Cnn, msnbc, the New York Times, the Washington Post, all that nonstop probe item propaganda. Heres their game plan, make this whole thing about tom. His behavior, his style, his tweets, what about his taxes. One was his last negative, what that means tweets. They are a bunch of superficial slots. They more about your words and whether policies work so dont give them the satisfaction they are accessible trump, but the president needs to show that hes obsessed with you. The lives of million americans not protected by the salaries of the media propaganda are at stake, arguments about the debate or media bias dont affect voters. Yes mailin ballots are a huge issue but no it wont boost turnout shifted from policies that affect the 2016th trump closing arguments were focused on policy, global wall, drain the swamp, ill be the greatest jobs president youve ever seen. And he did bring back jobs. He did raise earnings for the lowest paid, he did turnaround article approach to china. He even reduced inequality. Mistake. There are so many good arguments. Biden says hes nationalized the krona response. Great. California shutdown imposed on florida, school clothes, jobs lost, america micromanaged it. Biden says you dont deserve an answer on Court Packing. We know why he says that, hes embarrassed and ashamed that hes too weak to stand up to the will left biden said he go back for enormously to working americans. Normalcy is cruelty. Normalcy is an lissemore, jobs to china, open borders, is a career politician getting elected and then being totally controlled by the bureaucrats but now these arguments are getting through. We do systematically under count trumps apartment but not by this much. Twelve points behind abc. Eleven points behind in florida. 27 points behind, now theyre not a prediction, their snapshot in time but theres not much time left dont assume i get to a single extra vote. There is time to turn this around. If trump has the best most focus three weeks of his life, focused on a single simple message that will win this election. His best to bring them back. The guy who did it before a guy who said hell shut it down. If you were jobs to lower taxes and other vitamins taxes going up in america shutdown. Biden has already announced workplace dollars of tax increases on top of that. He has over 8 trillion spendin spending. They have to be paid for. It adds up to 50000 for every taxpayer over the next ten years. And, on top of all that hes promised to reverse all the trump tax cuts estimated at 2000 for the average family so theres the constable biden will. Together, youd pay 7800 more taxes. Year under biden. To win this election trump needs to engineer medical. Instead were getting a debacle. Let me message. With trump, more jobs, lower taxes. Under biden tax bill in america shutdown. Thats it, nothing else. Every add, every tweet, every headline, there is no time for nonsense. There is too much at stake. Tell us what you think of that at steep hilton next and next rev fnc. And with his next is tammy bruce and rob smith purchase getting into the final stretch election your thoughts as we had these final few days. The reason trump one i is because he focused on policy. He is a gigantic personality and he brings out the worst in the left which is important for us to this election is really no different. It remains on policy, americans are willing to take a chance on this remarkable character because he spoke about things that really. In a way that no one else has spoken about before. The last three years he has delivered we must speak about that. Those of you people watching your show, weve all seen it every single day. A lot of people have just been working hard, nose to the grind stone, looking up right now and maybe dont know what hes delivered on so he shouldnt presume that everyone already knows even though its out there in the public you must purchase mikey did in 16 and i think you will because its clear with everything hes given up, he is obsessed with us. He was accessed with himself he would have never run for president. His entire family is committed. We will naturally see that but weve seen the pandemic strange things have happened, unpredictable things. This is his strength, being able to adapt because hes not driven by polls or these experts, hes driven by his instinct which everybody gets very nervous, but thats the thing that will make this campaign win and he must focus on remembering scott to remind people what hes accomplished. Thank you timmy so well and its just worth emphasizing that question focus. The media wants to jump on the tweet or the remark, but when the president talk about policy, what hes done, what hes going to do contrast with biden hes incredibly impressed. Ive seen that every time ive interviewed him and as he is recovering from the virus. Hes really on top of that when it comes to the issues. We have to focus on that. Yes i do. Im on the road right now so im in nashville now and florida tomorrow, in phoenix in a couple days. What you really see when you talk to people on the ground is the energy have to the president. I think many People Like Us sometimes overestimate the importance of the media. I think a lot of people have really turned out a lot of the stuff and make known the media has been against the president since the very beginning so i think the important thing the present focus on right now is underlining what he has done and what has been accomplished, and i think one that really hasnt taken that much is the fact that they need to focus on the fact that it is basically going to be capitalism versus socialism and he needs to go after voters and say i am the one best suited to bring back the economy back to a point to greatest economy america has ever seen. He is the one to do that and i think that messages kinda getting lost and youre right we dont have a lot of time. This election is three weeks from tuesday. That is a strong message from the president. I would like to hear more people who support you will need to get out and vote for him three weeks from tuesday are going to want to hear that message as well thank you. Great perspective about what people are seeing. I think its important. I can always here to Talk Campaign people saying but we do talk about the economy. Yes you do. Ive been on that side of the fence. Its frustrating when people Say Something you think you are doing, but honestly its got to be all that you do, nothing else because its this question focus of the media and everyone else can jump on anything else and you have to focus on. Bring back america. Who will do that best, the guy who did before. All right. If you both. Marsha blackburn will join us next. Hope is the light in all of us that cannot be extinguished. To stir that fire, university of phoenix is awarding up to one Million Dollars in scholarships through this month. See what scholarship you qualify for at phoenix. Edu. See what scholarship at aconnected approachtal, to your health and wellness to help you age actively. With Medicare Advantage plans designed for the whole you. 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Of course youre going to do those on our side of the aisle talking about how imminently qualified judge barrett is to go to the Supreme Court. Will have those on the democratic side, if they show up, and theyre going to talk about why they want to hold this seat open. They are just so confident they are going to be winning that election and its so interesting to me, steve, as we do things Opening Statements and we talk about constitution and upholding the constitution, the democrats are wanting us to not do our constitutional duty. They are wanting the president to not do his constitutional duty and we are each required to nominate and provide advice and consent. Thats the process. He is elected for a fouryear term. We are moving forward in that process as we are constitutionally mandated to do. Its one of the most extra night things. Joe biden literally sang, he used the word that this is unconstitutional. This is completely the attic. Can i ask you senator, are you physically going to be in that Committee Room are you going to be doing this virtually tomorrow. There are some who will do it virtually. Its really interesting, we have done 21 different hybrid hearings at Judiciary Committee and this is the process that was put in place after because it started and people can choose to attend either virtually or in person. I understand senator harris plans to attend virtually. I plan to be in the Committee Room for the hearing. Thats good to know. What a surprise youre going to be virtual. One very technical thing, but it sounded worrying to me. Perhaps you can help me understand. I had someone talk about this question of the quorum needed for a vote in the scenario they were looking at were if the democrats boycott the hearing dont show up thursday when your Committee Votes to move this forward, because you got to republicans absent due to chronic virus, that means you cant get the quorum necessary to actually advance it and its delayed by a week. What you make of all that. I think you will see us move forward on thursday, you will see us move forward on the 22nd with a final vote and you will see us on the floor of the 25th or 26 to confirm her. That is news that im sure will delight everyone. One more question from a political perspective, this Court Packing issue, ive had people say i dont know why the republicans are going on about this, regular people dont really care about Court Packing, its not an issue like healthcare or taxes or whatever that affects them. What is your response . It is something that comes up nearly every conversation, whether im in tennessee or somewhere else in the country for one my colleagues. People do not want to see an expanded Supreme Court and this is what Court Packing it. It is expanding the number of jurists, the number of justices on the Supreme Court so you can get your way, so you can have an activist bench will legislate. It makes them like a Super Legislature and people do not want. Now what joe biden is trying to do is change the meaning of the term Court Packing, and hes trying to say well you been putting judges on the bench at the district and circuit level, but know that is again doing our constitutional duty and filling vacancies on the existing court. What they are trying to do is fundamentally structurally change the court so they can add liberal justices and use that as a Super Legislature. There you go. I knew youd put it so clearly we could all understand how important it is. Its great to see you. Its good to be with you, thank you. All right, timmy and rob back with us. Rob, what are you looking forward too, looking to see in the next few days as this process moves forward. Its very interesting because the attacks against amy in the beginning were so outrageous. She was called a racist for adopting two children from hait haiti. The left played their handmade tail out of fantasy, they did that with the kavanaugh thing, so things got a really nasty early on. I think honestly what were going to be looking for tomorrow from this hearing is i think its going to be pretty calm. Dont really think theres going to be any theatrics. I think the left figured out very early on that they did not have any credible argument against Amy Comey Barrett and i dont think theres any way they can stop this. Timmy, what do you think, are they going to rustle up something from her past, i doubt it. There was no legitimate argument against judge kavanaugh either so they manufactured what or several so the left, ive always told people, having come from the left, ive watched them never know when to stop, they dont have any boundaries, they are disconnected from reality so while we see the damage that was done clearly to the democrats after the kavanaugh hearing, the gop control of the senate was expanded which was a statement that, if anything america wanted the republicans to charge the Supreme Court. It is telling that harris will not be there, senator harris is effectively not going to be president. She was the face of that horrible, grotesque attack on judge kavanaugh, and i would say there is such a level of desperation, we hear it every day from joe biden from the democrats in general, dont be surprised if something comes up against her. Look, americans are tired of it. Not only will it not work, but it will be very damaging and yet we should take nothing for granted. She will be very good. Remember she was in front of the committee and she was confirmed less than three years ago. There should technically be no surprises but it has been something of an embarrassment to this country and i dont expect them to suddenly turn into Jimmy Stewart overnight when it comes too. [inaudible] [laughter] i think that is a fair prediction. I much appreciate it. What we hear of course is that they know they can they have no real case theyre going to try and turn it into a policy, political argument. We will see. We will be watching. Coming up at the top of the show i said this election needs to be about the real policy choices that will affect your life. Straightahead we set out the choice on law and order. Sales are down from last quarter but we are hoping things will pick up by q3. Yeah. Uh. Boss doug . Sorry about that. Umm. What. Its. Um. Boss you alright . [sigh] [ding] never settle with power e trade. 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Yes 13 is relatively tiny number compared to the whole population but every time one of these occurs millions of black parents fear for their own children more broadly its not just about death or the fear of it, its about the smaller daily indignities. 84 of black adults say they are treated less favorably when dealing with the police. 87 say the same about the criminal Justice System and 70 said it about stores and restaurants. A study of nearly 100 million traffic stops found black drivers in america are 20 more likely to get pulled over and even thats not the whole story, not by a long way. We cannot allow our justified anger at the appalling themes of looting and violet an to blind us to facts about the black experience in america. On almost every measure black people are on the wrong end of equality. We sought on the virus with much higher mortality rates on Median Income, the gap is over 30,000 dollars. The average white household has nearly 18 times as much wealth as the average black household. For black americans its less than half and perhaps the most destructive, more black people in jail even though theres nearly five times as many white americans as black americans. Why is this . Many say cultural issues like absent fathers and its all about behavior. The left sides at structural and years of recent discrimination. Honestly it both that we need change on both. Now comes to politics in the choice of the selection. Wheres the change we need going to come from. Look at the area where disadvantages most apparent. The state with the highest number of black individuals killed by Police Officers was california. Whos the governor gavin newsom. Its practically a oneparty state on education in california on math and reading scores, there was a 41point gap. Thats equivalent four years of learning. Over a third of housing is occupied by afton americans and its a total disgrace played by lead paint poisoning and chronic mismanagement, Democrat Bill de blasio in charge. Chicago, st. Louis, minneapolis, everywhere you see black americans let down and left behind. Democrats in charge year after year after year. 53 years in baltimore. 58 years in detroit. 141 years in atlanta. Theres no one else to blame. When it comes to the actual policies that affect their lives, black people in america have been oppressed for decades. Not so much by white people in general but by white democrats in state and local governments but what about national government. Whats the choice there . President trump, black unemployment fell to just over 5 , the lowest in history. The best we saw under biden was nearly 8 . Million more under trump them biden. With trump black Home Ownership is approaching 50 . Paired with trump, Median Income was over 45000. Thats over 5000 a year higher than under biden and with trump, hugely significant milestone achieved, black poverty rate down below 20 for the third time ever. Much of this was the result of the Overall Program work, pro worker agenda. He also took steps to help black americans specifically. He pushed for record funding. He set up opportunity zones to incentivize poor urban neighborhoods and criminal justice reform. Job items crime bill sent many of black men to jail ripping apart families and communities. It was President Trump who reversed it. Now bidens on the wrong side of criminal Justice Policy again and in the biden bernie document their recommendations on this have not one single mention of fighting crime. On this topic out of 29 biden policy proposals there is not a single one thats actually about law and order. We know trumpets for law and order, he tells us all the time. Thats where we seen actual action on racial justice. The only action after george floyd has come from trump. He announced police forms and banning chokehold, creating a database and track bad cops so we dont ask the police to solve all of these problems. Hes also back repeatedly tim scotts reform bill. By contrast, the democrats blocked it including, lets remember kim what harris. Democrats are too weak to stand up to their woke activist. Look at minneapolis. They voted to defund their Police Department and there was a surge in robbery and murder. After the george floyd protest, cross 20 major cities murder rate at the end of june was on average 37 higher than the month before. Even the New York Times report said the protest diverted officers from crimefighting duty or embolden criminals. All they care about is words, md, woke words and trump who they call a racist, really, not according to the people who actually know him. It hurts my soul to hear that terrible name that they call donald. The worst one is racist. Its an insult that people would think ive had a friendship with the racist. And actually the choice lets look at biden on race. Here he is yakking it up with the leader of the ku klux klan. No surprise considering his views on black people. [inaudible] for kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. If you have a problem figuring out whether to vote for me or trump and you aint black. Unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino Community is an incredibly diverse community. I want to be very careful with my words. Its too tempting to say because of his decades of disparage but in his heart that hes a racist, but its clear that he considers black people to be a homogenous block and he sees them as lesser than, that he does not see them as serving a black president or putting a black woman on the ticket, that doesnt change any of that or wipe out his record. Biden has a racist mindset so its no surprise he has racist policies. Hes pledged to kill washington d. C. School Choice Program that helps poor kids go to college over 90 of them , black and hispanic attacking the very schools that help orchids and black kids the most makes biden unfit to be president. So this is shameful defense of Critical Race Theory in that debate. Critical race theory itself is racist. Hateful, devices, antisemitic and now fully endorsed by biden. Biden would defund the police, sorry, reimagine Public Safety. We dont need to imagine there is no Public Safety that eliminates cash built nationwide and wage war on family, guaranteed to boost crime, not cut it, opportunity zone, flashing investment in black neighborhood, these extreme destructive policies would hurt black americans the most. By contrast his second term agenda would continue with positive progress. Expanding opportunity zones, bringing School Choice to all, on crime and racial equality, the choice in the election is clear. Expanding opportunity under biden, crushing it. With trump they were formed, and now they retreat. Crime, chaos and woke tyranny. The message is clear, dont vote for trump despite the race issue, vote for him because of it. So please follow us at steve hilton. We need everyone to see this information right now, share this message when we posted. All right. Coming up, more from the choice betetetetet hope is the light in all of us that cannot be extinguished. To stir that fire, university of phoenix is awarding up to one Million Dollars in scholarships through this month. See what scholarship you qualify for at phoenix. Edu. Welcome back. You heard my take between President Trump and joe biden when it comes to racial and criminal justice. Its great to see you. Were so glad you could join us. You heard what i had to say, your reaction. Wonderful explanation of the choices that we have before us because thats exactly what it is. We have choices. Something i like to say is that when it comes to Democratic Party, when it comes to poverty equals votes, in a lot of ways, without racism, poverty, poor education, it Democratic Party falls flat when it comes to black communities. Heres what i know. There are three pillars in the community that i know would change for the better. Access to education, economic equality and criminal justice reform. Of those three the president adjusts his first term with record low. We definitely have a ways to go but this president has proven that hes committed to that change and with School Choice coming in the second term, i think we put all those three things together and will lead to generational change. Thats really nicely put and i think thats a fair assessment. I think the president himself would say he talks about School Choice in the 2016 campaign but really hes now putting in the foreground for the next four years. Tell us your experiences as a trump supporter trying to explain why you are, that can be an easy thing to do. Id love to hear your thoughts on that. I like to start with just explaining how i got here. Before President Trump i was a republican. Thats because the idea of capitalism, the idea of being able to go out here and do whats best for you and your family and start something is a message that resonates with all people, with all americans, especially low income, especially the brown and black communities. The reason i say that is because when you share, when i look at the Democratic Party often hear this message of what you cant do, whats blocking you, whats the white man going to prevent you from doing. When i look at the Republican Party im now an american. Im no longer just a black person in society or in this world who has to struggle through in order to get anything or have things handed to me unless thats the only option i have in order to obtain success. That is actually false. I know a lot of individuals who looked just like me who have worked hard and found their place in the world. This is where we are. America is a great place to be. Lets talk about what happens when all communities win because theres always this notion that the Republican Party is so racist that the Republican Party doesnt want to see the black community win. Heres the thing when every Community Wins that means the economy wins, families when, america wins. Theres nothing beneficial to losing and the only reason i feel we continue to perpetuate this message that says the African American communities or the black community in general has to fight for everything they get, the only reason we keep perpetuating that is because it works for the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party, im telling you without this message of struggle and property, there is no platform when it comes to the black community and im not speaking to the middle class after americans who have access to private schools or the resources to take care of their families in ways that other individuals and other low income families do not. Im speaking to low income families and there are so many families that are dependent upon good policies. Whenever we make racism the culprit, the real enemy gets away and those policies have plagued our community and caused us to be so much, just complete detriment into our community. Janel, honestly that was so beautifully put and so important. I really appreciate you being here with us. I hope to see you soon. Thank you. Absolutely. 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I would argue he was on his way to answering it and he cut himself off. This is why they kept him in the basement. He cant say anything because eventually the curtains pulled back. His first answer was the real joe biden answer which was no they dont deserve to know what i think and that was an edit and he went right into the talking point. At least theyve trained him but not well enough to keep him from speaking his mind which no one wants what he thanks and what hes going to do because it reveals its not just oa joe biden, thats the swamp. Thats the establishment. These are the people and the reason they hate trump the most is because hes empowered the forgotten man and woman and that is who doesnt deserve to have things in know what i think. Who are they that we should tell. That is what escaped come about is what joe biden represents come about is the establishment that hates donald trump because he stands in front of us. It was powerful and revealing and tells you every reason why donald trump is president and why he should be reelected. I totally agree with that. Rob when he says they dont deserve to know about Court Packing, what else. One of the other issues that if you ask a direct question, do they not deserve to know. What about endless war. Will he rule out taking america into another war. Oh they dont deserve to know. I think this is a really rich theme to mine. It is. The last time i saw a politician with this much contempt for the people who he wanted to vote for him, i think it was hillary clinton. It really is shocking to me how much contempt joe biden has for the voter but this is a theme that happens with joe biden over and over again. I think we are all quite aware right now that there is something going on with joe biden. He is just not all there. I dont know if either of you watched that speech he gave at gettysburg a couple days ago, but i unfortunately watch the whole thing and hes lethargic, slow, he trails off. This stuff has been going on for months at this point. He is used to not having to take questions from the media because these people will barely question him about anything and that goes from the bottom of the ticket as well. At the Vice President ial debate the other night, that was the second time Kamala Harris had taken questions from the press. Exactly. I just have to leave it there on this topic, but also, the other point about that gettysburg speech, the media absolutely fawned over that speech. This is the greatest beach weve ever heard. Unbelievable. It was an embarrassment. All right. Weve got more on the president ial election, the debates, whats going to happen. Dont go away. Whoa i feel good i knew that i would, now i feel good get a dozen double crunch shrimp for one dollar with any steak entree. 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I think the president is good in those settings. Yeah, i thank you did well in that one as well and its funny because it seems to be that these people, they were very kind of anti of the president in that townhall and this whole situation with the debate could not have been handled more poorly on their part and hes sullied this whole thing and he thought he would do it but then tweeted but this is someone who was supposed to be a down the line journalist and asking one of the most noted trump haters in america what he should ask or respond and its completely ridiculous. I know the Biting Campaign is like backed off the talking point and said trump is too afraid and trump has said no way to a virtual debate and why would he say yes to that because we all know that biden will be fed answers right off camera. I think and we know this is what happened. There will be some intern with cue cards off the camera and we seen this stuff. Steve i want to get tammy to close this out tonight. Well, look, i did a radio rally with Rush Limbaugh the other day, tens of millions of listeners so why not, forget this and next debate. It is canceled and theyve had suggested to other debates in the 22nd and the azerbaijan but why not have one or have a conversation with joe rogan. Why not do that and that is. Bret . Steve they should do that anyway. Yeah, and the commission for the debate needs to be canceled at this point grid this needs to be the last year they are in charge of anything at this sta stage. Steve here, here. What a great show, great to see you both, join us next sunday with the next revolution will be televised. This guy was right out of central and was qualified nominee in our history. Good family man, husband, father, teacher, coach. Judge Brett Kavanaugh would fail quickly, smoothly, easily through the senate. Mr. Chairman, i would like to be recognized before we can bleed student mr. Chairman, i move the behavior was an embarrassment but at least it was just a good oldfashioned attempt. Those efforts did not work

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