0 >> that is your last call. make sure you go to gretawire.com and blog. we're all there. good night from washington. ♪ >> the o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> i made this argument to my republican friends privately and by the way sometimes they say to me privately i agree with but i'm worried about a primary for somebody in the tea party. >> scott: president obama at it again, blaming the tea party for the troubles in d.c. but can he still sell that tired tally to the tale to the american people the factor will investigate. >> don't get confused about my way of life. it's gangster militant. i leave a federal building bent. >> scott: who is behind this vial web site in the armed revolution in the killing of white people. would you believe an now, let's move ahead about 30 years. and how would president reagan's actions be looked at by the more conservative base of our party? for the record, president reagan was one of my heros. but today would president reagan be called a rino republican in name only? i'm not sure. but i can tell it you that when members of the republican party and others looking from the outside in see the personal and attacks between the factions of the party. they're left scratching their heads and questioning whether they want to be involved at all. listen, i have been a republican in my whole adult life. a known fiscal conservative and national security hawk. new jersey governor chris christie is not a darling to our conservative base. why? because he hugged the president. well, maybe that was a little bit much. i will give him a pass on that. but he was not even invited to c pack this year. he has a 70% approval rating in a very blue state doing the things that matter most to the people in his state. how do the personal and at times paid political attacks of groups throughout the country to oust or worker against good republicans like christie and others move the party forward? are we not all concerned with the same core principles of lower taxes, smaller government, liberty, freedom, strong defense, fiscal and military strength to name a few? is there not room for good republicans that don't all think, act, and vote the same way? i would argue that the g.o.p. needs to be a larger tent party. more inclusive to respect the republicans of all types. when the presidency of president obama is over, we will have had 8 years of division. the us vs. them, the haves vs. the have notes. rich vs. poor, young vs. old. i believe the people are fed up. they are tired of the divisiveness. tired of our elected officials putting their personal, political interests ahead of our country's interest. people are looking for us to band together and looking for us to bring us >> but they are. i mean, they are holding it up. the tea party, they think they're being patriots, they are trying to take our country back. >> you have got three or four people who consider themselves tea party members in the senate, for example. >> right. >> i can tell you firsthand once again that harry reid and chuck schumer control the senate. they dr. k. bring up whatever they want whenever they want. i just did a little homework thinking back we passed the star treaty, dodd frank, hire a hero, crowd funding, don't ask, don't tell. 3% withholding. the senate it took them three to four years to come up with a budget to even move forward with a budget and that budget in fact didn't even pay -- it wasn't balanced. it put us in larger deficit. so, i find it fascinating when you and others, the president included try to blame one particular party. >> well, republicans. >> there is a blame for everybody. everybody is at fault. >> well, i think, yeah, everyone in d.c. right now can be at fault. >> washington is dysfunctional. >> it is dysfunctional. it is very dysfunctional. it is not working right now. >> it isn't working. >> everyone should leave. everyone just quit and go home. get brand new people. in yes, i agree with that. >> it doesn't happen. >> it's not happening. i wish that these tea party fanatics would step aside. just go away and let the adults in the room handle the situation. >> once again with all due respect you are singling out three or four people in the senate, for example yet you have people on the other side of the aisle looking out for personal partisan interest and not putting our country's interest at verse represented by voting records. you can't tell me everybody in a particular party votes 100% of the time of their party canned tell me the republican party is a party of yes right now, they are a party of no. >> both sides, with all due respect. >> nothing is passing. we should have comprehensive immigration reform. we don't even have that. that should have been a no-brainer. >> it's interesting. i know your contracts on paycheck fairness, on the dream act, saying they nor brainers and should pass. all due respect, the "boston globe." telegraph in my state saying right idea but wrong bill. early christmas present for blf's lawyers going to go in and bring lawsuits against not only women owned businesses but every business in our state and throughout the country. >> i so women should continue to get paid 70 cents for every dollar a white man makes? that's all the bill is asking. >> husband who has a house full of women wholeheartedly in allowing and providing for women to have equal pay. however, there are ways to do it. that bill, in particular, was not the way to do it. to try to take a bill, give it -- this is what i love about washington. you know it because you report there. >> i know. >> washington will gave a great title to the bill. hi this is a save the world bill. save the world today. if you don't vote for the save the world bill. you read the bill and find out it raises taxes and puts more regulations on businesses. eunited states the flexibility that women want to have at the work place not only work but actually raise families. so many things by just giving it a title that they try to ram it through with no debate and basically obligate our country for millions. >> but then we have a do nothing government? is that what we have come. >> to is that what our forefathers have come to a do nothing government. >> i don't disagreed with you. >> every bill is going to have its fault. >> not every fault. >> the new deal passed today. social security is is one of the best programs we have in our country. >> i just listed 8 or 9 bills that we passed. >> there are so many that. the women's movement has been taken back some years. people predicted when bush was in office that our movement was go to go back and it has. >> so it's president bush's fault. >> well, when bush was in office it was always clinton's fault. i don't know how many people remember that in the 8th year that man was still blaming clinton. >> i remember before i got elected that they had 60-40 they could do almost everything they wanted for two years they did nothing. when i got there the first thing we did when i got there jobs bill. 19 billion-dollar that didn't raise taxes got people back to work. great to is he sue. do this again. thank you very much. >> i will agree to disagree. >> always. >> and we will still go out and have a beer after. this wonderful. >> when we come right back, why is president obama sitting on his hands while the carnage continues in syria? 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