The audience, leaving the whole thing feeling kind of like this. May i be recognized sir . Will you be the last one or are we going on all afternoon . Once invoked by you could i please respond . After i get done. Are we going to be allowed to interrupt each other . Mr. Chairman, i moved to adjourn. Lets hear directly from judge kavanaugh. This is the first of hearing for a Supreme Court justice that ive seen basically according to rob mob rule. Martha i spoke to orrin hatch who had a front row seat to the fireworks today. Here are the facts. Judge cavanaugh is one of the most distinguished judges. Mr. Chairman, i think we ought to have this loudmouth removed. We shouldnt have to put up with this kind of stuff. I dont know that that committee should have put up with this kind of insolence in this room today. Martha good to see you tonight. Senator hatch nice to see you. Martha long day for all of you and probably judge kavanaugh more than anyone who had to wait and watch and listen to all of that. Your thoughts first of all on what happened right out of the gate as chairman grassley was calling the meeting to order. Kamala harris started barking at him and saying she wanted to adjourn the meeting. What did you make of that . A senator hatch thats typical of opposition tactics, but they are entitled to make those points. It was kind of a stupid move. Have you ever seen that in all your years in the senate to be at a Supreme Court justice hearing that the opposition attempts literally to shut down at probably 30 or 40 junctures throughout the whole thing . Senator hatch ive seen it in other contexts and that what every once in a while you have that happen. But that was kind of ridiculous today. This was important that we went ahead with the hearing. Martha senator Chuck Schumer is sort of helped orchestrate all of this, they had a coordinated phone call ahead of the hearing and planned it all out. You know, you cant count on the democrats everything helpful with regard to any nomination by the republicans of the United StatesSupreme Court. To a large degree, republicans probably feel the same way when she was on the other foot but to do some of the things that they have tried to do, i get tired of it to be honest with you. We should have a little more sense and a little more feeling of gravitas how to handle these matters. And it wasnt handled well. There were a lot of protesters, it felt like they piped up every 30 seconds and you sort of laid into them in the sound bite we played a moment ago, what is your thinking on that . Theres a place to protest but inside of a major hearing like that is not the place to protest. The liberal democrat students, and i think College Students and maybe even law students just cant seem to control themselves and some of these situations. And it was stupid, it made them look stupid, and of course we were smiling to a degree but it got kind of over really quick. Martha at one point chairman grassley was very frustrated and he said i always advise people want to become chairman of committees to never lose control of their committee. He said, i think i kind of done that today. Do you think you lost control of that hearing . No i dont, i think that he was a little taken aback by some of the rudeness of some of these people. I dont even know who the people were but they were certainly rude. They were certainly out of place, and they were stupid to be honest with you. They didnt make any real points that would help their particular point of view and i think most people were disgusted with them. Are you referring to the protesters or some of the senate on your committee . Senator hatch the protesters. I can stand the senator on any committee making a fool of themselves, i kind of enjoy that from time to time. But there is no reason for some of these protesters that try to disrupt a formal hearing as important as that one was. Martha let me ask you about this moment. And coming back from the break, judge cavanaugh was confronted by the father of a student who was killed at parkland, and he didnt shake his hand. And this is getting a ton of attention on social media and is being called a snub by a judge kavanaugh. I dont think judge kavanaugh saw him because he would not have snub him. He is one of the most gracious, kind, warm and affectionate guys that ive seen since ive been on the United States senate. So he just didnt notice that i guess. Martha just to be fair, and the picture we are showing, hes looking over to him and he sees him standing there. Security swept and pretty quickly given the feeling in the room i guess. Senator hatch while i didnt see that but you do follow your security because you dont know who these people are. Or what kind of complaints they have. I dont blame judge cavanaugh for that, hes a gracious guide. If he would have known, and, its good to be with you. Martha joining me now, both are fox knows and his contributors. Let me start with you. Let start with to what democrats are pushing back on. In those documents were released. Released last night. I think it was hot in that room, and its hot on this roof top, and the protesters actually agree with senator hatch, that the protesters i think detracted quite a bit. I think democrats, putting aside all the theatrics of the day, the democrats set out to make a couple key points and i actually think those points broke through today. One is about the process, and the fact that the documents were asking for and not being released, but when they are being released they are being released last minute. When they dont have time, they dont have time to review them and that he is an important point. Number two and number three are about judge cavanaughs positions. One on a womans right to choose. And it too, which i think is you will hear more and more of, is about the rule visavis the law. Where will he come down as a member of the Supreme Court should any of this make it to him . The weird thing was, some of the senators that were complaining, like senator carano, she rejected the opportunity to meet with kavanaugh, and she could have asked him all these questions in the office. Most of them have already said, that makes the ark meant they couldnt possibly do this. That would suggest that you still have an open mind when most of them have made clear that the matter is shot already. Exactly. When we talk about these documents, thats important to boil down exactly what they are talking about. The documents in question are all of these documents that were generated under the president george w. Bush administration where Cavanaugh Brett cavanaug. Some of those are still subject to executive privilege and some of them are classified. But what is nonclassified, what is all out there, 100 , as every opinion of Brett Cavanaugh ever written, and not as as a partin lawyer or a lawyer working on behalf of some clients, but as a judge. To me those are the most important documents, and they are all out there. Ive covered judicial nominations for 15 years now and ive seen i remember when sam a litas wife burst into tears because of the muck that the democrats on the committee were dragging her husband through. Ive never seen a hearing as disorganized and ridiculous as this. We actually have a sitting United States senator today accusing the chief justice, Supreme Court and other justices of being paid off, paid off to operate on their behalf. The roberts five. Talk about reckless language, and the reason its so disturbing is that i want these people to be serious. I want to take him in the white house seriously but when he says things like that i can take them seriously. Theres a reason why and Public Opinion polling right now, judge cavanaugh is underwater in terms of people out there saying that they are not supportive of his nomination going through right now. I think thats because there are so many swirling questions around us. A lot of democrats have said they are not going to move forward on this nomination, but they cant vote yes on. There are a lot of republicans within minutes of being nominated that immediately said they were absolutely going to vote for him. It makes you wonder what the whole point of the hearing process is right now. Martha this is a relatively new thing to even have these hearings and ask the questions. I thought you were going to say that the reason why Congress Approval rating is in the toilet. There is that, too. If that was very well demonstrated today. Good to see both of you tonight. More fun to follow tomorrow. Newt gingrich is next. Plus the white house is about to respond to the kavanaugh chaos and double woodworth book, live, next. For moments that matter, tracfone keeps you connected, for less. Our talk, text and data plans start at 15 a month, no contract. All with nationwide coverage. Tracfone. For moments that matter. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on is boost®. Delicious boost® high protein nuritional drink now has 33 more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals boost® high protein. Be up for life. Boost® high protein. The full value oft wyour new car . Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty ahoy gotcha nooooo. Noooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. I decided that i wanted to go for Electrical Engineering and you need to go to college for that. If i didnt have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. Which is the main reason i left the military. Everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. And i get to do that. I get to provide that for them. Martha a President Trump firing back tonight against bombshell allegations made in a new book by veteran Journalist Bob Woodward that depicts the white house and chaos. Joining us live tonight, with this whole story. Charging the the Trump White House has basically been suffering from a nervous breakdown. The book promising never before told scenes of the commander in chief laughing out dumb like lashing out at his staff about raising questions about his intelligence and literally stealing papers off of his desk to try to limit damage within the government. The president is fighting back. And so are some of his top advisors. The president charging the daily caller, and some of the anecdotes are flatout fals false. One is charging that after the steering president launched a chemical attack, mr. Trump told us defense secretary james matus, lets kill him. Lets kill the fng lot of them. He was stunned the president was ordering an assassination and it was obvious he was trying to start world war iii. And the lieutenant said this is fiction and any claim he uttered the contemptuous words about the commander in chief of the product of some of the rich imagination kelly claimed in the book that he privately said, hes an idiot, we are in crazy town. I dont know why anyone of us are here and this is the worst ive ever had. Kelly, the idea that i called him an idiot is not true. And we have an incredibly candid and strong relationship. Committed to the president , his agenda and our country. Even more than he does on twitter, and he is this dumb southerner, couldnt even be a oneperson country lawyer down in alabama. The book also asserts there was a practice session to prep the president for a possible interview with bob mueller and it went so badly that the president s advisors were horrified. His personal attorney at the time as they say, dont testify. Its either that or an orange jumpsuit. There was no socalled practice session or reenactment of a mock interview with the special counsels office, and he was likely to end up in an orange jumpsuit. It was a great honor and distinct honor to serve the president. In the interview he said it was nasty stuff and he wouldve refuted it but he claims he did not get the message that woodward wanted an interview from his staff. At the Washington Post has also obtained audio of a recent phone call that woodward had with the president. I have to go talk to people and to see them outside of the white house and outside of their offices, and gained a lot of insight and documentation. Its a tough look at the world, and your administration and e. U. President trump right. I assume that means its going to be a negative book but im sort of 50 used to that. Thats all right. Some are good and some are bad. This sounds like it will be a bad one. The book claiming that former agents like rob porter that left amid accusations of spousal abuse, that both would basically take papers off of the president s desk to prevent him from taking action that they thought would be damaging. The president tonight telling the daily caller that it is simply a fabrication. Interesting back in 2013 he tweeted it would be hard for the Obama White House to push back on what were its credibility and tonight its a president trying to do just that. Martha fascinating. We will talk to folks from the white house in just a few moments. Earlier i spoke with newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox news contributor. Watch this. Martha whats your reaction to this . I think its very sad. I have known bob woodward a long time. He had a chance to do a book that would have been truly interesting. How can a guy as unique as donald trump have created the level of Economic Growth that we have . How could he have created the lowest black Unemployment Rate in American History . How could he have deregulated more regulations than any other president in American History . How could he have worked with Mitch Mcconnell and got more judges approved in the first two years than any president in American History . The list goes on and on. And yet on the left, people like woodward who has had a great career, and, they cant unlock. They cant say, gee, the really interesting story is that this very unusual man is getting so much stuff done and the country is so much better off, shouldnt we try to understand what it is about trump that works rather than just right one more smear . Ive known john kelly since 1995. John kelly says what woodward wart wrote was a lie, and that tells you a lot about this book. Bob were not around to please all of his leftwing friends. Gathered up every piece of trash he could and poured it all into a book. Loaded it up on a word processor with great speed and now because hes bob woodward, we are supposed to genuflect. I think its a sad comment that no serious reporter on the left is willing to try to understand the Amazing Things that trump is achieving. And im not defending trump across the board. I think hes 80 a remarkable historic figure, and a 20 a reality tv personality. But that is worth exploring. Martha i understand what you are saying. Some parts of this as you say newt, both things can be true. The white house is into a situation right now, donald trump does not run the white house the way that other people dead. We know that he is very brittle and very honest at times about what he thinks at about things and what he says, he doesnt speak in a pc matter. This is the third book that weve had in this year that lays this out. Should he in any way change the way he works inside the white house to prevent this image that is so chaotic, or does it not matter . Trump ought to do there are things that i think trumpeting improve and could be more effective, and at times less selfdestructive. Franklin Delano Roosevelt probably the most effective president in the 20th century routinely lied to everyone and routinely set of his own cabinet to fight each other. If we had bob woodward hanging out with franklin Delano Roosevelt, the stories we would have gotten of dysfunction and confusion and manipulation wouldve been amazing. He also created the new deal and helped win the Second World War so you have to ask yourself, is trump different . Sure. As Andrew Jackson different, it was Abraham Lincoln different . Ive worked very closely with Ronald Reagan and he was different. And there was tension in the Reagan White House all the time. So i think we ought to be clear about this. Yes, there are things that you can write about. If you can make things look goofy, but notice whats happening. The people who have the greatest standard for honesty are standing up and saying, this book is not true. And that should bother woodward a lot. His legacy is that his last great book is just a big lie. Thats a sad commentary. Martha newt gingrich, thank you sir. Thank you. Martha when we come back, the white house responds here alive. 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Judge cavanaugh said this is been what has absorbed you. What are you thinking . First of all, thanks for having me on. The opening of these hearings was regrettable, and we think that democrats frankly havent taken this process all that seriously. The judge of the night he was announced, they refused to meet with him in several months. They had one complaint about process, it should be to the former democratic leader who got rid of the filibuster for the judicial nominations. Nonetheless judge cavanaugh got an opportunity to talk directly to the American People. And we think that that story is something the American People will respond to and the like, and the senators will vote on his nomination and will respond to two. Martha what did you think about dick durbin and what he had to say when he said you are the nominee of President Trump. And that characterizes a lot about you . I think that judge cavanaugh unlike some of the other nominees has a very lengthy record. Hes been sitting judge on the court of appeals for several years and he has 307 opinions, and you understand this mans approach to the law. When he was nominated by his current seat, he nonetheless had to really get some on a number of cases. He did it in nearly 2,000 times and martha what was right cavanaughs reaction to what happened in there today . His daughters had to be brought out when i got rough there in the beginning. What was his reaction . I think every lawyer and every judge dreams of their moment to be a Supreme Court nominee. Some extent, the democrats and making partisan pot shots of this opening day have i think he is understanding that his job is to answer the questions and talk about his philosophy. I think you will have an opportunity to do that over the next few days. So you guys are dealing with yet another book which claims to shed light. This is for bob woodward, hes been around a long time. And, what is the reaction of the white house to this book . We put out a dash of an actual response to the book. I think a lot of people who were mentioned or cited specific instances in the book, people who are cited have raised questions about the veracity of the things being reported in that book. I havent had an opportunity to read it as i said, ive been focused on judge kavanaugh but whats been reported about it is not the white house that ive seen. If you look at the president and what hes done, hes not a traditional of washington politician, but he has had incredible achievements over the first few years. When it comes to changing the complexion of the u. S. Court system, the federal court system including the Supreme Court to bring in more of the kinds of judges martha and he made that report, he didnt know that bob woodward wanted to talk to him, he said you should have called madeline. He mentioned deal. Did you call rash, as you bring kelly and . Then she gets on the phone and says i can only go so far and then it got cut off. And it got turned it down. Is that it was a process . If i were to want to write a book, why couldnt the president understand that he wanted some time with him . I dont schedule the president interviews in most instances but i will say there is an internal process and certain things are brought up the chain of command. I dont know what happened in this instance, but i think people who were interviewed and were cited in this book have questioned the veracity of a lot of the reporting. John dowd, the president s personal lawyer martha i dont know if he was interviewed for the book but he was pushed back and basically says what happened and what described in the book is not accurate. Martha he could to start with you tonight, busy day and another busy day. So capper nick is now the face of nikes just do it campaign saying, believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. My next guest has spoken out about this before and he knows something about sacrifice. Hes got a message for nike, next. Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts. So you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. 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You have certain freedoms to do things that other people shouldnt do. Im personally on a different side of it. President also mentioned the Nike Flagship store is in his building and pays him a lot of rent and that ad triggered backlash from some customers, many turn to social media to share photos of nike products burned in protest. The company stock, stock was down today about 3 . My next guest is outraged by this choice by nike and he knows something about sacrificing for something. In 2008, and his humvee was hit by an ied in afghanistan, leaving him severely burned and blinded in one eye. Here now welcome back to the story, sergeant bartlett. Good to see you tonight. Thank you so much for being here. It was may of 2005, just so you know. Martha we stand corrected. So you feel very strongly that this is the wrong message. Why . I think Mother Teresa said it best. The fruit of love is service. My family fought for this country and served this country under this flag since the birth of this country. This is my grandfathers flag, e broke a back down the academic has back in the coal mines and walked with a cane. He threw the cane in the yard and signed up the next day. s sons that im with him. Getting on your knees is not doing part of something bigger than itself. Martha but colin capper nick says he feels theres Racial Injustice in the country and as an american he has the right to protest, if he feels like that will send a message. And now nike is on board and they are helping him save that message in a big way. They make all this money off of those who sacrifice for the freedom for them to do that under a flag that provides them with that service the freedom to do that. So they are protesting the very thing that provides them that opportunity. And then you look at nike and you say, okay, well, they have their freedom to put up whoever they want in an advertisement, i have a feeling that nike is not going to make its number this year. All my friends are burning their stuff, we got friends who got rid of all of their hollywood stuff, its continued good friends who dont watch the nfl anymore, lots of them. The ratings were down 10 last year and, i think its very much back in the forefront with Colin Kaepernicks trial going forward. And mack mood said the nfl season starts this week. Unfortunately, Colin Kaepernick is not on an nfl roster. Even though hes in one of the best quarterbacks in the league. If he was, you have a job. No matter what he was doing, no matter what he was protesting, you have a job. And so the world is really upside down. I want to get your reaction to john brennan. He says Colin Kaepernick drew our attention to the problem continued Racial Injustice in america, not to disrespect our flag but to give meaning to the words of the preamble of the constitution in order to form aa near perfect mission. Well done. Id say thats continued, if you dont stand for the flag it you dont care about the flag in the very things that provide you with those freedoms and representative of that, then are you standing for a communist flag of some other country or are you standing with who . And, we will go from there. Martha we wouldnt trade you for anything. You and your grandfather and your great grandfather, thank you for your lovely prayer service. Always a pleasure to have you on the program. When we come back, the battle between nbc and ronan sparrow. He tried to break the rv lines weinstein, and chuck todd says its time for the media to start fighting back and he goes after fox news first. And, by the new yorker caved on having steve bannon and he is up next. 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Howie cursed joins me now, most of media buzz and now another woman comes forward on the weinstein story and said yes, she was very willing to be on the record for story. How bad is this for them . I was an Investigative Reporter for many years and you know in your gut when the employer doesnt have the stomach for controversial stories. The damage that is being done to nbc, we now know that the network suggested that they walk out the door into days later they published the expose of Harvey Weinstein that ends up launching the me to movement and know about of rationalization can explain away that nbc had that story and i think flinched. Obviously it was a huge moment and it would take some courage because Harvey Weinsteins people were pushing back big time. But it appears to be course that they did not have. We knew that pharaoh says at the time. Chuck todd said in his editorial in atlantic about fox news, the promised to be balanced was a quoted pledge for alternative, it was an attack on the integrity on the rest of the media. And, that was singlehandedly, and, it was palpable. The fact is the bias of mistakes to lose the confidence of half the country. Now chuck says, journalists may have some biases but they were working on them as they are just requiring a little tinkering. Its more fundamental than that and i think, just to try to blame a competing Cable Network, one Cable Network could be responsible for this decline and it doesnt work. We get a lot of support for telling both sides of the story here and, thats something we are very proud of. As we move on we want to get our thoughts on the new yorker which was this talk on the stage kind of thing. And then they pulled the record. They did a provocative thing. Unfortunately he caved, a caved to readers of a liberal magazine who didnt like the idea. He caved to some of his own staffers and, unfortunately we see too much of this. This distant biting of conservatives. The reason he wanted bannon is because it would have been an interview and they couldve challenged each other. Rather than having everyone there, they couldve said it, thats the same thing. It would have been better had he stuck to his guns. Thanks, ill wait. All right. So coming up on a busy day, senator Lindsey Graham has stopped by the rooftop here as arizonas governor has now picked a new senator to take the spot of john mccain. We will be right back with Lindsey Graham. These are because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To and practice. Kidlots of practice. Tion. Get them started right with carnation breakfast essentials. It has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. Carnation breakfast essentials. s as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. 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One look at you and i cant disguise ive got hungry eyes applebees new 3course meal starting at 11. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Martha fox news alert, tonight the New York Times is reporting that special Counsel Robert Mueller will accept written communication from the president and the russian investigation. According to this, we were briefed on this letter. They told the times that the tone of the letter and the fact that special counsel did not ask for written responses on obstruction prompted some trumpet allies to include that if an interview takes place, the scope will be more limited than President Trumps legal team will be initially relieved. Senator graham joins us now. Senator graham i just left the circus, its good to be with you. Ive been in a clown car all day. Martha let me get your response to that first, what does that signal to you . Senator graham it sounds like they are making some efforts to secure an interview but it also means that mueller will not have interviews before the election. They are still negotiating about talking to the president and most likely will not get a report before the election. Martha implied they would like a written response and they would agree to a written response with regard to collusion but they left the door open when it came stupidest obstruction of justice. Does that mean they should speak to them personally . Ive and see no evidence of collusion and the fact means there probably is no collusion. Its almost impossible to prove that this president had a corrupt motive for firing comey because almost every democrat wanted him fired. There are plenty of democrats who told the president and the nation you need to get rid of comey because hes incompetent. Martha lets get to the hearing. You called it a circus, here are a little bit of your introductory remarks today. Senator graham this is shaping up to be the hypocrisy hearing and thats hard to do in the senate. And in todays time. Martha what did you mean by that . When the issues on the other foot, you have a different view of this. In 1994 when kim nominated Stephen Breyer to be chief of the Supreme Court, they didnt halt his hearing, they said it was okay to go forward. There are so many examples here of one that she was on the other foot. Joe biden cited President Trump and kavanaugh article about indicting sitting president. So bright cavanaugh who will destroy the republic because of his views on executive power. Joe biden used his article on behalf of, before the she was on the other foot they did something differently. Martha and tomorrow we will dig into the questioning and watch all of that unfold as it gets underway. Today a big decision from Governer Ducey, you were obviously so and what are your thoughts on when he decides to do that. They take his wing man who tries to solve hard problems and let him finish out his good friends term. It makes a lot of sense to me. Come january we will get someone who will be able to run in 2,020, but a Governer Ducey did the people of arizona a great service. As for the vote for a kavanaugh, today the big winner was trumpet and the big loser was the Democratic Party because of this is their approach, as to how to govern, they will have a hard time in 2,020. Martha there was a lot of campaigning going on. Senator graham there was a lot. If you are running for democrat as president , you have to please the people doing the yelling. I think the country has lied to us to get things done and at times donald trump drives me crazy but he has produced. Kavanaugh is the single best legal mind of his generation, and a republican president have picked him. He at the end of the day and they are in charge, they expect us to vote for their charge judges but when we want an election we are supposed to appoint liberals. It doesnt work that way, kavanaugh will be on the Supreme Court. Well done mr. President. Martha there is a new bob woodward book that has come out, very hot quotes that came out of the books today and lots of responses to them. Then there was a phone call where they were trying to figure out it why, and heres what they said. Senator graham said he had talked to you about talking to me. Now is that not true . President trump senator graham mentioned it quickly on one meeting. I just worried about it and i did hear from lindsay and im just hearing about it. We will have an inaccurate book and thats too bad but i dont blame you and entirely. Martha so fill in the blanks, did you set him down with bob woodward . We are playing golf and i said, hes writing a book about you as president and everyone else. He might want to talk to you, and have sort of a short story. And the president was right, it was a brief conversation about people writing a book. I think he wants to talk to martha do you think you should have . Do you think it will make a difference . Donald trump will not win based on a book. Martha senator Lindsey Graham, always good to see you. Bret baier and i will see her tomorrow morning for day two. Tucker carlson tonight good evening, welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, Colin Kaepernick is an awfully brave man, being celebrated by those in power and a massive corporat. We will discuss the deal ahead. Also tell you a lot more about nbc news chairman and the lack and the maneuverings of that channel to protect predator Harvey Weinstein. A brandnew report on that that is fascinating and unnerving. But first as you know, capitol hill was in chaos today thanks to the first day of hearings for Supreme Court nominee brett kavanaugh. Just a few days