Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20171005

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To survive this . Yes. Are there any others. Look at the weapons containing different amounts of tannerite available, do you think this was all accomplished on his own . Face value, youve got to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point. Martha we are seeing a lot more layers here tonight. Terry schaeffer and mark fuhrman standing by to take us inside the investigation. We were again with Trace Gallagher at live again tonight in las vegas with all of his coverage of this and the latest breaking details tonight. Hi, trace. Hi, martha. There is a pattern evolving of Stephen Paddock going out and surveilling various venues, possibly looking for other targets. The reports in boston that he was doing research on venues there, including fenway park, and we have confirmed that, in fact, it Stephen Paddock did book a hotel room in chicago in august during the lollapalooza concert. He booked a hotel called the blackstone, 21 stories high, it overlooks grand park, and that was the sight of the lollapalooza concert. The hotel confirms that he made the reservation but he did not show up for the reservation. And one week before the shooting here at the mandalay bay concert, he also booked a room in downtown las vegas at a hotel that overlooked the life is beautiful concert. It is unclear if he was actually inside the hotel room while the concert was going on. The sheriff, as he heard, now on the record saying he believes that Stephen Paddock had an accomplice. He did not give us evidence to push that board, but its interesting because we now know that in the runup, in the days before the shooting, inside the mandalay bay, it Stephen Paddock was gambling very heavily for hours at a time, seven, eight i was at a time, and there were reports that he had a female companion with him most of the time. The authorities are now in the process of trying to track down that female companion. And today we learned, as he watched the people running out of the venue during and after the shooting, that firefighters and Police Officers found some of the victims miles away. Listen to this. We also had people jump the fence, break through the fences, and get into the airport property. They were laying in between the airways, those areas that are carved out between the runways in the taxiways, and then we had reports of gunshots fired at the airport. Another example of, we had a lot on our hands, a lot that we thought was escalating, but we just didnt know. Speaking without an art to make their hands, we should note that this Aviation Fuel containers on mccarran airports property, the reports came out that they were hit with bullets. That is accurate. They were hit. Whether or not they were targeted still is unclear, but he certainly had the capacity to target those Aviation Fuelholding canisters, though they are double steel wide. Experts say it will be very difficult for a bullet to penetrate. Martha . Martha trace, thanks so much. Here now, Lieutenant Colonel tony shepard, he has been in contact with his sources in Law Enforcement, and from l. A. P. D. Detective mark fuhrman. Gentlemen, good evening. You have been with us throughout this process, and today, as i said, a number of other layers that we are peeling back here to tell this story. Tony, what is the latest that you are hearing . Book, the patterns we are talking about, martha, now emerging. We started this journey two days ago, three days ago now, and what weve been talking about about something larger probably being there is emerging. This is like eight singularity, like a black hole. Cant necessarily see what is inside we can see what is going on around it. There are some clues here the sheriff has put out that i think we have to pay close attention to. First, the radicalization statement. He made the comment, a spontaneous utterance about this issue. That has not been resolved or addressed. Secondly, they announced a global investigation now ongoing for people who may have been involved and help him. That talks about a network, that means there is something, either a criminal network or a terror network, but there is Something Else there. Third, to the other point now, they have clearly said there is evidence and they know more than they are saying for obvious reasons. They dont want to give away any lead they are trying to work. Other people were probably involved at least helping him, possibly even in the room to him that night, and we dont know what happened because it took spot in our from the initial indication to break that door down. A lot can happen in that hour of missing time. Martha absolutely. Mark, the suggestion that he had some set my kind of plan to get away, we look at this from the beginning as a horrific suicide plot, what would ultimately end making a suicide plot, but now theres evidence he wanted to get away. You have to wonder about the 100,000 he sent to the philippines, whether that was money he was sending ahead and that is where he was headed. The sheriff, lombardo, said that it would have been sort of a superman tape move, the way that he hadnt rigged to get out of there. What do you make of all that . We really have to go back to the homicide scene itself, where the detectives are, look at the scene and isolate themselves to actually concentrate. Quite possibly may have had a getaway bag, a bag with ammo, and gone, some money, close to a door, could be an indication hes trying to get away. But when you look at this scene, 23 guns, 12 assault rifles, 12 bonfire stocks, all of this ammunition. By himself, could it be possible, absolutely. Did they find some kind of unknown fingerprints, dna, evidence on some of the rifles or someplace in the room that he had contact with that they cant identify . Quite possibly. The detectives are working the senate inside while other objectives are working the outside scene at all of the followup. So the sheriff is probably concentrating on answering some of the questions with the suspicions that are coming out from the nucleus of this investigation, not the periphery. Martha and we know now, tony, he sent the girlfriend to the philippines, and there is some other woman that he is spending time with at the gambling tables. There are a few places in the world where there are more cameras in the world than a casino, no way that this woman wasnt picked up on a number of those cameras, right . Im very anxious to see that very footage as well as him moving things around peteys not a physical specimen you know, hes not mr. Atlas. He likely had someone moving stuff around. Like mark said, youre talking about dozens of weapons. These things are not light, especially when they are full of a load of ammunition. So we have to understand, and i do hope, because, if not soon, i hope they release this tape showing all of the things were talking about. Most important, the information i have is there is tape of this guy in the room itself. Again, i think people are very anxious to find out what exactly his motivation is for doing this. Very clearly, we talked about it two days ago, three days ago, the first day we were together, martha, the fact that this target was selected. He very clearly went about detailed selection to pick this venue after all of the places he could have gone to to do that. Martha mark, before we go, just the explosives in the car, a lot of money in the car as well, you talk about a getaway plan, but does that fit any sort of indication of the somebody who wants to go out in this horrific plays and kill themselves . Certainly it does but i can also work the other way. He could have made multiple reservations looking for the greatest opportunity, having fallback plans and two other places. He could have also attempted to do something with the car and a car bomb before and not really have the opportunity or the knowledge or actually the positioning of the vehicle. He abandoned that idea and then he went to the hotel room and started bringing in the weapons over a two, three day period. Martha tony, before we go, i was going to figure out what happened here today, do you think . I think there is reason my Law Enforcement is hanging back. Mark talked about that, they are focusing on the issues, youve got the fbi and other intelligence agencies overseas. This is not over yet. There are a lot of pieces that need to be cleared up. Martha gentlemen, thank you, as always. Coming up next night on the story. She had no intentions of looking or acknowledging that there was a firearm. Martha more questions fr the gunmans girlfriend. Was she sitting a bit getaway potentially . Were going to talk to two former fbi behavioral experts. What she was talking about in that sound bite with that man, very interesting too. Also, growing calls to ban bump stocks. That is gaining tonight on capitol hill, and even the nra says they are open to the idea. Former congressman Jason Chaffetz strands of hair. Plus, as we are going to debate that straight ahead when we come bac back. We stand together to help hu carry her pain. Youre not alone we will never leave your side. Amazing honkytonk i cant believe you got us tickets i did. I didnt pay for anything. sigh you never do. Send me what i owe. Ive got it. I mean, you did find money to buy those boots. alert beep are you serious . Is that why you dont like them . Those boots could make a unicorn cry. 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The question is how he moved firing positions and whether the guns were preloaded. And he simply swap them out the same time. Visit sheriff and his team addressed some of the issues at the news conference. Do you think this was all accomplished on his own . Face value, youve got to make the assumption that he had to have some help at some point. The sheriff said paddock had an escape route, paddock did not intend to commit suicide on the 30 secondfloor of the hotel. But the escape plan was so elaborate, it suggested paddock would need help at some point. The search warrant on paddocks vehicle found their ammunition and explosives was meant to have two phases. Inside, 10 pounds of ammonium nitrate, which is an accelerant, 50 pounds of tannerite, used in homemade exposing targets, as well as 1600 rounds of ammunition. The ap reporting tonight investigators are looking at the possibility he planned a car bombing. One of danleys close Family Members that paddock was unstable and made them extremely nervous. Reports tonight suggest that Law Enforcement had no reports to suggest his Mental Health had deteriorated to a point where he would take his own life. There is really no work tonight and whether danley will be questioned again by the fbi, bus voluntarily cooperating, martha. Martha catherine, thank you very much. Here more with us, the retired senior fbi profiler and currently the director for forensic studies at george mason university, and tim clemente, former fbi counterterror agent. With our experts into digging into the criminal behavior and trying to figure out this kind of awful situation. Good evening to both of you. Mary ellen, let me start with you. As you look at this, with what we know now. What stands out to you the most . Well, what really stands out is the behavior that is becoming more and more consistent, and that is that this is someone that was incredibly private to the point, it may be, of being somewhat paranoid. He didnt value human relationships. Those werent important to him. He was able to sustain his plan quietly probably for a very long time, and at the very end of all of this, to suggest that he would have opened up this plan and brought somebody else and is inconsistent with what we have seen thus far. That is not to suggest though that he didnt physically need somebody elses help to move equipment from one location to another, but for him to open up this plan and everything that he intended to do with it as private as he was and as suspicious as he was of other people, it really just makes no sense. Martha that is a fascinating point. It is possible that he just paid somebody. If you help me move this stuff and they didnt know was in the boxes or they didnt want to know what was in the boxes but they were happy to take the money that is it plausible explanation. Tim, you say really have to look at the last 11 months, that that is the period during which he accumulated 33 of these weapons. Obviously, something happened, something snapped. This man had some reason why he wanted to accumulate these weapons and kill all of these innocent people that we just sa saw. Those ones, what do you want to know . Martha, it is clear there was a plan in place, how long there was a plan is unknown. Hopefully we will find that out. Clearly, and since october of last year, he started amassing a large number of weapons, especially semiautomatic rifles, and a lot of ammunition for a particular act. This may not have been what he started out planning, but clearly is what he did plan and execute and it is a tragic, horrific event. Maryellen just said, it doesnt make sense. This is what would clearly be defined as a senseless act, and so we cant always look for logic and sense in the behavior were looking at. This individual was radicalized in some way, and when i say that, i dont necessarily mean a radical islamist, radical leftists, or anything like that. Its just that something turned him away from society to the point that he could look down in a crowd of people and see them merely as targets, and that is something that may have happened prior to october when he started amassing these weapons or it may have been something that evolved very slowly over the last year or more in that period of time. Martha just for a second, ten, and he talked about this earlier. You do think that it is possible that he could have been radicalized by isis or some political belief or something that made him snap, something specific like that. Martha, we cannot rule it out. I know the fbi has clearly said they have no connection to islamic terrorism or any groups. That just means the evidence hasnt been found yet. Its not that its not necessarily there. There have been people in the United States, in germany, in italy, that have been recruited by isis or have fallen prey to isiss propaganda and become isis wives or brides, become fighters for isis, and to volunteer themselves to do acts for isis. When you look at their life, they are not in any relation to the muslim world prior to this, no relation to even the middle east or to what isis is allegedly fighting for, and yet they somehow come from a private life in the midwest of the United States or, in one case, in italy, a young girl converted her entire catholic family over to islam to fight for isis. Martha unbelievable. I want to play one, do you guys in the control room, just one of the sound bites on martha. Was he an angel . Of course he wasnt an angel. Did he [bleep] about people that annoyed the crap out of him, of course he did. Frankly, i think its pretty typical when you talk to Family Members of someone who is the offender, they see them through a very different lens than anybody else, and so as an investigator, you are trained to draw circles around people and say, this is the information that i expect to get from a Family Member, because they are very supportive of someone that they love, and they are very defensive about that person. So thats not at all unusual. That reaction is, in fact, pretty typical in other cases where the Family Member just really feels that strong bond. Martha i keep going back to the father, wanted by the fbi, face splashed across every post office in the area, and i wonder if he sought that kind of bizarre, horrible notoriety. We keep digging added. Thanks thanks to both of you. Coming up here tonight on the story, banning the bump stock, a word, a phrase that none of us really had any familiarity with before the last few days. The powerful nra now throwing their support behind a possible new legislation to balance this once littleknown accessory. Ed henry live at the white house of the details for us tonight. Plus, Jason Chaffetzs and zach mccannas take on the very hot debate in this country over guns. Plus, despite the president s calls for unity, some are seeking to divide the country even deeper than before. We will endure the pain together, and we will overcome together as americans. Abetes. Times up, insufficient prenatal care. And administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you too. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. At optum, were partnering across the Health System just like the people every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. 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I didnt even know what they were until this week, and i am an avid sportsman. So i think we are quickly coming up to speed with what this is. Fully automatic weapons have been banned for a long time. Apparently this allows you to take a semiautomatic and turn it into a fully automatic. Martha chief White House Correspondent and henry with the latest on that. Hi, ed. Democrats openly admitting they want to use this tragedy in las vegas to pass all kinds of gun control measures. Republicans, including the white house congressional leaders largely want to contain this to regulation of bump stocks, as you suggest. Sarah sanders, the white house spokeswoman saying today, the president is willing to have a conversation on that. Interesting turnabout by the nra leadership today. William lapierre and chris cox cox. The leadership declaring, the nra believes that device is allowed to design semiautomatic rifles to function like fully automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulation. Now, the nra leaders adding that in 2010, it was actually thenpresident Barack Obamas bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms that decided not to regulate bump stocks after a Texas Company initially sold these as devices that help people with disabilities bump fire from an ar15 rifle. The federal government decided not to regulate since the device was modifying gun parts and not the machinery of the gun itself. Obviously, they are going to take another look at that. Now, republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan saying he did not know what a bump stock was until this week, and is open to looking into regulations. Democrats quite clear they want to use this to go much, much further. Watch. We need to look at how we can tighten up the compliance with this law, so that fully automatic weapons are banned. If this majority believes that a bump stock prohibition is enough, they have been smoking something. And that is exactly what is worrying conservatives tonight. Democratic leader nancy pelosi openly declaring, isentropic cracking down on bump stocks then there is conservative New York Times columnist bret stephens. He had, today, in an oped, called for a repeal of the second amendment, writing that while gun ownership should not be outlawed, it doesnt need a blanket constitutional protection either. Stephens declaring he doesnt get what he calls the fetish with the second amendment. That is the kind of, that is setting off alarm bells. Martha . Martha absolutely. Here now with more tonight, former rick republican congres, Jason Chaffetz, now a Fox News Contributor. So it seems like this bump stock ban could probably happen pretty easily, but what democrats are saying is, there is no way thats going to be enough. What do you think . Nothing is ever easy when congress is involved, but the idea that you are trying to prohibit a weapon from being altered and turning into an automatic weapon, which has been prohibited for decades now, that seems like common sense, and something i can support. I have five guns, i may concealcarry permit holder, a member of the nra, and i do think it is reasonable to say, we dont need this tool there. There are other things we can also work on, i think in a bipartisan way, but youre not taking away my guns. And theyre about as many guns as there are people in the United States. Martha a lot of guns in the United States. Absolutely, and i agree that there are common sense things that the parties can come together on. The bump stock is certainly one thing we can do. Another thing we can do that has the support of 94 of the american public, that has the support of the majority of nra members, universal background checks. The other thing we can come together on is ensuring that terrorists should not have access to guns. That is something that you almost universally see support on, this should be an opportunity for us to come together. Martha i absolutely hear you, and i think there is an appetite for change, and change that you guys can probably agree on. This particular situation, right, if you could buy a bump stock, and he bought Something Like, 23 of them, we have a tape of a guy that walked into the shop and wanted to know how it would work and how it would adjust, how fast would make its machine gun, which is just horrifying. He obviously had something wrong with him but was never picked up, wasnt treated for Mental Illness as far as we know. So there are so few ways to stop someone like him short of taking the gun out of their hand. We are not going to be banning guns under the second amendment. There is no way that is going to happen. Thats a ridiculous idea. We have a constitutional right to do this. I, as a gun holder, we feel safer when we have guns in our homes. The bad guys, they dont Pay Attention to the rules. He still broke the law on multiple accounts. And it would have maybe slowed him down to not have the bump stock, and i wish somehow, someway, i could go back in time and solve this and the one in colorado and in connecticut and the other ones that have happened, but lets do the things that will actually work, like work on Mental Health. I mean, most states will populate the National Database with those that can distinguish right from wrong, but there still states today martha President Trump removed a piece of legislation that was put in place by president obama that would have cracked down on Mental Health, people who cant make a decision for themselves fell under that category. Does he need to reverse that . I want the state to figure out who is going to populate that list, and that will be to but you have to do on the national level. After what happened in connecticut, i worked with the governor and you too in utah and repopulated that. Martha what do you think . I agree with almost everything youre saying. This is the problem with the patchwork of legislation. We have, for example, with background checks, why they need to be universal martha the only place there are no background checks as a private sale. Stephen paddock had a background check. But there are various levels, virginia has weaker background checks, may be funneled to states with stronger ones like states like new york. We need something that is universal so that you cant go to another state martha in registry . A federal registry . No one is talking about a registry. We are talking about making sure that everyone goes through the same checks to make sure they have a weapon that can do thing things. You already have to go. You have to go to a federal firearms license he and get background check. Tucker martha zac, didnp Stephen Paddock. He had background checks. He went all over the place and had background checks. And you look at the sandy hook shooter, he took his mothers gun. Its so infuriating but so difficult to stop these. But this is, i think, the fallacy. Not any one single piece of legislation or measure is going to stop all shootings from happening. But what we do know, the terrible sort of patchwork background checks now, they stopped 2. 8 million sales from Going Forward we need to make sure that all of these states are covered with the same kind of protection that all americans support. Martha thank you very much. Big topic and its going to be going on for a long time after this in las vegas. Coming up tonight, a new threat churning in the caribbean. Tropical storm nate is looking like its going to drum up to a hurricane as it heads up this weekend, if you can believe that. Well show you where thats going to go and when, and President Trump urging unity following the las vegas massacre, but some suggesting that the issue of the mass shooting is not being addressed because of who the perpetrator was. That debate after this break. O in jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. I cant wait for her to have that College Experience that i had. The classes, the friends, the independence. And since we planned for it, that student debt is the one experience, im glad shell miss when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. Ameriprise with some big news about type 2 diabetes. You have type 2 diabetes, right . Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. Type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. 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We will endure the pain together, and we will overcome together as americans. Martha President Trump earlier this week calling for unity in the face of this weeks tragedy, but clearly some people did not take that message to heart. A new oped on cnns website suggests that the country doesnt address the contributing factors to mass meetings because this is a white mans problem. They are arguing the issue would be handled differently if the perpetrators were brown or black, she writes. Joining us now, a republican political analyst and Fox News Contributor its my contributor, and the political commentator and professor at Johns Hopkins university. Welcome to both of you. Good to have you here this evening. [sighs] troublesome. I read through this post on cnn, the article that she wrote, and she basically makes the argument that this is handled differently because the perpetrators are usually white, and if they were brown, they would be considered terrorists and there would be, you know, a question of them going against american values, and that these are handled differently. Let me start with you, what do you think . I think its a fallacy. I think it is politicizing something that is a very serious issue in our country. I am saddened to see so much politics playing when this las Vegas Tragedy happened, immediately after, when the news began to break, we saw that. You know, me being from chicago, i see these strategies on a regular basis. 529 people shot since 2017, murdered, rather, in chicago. During memorial day weekend, my younger brother was in a car with two of his friends on the southside of chicago winter coat male individuals walked up to the car and riddled it with 25 bullets. My younger brother lived, thankfully, but his best friend died in his arms. And then we have this conversation about comprehensive guncontrol, and its benefits, and how it would prevent tragedies like this. And i look at chicago and i notice that it has had the most comprehensive guncontrol laws on the book of any city, and yet it did not prevent my brothers friend from dying his arms. My brother, talked on the other day, and he is a gun license holder. He said his biggest regret is not having a gun to prevent the shooting, the murder of his best friend. This has become very troubling for anyone on the left to make this a political issue. Martha wendy, what do you think . I dont think it is a political issue. I think we have to look at what the data says and how the data supports the narrative. We have 66 cases of Mass Shootings, of those cases, 44 of them were committed by a white man. We have this empirical evidence to suggest that will narrative is something that we continue to perpetuate. Not necessarily the data but how we characterize it. Whether we look at james wolf or colorado or whether we look at dylan roof, its a long move. Its not a lone lone wolf comma pack of wolves. We have to start looking at it like that. When a muslim contains numeric commits the same type of fact, they will say this is an act of terror. And we see this in the london subway bombing. Before the fact it came out, President Trump tweeted, this is a terrorist attack, and he called martha it is terrorism, no matter what you look at. What happened in las vegas is terrorizing. But i dont understand is, why we have to look at everything through that lens. Evil is evil. It doesnt matter the color of this mans skin. I can see where it matters in terms of profiling, in terms of understanding, in terms of figuring out how to get at these issues. We have seen in sandy hook, a kid who sits in his basement all the time playing violent video games and has Mental Health issues and access to guns, that is a poisonous cocktail right there. And we need to understand it. But this finger pointing and saying, oh, it would be judged differently if it were this or that. I want to just switch gears here for a moment and talk about something in a different context but that is also pointing out, you know, ethnicity and race and dividing us, perhaps, some would say when they see this. Lets play this from Michelle Obama and then a tweet. At the state of the union address, one side, amen, all white. On the other side, some women, some people of color. I was always the most embarrassed at the beginning when people would see that. Martha this is mcdaniel. Unfortunate that michelle would disregard contributions of conservative women and people of all backgrounds with one false accusation. Gianno . We had the most inclusive stage of anyone talking about the republican side. Ben carson, ted cruz, marco rubio. The democrats didnt offer that whatsoever. Martha carly fiorina. Wendy, what do you think . I think the fact that gianno can name them proved a point. No, it doesnt. Let me answer. I didnt interrupt you. Gianno, i didnt interrupt you. Lets put this in context. She was at a diversity conference. Thats what the topic was about. She didnt just pull this narrative out of the wind. She was talking about it when it comes to race and gender and she spoke to rich. We have to put it in context. Martha but the underlying facts have to be true. You can go up to make out stirring up that notion in peoples minds. Thats the truth of the matter. Martha ive got to jump out, gianno and wendy. Good to see you guys. Breaking news just in, President Trump just summoning the press back to his dinner with military leaders and makes a very provocative statement. We are going to play it for you after this. Trust me, stick around. Quite interesting. Brit hume will join us to respond right after this. Martha so, moments ago, President Trump was wrapping up a dinner with some military leaders and their spouses at the white house and briefly addressed reporters and hinted at some sort of oncoming storm. Watch this and see for yourself. This could be the calm before the storm. We have the worlds great military people in this building. Thank you all for coming. White storm, mr. President . You will find out. Give us a hand. Martha mm. Fox news sr. Political analyst brit hume joins me on that. You are our senior political analyst, so please analyze. What does that mean . Thanks, martha. The president is prone to giving these kind of hints and suggestions and hints, and he seems to enjoy the befuddlement of those who are listening. Of course, he didnt clarify. It sounds as if hes possible hes talking about some kind of military action that would go against north korea. Remember, just a few days ago, martha, the spokeswoman at the state department, published a tweet i saw that said that north korea will not be permitted this is not the exact words, this is the gist of it. Will not be permitted to acquire a nuclear arsenal. That will either have been diplomatically or by force. The choice is up to north korea. We thought that was pretty startling. And he put that together with this, maybe he is hinting at something. Now, remember, martha, the traditional view, long held by him and read person ive ever talked to anybody else who has looked into the issue is, that military action, although we would unquestionably win and a front against north korea, possibly fairly quickly, is not a good option because of the vulnerability of seoul, just a short distance from the dmz. Seoul has focused upon, not nuclear weapons, but conventional weapons, artillery pieces in such numbers that the destruction on seoul and the loss of human life would be so great that it is unacceptable and means that military action of the kind room i contemplate is really it cant be on the table. Now, it is possible that with weaponry today that didnt exist before, some kind of military way of dealing with this has been devised and some plan i havent seen any reporting to the effect that that exists. Hard to believe something that dramatic could be developed in total secrecy, but there you are. Martha i have the same impression. Of course, we dont know what he meant because he didnt say, but he is standing there with military leaders, sort of dropping Something Like that, north korea is the first thing that comes to mind. The only other subjects that i thought about was, you know, that some sort of shake up on his staff, whether it be the secretary of state position i mean, theres been so much flying around. Why would you link that, though, to a comment about martha my first pick would be north korea. Who knows. Martha who knows is right. He loves to keep us guessing. Martha and he loves to keep us guessing, exactly. I want to play a sound bite over on the democratic side from representative sanchez talking about the leadership. Lets play that. I dont want to single her out. All three of them . I think that is it is time to pass the torch to the new generation. They are all of the same generation, and the check number contributions are substantial, but i think there comes a time when you need to pass that torch, and i think it is time. Martha we need a quick answer here. If you look at the electoral wreckage the democrats have experience in recent elections, now the presidency, it is completely understandable. Indeed, it seems almost inevitable that they would be casting about for new leaders, and the Senior Leaders of the Democratic Party a pretty old. Nancy pelosi is in her 70s, and joe biden, still thinking about presidency, is old. Hillary clinton is old. It is probably on their minds, although im sure she has backed off by now. Martha brit, thank you so much. We will see with the storm is all about. S quick break and well be right back. When you have a cold stuff happens. Shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. 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Martha okay, here we go, another newly formed storm that could strengthen into a hurricane and hit the alreadybattered gulf coast this weekend. We sincerely hope that doesnt happen. Tropical storm nate, we are up to n and the other bed, turning the waters near honduras. Forecasters say it could reach working status as early saturday morning. Expected to make landfall at this point but it is a long way out. As a category 1 on saturday, saturday morning. We will continue to keep a close eye on it on air and on foxnews. Com as well. We leave you with that. Thanks for joining us tonight. That is ours to write for tonight, to be continued 7 00 tomorrow. Have a terrific night. Tucker carlson is up next. Tucker good evening, and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. It has been four days since one of the biggest Mass Shootings in history, and most people still more questions and answers aboue gunman and particularly his motive. But if youve been watching any of the late night comedy shows or certain cable news outlets, you know those mysteries have been solved already. According to them, the real perpetrators are a lawabiding gun owners and the organizations that represent them. Not an overstatement. Watch this. Do you feel like they are complacent, the g. O. P. , the nra in the gun epidemic racing in america . Of course they are. Of course they are. Break from the

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