0 reality democrats, the ones who are getting the calls to their office about cancelled insurance policies. they are afraid of what is going to happen in 2014. if you look at the polls, there are democrats who might lose in 2014 because of this. joe mansion is having a town hall meeting today hearing complaints about uncertainty and their premiums are going up. ha harry reid is a former boxer and this is playing offense. it is saying things aren't as bad as they look folks. >> that is interesting. because he said today what the president said about being able to keep your health care plan that he was telling the truth. i want to bring you to the numbers. 29,000 people signing up after the glitches were fixed on the website sunday and monday. the administration said they wanted 7 million to sign up in march. they need more than this amount of numbers to be claiming high fives in a victory lap. they found to replace the more than five million people's whose plans have been cancelled, they would have to sign up 240,000 odd people every day bren detwe december 1st and december 23rd. to cover the people's whose plans had been cancelled. the administration is pushing the fact that the numbers are increasing. they may not reach that goal but they are pushing the fact that they are getting the meger number in october. they are not going to be able to replace the people that have lost their coverage. we are going to find out what is that going to mean for the law? how is that going to balance out for the message. >> and so much of this is pr? we heard the president say he is going to be talking publicly in a positive way about his health care law. some of the things that are getting glossed over are the continued problems. what about the back end of that. there is all of this discussion right now that the plans are not going to the insurance companies. what happens on january 1st? >> last month there was a hearing on capitol hill where we got to hear about those putting the law and the website together. the back end where we figure out how to pay insurers and communicate with doctors. you could find out that your doctor isn't covered by the plan that you signed up for. or your insurance company isn't going to be paid on time. these are big problems. this is a pr war. the white house is hoping to drown out the bad news we are hearing about the law with their version of the good news. and they have strike teams in place. thank you for your thoughts today. >> send us your thoughts on whether you think 7 million people will sign up for obama care by the spring. go to my facebook page and we'll read your comments by the end of the show. we are learning about a chemistry teacher in texas gunned down in benghazi. ronny smith married with one young son. all of this happening in the same city as the attack of the u.s. consulate last year. u.s. warned that the threat level is severe. smith is reportedly the last american there and was warned to leave. >> school bus driver calls the cops on a group of routy kids. >> and pastor rick warren helped millions of his congregation lose thousands of pounds. >> and our legal panel weighs in on whether he has a shot. our political panel that is. ♪ make me one for my baby and one more for the road ♪ which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than ht on time each month. tracey got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance. that's the benefit of responsibility. apply online or visit a bank of america near you. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.