other buildings were built. If they want to see our presence reduced, then the violence really does need to come to an end. Thats the point. We are not there because it is portland. We are not there because of mayor wheeler, we are there because violent criminals are doing damage every day and threatening the federal presence that is already there in portland. Harris i am clear on it, but politics are playing a role, the president talks about with specificity of being liberal and democrat lead, does that complicate the job you are doi doing . Well, look, i really believe that the years and years of liberal policies contribute. There is a reason there is violence in 50year liberal enclaves and not in fiftyyear conservative enclaves. I mean, this is i dont treat it politically republican democrat, but policies and ideas matter and have consequences over a long time. This is not new to portland. Two years ago the mayor publicly withdrew the police from defending an ice facility at the department of Homeland Security facility in the middle of a siege. It was an invitation to violence. Thats exactly what happened. So we dont have much choice but to do our job, and we are committed to doing our job. And if the mayor wants to try to get in the way i make that harder, he can make it harder by reducing cooperation, we prefer and seek cooperation with state and local officials all over the country, and in most of the country, those are very productive relationships. And where they exist, we have more peace and better Law Enforcement. Harris just to wrap up the point of fact, and interviewed the press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany today and she talked specifically about the two models that you are going forth with, one that is in operation based on cooperation and the other that is based on noncooperation. A big job all the way around, 53 days of unrest in one of americas great cities. Thank you very much. I know, it is a long time. Thank you for joining me. Also here tonight, republican congressman jim jordan of ohio, the Ranking Member on the house judiciary committee, lets talk about where we are in terms of assuring up americas cities and what we can do from capitol hi capitol hill. Well, the democrats you said earlier are the federal presence, the cops are with the federal presence coming over that in chicago, 43 officers were attacked, sober goodness thank, the mayor in portland said that this was improving, this is 53 days that they have done that, that seven and half weeks of writing, looting, violence, attacks on Police Officers, destruction of property. They dont want any help . They just want to let this continue to have ended their constituents and their Business Owners in their city . This is scary to me. The idea that this is President Trumps fault, we went back and checked coming in of the last time there was a republican mayor elected in portland . 1956. I mean, that was long before you were born and even before i was born. Every member of the city council of portland, democrat, no republican, so how is this a republican problem . This is scary what is going on, what to democrat mayors, democratic governors are allowing to happen to their cities, to their constituents is frightening, and i know that these cops just like the police chief in chicago said, the officers certainly like federal help to have them deal with the situation that they have encountered 453 days in the city of portland. Harris i am curious, because it would seem that all of this started that they had Police Reform, and we have gone far afield from that, kim tim scott on my show of all of this, the thing that confuses me now as we get back to work, and it is monday, a fresh new week is that democrats have said that they wanted to put off that Police Reform. And they want to put off a deeper conversation about potentially making things different and better, how do you as a republican on the hill go forward with that russian mark thats a lot of pressure on everybody. If you have to sit with this scene replicating over and over as we deal with one autonomous zone, then we have several. It is sad, and tim scott has done tremendous work. And he wanted to get to a consensus and legislation that helped protect a Law Enforcement but dealt with the situation and the tragedy in minneapolis. We offer during the markup on the house side, the judiciary committee, we offered on the republican side good thoughtful amendments, they did not take a single one of them, because this is about politics or the government, and wish that we could get to some legislation that helps Police Departments and communities. They dont want to do it. You think about this, they wont stop the rioting in the looting, but they will stop kids from going to school. They wont stop the rioting in the looting, but they will stop people from going to church, they will stop people from attending a loved ones funeral, so this is everything. And most americans with good common sense say what is going on . It is time for this to end. It is time to quit the blaming and step up as democrat mayors and governors in these respective states and cities need to step up and take responsibility and hold people accountable for the wrongdoing that they are seeing and doing everything will day. Harris you know, it is interesting, we are seeing people get on the same page among the citizenry, and we dont want to break everything around race and culture, but i just bring the fox news poll to mind from earlier today. Blacks and whites are baseline the same, 80 and 81 percent on the issue of law and order and what is happening in our stree streets. It is a critical nature. We are in it together. We sure are. Harris congressman jordan, thank you for your time. Lets bring in dr. Cedric alexander, former president of the National Organization of black Law Enforcement executive. And robert harris, director of the Los Angeles Police protective league. Thank you for being here. I wanted to come together with both of you, because i have deep conversations about how we get to moving forward with both of you. Dr. Alexander, i will start with you. Chicago, black on black crime. That was not caused by a george floyd. It is another summer of discontent to does not even touch it. It is destruction. And it is soul destroying what is going on with the murder in the streets there. Yes, so let me speak to chicago, as many other cities, large cities across this country, but more specifically to chicago is that what we are seeing is not new to chicago. It has been going on long before mayor Lori Lightfoot got there, it has been in the system for a long time. And it goes beyond quite frankly just being a police problem. You are talking to someone who was achieved twice in this country and two cities. And they do the best that they can with the resources they are given, but there are bigger issues that exist in some of those communities where we see this high volume of crime that continues to occur year after year after year. It put good residents in those communities at risk, and it put our Police Officers at risk as well. So we have to have a much broader conversation beyond policing. As to how we begin to resolve some of those issues. And i think that it is really just not a chicago problem, it is an american problem that we all are going to have to confront. Let me say one more thing in here as well, harris, for me this is not going to be a right or a left kind of discussion in which i am going to have. This is about whats right and whats wrong and what we as a nation are going to have to do if we want to make systemic change. But one side of the aisle blaming the other side of the aisle is just politics that doesnt amount to anything. People are losing their lives and Police Officers are at risk. Harris you know, robert harris, as we look at the video that has come in today from the middle part of the country from portland and other places, do you think that its time for federal help . You have led many you have been a police officer. So when do you as an officer say, yes, we need that help . First, i just want to agree with the doctor in that bullets do not care about political affiliation. They just dont. And i think a path forward here is to take a page out of our rank and file playbook in that here and los angeles are officers are the most professional in the country, and we work collaboratively consistently with our federal partners, with our other adjacent local jurisdictions. And some of our political leaders could really take a cue from that. I think that the path forward is finding people who can exercise some ownership over where we are at instead of blaming instead of looking at Law Enforcement as a political football and bring the Key Stakeholders to the table, which in my opinion is the Los Angeles Police protective league and rank and file unions, because we represent those who are out there every day trying to make a difference and to recognize that our professional profession as a positive thing for everybody involved. Harris i listen to what you are saying, and i think, dont we thirst on capitol hill. And i get it, they probably have to be virtual. Look at how good you guys look on tv. Its virtual, we could get a gun. But when you are talking about pulling all these people together, we need to do that, and also pull some from the street so that we understand where they are coming from, because they are not organized, that group. You cant assume that you now. Robert harris, dr. Cedric alexander, thank you for your time tonight. Thank you for having us. Harris President Trump is not buying what they are selling, the polls show him trailing joe biden. Nationals press secretary hogan gidley will join me next on that. Stay close. At Fisher Investments, we do things differently and other Money Managers dont understand why. Our wt for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. But you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . We dont have those. So, whats in it for you . Our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Im a talking dog. The other issue. Oh. Im scratching like crazy. Youve got some allergic itch with skin inflammation. Apoquel can work on that itch in as little as 4 hours, whether its a new or chronic problem. 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Mr. President , you will be happy to know that fox news has a new poll out today and you are going to be the very first person to hear about it. Joe biden leads you by eight points, 49 41 . You still have 100 days until the election, but at this point you are losing. First of all, im not losing, because those are fake polls, they were fake in 2016, and now they are even more fake. The polls were much worse in 2016. Harris that of course the president of the United States dismissing the notion that he had fallen behind in the 2020 race against joe biden despite the latest fox news poll showing the former Vice President pulling ahead by eight points. But i asked the team to pull some more, to bid on a home you get at least three. The wall street journal has joe biden up by 11, the abc news Washington Post is more like 15, and to be fair, the rasmussen poll is up by 3 on the low end. So you have a little bit of the mix here. Here now to respond, hogan gidley, Nash National press secretary for President Trump. No matter where you go it is not positive for President Trump, and we have a mix. You just left the white house with leadership on the campaign, how is this resignation in both places . The president is absolutely right, those are fake. For example in 2016, in the exit polling, fox pulled 36 democrats. The one that Chris Wallace just referenced is 46 democrat. A10 increase over who they actually look at. And elections at the end of the day come back to choices. We know we are in great shape with the American People, because when you look at what donald trump will do with the safety and security of protecting the american family, protecting our way of life, we are in great shape. When you compare and contrast that with the choice of joe biden, some one who asked, is it okay if we redirect funds from the police, he says yes, absolutely, thats a big problem for the left and democrats. I understand the media is doing a good job covering for joe biden, redirect does not mean defund the police. If thats the case, let me propose something to you, harris, your next paycheck, im not going to defund it, i will just redirect some into my account. Everybody knows that the cut. Thats what joe biden wants to do is leave our American Families vulnerable and less safe, this president has done everything to protect them to this point and he will do so in the next four years. Harris interesting. As i am looking at these polls, and he you mention democrats and polling, you are right about the percentages of the ones that we named, quinnipiac, not the case, the hill, not the case, and rasmussen, while the numbers may not be as great, you look ahead to the margin of error, they are still negative for the president. So what are you concentrating on . Because when you look past, the president did well, seven points in 2016 above Hillary Clinton and independents, and you know digging deep into this, because you are looking at how Many Democrats are participating that you have a little bit of a problem. You have some softness and independents, so what do you do about that . A couple of things, the methodology, you are saying the methodology they got it wrong in 2016, but you dont have to guess how the economy would look under joe biden. We saw it for seven years, the three and a half million jobs going to china, the trade deal that gutted the american middle class, and compare and contrast that with the donald trump, 7 million jobs coming into this country, manufacturing plants relocating, also you saw 500,000 of those manufacturing jobs that they said on the left would never come back, he brought them back. You dont have to guess what the joe biden would do with the city streets. As i said, when the lawlessness broke out, he was silent except when he did pop up out of his hiding hole, he made the point, lets defund the police. Your jobs arent safe, your families arent safe, and your american way of life is not safe with joe biden, through the policies he has waged war for the last 50 years on all three. Harris with democrats, they may be handing you a bit of a gift politically by saying they dont even want to tackle the Police Reform until 2021 when they hope to win mans majority again. Want to move on to something that the president said about if he were not to be reelected. Lets watch. Im curious to know what he meant by this. I think thats before voting is going to rig the election. I really do. Are you suggesting that you might not accept to the results of the election . I have to see. Im not going to just say yes, im not gonna say that. And i did not last time either. Harris in the church with me with the president , and i asked him a similar question, he said that he would accept whatever the results were. What changed . Well, if it is done properly, of course. But the fact is as the president pointed out are particularly there, the democrats are pushing for universals before voting, that is just broad with all the types of possibility of cheating and the democrats know it. They are bragging about a policy that could completely compromise and election, and then they are asking us to abide by those results is ridiculous. Lets also note that we are talking about a Democrat Party who saw the intelligence about russia meddling into the election and did nothing about it. It was donald trump who stood up for the integrity of the election system by bringing in the nsc, the fbi, the cia to work with states and locales to make sure every vote mattered and was counted. Those are the facts of the case. After the election in 2016 it was the democrats who went on an attack against the president like we have never seen before. Perpetrating an entire russia hoax, they were the ones who continue to say to this day that it was Hillary Clinton who won the election. They are still saying Stacey Abrams is the elected generator of georgia. They are the ones who have a problem standing up, but we wont take a lesson from them on that and we wont say right now that whatever happens, we are just going to say thats the way that it is, because we know now that democrats have a history of cheating and elections and we will not let them cheat on this one. If it is free and fair, donald trump will get four more years in the white house. Harris there is one thing that no one can guess, thats how covid19 will play a role in how People Choose to vote. We will cover it all. Great to see you tonight. Thank you. Thanks so much, harris. I appreciate it. Harris in florida, 2,000 new coronavirus cases, a wide and death pole, and some suggesting reinstating the lockdown. It might be the only way out of this, they say. Usaa is made for whats next no matter what challenges life throws at you, were always here to help with Fast Response and Great Service and it doesnt stop there were also here to help look ahead thats why were helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and thats just one of the many ways were here to help the military Community Find out more at usaa. Com harris covid19 case is continuing to rise in the state of florida, there is one particular area that is more alarming to all of the experts, Miamidade County is being referred to as many as the epicenter of this disease right now. With more than 23,370 new cases just last week, 170 people died. The icu playlists have been filled for days. Now there is fear that another massive lockdown might be the only way to slow down covid19. Joining me now, the mayor of Miamidade County. Good to see you tonight, thank you for joining me. Some criticism coming your way with how the reopening was handled. And im curious, because you had to wait according to federal guidelines for a 14day decreasing covid19 before reopening, did you wait that period of time . Yes, we went through a gating criteria of Positivity Rate below 10 , and we had the green flag to open, and we also opened with the advice of our medical advisors. We have like a 200page document on how to open all the regulations and all the businesses. Our people had to wear masks interior spaces. Outdoors they had to wear a mask unless they could maintain a distancing of 6 feet. What happened was sometime around june, a lot of the people stopped biting by some of the rules and we saw young people especially start to reengage, rego out social partying, and all of that. And then we had the demonstrations. Harris what young people do. Yes, young people doing what young people do, and that is we saw spike in the middle of june, it was all young peop people, 35, 45yearolds, and that led to a contagion in the general population, thats what we see today. Harris how frustrating is it to know that the good hard work of your citizens there was not may be completely unraveled, but certainly damaged in terms of what you have to do next . So, you have the icus full, what will you do if hospitals reach capacity . You are not going in the good direction again, so what are you going to do . We are seeing a slow down on the speed up, lets put it that way. We are not seeing the hospitalizations rising at the same rate, we are seeing tapering down. We have instituted a curfew a couple of weeks ago. We close down some of the assemblies like casinos in movie theaters. All of that. Bars have never been opened. We close down the interior spaces of restaurants, so our medical advisors say lets see what those measures take, also reopening, now masks are mandatory inside and outside. We reemphasize that in enforcement. So we passed it last week that allows for civil penalties, not just criminal penalties who are not abiding with the rules, and so far we have shot some businesses down and also given some tickets. So its reinforcing the good rules that we put in place a couple of months ago that if people just would have followed, we would not be where we are today. Harris i have to look at this, now you depend on the police to shore up all of this. Thats a lot on them, and especially when you look across the country at what Police Officers are going through to write tickets for that. But thats what you think you need to do. Lets talk statewide, the Largest Teachers Union in florida is over safety concerns with kids going back to school, what is your plan for schools in your area . I am working with the superintendent and a plan whether at the time six weeks from now, where it will be safe to open up schools were not, we are not going to put kids in an unsafe environment, we are also going to look at the science and what it does, but the superintendent and i are working very closely together on that. We will have different plans depending on where the virus is at that time, and then we will make that determination when the time comes. Harris really quickly before i let you go, lets look at the hecklers who were yelling shame on you to your state Governor Desantis at a press, should they follow one of the set rules . With the stress on this date be easier if they issued a statewide mass mandate . Im just curious to get your thoughts on that, do you need help from the state from the top down . No, not really. I think that in our tricounty area we have the mask order and palm beach, and also monro has a mask order. To the governor has allowed us a certain amount of autonomy. Its different in southeast florida than it is in other parts of the state. So look, its even different in Miamidade County then it is in other parts of dade county. So we have rural areas, we have other areas. So the governor has been nothing but supportive of the efforts that we have had down here. He sent additional personnel to the hospitals. He sent the Additional Resources to Miamidade County. I cant be anything but appreciative of the work that Governor Desantis has done for miamidade. Harris i am broadcasting from new jersey, and new york led at the rate that we were going, you can turn it around. Blessings to you and are counting on your state. Thank you, thank you very much. God bless you. Harris absolutely. Ted cruz is warning his state, 2020 has a bullseye on it. And if democrats win texas, its all over. Senator ted cruz is here next. This year, the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzheimers is everywhere. On every sidewalk, track, and trail across this country. All of us are raising funds for one goal a World Without alzheimers and all other dementia. Because this disease isnt waiting, neither are you. Take the first step on your walk right now. Go to alz dot org slash walk. Harris senator ted cruz of the great state of texas has issued a new warning to his fellow republicans just this week that the 2020 race israel and the lone star state. Watch. In texas, the stakes are especially high. Texas is the single biggest target for the left in 2020 politically speaking. The 38 electoral votes at at stake. A u. S. Senate seat at stake, and texas is the key for National Democrat philip mack power to come. If the democrats win texas, its all over. To be on the last time texas went for a democrat was jimmy carter back in 1976. However, a growing number of polls show trump neck and neck with joe biden there. The opening where the Biden Campaign has ran their own ads across the state, and showing President Trump up by fewer than a half point in texas. Joining me now, senator ted cruz, republican of texas. Great to see you tonight. Thank you. Harris, thank you for having me. Congrats on your big show last night. Harris thank you, very much prayed we got into it on how to take america forward. I appreciate that. But it does not seem like texas would go democrat, what are you reading and saying, yes, alarm bells . If you look at what is happening nationally, there are two broad demographic trends going on nationally, bluecollar workers, Union Members are moving right, and that is moving midwestern states more republican, states like ohio and michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin, every one of which went for donald trump in 2016. At the same time we are seeing suburban voters, in particular suburban women who are moving left. States like georgia and texas and arizona, all of them are becoming much, much more purple. And thats a real challenge, because with a state like texas come we know that to new york and california are bright blue for the foreseeable future. If texas joins them, thats the entire election. We cant let that happen. Harris two things, i will ask our team to put up that headline from the dallas morning news. We can speak to exactly what the senator is talking about, suburban voters key to democratic revival in texas. They will put it up eventually. They are it is. I want to get your idea on how you reach the suburban women. You dont just throw in the towel, so what is the strategy . It important to mention that a lot of the Media Coverage suggests that what is going on in texas is racial or ethnic and based on the growing hispanic number of voters. The data that will back that up that many of the hispanics in texas are quite conservative. Every time i have run in texas i get well over 40 of the hispanic vote despite running as an unapologetic conservative fighting to secure the border, build a wall, and stop amnesty. So its not the demographic piece on racial and ethnic lines. Its rather, the media has done a very good job of frightenin frightening painting a very scary picture with suburban women of the president. And you know, on one level, the election should meant to be close. If you look at how extreme todays democrats are, embracing socialism, even a month ago if i had come on your show and i had said, the democrats are and thats where they are, and given that, this election should be a slamdunk, but unfortunately the media is doing a very aggressive job of trying to convince voters who may not be paying all that close attention to this election that trump and the rights are scary and violent, and wouldnt be easier going with uncle joe sitting in his basement . Isnt that a calmer vision . And i have to say given how radical and extreme the voices are of the Democratic Party letting go in their party, i dont think that it would be calmer at all, but it is incumbent enough to make that case. Harris here is joe biden making his case in the state of texas. Im thinking all of you today across texas, and though the rising case numbers is causing fear and apprehension, the virus is tough, but texas is tougher. Harris so senator ted cruz, todays polling, fox news poll looked at what is most important to voters across the country, not specific to texas. 23 said covid19, and other things were below it like the economy. So he hits that in your state, and what do you say . Listen, i think those ads are effective. By any measure, 2020 has been a year. Nobody started this year on new years day predicting a global pandemic, the great depression, and race riots. Its horrific what is happening to our country. And biden and the democrats are very smartly trying to capitalize on it. And what biden is doing in soft focus is harking back to a calmer, peaceful time. That is a dangerous message. That is a compelling message pretty and i think that it is important if this election focuses on issues, and focuses on substance, focusing on a contrast between Free Enterprise and socialism, and a contrast between the constitution and bill of rights and rule of law versus anarchy and violence, we win it, but if it is a personality contest, thats what the democrats want it to be because they think that they win that election. Harris senator ted cruz, thank you very much for your time tonight. Its always good to see you. Always a pleasure. Harris up next, the nfl Training Camp set to start next week, are the players going to show up . A tweet by patrick mahomes. Waiting for the covid19 plan, demanding stricter safety measures. Former nfl player Burgess Owens is with me. We love to go back and forth. Stay close. T we also write. 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On tough messes, the sprayactivated suds cut through grease on contact, without water. Just wipe, and rinse. Get dishes done faster dawn powerwash dish spray. Spray. Wipe. Rinse. My money should work as hard as i do. Thats why i use my freedom unlimited card every time i get gas. Give me a little slack with freedom unlimited, youre always earning. I said i need some slack on pump three harris the nfl has to move quickly to make an official decision about the 2020 season. Players are starting to return to Training Camp this week. However, as covid19 cases continue despite, a fall without football is looking like a very real possibility in that possibility is putting players at odds with the league. Heres an example, quarterback drew brees tweeted we need football. We need sports. We need hope. Hes using all exclamation points. Its that simple, get it done, nfl. The lefthand golfer tampa bay wrote risking my health as well as my Families Health does not seem like a risk worth taking. Here now super bowl champ turn candidate for congress bridges owns is with me. Great to see you. Do they play or not . Whats unfortunate, these young men have a concern which is legitimate. The problem is you have a corporate activist unfortunately spending more time over the last few months trying to figure out how to give black people a separate anthem and dividing the American People. Its a shame that you have an organization like disney world who has figured it out. Small Business Owners around the country have figured it out. You have roger goodell, not sitting down to think through how his players will be safe and how the American People come together and do something that we always enjoy politics free which unfortunately these corporate activist dont believe in that thats what we are seeing the results of. Harris these are supreme athletes like yourself. Patrick holmes, yes, im a chiefs fan. They won the super bowl, mvp players. Their health and wellbeing, their bodies are everything to them. So how do you make them comfortable and is there really enough time to do that now . Maybe you skipped the preseason . Its not the surprise that fall is going to come and football season would eventually show up again. These young men, its their zone. They want to play. They want to get paid. They want to make sure their families are safe. These conversations should have been had a long time ago. When youre lacking leadership, when you have people in this case, the commissioner who is focused more things than the players and the fans, you get this kind of result. Its unfortunate for everybody that hes not taking the control he should have by this time. Harris all right, you sort of passed on that you think that the black national anthem, changing teams names and all that is kind of a distraction. But they are a focal point for some teams like the washington redskins. I want to know your topline thought on changing the logo on the name. My concern is where does it stop . We have to understand people people. 90 of the American Indians have no problem with the name. Its those folks behind the scenes thats trying to actually continue to divide us. We have a great history. We have a history we should not only engage with but be proud of as we learn how far weve come along the way. We havent left we have the left trying to destroy our history, destroy anything we can come together with. Where does it end . We have no idea. The progressive, leftist way. Harris football is supposed to be an escape. It is supposed to not be part of politics and all those things so well have to see what happens this fall and if we can just play ball. Burgess owens, great to have you on the program tonight. Thank you. Thats going to do it for me filling in for my friend martha maccallum. This has been the story monday, july 20, 2020. As always, the story will continue. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Good to be back. One thing we learned while gone is that Americas National parks are outstanding. They are tremendous. So is the interstate highway system. In the end, the real reason we have a government, the only reason really is so we can live in peace. You pay your taxes, a lot of taxes come in order to keep your family safe from chaos. Thats the bottom line. You can drive your kids to School Without getting carjacked or walked to the supermarket without worrying about being raped

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