Criticize him . Well take a look at that. Bill caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Bill hi, i amll bill oreilly. Thanks for watching tonight. Big crackdown on illegal immigration. That is the subject of this evenings talking points memoa fulfilling a campaign promise, President Trump has ordered the immediate construction of a wall on the southern border. And not only that. Our order also does the following. Ends the policy of catch and release at the border. Requires other countries to take back their criminals. They will take them back. Cracks down on sanctuary cities. Empowers i. C. E. Officers to target and remove those who pose a threat to public safety. Bill mr. Trump signing two executive orders earlier today which send a signal, a strong signal, that illegal immigration is going to be dealt with in a very aggressive way. To explain further, catch and release is a policy reinstituted by president obama wherere those sneaking across the southern border could ask for asylum and almost immediately be set free. Sometimes handed a bus ticket that you and i paid for to an address anywhere in the usa. Few of those released have ever returned for their court hearings. Er that policy was a scandal. Now, it is finished. Secondly, the sanctuary cities, as you know, have openly defied federal law for decades. Now, federal funds may be denied to those places. So on day three of President Trumps first week in office, he sent shock waves through the liberal communities. Also, mr. Trump is calling for a federal investigation into voter fraud, where he alleges that millions of illegal aliens arera voting. Thats a good thing, the investigation. We should know if fraud on election day is real or not. Also, the president has informed the city of chicago that if the murder epidemic there doesnt stop, federal authorities will intervene. Another good thing. And that intrusion is likely to happen as illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and chicago mayor rahm emanuel will not stop the brutal gang killings. They just wont do it. Which have taken thousands of innocent lives. How that situation has been allowed to go on for years is another scandal and perhaps the most vivid illustration of racism talking points has ever seen. So, President Trump is acting quickly and according to a rasmus daly president ial tracking poll, americans are taking notice. Today, the poll has 57 of likely u. S. Voters approving of Donald Trumps job opponents, 43 disapproval. It remains to be seen, however, whether a border wall will be effective, whether stationary cities will finally obey the law, and whether ending the catch and release program will slow down illegal border crossings. But at this point, strong federal action is being taken. No question about it. That is the memo. Now for the top story tonight. Is it kates law next . In as you may know, the factor was instrumental in proposing a law that would impose tough, mandatory, federal criminals who defy deportation. Kates law was sabotaged by the villain senator harry reid but will now be introduced. Joining us from philadelphia, congressman steve king, who is promoting the law in the house. Senator ted cruz doing the same thing in the senate. Where are we on the kates law, senator cruz . Good evening, bill. It is good to join you. Kates law, as you noted, the last congress put it up for a vote, the house of representatives passed it, and the Senate Democrats filibustered it. We got three votes in the senate the last time around. Y i hope and believe we will bring it up for a vote again, but this time we will have a president unlike barack obama, a president who supports kates law, supports a mandatory minimum sentence of at least five years in prison for aggravated felons who illegally reenter this country. Y. It was named as you know, it was named after kate steinle, who you shined the light on so powerfully, the terrible story where she was murdered by a career criminal, who kept coming into this country over and over and over again. Kate steinle should never have been killed. The laws made sense. Bill seven times. Ga this lowlevel drug dealer came back seven times after being deported six times. Why do you think, senator cruz, that barack obama, president obama, didnt get behind the law . Well, unfortunately, president obama and an awful lot of Congressional Democrats support illegal immigrants. Bill this is violence. This isnt illegal immigration. But they dont distinguish among them. So the Obama Administration repeatedly released violent criminal illegal aliens. They released rapists. Bill, i was down at the border at mcallen a couple years ago and i was visiting with border patrols and sheriffs and Law Enforcement and it was right after the president ial election. And the degree of relief of these men and women who risk their lives trying to keep this country safe, because in a border patrol, for eight years, they have had Political Leadership telling them, dont do your job, you will be punished for doing your job. And i think that changed onob january 20th. I think todays orders were an example of strong leadership from President Trump. Bill all right, now, congressman king, you are a hero, too, along with senator cruz, because you are driving this law in the house. It wont have any problem in the house, it is the senate where they are going to have to get al few democrats over, which i senator agree with senator cruz, it will happen. Joe manchin will come over, a few others will come over. Where is your bill, congressman king and senator cruzs bill and senator grassley is a hero, too, is it compatible, have you guys reconciled it . It is. We are reconciled on the language. It has happened before that senator cruz and i have matched up on legislation that just by, i will say proper instinct, rather than planning it. We came together on this in that fashion. The last Congress Retired it, i picked it up verbatim and introduced it into the congress. We are Gathering Signatures now. I didnt check the numbers, butr they are just growing and its early. I serve on the judiciary committee, it is natural for me to take it up. And it passed the congress 241179. And we have a president who is calling for it. So im confident it will pass the house and probably fairly early in this congress. Bill i was going to say, senator cruz, what is ther time frame on this . I hope sooner rather than later. Bill are we talking weeks, months . What are we talking . You know, that is going to be a decision for mitch mcconnell. I am certainly a pressing for te vote as soon as possible. We have got ten red state a democrats who are up for election in states in 2018 that donald trump carried. And i got to say, if you are a red state democrat, you cant be thrilled about the prospect of a voting in favor of letting in career criminals, especially when you have a president of the United States who is going to be shining of course bill just think about it. Think about it. You have got a violent, convicted criminal, convicted here in the United States, not in bolivia, all right, and you deport tm at our expense, ande he comes back, and you dont want to put him in jail for five years . What . Why . Its insane it is exactly right. But, you know, bill, the last congress, the head of the Immigration Enforcement unit under obama was testifying at the Senate Judiciary committee, and i asked her a simple question, i said, how many murderers, illegal aliens with homicide convictions, did dhs, did the Obama Administration, release this week. She said, i dont know. I asked, how many rapists . She said, i dont know. I said, how many people committed an aggravated assault and she said, i dont know. That is crazy, the answer should be zero, zero, zero. I hope and believe with this new president , with this new administration, they are not allowing violent criminals bill congressman king, i just hope the Democratic Party and the reps in the house wouldg join with the republicans. You know, just put up and say, look, enough of this madness. We are going to do the right thing. We are going to come together and pass kates law. And the steinle family at least would have that. Last word, congressman king. Jim and liz steinle deserve our prayers and they deserve the action of United States congress, the house and the senate. I know that when jim testified before the house judiciary committee, it was heartbreaking, and the courage that brought him to that congress to deliver that story of his daughter being shot in the back and dying in his arms. When i saw that happen in the news the first day, i sent out a tweet that said this will make you cry. Thinking of it even this many months past, that is what it does. We have got to step up and serve this. It is not 124 families or so that are grieving here. It is thousands of families altogether over the years. Bill and americans who are grieving with them. And i hope that Congress Hears that plea and answers us. Bill okay. All right, guys. You are doing great work and we really appreciate you coming on tonight. Uy next on the rundown, rivera and bolling will respond to the executive orders today on illegal immigration. Then a College Professor said the vicious, Hateful Campaign against President Trump should stop. Y the factor is coming right back. T z282uz zwtz y282uy ywty new girl, huh . Yeah, im i couldnt help but notice you checking out my name your price tool. Yeah, this bad boy gives you Coverage Options based on your budget. Oh oh, not so fast, tadpole. You have to learn to swim first. Claire, heres your name your price tool. Oh, thanks, flo. Mmhmm. Jamie, dont forget to clean the fridge when youre done. She seems nice. She seems nice. [ door closes ] shes actually pretty nice. Oh. Yeah. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Bill continuing now, to the lead story, President Trump signing two tough executive orders on illegal immigration. Here in new york city, you both support kates law, right . I have no problem, generally speaking, with mandatory minimums. My objection is that when you conflate the murder epidemic in chicago with what happened to kate steinle, that is, its young black men killing young black men, that is ck bill but this bill has the undocumented immigrants get all the garbage thrown on them. And they are portrayed as this violent population when they are not. Bill if you were a senator, would you vote for kates law, yes or no . It would be i would have to say no. Ld i will tell you why. Av bill why . I mean, its brutal. If you would not vote during the crack epidemic, we passed mandatory minimums for people who used crack as opposed to powder cocaine. What we ended up doing was decimating the minority population and filling the federal prisons. Bill boy, i will tell you what. This guy should have been in jail though. S this is not bill he should have been in a federal prison. Doing 30. s hes a seventime offender. He should have been in jail. Bill if they had kates law, he would have been. Lets go to sanctuary cities. All right . Executive order signed. No specificity on what funds will be denied, San Francisco and other places. And you are going to have to get congress involved because they have the purse strings. What do you think . Well, maybe you have to get involved because there are ways to hold back. Look, there are funds that are sent to cities, states and cities, for protection, for border protection, to assist the removal of illegals from their cities and municipalities. They can pull some of that back if they choose. But there are other funds that they can pull back as well. They dont have to cut off there is Law Enforcement bill you think the cities and counties that are doing that are going to get punished and punished fast. I think trump was the first one who is going to step up and do it. Even prior to that, it has basically been, look away, yeah. Not only do i think that this will start a tidal wave of lawsuits, every jurisdiction of the 300 u. S. Cities, there is a reason 300 u. S. Cities are sanctuary cities. Er a federal judge in chicago, and i have told this to bolling before, has said the federal detainer in other words, what is wrong with sanchez, the killer of kate . W the problem is, they didnt send an arrest warrant to the sheriff of San Francisco. They sent to it to the detainer. The federal judge in chicago said that detainers are illegal. Why . A because the federal government cannot order a local jurisdiction to enforce immigration. Bill sessions is going to get in there and be tougher than trump on sanctuary cities. My question is you, not whether it is right or wrong, do you think of the funds are going to be withheld from these places . I think im a legallyes speaking, there are two Supreme Court decisions. Legally speaking, as eric alludes to, the only funds you can withhold in other words, you cant withhold highway fundf or school funds for a city like this, gets billions of dollars. You can withhold federal grants to Law Enforcement because arguably, this is about Law Enforcement. But they need that. Of course they need that. Bill we both agree, at least something needs to be done. But in some places like california, jerry brown, the governor, has already said we are going to litigatee everything. On the second front, the wall. I support the wall, not because i think it is going to stop people. It will. Bill it will cut them back. But drugs. It is going to make it much harder for the cartels to get heavyweight drugs into the United States. And therefore, it is worthy for that reason. Bolling. I agree with you 100 . I know geraldo will push back. I have seen him in drug tunnels looking for el chapo before. Heres the point. You put a barrier up, you make it more difficult. Ou just by law of physics, you will restrict some of it. Not all of it. But a percentage of it and the bigger the wall, the higher the wall, the deeper the wall, the more youll restrict. You say i have been in el chapos tunnels. It is not going to stop the pros. Its gonna stop juan and maria. The avocado pickers. Okay, geraldo. Bill it will make it harder. Im going to shock you. I am withdrawing my opposition to the wall. Bill oh listen, elections have consequences, this was his signature issue, and if the people want the wall, it is a waste of money can i make a point . We almost walked outside on a show once over the wall. We can pick it up right now. Bill geraldo is down with the wall now. I think you should have a peaceful wall sponsor. Wall, sponsored by geraldo. You could have your picture there. A billiondollar wall and a 25 billion ladder and the ladder will triumph. Bill well see. The guy cant carry over a ton of drugs on a ladder. Wouldnt you rather bridges, tunnels, public schools, highways . Bill we tried everything we could and it hasnt worked. So lets try this. Gentlemen, thank you very much. We appreciate it. Directly ahead, no question, there is a movement to delegitimize the trump presidency. Now one College Professor says that is wrong. Also, Mary Tyler Moore has died. We will salute her incredible career. How old are you . 30. No hedging. Now, how old do i look . Why hedge . How old do i look . Ld [laughter] 30. [laughter] bill upcoming. Im a tinkerer. Momomomom i mess around in the garage. I want to pay more to file my taxes. I want my tax software to charge me at the last second. Paying 60 to file my taxes was the highlight of my day. And you just saw footage of me flipping burgers. Want to charge me extra to itemize my deductions . No problem. I literally have too much money. Said no one ever. File for free with credit karma tax. Free to start, free to finish. Creditkarma. Com tax. A big tax Company Needs that 50 way more than me. Bill impact segment tonight, giving President Trump a fair hearing. As you know, some on the left are not doing that, claiming his presidency is illegitimate. Joining us now from washington, Jonathan Turley teaches law at George Washington university. You have been critical of the delegitimizers. Why . Well, i think that there ishi an effort, a concerted effort to create political mythology to suggest that President Trump is some type of pretender in office. And i think it is a dangerous thing. My house was filled with friends and family that came to protest the inauguration and i didnt join them, nor did my kids. cause i taught them that the k fourth of july is an important holiday but it was basically a declaration to a foreign leader. The Inauguration Day is far more important. That is where we keep a promiseo to each other. That even when we are divisive, even when we are hateful in elections, we come together on that day every four years and we affirm what is really a leap of faith under our system. And to see all of those members of congress boycotting this inauguration, i thought was shameful. Bill what do you think is driving ive named it now the trump derangement syndrome. What is driving that . [laughs] well, i think part of it is that there are a lot of folks in this town that want to redirect a lot of this anger. You know, the democrats helped bring about this election is much as donald trump did. They didnt look at polls that said that people wanted an antiestablishment figure. They didnt look at polls showing that Hillary Clinton had record negatives. N they pushed through her like she was the anointed candidate for the Democratic Party. They steamrolled sanders. E the results should not surprise many people. But there are a lot of folks that want to suggest, look, it wasnt us. It wasnt our message, it wasnt our choices. Much of that same leadership is still in place. Instead they want to suggest that somehow he stole thee election or that putin gave him the office, which is, of course, ridiculous. E bill those are all devices to generate a real hatred of donald trump. So he evokes this powerful support for his people who lovee him, okay, but also, this hatred for people who loathe him. And i am wondering, what drives the loathing . E is it any one thing . Is it his personality . Is it a stance on an issue . What you think it is . I think that is what is so dangerous about this. There is this disconnect from reality as people create this mythology of just total hate. You know, i had one relative at my house who was talking about trump supporters, very negative comments. I said, you know, there are very nice trump supporters. About 47 of people voted for him. You do realize that there are lots of nice trump supporters. And she wouldnt accept that. I think that is part of this mythology. Bill why wouldnt she accept it though . You are a logical man. She wouldnt accept that 47 of the voting public isnt evil . She wouldnt accept that . Thats irrational. I think that there is this rhetoric that is pushing everyone to extremes on both sides. It is dangerous for a government like ours. We have to get along. We have problems to solve. Sometimes, when you have a bigig change, like the trump administration, it can bring positive things. You can relook at issues. If trump is willing to work with congress, we can come up with some innovative solutions. Bill well, if he is successful, that is going to make the haters hate them even more. You know that. I dont think you will win over a certain segment of the population. What can trump do himself, from your vantage point, to try to assuage some of this anger toward him . Is there anything he can do . In some ways, he benefits. I always tell my wife that the success of our marriage is due to the fact that i lowered her expectations so much that i surpass them every day. Trump may have that advantage. The expectations are so low. He if he does anything but a Nuclear Strike in the first three weeks, a lot of predictions will be wrong. I think that he could show that it is possible to come up with new ideas. I thought it was interestingt when he talked about inner cities and said, you know, i know that these are democratic strongholds. But it hasnt really worked out. Bill no, it hasnt. If he sends the troops into chicago, by the troops, i mean federal agents and federal attorneys, that may go a long way in showing people that he does care about it. Also i think he needs to look at more innovative solutions, new ways of looking at those problems. Bill he is certainly taking a lot of action. I dont how innovative it is. It is certainly definite. Professor, we appreciate your point of view. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. Lou dobbs as to whether, as supporter of trump, he can cover the president fairly. Martha maccallum on the latest of the Bowe Bergdahl desertion trial. We hope you stay with us for the latest details. My bladder wake me up from my sweet dreams . Thanks to tena, not tonight only tena overnight underwear. With its secure barrier system gives you. Triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you wion your certified preowned mercedesbenz, you can drive as far as you want for up to three years and be covered. So no matter where you go, your peace of mind and confidence will be as unlimited. As your mileage. Visit the certified preowned sales event, now through february 28th. And learn more about our unlimited mileage warranty, only at your authorized dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Im 51 years old. M. When i was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. She just started to decline rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd have waited two more days, you wouldve died. If id have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. Bill personal story segment tonight. As has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, there are a number of americans who will never approve of donald trump, no matter what he does. What about the opposite situation . What about americans who support him no matter what . Here now, Fox Business Network star lou dobbs, who is in that category. At least, so far. So far, so good. Bill you are an unabashed supporter of donald trump. Correct . Without question. Without reservation. Bill so if he screws up, you, lou dobbs, going to comment . , what are you going to do . Well, lets look at the reality. Five days in, he has had an historic performance. He is fulfilling in that time, he has fulfilled more Campaign Promises than barack obama in eight years. Look at what has happened with george w. Bush. This is a president who is historic in his energy, his animation, and his commitment to his promises to the american people. T bill you cant argue with any of that. He comes in like a tornado, he has done what he told hisis supporters he would do, at least partially, and you expect him to continue on that. Exactly. Bill all right. But what if all of these things dont work . Let me give you an example. You are an economic genius, or so your staff tells me. So he pulls us out of a trade agreement in asia, right . Now, the folks dont know whether this is going towh help their lives are not. I dont even know. Its a crapshoot. Can i help you . Bill no. Because we dont know yet. [laughs]] bill we dont know yet. But a year from now, we probably will know a little bit more. And lets say it wasnt a good deal. Lets say china and america aree in a trade war. That is not helping either side. Are you, lou dobbs, flag pin and all, going to criticize donald trump . Or is your rooting interest too intense . My track record first. I have been blackballed by two consecutive administrations. First george w. Bush, than barack obama. Bill why . Because i insisted that you name the enemy. Call the enemy radical islamists. Bill that was obama. No, that was 2002. It was bush. Number two, why was i blackballed by the Obama Administration . Because i called him on his immigration policies, his Border Security policies, as well as the fight against terrorists. Bill so those two guys. Now, so much emotion invested in trump, if you have that, can you, if it doesnt work, say it hasnt worked . Absolutely. I do it every day and have done in almost every day of myk, career. Bill when was the last timeh you criticized trump . The last time i criticized trump . Early on, at one point, i thought he had exceeded himself in terms of some of his conduct. And i said so on the air. One time. Bill can you give me anof example . No, i cant recall what the example was. You are pressing me. Bill look, i am not disparaging you. You are. But its okay. Bill no, im not. If you, in your heart, believe that he is the best leader for this country i know it rationally,el objectively, as well as in my heart. I bill i dont have any problem with that. L. Any problem at all. But if it doesnt work, he is a bold guy he is a bold guy. And i am milquetoast. I would never, ever suggest that power is making a mistake. Let me say on the trade deal. St weve got 40 years of consecutive trade deficits in this country. Every one of those reduces Economic Growth for this country, reduces jobs. Ry more money is going out than is coming in. It is time to change that. We know that about socalled free trade. Secondly, you cannot name one freetrade deal, quoteunquote, that is free trade. That is not impaired by some sort of tariff or tax on those goods in those reciprocal agreements. Bill you know what, i tend to agree with this. In terms of National Security bill i tend to agree that all the stuff that we havena doe in the past visavis trade with foreign nations doesnt really help the folks. It doesnt help the middle class, which has been shrinking for 30 years. Precisely. Who is the one who has attacked the orthodoxies, the establishment . Bill ru me. Donald trump. Donald trump and bill oreilly. Bill lou dobbs, everybody, there he is. When we come back, it is talking points. The dman has some thoughts on the super bowl, including lady gaga on the field to play. And Mary Tyler Moore passes. We will have a salute to her in just a moment. Why is there neverite, enough of it . A john deere 1 family tractor with quikpark lets you attach and go. 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In the miller time segment, on sunday, february 5th, the Atlanta Falcons will play the new England Patriots at houston for the super bowl trophy and a load of cash. Two hours before game time, i will interview donald trump at the white house. It will be a big day. Joining us now from santa barbara, the sage of southern california, dennis miller. M you like the matchup, falconspatriots . Yeah, first off, billy, i had lunch with my dear friend nipper von wiesenberger today. He told me a great super bowl w joke. Can i tell it to you . Bill i hope so. What is the difference between Chuck Schumer and tom brady . Bill uhoh. What . Tom brady is a patriot and a winner. Bill [laughs] all right. Bill nipper wrote that. Nipper von wiesenberger. A local hawaiian kid. I heard today announced, the only thing about the super bowl so far, at halftime, they have now added ashley judd to recreate that poem of hers because he wants to show what will get you placed in the nfl protocol for concussions. So they will show ashley judd out there with the poem. That will show you what they are looking for in the way of being dinged. Also i had another thought the other day when i was watching the womans march. I think madonna is onto something with that hat, whatever they call the hat. That looked like a very safe helmet thing. You can fill those up with clay, billy, those two little prongs there, and the Football Players could run into each other. It would cushion the blow. You could call them cuddy hats. Now, listen, as far as the game itself, bill belichick, you give him two weeks to prepare, it is like giving two weeks to einstein to get ready for celebrity jeopardy. I think atlanta is a great team. But i just this is how good the patriots and brady are. I cant imagine them not winning. They very well could lose. But i cant imagine it now. That is how good they are. Bill the only way they could lose, the patriots could lose, is if somehow the balls get underinflated. And then they are like you cant even throw them at all and they have to run the ball every play. That is the only way. Billy, we dont live in thaty time anymore. Things are happening like this, the balls are overinflated. Listen, sometimes, its the teams time. I will go with brady. Im unless, and i put this in as a caveat, unless pooty putin hacks the scoreboard. Putin is all over this. He wants to get in there and hack the scoreboard. You never know. And ruin the count. But say this about brady, he is two eli manning passes, a miracle pass, and the manning pass, which was as beautiful as it gets, like a ben hogan 7 iron or something. Bill hes the best quarterback in the history of the league, tomm brady. Have to say so. Bill i will tell you why, matt ryan, he is a fantastic quarterback. This guy, he is fantastic. I think it is going to be a great game. But i just cant imagine they just told matt ryan he has to face brady. That is the reaction right there. Bill lady gaga is picking the Seattle Seahawks to win again. Billy, now that you bring up gaga again, maybe Tony Bennetts toupee could be a good safety helmet. Would that be something that could cushion the blow . What were they called, the tribbles on star trek, the episode when the furballs took over the t ship. Bill i dont believe tony bennett has a toupee. No, me neither. Of course not. That is solid hair. It has been solid and shatner too. No one has a toupee. We are fair and balanced here. Bill we give the benefit of the doubt. Dennis miller, everybody. Martha maccallum on deck. We will have an update on the Bowe Bergdahl desertion trial. Also, will those violent protesters in d. C. Actually be punished . Martha, moments away. Ir car insurance. Any questions . Yeah. How do you go to the bathroom . Great. Any insurancerelated questions . Mmhmm. Do you have a girlfriend . Uh, im actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly 600 when they switch, so. Wheres your belly button . [ sighs ] ive got to start booking better gigs. Coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the only brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. I think we could finally get youra bigger place. Yeah, let me check my score too. Try credit karma. Its free. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. And theyre absolutely right. They say that its hot. When really, its scorching. And while some may say the desert is desolate. We prefer secluded. What is the desert . Its absolutely what you need right now. Absolutely scottsdale. Bill back of the book segment, did you see that . Two hot topics, beginning with the 230 protesters arrested o on Inauguration Day. [sirens wailing] here now to explain what may happen to them, martha maccallum, the anchor of the the first 100 days, seen immediately before the factor. So the d. C. Authorities talked tough after they arrested theaf 230. Any of them going to get punished, do you think . 217 were arrested on charges of riot felony felony rioting, which is more than five people involvedwh and more than 100,000 damaged. That is what they did more than 20,000. Their damage was over 100,000, starbucks window, two banks, they set a limousine on fire, rode on the side of it, that thing was blazing up and down the street. They caused a lot of damage, bill, they will appear in court. Many have them already. They have a court date for most of them that will be in february. A they were released on their own recognizance. Many of them pleaded not guilty. But they will get their date in court in february. Bill but i dont know, thesg kinds of things always start out, yeah, we are going to getry them. Then they plea bargain down, a lot of them not going to show up. If you are released on your own recognizance, a lot of people dont live in washington. I mean, they are back, theyre not going to show. Yeah, there will be warrants for their arrests. But right now, all 217 there were 230 arrested, but i guess 13 they let go or something . All are still charged with felonies . They are all charged with felonies at this point. Bill we want you to track to see how many of the 212 actually get punished. You kwow, it is just, this stuff doesnt even happen. Under these charges, they could have to pay 25,000 in fines and up to 25 years in jail. The penalty, the potential penalties are steep. Some people say they got swept up in the group unjustly. In some cases, that may be true. But there is a lot of video of these people. A lot of their faces were covered. So we will see if they can nail them down. Bill its against the d. C. Law too. Youre not allowed to have your. Face covered in washington. Thats right. Bill you are charged for that. All right, President Trump on the campaign trail made some comments about Bowe Bergdahl. Roll it. We have guys like bergdahl who get caught i mean, he left. He was a deserter. He was a deserter. He was a dirty, rotten deserter. And we knew he deserted when we made the deal. Now, why would you make a deal for a deserter . What would we do with Sergeant Bergdahl 50 years ago . Thats right. Boom. Boom. Bill all right, so now his attorney is doing what . The attorneys put together a 28minute tape, strung together all of these instances where donald trump called out Bowe Bergdahl, called him a traitor. You saw the rest on that tape. Now they are saying that because he is a commander in chief, he has something called unlawful command influence, meaning that in a military court, he willet basically taint the jury. That they will all say, whether they voted for donald trump or not, that they are under his command and that they will be swayed by his opinion about this case. Bill they want the casend dismissed. They want the case dismissed. Bill based on se but he didnt say those things while he was commander in chief. That is gonna be histh argument. Is he will say that he said those things before president , hasnt said them since. Perhaps if he made some new remarks that said that he wants everyone to be fair and just, perhaps they would be clear. Bill what is the next hearing in this trial . Ex april at fort bragg is the next appearance for Bowe Bergdahl. As you said, trying toed get pardoned by former president obama. Bill that didnt work. That didnt work. He will face these charges. He has a desk job right now, he is not under arrest right now. Bill is he in North Carolina too . So he is still in the army, a sergeant. A clerk. Bill hes got his uniform every day, living and meals. In april, this thing has been going on forever. I mean, its amazing how long it has been going on. Lets have the trial, lets find out what is going on. We are not going to convict hims here, but we should have the trial. Martha maccallum, everybody. Thanks for leading into me with your fine show. I appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Bill the factor tip of the day, Mary Tyler Moore passes and we will have a al interview, as well. As the factor continues all across the usa and all around the world. All aroununununun like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. If you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. 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Well, some women believe republicans want to reduce abortion so that becomes a rights issue. Tough with your belief system . W that is your right. Well, maybe we should all see what he does. Does that sound logical and fair . Quite a stat. There is no question about it. Because it is mostly impoverished black people being killed, the political establishment, mostly democrats in chicago but a republican governor in illinois, doesntpl engage. Nor does black lives matter. Not everybody, dave, not everybody. But unfettered abortion in those precincts, they notice Hillary Clinton succumbed to it. What do you think . Do we need to take a poll on this . No, we dont. Old school life in the sane lane out march 28th. Ruler and all. Same thing in china and korea. It was a brutal time. Finally tonight, the tip of the day. She was 80 years old, Mary Tyler Moore passed away. Direct cause of death not yet known. As i said before on the factor, miss moore was an extraordinary presence. Tell us what happened. Its hard to tell where to start. Start from the beginning. Well, i got there and they asked me if who gave me the documents. I said i can tell them that. He asked me why i wouldnt tell. I said that as a news man i felt i couldnt reveal a source. Ld whatd the judge say . He was a very nice man. He said he respected my opinion and if you had a daughter, he would like her to be just like me. Did he say anything else . Yeah, he said if i didnt change my mind by monday, he is sending me to jail. Oh, mary, honey. Can i ask you a question . Did anyone say any thing about my mileage . Did you keep in touch with Mary Tyler Moore . Not in the past couple years, shes been very sick and not in l. A. , where i am based. And i dont get to new york. You get along with her pretty well though . That whole cast. She was a great start. The most generous star you could ever be with. Bill thats what everyone said. Mary tyler moore, a true american icon. We hope she is long remembered. Factor tip of thean day. That is it for us tonight. Please check out the fox news factor web site, different from billoreilly. Com. Also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. If you wish to opine, name and town. Word of the day, we want you to be pertinacious. You want a positive word . We would like you to be pertinacious. President obama is giving an interview to abc news and we will analyze that interview whether it was fair, whether mr. Trump is that president obama, whether President Trump was fair with abc news. President obama is out there putting somewhere. I am bill oreilly, please remember that the spin stops right here. We will definitely be looking out for you. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. President trump announced an inauguration crackdown. But is it enough . Someone says hes already betraying his promises Campaign Promises. One of obamacares chief architects is going to join us to discuss its decline and fall and to defend but first, a wall street journal report reveals that the tenacious but unverified 35 page dossier published by buzzfeed news. It had been coopted by russian intelligence and hardly proves the documents liability to have its claims come from a businessman instead of intelligent sources. H

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