0 they break for lunch and then two votes in the afternoon. unless, of course, 77 of the 115 agree on who the new pope shall be. we, of course, have no idea how close today's vote was because of that vow of secrecy. you might think that an chef made cook security guard and say what's going on in there? what are the cardinals talking about? those have taken a vow of secrecy. the vatican workers have swore to never discuss anything that has happened inside the conversations inside the vatican hotel, each what the cardinals have to eat or drink is considered the most secretive information. in fact, shepard, if someone breaks that vow of silence, the church can punish them with excommunication. that is the veerest penalty they have. in the meantime they have also turned the cell phone jammers on to make sure there is no bugs emyth what those cardinals may be talking about as they eat their breakfast, lunch and dinner, back to you. >> shepard: leland vittert live. we will see you back here tomorrow or later today as we continue to watch for a new pope. our coverage begins at 4:30 in the morning eastern time. i dare you to get up with us. until then, good night. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> medicare and medicaid. >> bill: that is not a specific program. alan colmes back tonight and we will present some very specific irresponsible government spending to him. how will colmes react? you will find out. >> why are you pro-choice when it comes to -- >> bill: jim confronted this on gun control stance in a very unusual way. >> why can't you answer it? >> bill: we will show you what happened in virginia. also tonight, a bunch of american school kids suspended for playing cops and robbers and charles krauthammer on why the far left wants transgendered americans in the military. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. stupid government spending that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as you may know, president obama does not want to cut one government program. not one. and that irresponsible position has brought scorn from me. here are the facts. right now the federal government is spending close to $10 billion a day. this year it will spend $3.6 trillion. the government is expected to take in 2.7 trillion in taxes. so, let's do the math here. leaving a deficit this year alone of $900 billion which will then be added to the nearly $17 trillion debt. democratic party doesn't seem to care. and liberal americans are putting all of us in danger by their inflexibility on the spending issue. republican senator tom coal berne indicates the senators could save almost 300 billion bucks a year simply by cutting out waste in duplicate programs. let's get very specific for you doubters out there. very specific. please consider these facts. am i being nice? the national institutes of health recently awarded $1.5 million to a boston hospital. to study why many lesbians are overweight and most gay men are not. the feds calling this a silg can't -- significant public health issue. are you kidding me? why am i paying for that? let the overweight lesbians go to weight watchers if they want to like everybody else. here is another one, nasa will spend close to $1 million. researching a quote, mars menu. recipes for food that could some day be served on the planet mars. here is a bulletin. money is already living on mars. that's insane. i don't want to pay for it the feds are stealing my tax dollars. another one, sure the united states agency for national development funding a four year project that will improve the economic competitiveness of morocco. morocco the country in north africa. key part of this project, training moroccans redesign porter. the cost to the american people $27 million. why can't the moroccan government teach their own people to design porter. i will tell you why. because we will send them 27 million, that's why. very little pottery will be designed. the money will likely be stolen. one more? sure. i have dozens. the national science foundation has allocated more than a half million dollars to create a video game called prom week. this game will give players a chance to relive their high school prom. why is a national science foundation doing this? quote: because it will give americans a new and powerful mode of personal expression. here's my personal expression: this is madness. this is why the federal government under president obama is totally out of control. yet the president doesn't want to cut any federal programs. shameful. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. the return of the now very famous alan colmes along with him is barack and hard place partner monica crowley. >> i first want to thank you for doing couples counseling with me. i think it's gone very well. [ laughter ] >> bill: that's a good line, colmes. all right now, colmes. i asked you seven days ago for specific programs the president would cut. you couldn't give me any because there aren't any. >> i did. we disagree again. kirsten powers did a perfect job line items things that were being cut. >> bill: there weren't specific things according to the "wall street journal" and this is correct. he hasn't proposed any spending cuts. what he has proposed is slowing down the spending not cutting. and even that is minuscule. >> defends how you define a cut. >> bill: everybody knows where you are standing and everybody knows where i'm standing. nasa. go. >> all right. nasa, he is cutting the mars mission from $587 million to 361. >> bill: slowing down the spending. not cutting. >> we can debate whether or not that's a cut or not. >> bill: you can't. >> federal spending has risen -- let me just say. this federal spending has risen under every president going back to eisenhower. >> bill: but nowhere near on the level of president obama. >> slowest rate of spending since eisenhower. >> bill: president obama is the biggest spending president and has spent more money than any other president combined washington up to bush the younger second year. >> that's not a fair metric. rate of spending increase. lowerrer than any president since eisenhower. >> that's crazy. >> bill: you support the mars menu. >> i support nasa. >> bill: you support the mars menu. >> i brought you a few dishes. >> bill: yes or no? >> yes. >> bill: colmes wants the mars member venue. >> bill: this is preparing for mission to mars. >> space missions have created all kinds of jobs and all kinds of -- >> bill: you are for the millions being spent on the mars menu. >> mars mission that includes feeding our astronauts. absolutely. >> bill: no, reply to this. reply to him. >> i can't. >> bill: yes, you can. >> it's so crazy. >> it's called space mission. >> bill: he wants to spend millions and millions of dollars on the mars menu when we are 17 trillion in debt. >> on the mars mission. >> this is precisely why we are coming up against $17 trillion in debt. all the craziness that you just talked about. bill. and we can add gang tattoo removal in l.a. which we are paying for. a musical about climate change which we are paying for. robotic squirrels. >> bill: i love the robotic squirrels. >> this shows you how far afield we have gotten limited government with limited responsibility. >> bill: i don't want to do an ideological thing. i want to do -- i'm worried about colmes. [ laughter ] i'm worried about him. he sincerely believes that despite the $17 trillion debt, despite the fact that we're heading to bankruptcy that we do need a mars menu to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. >> it's not hundreds of millions of mars mission. >> bill: you can do the mars mission without the menu. >> you have to feed the astronauts. >> we will get them pizzas to go. >> all of this spending is insane. limit the government spending. >> bill: not insane to alan colmes and barack obama. >> this is part of the problem. >> bill: tell me why it's not insane to alan colmes and barack obama. >> because their whole mission is to grow government. >> no. >> in whatever parts they possibly can. >> that's not true. >> this is all about expanding government wherever he. >> he has cut, cut, cut. >> this is about growing government and expanding spending in order to feed that evergrowing government. it doesn't matter where the growth is coming from. >> bill: your hypothesis is that colmes and obama, they just want to expand government. they don't really care if they run up a $17 trillion debt. is that what you are saying? >> comes from fundamentally ideological point of view which they believe the government can do what you cannot do or can do better what you should be doing for yourself see 17 trillion on paper that we can't possibly pay back. we see it everybody sees it. yet, they still want to fund the mars menu and robotic squirrels and lesbian overweight studies. see, i'm trying to understand, colmes. i'm trying to understand. >> let me help. i'm not defending robotic squirrels and lesbian overweight people. >> you will throw them under the bus the lesbians and the squirrels? not suggesting come. >> there is the shrimp. >> shrimp on a treadmill. >> that is for dinner later. that's part of the mars menu i think actually. the fact of the matter is this is part of a nasa mission which is helpful to america. >> bill: you would not cut this back. >> he has already cut nasa. that's a federal program that he has cut. >> bigger point here when the government, our tax dollars are directed to this kind of insanity, it prevents the government from doing what it actually supposed to do. there is no reason why we should have such deep and irresponsible cuts in the military. government is supposed to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic. well now we have got to restrain ourselves on that and pull back on that. >> for the kids. >> and by the way. >> i'm blaming that on the lesbians. >> biggest budget busters are medicaid, medicare and social security. >> bill: i didn't call colmes any names. >> you were so good tonight. >> counseling is working. >> bill: monica is like the voice of reason. >> i try to be. >> bill: in a moment, very bad news for democratic congressman jim moran. is he confronted about gun control. wait until you see this. breaking internet scandal, personal information being put online about famous americans including the first lady and the vice president. is it legal investigating and we are coming right back. what's droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and has your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful. until i had the shingles. i have never encountered such a burning sensation... it was like a red rash. like somebody had set a bag of hot charcoal on my neck. i had no idea it came from chickenpox. it's something you never want to encounter. for more of the inside story, visit (music throughout) why turbo? trust us. it's just better to be in front. the sonata turbo. from hyundai.

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