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That state announcing gruber will no longer work on that states plan to build a single payer system, his team at m. I. T. Will continue to work with vermont, but gruber himself had agreed to accept no more money from his 400,000 contract. He had already been paid 160,000. More on that during this show. Heres the bad news. Another one or two feet more still on the way. The erie county sheriff explains the deadly conditions. Sadly, we have to announce we found an individual today 46yearold male in the town of aldon. Car was buried under approximately 12 to 15 feet of snow, and he was found deceased. I cant comment on it much further. We are making family notifications. A man who was stuck with nearly 100 others vehicle on the thruway outside buffalo for nearly 36 hours and has finally just been rescued. Samuel martin joins us now on his cell phone from blazedale, new york. Samuel, i know that this is good news for you and you are a happy guy because you are now rescued, right . I didnt know it was actually going to happen as quick tazz did in the end. Up until this morning we had seen absolutely no action whatsoever. We received no request to see if we needed water or food or anything. So you are a truck driver. You got stranded. Was it the middle of the night between monday and tuesday or tuesday and wednesday . It was monday. Well, 2 00 a. M. Tuesday. Were looking at your photos right now, and this is i think this is the fest one you took from the inside of your truck looking out. Tell me what happened. You realized you just had to pull over, or you just couldnt move anymore . I was going pull off at the last exit, but they had not even plowed the exit. You couldnt get off the highway. Then things started vogue slowing down. After a little while two snow plows came by, in the fast lane, cleared it with a police officer. Everyone started following the snow plows for about ten miles until they actually all of a sudden we stopped again and we never moved again for 38 some hours sgroosh so you were stranded for 38 hours. Hard to get food and water in those conditions. You have just been rescued, and we are very happy to report that. Samuel martin, thanks for joining us today on the real story. How is it some people got its called the lakeeffect storm, and at the bottom of the hour chief meteorologist rick richtmuth will help explain how that all works. Joining us by phone is the mayor of hamburg, new york, thomas moses. He is also the police and fire commissioner. Mr. Moses, are you with us . Yes, i am. Are you in charge, pretty much, of the town of hamburg. Tell us what the situation is there right now . Well, basically im in charge of the village, and our Road Conditions here are Getting Better as the day goes on, but its very difficult because when you get four or five feet of snow dumped on you and then decide to get it moved around, it makes it very dell. Our guys have been doing a great job, and we have a total of 90 some groves in the village who are responseible for, and our guys have done a great job thus far. Were looking at video of your town as people try to shovel away the feet of snow. I know that you have had no fatalities in your village, correct . That is correct. We make sure when we do get the next snow, we are prepared and going to be able to move it and its taken care of because basically once we get that snow, theyre calling for rain to come in after that. Were working on it to have meetings jointly and to be prepared to the mayor of hamburg, new york, thomas moses is joining us by phone. Thank you, sir. All the best. Thank you. Now, the fox news alert to tell you about now because president obama says he will aannounce his executive action on immigration to a primetime audience tomorrow night. Defer deportations for millions of undocumented immigrants, even though he said himself 22 times he doesnt have the Legal Authority to do it. Here he is in 2011 saying just that. With respect to the notion that i can just suspend deportations through executive order, thats just not the case. There are law on the books that congress has passed. The white house still claiming theres no flipflop here. Does the president still stand by what he said last year when he said i am not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute jobs that are passed. Is that still operative . Absolutely. Since this interview aired, the president did direct the attorney general and the secretary of Homeland Security to conduct a review of the law to determine what, if any, authority the he could use to try to fix some of the problems that House Republicans have refused to address. Editor for the Washington Times and Fox News Contributor. A lot to get through here because the breaking news that the president is going to go full staem ahead. You heard jonathan carl. I think a lot of people are raising this question that the president not just on immigration, but on a whole range of issues, gretchen, over the last six years. They have circumvented congress through his tsars, through fiat. This isnt the first time he has done it, and now i think you have an increased awareness of what he is doing in bypassing the constitutional order, bypassing congress, and just imposing on the country what he sees fit. Now you see more and more conversations like this happening that he is acting not unlike a dictator. Well, its interesting because in the press release put out by the president s spokesperson, they say that he is going to lay out the executive actions he is taking to fix our broken immigration system. He could have done this with little political resistance if he had been concerned with that issue at the time. Remember in 2008 he talked about the fundamental transformation of the nation . Right. Immigration is the one last missing piece to that he has done socialized medicine. He has done the spending. He has reworked American Life in so many ways. Immigration is the one missing piece, and thats why he is doing it now by unilateral action. I want to show you the upside down pinocchio he cede for his flipflop. I guess he doesnt care that that is the worst possible offense you can get from the pinocchio group over at that paper. An upside down is a boldfaced lie. Doesnt care, and thats the point. I have been saying this repeatedly. Will he work with it when its convenient for him, but his mission and his legacy has always been remaking america, transfor the purpose it into a european style socialist state. Remember from his political idealogical motivation, its about locking in a permanent democrat voting majority. Thats what this immigration move is all about. If he were really concerned about Immigration Reform, he would work with the congress and enforce the border and enforce the laws on the books. He is not doing this. This is a purely cynical political move. Sfroo monica crowley, thank you for your analysis nalgsz. You bet. Busy day on the hill today. Senate foreign relations, theyre about to begin a confirmation hearing on this gentleman, anthony blinken, nominated to be the next deputy secretary of state. This comes hours after another big hearing on the hill. The house grilling the acting head of the secret service over a series of security lapses at the white house. It was during a visit to the cdc, the centers for Disease Control in lant on september 16th. President obama got on an elevator with the Security Guard in an armed Security Guard with an arrest record. Violation of secret service protocols, and many believe just too close for comfort. Today there were questions raised about that. Its not a matter of changing policies. We need to do better training and reshape some of the training would were doing with our folks on a protection details. Today a number of lawmaker on both sides of the aisle reminded joe clancy that theres very little or no room for error for the secret service. When you talk about protecting the president , the first family, and, of course, the white house. Gretchen. Mike emmanuel live on the hell. Thanks much. So just how much firepower does isis really have . Where are they now making moves a little too close for comfort to parts of europe . A new report says they are not only the worlds best funded terrorist group, but among its best armed. Did we lose our opportunity to contain them . We will ask general jack keen. Plus, we told you about that huge airbag recall a few weeks ago. Well, now the feds are getting involved to make sure that you are safe. Find out if your car could be next on the recall list. And nowhere to hide. This group of thieves no, match for police technology. Look at the video. Theyre on them. You wont believe where they got caught. Looks like i got a couple of hiders. Theres a couple of bushes right there, and i got somebody under the bush. My scalp hurts. My hair hurts. This is what it can be like to have shingles. A painful, blistering, rash. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. Well i had to go to the eye doctor last week and i have to go back today. The doctors worried its so close to her eye. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. Fox news alert. The White House Press briefing underway. Lets listen to praes secretary josh ernest as he talks about the president s speech tomorrow night on immigration. I was pretty we have a tendency to do that. Can you just explain a little bit about why the president is going the route of a primetime address to announce what he is going to do . As i mentioned before, there is a bipartisan proposal that is passed through the senate that weve been waiting for more than a year for House Republicans to allow to come up for a vote. Were confident if that were vote on in the house of representatives, it would pass with bipartisan support. Now that republicans in the house have indicated an unwillingness to drop their opposition and theyve also indicated or refused to indicate any willingness to bring up Immigration Reform legislation in the next congress, the president has decided its time to move forward, and the president wants to talk to as Many Americans as possible about how he intends to move forward, and, you know, 8 00 p. M. On a thursday evening is an opportunity for people who are either sitting in front of their television oorz sitting in front of their tablets or in front of their smartphones to hear directly from the president about what he has decided and why he wants to move forward. So thats that explains the reasoning for tomorrows time frame. Do you have any of the names of the lawmaker that is have been invited to dinner tonight, who is coming . Its about 18 members from the house and the senate. I can well get you that full list at the conclusion of the briefing. Its just democrats. Thats what i said at the beginning of the briefing. And then yesterday you said th that. There will be some material related to the legal justification for the president s executive action that will be released tomorrow, and well have an ample opportunity to discuss that. What i will point out and maybe well have the opportunity to talk about this more in the briefing is i think that you will find that its consistent with action taken by president s of both parties to deal with the immigration system that president s from eisenhower, kennedy, johnson, nixon, reagan, both bushes took executive action to deal with the with what they characterizes add problems with the broken immigration system, and they took steps unilaterally using their the Authority Best in the executive branch to solve some of the problems. What youll see in terms of the president s announcement will be generally consistent with that economic size of executive authority. Theres a speech tomorrow night. So he goes to the high school on friday. Will there be more stops by the president to sort of sell in, if you will, i mean, next week . Will there be more stops with the president talking about this . I do anticipate that well be having a number of a rather lengthy discussion about this decision. The president i say in all sincerity is looking forward to this debate. The president feels very confident both in the steps that he has taken. He also feels very confident in knowing that these steps are going to be good for the country. That despite some of the concerns raised by republicans, we know these steps steps are going to strengthen national security, strengthen the security at the border. They are going to strengthen our economy. They will do something to address a lingering problem, which is the millions of people who currently live in this country who can come out of the shadows, can get right with the law, they can pay their tacks, they can go back to the line, go to the back of the line. Also, sort of become fully contributing members of communities large and small all across the country. This is an important step on the lives of millions of people who live here. Well van opportunity over the next couple of days to talk about this and in more detail. I would certainly not rule out that in the coming weeks that the president would take additional trips or host other events to continue talking about these very important issues. Roberta. If what the president wants is comprehensive reform that requires bipartisan action on the hill, why wouldnt he invite republicans or some republicans for dinner and talk to them about it too . Well, roberta, sadly, if it were only dinner that was required to get republicans to act in bipartisan fashion, we would have passed bipart sflan koomp mized legislation quite some time ago. Youll recall that the president convened a lunch just two weeks ago where he invited democratic and Republican Leaders to the house and senate. To come and talk to him about things including Immigration Reform. Tonights dinner will be another opportunity to talk about Immigration Reform. Certainly not the first opportunity, and it wont be the last. Is he worried about some democrats being nervous about this move, and siding with republicans on whatever republicans try to do to try to stop it . I think the short answer is no. Once we have an opportunity to talk about some of the details and what the president has choseern to take as action, it will be clear that theres a Solid Foundation for the president taking those actions. Again, dwoe anticipate that there will be republican op sdmrigs to what the president announces. The president was pretty clear when he talked about this. He noted that we shouldnt allow disagreement over a single issue we shouldnt prevent Common Ground where it relates to other issues. The fact that the president signed a bipartisan child care bill in the oval office, you know, a ceremony that is attended by democratic and its an indication where theres Common Ground, we should act on it. How is he on the white house about sparking a shutdown or well, i think weve seen pretty definitive statements from Republican Leaders in both the house and the senate indicating that they would not shut down the government, and i take them at their word. Michelle. The president will go as far as he can under the law. Obviously we dont know exactly whats going to be in this, but will you stand by that, and has the president decided to go as far as he can under the law . Well, we will have an opportunity to talk about that a little bit more. I think it is fair to say that what the president asked the attorney general and the secretary of Homeland Security to do is to examine what was in the law and to compile or at least formulate a strategy for maximizing the authority thats vested in the executive branch to try to address as many of these problems as possible. There may be some people who based on their own reading of the law believe that the president could have done more. Thats why i would hesitate to use the formulation that you repeated there. I think by any measure upon reviewing the actions that the president has chosen to take an impartial observer would conclude that the president has thought to maximize the use of his authority to try to solve these problems. Frankly, i think the American People expect the president of the United States to do. To use every element of the authority thats available to solve problems. Initially the way i framed the question was kind of raw. Do something more specific. If the president had wanted or does want to expand this to the parents of dreamers, from the review that was done and you know the results of that large scale review, does that fit under the laws . Were not talking about what the president is going to do, but does that one element fit within his bounds . I do want to reserve comment on any of these proposal that is have been floated so far until the president has had the opportunity to make his announcement, and then we can spend more time delving into what the president chose to do and what was the legal justification for doing so and whether or not their legal justification may have xesed for him to take other steps. We can talk about that more easily once the full compliment of the president s proposal has been laid out. Got it. What the president will announce tomorrow night will he be able to survive attempt from members of congress to defund certain elements . Do you think its defund proof in any way, or is it still going to be susceptible to those kind of actions with congress . Its many times that the president hopes to solve by using executive authority. Lsh some groups are coming out and saying it doesnt go far enough. How do you respond to that . I mean, ahead of it even being announced. Im sure you could also go to your inbox and find right wing groups saying the president has already gone too far. I guess there are equal defenders on both sides of the aisle here who are commenting on a proposal that none of them has seen. Tell us what will be the emmrim mremtation date attached . Well have more details on the implementation once the proposal has been rolled out. Can you talk about the president s efforts to. Through dhs and how long it will take for to implement . How long is Implementation Phase . Once we can look at proposals, we can talk about the implementation. What kind of briefings does the white house have for lawmakers and maybe the business community. Their ability to hire or employ. Well, as many of you know, have been covering this closely, the white house has been engaged in a wide range of conversations as the president has been considering what steps to take. Those conversations had been rooted in primarily helping to understand or helping the white house to have a clear understanding of how specific decisions might have an impact on specific communities or in some cases even specific businesses. So there is a desire to have that kind of understanding and as a result, there have been a number of conversations that have been convened by members of the president s staff to discuss some of the issues. There are a number of conversation that is are ongoing today and will continue tomorrow related to communicating to lawmakers and other interested parties in washington d. C. About what the president has decided, but the one place where people can expect to get a detailed rundown will be in the context the speech the president will deliver tomorrow. When we get briefed or we get information, will there be numbers attached to it . Will there be a cost of what the budgetary affect will be . I dont know if those numbers will be produced. You can essential welcome to ask about them. Well see if we can get you some answers. Would the president veto a government funded bill that included a provision to prevent him from taking this action . Well, it certainly would not be a proposal that the president would support, obviously. Well see. I think well also depend a little bit on republicans to choose to do in that situation as well. So it looks like theres been a lot of talk for republicans to make sure they would fund the government, but not allow this to go forward. Use that as the leverage. You dont rule out the president signing into law that would undo the very thing he is going to talk about the other night . I think well have to evaluate whatsoever proposals republicans put forward. I wouldnt want to hazard a guess at this point. The proposals that are floated would not be the kinds supported. Senator ted cruz has already reacted to this. Let me guess. He says that the Republican Senate that would be sworn in in january, the president goes forward with this action, should not confirm a single nominee executive or judicial what would be your reaction to senator cruz . Well, i think what i would merely say is that the president talked a lot over the last couple of weeks about the lesson that he drew from the last midterm election, and it was the president s view that the American People were interested in their representatives in washington d. C. Making progress on behalf of American People. It doesnt mean folding on principle, but it does mean trying to find Common Ground and putting the interests of the nation ahead of partisan political ambition ar political interests. Thats certainly a message that the president has taken to heart, and we hope that democrats and republicans will do the same. So, again, i know that this has been addressed here, but just give exactly what you said there about the message that voters were sending in the election. Does it send the wrong message to have the president bring only democrats here tonight to talk about what he is going to do . You said you hoped this does not that this action would not foreclose the possibility of Congress Acting and doing something more broadly in a bipartisan package, so why not start here . Bring republicans in is it saying this is what im doing, here are the details, and i know you dont approve of how im doing it, but, you know, lets start to Work Together on something else. Well, i certainly wouldnt rule out that those kinds of conversations are occurring. The senate succeeded. There are 14 Senate Republicans that join just about every democratic senator to support a commonsense proposal. We would like to see the house operate in similar fashion. Theyve had almost a year and a half now to do exactly that. They would if that bill were allowed to come up for a vote. But the house Republican Leadership has concluded that they dont want that bill to come up for a vote. Probably because they oppose it and fear it would pass if the house did vote on it. You could describe the people who were having dinner with the president as democrats. That would be true. You could also describe them as people who were genuine supporters of a commonsense Immigration Reform. That would also be true, and that will be the principle topic of discussion at dinner. We should not, however, allow disagreement over this issue to be a deal breaker over all the others, including, you know, the appointment of highly qualified professionals to serve an Important Role in government. John boehner has said publicly many times that the president taking this action would poison the well not only in terms of Immigration Reform in this next congress, but in terms of a whole range of others issue. In other words, it will make cooperation with the white house very difficult on issues far beyond immigration. Im told he also sent that message directly to the president when they had lunch here. Does he take him at his word that it will poison the well . I think you highlight what is a pretty stark difference in approach between the house Republican Leadership at least and those of us who work here for the democratic president. Weve seen House Republicans pass 40, 50, 60 different measures to defund or repeal obama care as they call it. The fact is it would be easy for the president after the fourth or fifth time to say, hey, if you are going to be so focused on defunding obama care, then theres no reason that we can cooperate or compromise or get anything done for the American People. There is no suggestion by me or anyone else that works at the white house that repeated efforts by republicans to repeal the president s Signature Initiative was somehow poisoning the well. We chalked it up to mere difference of opinion. It happens to rest on the piece of legislation that would insure that millions of people got health care and that we slowed the growth of health care costs, and a bunch of patient protections are pretty popular with the american public. We can have legitimate differences of opinion. Im not disagreeing that those differences of opinion exist. They obviously do. The question is what are you going to do in reaction to them . The reaction here is were not going to allow those differences of opinion to interfere to try to find common grountd. Does the president belief john boehner . Weve been listening to the president s spokesperson josh ernest. Looks like he has had a bit of a pep pill because he is talking about the bill big primetime address thats going to happen. President obama going to talk about his executive action tomorrow night during primetime. Theres going to be a dinner tonight with the president , but guess what, only democrats are invited to this. 18 democrats from the house and the senate. A lot of questions by reporters. Hey, if you were going to try and make a bipart sflan effort here after the midterm elections and the results that we had, wouldnt you invite republicans to this dinner as well and that answer was skirted by josh ernest. He also went on to say that it shouldnt be a deal breaker for other Common Ground amongst the newly elected Republican House and senate that will be coming in after january. But, of course, the speaker of the house, john boehner, has said if the president goes ahead and done this executive action that, it will basically poison the well. Wendell gohler asked the very first question. If that was a tip of the hat to sflukerburg who founded face bobbing because he also founded fwd. U. S. To support executive action. Coincidence. Chris plant, syndicated radio talk show host, leslie marshall, Fox News Contributor and radio talk show host. Do you believe josh ernest that this shouldnt be a deal breaker for other Common Ground . Its designed to be a deal breaker. Its designed to blow up washingt washington. Well, were not going to tell you. Weve got to sign the executive order to find out whats in it routine. Thats reminiscent of nancy pelosi. This is you invite democrats over to it is white house tonight. Its a poisonous atmosphere. Its going to get worse, not better. This is this is outside the law. Its outside the constitution. Its going to cause havoc. Lets bring in the democrat. Leslie, why would the president after the midterm elections where republicans won in a landslide and he came out and he said i hear the american voter, why would he not invite republicans to this dinner tonight . That is a total slap in the face. Grechen, are you taking all my talking points, girl. Im a democrat, and we got slaughtered in the midterm election, and the president did hear the people, and did say he heard the people, and it actually looks better for him if no one else and democrats and will appease the people left and right in this country and in between if you say, look, you know, the invitations went out to everybody. We sat down, we had a meal, we talked. It doesnt necessarily change anybodys opinion. At the end of the day these executive actions dont have to be taken if the house would vote on this, and, chris, i think you would agree that there are theres a lot in this legislation that both sides can agree on. As we saw the republicans, the 16 of them in the senate, that voted in favor of this, and not all extremely moderate republicans. Many of them are very conservative. Its very interesting because i dont know if this is totally a done deal yet, chris, because josh ernest said that theyre going to release the legal just fixes a little bit later on, and, remember, you know, he also was very smart in saying that Mitch Mcconnell had already gone on the record as saying he is not going to shut down the government, right . Theyre going to continue to fund the government. He has republicans on record as saying that. Did you hear that question there . Possibly republicans could fund the government but not allow this executive action to go forward. Correct . Theres going to be a lot of political rangeling going back and forth and constitutional challenges and great debates about all of this. Why the false urgenciancy of now in the lameduck session after the republicans took control of the senate and maintained control of the house, affect democrats were massacred eep though they dont like to say it out loud in the midterm elections. The false urgency of now is just more political poison. It really is. Youre right. You dont know what senate. I guess well find out tomorrow whats in it. Hopefully. This is party politics. Yeah, hopefully. Its not for the betterment of the country. All right. This is all about politics and the party. So just moments ago another breaking news situation because vermont announcing that obama care architect Jonathan Gruber will no longer work on the states plan to set up a Single Payer Health care system, although his team at m. I. T. Will keep working on the state contract. With all the videos coming out of gruber calling americans stupid, leslie, members of the Mainstream Media are bending over backwards to explain why they are not covering gruber gate. Listen to this. Im not saying its not a story. Look, im not in charge of any of those network newscasts, but what is the news today of that . Its a political story. Network news in general hasnt been covering the political back and forths of washington a lot lately. Oh, my god. Barack obama neither has the american voter, which doesnt implicate their intelligence at all. No one cares about Jonathan Gruber. I swear to you. Really . Or the 5. 9 million taxpayer dollars that he turned around and called all of us stupid. Leslie. Well, i have to say, you know, i got a lot of grief the other night on the factor for saying why are the democrats lying to themselves, and i am a democrat with regard to gruber. The comments are hurtful. It is news. To say that nobody is covering the political back and forth, i dont know what rock theyre living under. I think every network does that. But i did look back, and except for when it came up to the sunday talk shows, really other than fox news channel, nobody had covered this, and this is news even if you dont like the news and believe me, as a democrat i did not like the news. All right. Chris, leslie had a lot of your talking points today. Shes agreeing with you a lot on this. Lets see what the president actually says tomorrow night. Thanks, panel. Troubling new developments in the fight against isis. Word that the terror group is now in control of the libyan city of derna, off the coast of europe, and whats more, they are also reportedly pursuing plans to expand west. Washington post Editorial Board issuing this warning. Mr. Obama appears to recognize the severity of the threat posed by the Islamic State and appears to be focused on the job of leading the fight against it, but if he continues to allow his idealogical resistance to steps such as the deployment of Ground Forces to constrain the campaign, he will ensure its failure. General january keen is a fox news military analyst, retired fourstar general and a chair of the institute for war. Thanks for sticking around when we had breaking news there, general. This town of derna in libya, 100,000 people. Its a big deal. Black flag of isis flies over the government buildings right now. Local football stadium is used for public executions. By the way, its right flex to egypt and only 200 miles across the mediterranean to the coast of europe. This is a serious threat of isis on a new move, right . Well, absolutely. I mean, we have said time and again that isis is the new face of radical islam, and the fact of the matter is other al qaeda former movements and also radical islamist movements want to identify with isis. Why . The obvious. They are winning. They are the first radical Islamic Movement to ever establish and take control of territory and they also defeated a modern equipped army in iraq to accomplish that. So this allegiance is going to continue to come their way. What about that editorial report i read as your leadin where basically theyre saying that president obama says he wants to destroy them, but maybe he is not all up for the mission. Also, former defense secretary robert gates today said almost the same thing. Your thoughts . Absolutely. I totally agree with both comments. Secretary gates and secretary panetta, they are so unfettered, and they are so blunt about this because its if direct correlation with the frustration that they feel that here we have isis about 30,000 enemy force. Very winnable situation from our perspective. The president s strategy and policies are leading to failure. A newspaper that tries to support the president when it can, and obviously fundamentally disagreeing with them here. More to come when we talk to the general probably next week. General keen, thank you so much. So a judge hearing arguments today in a lawsuit filed against a new Jersey School district by a nameless family who claims that the pledge of allegiance discriminates against children with atheist beliefs. Well, now this High School Girl is fighting to keep under god in that pledge. Plus, my take on that afterwards. And the snow not letting up near buffalo, so whats causing deadly storms to slam some areas with feet of snow and leave others with just inches . I will ask chief meteorologist rick. Right back. To keep the words under god. The case just wrapped up this morning, and thousand we will have to wait for a judge to decide whether an ehs 8 just group will get their way, or if those words are here to stay. All right. Here we go again. Here we go again. To take god out of the whole pledge of aleanings. Weve heard this time and time again. What do you say about it . When are the atheists going to give this a rest . I think its been decided that it does not violate the First Amendment to have the pledge of allegiance in school. If they can prove a damage, what is the damage . If the kid says the pledges after leejs, he says you should god, or he or she chooses not to say under god. If they were put in a different classroom, if they were given a different yeah, right. Different grade, they got a little they have more to stand on, but theres a lot of hypocrisy too. I mean, i love the atheists who celebrate christmas. Not because they believe in christ, even though christ is all about christmas, but they want to they just want the prepts . Yeah. And the ceremony and the fun. What about the atheists that like to make money and spend money because we still keep the word god in there. The judge is going to focus on here, i believe, is what is the harm to the child. Does it matter . Is it state to state. It is state to state, and there is president. He won some, and he lost some. The law of the land is you can keep it in the schools. You just cant force kids to say if they dont want to. Why do they keep bringing these cases then . The funny thing is theyre bringing nem this courtrooms, and almost every courtroom, god. In god re we trust. Fwlooefd in god, our country. Its founded in the fact that there is a god. Lets applaud this teenager. Shes saying, look, i have rights too. I have a right to say it if i want to. Shes sort of twisting the argument, and pat her on the back for that. Time for my take now on this issue. Not being able to say the pledge of allegiance in Public Schools is another example of the p. C. Madness going on in our country, and the idea that we should change long held traditions that serve the masses because only a few dont like it. Why is a discussion never about opting out if you dont agree with something instead of taking away what so many still want to stay . One of the greatest things about my suns private school in connecticut is that before every School Assembly or talent show or student counsel election speeches all the boys, all the teachers, and although parents stand up and say the pledge of allegiance, and then we sing my country tis of thee. I love it. It reminds me what i did as a kid in a Public School in minnesota, and because im so glad my son can take part in continuing on a great tradition that so many schools are being asked to dump. Why cant the kids who dont want to say god in new jersey just say the pledge and omit the socalled offensive word . Instead of ruining it for everyone else. Coming up on the real story feet of snow falling in just hours. It shows the extent of that humaning up wall of snow. What exactly is lakeeffect snow and how much more is buffalo going to get . Soft holiday music ] can you help me up . [ snow intensifies ] [ sleighbells ring in the distance ] aleve. All day pain relief with just 2 pills. Get back to being you. First impressions are important. Youve got to make every second count. Banking designed for the way you live your life. So you can welcome your family home. For the first time. Chase. So you can. More than five feet of snow blanketing the buffalo area yesterday pounding the region just off lake erie as others just two miles away, get just inches. So how does that happen . Of course you know, its called lake effect and here to explain it more chief meteorologist rick li like mooths. You use a lesson people dont fully understand it. I want to show you the radar image to give you an idea first. That is a band of lakeeffect snow that just continues to pummel one area over and over again and thats the areas that have gotten five feet of snow. The band is so thin, go a couple miles north or south and theyre not getting it. Take a look at how this forms and this map kind of gives a good explanation. Water in the great lakes this time of year is not all ta cold yet. Temps around upper 40s and 50 degrees. Balmy. It freezes, though, january, february, you dont see this as much because the water gets colder. This is the season because we start to get the cold air moves across, evaporation of the warmer water starts to form clouds after it goes over enough distance of the water. And then that air continues to move, goes over the land and that drops it as snow into these very isolated areas. Okay. These pictures that have been coming out of the buffalo area are amazing. Totally. This is downtown buffalo and you look at that and think that looks like maybe a dust storm or something coming at you but its not. Thats the snow that just continues to come off of the great lakes in that exact band. You can be right here in buffalo getting maybe two inches of snow and drive that way about two to three miles and they have had up to 65 inches of snow in about a five mile spread. Its absolutely intense and insa insane. Whats going to happen next . Because the prediction is more snow . Two big stories will happen for them over the next couple days. Today a bit of a break, things have called down. More snow examination in tomorrow and the same areas about another two feet of snow coming and this weekend a warmup. We will see temps intoes 50s and rain and a lot of melting from this and potential flooding and people who still have the snow on the roofs you to get it off because we could po it eshlly see roof collapses. Heart attacks, all these are big dangers for people. Already seven fatalities in that region. People trying to dig their way out in buffalo, new york as massive stretches of roadways remain covered. We want to see what its like where you are. Send us your best frosty photos and we will show them all coming up next. Morsels. In honor of our 75th anniversary, were bringing you nestle© toll house chocolate filled with caramel, Peanut Butter, cherry and mint. So Peanut Butter up some blondies and brownies. Caramelify those chocolate chip cookies. And give that thing a hinty of something cherry or minty its time to bake the world a better place with new nestle© toll house delightfulls. Bake some love™ nestle©. Good food, good life. You heard more snow threatening buffalo, new york. We asked some of our viewers to share pictures. Talk about snowed in looks like katies daughter will have to stay inside. The snow is all the way up. Jim, digging out to get out of the front door. This before and after, dennis started to wipe off his car but looks like he has a long way to go. And this is a look at project buffalos driveway. Hes not looking forward to more snow that could be headed that way as rick just said, maybe tomorrow. Thanks, everyone for writing and sharing your photos and stay safe out there. And thank you for being part of the real story today. A lot of breaking news going on. Thanks for staying tuned right here. Im gretchen carlson. Lets head over to shep. We can blow up isis targets but we cant get at all the terror groups weapons. Thats the new warning from the United Nations which reports that terrorists have an arsenal that can keep them going for years. But today, word that Kurdish Forces have launched a new offensive targeting the Islamic State. All the details ahead. A young mother dead of a gunshot wound. At first the investigators cleared her husband. A sheriffs deputy of any wrongdoing. They called it a suicide. But one journalist did not buy it. He spent years investigating and found new evidence. Now the husband faces murder charges. That reporter will join us live. Lets get to it. Now Shepard Smith reporting live from the fox news

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