And to the other families im sorry about what happened. Obviously, you guys are devastated as we are, but i know for a fact things will get better as time goes on. I just want to thank you guys for reaching out to me. Were going to hear more from that impressive young man and tim jackson lost his 87yearold grandmother. Just hard to process that. My grandma had to leave earth this way. Its just real really hard and its challenging because i dont believe that she deserved to kind of go this way. And the pastor of the Emanuel Church is is being remembered as a force in that community. He is the one minister the one leader that brought that kind of zeal and energy to our church. And he will be extremely missed in this community and especially as the leerd of our church. Amazing person the nation and Law Enforcement now turning their full focus on the case at hand of this alleged shooter. Last night, we learned from a woman who spoke to one of the survivors that the killer allegedly allowed one woman to live so she could tell his story. He told one of the elderly members, he asked her did i shoot you and she said, no. And he said he asked her. Yes. And she said no. And he said good. Because we need a survivor because im going to kill myself. Policy of this program, not to name names or show the faces of mass murders, but we are getting to the bottom of this new debate that has now sparked over the issues of violence and race in this country. Mike tobin joins us from charleston. A short time ago, we heard from the mayor scribing the suspect as heinous and hateful. This is video, shot by one of the victim himself, showing the suspect in the church surround bid the very people he would gun down just a short time later and reports surfaced quoting a Law Enforcement source saying he almost waved off his own attack because the people in the church were so nice to him. There are indicators that he was hateful, troubled and could do something violent. One of the few friends he had took away his handgun, but gave it back to him when he sobered up. A few friends he had said they did hear the hateful language coming from him and ramping up in the days leading up to those murders. He told me that i mean that the black people were taking over the country and that the he wanted it to be segregation. And buried in the reports about his february arrest for trespassing is an indication of strong drug use. Found on him was something people use when hooked on opiate. Martha . Mike, thank you very much. So while the city of charleston focuses on healing and forgiveness, some of the media are involved in intense exchanges on how to characterize the shooter. One Washington Post columnist writing quote, shooters of color are called terrorists and thugs. Why are white shooters called mentally ill . Joining me now for more senator tim scott from South Carolina. Senator, welcome. Thank you and our thoughts are with you and the whole community there. I know its a difficult time for everybody in South Carolina, so let me start with that. We certainly appreciate your prayers for our state and the Charleston Community at large. Let me talk to you about this editorial. What do you make of that . Is it true in your mind . Well i think whats true is that we have a man who committed a heinous crime and it seemed like his heart was completely filled with hate and it scrambled his mind. I think those pundits trying to figure out why he did what he did perhaps as a good line of conversation, for me what i am looking at is a community that is suffering because of his actions. There are nine people that have lost their lives, for me, whats important is that a, our Law Enforcement did a fantastic job of bringing this guy in. Charged. I look forward to seeing how our Community Comes together and deals with the challenges. Im optimistic well have a strong response from the community here in South Carolina in charleston. How you label the victim how you label the perpetrate eror is not top of the mind for me. Understood. You know there is all this discussion when we look at these issues as to whether or not people what is terrorism, is it accurate to call him a terrorist, but you make a great point. I think the most important thing right are these victims and their families and what is quite clear to everyone is that this was an evil, evil act on the part of this young man and questions will be raised down the road about whether or not he was mentally ill, whether this is part of a bigger picture, but for now, it seems fitting we stay focused on those lost. And keeping with that. The president pretty much immediately went to the issue of gun control, bemoaning the fact he would never be able to pass legislation at the federal level. What do you say about that, senator . I think the president on this one, the fact of the matter is that what type of gun law, what has made this situation not o occur occur, frankly, he was already breaking gun laws that exist when he went into a church with a gun as a person charged with a felony he had a gun, so the laws were already broken to suggest theres somehow a way to suggest theres a way for us to stop this occurrence with Gun Legislation seems to be in consistent with the facts as we know them on the ground. He had a handgun. An automatic weapon so really no conversation to be had, that somehow the gun laws we have are not working. The fact is had the gun laws been enforced, had it the guy, we would not be here but the challenge is that laws are created for a just society. This guy was not trying to be part of a just society. I want to go back to the issue that was in that editorial for a moment. Because there was an effort it feels right away to sort of make this a part of a bigger very troubled history that has existed. This is a black church. It was attacked by a young man who has espoused thoughts of segregationism and white supremacy, so, when you heard about this crime and when you think about it now do you see it as a part of that continuum and difficult history or as something that appears to be separate from that . I think the fact of the matter is that people all around the country and all around the world struggle with different types and Different Levels of prejudice and certainly race is m is a real fact. But we have made so much progress. What i hear in the question often is not an analysis of the individual but an attempt to drag us back to aiest iester year. This guys activities were racist without any question. And he said he needed to do something towards black folks and he carried out a vicious attack. But to try to put that label on South Carolina and or on people at large, i think inconsistent with experience that so many of us have had here in South Carolina. We made so much progress that we should be talking about, but unfortunately, in the midst of a tragic situation, peoples minds go in all directions and understandable to some extent but im trying to focus on facts and helping my community restore, heal and come back together. Its a wonderful community, charleston, its a dpraet American City and you know, when you hear that heartbreaking part of the story, that he almost didnt do it because the people in that church were so nice to him. It really does break your heart. Senator, thank you very much. Good to have you with us today. Senator tom scott. Thank you very much. So president obama last night went to a Beverly Hills fundraiser and again spoke angrily as the issue of gun droll with the senator. So up next chris does some Fact Checking on what the administration has done on this issue and what it has not. Plus, an amazinge inging story of one womans brave role in helping to capture the charleston shooter. Youre going to hear directly from her in a a moment and then the teenage son of one of the Church Shooting victims had a moment yesterday that could teach the whole country how to better handle faith and forgiveness. I just say love is always stronger than hate. So we just love the way my mom would, then the hate wont be anywhere close to what love is. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. We all feel the calling to build something great. When you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. With the tools and the network you need to make working as one easier than ever. Virtually anywhere. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. We dont have all the facts, but we know once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gup. At some point, we as a country, will have to reckon with the fact this type of violence does not happen in other countries. It doesnt happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And at some point, its going to be important for the American People to come to grips with it. And for us to be able to shift how we think about the issue of gun violence collectively. That was president obama yesterday commenting on the tragedy in charleston expressing sorrow and turning to the issue of gun control. Even while his critics were asking when it was too soon to start that conversation in the wake of this horrific crime. He then traveled to two california fundraisers and raises the issue again, this time with some big names from hollywood. Joining us now, Senior Adviser for americans for responsible solutions and she was a staffer for then congresswoman gabbie giffords and lars. The president , he talked about the fact he believes this is an outside problem in the United States and he believes that is at least in part due to lax gun laws. What say you . Well, two thing, its not because of lack of laws. But secondly the president says this doesnt happen elsewhere. Thats absolutely categoringly and provably untrue. The worst mass shooting in World History happened in norway with fuf gun laws. Three of the worst shootings were in germany. Great britain has extraordinarily tough gun laws a much higher rate of Violent Crime than the United States. Thes just factually off base. Secondly about gun laws the president s been banging on this drum for the last seven years because hes had a number of these incidents during his tenure and the fact is there were already laws being broken that the president could enforce by picking up the phone and calling his attorney general and saying listen get out there and enforce these laws. It was illegal for this shooter, this killer to go into that church with a gun. It was illegal for him to carry a concealed weapon. It was illegal for him to buy a gup because he was facing a drug accusation. That would have prevebted him from clearing a background check. Do you think the president s wrong in this case . The president was talking simply about Mass Shootings, which yes, occur very very frequently in this country and dont occur as frequently in other developed nations. This is a fact of life in this country that needs to be addressed, but they do they do. Maybe they happen to a greater extent here but you know i dont really see how thats relevant when you kind of break it down and that is that we have laws on the books that are now enforced. So you know to say that some other effort other than enforcing whats on the book is going to make a difference and i dont know if that would make a difference in this case we just saw. Absolutely. Theres a lot that needs to happen. We need to enforce the laws on the books. We need to pass common sense laws that protect responsible gun owners, but also go after the loopholes that allow people to get weapons that shouldnt have them. But its about your family and community. This is a person that was suffering from serious mental illness. He had delusions of committing this horrible crime and starting a race war and yet, fizz his family, either his father bought the gun for him. People know this person had a gun. This isnt an answer of the government regulating our laws. I think half of o your equation is probably the most instrumental. The only people, lars, who had an inkling he was up to anything would have been his family and friends who may have had some clues. We heard from the one young man who said he thought he was going awry, something was wrong. Really who thinks the person they know is capable of this . Well, even when they do, Martha Martha the problem is ive heard from plenty of families who said they called a police our son our daughter, usually or son, is at risk of doing something crazy and they say theres nothing we can do until the person has broken the law or has demonstrated hes a danger. One law that helped people at ris income that church on wednesday night. Theres a law in South Carolina that says that lawabiding citizens cannot legally carry a concealed weapon in a church. Gun free zones are dangerous places to be. Virtually all of the Mass Shootings in america have happened in gun free zones and where there are people who are lawfully and legally armed, these kinds of shootings have been i want to get pia a quick chance to respond. Let me just say i dont think thats necessarily true. Most people are not able to respond that quickly to an instance where theres war they dont have a chance. If they cant have a concealed weapon. Well okay. Let me say one thing. There is something that can be done about stopping a Family Member or friend. Its called the gun violence restraining order and more and more states are considering this. So, we talked about how big the laws are et cetera and i think thats a way of dibiasing the conversation but there are other laws that can be thought of to help address this problem. Californias done it. This is a case where South Carolina were to have that law, this could have made a difference. If the people acted around him. Thank you very much. Thanks. So, while the gun control debate rages on the president is is pushing back against questions about why he personally hasnt done more. When speaking last night, he mentioned the gun issue and said quote, when i ran in 2008 i in fact did not say i would fix it. I said we could fix it. Collectively as a group in congress and in the white house. Chris joins me now. Fox News Politics editor. He covered the 2008 campaign and has tracked the president s efforts. How is he doing . Well as evidenced by his frustration, by the rueful statements he made, both in washington and out in beverly hill, not well and he knows it. Remember we started this process in 2009, in april of 2009 in new york there was a mass shooting at an immigration center. It was a nightmare and there was an all Democratic Congress and the president did not use that moment. That was the first time first incidence of these kinds of mass killings that took place during this presidency. He didnt pick it up then and we didnt hear a lot about it until we got to newtown, connecticut. I remember the president saying after newtown, there was a potent mix of things that went boo that. Violent video games that we have seen time and time again, that these young men are spending hours and hours sort of indocket nating their brains with this stuff. Combined with mental illness, drugs taken for mental illness. I think theres a lot were going to learn about this man in South Carolina that he had a history of drug use and then you combine with that the access of somebody whos got those two boxes checked, getting access to a gun, but i hear precious little from the president about the other two legs of that stool, chris. Well remember it is very hard for people who are in government and who believe in the power of government to amill yor rate the problems of the world, for those people to say there are things to which government cannot speak and address and the shatteredness and brokenness that people identify in our culture this leaves this void this space, where not only feel this way, but that their friends and neighbors dont take action to present it. That is a reality that is hard to talk about. Its great point and i think about the campaign in cities to stop terrorism. If you see something, say something. And maybe we need a similar creed to live by when it comes to people within our own communities and families. Chris, thank you very much. Less than 24 hours after the shooting people were trying to place blame on gun lawes and on the media as well and in one case even on the Confederate Flag. Next, why the rush to point fingers here. Plus the young man who shot up the church might still be free today for not for a brave decision by one sharp eyed woman. She will share her story, next. I dont know why i paid close attention. I believe god had a plan in it. I was able to catch up behind him and get his tag number an and the your credit is in pretty good shape. Chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to experian. Com. Kaboom. Get your credit swagger on. Become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. I like my seafood like i like my vacations tropical. And during red lobsters island escape, three new dishes take me straight to the islands. Like the ultimate island seafood feast, with crab, lobster and jumbo shrimp. All you have to do. Get here while you still can. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys. Married my high school sweetheart. And pursued a degree in education. 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A a North Carolina woman is being hailed a hero in this story as the world learns she spotted the alleged charleston shooters black hyundai on the highway nearly 200 miles from the scene. She trailed him for 35 miles until the police captured him. Earlier, she told her story on fox and friends. Watching fox new, fox and friends, yesterday morning, i had paid close attention the night before when i heard about the Church Shooting and my heart went out to those people there. I dont know why i paid closer attention. Im calling it divine intervention intervention. I believe god had a plan in it. I was running late to work. I look over and seen the car and it looked familiar to me and i wondered why. Now, it was because of the pictures i seen on the new, but i went past him and i seen the South Carolina tag on the back of it and i seen the white tag on the front of his car. And the bowl haircut. I got a little nervous, ill be honest with you. Im not a hero and im not brave. I got a little nervous, but i yus started talking to the lord about it and then i got off of the exit to come on into Kings Mountain and i started thinking about it, what if it was really him. I wasnt sure and i didnt want to get anybody else in trouble or be overreacting so i called my boss and he said well we need to call somebody. And he got on the phone with the Kings Mountain police and he stayed ton phone with me and told me to get back on the interstate or the 74 bypass and i was able to catch up with him and get behind him and get his tag number and the Kings Mountain police and the shelby city Police Caught him within a matter of minutes and it was him. Im not the hero. Gods the hero. He just used me. If we are a willing vessel he can use us but we got to open up our hearts and our minds and i dont know why he chose me and he chose todd and chose us to do this, but hes got to be flor fied if all, in everything and hes going to get the glory one way through the other. I want him to be pleased with me more than anything else. So, just ahead, we will have the powerful message from a teenager who lost his mom in the attack. And then dr. Ben carson got National Attention for his response to the shooting. Up next well show you why as rich and allen take on the debate. I hope we the American People can come to the understanding that we are not each others enemies. The enemies are those who are stoking the flames of division. Man when i got shingles it was something awful. It was like being blindsided by some linebacker. You dont see it coming. Boom if youve had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. It aint pretty when it comes out. Now im not telling you this so that youll feel sorry for me. Im just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. I was one of em. So please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Here at the Td Ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. Sup jj . Working hard . 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We have a war on women. Race wars. Income wars. Age wars. Religious wars. Anything you can imagine. We have a war on it and were giving people a license to hate people who disagree with them. To try to destroy their lives, to even try to destroy them. A house divided against itself cannot stand. I hope we the American People can come to the understanding that we are not each others enemies. The enemies are those who are stoking the flames of division trying to divide us into every category and weakening us as a society. We have come to the division including race and its going to be up to us the people to begin the focus on the positive things on the thickngs that we have in common and stop listening to those stokinging the fires of division. As long as there are people with small minds, youre going to have these kinds of problems. But we cannot generalize and say, because this happened you know, the whole place is going to pot. And lets be optimistic and look at the ways we can solve these problems together. Joined now by rich, the editor of the National Review and a Fox News Contributor and lalen combs, host of the alan combs show. Dr. Ben carson has a way of saying things and sort of pointing fingers without exactly saying who hes pointing the fingers at, but heres what i take away from what he said. He basically talked about people puching the war on women and the race divide and when i hear what hes saying there, i think about the Democratic National Convention Last time around. The war on women issue, which worked well for them in that time and then i think about all the cases weve had that seem to have quickly become about race issues you know to the expense of the facts in some of the cases weve been talking about in resent months. What do you think . I think mr. Carson does point fingers and hes the worst possible messenger to say stoking the flames of division. Get a mirror. This is a guy who called president obama a psychopath. When asked to clarify, he called him a liar. He said obamacare is the worst thing thats happened in america since slavery. If thats not stoking the flames of division, i dont know what the. Ben carson is not the person for the message he delivered on the show last night. He hasnt lived by it. Rich . Well i think he grets some of those comments and he says in the future hes going to be more careful with his words, but his point is correct. The left lives on a divide and conquer political strategy where it plays to certain constituency groups and part of the play there is stoking fears. And you look at this shooting no one supports it. No one supports the shooting. Its not about the Confederate Flag, about white privilege, its about the hatred and evil of one man and thats it. But immediately, you know the bodies arent cold and you have people out there scoringeing and its disgusting. The naacp has said they want to ban the Confederate Flag. There was a dispute in the media that happened with mark sanford and a reporter who wanted him to basically say they werent going to use the flag anywhere in any way, shape or form in South Carolina anymore. So that does sort of make it about this larger issue before the bodies. Is that fair . Is that appropriate at this time is this. Sure. Mike huckabee said today that if they had concealed carry there, that might have helped solve the problem. If thats not playing politics with it or taking a stance to mo promote ones own agenda h on the heels of the this tragedy, i dont know what is. You cant just leave liberals for this. This is something both sides and by the way, of course the Confederate Flag contributes to it. Guns. Mental illness has to be mentioned here. You have that trifecta and youve got a bad situation. You put all those together you cant discount any of those elements. Whatever you think of the Confederate Flag and im not a fan of the flag or the confederacy confederacy, theres nothing about the flag itself that incites people to commit mass murder. Otherwise, confederate War Memorials would be inciting mass murders all orever the country. This is a bizarre one off committed by a sick loser. I said that is one of the number of things in what is a toxic cocktail. I said its one of a number. Mental illness and of course you think so. A flag doesnt cause someone to sit in a prayer meeting for an hour, then stand up and shoot people. Its the hint of it, saying its part of a cocktail. Zwl the problem with that alan is saying that somehow, the people of state, anybody who as mark sanford said the flag for some people, is a symbol of the history of the state and tradition. Just the meng of it sort of suggests theres some blame to be cast on the state on the south for the state of things in the world today and that is what contributed to this young mans ability to pull off this heinous crime. Do you think thats true . Yes, as part of a culture in that state, as jon stewart points outside. Youve got roads in state who didnt want black people to freely travel on those. Thats why the show answered that. I never said that. I said this is part of a culture, part of a number of different element that is make up a toxic cocktail that creates an atmosphere where this becomes possible. Al listen, the names of roads and flags do not cause people to commit mass murder. Otherwise, South Carolina would be a blood bath. No youre taking me out of con tek. No, cow continue to suggest its part of the reason. Thats just nonsense. Otherwise, this would be happening all the time because i dont know people ride down bedford forest highway and go kill someone. That does not happen. This was an accident waiting to happen, sadly. Yeah, but is it gun laws and do we condemn the Confederate Flag or look closer to the people who may have had and im not blaming his family and friends. I want to make that clear, but they seem to be the only people in this circle who could have presented this because theres no gun law on the books that could have prevented this from happening, except for perhaps the possibility of someone being able to stop him. We have to look at all of the things you just mentioned. Not any one thing in ice laigs. Just think of the language, this was an accident . It just sart of happened . Cocktail no its a response you continued in the segment to take me out of concontext. One man has responsibility for this the sick loser who stood up and shot those people. To blame it on some environment or other factors is completely wrong. You are totally missing my point and taking slivers of what im say inging for our own political agenda. Gentlemen, thank you very much. Good to have you here tonight. So, we are less than 24 hours after the shoot thag people were trying to place became on gun laws. Howard is is next on why the rush to point fingers. And then the son of one of the victims speaks out. His powerful powerful message from this young man, which maybe says more than any of us could say on our own. Well be back. To the other family im sorry about what happened. Obviously, youre devastated as we are, but i know for a fact that things will get better as time goes on. Hows it progressing with the prisoner . Hell tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. As you were. Where were we . 13 serving 14 service if your boss stops by, you act like youre working. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Hey, what are you doing . You said you were going to find out about plenti, the new rewards program. I did. 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They use hate speech. They talk about the president as if hes not the president. Church gols goers as that theyre not. Do you know that he watches fox news . No what i said no, you said he watches fox news. I said again, things like fox news and so again, the rhetoric that he spoke on that in this church when he talked about getting that to our commentary here is that what youre doing . About black People Racing white women. He didnt make it up. He didnt just generate that out of the sky. Unbelievable. Howard i dont know where this man is coming from. He obviously does not watch a lot of fox news. I can promise you that. For Todd Rutherford to make this attempt to link fox to this horrible tragedy is just reprehensible. He was very moesht. Lost a friend in that church, but we dont know what the shooter every even watched fox news. When people on fox criticize president obama, theyre not acting as if hes not president. I have no clue what he means as describes churchgoers as if theyre not really churchgoers. Where does this come from in terms of this sort of sweeping generalizations and this rush to judgment that we see really across the board . And you know we talked about the white house and their reaction and the immediate sort of point inging the finger at gun control issue, which people are very divided about in this nation but as rich said before you know before the bodies can cold, before we have figured out who we lost in these situations, there seems to be an effort to kind of attach it to ones cause. This was a heinous act by a lone psycho path and it just pains me that people in the profession have this irresistible urge. Theres a history of this. President clinton faulted rush limb pawaugh for a climate of hate that he said linked to the Oklahoma City bombing. Some because she had produced a political map that has cross hairs on it for democratic members of congress. Its just taking a tragedy and milking it and exploiting it and politicizing it because ultimately, youre not really paying respect to the victims, youre just trying to score points for your side. Start by the young man who we played several times in this show who lost his mother and i think about the people of charleston who have done anything but making sweeping generalizations about this young man and about why he did what he did. I just think its instructive, really to everyone because that community has not been divided by this. Theyve been brought together by this howard. What a contrast between the people in the community, and ordinary people and some i emphasize some politicians and commentators where as weve seen in some of these other caseses, but particularly heartening in this one, an 87 woman among the victims. If somebody if the shooter, a mass murderer has any discernible political philosophy ultimately its just a stew of hatred there is a tendency to say this is because of this belief system. It is ugly, appalling and it has no place in civil discourse. I mean, so, what do you do . As members of the media, which is your beat, how do you avoid this . Well i would like to see a little bit of selfrestraint on the part of people in our profession and even if youre going to have the debate about is is it gun control, mental illness, at least have a decent interval before we get into that sort of thing. When it erupts on the air waves and the blogosphere, moments after, nine people dead all they were doing was going to church to pray or to study the bible, i just think it shows us or some of us at our worst and those who dont believe in this sort of thing, we ought to call it out. Agreed. Howard, thank you very much. Good to see you today. So, next, the powerful message for everyone. From the son of one of the victims. My mom was Something Else when i was play inging ball. One xwam when i was here i looked at was on deck and she was like you know im saying a prayer for you . Dont you think i already did that . You can never have too much prayer. Thats onene i am totally blind. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24. Learn more by calling 8448242424. Or visit your24info. Com. A love affair. A quest. The next horizon. Everyone loves the chase. I just think about her smile. She smiled 24 7. Thats what im thinking about to push me on. A remarkable scene last night. The young man whose words have guided us through this program tonight. He displayed incredible composure. This was hours after his mother was murdered as he was surrounded by his baseball teammates last night at Charleston Southern university. He discussed his mom, Sharonda Coleman singleton. He explained why he believes that in the end love truly does conquer all. First of all i want to say thanks to everybody that looked out for me. Tried to contact me. I may not have contacted you back but i want to thank everybody that reached out to me. As far as my family i mean we are mourning right now. I know well get through it. My mom was a god fearing woman. She loved everybody with all her heart. And to the other families im sorry about what happened. Obviously you guys are devastated as we are. I know for a fact that things will get better as times go on. Its surreal right now. Surreal. Nothing changes for me. Ill probably push myself harder in every everything yoodo. Ill give her a wink or something in the sky. She smiled 24 7. Thats what im thing about to push me on. This church is such a family, you know . Ive been going there since sixth grade. It feels like theyre older than me. Its like im everybodys grandson. Our church will get through it t. Everybody will press on. My mother was somethingelse when i was playing ball. She said you know im saying a prayer. I was like mom dont you think i was doing that. She was like you can never have too much prayer. Thats something she always did for me. Im making sure my brother and sister are good. After that i will think about other things. I just say love is always stronger than hate. If we just love the way my mom would, then the hate wont be anywhere close to what love is. Weve come together as a community. Try to get past these things. You know a tragedy has happened but lifes going to go on and things will get better. Very clear she raised an amazing son. I dont know why these things always happen to special people it seems. Time and time again. After that was done after he was done speaking his entire Team Surrounded him and they all prayed together. 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All inside a redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. The 2015 cclass. At the very touchpoint of performance and innovation. Thanks for watching this kelly file special tonight. Continuing coverage throughout the weekend. Ill see you monday morning on americas newsroom im Martha Mccall lamb, and this is the kelly file. Live from americas news headquarters im patricia stark. Honda confirming another person has been killed by an exploding takata air bag. This is the eighth known death worldwide due to the air bags which can explode with too much force, sending shrapnel into the passenger compartment. Just last week takata agreed to double the air inflaters being recalled to 3. 8 million. That made it the largest auto recall in u. S. History. Hawaiis governor signing a bill to make his state the first to raise the legal smoking age to 21. The measure aims to prevent adolescents from buying and smoking cigarettes. 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