Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20141209

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Public. In advance an advisory has gone out to all u. S. Personnel overseas warning them to reassess their security measures ahead of the expected potential backlash. Undercover cia officers are fearful that they may be exposed despite the fact theyve devoted their lives to trying to protect us. And it is accepted that this may put them and others in harms way. I think this is a terrible idea. So our foreign partners are telling us this will cause violence and death. Our foreign leaders who approach the government and said you do this this will cause violence and death. Our own Intelligence Community has assessed that this will cause violence and death. The release of the report could lead to a greater risk that is posed to u. S. Facilities and individuals all around the world. A lot of officers fear there will be enough details in the report that their true identities could be revealed. Joining me now judge Andrew Napolitano who is fox news Senior Analyst and buck sexton former cia officer and nypd specialist. We begin with the judge. You think this is a good thing . Well, im sorry that the report is written and im sorry whats in it. But in a democracy the American Public has the right to know whats been done in their name especially when theyve been misled about it. The American Public is also entitled to know that the laws that govern the rest of us also govern the government. Theyre entitled to know even if its going to endanger the lives of the Intel Community and those operatives who are still working on our behalf right now. The report is not going to endanger lives yes, it is. People in the rt did is going to endanger lives. Thats splitting hairs. No, no im sure thats going to come as a big comfort to the families of the dead analysts were going to see. Its terrible what these people did what this report says they did. Dianne feinstein is the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence committee. Theoretically its her committee that authorized this. Either the report is going to say they went beyond the authorization or the cia lied to her about what happened. That is what its going to say according to reports weve read this is according to reports from cbs news that it contains evidence the cia went beyond what was legally allowable and that the agency lied to the white house, the department of justice and congress about the effectiveness of the program. However, Catherine Herridge came out with this right before we went to air and weve heard it before. The cia, the Intelligence Community is saying and has said for years that House Oversight leadership including nancy pelosi and others were briefed. They were first briefed in 2002 one month after the enhanced interrogations began. And what did leadership tell the cia who was briefing them . Do whatever it takes to prevent another 9 11. That is the darnedest thing about this report. Because if the defense is you senator feinstein are our regulator and authorized everything in here, then i dont know why shes releasing it other than because, heres the genesis of it, cia is prohibited from spying domestically. She argues the cia spied domestically and one of the victims was her. Shes ticked off they spied on her. I get that. But you dont put american lives in danger for that reason. Shes going to argue that the American Public has the right to know. And that i agree with her. Is it news that there was an enhanced Interrogation Program that we used that we waterboarded and used some other technique, is that news still . If it was incrementally bigger and worse than that, is it worth risking the lives of these americans . You have to ask senator feinstein. She apparently believes there was such misrepresentations made to her by John Brennan John brennan wasnt in charge at the time. Why does she get the power to effectively order the executions of people . Thats what the cia is saying, that they are worried people are going to get killed because of the release of this information. And they say whats not in this intel report is the context, the fact this is from herridge right before air that obviously this is 2002 when the cia program began. Right off our cia operatives captured the chief shot during the capture they wondered if he was going to die but he clammed up. And they say the cia officers were reading New York Times obituaries of the victims daily and view more than 40 beheading videos most classified including that of the wall street journal, daniel pearl, these guys were told to do it. House leadership was briefed. And now were going to hang them out there to dry endangering their lives. Thats what they say. Here is the killer in this report. The report is going to say that none of this torture provided actionable intelligence. The cia is going to dispute. That and senator feinstein apparently has in there support for her allegation. But if what she said is believed by the american people, then all this lawlessness was for not. Listen to the man who ran the Interrogation Program. He ran it. He wrote a book a couple of years ago. He went on a very limited pr campaign to promote his book. And he sat down with our own sean hannity. Listen to what he said about whether there was actionable intelligence. We got a lot of information from the detainees that eventually led us to bin laden. And thats a fact. Thats a fact. There was someone that we captured, a facilitator we captured in 2004 that told us about bin ladens courier and gave us a shooter name al kuw t kuwai kuwaiti. A former cia officer to once will was broken, he was one of the three waterboarded, he generated more than 2,000 intelligence reports, some of which still being drawn on today. Heres what started all this five years ago, this investigation by the Senate Intelligence committee. The destruction by mr. Rodriguez of the tapes of the interrogation which was proof he said he did to protect the cia officers whose lives would have been in danger. His word against senator feinsteins word. Shes ticked they spied on her. She needs to take ut up with her therapist and the head of the cia, but to risk lives because of that raises serious questions. Thank you. Standing by, buck sex tob. Your thoughts. Theres nothing to be gained what the progressives are doing here. Theres actually a lot to be lost wait, is that true . Because we say and many say all the time sunlight is the best disinfecta disinfectant. And if our cia is in fact lying to congress, is in fact going beyond the limits set by the overseers, is that not news . Newswort newsworthy . And something the public should know . The cia is one of the most organized on the planet. The idea they werent briefing is flatly false. Its a lie. You can believe honorable people like Jose Rodriguez and others who put their lives on the line to try to defeat al qaeda after 9 11, we all know exactly what the level of the threat was, even after the towers came down and the pentagon was hit. You can believe those individuals, the cia directors or you can accept the fact that a bunch of democrats who are somehow releasing at this point in time are not being partisan, are not trying to score political points. I think its pretty clear. Heres what feinstein told the los angeles times, the harsh undermine societal and Constitutional Values that we are very proud of. Anybody who reads this is going to never let this happen again. Is there not value in telling the public just how bad in her view it was, and there are mixed feelings on whether this was bad, just how bad it was in her view and letting people decide for themselves whether we need to allow this even in the wake of a war in the future . But we already know, megyn. We already know what was done. We know what the techniques were. We also know by the way even in some u. S. Military training very similar techniques are applied to our soldiers to prepare them for what could happen this report is going to prove the cia went beyond what was legally allowable. And then they lied about the effectiveness of the program. If thats true, if the cia was lying, is that not relevant . Lets keep in mind theyre assuming a report put together by democrats over the objection of previous cia directors is not partisan hatchet job. I think thats a pretty big leak given everything weve seen. And yet again the administration has to recognize that the ramifications will be nothing but negative for national security. Everyone understands this will put people in jeopardy. And just as when the New York Times ran over and over again stories about aub ghraib despite the fact that was direct incitement for u. S. Troops on the ground. The whole world had to hear every day for a month, they recognize this will have a similar effect. That was exposure of a program of behavior we didnt know about. This is an incremental increase from what ive read so far in a story we already know about. I mean, the fallout from this has already occurred. And now its like more people need to die so that we know exactly what more the tiny incremental changes. Maybe theyre huge incremental, theyre not incremental, well find that out tomorrow. But if its small, if its incremental, if its score settling by a congress thats ticked off congress spied on it and americans die, americans who are only trying to protect us, is that right . No. I think members of congress here are trying to rewrite history especially when they were caught in a big fib. Nancy pelosi wasnt briefed on this. They use this as an opportunity to rewrite history for their own purposes. But theres nothing that will come and a lot of bad can come with this. We are engaged right now in military operations against the Islamic State in iraq, in syria. Were trying to put together, at least the white house is supposedly putting together a coalition to deal with this problem. We do have some issues with some of those allies in the region. This is going to make all of this much more difficult. And its going to tell islamists around the world, you know what, america is someone you should go after. Im not talking just hard core jihadists, people who already signed up for the Islamic State, i mean those on the fence, those who may join up. They will see this report and decide its time to kill some americans. Another recruiting tool. I want to tell the viewers that the white house said today the president believes on principal its important to release this report so people around the world and people here at home understand exactly what transpired. Buck, thank you. We will pick this up tomorrow night once that report is issued and have full analysis right here. In the meantime tonight, new fallout for Rolling Stone magazine as the story about the alleged rape of a university of virginia freshman runs into serious trouble. Up next, the new problems with that report. The new questions about this reporter. And the new suggestions from some on the left that the facts do not matter. Plus, a retired White House Reporter with decades of experience on the job is now telling stories about how president obama would launch into profanitylaced tirades at the press. And wait until you hear why. I have seen in the last year barack obama really angry, twice. Both were off the record times. One profanitylaced where he felt the press was making too much of scandals that he didnt think were scandalalalalalal heres a question for you when electricity is generated with natural gas instead of todays most used source, how much are co2 emissions reduced . Up to 30 . 45 . 60 . The answer is. Up to 60 less. And thats a big reason why the u. S. Is a world leader in reducing co2 emissions. Take the energy quiz round 2. Energy lives here. Motor trends 2015olf car of the year. So was the 100 electric egolf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. And last but not least, the High Performance gti. Looks like were gonna need a bigger podium. The Volkswagen Golf family. Motor trends 2015 cars of the year. Im saving a ton of time by posting them to my wall. Oh, i like that one. Its so quick its just like my car insurance. I saved 15 in just 15 minutes. I saved more than that in half the time. I unfriend you. Thats not how it works. Thats not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for a quote isnt how it works anymore. With esurance, 7 1 2 minutes could save you on car insurance. Welcome to the modern world. Esurance. Backed by allstate. Click or call. Rolling stone magazine is now expanding its apology for questionable reporting in connection with an alleged gang rape at the university of virginia. It now admits that the alleged victim, jackie, is unsure about certain details she originally offered that wound up in print and that it was a mistake not to contact any of the accused for their side of the story. The magazine now saying in part in trying to be sensitive to the unfair shame and humiliation many women feel after a sexual assault, we made a judgment, the kind of judgment reporters and editors make every day. Howard curts, host of media buzz here on fnc. As for the shame and humiliation that young men feel when they are falsely accused of rape, Rolling Stone has issued no such apology. This story, megyn, is so riddled with errors and missteps and now a bungled apology and theres even question that mr. Jackie, the accuser, knew which fraternity she was accusing of being the host of this alleged attack. Amounts to journalistic malpractice. But theres also a question of agendadriven journalism here. Meaning what . Meaning that i happen to dig up today a speech by a guy who just showed supervised managing speech was titled in defense of biased reporting. He said biased reporting is more honest than straight journalism, but said you have to be more careful about the facts. That clearly wasnt the case and Rolling Stone no secret its a liberal magazine wanted a sen sensational story. And now theyre expanding their apology. But its not really having much effect on many of the student body, or maybe its just the far left. You tell me. Heres an example. This is one kid by the name of rex humphrey, second year there who pledged a fraternity last spring. This is, i believe, from politico today, this weekend. If were being honest with ourselves, no matter specifics of the article are true, reading the article as a College Student you know you were thinking this could happen. Your first reaction is, not this is preposterous. Really, rex . Thats not true at all. Those of us who lived through Something Like the duke fake rape case and dont believe that anybody who goes to an elite university and happens to be in a fraternity is some elitist criminal. It is hard to believe. It is hard to believe that there would be a gang rape involving nine men and thered be no arrests no one would turn anybody else in. Just another night at the frat house on the campus of uva. I know you investigated the duke rape case and it is hard to take on one of these cases because you can be accused of sexist, mo the facts dont matter because this happens all the time. Im sorry, that is complete garbage. When i read that it makes me mad. I looked also into the reporter, Rolling Stone did this story a couple years ago she did a piece for Rolling Stone about a School District in minnesota where four out of nineteen suicides involved kids who were gay or perceived to be gay. Now, the headline on this piece a couple years ago was one towns war on gay teens. The sub headline, in Michele Bachmanns district. Although a critic of ho mo sexuality, has nothing to do with the homicides, dragging her into it whether the article is accurate or not whether the superintendent in this case called the article a brutal and distorted attack, maybe it was, maybe it wasnt. But suggests a pretty blatant political agenda. Rolling stone has an issue here because they went onto try to talk about why they believe, why they put so much trust in this womans allegations. Im not saying its not true, but the reporting on it has been egregious. And theyve undermine whatever if it is true theyve led the nation to now disbelief this woman. They wrote why they didnt question her credibility, in the months the reporter, the alleged victim said or did nothing that made her or roller stones editors factcheckers question her credibility. She had spoken of the account in campus forums. And the Washington Post does the story today and to their credit theyve been breaking a lot of the problems with the story also talking about how her friend, jackies friend, says its not a hoax because after the alleged event jackie became more and more depressed. That proves nothing. Nothing. That is journalistically meaningless. That is not what we call corroboration. And doesnt seem like Rolling Stone reporter talked to many of jackies friends. Because if she had she would have found out what the Washington Post reporter learned they had come to doubt her account, they changed number of attackers allegedly involved, not seen after the attack wearing a bloody dress because shed been hurt by some glass from a glass coffee table. So many contradictions that were just waved away. The kicker here, megyn, is we now know jackie herself asked toward the end of the process to be taken out of the article. If that isnt a giant red flag for publication not to press the publish button, i dont know what is. See you sunday. Thanks, megyn. Prestigious law school tonight getting attention for the message it sent to students who might feel traumatized by grand jury decisions in new york and missouri. Wait until you hear what theyre doing. And up next a retired abc journalist detailing what she daughter do you and mom still have money with that broker . Dad yeah, 20 something years now. Thinking about what you want to do with your money . Daughter looking at options. What do you guys pay in fees . Dad i dont know exactly. Daughter if youre not happy do they have to pay you back . Dad it doesnt really work that way. Daughter you sure . Vo are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. They take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. For respawn, building the best Interactive Entertainment begins with the cloud. 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If youre upset, the judge says okay, cupcake, just tell me when youre ready to stand up and argue. Moving on. 9 retired abc news journalists ann compton detailed into ou president obama launched into profanity laced speeches off the press. She was asked about all of the president s shed covered describing Ronald Reagan as the captain of a ship of state, bill clinton a fighter, and george w. Bush to use his word was misunderestimated. She said this about president obama, listen. I and barack obama clearly likes campaigning im not sure if hes enjoying governing with the same gusto apparently the president , in the last year she saw the president really angry twice one profanitylaced he thought was press was making too much of scandals he didnt think were scandals another, he took us to task for not understanding the limits he has with Foreign Policy and the way hes dealing with the middle east, iraq, and afghanistan. He adds hes willing to give the press hell, but not access, saying this administration is the most opaque ever covered he has his own videographer on white house. Gov. She says other president s have been far more forth coming. We cover what were allowed to cover. And when policy decisions and presses are inaccessible and dont take questions from the press, i think they reap what they sow. Compton is the latest journalist to complain about a lack of transparency in the Obama Administration have you ever called and said i saw something upsetting and i just dont want to report today is didnt work. Yes. Didnt work. In most institutions you have to function at your job even if something upset you and has nothing to do with you, directly, they want you to do your job anyway. Its amazing. It is amazing. Pity the client who hire these future lawyers and something else, sometimes youre just fine and you go into court and something happens in court that makes you very upset and you better be able to function despite your upset. I need a break. No. Coming up, as new protests broke out over ferguson in new york city, president obama takes the issue of race in america. Were going to have more conversations like this in the coming months. This isnt going to be solved overnight its deeply rooted in our society and history. Up next, debate over whether the president picked the right moment for this conversation and a special guest on the kelly file. And pierce morgan, yes, that pierce morgan joins us live on his prediction that he would kill the kelly file. No, that is not what hes going to talk about. Hes going to talk about Time Magazines eight finalists for person of the year, including one of the people who burned down ferguson, missouri vo nourished. Rescued. Protected. Given new hope. During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Being that my father was black and the officers white, thats different races. But as far as the situation . I cant really say its like really a black and white issue. Its about the Police Officer and abusing their power. I feel that he was murdered unjustly. I feel like i dont even feel like its a black and white thing, honestly. You know, in my opinion. I dont really feel like its a black and white thing. That was the widow and the daughter of eric garner both saying they do not think his death in Staten Island at the hands of a new york city Police Officer was racially motivated. But protesters across the country seem to think differently including some who are looting and vandalizing this weekend in berkeley, california. Tonight, president obama weighed in on black entertainment television. Part of the reason i got into politics was to figure out how can i bridge some of those gaps and understanding so the larger country understands that is not just a black problem or a brown problem, it is an american problem. So we take this very seriously, eric holder obviously takes it very seriously. Hes got a similar set of stories and experiences he can share. But we have not seen on television for everybody to see gives us an opportunity to, i think, finally have the conversation thats been a long time coming. Part of what i think is so heartbreaking and frustrating for a lot of folks when they watch this is the recognition simply by virtue of color youve got less margin for error. Thats particularly true for black boys. Young men, teenage boys sometimes theyre going to do stupid stuff. Thats true whether theyre white, black, hispanic. It doesnt matter. We want them to be you heard he thinks theres a difference if you are a young teen of color. Our chief White House Correspondent ed henry just filed this report. Megyn, significant because these were the president s most extensive comments yet on that videotape in the eric garner case the president clearly trying at least to calm the situation saying eric holder, the attorney general, did the right thing by opening a federal investigation to get to the bottom of this. Also the president praising these protests saying most of them have been peaceful. But the bottom line is when he was elected there was this bipartisan hope that maybe a new day one don awn on race relatio but today a new poll saying the opposite. 53 saying interactions have deteriorated since the president took office when josh earnest tried to dismiss this saying were far better off than we were 40 or 50 years ago. I pressed him. This poll is about today and saying, wow, yes, the country yes has made progress. A majority of americans believe that relationships have deteriorated. Yeah. And i guess what im saying is the people who are able to step back and dispassionately evaluate the current state of Race Relations in this country would acknowledge two things. One is that weve made tremendous progress. But they would also readily acknowledge theres more important work that needs to be done and this is work that the president is committed to. Also worth watching is that all of this could complicate Loretta Lynchs nomination to replace eric holder as attorney general. Remember, shes overseeing the federal investigation into eric garners death. The white house officials still believe shes well qualified and that in the end the senate will confirm her. Megyn. Ed, thank you. Bret stevens is a Foreign Affairs columnist for the wall street journal and joe hicks Vice President of community advocates. Joe, let me start with you. The president speaks of how racism is deeply rooted in our countrys history. And then seems to be tie thag to these cases by suggesting young men of color have less margin for error and that i suppose he thinks is something weve learned from ferguson and Staten Island. You know, it seems like whenever the president weighs in, whether its the situation with, you know, henry lewis gates up at harvard or Trayvon Martin saying he would have looked like a young Trayvon Martin, he always weighs in how people can take what they want to hear out of it. And any activists listening hear the message that if you know if youre black in america you have a rough road to hoe. So feeds into this victimization ideology that too many in this country have that are black and activists and thats really very unfortunate. Youd think after six years the president would have figured out and been able to utilize his biracial background to weigh in a far more progressive way on this. Very disappointing comments here. What do you think . His remarks sounded down on the state of things in america and yet the polls seem to bear him out that Race Relations have gotten worse according to poll. We are no longer in the late 1950s or 60s. Obviously theres been tremendous progress. But i think one point that needs to be made, im the Foreign Affairs columnist for the wall street journal. Ive lived all over the world. Ive traveled all over the world. I think the United States is almost certainly the least racist country i have ever lived in. I mean, maybe you could point to a handful of exceptions. But im hard pressed to think about them. And it would be good to have the president take note of that. I think it would also be good to have the president take note of the fact that what happened in ferguson, what happened in Staten Island was many things, but it was not really centrally a racial issue. I mean, you can talk about the inclined to use. You can talk about whats going on in inner city communities, blackonblack violence. There are all kinds of issues. I happen to agree with eric garners family saying if nothing else this was not a black and whitish shoe issue isnt that extraordinary you have the family of eric garner saying this is not a black and white issue, yet p are suggesting it is. I guess the family hasnt gotten the memo from al sharpton yet. Im sure hell have them singing a different tune very quickly. Yeah, i think its significant that you hear this sour note hearing from the mayor of new york as well as from the president of the country, yet you have a couple of relatively unsophisticated working people who just out of the gate tend to see it in a much more different way. And i think thats something very significant about the leadership ranks of this country, the elites of this country and what people at the grass roots in a daily way tend to see things different. And whether this is being used by some like sharpton as opposed to get to the bottom of what happened. Up next, we have an up next, we have an exclusive she inspires you. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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This comes on the heels of the decision by a pair of grand juries, one in Staten Island and one in ferguson, missouri, not to indict two Police Officers in the death of two africanamerican men. My next guest has helped present and provide Legal Council to one of those officers. Patrick lynch is the thank you very much for being here. I know you havent spoken with any journalist on this. Youre dealing with a death in the family and our condolences on that. I appreciate your saying that. Lets talk about how the police too brutal its proved that those are not always exaggerated. What we saw in Staten Island is an example of police gone awry. Its absolutely not. What it is is Police Officers responding to the community who called and said there was a problem there. The problem in this particular case is that mr. Garner decided to resist arrest rather than comply with the Police Officer. And resisting arrest leads to struggle. Struggle unfortunately leads to a tragedy. Its not about racism. Its about your behavior. Its about what youre doing and what the community is calling the police about. What did you make of the president speaking about his experience growing up as a biracial young man, eric holder has spoken about that in the context of these two cases, and mayor de blasio talked about advising his son to essentially be wary of the new York City Police force given his biracial given that he is biracial. What they also should be explaining to your sons and we should explain to all our sons and daughters is thats the police who stand between you and the criminals. What we should teach our children to be afraid of is the criminals the Police Officers are going after. And that you should run towards the police when you need help. And most people do exactly that. But what do you make there are many watching this program right now that say no africanamerican young man is going to run toward a Police Officer after what they saw happen in Staten Island. Because they believe, as the president suggested, that you are not going to get the benefit of the doubt if you are a young black man. I disagree completely. I have 31 years on the job. And not once have i ever been in a radio car when a radio run came over, a 911 call and we said what color are they, who do they love, who do they live with, we respond to help those people. And the thousands and thousands of lives that new york city Police Officers and Law Enforcement save each and every day. But what happened in this Staten Island case . Critics say, a, that was Excessive Force for a small crime selling loose cigarettes. And, b, eric garners humanity was forgotten when he was suffering on the ground and no one appeared to be helping him. Number one, if the mayor of the city of new york wants us to lay down against crime, then let us know thats what they want to do. But its the community that called and they responded to their hundreds of calls saying theres a problem on that corner. The problem there was mr. Garner decided, and he said, im not going to go. He decided to resist arrest. Well, a Police Officer doesnt have an option just to walk away. Nor do we want them to walk away. Because someone called. Its important to someone that picked up the phone and called 911. Now, experiencing peoples lives, i cant get in someones head and i cant change what happened in the past. But the new York City Police department is responsive to all the community. Were the most diverse Police Department in the country. Were the most restrained Police Department in the country. And we work in the most diverse neighborhoods. And we do it well. What kind of sect are the protests and the injection of race into this and so on having . Because we heard today that there was a credible threat to shoot an onduty Police Officer in new york. That this information has been verified and cops are being urged to wear their vests and carry their firearms even off duty. Its difficult to be a new york city Police Officer at any time. But this time when youre looked upon as negative because our leaders are stirring the pot rather than leading. Look, theres always things you can do better and no one denies that. In this case its a tragic loss of life. Its always tragic when anyone dies. Its even tragic for the Police Officer that has to live with that. But they should be leaders and bringing people together, not separating and dividing. Has mayor de blasio been a leader . Mayor de blasio is saying to young people you should be afraid of the police. Meanwhile hes surrounded by new york city Police Officers that protect him and his family, that will lay down their lives for him and his family. Since 1999, 80 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty. They werent doing it because its fun. Theyre doing it because its a difficult job, but theyre dedicated and do it anyway. Patrick lynch, thank you, sir. Thank you, megyn. Up next, time is about to name person of the year. And the folks who burned down ferguson, missouri are high up on the list. Up next, we will hear about that from our special guest first time on the kelly file because he used to be up against us and he wasnt available at 9 00 p. M. We may talk about that too. Piers morgan is next. Thththththh a remote that lives on your phone. More wifi in more places. A Movie Library you can take wherever you go. Internet speeds that have gotten faster 13 times in 12 years. The innovators and inventors at comcast labs are creating more possibilities for more people every day. Comcast nbcuniversal. Bringing media and Technology Together for you. Time magazine releasing its top eight finalists for person of the year in Time Magazine releasing t daily mail. Piers, great to see you. Before we get further, kill the elephant in the room right away. So when you started at 9 00 and you were up against me i tweeted you saying bring it, megyn kelly. And the mere fact im now a guest on the show indicates that you brought it. So congratulations. Thank you very much for being such a gracious loser. We appreciate it. Well, temporary loser. Loser . Who said anything about loser . Dont mention the l word. I couldnt do it before. I was up against you. Now we are your selection at 9 00 p. M. I agree with a lot of what you say. Which is a quite disturbing revelation. Perhaps not the brand you expected when you spent too much time at the huffington post. That may be true. The protesters in ferguson are apparently on the short list and one of the favorites to win. Are they your favorite to win . They are. I didnt like the looters, the criminals, the thugs. What is it about arson that appeals to you . No, not that. I think peaceful protest when executed properly as weve seen all around america is often the only way to actually effect real change. And america has a massive problem right now with the Justice System and the perception of it amongst the black community. And they have a damn good point. I was watching coverage earlier of eric garners death. That man was just killed on the streets of new york in a chokehold. I dont care what definition how he put his arm around, he was choked to death. That is unacceptable. In any normal country in the world that policeman he was resisting arrest. Piers, if somebody stopped you on the streets of new york is were seeing the video. Im playing devils advocate. For doing what you shouldnt do and under arrest, you would comply. I agree with you. You would submit. Youll say i sue you. Youll say ill see you in court. I agree. And i have Great Respect for nypd. Megyn, weve seen the video. And that man is not aggressively resisting arrest. And he is slammed to the floor but they dont know that. He repeatedly says i cant breathe, i cant breathe, i cant breathe. Im playing devils advocate. Its a harrowing video. Let me ask you this. Because the Ferguson Protesters get it. Here in new york the protesters have been quiet and peaceful. In ferguson we saw arson, stores looted, burn this b down and so on. Ridiculous. So if they wind up person of the year, and there is other things like ebola medical workers, the guy who brought it to new york, kaci hickox, people are going to get upset. May may get upset and they should get upset. But everyone in America Needs to wake up to the reality of the grand jury system and the way it is played out with the Michael Brown case and now with this case. To me it is unfathomable these policeman have not had to face a proper jury. Piers, lecturing people on the american Justice System does not go over well. But we appreciate you being here. Good luck. Great to see you. Nice to see you. Well be right back. Is virtually paperless, which saves paper, which saves money. They have smart online tools, so you only pay for whats right for you, which saves money. They settle claims quickly, which saves time, which saves money. They drive an allhybrid claims fleet, which saves gas, which saves money. They were born online, and built to save money, which means when they save, you save. Because thats how it should work in the modern world. Esurance. Backed by allstate. Click or call. You dont need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. Because we do. Were exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. Because boiling an egg. Isnt as simple as just boiling an egg. Life takes energy. Energy lives here. And i quit smoking with chantix. 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The demonstration was peaceful, although it disrupted road traffic and the bay areas bart train service. Protesters also gathered last night in brooklyn, new york and phoenix. The rallies a response to two separate grand jury decisions not to indict white Police Officers in the deaths of two unarmed black men. American embassies around the globe prep for greater security hours before the release of a longawaited report by the Senate Intelligence committee. That report will unveil the cias use of torture on al qaeda detainees held in secret facilities showing the 9 11 terrorist attacks. Im kelly wright. Hannity is next. Welcome to welcome to hannity. Tonight it is mayor versus mayor here in new york city. In a moment Rudy Giuliani will be here in studio to react to comrade bill de blasios comments attacking him on race in america

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