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Despite max mall intervention, we learned today that he passed away. Also ahead the Liberian National who came to the u. S. A. With ebola has died in texas. The question tonight, are americans being told the real story about this disease . Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Hi, im bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. The fallout from my interview with leon pa net attachment that is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. Predictably the former defense secretary is being attacked by some folks upset that president obama is being criticized. Instead of debating what mr. Panetta is saying. They are questioning his motives. Panetta is out there trashing the president on the decisions he has made. Shouldnt period of loyalty until the election is decided. There is nothing wrong to criticize the president. While the president is still in office thats low and a real blemish on leon panettas record of service. Bill oreilly gave half of his show to leon pa net he that tonight hoping to it emphasize a rift between the president and his former advisor. For the record the nbc zealots are failing in the marketplace. Their ratings always terrible getting worse. They have now fallen behind cnn thats because you cannot get an honest assessment from that operation which is in business solely to promote liberal causes. That being said, its not only the left that is criticizing mr. Panetta. He was there to hammer obama. He is a clinton flunky. Right. Former chief of staff. And a that that that nip manipulative not only leon panetta thats troubled by americas receding power in the world. All the polls say every day americans are concerned as well and have little confidence that barack obama can protect them in an effective way. Thats the crux of this matter. Protecting you. There is no way on this earth that isis savages should be terrorizing the middle east and threatening the entire world. Those thugs should have been dealt with a long time ago. The fact that they are allowed to run wild is disturbing in the extreme. And its not just Barack Obamas fault. Were living in a cowardly world where villains know they can commit atrocities, violate International Law and general did i do whatever they want without lawful nations confronting them. The fact that turkey is allowing isis to murder civilians on their border says it all. The turks should be ashamed. Add to that, the lack of american leadership. That is where president obama takes a big hit. It is up to him to rally the world against evil. We are the super power. We are the nation that stands for freedom and justice. But from the very beginning, president obama did not want that responsibility. He wanted america to be one of many nations. He wanted to see consensus about how to deal with difficult problems. While the be a vocation of leadership is not working. Our world is becoming more chaotic by the day. For my money, leon panetta is doing theright and. Putting msnbc aside, the other National Liberal media, kind of silent on the panetta interview. And i think that they dont know exactly what to do here because panetta does have credibility. I think many of these outlets are talking about their own interviews. Panetta has been everywhere this side of nickelodeon. I think the real story here, bill, the Mainstream Media embracing the panetta argument. You have the column today saying that president obama should listen to panetta he has a lot of street credit going back to days in he is a hard news. Im talking about the ideological press. And you say well, yeah, mr. panetta has been on the other networks. Come on. Did you see those interviews . He has talked to the new york times. Did you he soot interviews . I did. I mean, it was grim. You were very effective, i thought at drawing out the details of what happened behind the scenes with the president. I thought you were less effective when you were debating him and trying to get him to agree with notion that the president doesnt have the stomach for the fight. The president doesnt recognize the danger. The mistake that you always make, kirtz, is that you dont probe deep enough for the why. The why of it has been established. Does he not have courage . Is he a frightened individual . Is he incompetent individual . I wasnt debating. I was throwing it out to get the reaction. Now, mr. Graham, you saw the interview, and you also saw the reaction to it in the National Press because thats what you do, you monitor these people. Whats your assessment . Well, you are right that it wasnt exactly on top of all the newscasts this morning. This is a devastating interview for obama. I think thats one of the reasons why they dont want to Pay Attention to it howard may be right that they are trying to say would rather Pay Attention to our own interviews. When panetta first gave an interview to 60 minutes the other two networks ignored it they just dont like it. What they could have expected from you was oh leon panetta darling to the republicans. Softball interview on fox. That is not at all what he got. There is a difference between facts. And we think we got a lot of facts, mr. Graham, about president obamas style, all right . So, leon panetta to clearly both of you know didnt want to assassinate barack obama he was taking no delight in this interview. But the fact of the matter is in mr. Panettas opinionenned i believe mr. Gates opinion the defense secretary before him and secretary clintons opinion although she hasnt stated it yet barack obama is a weak leader particularly overseas. Wife is he a weak leader . He has all the resources of the u. S. A. What is it about him . Thats where we went with it. Surely the Mainstream Media doesnt want to ask ask those questions. Forget about the answers, they dont want to ask it . Its especially upsetting again that you had this nice section on benghazi which is questions that most of the National Press just cant manage to find the question. They dont care about it. I think that actually panettas answers on that were really weak. Nobody in america really believes that Hillary Clinton didnt know what was going on and its lame to try to suggest that Hillary Clinton, well, gee, how is it a good answer that she was too stupid to know what was going on in benghazi . I dont know if it was stupid. It was that she is at a certain level and maybe these cables asking for more security didnt get when she runs for president she will have to answer those questions. Go ahead. I am going to disagree. I think ever since barack obama pulled back from syria a year ago the press has been asking these questions. Dont you think it is bill fair to say i raised these questions with paul oneil and Scott Mcclelland wrote antibush books that if leon panetta feels so strongly about the. Why did you wait he has a book contract to go public . He was basically serving and trying to convince the president to go another way. I mean, thats an easy answer for panetta. Look, im there and im trying to get him to do whats best for america. Where am i more effective back in monterrey, california or trying to get him whats due. The why of this is what interests me. Not the what. We know the what. Not even the msnbc people can defend the with a anymore. Isis is out of control. They are killing innocent people every day. We could have stopped it. We didnt stop it why didnt we stop it . That is the crux of the matter. Certainly not true that we didnt try to stop it. We didnt try at all to stop it of them agree. Do you really believe that barack obama is failing. On foreign policy, dime. Do you believe that . They dont want us to go to war for any reason at any time. Thats the move on. Org base that elected barack obama. So you disagree with that . You think that the mainstream leftwing media knows he has failed. You, mr. Graham say failed they are try ttion not talk about it when you bring oneil. Came out against bush they loved him. They couldnt get enough of that this. Last question, certainly the bush failures were highlighted by the National Media more than the obama failure. I think thats starting to be less true now that were at war. Next on the rundown, how does the white house feel about leon panettas public statements . Ed henry will be here. The ebola controversy at an nfl game. [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. And now telcos using hp Big Data Solutions are feeling the love, too. By offering things like onthespot data upgrades an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98 . No matter how fast your Business Needs to adapt, if hp Big Data Solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. Make it matter. Its made only from prunes, nothing else. 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And was saying specifically on isis that the president needs to, quote, develop the will to fight and get into the ring and make it happen and went on to say that he thinks too often the president approaches these kinds of things like a law professor. Ed, i think the success we have had in a month or so in building a coalition around the world under the leadership of the president of the United States to take the fight to isil is an indication of the kind of leadership and influence that the president continues to have around the globe. Joining us from washington ed henry 60 nation doesnt seem to be helping under siege right now by sis sis just so much bull. He would include in that 60 turkey which has tanks and troops on the border with syria. Not doing anything because president in part is upset because Vice President biden last week called him out and said he was supporting terrorists. Thats one reason. Another reason is that he wants to go after assad. Is he not so worried about isis. He realizes its a problem but wants to go after the bigger fish and is upset that the the president pulled back from air strikes against assad over a year ago. So, look, the coalition they are touting would include turkey which they have made a big deal how their parliament has approved action but they havent done anything, bill. In your opinion, you may know, you may have some inside baseball on this for us. Does barack obama care what leon panetta says about him . No. Clearly doesnt from talking to some the president s top advisories over at the pentagon today when the president was sitting down with some of the war planners, they wanted to tell them that the strategy is not, you know, its slowing isis down but is not moving towards destroying them and they see a shift . Strategy. The president wants to stay the course. Thats happening in realtime. Look in the i pressed josh earnest are you going to reflect on this. Josh earnst basically said no. We are constantly looking at things the president is adjusting. Its quite clear he has inner circle of advisors. Someone like leon panetta is advisor. Is he long gone and the president is unlikely to change course. Its unlikely that with the polling numbers and American People polls the cant campaign for anybody. Can you raise money for it but we dont want to see you. That governor of illinois. There is always an exception. Making a point. Its amazing to me that the president and his staff dont realize that their policies are not working and would be looking for maybe a different way to go. It looks to me like they are going to ride out the next two years and say, you know, if it doesnt work, it doesnt work, we will see you later. Two things, one is that its clear from your interview with leon panetta he is saying number one that the president as a law professor just thinks that his had ideas are better push back, is he going to disregard the opposition number one. Number two, its also clear its not just about policies. What leon panetta is saying from the inside. The inner most sang tough cia chief and defense secretary at the time of war. Involved in the bin laden raid, all of that is saying this is a president who has leadership problems that goes beyond. Its not just about the policies, bill. Its his whole approach. Dan bowls, very straight hour reporter for the the Washington Post did a story about leon panettas book. Saying this is not an act of dishonesty and disloyalty. He says its an act of public service. Putting up flares to tell the president to change course. The white house is not going to. Kirtz kurtz referenced that it might be too late for the National Media to get on this deal because as i said, isis should have been dealt with a year and a half ago. And if we didnt know that they were a threat. Then our Security Apparatus is in big big trouble. Ed henry, everybody. Directly ahead. The ebola patient in dallas has died. The question are we being told the truth about this terrible disease . And then megyn kelly on gay marriage chaos. New ruling today is not good news for the homosexual lobby. Those reports Insurance Companies are spending millions of dollars trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. Well heres the truth 46 will save lives. It will save money too. Im bob pack, and im fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i dont want anyone else to lose theirs. The three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. Save money and save lives. Yes on 46. Factor follow up segment tent. Thomas eric duncan has died from ebola in dallas, texas. You remember he came to the u. S. From liberia last month traveling through belgium. Once here he developed ebola symptoms which caused panic because he had a number of interactions with americans. We were supposed to have an expert from the National Institutes of health on this evening but he cancelled. Also centers from Disease Control and prevention have not been cooperative with the factor it. Of course they should be seeking air time on the most watched tv program in the world. With us now is the director of the center for infection and immunity at columbia university. We have a new situation developing right now in dallas where a Deputy Sheriff that did enter the room of the deceased man in clean up and investigation is now under observation in dallas for possible ebola. I want to bring everybody up to speed. They dont know for sure. His name is Sergeant Michael monning. I dont think we being told the whole truth about this. I will refer to the cameraman being treated in nebraska who has ebola and was in liberia and they flew him back for trask. He contracted the disease by washing a car wherein a guy died in the car. Number one cameraman doesnt wash cars. How you can get ebola from wash ago car. Got a hose and hosing it down, right . I dont know how he washed down this car. For all i know he wiped down this car. So there is a lot of information thats missing. But its true that you can catch ebola by touching things that people have touched who have ebola. All right. So if mr. Mukpo was dumb enough and i say that with all due respect to reach into a car where somebody died and fluid in it he will get the disease. I dont think that is what happened. Shouldnt we know . He has been in the country for a week. Shouldnt we know how mr. Mukpo contracted this disease . The people of america should know that should they not . I agree that they should. And we dont know because the centers for Disease Control are too busy pring this and not telling the truth. Lets go to madrid spain, a nurse who treated a missionary priest who came back from liberia and died in madrid. The hospital says she only entered the room twice in protective gear head to toe. She has ebola. She went on vacation with her husband and was in contact with hundreds of people. How can you can get ebola when you are head to toe with hundreds of stuff. First of all we dont know she was head to toe. Thats what the hospital says. We dont know if she was wearing the appropriate head to toe gear. Shouldnt we know he . Yes i agree we should know. Im sure that people are trying to sort this out o. You raise the issue about us not being transparent in terms of what we are being told by the cdc or National Institute of health and others. Im not certain that thats true. I dont know that they actually know more than they are telling us. Then say it. Then say it. But there is no reason mr. Muckpos whole story shouldnt be public right now and it isnt. But dont we get the story from mukpo . Why not . He is cognizant. His parents are talking. We dont have the story. There is look, i have been doing this now for almost 40 years. There is something wrong here, doc. I know your expertise ask in medicine. My expertise is in information. There is something going on here by federal authorities. There are certain facts we know for certain. We know who has ebola and who doesnt have ebola. We know to some extent who they came into contact with or what they came into contact with. It might have been responsible for their becoming infected with this virus. The details of what they were wearing or what they werent wearing, we dont have. But we should have that. The hospital has to know how this nurse in madrid conducted herself in this situation. But we have no control over whats going on in madrid. Thats true. But we do in nebraska. We should be able to figure out whats going on in nebraska. And we should be able to figure out whats going on in dallas. One more question, center for Disease Control has a Big Press Conference today where they say they oppose, all right, stopping flights from the african nations that are infected with ebola to the u. S. A. Because that would impede our helping the nations. Thats totally false. All i want to do is deny entry to anybody in west africa at this time, suspend entry. But charter flights over there, fine. If we are going to go for humanitarian, military flights, fine. But why should would he be admitting people from west africa into the United States . Why . Its very complicated. And i realize that that falls under the category of spin and you are the no spin zone. The fact is the best way for us to protect the American People is to keep that disease over there. And to get it under control. If it gets further out into africa, we will not be able to control because our borders are porous. That doesnt have anything to do with people coming here from west africa. I agree with everything you said. They dont need to come here now. Yes, i understand what you are saying. But we have people who come here indirectly as well. Anybody with a pass poured from that area doesnt get in. People who come back from liberia or from guinea. Special place. Who have special passports. If they go there on humanitarian, they come back on a special controlled situation. Hey, doc, we appreciate you coming. In thank you very much. My pleasure. We have a brand new bill oreilly. Com poll question for you. Do you believe the federal government is doing enough to protect americans from ebola, yes or no do you believe the feds are doing enough to protect us from ebola, yes or no. Megyn kelly on the Supreme Court causing chaos with gay marriage. She wills at the us whats going on. Then miller on my interview with that panetta and ebola controversy within the nfl. We hope you stay tuned to those reports. Man i know the name of eight princesses. Im on expert on softball. 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With models up to 62 horsepower or 1,400pound payload. Go tough. Go strong. Go gator. Go strong. Because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup because i make the best chicken noodle soup for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson® kelly file segment tonight, the Supreme Court refused to here gay marriage lawsuit filed by five states who do not want homosexual nuptials. Today Anthony Kennedy blocked a federal courts appeal ruling that would have legalized gay marriage in idaho chaos . You bet. Megyn kelly used to cover the court. Explain to me so anybody watching can understand it. Here is the bottom line gay marriage is coming to a a state near you. What happened on monday was states that had bans on gay marriage and had lost in the courts were asking the Supreme Court please review the Lower Court Ruling that said we cant have these bans and the Supreme Court said no. So, the lower court. Was it a vote on that. Declined. So we dont know what the vote was. Correct. They said those decisions throwing out your bans on gay marriage will stand. That opens the flood gates for all the states that are within these circuits though have their bans thrown out as well. Those decisions were made by individual federal judges, not the folks. Correct. I think the numbers are Something Like 23 of these states where gay marriage is going to be or about to be legalize dollars or legalized thanks to judicial rulings and 12 are thanks to voters. The Supreme Court wouldnt stop the pinheaded judges from imposing their will on the state. No question that the courts have overruled the will of the voters and the Supreme Court said fine by us. No you cant have gay marriage. Idaho similar thing they had a ban. Ninth circuit of appeals said no your ban is unconstitutional. Gays get married they tried to appeal to the high court. Those favoring traditional marriage. You would think given what happened on monday the Supreme Court would say go away. But instead Anthony Kennedy said not so fast. In idaho let the challenge play out a little further. We are going to let you idaho go to the ninth circuit the whole en banc ninth circuit. Ninth circuit. The Supreme Court review of this case what standard you use. Bottom line all of these judges believe that homosexual americans have a constitutional right to marry. If you deny them that, there you are gottenning their constitutional freedoms. If its not legal in your state its about to be. Its going to be for everybody. That trend is irreversible now. You are out in california with the swells. It was a conference, women we should be frightened of conference; is that it . You may choose to interpret it that way. Leave that between you and your guys. Was it a bunch of women what are you trying to impose your view on the world . Fortune magazine most powerful womens seeing nant. I didnt see cher there. Not cher but cheryl. Very important. Talk about how powerful you are. Is that what you do . Talk about how we bring you down and is it antimen . No. No. Its very nice. I have to say because for my fellow women out there. You go to most corporate conferences gore to your, you know, your firm to a corporate conference and its still mostly guys. Still mostly men. Men dont always have that experience. For women to get together and walk in a room and all powerful women, we didnt go golfing, we did yoga. I slept. In but the other women were doing yoga. The downside is you couldnt have a dance. What . Mixer. Sock hop. I read your husbands book the means. The whole book. Its about kelly. Force them to write this book about you . Is a you are the hero. You are the phantom, you are this . If anything, i think its about a child actor turned lawyer turned journalist, the second half is more me. Do you get a behind the scenes look at the media and what it is like to run a president ial campaign. Two guys running for president and a journalist that stumbled on the story. You are the journalist. There is shades of me. Gives you a behind the scenes look what it is like to be a journalist and what is like to work with other female journalists. The book is the means. I want everybody to understand its fiction. Listen, its a cross between primary colors and house of cards. If you like, this you will love. This huckabee says its information you cant get in the newspaper. If huckabee says that. And carville too. Else can bring huckabee, carville and oreilly today . Look at the most powerful woman in the world. You will see her at 9 00 eastern. When we come right back, miller time talk about the panetta interview last night and crazy ebola deal in the nfl. Miller is next. Want to know how hard it can be. To breathe with copd . It can feel like this. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. 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At mercedesbenz, we do things one way or we dont do them at all. Introducing the allnew cclass. The best or nothing. Thank you for being with us, im bill oreilly. In the miller time seeing many tonight. Get through the sage of Southern California joins us from santa barbara. So, do you think i was too tough on panetta last night, miller . No i thought it was collegial and informative. Panetta makes his living existing in the gap between the world as it is and the world as the guy who employs and wants to imagine it to be. So he is very good at that i guess it my take away after listening to leon talk is that obama is a very smart, very courageous individual and leon is anticipating the moment when obama begins to decide and act on all that brilliance and courage. I think thats my take away from it. Let me ask you this, though. You and i when we go on the road and talk about politics, we talk about show biz and talk about sports, we talk about a lot of things. But i can never get the fundamental i tried last night with panetta, i really tried. I think he knows but he just didnt say. If you have a guy thats so Supreme Court, barack obama, and he is harvard law, law review and obviously shrewd, gets himself to be president of the United States with really no experience, a senator from illinois, doesnt vote much. Doesnt introduce bills. Just, is he a very shrewd guy and he gets the highest job in the world all right, so, then he gets in there, and things start to go wrong. I mean, can you give him a pass for a few years with the economy and obamacare or whatever. Last two years as panetta rightly pointed out disaster. Just disaster the president doesnt see it that way. A guy who will never admit make a mistake. I asked him that did you ever hear him say he made a mistake he there was a pause and said yeah. I think he is the kind of guy never admit he made a mistake. Selfhe efacement. Lets put it that way. Barack obama, i think he understood the same thing that madonna did. That if people are going to pour their hopes and dreams into somebody is. Its best to make it an empty vessel because then there is a lot of room for them to project into. I dont think is he that brilliant of guy. I think is he a little meaner guy than one would say. I think is he in over his head. All i know is they hire guys like panetta to stand next to him, fair to midland guys. Higher guys like panetta like him and stand stare into eye and see greatness staring back at them. The president doesnt listen to his advisors. When you have guys like panetta and gates before him and the president doesnt listen, thats disturbing to me. Well, listen, arrogance one thing and hapless is another thing. Arrogant hapless. When you were a a kid you played on the swings, did i. The swings, the slayed, the monkey bars, all of, this right . Millions and millions. I swung. Right of passage. All right. Washington state, 7yearold girl stormy fell off the swings and died. And now they want to ban the swings. What do you say . Well, i think trying to manage the largely, if not completely unmanageable adventure that is life is a selfdefeating thing. Im sorry the little girl died. But, i dont know how you conflate that with getting rid are of swings. I think we are trying for perfection and im not sure we are going to get it right anymore most American School children are now so row fund they cant get into that swing anymore chirp enjoy from the playground. Make them safer, put astro turf, thats good. Dont have the concrete like i had had. A little pass grass in there. Ties into the president. As far as sis sick snuff to think we can fix all of that best realize life happens and get our lives around that. Jacksonville jaguars having a rough season. Mascot was taunt the pittsburgh steeler Terrible Towel crew with this song. Towls carry ebola, you say, miller . Im just shocked he spelled ebola right. Its not like you are in you know how slow in the switch you have to be to end up in a fur mask and a warm weather city for a living . Come on. The guy is a mascot in jacksonville. You know how much the same way that legionnaires disease started in the airconditioning groups of the Statler Hilton in philly . I think ebola was hatched inside a mascot head in a florida city everything comes full circle. The mascot had to apologize for casting aspersions on the Terrible Towel. Did he hold up the sign or take the head off and actually talk . Im sorry. He just threw his through his pr person issued apology. Mascots have pr. Everybody has one. We will see everybody in charlieston, West Virginia friday night october 24th for the bolder and fresher show. The next night the 25th. Only 20 tickets left there. Details on bill oreilly. Com. On deck, remember cartoon tom and jerry . Its racist . Did you know that . Back of the book segment tonight, the truth serum. We were hoping to have pbs correspondent miles obrien on the factor this week initially. He said he would come on. Apparently he has changed his mind. On sunday, mr. Obrien went on cnn and attacked Andrea Tantaros for saying this about ebola in africa. In these countries they do not believe in traditional, medical care. So someone could get off a flight and seek treatment from a witch doctor that practices. This is a bigger fear. We are hoping they come to the hospitals in the u. S. They might not. Its offensive on several levels. It reflects, frankly, a level of ignorance which we he should not allow in our media and in our discourse. Here now ace correspondents molly line and eric shawn. Whats the truth . Was andrea off base there. First of all miles obrien not a pinhead i went to college with him for years. What college. Georgetown. Do you know him. Yeah. He is is a good man. Good guy. Good journalist but in this case it goes to andrea because actually the facts are and one of the real tragedies of this disease is the belief in witchcraft in africa and the charities that go there admit that. They say they have been attacked. They have been blocked. Eight officials were killed in guinea. They are afraid because its either witchcraft or a curse. This the big guys in geneva, quote. Some believe ebola is caused by witchcraft. The canadian red cross say some believe its witchcraft or a curse. Dr. Mark, doctors without borders, that terrific Group Doctors who go there, he wases in guinea. He told the new york times, quote efforts to monitor it are grinding to it a halt. People appear to have more confidence in witch doctors and one more doctor in sierra leone and one more guy doctors without borders. There was a section of the population here who simply dont believe ebola is real. They think it is witchcraft. And so they dont come to. What andrea was saying any of these people could get on a plane, come to the United States and not feel very well, instead of going to a hospital or regular doctor seek out one of these because they are here in communities they have these doctors who do this kind of thing. Now, you said that obrien is a good guy. Come on, that was a personal attack on andrea. All right. And outrageous and should not be permitted like is he going to put himself up and say we what we he can say. I think is he a politically correct guy. That happens for pbs. Get that disease. Almost like ebola but you dont cough. You get that political correct disease when you work for pbs. So, anyway, you dont have to comment on that. Line, do you hear tom and jerry the cartoon . Your generation doesnt know anything because you are always texting. We had tom and jerry. Its huge, every kid in my generation and sean is order than i am watch tom and jerry. If you dont know who tom and jerry is, they are now racist guys. Roll the tape. Thomas, come and get this chicken chasing mouse. I was shocked that i could hear this that tom and jerry could be be racist. Watching anything with car tunes on the weekend with my brother. Make you think that there could be something racist here. As it turns out in the 80s when i was watching the car tunes it wasnt necessarily the exact same version that people in the late 40s and early 50s saw when these car tunes first came out. We just saw that little segment there, thats maamy too too shoes offensive. Tell me whats offended offensive the name . Is it maamy . Is that offensive . Its threat history has been thought most recently as being a arch type of being a arch type stereotype. Stereotype. Yes. Isnt there a maple syrup aunt jemima still around . Pancake mix. Isnt aunt jemima still on the marketplace . There are also people that would argue thats a stereotype. We saw a few seconds ago on the screen some of the black face things. They put a disclaimer on tom jerry now . Yes. You can still buy them. Theres no censorship. It basically says depictions were wrong then and theyre wrong today, but they point out that these are being presented as they were originally created because to do otherwise would be the same to claiming these prejudices never existed. So let the buyer be ware. Exactly. Truth serum. They are the truth serum guys. The factor tip of the day, you should see before you die or they die. The tip moments away. I have the worst cold with this runny nose. I better take something. Dayquill cold and flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. Mm. Feel it. J. J. Watt . You know theres a game on tonight right, amy . Oh, i know, but its my turn to chaperone. Right, but you could do both. How . Nfl mobile is now free with the more everything plan from verizon. I have verizon download it, you can watch the game right here. Come on, lets boogie oh, helen. For the first time watch live local sunday games on nfl mobile. Included with the more everything plan exclusively from verizon. The factor tip of the day, an Iconic Rock Group you should see in a second. But diane powers, centerville, virginia, bill, tough questioning is one thing but its np your guests. You are borderline rude with leon panetta. Bill, best interview ive ever seen. Mike wallace would be proud. Karen davis, midland, texas, i turned off the interview because you kept interrupting, bill. You do the same thing to charles krauthammer. Robert simmerman, great interview with panetta. New insights on important issues. My respect for mr. Panetta increased greatly. Oreilly, i dont agree that panetta is a good public servant. I think all of them covered up benghazi. Bill, the interview was superb but you came off as a smug brute. And reno, nevada, bill, by far the best interview youve ever done particularly because it came at a time when our country is desperate for the truth. Congratulations. Mike, new york city, panetta came across as low. He has the gal to write a book about bad mouthing his boss, he should be ashamed. East rockaway, new york, i believe hes a man we can be proud of. We need more people in government like him. Hall, tucson, arizona. Bill you were able to walk the fine line while holding panettas feet to the fire while still showing him respect. Mrs. Clinton has appeared on the factor, mr. Clinton has not. We hope he will. Entire interview is posted on billoreilly. Com. Bill oreilly, i am very interested in reading killing patton, would like to know if it has profanity in it . A little, maria. New york, my uncle served under patton, he received the bronze star during battle of the bulge. Thank you, mr. Oreilly, for a book book remains best selling nonfiction in the world. Get it free by becoming a billoreilly. Com premium member or reupping. The factor tip of the day, a few weeks ago one of my stips suggested all americans should try to see entertainment icons live. You should make a list. I did that. Able to see frank sinatra, beach boys and on and on. Regret never seeing elvis. One of the groups on my list is Fleetwood Mac who are complete again. I saw them the other night at Madison Square garden. Dont stop thinking about tomorrow dont stop it will be better than before cause yesterdays gone dont stop thinking about tomorrow Fleetwood Mac sounded great and fi more money stevie nix does a lot of work for wounded veterans and does it very quietly. The factor tip of the day, Fleetwood Mac on tour the next few months. Catch them if you can. That is it for us tonight. Check out the fox news factor website which is different from billoreilly. Com. We like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. Name and town if you wish to opine. Word of the day, do not be phlegmatic. Ms. Megyn is next. Remember, the spin stops here cause we definitely looking out for you. Breaking tonight, sources inside the white house telling us that president obama is under pressure to change his strategy to defeat isis terrorists. But the president is not budging. Welcome to the kelly file everyone, im megyn kelly. Hours ago president obama huddling at the pentagon with the nations highest ranking military leaders before he goes off to a fundraiser. As his war strategy and leadership is publicly questioned by white house insiders, a former president , military leaders and now a majority of the American People. Tonight marks two months since the commander in chief ordered air strikes against isis. And less than 30 days since he laid out his strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy

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