What would you like to see happen to these protesters . They need to go home and get a job. Bill caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Bill hi, i am bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. Wiretaps and your health. That is a subject of this evenings Talking Points. The two things are separate, thank god. Today, the leaders of the Senate Intelligence committee issued a statement saying they have no evidence that anyone tapped trump tower. Not a surprise. Also, the white house dragged our pal bret baier into that and he will be here shortly. But first, the debate over your health and how the country should treat you. Fact number one, we need a new Health Care System because Working Americans are paying too much for Health Insurance and the federal government is running up debt that will eventually harm every single one of us. So, Congress Needs to move it. But no matter what the republican majority in Congress Comes up with, the opposing party will not vote for it. If we had the greatest Health Care Bill in history, and we needed eight votes from a democrat to get us up to the 60 number you would need, they wouldnt vote for it. A very selfish thing. They are doing a very, very bad disservice to the country. Adeterminer bill now, it is certainly true that obamacare passed in the first place without one republican vote. To be fair, partisan politics dominates both sides of the aisle. There is one very important difference. Obamacare was an unknown when it passed in 2010. Now, we know it doesnt work. Because Health Insurance premiums are rising for too Many Americans and a member of Health Insurance companies are simply bailing out of the system because they cant make enough profit. So, the situation must be improved for the good of everybody. So, here is what should happen. The federal mandate that all americans must buy Health Insurance is not a good thing. Even though this the Supreme Court said is constitutionally okay, it really isnt up with the feds have no right to tell us to buy anythin. However, there are millions of americans are simply cannot afford Health Insurance on those folks should be able to receive government assistance. In order to make it efficient, that assistance should come from the states. Through medicaid. Also, Health Insurance companies should compete nationwide, that are derived down the premiums for working families. In addition, those americans who do not buy Health Insurance, who want who want to buy it, should have to pay a bit more for coverage after they get sick. Simply not fair for someone to wait until they have cancer and then, want the same insurance rate as a healthy person. It is also not fair for the Partisan Press to say folks will lose their Health Insurance if those same people refuse to apply for medicaid or whatever. I mean, come on. As Talking Points laid out last week and when there is a huge conflict between the Bernie Sanders people, who want to free medical insurance for everybody, and conservatives who say you should pay your own way. That is at the heart of the Health Care Debate and it has never is never going to be resolved. But for the good of all americans, these pinheads in congress should try to get the best possible bill and put the ideology on the shelf. Working americans do not deserve to be gouged paying for health care insurance. And, yes, we are compassionate country. So, we have to have safety nets for those Who Cannot Support themselves. The problem is, they cannot mix with the walnuts. When the system gets hammered. Another problem that is never going to be solved. There will always be a responsible americans who game the system. Talking points believes the republican version of obamacare will make it through the house with some compromises and arrive in the senate at the end of march. There are a few democratic senators who might be won over but only a few. So, a new Health Care Law is shaky to say the least. That is the memo. Now, to the top story reaction, joining us from washington, former senator jim dement. What say you come you, senator . Bill, great points. Lets rumor, the goal is for every american to have a health care that can afford and own and keep. As you just said, obamacare has made that impossible, raising the price of Health Insurance, lowering the choices. Unfortunately, the first version of the house bill does not change a lot of the cost drivers or put consumers in charge. There are several things they can do to improve this bill. I think they will get a bill through the house and the senate and to the president. But we can continue to expand bill give me a couple of specific things that they can do to improve the bill. Real simple so even i can understand it. To improve the bill, they need to freeze enrollment of medicaid expansion. It doesnt make any sense to continue to enroll people in medicaid who are healthy bill cap medicaid. Statebystate situation. It is but it also its not only not good insurance, secondrate insurance, but it raises the cost of private insurance because of the cost shifting. The other thing they need to do is put consumers more in charge, bill. They created new federal tax credit but it goes straight to the insurance companies. This bill should have been expanded Health Savings account concept where this tax credit can go into it. Medicaid can put money into it. Employers can, and eventually, even medicare can put money in it. People can use that to buy health care. Bill that is very confusing, senator. That is amazingly confusing. I know my audience. It sounds good but it is incredibly confusing and they have to simplify it. It is very simple, bill. Bill its not. It simple. It is like putting money in your pocket and you can shop for health care. Unless you let consumers shop for Health Care Bill is someone going to send me a check . No, they are going to let me make deductions on my income tax. When i have other expenses, which is fine with me. I dont have a problem with that. Then, they will let me set up accounts, tax free accounts, to pay for incidentals on things that i need. I dont have a problem with that. Because that is what Health Savings accounts are. Bill you see you believe it will get through the senate. Do you really think that this new Health Care Law will get their percentage . It wont have any democrat votes. It will go through with 51 republicans. Bill all right. I hope so. I really do. Lets give it a try. If it doesnt work, then, well throw that out and well all be holistic. Bill, theyll improve it, it will be a better bill, a better step in the right direction. I think the president will sign it. Bill thank you, senator. Next on the the rundown, white house under fire. Evidence shows there was no top on the trump tower but the issue is still whitehot and bret baier is in the middle of it. Hell be here. Later, Bernie Goldberg has a lot to talk about the Tax Return Situation and partisan hatred growing. Those reports after these messages. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. Hashtag mouthbreather. Just put on a breathe right strip. It instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Ive been blind since birth. I go through periods where its hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. Learn about non24 by calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Bill factor followup segment, as we mentioned, leaders of the Senate Intelligence community said that they have seen no evidence that the Obama Administration tapped trump tower during the campaign. Today, sean spicer was grilled on that and were applied to this way. On march 3rd, fox news chief anchor bret baier said the following, there is a report in june 2016, a pfizer request by the Obama Administration foreign intelligence situation to monitor communications involving donald trump and several other campaign officials. Bill what Meister Spicer is referring to is an interview with paul ryan. A fisa request to monitor communications involving donald trump and several other campaign officials, then, they get turned down and in october, they renew it and they do start a wiretap at trump tower with some computer and russian banks and it doesnt show up anything. By reporting. Have you heard that . Again, like i said, none of us in congress or anyone i know and congress has been presented with evidence to the contrary of what you just said. You believe it to be true . We have seen no evidence that anybody in this campaign were any of the american was in on it with the russians to meddle in our elections. We know they modeled, russia as an adversary, that is something we have to work to counteract. I got it, brought my point is the Obama Administration was pretty aggressive, a couple of fisa i hear your point but i see nothing of that. I have seen nothing come of that. That is my point. Bill joining us now from washington is bret baier. Getting a lot of airtime. You are getting to be real famous, spicer and he promoted you. Chief anchor fox news. My heavens. Now, to me, all that matters in this insanity, and that is what it is, insanity, this president started when he tweeted out that he believed that President Obama tapped him and the trump tower. All that matters is whether a fisa warrant was requested by the Obama Administration. Is it possible to say, yes or no to that question . To your answer, both the Senate Intelligence committee and the house intelligence committee, chairman and ranking members, have said they have seen no evidence of a fisa request for surveillance of trump tower. Let me just explain that whole thing. And the question, while i have the time here. What happened was, it was a pretaped interview with speaker ryan. I was going through a series of things that i wanted to ask him. I came across a realclearpolitics write up of the public reporting that had been compiled the night before by mark livein. It was listing all of the things that had been publicly reported by different news organizations. He compiled it in a talk show and has talked about that from a realclearpolitics summarized it. I asked ryan about these reports, saying, had he heard anything about it. To be honest with you, bill, i expected the speaker to say no and we would probably cut that part out of it. But because of his answer and the way he cryptically answered it, i asked again, you heard me, and asked again. And it seemed like he somehow tangentially confirming it. We went back to paul ryan and he said no. That is not true. I havent seen any evidence. Bill what he misunderstood, i think it was an honest mistake, what you were asking him, if he saw any evidence that the russians were involved with the Trump Campaign. I dont know why he would have thought that was your question but thats what i think happened. I agree with you. Bill i want to be very clear on this. The whole thing is now settled that there was no fisa warrant requested by the Obama Administration. As we sit here, it is settled because the house and the senate and tell people say they cant find it. They have not seen it. I should caveat, they have not heard officially from the justice department. The fbi. They are expecting to tomorrow. Bill the two senators did, grassley and feinstein. That would have leaked, i think. Let me ask you one more question on this crazy stuff. Last night, President Trump told carlson that in the next two weeks, he is going to throw something out there that is going to back off at least partially what he tweeted. There goes the Question Marks again. I dont think anyone knows what that is. Here is what possibly happens, is that americans and possibly Trump Campaign people are swept up in some sort of surveillance that does not target them, per se, but targeting, for example, the russians. The question is, how does Michael Flynn get wiped up in this . How does other people get brought into it . That is something that we dont know the answer to yet. Perhaps, there is another element to it, the president is talking about here. But the tweet that President Obama while youre tapped, there is no evidence so far im saying so far dash bill the president has a power to get a fisa warrant to look at it. Of course. Bill i am not going to speculate. Im just not. I think we have been very fair on the stanford, you have been fair, i have been fair, we report what happens, we dont get hysterical. On monday, there are more hearings about this insanity. I think the trump people will like it to go away but i am not sure. Im not sure, bill. Listening to sean spicer, to quote me asking the House Speaker a question about reports as evidence of reporting to back of the president s tweets bill there might be something. I dont know where this is going to go. But we were reported as we find it. Bill bret baier, everybody. We would like to make one correction on the story. Lastly, we were reporting on the alleged Tapping Of General mike flynn. We said it was likely that he was at the trump tower when that happens. But Catherine Herridge is now reporting that general flynn was actually in the Dominican Republic when he was caught on a wiretap speaking with the Russian Ambassador. And we are pleased to correct the record and we thank catherine for that information. Next on the rundown, american troops fighting on the ground of the middle east and chargers at that u. S. Intelligence agencies are tapping private citizens. More charges. Later, watters at the big trump rally last night. Also, Bernie Goldberg on the president s tax returns. Up ahead. Heres to the heroes americas Small Business owners. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. Actually, the gyro hero owns veros gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. Ha ha thats better. So, to recap Small Business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when theyre not eating gyros delivered by ah, you know what i mean. With advil, youll ask what Sinus Headache . What stiff joints . What time of the month cramps . What nighttime pain . Make all your pains a distant memory with advil the worlds 1 choice what pain . Advil. Bill Impact Segment tonight, u. S. Troops in combat. Former democratic congressman leon panetta has an amazing resume. Chief of staff to president clinton. Defense secretary under President Obama and the head of the cia and the same administration. I have known him for years. He is a straight shooter. There is no question that not maintaining a true presence in iraq so we can continue the momentum towards trying to secure that country and try to hope that it can govern itself and the right way, i think was a mistake. Bill that was a direct criticism of President Obama while he was still in office. Joining us now from Seaside California is leon panetta. I have four topics for you, they are all very serious. Lets begin with the u. S. Troops fighting in the middle east. It looks like there are almost 10,000 American Military people on the verge of combat in syria, iraq, and yemen. What do you know . Those numbers are clearly going up. I know the administration is talking about adding about 1,002 syria and with the numbers that we have on the ground, both in t is going on and yemen. We are getting very close to that number. The reality is, if we are going to defeat isis, it requires that we provided support for the iraqis, we are making gains in mosul. We need to make gains in arauca. But what we have to do if we are serious about defeating isis, we have got to move them out of the area and the territory that they were able to acquire. We have got to get rid of the caliphate. Bill our military analyst, colonel hunt, said that american troops are direct in the fighting. It is not supporting, they are there, they are fighting with these isis people in mosul, they are going to fight them in syria and to raqqa, and we will starto take casualties as we saw with the navy seal and yemen. Do you think the American People will be okay with that . They dont know what is going on right now. This is an underreported story. I think you are right or not, bill. I think it would be well if the president might lay a little groundwork with the American People about just exactly what steps we are taking to try to move against isis. I think the stops are the right ones. I think general mattis, the new secretary of defense is a tough guy and a smart guy. I think he is making the right recommendations. But the reality is, any time you deploy these forces in an area of war, you are taking risks. Bill you will take some casualties. Have you talked to mattis . Did he give you any they call . Have you talked . We have had a chance to call. I have always had high respect for him. I think he is the right guy. Bill so, tillerson is in the far east now because north korea is making all kinds of Saber Rattling just years. You know, trump is not going to have the patience that obama had with north korea. Is there anything that we can do to north korea to dissuade them from their Nuclear Development and their Missile Development . I think we are taking the right steps right now. We are deploying missiles to south korea in order to protect against this increased threat from missile attacks from north korea. Bill those are defensive missiles, right . Those muscles . Thats correct. They are used for defensive purposes. We are increasing our Cyber Capabilities there, which is also for defensive purposes. We are working with both the japanese as well as the south koreans to try to make sure our coalition is strong and clearly there to defend south korea if anything happens. But we are dealing with a very unpredictable and north korea. Bill these guys are nuts in the chinese, i dont know, they could crush them in a minute. Do you protect war and north korea . Would you say that the likelihood . I think right now, if i had to look at the number of hot spots in the world, i think north korea is near the top because they clearly are unpredictable. They are continuing to develop their missile capabilities, their icbm capability, they are working on miniaturizing nuclear weapons. All of those steps are dangerous. More dangerous than anything is the fact that this leader is unstable and could engage in provocations that could result in some kind of war. Bill you were the head of the cia, so, you must be following the Surveillance Stuff pretty closely. One of the things that bothers me is that general flynn was caught up in a wiretap with a Russian Ambassador and we assume it was an nsa wiretap because we now know he was in the Dominican Republic when the top occurred. They are supposed to cut out to private citizens, they, being the Intelligence Agencies, not leak out transcripts. Of a fisa warrant tapping, am i wrong . I have always operated on the basis that it is highly classified areas that the cia and other Intelligence Agencies are engaged in and very frankly, it ought to be kept classified. If there is any leaking of that kind of information, it is a violation of law. Bill your orders to the cia, if you capture an american citizen who is not the subject of a tap, we assume that the Russian Ambassador was, that you cut him out, that you dont put him in the transcript, if he doesnt go into the record. Bill, i dont know what happened in that situation dash bill what were your orders . Were your orders to go to the civilians are not . In that situation, you gave either of the intelligence, you look at it, you provided to the key players, obviously, if there is private citizens involved, you keep them out of it. Bill okay. So, your orders were, flynn should have kept out of it. He wasnt. That disturbs me, just as an american, because im a news guy, i talk to people all the time all over the place. I dont want to be on some wiretap. And then, have it leaked out. I mean, the danger there, and i am sure you understand the danger, last word. I am sure that both committees are going to get the full coverage in terms of the intelligence that was gathered on this issue. Bill all right. Always a pleasure, thank you, mr. Panetta. We will see you soon i hope. Plenty ahead sb 30 moves ahead this evening. Are there any wider implications to nbc putting out Donald Trumps personal tax returns . Bernie goldberg has some thoughts on that. Later, watters asks Trump Supporters to give the president some advice. What would you like to see the president do next on the agenda . Building the wall. Who is going to pay for the wall . Bill we hope you stay tuned for those reports. A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. Its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, and helps you get back to things like this. This. Or this. And back to being yourself. Aleve direct therapy. Find yours in the pain relief aisle. According to alg and starting at just 25,995. Mercedesbenz. Vans. Born to run. Hi hey you look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amaz n prunes now. Theyre delicious and help keep my body in balance. I love these. Sunsweet amaz n prunes, the feel good fruit. Bill Conspiracy Theories and tax rates. As you may know, Donald Trumps leaked tax return from 2005 showed him paying about 25 on federal income tax on income of more than 150 million from his Real Estate Companies among other things. How does that stack up against other famous politicians . Here now, our correspondence, eric shawn and Shannon Bream. So, mr. Trump took major deductions to get down to the 25 margin, right . He did. There is a deduction of more than 103 million, we dont know exactly what it was because we only have two pages of a tax return with a white house statement said the losses take into account largescale depreciation for construction. Bill let me stop you. Most people dont know all of this. I am not being condescending because i had to look it up. If you build something and then he says, it is not worth what i put into it now, maybe a casino, and a fine ants or rodents in a casino, he can write off certain amounts as his investments depreciates, right . I think it is 39 years that i can personal Real Estate Development has. Those years, they can write off an asset like a large casino or a building because it is depreciating the whole time, aging. Bill it is the same thing if you buy an airplane, that can be depreciated, so, what he paid, the consensus is, was fair. He paid it 25 , 58 million, 56 million, it was fair. President obama and michelle obama, same year. What we know about them, a big book deal involved that impacted some of their income that year. They ended up paying a rate of 32. 9 on their taxes. Bill seven points higher. Even more. If you look back at former president clinton, they were about 31 , the clintons that year. The bushes at 25 . We also took a look at the romneys for another year we have information, people say, he is a wealthy guy, a wealthy businessman, like drum. In comparison for him, he paid 14. 1 for you bill he was a governor back then in 2005 . Was he not . But romney was hiding money into a run ranji or someplace. Its a joke are Re Max Research does nom that. See manzo, the bushes were tied with trump, the clintons and the obama was for aboutints higher,d dumb i paid nothing. That is how the story goes, according to some. Bill lets get into the unbelievable Conspiracy Theories that donald trump made some kind of deal with the russians, so, they are blackmailing him to do whatever they want him to do. This has been put forth by all people on the left. Lets listen to nancy pelosi. I want to know what the russians have on donald trump. I think we have to have an investigation by the fbi to financial, personal, and political connections to raksha, and we want to speak his tax returns so we can have truth of the relationship between putin, whom he admires. Bill very good. The factor has learned that trump got a fur hat. Now, pelosi and the people who are coming after trump on this, on the Clinton Foundation, which was clearly hundreds of millions of dollars came from people abroad, they werent so concerned, where they . Theres a lot of controversy but not from them. The Washington Post said of the Clinton Foundation at the Library Cover onethird of the Million Dollar funds came from foreign entities. Seven nations were allowed to donate while mrs. Clinton was secretary of state. I remember when i first covered this, saudi arabia can give money . It is all secret. They buy a lot dont have to promote it or publicize it, saudi arabia gave from ten to 25 million for the clinton Library Cover not while she was secretary. Bill this isnt an ideological program, but of pelosi and the left, then, all of this money was proven to be into the Clinton Foundation, Msnbc Wasnt Doing show after show after show on the Clinton Foundation feed i think once in a while, and the truth serum sek we have to expose hypocrisy. That is what we have done. All right. Shannon bream and eric shawn. There they are. When we come back, Bernie Goldberg on the tax return lakers. Then, watters at last nights rally. Yo oducing Flonase Sensimist. More complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. You learn something new everyday. The surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. Announcer the oreilly factor, the number one cable news show for 16 years and counting. Bill thanks for staying with us. I am bill oreilly. In the Weekdays With Bernie segment tonight, the many implications of leaking Donald Trumps 2005 tax return. Heres what i said about the tax trump deal. Bill third trump tax return reveal, courtesy of nbc news last night, a fascinating look at how the American Media has now become a circus of ideology and cynicism. Before the actual return was shown to the audience, the cable news host, Rachel Maddow, delivered a 20 minute monologue. Talking points is only going to be 3 minutes. She said 20 minutes worth of stuff, describing various antitrump Conspiracy Theories that she espouses on a nightly basis. Then, the real fun started for two full hours is a variety of antitrump mary makers put forth more speculation than a panel at a Ufo Convention Portraying the president as dr. Evil bent on destroying western civilizations as he pats his catch. Lost in the Lets Get Trump marathon was the actual leak. No doubt, msnbc will derive rave beings from this madness, which is has ever since he turned into the syfy channel over there. But it is not all about ratings. Those folks want to destroy donald trump. Anyway they can. That is the mission. And they are just getting started. Bill the entire memo is posted posted on billoreilly. Com. Joining us for miami, Bernie Goldberg. Msnbc has taken some heat for this thing. I think they thought they were cute and going to get away with good ratings night, and whatever after that. But they are taking some even from the left, they are taking some heat. What do you think . First, i have to congratulate you on the Talking Points. There were some great lines there about the syfy channel and the Ufo Convention and dr. Evil putting his cat. Hats off to whoever wrote those lines for you, bill. Bill that was me. [laughs] i thought a little differently. I thought, after listening to 1t donald trump was the latest billing in a james bond movie. That was the impression i got. But look. If you dont want speculation on where your money is coming from, here is an idea. Reveal your tax forms. Release the tax forms. Otherwise, you open the door to speculation that you are trying to hide something. Maybe he is trying to hide the fact that he didnt give a lot of money to charity. That is not against the law. Maybe he is trying to hide the fact that he didnt pay a lot of money in taxes and other years, that is not against the law. Well, there are people out to get you. Bill i talked to the president about that and we just talked to Shannon Bream about almost the same thing. He says that he gets smeared if you put out his tax returns because it is so complicated, so many businesses, depreciation, this, all of that. He couldnt possibly defend himself. The big point is, People Dont Care. He was right. They elected him. Why bother with the exercise . If i were him, i would probably do the same thing. Well, i think cap the People Dont Care at half the people do care. He should release it because it is important that he release it. I think that is the main point. As far as why Rachel Maddow was taken heat even from the left, it is because it was ridiculous. The hype was ridiculous. When you get to what she released, i mean, give her some credit for what she released. There was some news there but not much. We didnt learn anything about the source of the income. We only got a two page summary. The source of the income, where did the money come from is what is really important and we didnt learn anything about anything that happened in 2007, 2008, any other year except 2005 because that is the only year that was released. I mean, i sat them outlier or is that typical . We dont know. Bill i give credit to somebody who handed her the thing. I dont know. You want some speculation on that . Bill go ahead. Looked, whenever there was an anonymous source, the first question for me, who benefits from this . Democrats dont benefit. Hillary clinton doesnt benefit. I mean, she insinuated he didnt pay taxes in 20 years. The New York Times doesnt benefit, nancy pelosi doesnt benefit. I am making no accusations. Donald trump does benefit because this release makes them look good. Bill it is almost a moot point to discuss it. It really is. We dont know. But it doesnt make him look bad, that is for sure. Bill okay. When you are dr. Evil, you have a lot of things that you can do. Thats right. Bill Bernie Goldberg, everybody. Watters on deck. He was a natural last night asking the folks to give advice to the president. Watters is next. Dont let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. Nexium 24hr. Shuts down your stomachs active acid pumps. To stop the burn of frequent heartburn. All day and night. Have we seen them before . Banish the burn with nexium 24hr. 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You look like you like trump. I love trump. He is my hero. What do you want to hear from the president today . Anything, everything. Everything he says is going to be good. Like me. Any advice for President Trump . No advice. He is doing a great job but he doesnt need advice. Keep it positive. Thanks for the message, body. Despicable place and no repeal obamacare. Hes done so many great things are ready, just the swam swamp. What would you like to see next on the president s agenda . Build a wall for wall. Who is going to pay for the wall . We need to rewrite the paul ryan plan because it is terrible. If he does 50 of what he promised, he has my vote again in 2020. What you think the biggest enemy of President Trump is right now . Right now, i would still say americans. Because his brightest importers as americans in his biggest enemy as americans, still. Who do you think the president s biggest enemy is right now . Hillary clinton. Hillary. The dnc, the democratic party. Who do you think the president s biggest enemy right now is . The liberal media. The fake news is just so ridiculous. No kidding. The media. Cnn, msnbc, fake news. The media. Not me, right . You are the best. We like you. You are the best. The republicans. Speaker ryan is one of them. Mitch mcconnell. Rand paul, he looks like he might be starting a little dust up. The atmosphere just aint right. A lot of the protesters running wild. What should happen to them . Speak of agency to be escorted out. Get a job. I would like to see them be more respectful. You are going to have to learn to respect me. Those protesters over there, they are not clogging up our streets. Those are snowflakes. They are mounting as we are talking. I melting anything you want to tell bill oreilly . Bill, i watch your show every night and you are the man. Always remember one thing. I am watters. And this is my world. Bill watters joins us not from santa barbara, california, where he is rooming with dennis miller. What are you doing out there, watters . Im giving a speech at the reagan ranch tomorrow. Bill that will scare the cattle. I wont be on a horse, dont worry about that. Bill i understand you had face time with the president and we want to show a cliwill use o. Rowlett. Chuck schumer, the president of cnn, and alec baldwin. If you had to fire one person right now, who would you fire . Well, i think the alec baldwin situation is not good. Chuck, i am very disappointed because he is a guy that should make deals with the people, not a democrat or republican. I thought he would be a dealmaker but instead he is in obstructionist. Bill all right. So, you got a fairly significant interview with the president at 8 00 on saturday evening. Correct . Thats right. We had about ten minute sitting down with him before the rally and that company let me hop aboard Air Force One because my plane got canceled. So, he was nice enough to let me join him back to d. C. Bill wow. You are hanging with them and santa barbara, reagan ranch, on Air Force One. I learned it from you bill no you didnt. [laughter] we will check you out saturday at at a clock. The factor tip of the day about st. Patrick. The tip moments away. No two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. Are made with smarttrack®igners material to precisely move your teeth to your best smile. See how invisalign® treatment can shape your smile up to 50 faster today at invisalign. Com the courts will eventually decide the issue and that is fine. The president is the highest official in america. The partisans will rave against him. The fox news poll is pretty good. I dont trust some of the other others. That is the Fastest Growing Political Movement in america. Independent. I like the pit kissing us of that. They wont, haters dont. They dont care. False reporting. The way you die on a cross with by a fixation. Your lungs collapsed from the weight of hanging down. Old school life in the sane l. A lot of reading stuff. A quick happy birthday to helen in wyoming, 101 tomorrow. In pennsylvania, 100 years old. I cant do all the birthdays and anniversaries. The factor tip of the day, a repeat of last year but maybe it will save a few lives behind the wheel. Do not get intoxicated on st. Patricks day tomorrow. The legend of the man, whatever heritage you possess. St. Patricks day has become a huge party situation. That is fine. We want everyone to have fun but keep it reasonable. Factor tip of the day. That is it for us tonight. We would like you to spout out about the specter from anywhere in the world. Name and town if you wish to opine. Word of the day, do not be a blather skate

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