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Isolation unit the n. I. H. It all happened last night. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is live for us in bethesda, maryland. Whats the latest . Well, gretchen, what they really emphasize this morning at that News Conference here at the n. I. H. Is that they have no evidence at this time that the ebola virus is airborne, but that said, anyone who is treating nina pham is wearing that full protective gear from head to toe. Were want doing it for that reason that we think its respiratory. We dont. Were doing that for complete covering so there is no part of our doctors, nurses, or technicians bodies that is exposed when they go in and see the patient. The n. I. H. Is also released this photo. This is the special clinical unit almost like a biocontainment unit where nina pham is being treated. Of that 20team strong medical personnel who is treating pham, what we were also told is that every time they put on one of those hazmat style suits or they take it off, there has to be another member of the team in the room to make sure there are breaches in the protocol that might expose them to the ebola virus. We are also told this morning as a secondary precaution anyone who is working with nurse nina pham is on a somewhat limited or truncated shift so they can limit fatigue, and thats when mistakes happen. Very interesting. Okay. So heres a question. Why are they classifying her in fair condition now when just yesterday they were saying that she was in Good Condition . Well, again and again at that News Conference this morning, we asked why it looked like there may have been some kind of downgrade, and they emphasized there had been no downgrade, but it was their assessment here at the n. I. H. That she was simply in fair condition. If you take a look at that Youtube Video again that was released by the hospital in dallas before she made that trip, you can see shes in fairly good spirits. Shes talking to the medical staff, but she does appear to be fairly weak as she lies in that hospital bed, and they emphasized here to reporters today that the threehour trip on the plane and then that significant ambulance ride here to the n. I. H. , this was extremely draining for pham. Well, you have to remember shes been under our care for less than 12 hours, so we are just taking a very conservative assessment at this point. She said if the situation changes or if we have more time to evaluate her, thats a situation that may be upgraded. They couldnt give reporters any time frame on how long nina pham may be here, but they simply said she needs to be clear of the virus, so thats the primary objective, but the secondary because its a clinical unit is to better understand how this virus is behaving, whether it is mutating, and whether theres any change in the way that you can become infected with that virus, gretchen. So many Unanswered Questions still. Catherine, thank you. Planes and now cruise ships. Cardinalal just announcing that one of its ships is heading back to galveston, texas, from the caribbean after a lab worker from dallas has put herself in a selfimposed quarantine aboard that ship. Now, shes believed to have handled samples from Thomas Duncan at Texas Health Presbyterian hospital. Jonathan serri is live for us outside cdc headquarters in atlanta. What do we know about this cruise ship passenger . Hi, gretchen. Were told she is a Lab Supervisor in dallas. While she apparently had no direct contact with Thomas Duncan, that Liberian National who eventually died from ebola at her hospital, its believed that she may have handled blood samples or other specimens from mr. Duncan. That was 19 days ago. Although Public Health officials here in the u. S. Consider them to be low risk, the couple have agreed to remain isolated in their cabin out of an abundance of caution. Mexican authorities taking no chances refuse to allow the ship to make a scheduled stop today in cozumel. Unbelievable. Mexico doing that as we continue to discuss in the u. S. What we should do. So a lot of people are asking why was she allowed to travel in the first place on that ship . Well, gretchen, she left on october 12th. That was before the cdc began talking about revising its guidelines for medical workers who may have had contact with ebola patients or ebola specimens. At the time they were telling these medical workers just to selfmonitor, and if they were as asymptomat asymptomatic, they were still allowed to travel. At a News Conference heres what Texas Governor rick perry had to say. Listen. It defies commonsense from my perspective that someone who has been in close proximity or have treated these patients that they would go out and expose other people possibly to this, that they would travel out of estate, that they would go on a cruise. Governor perry says he has been in contact with president obama urging the president to place persons who may have been exposed to ebola on the federal no fly list to prevent them from traveling during this 21day incubation period. Very interesting. All right. Jonathan, thank you so much. So the feds expanding their list of ebola contacts. Now searching not only for passengers who flew with nurse Amber Vincent from cleveland to dallas, but also reaching out to anyone on that same plane the next day before we all knew that she actually had ebola and that could be up to 800 passengers. The day after vincents cleveland to dallas flight, that plane flew from dallas to cleveland to hollywood, florida, back to cleveland, over to atlanta. Finally ending up back in cleveland. Now theyre contacting anyone who flew on the first flight with that nurse when she went up to cleveland. That was october 10th. No word on how many passengers were on board that plane. The second plane was temporarily grounded, as you know, for extensive cleaning, including new seat backs and rugs, but that plane is now back in service. Frontier flight 9202 from newark to denver scheduled to land any minute. Get this, the first plane, stay with me here, it never stopped flying. Since last friday its made more than 30 flights, and its also in the air right now. Frontier flight 734 flying from denver to Northern Kentucky International Scheduled to arrive later this hour. 21 is the magic number, right . The number of days anyone exposed to the ebola virus should be quarantined to make sure that they dont show signs of symptoms. Now a new study from Drexel University is raising serious questions about the established 21day quarantine is really an effective strategy in the fight against this often deadly disease. Dr. Charles haas, a professor of environmental engineer, specializing in biological Risk Assessment at Drexel University, and he is the author of that stu study. Its great to have you on the show. Why are you concerned about the 21day quarantine . Well, the 21day interval was from the he initial outbreak, and, in fact, the latest case was a 21 days post exposure, but in the outbreaks since then there have been a number of people who have contracted the illness after 21 days. In the Current Study there were people that contracted the illness estimated up until the 35th day after exposure. Its my understanding that during your study, about 5 of those people who actually ended up getting ebola in the west african situation, 5 of them it happened after day 21. Correct. You are saying also that the incubation period could affect anywhere between. 1 of the people who may be exposed up to 12 , so thats an even higher figure of people who may fall out of this one to 21day program meter . Based on the prior outbreaks that have occurred, thats the range. So the reason that you want to make sure that the results of this study are known to the American Public is why . Its against the cost of associating that implemented confinement, and a judgment needs to be made on what the appropriate balancing point is and it doesnt appear that that number has been reconsidered. As long as the people on the cruise ship were not symptomatic during their cruise, im not concerned because theres still a general consensus that contagen is only possible once an individual becomes symptomatic. All right. Before i let you go, what about all those people, some 800 people plus on those airplanes when that other nurse may have been symptomatic . Are you concerned about them . Well, i think there needs to be more detail coming out on whatsoever symptom she was having. At this point the only thing i have been hearing is mild fever. If those are the only symptoms that she was expressing, my concern is mild, but certainly not sfwler. Your study did show that 21 days may not be long enough for the quarantine for ebola. Charles haas, thank you so much. Thats correct. We have an update on a shuttle bus that was carrying a sick passenger near the pentagon today, so the bus reached its destination, and all passengers were let off after being temporarily quarantined. The Defense Department says a woman got off a metro bus at the pentagon and then boarded that shuttle headed to a ceremony in d. C. Before the bus left the parking lot, she got off and became ill. Well, thats when she was taken to the hospital. The passengers were held on the bus. No word yet on the sick passengerss condition. Fox can confirm, though, she is in isolation at a local hospital. President obama appointing a socalled tsar now to lead the u. S. Response to the ebola crisis. It happened earlier today. His pick is a political aide, not a health professional. What will rons role be exactly . Plus, the u. S. Appears to be driving isis out of the Syrian Border town of kobani, but the terrorists may be making gains elsewhere. An update on that when we return. Zirjs welcome back. The pentagon says it cannot confirm reports of isis taking syrian jets and using them on the battlefield. Theres no proof of them using flight. Isis militants appear now this is good news to be retreating from the syrian city of kobani near the turbish border following three days of intensive u. S. Air strikes, but now militants are reaching closer to baghdad after a series of terror attacks inflicting deadly damage. At least 50 People Killed by several car bombs as well as a mortar attack on a residential area there. Time for real talk about president obamas new ebola tsar. When it comes to a health emergency, why hire a doctor when you can get a lawyer . The president naming rob klain, a former chief of staff for Vice President joe biden and a longtime political hand. He is also searched as chief of staff for Vice President al gore and he was chief of staff to attorney general janet reno. He was also part of bill clintons 1992 Campaign Policy and debate prep staff. Time for some real talk with katty pablich, news editor of town hall. Com and a fox news contributor. The white house say they were not looking for an ebola expert in choosing ron to head up, but rather an implementation expert. Your thoughts . Josh ernest was asked spefblgly what he knows about ebola, and the response was, well, we dont necessarily need someone who knows about ebola. We need someone who is going to be implementing what we want for the white house. It looks like he is putting another tsar so they can package up a message thats favorable to the white house when it comes to containing the Public Relations fallout of this crisis. Well, very interesting because when you already look at the people who our taxpayer dollars are already paying actual physicians whose jobs you might think it would be to be the tsar, for example, dr. Luri, shes the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the u. S. Department of health and human services. Also, you have the woman in charge of that whole division, sylvia burwell. Then you have the cdc director tom frieden. I think a lot of people sitting at home today are wondering why would you not have one of those people take charge when were already paying them to do just that . Well, and theyre asking that question for two very good reasons. The first is throwing another bureaucrat who is unaccountable to the American People and only accountable to president obama. We know president obama treats accountability in his administration. The other thing were not mentioning is all the communication staff that every secretary has to communicate what this new czar is supposed to be doing. They have an entire staff paid with taxpayer dollars. While the white house is trying to play this game of showing theyre doing something to help mitigate the disaster and the crisis, what theyre really doing is putting someone in place in order to make the democrats look better when theyre handling this crisis. Its interesting now that were learning josh ernest also said this in his press briefing today, that mr. Klain will report to National Security advisor susan rice, the woman who went on the sunday morning talk shows and talked about a video being the reason why benghazi happened. Shes also the woman who said that bo bergdahl who allegedly deserted his unit and sympathized with the taliban, that he served his country with honor and distinction. That is a person that this new czar will report to. Thats not giving the American People a lot of confidence when it comes to actually how this person is going to give them information thats honest sxes straight forward with the crisis. I also forgot one other person who could have been in charge of it, and that would have been the acting surgeon general, who apparently has a long list of credentials in this very field. Its going to be there are plenty of people. Its going to be ron klain. Have a great weekend. Thank you. Is the world going hell in a hand basket . More americans think so according to the latest fox news poll. What it means for the crucial midterm elections. Powerful hurricane gonzalo bearing down on a tiny slice of paradise that i love. We have more on the dangerous storm going to bermuda. Plus, workers giving one of our greatest National Treasures some tender loving care, and that brings us to our question of the day. What is your favorite National Landmark . We just saw one in st. Louis. Tweet me Gretchen Carlson and use the the real story. We will read your comments coming up at the end of the show. So ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts . Thats right. Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Some extreme weather. Powerful hurricane gonzalo bearing down on bermuda. Forecasters say the storm is expected to hit the tiny island this evening. At least a category three storm with winds up to 125 miles an hour, and a potentially lifethreatening storm surge of up to ten feet make it the strongest storm to make landfall there since hurricane fabian back in 2003. All this just days after Tropical Storm faye caused widespread damage there already. With just 18 days to go until the crucial midterm electrics, a series of crisis are taking center stage as a seemingly endless stream of troubling headlines, shaking up the political landscape. From the u. S. Led war on isis to the ebola crisis, with cratics blasting the Obama Administration tone in reacting to recent developments. As for the jittery economy, the Unemployment Rate actually its at a sixyear low. Wages are flat, and we have the smallest work force in decades. How about the Financial Markets . The dow lawing its way back today after massive selloffs this week. Despite all the recent turbulence, the dow is still on an upward trend. What is this all mean for the midterms and the balance of power in the senate . Time for real talk with alan combs, mike gallagher. Both are fox news contributeors. Do these crisis like isis and ebola, do they help or hurt the democrats in 18 days . Well, they hurt obama because everything that happens is his fault, right, mike . Absolutely. Im glad you got it. Im glad you figured it out finally. Because he could not stop a disease from coming over from another continent. Somehow that becomes his fault. Bad news in general hurts whoever the incumbents on, even if theyre not responsible. Also, in a midterm election, six years of a presidency, the opposite party thats in the white house normally wins. Its going to be a good year for republicans. Well, is it just so easy, mike, to say blame obama. The fact of the matter is that a lot of what is on the policies of the democrats is Big Government, and what were seeing happen right now is Big Government not working at least when were talking about ebola. Gretchen, i hear from a lot of democrats who call my radio show and admit they are absolutely baffled at president obamas tone deafness. This is way beyond just blaming obama for the sake of blaming obama. How do you spell a landslide for republicans in a few weeks . Well, you spell it by an administration that stubbornly refuses to consider a travel ban on this ebola crisis and this ebola scare. You have an administration that appoints a political operative to be the ebola czar. Again, today there were a lot of democrats who called me and said what is up . This is going to be a huge victory for republicans politically speaking. It shubt have to be this way, but i think the handwriting is on the wall. Its going to be very bad for the democrats. Lets see what the American Public thinks. I want to show you this recent fox news poll. If president obamas policies were on the november ballot, would you vote for them . 53 said they would not, alan. 37 said they would for. What does that tell snu. It tells me that the messaging from the white house isnt as good as it could be, and also you have a bunch you have the media beating up on him every single day. Even the socalled liberal media is not in the tank for obama. Youve got Democratic Candidates like allison lundgrengrimes and michelle numn who refuse to say his name, had i think is a huge manages take. So they refuse to say they even voted for him. I blame the democrats for not having the courage to stand up and face issues like gun control, immigration reform. Running away from every important issue until after the election. All i have to do is sit back and listen to a liberal like alan blame democrats. I mean, its mike, there was good news about unemployment this week. Will that help democrats with regard to the economy . I dont know that people are going to pay attention. Lets face it, the ebola thing is front and center, and americans have short attention spans. This is an issue that really hits home. People are concerned about their safety, and watching an administrations failed response. They overhype look at this poll. Heres another poll from fox news. What poses a greater threat to americans . Isis or ebola . 50 say isis, alan. 27 say ebola. I still dont know if thats good news for democrats or republicans. Its bad news for everybody. I think the American People are often wrong. We were wrong when we supported so Many Americans supported the iraq war the first place. Theyre wrong about this. No one very few people watching right now will be killed by either isis or ebola, and the hysteria on the media is partly to blame, this overhype about these issues which are not threats to the American People. Listen, we know what we dont know. The American People have a right in a few cal and suspicious, weeks the American Public gets it right and starts to change the course of leadership in this country because were not headed in the right direction. This president is held to a very different standard. I didnt hear people blaming Ronald Reagan for aids which came to this country when he was president. Oh, my god. Calling for czars, blaming the president. Come on. Well, there has been a lot of blame to go around for george w. Bush. Thats for sure. In the last six years. You have to go to Ronald Reagan. Ask president bush if he was blamed . I got to wrap it there. Have a fantastic weekend. Both of you. Thank you. You too. Take care. With the midterm elections less than three weeks away, weve just debated the variety of issues that may bring people out to the polls or quite frankly make them stay home. From ebola to isis to the economy, to obama care, any domestic or world issue can change an election on a dime. Time after time what remains most important to america is when you ask them when you ask them in the exit polls or leading up to an election its this. Their pocketbook. In the end even with so many big issues happening all around us right now, it almost always still comes down to how each individual voter feels about their own personal life and how good they believe their life to be. Check out the latest fox news poll to see what im talking about. National security, second at 23 and, again, something monday tar with fiscal at 16 . Will we vote with our pocket books this time around . The answer could be yep. Coming up on the real story, president obama naming a longtime political operative to head up our nations Ebola Response. Why the white house is saying they dont need a doctor to do that job. President obama says swat teams of medical experts will travel to hospitals, but is it possible that ebola standards are higher in africa than they actually are here in the u. S. Of a . Our next guest says yes. What he says they are doing much better than us. You do a lot of things great. But parallel parking isnt one of them. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. A hi. Ty . Im new ensure active clear protein drink. Clear huh . My nutritional standards are high. Im not juice or fancy water. Ive got 8 grams of protein. Twist my lid thats three times more than me. 17 vitamins and minerals. And zero fat hmmmm. You bring a lot to the party yay new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. Zero fat. 17 vitamins and minerals. In delicious blueberry pomegranate and mixed fruit. Zeerchlgs welcome back to the real story. The white house now taking extra steps to reassure everyone that it has the ebola crisis under control. Chief washington correspondent james rosen is live for us today at the white house. All right. What did josh ernest have to say today, james . Now the job belongs to ron klain, the veteran Democratic Campaign operative and chief of staff like al gore and joe bideern. Klain will report directly to monaco and National Security advisor susan rice. Senior white house officials told us, in essence, the president s decision to appoint klain represents no rebuke to the job that monaco has been doing on ebola, but, rather, affords additional band width that will enable monaco to focus on management of her core. National security and Homeland Security priorities. Democratic senator Charles Schumer of new york rushed out a positive statement saying, i have known ron klain for over to years. He is smart, aggressive, and levelheaded. Exactly the qualities we need in a czar to steer our response to ebola. He is an excellent choice. Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, republican of california wrote, it is right that the president has sought to task a single individual to coordinate its response, but i have to ask why the president didnt pick an individual with a noteworthy Infectious Disease or Public Health background . At todays White House Press briefing White House Press secretary josh ernest said the president opted for an Ebola Response coordinator because he said ms. Monaco was not able to devote 100 of her time to the unfolding ebola situation. What about the ebola situation developed and when it developed to the point when the president realized he needs someone who can devote 100 of his time . As you know, james, the president has been a significant amount of time in the last couple of days in particular with his team who is responding to this particular situation. He has been carefully assessing the response its been in place. I also asked josh ernest if mr. Klain will be drawing a federal salary. He really didnt have an answer to that. Josh was also asked how long mr. Klain is going to be on this job, and josh ernest suggested about five to six months. Gretchen. With all those questions, josh ernest probably will look forward to ed henry returning to that chair, james. You did a great job today. Thanks so much. Have a good weekend. You too. The leader of a group dealing with ebola in africa says that the standards for treating ebola patients there are better than they are here in the u. S. Ken isaacs, Vice President of samaritans first, one of its medical missionaries, dr. Kent brantley, was among the First Americans to come down with ebola in west africa. Of course, he has since recovered and donated his blood to help other ebola patients. Mr. Isaacs, its great to have you on the show. You are concerned because you believe that the standards and the safety procedures being done in west africa when we see all that video, the people in the big suits, thats being done better there than it is here. Why . Well, when we look at the procedures and the protocols for the safety of the personal protective equipment, how they put the equipment on, how they take it off, i can just tell you that the standards that we used in liberia were much higher the way that we would do disinfection with chlorinated water, and the p. P. E. That we would put on, the multiple layers, and we see these people in texas that are sick, and my personal belief is not that there was a breach in procedure, but that there were vastly inadequate procedures and protocols for the protective equipment that i think is where the problem is. Rate. You would know. You have 29 Years Experience working in relief and development communities, and you have been to 120 countries. Can we trust the cdc in this country because they are the ones that put together that protocol . Well, you know, to be honest, im not a doctor, but i will say this. One person came into the country, and within a short period of time, the disease has multiplied by a factor of two, and thats called exponential growth. If you look at whats happening in sea and sierra leone and guinea, its the same. Someone feels bad. They go to a Health Care Facility where sick people go. Health care providers came out, and they took care of him. In africa it ends up six or eight, ten days. You end up with a dead health care worker. Here we are in the u. S. Right in dallas, texas. The very same thing happened. A man who was sick went to the hospital, and the disease has been given to health care workers. Stroo well, let me ask you this, mr. Isaacs. Do you believe that the people who were monitoring Thomas Duncan that they should have all gone into quarantine right away and is 21 days enough . If the people that were giving mr. Duncan treatment did not have on adequate personal protective equipment, they would be considered a high risk. This is in the cdcs algorhythm of risk analysis. The problem is that the cdc, once they get entrenched in a policy, that policy is everything that they go by, and its very difficult for them as a bureaucracy to see past the decision thats been made. In hindsight absolutely they should have gone into isolation, and if they had any direct contact with any of his body fluids, they should have immediately gone into isolation, and i would have thought that somebody amongst the group or the observers would have caught on to that quickly. A lot of people asking those same questions, sir, and especially going on airplanes and on cruise ships to boot. How serious should Everyday Americans be taking the ebola threat in the country . Especially when you pair it to safety right here in the u. S. . Our man panel is going to tackle that coming up. 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Bono has been suffering from that disease for 20 years. Now you know. The ebola crisis sparking fear across the u. S. And frankly, around the world. Should we really be all that worried . Take a look at some of the top causes of death in america back in 2011. Ebola, the bottom there with just one fatality. Time to bring in our power panel, matt, American Conservative Union chair and a former Deputy Assistant to bush 43. Rick, fox news chief meteorologist, and phil, criminal defense attorney. All right, matt. Let me start with you. Should we have the fear that we do apparently do in this country or is it being overlooked . When i look into the head of ctc, i move from being alarmed to being scared. Weve had they said they were going to stop this dead in its tracks, and then they come back and said that they should have been more on top of this and stop it dead in its tracks when they heard about the first case. You know, weve handled ebola crisises in the past around the globe. Weve had outbreaks with animals in this country. Weve been able to stop it when it occurred. I think the fact that the cdc has now shown its incompetents, and we think that a czar is more of a political spinner than a health care expert, this is not making people feel more secure. Phil. The dumbest thing i have heard are some of the arguments that, well, so many people dont get flu shots and we dont worry about that so why should we worry about this . That to me is like saying we shouldnt worry about drunk driving because a lot of people dont wear seat belts. I get a flu shot, and im worried about this because you cant get you cant get cancer or have a heart attack by sitting next to somebody on a plane who may be infected. In this case you can. Its kind of mixing apples and oranges. 50,000 people do die a year from the flu, so it is a very dangerous disease and so far weve had one death from ebola, but i agree with you. Its not necessarily the same thing, is it, rick . Its not the same thing, but and any kind of an ep kind of contagen, you have to contain it at the very beginning, and its difficult because i think we in the media are guilty of hyping things up overblown sometimes. I can say it as a weather man. We do it often with weather stories, and it makes me mad because we cant really then talk about the big scary weather stories. I do think theres an element we overblow things, but when we look at what happened with the aids crisis in the 1980s and how it was not dealt with at the beginning, and then you had so many people that got infected because they werent able to go in and pinpoint it at the beginning. We have a hands to stop ebola in its tracks at the beginning or it will never be under control. We now have the passenger on an airplane. On a cruise ship, you know, this other nurse went to a bridesmaids store. Now you have schools that are closing down. Overblown or not . The nurse called the cdc and said is it okay if i travel . They said sure. Thats an outrageous response. It wasnt okay that she travelled. Look, my heart goes out to the people of liberia. Theres been so many unfortunate loss of life. The fact is if we were serious about this, we would stop the flights. We would quarantine those who have been exposed, and we would quarantine those in this country who have been exposed. Did she call the cdc or texas Health Care Facility . Apparently she did told call according on her uncle she called the texas health facility, and they called the cdc. Let me jump in here. That hospital in texas and the cdc told us from the very beginning that they were working with each other to stop this dead in its tracks. When you get a call from someone who is feared that theyve been exposed, and you are stopping something dead in its tracks, you stop it. Phil, i think the scary thing for me personally is that we were told that every hospital could take care of this and obviously now thats probably not true. This is the kind of illness that really those of us who dont have it, you cant see it. Theres nothing you can do except trust in the Public Health authority to control it. Its not like deciding not to drive on new years eve because a lot of people are drunk. Its not its nothing thank you so much. Thank you. Rescue operations underway in the high himalayan mountains where dozens are dead and even more left stranded or missing. That story when we come back. Will that be all, sir . Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. And often even more. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 89. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Time for a quick check of the headlines. The dow clawingxd back into positive territory, jumping more than 300 points in midday expanding theiraczt a r for stranded and missing hikers after a series of bliardsfa and avalanchesw3 battered the him la yasok thisrhimalayas this week, leaving 0 people dead. Raght . Ot of crazy foode1 trends im goivgt to tell you a few of1 them. Like kale, kale chips, salad, and soup, and notjf as healthy maybe,e1lp bacon. But everyone likes it. All tastyni things. Breast ling k÷ our celebrity chef allstar panel, iron chef, ÷zajutyne, ofqe1 famous foods. Great to have you here. Xd im a fan, even though i dont cook a darn thing but i watch yourfa shows, food network,w3 is i like kale. Stay . n, i feel sorry for kale. I thinknrretheyre there shoulde a sympathy a separate panel pork. Keep loving bacon. I dont see that going down. Bacon on a stick, even so z really actually excited about the fact that the festival will benefit food bank for a new york, which has raised a lot of money already for the cause. Check it out. Okay, all right. Thank you so much for being on the the real story today. And i love all of your shows shd your food. Crews repelling from the gateway arch in st. Louis for the First Time Since it was built. What are they doing . Way up there . Youre driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pickup truck slams into your brand new car. One second it wasnt there and the next second. Boom youve had your first accident. Now you have to make your first claim. So you talk to your Insurance Company and. Boom youre blindsided for a second time. They wont give you enough money to replace your brand new car. Dont those people know youre already shaken up . Liberty mutuals new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. Call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch to Liberty Mutual insurance and you could save up to 423 dollars. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Nothinchocolate chip cookie. Rite nestle toll house made with real butter, eggs, and brown sugar for that scratch made taste. Well now you can bake as few or as many as you please. Frozen and ready to bake, new nestle toll house frozen cookie dough is made with wholesome ingredients like the original recipe and lets you bake just the batch you want. So bake the world better, and turn any moment into a warm cookie moment. Find them in the frozen aisle. Nestle. Good food good life. So theres some Skyhigh Research going on in st. Louis right now. Workers clinging to the getaway arch more than 600 feet in the air. Collecting samples so researchers can figure out what is causing stains on the iconic span as part of a massive repair project. We asked you, whats your favorite National Landmark, aaron said the golden gate bridge. Kurt was improcessed by mt. Rush more. My sister and her family just sent me a picture from there today. Theyre visiting as well. Roy was moved by what he saginaw d. C. , saying the lincoln memorial, such quiet dignity and so american, it moves me like nothing before or since. Me, too. So heres my favorite landmark. I think because we just did it this summer, the carlson closest at the national monument. In d. C. That makes me miss my kids. Good thing its a friday. Its time to go home. Hope you have a fabulous weekend and thank you for being part of the real story. Im gemmen karlson, now shep. Lahmic state militants Islamic State militants in the skies in reports that terrorists are learning to fly capture it fighter jets. What we know about the planes and what the people at the pentagon say about all of it. And tired of hearing about the credit card Security Breaches . Tired of being a victim . Well, today the white house and in of the largest chains in america taking action to try to keep or personal information safe. This is new today. And its going to affect your wallet for sure. The High School Girl who got an f because she cheated on a test . And then took her school to court. And the powerful category 4 hurricane that is right now set to slam bermuda. Lets get to it. Good friday afternoon to you from the news deck. Terrorists are building an air force. Thats the word from a Group Monitoring the war with the

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