0 treasure was found in the toilet of a plane from dedubai bangladesh. >> thank you guys. fox news alert for you, a hearing underway in our nation's capitol. wellccome to "the real story". how long has the spying been going on and who knew about it and when? >> lawmakers demanding answers about the scope if surveillance and international. house speaker john boehner obama say if you like your current health insurance you will be able to keep it. we are finding out that millions of americans will be receiving letters canceling their current policies. the case the administration is making that is those policies that are being cancelled don't meet the affordable care act or obama care. you are going to be asked to buy pricier packages. there may be outrage that americans are being forced to get insurance that they don't want or need. it is not just a website problem that we have seen. 2k3w4r glitches with health care.gov. bottom line all eyes are on the white house as he faces those questions and a lot of people saying it was being promises, is not being delivered to the american public. >> yeah, huge story, thank you so much mike. senate minority leader and a string of broken promises as the president's promise to the ks. obama care appears to be leading us boldy into the 1980s. >> i think at this point senators from both parties can agree that healthcare.gov is a rolling disaster. it seems to bring more near economic calamity. >> just 12% of americans think the roll out has gone well. that is more than 14% of americans who believe in bigfoot. what do you think about what senator mcconnell just said? do you believe in bigfoot and are you among those 14%? e-mail us, tweet us we will read them at the end of the show each day. now to the scandal, president obama didn't know about it until recently. when asked about it he wouldn't confirm or deny it either. >> people wonder how you didn't know about the cell phones being looked at or listened to. >> first of all, i'm not confirming a bunch of assumptions in the press. >> the administration denies that the president had knowledge of or at least at the time that they were happening. he has indicated that he was not aware of what was happening and certainly i was not. i first learned about the irs situation from the first news reports. i can assure you that i certainly did not know anything about the icg report before it had been leaked to press. while we knew there had been flitch flishs, we did not know until the bhems manifesteded themselves that they would be as significant as they have turned out to be. >> if so, what does that say about his white house? >> joining us now syndicated radio talkshow host, are we to the point now where we have a president who knows nothing? is this the eyes wide shut president? >> although that is cute not at all. i'm not blaming -- stay in your seat. george w. bush. fast and furious took place then and now dumb dumb idea. president obama wasn't aware of it. presidents for deck kids are believ briefed by different agencies. you had the president in this office being briefed by nsa and no commander in chief can do that. >> come on. these are huge issues. going on. he is out of touch and surprised. he is sitting up there with a remote control shocked at what is on the news. the saudis are turning against us, we are run aring guns to ne mexico. >> you have to admit that the image that they would say we have to change something here, right? >> honestly if they here the attacks from my people on the right. but if they hear on the left then no. we did have access to phone records. did he specifically know about their cell phone? i do believe they were very, very special and strong relationship for years. with regards to benghazi, president bush was reading a children's book. how about president roosevelt was reading a book. >> the president knew that the ambassador was under attack and then decided to go to bed. the president underrized the bin laden raid and then went up sta stairs to play cards. if this was a republican president he would have been nailed to a cross a long time ago. >> how come because during the bush administration there were 27 workers killed? >> and this is how the american people feel they want the answers right? >> leslie and chris hope any we helped them fet some of them today. remember when the president said if you like your insurance keep it? next that man. right back. we're going across america to let people try the deep sweep power brush by oral-b for the first time. wow. it's "wow," you know? wow. wow. that feels "wow." 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