The no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Bill hi, i am bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. We are alive, waiting for the ninth Circuit Court of appeals to decide whether or not President Trumps executive order constraining some refugees abroad will be allowed to go forward. Deliberations are going on right now. The moment anything happens, you will know it. Also, the this b17 memo on President Trump breaking big news in his interview with me will be in the second block this evening. But first, the final part of our interview with mr. Trump. This time around, we focus on the personal. Bill what is the most surprising thing for you about this job you have . You come from the private sector, no political office, now, you are the president of United States. What surprised you . President trump i think the size, the bank the toot of everything. So, i was a very big real estate person. I build a building for 500 million or 900 million. Im here, you look at an airplane contract where you can save 600 million on 90 plans. I saved more than 600 million. I got involved in negotiation on a fighter jet, the f35. By the way, lockheed martin, great company. But they werent bringing the price up. I got involved and saved more than 600 million. But the magnitude you can do that at every level of government. My new thing is going to be pharma because we pay too much with the largest drug purchase in the world. They dont negotiate. Bill how does a day work . Im working long hours. Right up until 12 00, 1 00 in the morning. Bill what time do you get up . President trump 5 00. Bill and you are working come after you have breakfast . President trump i read the papers, i see what is going on, i take a look. I see the lies, the lies that is another thing. I always got good press, as a business guy, i got good press. Bill [laughs] i know. President trump i have never i collect fake news. Some of the networks and some of the papers the level of dishonesty, when they break a story, i know good from bad. They take something that should be a good story, in fact, sometimes, i say, this is going to be nice to read. And they will purposely totally change it. It is fake news. Bill why are they doing that . President trump because i am on the other side of the equation. They did it to reagan but not as much. Bill why . I dont understand. President trump i just think that it is the other side of the coin. They called themselves progressive, which is a beautiful word. But its not true. Bill do you think President Trump i dont know. I dont think they like anybody on our side. Bill i have known you a long time and i know that when people attack you personally, that bothers you. So, they are saying that you are antimuslim. They are saying you are antiblack. They are saying you are antipoor. Do you respond, because you do come back . President trump i always respond. Bill does it hurt your feelings that they are making you into a hater . President trump no because they always do it. The first thing they do with the republicans or conservatives is the racist card. They pull of the racist card. They always do. Not just me. They do it with everybody. And i see that and once you know that, you feel a lot better about it. Bill is there any validity to the criticism of you that you say things you cant back up factually . As a president he can do that as a candidate or businessman if you say for example that there are 3 million illegal aliens who voted and then, you dont have the data to back it up, some people will say that is irresponsible for a president to say that. Is there any validity . President trump many people have come out and said i am right. Bill i know but you have to have President Trump doesnt have to do with a vote, although, that is the end result, it has to do with the registration. When you look at the registration, and you see dead people that have voted, that are on many, many dead people that have voted, when you see people that are registered in two states that voted in two states, when you see other things, when you see illegals, people that are not citizens, and they are on the registration rolls, what they do, they load up the registration rolls. There is a lot of bad things happening. Look, bill, we can be vegas but you take a look at the registration, you have illegals, dead people, this, it is really a bad situation. It is really bad. Bill you think you will be proven correct in that statement . President trump i think i already have. A lot of people have come out and said i am right. Bill the data has to show that 3 million illegals voted. President trump we have a lot of different you go to the voting booths and you see he was going on. But to get that forget all of that. Just take a look at the registration. Im going to set up a commission to be headed by Vice President mike pence and we are going to look at it very, very carefully. Bill that is good. Lets get to the bottom of it. Do you ever think you were going to convince the media, the american media, to give i know that you dont feel you are getting a fair shot, okay, President Trump you dont, either. I watch and you say bill as you said, ideology drives the News Coverage and it shouldnt. News coverage it should be News Coverage, not ideological. What i do, i am an analyst, i can do whatever i want. I have criticized you and you know what and you come right back at me and that is good. That is a good thing. But there are entities in this country that despise you and your administration. Can you, do you think you can ever convince them to take it down a bit . President trump yes, i do. I think success will do that. I think jobs will do that. I think companies coming back into our country will do that. Yeah, i think i can. Not all the way, ill never get all the way back. I was named, you to be man of the air coming out, president of the year by time magazine. Even on the cover, when they named it, they talked about the divided nation. I dont get is fair. Maybe other people do think it is fair. I do think i can bring it back. I think success, jobs, lots of other things can bring it back. Bill last question. You get four hours of sleep or some crazy thing like that. When your head hits the pillow, do you ever say to yourself, i cant believe i am here . I cannot believe im the president of United States, when i wasnt a politician, i didnt start out this way, that wasnt my life goal . Does not ever come into your mind . President trump i must tell you, the other day, i walked into the main entrance of the white house. And i said to myself, this is sort of amazing. Then, i walked into the oval office, i have had to the head of ford and General Motors and all of these people, as they come to see me, i want to hear from them, and they walk into the oval office, they have beautiful offices, and they feel the same way. Or you walk into air force one. It is like a surreal experience in a certain way. But you have because there is so much work to be done, whether it is jobs or other nations that truly hate us, truly, truly hate us, and are looking to do damage. You have to get over it. Bill mr. President , thanks very much for taking the time. Next on the rundown, factor followup memo about the president breaking big news in that memo. Then, dana perino know about the turbulence in the white house and whether that is accomplishing anything for the folks. The factor is coming right back. What twisted ankle . What muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. 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As we explained last night, President Trump wants to make a deal with putin that would encourage russia to help us crush isis and neutralize iran. So, he is not going to alienate putin at this time. You may remember that president roosevelt dealt with stalin, a killer who makes putin look like little bo peep. Fdr did that to defeat hitler. Also, the president tweeted, President Trump, barack obama made deals with iran, even though they are big time killers. So, history is full of compromises, something that was not pointed out by the media in its rush to bash trump over putin. To me, the most important thing the president said in an interview was that he will hold iran accountable for aggressive actions. That is a huge difference from president obama, who did not want to confront iran. Also, mr. Trump will apparently punished sanctuary cities by withholding some federal funds. Like the refugee deal, that will lead to poor challenges and things will get nasty. The far left will mobilize its protest apparatus that is organized now. The president will be labeled a bigot and on and on. However, i do not believe donald trump is going to back down. From the sanctuary city deal. The other breaking news had to do with tax cuts, the president saying they will happen this year. Also, obamacare, which looks like it will take a little bit longer to dismantle than President Trump originally thought. All in all, a lot of news came out of a 36 minute interview. As talking points stated listen, the president was direct and confident in his position tp haters absolute mad. That is the memo. Joining us from chicago, dr. Austan goolsbee, a wrong come he said, most important. What say you . I thought that was interesting. I hadnt thought about the iran point as being the biggest news to come out of it. There was a lot of news in 36 minutes. Now, i had to go look at the transcript or watch it again. I thought on many of those, he was not as determined as may be you portrayed him. With the tax cut, you said, is there going to be a tax cut and he said Something Like i certainly hope so or i think there will be, which i thought was news making the other way of, wait a minute, its not the First Priority and it might not be this year. Bill when i was there, you get a feel for they are going to introduce the tax cut soon. I think by the fall, there will be some definition on that by the debate will be how much, corporate versus individual, and all of that. But be that as it may come of the thing that jumped out at you, and the entire interview is being imported into the american people, was what . Actually, they were two feelings of jumped out at me is most important. One was a thing i didnt like and the other was a think that i am a little afraid for donald trump on. The one i didnt like days he showed at numerous points, you kind of pressed him on, you are the president now, you got to be factual, you cant just shoot off, and you cited the 3 million illegal immigrant voters. Before that, you had asked him about the visas and he repeated again, this thing of, only 109 people were affected. He kind of wasnt having it. He wasnt buying into your premise. And he has continued that, stating things that are demonstrably not true. And he needs to stop that. Otherwise, we are going to be bogged down. Bill doesnt his history of hyperbole commence throwing things out there, explain that o some extent . And is it really important . Is it really important that he says 109 people were inconvenienced . I dont care about that, web address 109, 250, 312. I think the media is hung up on this gotcha game. Some things, he has to be factual about. You might be right but b5, you know there is something to it way that is why you ask him about it. He was like, no, no, i was right. Bill i wanted him to explain what the line was. And he did. He said that in the 3 million, it is registration, the system is broken. Okay, that might be fair. But the other feeling i got is, having been through the white house experience of the beginning, i dont think donald trump yet understands that the first three months you are there, that is the most fun you are ever going to have is the president. Bill [laughs] but we grind our president s up. Bill you were there when barack obama was elected in 2008, then, he took office in 09. You came in with him. Yes, i was there. Bill you are having a blast there, doctor . We were in a crisis. So, as i always say, i didnt go to washington for the fun, and i wasnt disappointed. But i will say, that was the most fun that we had. Bill you had a deal with the recession and a lot of the business is failing, but you had one advantage of the donald trump doesnt have. You had a very compliant media. Very compliant. It was easy for you to succeed. That is why i am afraid him. The media slowly gets more and more cynical. Bill it cant get any more cynical than they are now. They already started tough on him. They already started tough on him. I think, after three or four months, when you actually have to sit down and work through specifics, and you are done with the first three weeks, where you get to sign executive orders and you are doing exciting stuff, then, they start to sing, wait a minute, this tax rate is too high, what do you mean you were going to take my loophole away, he will be fighting with congress, the media, it is not going to be fun. He is not getting enough sleep. That was clear from the interview. Bill he has always been that way. He has always been a vampire in the sense that he doesnt go to sleep at night. I just think that is his physiology. I think your analysis is a fair analysis. I think you basically he is a man who is unique. But i dont think the press can get any worse. I disagree with you there. You guys had a honeymoon, the obama people had a honeymoon. This guy came in with knives just coming at him every second. The honeymoon that is my point. Bill i think he is basically going to fight back with the tweeting. I think that the media has lost a lot of prestige in this country. Doctor, as always. Thank you, directly ahead, Bernie Goldberg has some thoughts on that massive reaction. Then, later, gutfeld and mcguirk on trump derangement syndrome. Those reports activities messag message. Just like the people who own them, every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. Whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. Legalzooms network of attorneys can help you, every step of the way. So you can focus on what you do and well handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. 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I think what i said, at least last week, in fact, i know what i said last week, was that there is one day of the year that we dont need to hear from politicians. That is super bowl sunday. The day before, the day after, fine. But for me, and for many others, we dont want to hear from politicians on that day. Okay, that is my opinion. On the bigger point, regarding your interview, specifically, the putin killer exchange, which you dont think its all that important. Here is what is important. Thing is conservative reaction to that statement. Imagine if last sunday, super bowl sunday, you were interviewing president obama and you said, do you respect putin . And he said, yeah. And you said, you know he is a killer, and he rolled his eyes and said, there are a lot of colors. The people watching us tonight, those people, would be outraged by they would accuse him of treason. They would never, ever, ever forgive him. Where is the conservative outrage over the statement . Bill look at mitch mcconnell, rubio in florida, new york state, a lot of republicans that came out against that. They came out mildly against it. I am talking about the people who watch conservative television. Bill you are always talking about the zealots. You bring the zealots more prominence. Look, you heard some of the letters that have been written about me. I had a letter yesterday from a woman who goes we hated the interview because you only showed us questions that put donald trump in a good light. I mean, zealots are zealots. I know, we had to do a segment someday on the role of the media. I think a lot of people watching dont have a clue bill they like the media. They dont think it is a necessary thing anymore. They think that you should be a cheerleader for people that they like. But listen, this bill the percentage, bernie. I think that the interpretation that you came up with, he has to deal with bad people, we all know president s have to deal with bad people. Heres my question, bill. Donald trump has totals on more than one occasion how smart he is. Why didnt he say, bill, bill, i have to deal with people who dont necessarily win humanitarian awards. Fdr had to deal with stalin. Lets leave it at that, bill. Okay . Next question. He didnt say that. He left it to you to give a generous interpretation of what he actually meant. Bill an accurate interpretation. His point in the putin business was that we dont have the right to make judgments. We, the american government, because we have done bad stuff, too. Now, was that a mistake . I wouldnt have said that because putin is so much worse than any american president. I said that to him. I said, we dont have individual politicians that are killers. We dont have that. And he but the bottom line is, he wants a deal with putin. He wants this deal. I get this. This makes sense. But you know but i would have said . Im not secondguessing them. I told you, i dont like secondguessing people who do big, important interviews. But i would have said is, mr. President , i know you have to deal with bad people. I know you have to deal with bad people. But why dont why didnt you say, why didnt you say, mr. President , i dont deal with Mother Teresa all the time . Bill in the heat of the moment, nobody knows my questions. Very briefly. You know the people who wouldve come up with the interpretation of well, he was only saying that he has to deal with hardcore progressives who dont think much of america. That is the way they talk. That is not the way any president s should talk. Bill they didnt stick up for trump. Thats an interesting point. The progressive are left, which says, yeah, america is the worst, america is the biggest villain, when trump said that, they didnt go yes, President Trump no, they were i will tell you why and five seconds. Even if they Say Something that they disagree with even if he comes of that here for cancer, they will find fault with him. That is the answer they would have given. They want he gave us the one the hardcore left would have given. And that should make all of us, including the Trump Supporters watching, that should make all of us bill i will put an asterisk next to it. I know with the strategy is. Final question. I know putin might be coming after me, goldberg, it is your fault. You encourage me to do these things. You feel, if i disappear, you know, i cant even eat your food now. I have a solution. Youre very fine executive producer needs to be your food tester and drink tester. [laughs] he needs to tester food and beverages before they go near your lips. Bill they have these little umbrellas and the dart comes out at you. Now, when it rains, i cant go outside. Bernie goldberg, everybody. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves ahead this evening. Will President Trumps executive order were temporarily stopping refugees from seven nations coming here, stand . Deliberations going on right now. We are monitoring them live. Next, dana perino on whether all the turbulence coming out of the white house is hurting or helping the nation. We hope you stay tuned for those reports. Tech at safelite, we know how busy your life can be. Mom oh no. Tech this mom didnt have time to worry about a cracked windshield. So she scheduled at safelite. Com and with safelites exclusive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there, so she didnt miss a single shot. I replaced her windshield giving her more time for what matters most. Tech howd ya do . Player we won tech nice thats another safelite advantage. Mom thank you so much team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. Bill personal story segment tonight. It seems like everyday there is another controversy coming out of the white house. Some of it is predictable, as the National Media, as we said, generally despises President Trump, who is doing every thing possible to hammer him. There are a some validity to the fact that the president himself likes controversy, created by tweeted dominic tweeting aggressive things. Dana perino, cohost of the five. In the bush white house, you were there. Even during the war in iraq and the recession, bad recession, it wasnt this much controversy coming out of that building, was there . I think that, anyway, it is not comparable to me because with the iraq war and then, hurricane katrina, and september of 2005, i would say that is the lowest point in terms of media coverage. With the war, you were talking about men and women in the United States military, who were under threat. Many, who were dying and sacrificing their lives. The arguments were on the merits. I do think about how we didnt have twitter. Bill i was going to say, was president bush on social media at all . That he have a Little Machine . I remember he did an interview wants that i set up and he said, i like to go on the google party head [laughs] bill he knew what that was . Of course. We didnt really have social media at the time. It was fairly new in 2007, 2008. Bill i dont think he is a big tweeter even to this day. You dont get tweets from him, do you . I think 41 tweets more than 43. [laughter] bill for the personality of the two president s, and president obama, too, so opposite. Trump is so aggressive. I think that you had some constructive criticism of how we ran press relations at the white house. We didnt push back enough on places bill that is what i said. That is what you said. I think there are some validity to that. However, also, following the lead of the president. We didnt complain about media bias so much. Now, President Trump is a different approach. He takes them on for better or worse. That is his style. Bill i got a letter from a bush the elder about media bias. And they promised him i wouldnt read it while he was still alive. So, i can tell you what the letter is. But it addresses how the media treated his son. Okay . Not himself . Bill his son. He was very upset about that. Bill is a fascinating letter. He wrote to me personally. You guys, you decided you were going to ignore most of the overthetop here is the question. Not anywhere near this. Does that help the country, for the president to hit back hard, as mr. Trump is doing, against what he sees as fake news, just honest media . Does that help the country . I think when he says in his interview with you that what will matter at the will he get results, will the economy do better. These arguments that they are having today over whether the media has ignored covering terrorist attacks. Bill ridiculous. That is going to get News Coverage. They have done some really good things. But the media will always cover controversy over substance. Bill it is not covering controversy, it is putting importance in places that doesnt deserve it. I mean, look. The Trump Administration believes that a lowlevel terror attacks have been ignored largely by the national and International Media and they provided a list of about 80. So, why . Does not affect anybody . It doesnt affect anybody other than to say that the National Media basically is looking to say, and they are, he is a liar. Bill why give them any reason, they are not going to give you that . On that list of the ones that have been covered, then, they have to spend bill they have been covered. Theres a lot of them both happened. Why include san bernardino, nice, paris on that list . I dont bother with this because it is not important. If the answer to the question that you just posters, trump is and going to let a Dishonest Media run rampant. He is going to hit them. They are going to look for any holes in the arguments. So, why provide the hole . They can take their foot off the gas a little bit on that and they have a lot to show already. Bill last question. Did you ever say to president bush, dont say that . I suggest you dont say that . I wouldnt say that if i were you. Bill did he listen to you . Yes, of course. [laughter] bill because everybody does. Dana perino, everybody. I dont listen to her but everyone else does. When we come back from a law and order. Will the courts unblock President Trumps executive order . Then, gutfeld and mcguirk on trump derangement syndrome cap next. Help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. Contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain your hunger center. woman im so hungry. avo to reduce hunger. And your reward system. woman ice cream. French fries. avo to help control cravings. Across three longterm studies, contrave patients lost approximately 24x more weight than with diet and exercise alone. Contrave is not for everyone. 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I think it will come down to 21, and they will favor this temporary restraining order. Bill the Supreme Court after that . I do think it will prevail. I think the statutory language is clear, bill. I do agree. The ninth circuit is very liberal book. Bill once again, the judges will violate their oath and they will try to make policy, rather than upholding the law . I say that, there are two liberal judges and one moderate judge or listening to the case. Kimberly guilfoyle will read you, all right, the statue. Go ahead. This clearly states of the president will have the Authority Bill this is federal law . Correct. Usc, whenever the president lety detrimental to the interest of the United States, he may by proclamation and for such. As he searched cell be necessary, he is the one who ha. For such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens, any restrictions he may deem appropriate. Bill can i push back a l . Will listen to the court, they dont appreciate not having the ability to scrutinize bill i dont care about that. But she just read, eboni, that is the law. Lets all go home and that is at. Ed is over, right . Why are we even bothering . They were asking questions like, didnt Rudy Giuliani say this, call it a muslim ban . Dont we have the right to scrutinize or review the president s authority . That is their issue. Bill this is what the law says. If the law gets changed, which congress can do, then, congress can say but they can make law. That is what our judicial system is becoming corrupt. You both agree that our judicial system is becoming corrupt because judges who get power then feel that they have the right to make the law. Speak about us with a are supposed to do, bill. Uphold the president s executive order and look at the four corners bill whether they like it or not. These other questions are not pertinent to the issue. He has the Authority Based on the statue, the executive order, specifically referenced bill you both agree . I agree but i think the tension i heard him acquire court denied, bill, they conflicted around the constitutional requirements. Bill its their job. Youre right. Bill so what . They are supposed to uphold the law. Watch the factor. I mean come on come on this bothers me because judges are not supposed to make law. I dont care whether you agree or disagree. If this continues, we want to have a country anymore. Ladies, thank you very much. Gutfeld and mcguirk on decks, the boys will explain as the factor continues all across the usa and all around the world. What do you get when you combine an h r block tax pro, with the deduction finding superpower of ibm watson . Ah you get more money. Thats what you could get. H r block with watson. Get your taxes won. A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Bill back of the book segment, what the heck just happened . You would think after about three weeks, the trump hatred would die down a little. Not so. Our president lies pathologically. He has a staff lie pathologically and then, he attacks the free press, he attacked the judiciary. This is what starts authoritarian as him. Donald trump is a danger to republic. We need to wake up in america to understand the harms that he is causing our country. This is the most outrageous and ridiculous president that this country has ever had. All that nancy pelosi said was she was not ready you have to talk about it and impeachment. Im ready to talk about it. Bill here not to discuss the trump derangement system that both of those Congress People have, Bernard Mcguirk and greg gutfeld. So, look. You are an amateur psychologist. You have to be to sit there on the five every day. I have my own little practice. Bill what is the why behind the hatred . The fact is, Charles Krauthammer has said this before. The right things the left is wrong and the left things the right is evil. Trump may not be a normal candidate but his agenda is fairly normal. He is a centrist. If you were placed trump with a boring candidate, they would still come after him because they think republicans, just by nature, are evil. They have convinced themselves that trump is worse on global warming, meteor strikes, and the new season of will and grace combined. He could actually destroy the earth. Its amazing. They actually think putin invaded korea. That is what has happened. They are losing their minds. Bill and you say, mcguirk . First of all, theyve always hated him. Now, the hatred has been amped up. They see them in a president ial setting, citing executive order orders, normalizing trump, as they put at. That drives them bill both of you guys would, i think, admit, while he was a businessman, apprentice person, we didnt see this kind of hatred. Some people thought he was annoying, some people didnt like his style, okay. But when i would go to a game with him, most of the people would applaud when he came up on the jumbotron. It wasnt this way. Now, that he is a politician, gutfeld, that has changed dramatically, even though, as you rightly pointed out, one of the few times in your life, that you are correct, he is not an ideologue, not a conservative thumper. I, like you come in notice test, would he and i would go for long walks on the beach. Everyone was very happy to see him. Not much anymore. I think he is taking off the right people, bill. At hartsons me to see people like michael moore, other celebrities, other crazy leftwing professors lose their stuff over him. That means he is doing something right. Bill you know what i think it is . Im going to have to tell you guys what it is. It is the birther stuff. The birther stuff, that is what changed it all. As you know, donald trump but after president obama, saying he didnt believe the birth certificate was real, he might have been born outside the country, illegitimate president. When he did that, all of the supporters, fervent supporters of barack obama, hated him. And that has now expanded. Does that sound crazy . They oppose the agenda. The open borders crowd, the environment bill that is a small part of it. That is a large part of it. You lose on the merits of those arguments of the american people. The easiest way to make him ineffective is to demonize. Call him a racist and a bigot. He could buy a puppy, he could play hide and seek with baron, he could transition to a woman, bill if he transitions to a woman, gutfeld knows he would i would marry him. They would have demonized mitt romney, john mccain bill but not like this. Not like this. If you are a republican, you are evil, not wrong. Bill true, but this is not hysteria. That is where it is. Its hysteria. If they waited a month he punches back, he sticks it to them, he is not being conciliatory, he is being as bold and assertive as he said he would be. It drives them nuts. It drives them out of their minds. Bill all right, gentlemen. Thank you very much. The factor tip of the day, a dvd you might want to have. Also, a wild male segment on the president , people did not like the interview and they were not gentle and telling me about that. Moments away. Whales were nearly extinct. They rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. Making the right decisions today for your longterm financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. 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Finally, tip of the day, yesterday was Ronald Reagans 106th birthday. The president will go down in history as one of our most effective leaders. There was much drama in the reagan administration. Now, the movie killing reagan, based upon my bestselling book, is out on dvd. Do you know they have been underestimating us all our lives . In hollywood . When i ran for governor. They didnt give us a snowballs chance. Look how that turned out. It is the same thing here. I want to show them. I just need a chance to speak to the people, standing next to jimmy carter, i can do this, i know i can. Just not without your faith. Have i got that . You know you have. Good. Bill tip of the day, might want to pick up killing reagan on dvd. He certainly worth watching. That is it for us tonight. Please, check out the fox news factor web site. We would like you to spout out. Oreilly foxnews. Com. Word of the day, do not obfuscate while writing to the factor. Good word. Hard to say. Tomorrow, lou dobbs and i will click around what is the most serious problem we have in this country. See, he comes at it from an economic point of view, it will be interesting to see what he believes is the most serious problem. I have mine. I think i know what we are facing. That really has to be dealt with. So, that will be a good segment tomorrow on the factor. Again, thanks for watching us tonight. I am bill oreilly. Please, remember, this spin stops here. We are definitely looking out for you. Tucker this is a fox news a lurch. Right now, federal Appeals Court judges are deciding whether to restore President Trumps executive order. The ruling could come at any moment. Of course, we will bring you their life life of a desperate, good evening, welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Just a short time ago, the ninth Circuit Court of appeals heard arguments from the Trump Administration and the opposing states, washington and minnesota, we will talk to the republican critic of the travel ban in just a second. First, here is what just happened in court a minute to go. Has a government pointed to any evidence connecting these countries with terrorism . Speak of these proceedings have been moving

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