You needed money. Get a job. Like i do. Martha that is lucy. And in all of these places tonight, the leaders are pushing plans to Defund Police departments, so radical it was only seen in antifa manifesto. But tonight the idea is on the look of these leaders as well. This is minneapolis, the Council President lisa bender. She says yes, we are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police department and replace it with a transformative new model of public safety. In los angeles, the mayor said he would like to cut his budget for police by 150 million, but some researchers say that after these widely seen awful videos of the Police Brutality surface, the pullback in policing that tends to follows as kirby involvement is met with a spike in Violent Crime so the pullback in the police as we saw in ferguson after the death of Michael Brown in baltimore come after freddy gray died in police custody, the lack of the pullback connectivity leads to an increase in crime and homicide. Still, as tensions run high across the country, videos like this add fuel to the antipolice sentiment and atlanta, this led to charges for these six officers, two of them have been fired. Then there is this footage of an officer pushing a man in the streets of buffalo. And it ended like that. Of course, that goes viral. It is horrifying to watch. The firing of those officers has also led to some breaking news tonight. All 57 members of the buffalo Police DepartmentEmergency Response team just a short time ago resigned from that unit in protest. Joining me now with reaction to all of this tonight, former new York Police Commissioner renard character. Thank you very much for being here. Good to see you tonight. Lets lets start and i know you want to get to the two videos to talk about those but just off of the top in terms of the headline, the effort and some of the cities have seen some of the worst violence we have seen to push for a lower expenditure of police and the city. What do you think the result of that will be . Here is the one thing people have to realize, martha, you keyed on it. This has propaganda right out of the antifa handbook. Defund the police. Well, i challenge any minneapolis resident to take a ride through minneapolis which now looks like beirut in 1970. Take a ride through it, look at it, and that is your police there. What is going to happen when they are not . Nobody wants to visit, live school or work in a place they are not safe. And most of these communities that have been shelved at this point, they cant keep the Community Safe on a normal day. Last week, 82 shootings, 82 shootings in chicago, 23 dead in 48 hours. What is going to happen when you defund the police . Who is going to protect the people of the city . Who is going to go out there and respond to the violence . The agree just violence going on in many of the cities . Who is going to do that . I dont know what they are thinking. It is irresponsible, it is dangerous, and it is insane. That is what it is. It is insane. Martha before i get to those other two instances, the police that were fired, i want to show you something that i think is the other side of the equation of what we are talking about. It is the belief on the part of oak lot of young black men and families they put themselves in danger when they go outside. That they are too easily misperceived in terms of their role in what they are doing. It could end badly for them. This came out this afternoon and its members from the nfl football players. Just watch this and i would love to hear your thoughts on this. Just watch. What would it take for us to be by Police Brutality . If i was george floyd. What if i was george floyd. If i was george floyd. If i was george floyd. I am breanna taylor. I am to mere rise. I am trave on martin. Martha what is your reaction to that . Martha, i will take you back to 1989. And at some point, i had hair down the middle of my back. I had a big goatee and i was an undercover up in her land and probably two or three times a week i was out trying to buy drugs and some of the most violent neighbors and the city come i got stopped by the police. I got stopped and shaken down, i got tossed. I got yelled at. I got pushed because the police were trying to do their job. I think people forget what its like in many of these areas where these cops work. These cuffs dont go out looking to target black men. They go out because there is a map and on that map in those communities, you have the highest murder rate. You have the highest Violent Crime rate, the highest burglary rate, the robbery rate, that is why the cops are out there. Sometimes, the wrong people get stopped, but at the end of the date they do a job that nobody else would have the courage to do. Never in 100 years and they are out there criticized constantly is racist. I can tell you, the stats dont fit the argument. Martha will, there is no doubt there is a pervasive feeling and this young men. Whether or not, the feeling is what we do know was there based on what they are saying. I want to put up this picture of the Atlanta Police officers. In this case where two cokes College Students pulled out of a car. And they have been suspended, all six of these. And five of these men come obviously are africanamerican and one is white. But what is your take on this case . First of all, i saw the chief within hours of this event and disturbed by the incident. They havent even seen a live the video. They havent conducted a full investigation. That goes on around the country constantly. These chiefs or cowards. They respond to Community Outrage before they have any idea what really happened. I just think, you know, it puts every cops life on the line when they do this. Why dont you conduct a real investigation . If you think it is criminal, put it before a grand jury. See if you can get a grand jury indictment. Do it right, do it due process into it by the law. That is what the chiefs are doing. They are scared to death to do their job. Martha lets look at another piece of video which is pushing down of this man in buffalo. And so tonight as i mentioned, the two officers involved in that were suspended. Now tonight the entire unit resigned in protest. What do you know about that, and do you think we will see more of that . Here is what i know. When you watch these videos, listen, when a Police Officer tells you to move when there is a curfew, you move. When a Police Officer told you to back up, you back up here the Police Officer youre not supposed to stick your finger in his face. Youre not supposed to touch him or throw something on it. They been bombarded with bricks, molotov cocktails, bottles, sticks, you name it and you know what at some point in time, youre going to push the wrong cop and he will push back. In this case, that is what happened. Martha we will see where it goes. Bernie kerik, thank you very much, good to have you here. Thanks, martha. Martha we appreciated. Thank you very much. Coming up tonight, President Trump said that the economy would bounce back. But no money expected after what we saw tonight. At white house economic larry kudlow, he is up next. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. So, what do you provide . Cookie cutter portfolios . Nope. We tailor portfolios to our clients needs. But you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right . We dont have those. So, whats in it for you . Our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments were clearly different. Do i use a toothpaste that or one thats good for my teeth . Now i dont have to choose. Crest 3d white. It removes up to 95 of surface stains. And strengthens enamel. From the number one toothpaste brand in america. Crest. I was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. And i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. In case you wellwere wondering. Ead. I wanna become a real tattoo artist. Yeah, probably not a good idea to tattoo children. I thought he was like at least fifteen. How old was he . Ahhh i dont want to do it nine. You dont get to act crazy your whole life, just cause dad died. Are you gonna get a job . I dont even know why you gotta clean the truck. Trying to show up all sexy to a fire . I like him. This is outstanding what is happened today. Now, they thought the number would be a loss of 9 million jobs. It was a gain of almost 3 million jobs. We have been talking about this is better than a rocket ship. This is far better than v, will it be a v, u, l, i have no idea. Martha the u. S. Economy to. 5 million jobs last month and employment dropped 13. 3 , down from 14. 7 in april. They thought it would be up towards 20 in this report came out. A shock to the economist. The forecast said 8. 3 million jobs would be lost none would be added and they put employment close to 20 and that number is down 13. 3 . This news, of course, music relate to the ears of wall street. The dow jones up 27,000 now come up 3 . Here is the s p and the nasdaq up 2 today. Some economists warn a full recovery could still be years away. Even with mays rebound, the hole is deep and accounted for two fifths of the increase in employment and a number of unemployed is up 15. 2 million since february before the virus kicked in and all of this havoc was wreaked on the economy. Senior white house Economic Advisor larry kudlow, larry, thank you very much for being here tonight. Good to see you. Thank you, martha, i appreciate it. Martha . Martha cuevas et cetera surprise and what are you looking at underneath these numbers . Well, you know i think people underestimate the positive impact of openings of Small Businesses, which began in earnest, i dont know, late april come early may. I think the bottom of pandemic is midapril. So you have Small Businesses opening come about half of them. We will get the other happened the next jobs report from about 80 now. And secondly, i think they misunderstood how powerful the Paycheck Protection Program is come about 500 billion in loans, probably saved 50 million jobs. So what is going on is people who were temporarily laid off or furloughed have gone back to work. About 3 million of them, actually, which is close to the number. Private payrolls were up 3 million domain 3 million and Household Survey where unemployment comes from is 3. 8 million. So again, open the economy. Take advantage of these government programs, and let people go back to work. And i think that is what they are doing. Martha it seems like that has been a really good combination. Senator schumer is concerned that it might mean there is no more stimulus package. Here is what he said today. I pray that trump and the republicans dont take this as a sign to be complacent. There were many more problems coming up in the economy that we are aiming to fix. So far, they were sitting on their hands. And i hope it doesnt but this may make it worse in terms of the ability to get something done. Martha so he says there is an economy to fix and so far you guys are sitting on your hands. And he wants another package. Will, i dont think we are sitting on our hands. What we have done is take some time out after a 3 trillion of rescue packages, okay, some of which worked extremely well and very, very necessary. Now we take stock of the economic situation. The virus has climbed and there is a downward curve here that is terrific. We need that badly. There is a lot of heartbreak still in the unemployment ranks. I get that, and we have more work to do. But lets be smart. You know if we goad into another discussion lets after july 4th weekend, lets think about longterm or medium to longterm growth incentives. You know, that is what got us a terrific trump economy for three years and two months prior to the virus. The president has talked about payroll tax holiday for the workforce. Hes talked about Capital Gains tax cuts. Hes talked about deductions for restaurant entertainment, sporting events. Hes talking about restricting covid19 liabilities so Small Companies and restaurants and so forth can come back and not worry about frivolous lawsuits. In other words, lets take stock of the situation. There may be a bonus for going back to work. We will have to look at that. The 600 unemployment benefit, which was way over the rate needs to be reformed. And we dont know this yet. How about a few more weeks and then we will have a better picture. I think theyll v Recovery Scenario is very much in place. Martha so one of the areas of concern is the black unemployment number. I know the president has been encouraged in early years of his presidency that sort of all of those were lifting across all of the demographics in the country. But now you have less than half of black adults in the country employed. How do you fix that . Well, look, the first thing i want to say is look, africanamericans employment went up 300,000 in this report for may. So that is a very big number. And i want to add to that, the employment pop population ratio went way up. Which means people are coming back into the labor force and we will be looking for a job. So that is very important too. Now we had up until this pandemic, the Trump Administration had historically low unemployment rates. For africanamericans, for hispanics, for a number of minority groups, for that matter, women, historically low. And i think the message is, okay, lets grow the economy and create Employment Opportunities and every other kind of opportunity. We also had a fullfledged program of opportunities for new investments with tax breaks and discouraged press areas around the country including education reform and including Health Care Reform is part of the package. So i think weve done a lot there. As this pandemic goes away, you know like a hurricane goes away or a bad snowstorm goes away, i think it was he a rebound and we will get back, hopefully, within a year or so. You will see big numbers in the second half, martha, 25 Economic Growth in the second half and big 45 growth. The classes more more than half full. Martha its good to be an optimist and we will put you down for those numbers, larry and a different report today that i think everybody in the country should be feeling good about, good news when weve had a lot of bad news. Larry, good to see you tonight. Thank you, thank you. Martha so a controversial guide for covid19 breaks down without the lockdowns were actually a good idea and the hysteria that surrounds them in some cases. And tonight, it is on amazon but only pressure on tech giant said they didnt want to sell at first. The author Alex Carrington with an update next. Y. So as you head back out on the road, well be doing what we do best. Providing some calm amidst the chaos. With virtual, realtime tours of our vehicles as well as remote purchasing. For a little help, on and off the road. Now when you buy or lease a new lincoln, well make up to 3 payments on your behalf. For as little as 5, now anyone can own companies in the s p 500, even if their shares cost more. At 5 a slice, you could own Ten Companies for 50 instead of paying thousands. All Commission Free online. Schwab stock slices an easy way to start investing or to give the gift of stock ownership. Schwab. Own your tomorrow. I dont know where they continued the lockdown because if you look at georgia, florida, south carolina, and so many different places that have opened up, i dont want to name all of them, but the ones that are most energetic about opening, they are doing tremendous business. That is what these numbers are all about. Martha President Trump continuing his push to reopen after the lockdown across the country sent the economy into a tailspin. The topic the next guest examines with an ebook reported truths about covid19 and lockdown, the controversial take on how virus debts are counted and the lockdown to help reduce the spread. So controversial that amazon and from selling it on the site initially and then they caved to outside pressure from elon musk and others. An author of unreported truce of covid19, great to have you here, the book is now available, and its doing well, that situation was corrected. Early on when you saw the models just bouncing all over the place, you determined to dig in and start doing some investigative reporting about these numbers and what was really happening. I think jumping off of what the president said about the lockdown, that is something that has really been on my mind. Is there evidence that the lockdowns were actually successful . So this is a great question. Interestingly, i havent addressed this yet in the booklet because the booklet is coming out in multiple parts because i wanted it to come out quickly. So the first part is the introduction and discussing death and death accounts and reporting deaths. But the next point will be about lockdown and whether or not they work. I think you ask a great question. There is very, very little evidence on a National Basis on a interNational Basis that the lockdowns proved effective. Georgia, the state that reopened early, reopened in late april and really reopened by midmay. Hospitalization are down, deaths down, and new cases, see, the people who want lockdowns focus on the metric of cases. But a case is just a positive test and many, many people to get this have very mild symptoms were no symptoms at all. So you have to look at both in georgia and texas it doesnt look like hospitalizations are up at all. Now people, a state might have an anomaly but if you look both in the u. S. And internationally, there is very little evidence that removing lockdowns has made a difference. By the way, im looking forward to talk with the next installment of this. Martha i would like to talk to you about it too. It is one of the big questions. One of the big studies you talk about is the fact, a, there is sunlight in which it may have a positive impact on the virus. The other one that gets little attention that you bring up in your writing, there are some studies that suggest 40 to 60 of the population was immune to begin to with this virus for some reason. Is that correct . I dont want to overstate it. There is a paper in a journal and made that suggest to people had t cells which are immune cells that showed essentially they had reactivity to the coronavirus without being exposed to it. The suggestion was there are other krone viruses out there that are less dangerous than covid and make track people to have immunity. When we have big exposures on ships, aircraft carriers, not everyone develops the virus. It is not clear if it is 50 , 60 , 70 who do get infected but some personage dont get infected. That reduces the fatality rate. Cdc says one in 400 is likely to die but only 50 of people will get infected, then you have to reduce the fatality rate even further. That is the kind of thing, you know when i say unreported truth, its not because im pulling them out of thin air, the centers for Disease Control have talked about them and yet the media outside of fox and a couple of other places dont talk about this stuff. Martha yeah, i know, you provide a great service. Im almost out of time but i quickly want to get your reaction to this because i think it is the big deal. The lancet and medical journal. And they both actually dont leave the study that shows hydroxychloroquine was not effective or even dangerous anymore because of the set up of the study that was in effect. This is the quote from the oped on this, hdl should rise or fall as a treatment on the medical merits, not whether people think it vindicates or repudiates donald j. Trump and keeps the politics out of medicine, which sounds like, you know, a pretty good idea. That is absolutely true. So i stayed out for this very reason. I dont practice medicine. And a very hard job. What i tried to do both before i publish this and, look at the data that we get from hospitals. Look at the data that we are getting from you know, states reporting deaths, try to put that together and see what the media is telling us. I want to say one thing, i really am grateful to fox. Tucker and others have helped me get the message out. This book right now, number 2 on amazon and kindle and paperback, that has something to do with you guys. There is an appetite for truth. People are aware places in the media or telling them is a little bit hysterical. They want real numbers. I tried to do that and you have really helped. Martha we appreciate that. I think it says something about the hunger for information and facts on the story because i think a lot of people have said from the beginning there is a lot of hysteria. The numbers are really what tell the story. That is empowering, i think, for everybody. Thank you, good to see you, alex. Good to have you on. Thank you for having me. Martha you bet. Breaking up stage just moments ago on these two attorneys charged with firebombing a Police Vehicle. A judge has now decided whether to let them remain out of jail on bail or to bring them into custody. We have a brandnew update on these two individuals next. Were also giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Right now is the time to take care of what matters most. Like weve done together, so many times before. Discover all the ways were helping members at usaa. 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A curfew was set minutes from now, 2,000 arrested this week for violating the restriction and bryan llenas has been in brooklyn and all over new york with the story for us. He joins us again, hi, brian. We have been following the protesters u up and down brookl. It is a few minutes before the 8 00 p. M. Curfew and with the 8 00 p. M. Curfew they have been marching peacefully and its really about the fact that systemic racism, Breanna Taylors name has been mentioned and George Floyds name. But it has to do with 8 00 p. M. Curfew. The manhattan va said that his office will no longer be prosecuting people who have been arrested for Unlawful Assembly or just disorderly conduct. It undermines the relationship between protesters and the police which begs the question, why have an 8 00 p. M. Curfew in the first place . Protesters and activists have said this curfew has created intense situations with the police and stifled their ability to have peaceful protest. For the nypd the curfew has put them in a possible situation. We have seen hundreds of arrest since forced to follow the law and enforce the curfew. Yesterday we were ripped protesters of the nypd to follow them throughout brooklyn and gave them a two hour leeway. They didnt start pushing and enforcing the curfew until 10 30. So we have a situation right now where nypd officers feel like my look we are trying to do our best. Do you want to keep looters and those causing violence off of the streets. And protesters pointing to the mayor and sagan do your job. You created a situation that can be potentially volatile. These are peaceful protest but if you have riot police confronting protesters in the street come even though they are peaceful, you will create a bad situation. This is all adds, martha at the nypd commissioner has called for a deescalation and antipolice rhetoric. Even yesterday said we are human too and we have blood and tears and we are trying to protect your rights to protest. So really, just reinforcement for george floyd. Martha bryan llenas, thank you very much. We will keep an eye on your city tonight as the curfew nears 20 minutes away. To roy murdoch and Richard Fowler on racial tensions in america. And up next the black lives matter plaza in washington, d. C. , next. Limu emu doug [ siren ] give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Because i trust their quality they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards nature made, the 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand thyeah. This movingecommended thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. 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We are just about two blocks from Lafayette Park which as you know has been shut off to regular traffic. We have plenty of pedestrian traffic out here. You can probably see the letters in the yellow right there despite the fact that we have had heavy, heavy rainfall. We do still have people out here. Earlier we saw the letters that you see, that yellow writing. Those are the words black lives matter. And we also saw a sign just above, the usual 16th street sign. You see that right there, mark, you can see black lives matter, the order from mayor bowser. The mayor has called for the removal of outofstate National Guardsmen here sent to the city to help protect her in the wake of last weekends violent. That, as you can imagine drawing sharp criticism from President Trump not too long ago had this tweet, mayor bowser he writes grossly incompetent and no way qualified to be running an important city like washington, d. C. If the great men and women of the National Guard didnt step forward, she would look no better than the counterpart mayor of minneapolis. Speaking of the violence that hit washington, d. C. , right on the scene when the fire hit st. Johns church. Tonight, there is a reward leading to information that could lead to the arrest of the person who set the blaze. Bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms and explosives announcing a 10,000 reward leading to that information. Back out here live as you see, martha, some folks not nearly as many as we saw when the weather was holding. We will see how things turn out but back to you. Martha rain, inconvenient for these situations. Thank you very much, thanks, kevin. Joining me, roy murdoch, and Richard Fowler nationally syndicated radio show, and contributed. Lets start with that. Richard, the renaming or the naming of that plaza. I remember the other night, actually, a street sign in that vicinity. I dont know if it was exactly that pole but replaced by the black lives matter plaza. Is that meaningful to you . One step in the right direction and my mayor was very offended and thought that d. C. Should determine who can lead the great city. Beyond that we need to see not only from mayor bowser but every elected leader saying how do we work to ensure that police treat everybody fair and equitable when they pulled them over. When they see them in the streets. And we go into the community and see people as people. Some of the racism at a particular point where we are right now. Martha what do you think . I think this is just very symbolic. And would make more sense if the mayor had gone to the president and i propose the following. I would like to bring to the Police Chiefs at the top ten or top 15 cities around the country and the white house, a big round table discussion the president there the mayor of washington, d. C. , discuss what works, what doesnt work and how we can go forward from here. What the mayor sent the police chief ought to do with the government if anything. And productive, a real thirst for that sort of thing. And that, putting up a street sign doesnt accomplish much of the thin signaling martha it is interesting, watching. Go ahead, richard. I will say this, i tend to agree that yes there would be of the things that could be done by the mayor and others. But what is the point of sitting down with the president at this rate . We have seen folks try to sit down with him and reason with him before what type of policy changes need to be done and his response was nothing. What is the point . What is to gain . Nothing, a general they fill and obama did absolutely nothing about mass incarceration except keep it going for nine years and donald jane trump signed the bill black lives matter with activism wanted and bipartisan , that piece of legislation was signed. And it is enforced now. A lot of people in nonviolent offenders were locked up for a long time are now back in society. That was part of nothing donald j. Trump to it on the position. Im not knocking the piece of legislation. I think it is a good, first step, but lets be real. Lets talk about deeply rooted, systematic cases like george floyd. In moving congress or act from Congress Wont change that. America needs to look themselves in the mirror and say how do we deal with this and for so long . Martha i want to get your thoughts on Something Else because when i think about black lives matter come i think about the homicide rate and some of our urban areas, chicago, and captain david dorn who was murdered and a punch up the other night. It bothers me he does not get the attention because 89 of the homicides that occurred in 2015 and the latest numbers from 89 with black victims at the hands of black perpetrators and i know we lost richard signal but roy, can you speak to that . Absolutely this is a huge problem and somehow focused and got the entire country working on the issue of the problem with unarmed black men and women falling victim to police, outofcontrol cops and dying, we had ten total cases last year, by the way. I think the numbers come up 5,000 or more black folks killed by other black people. This will remain a problem whether or not we fix the problem of excessive Police Brutality and excessive force. Can you bring up that issue. People say you are racist or bigoted. A couple of weeks ago before the george floyd atrocity might believe he had 30 shootings in chicago with ten fatalities all black people in black neighborhoods and nobody wants to talk about that. To bring it up as a racist thing. If we can do something to get those numbers down and let people enjoy the families with their loved ones and go to work and school, that would be a good thing. So lets spend some of our time, at least a little bit of our time focused on that problem. Martha i agree. I saw evil and the Police Officer who killed george floyd and evil and the people who strike down these individuals in our cities and across america. And i think it has to be recognized. Thank you very much, roy murdoch and Richard Fowler. A tribute to the world war ii heroes who fought on dday 76 years ago. Stick around for this very special coming up next. And deliver our products. But no matter how things change, one thing never will you can rely on the people and the network of at t. To help keep your business connected. And mine super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. Will it help me keep up with him . Yep. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. 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But this year the pandemic has change things so we met with those men virtually in their messages were nothing short of inspiring. Watch. [cheers and applause] my body was in one place, my mind was in another place. I didnt get them both together until i left the aircraft. That was a beautiful fall at about 128 miles an hour. And it was a little cold too. Talk to me about the first time you made that jump and did you think about that at all as you are heading up there today . This is one of the closures for that jump, and im gonna keep on going as long as im martha keep on going i tell you, im not a dead man walking yet. Martha far from it, far from it. Dday today, a very difficult time, not as thieves in the night but for the most part rescuers or helpers or those who we can give aid in the form of returning you to your life, your liberty. Emotion took over, and i kept thinking in my heart beats, but there are some men out there that i actually took care of and i saw die on the beach, and i kept hearing the pleading and everything, and it just overtook me and i just kind of broke down. But i said, when i get there, im going to salute them, pray for them, and i cried. I had to cry. But i did all of those things i promised i would do. They will never be forgotten as long as jack hutton is alive. Is it worth it . I would tell you this from the bottom of my heart, you young people, ive watched you and my children, see what you have done and i say this, we served one of the greatest countries in the world, the United States of america. When you are young, boy, you dont think of nothing. You go. Go, go, go when we got home, there was a Beautiful Church still standing, and it had parachutes all over it, but no people in it. I always talk about that church. It was very sad that it was necessary. It means at the end of the war, its eventually coming peer to save the world from changes. So dday is very, very important to me on that basis. Of course, you have to remember all the sailors and soldiers who died there. It was amazing, the kurds they showed and kept on going. 30 war veterans, love, live, and be happy for each day, God Bless America bless america. Be of yourselves for displaying true grit, toughness, powerlessness, bravery, and ho hope. May God Bless America. Weve been through stuff like this before but will come out again on top and shine like a diamond ring. So, give us time and prayer, and we will come ahead. [cheers and applause] martha we cannot let these men down after what they did for us. Have courage, people. That is the story of june 5th, 2020. Go forward, have a good weekend. Good night, everybody. I will see you on monday night. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Every cult has the same goal the utter submission of its members. Cult members surrender everything. They give up their physical freedom, where they can go, who they can see, how they can dress, but more than that, they give up control of their minds. Cult leaders determine whether followers are allowed to believe, even in their most private thoughts. In order to do this, cult separate people from all they have known before and forced their members to renounce their former lives, their countries, their customs. They will have no loyalty except to the cult. The first the