Tough questions until one day he agreed to come to fox news and sit down with yours truly. Barack obama and domestic terrorist bill ayers friends. They have worked together for years. But obama tries to hide it. Why . He was one of the most controversial figures of Barack Obamas 2008 president ial campaign. Our opponent is someone who sees america as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country. The notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when i was 8 years old somehow reflects on me and my values doesnt make much sense. A man everyone wanted to talk to but whose silence was deafening. Whats your relationship with barack obama . Bill ayers, friend of the man who would be president and unrepentant terrorist whose group bombed america over and over again. Lets remember that when ywht you call a violent past that was a a a time when thousands of people were being murdered by our government every p month. Those of you who fought to end that war on the right side. The son of the prominent businessman ayers came of age in the 1960s drawn by the civil disobedience of the day and defended by the vietnam war. Revolutionary youth are capable of engaging in the war against the imperialists. We will escalate the attacks until imperialism is defeadefea. He joined students for Democratic Society or sds. In late 69 they held protests in chicago about Race Relations and the wealthy. Six people were shot in the Business District and dozens more raised. Lart that year a sem mol moment black panther leader fred hampton was shot and killed by the police. Out of that the weather men are born a radical spinoff from sds. Its mission the violent over throw of the u. S. Government. We are going to be on the streets. Shortly there after a San Francisco Police Station is bombed. Police later say the weather men did it. Next comes the bombing of a new york judges home. The group plots to bomb a military dam, but their explosives go off too soon destroying a new york city townhouse. Found buried in the rubble 60 sticks of dynamite. The fbi concluded had the explosives detonated they would have leveled everything on both sides of the street. Three men of the weather men are killed in that blast including ayers girlfriend identified by a single remaining finger. The weather men go into hiding and change their name to the weather under ground. Still the attacks continue. Now we are every where. Next week families will attack the enemy around the country. We are not just attacking targets. We are bringing the pitiful helpless giant to its knees. Soon the Group Takes Credit for more bombings. Ayers believed to be personally involved in at least three of them New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the bombing of the u. S. Capital tol in 71, the bombing of the pentagon in 72. Around this time ayers falls in love with weather man leader bernadine dorin. The u. S. Involvement is sending. Ayers and dorn dont surrender until 1980. They only surface because the serious charges have been dropped due to government misconduct in the investigation. An incredible stroke of luck for the pair. Within a year their comrades were at it again this time robbing a brinks truck in a crime that left three people dead. Ayers and dorn settle in chicago enter academia and later go on to bee friend barack obama posting a fundraiser for the then Illinois Senate candidate. With their friewhen their friena president ial candidate ayers is mostly quiet but comes out after sounding nonremorseful. I am saying i dont think we did enough. Now for the First Time Ever bill ayers walks into the fox news headquarters to face questions about his past and his future. We have to talk about you and your domestic terrorist past. Lets start with this. How many bombings are you responsible for . With the under ground i think the credit is slightly 20 in a period when there were 20,000 bombings in the United States against the war. How about you personally . Me personally, i never talked about it i never will. You could have hurt somebody. Absolutely. You claim you never did but you acknowledge the risk. We did hurt three of our own people they died in a townhouse . 1970s. That was a horrible devastating loss and, what they were planning to do would have been more devastating. It is a str it is a tragedy personally to us and to me. We will get to that in a minute. That was a nail bomb they were putting together. The weather under ground ban ga in 1979 with protests over the vietnam with aer but it became more and more militant in the years past in 1970 you declared a state of war against the United States government and urged your comrades to be more violent. Theres no way to be committed to nonviolence when it is the most vie p lent nation in the history. Why was more violence the answer . I wouldnt argue more violence was the answer. But those of your people. What she said is i am not committed to nonviolence. Our rhetoric was out stripped a lot of what was going on. Theres no question. Heres the reality. I was raised in 1965. Over the next three years, five years, i was arrested many times in demonstrations in militant actions all of it nonvie p lent, all of it an attempt to bring a screaming warning that we were killing 6,000 people a week. When the war dragged on after 1968 when the majority of people come to oppose the war largely through the efforts of people like Martin Luther king, the black Freedom Movement that coming home and telling the truth and the anti war movement, those things came together and a majority opposed the war. Then the question was how do we stop it if it wont stop. This was a crisis for democracy and a crisis for the anti war mo movement. In my own family one of my brothers went to canada and deserted the army. I think hes a war here refor doing that. One comment to commune, i did what i did. You think Bowe Bergdahl is a war hero is, too. If he deserted i think thats a heroic thing to do absolutely. I dont know if he did p or not. We should build monuments to the unknown deserters the people who look at the craziness they are asked to participate in and say i am not part of it. I hear now explaining your now wife she wasnt at the time. To put it into context as they and you and your group was calling for more violence, what we saw in february of 1970, february 16th was San Francisco Police Officer brian mcdonald, a 44yearold father of two and husband was killed when a bomb went off at his Police Station and eight other Police Officers were injured in that blast. Now your wife Bernadine Dorn has been accused of that crime. Do you deny it . Absolutely deny it. Absolutely nothing to do it. This is something that keeps recycling. Larry grat wall was one that perpetrated the under ground he claims you visited in buffalo in 1970 and you complained Bernadine Dorn had to do it herself that bombing because others quote werent active enough in committing violence. They recently accused the weather under ground of this murder. Larry grathwohl was never in the under ground. It was the precursor. Larry was lying and the police doesnt know what they are talking about. Bernadine dorn was not a fan of the police and referred to them typically as pigs. That was again the inflated rhetoric at the time. The black panthers did that, we did that, yes. That sort of rhetoric is what catches peoples attention when she is calling them pigs and celebrating bad things happening to the police at the same time one gets murdered and then you allegedly went and told larry that she did it. Never happened. It is true the rhetoric was inflated. Its also true, you take the situation like chicago today. The police are a violent out of control enterprise in chicago n today. The shooting of unarmed people again and again. The stopping of people on the streets. The endless arrests in the black community. Dowry fer to them as pigs today . Not really. We hang out with them at the coffee shop and talk to them. But we disagree. When you take a look at the Chicago Police department involved in torture this has been documented. Involved in torture. Three people on death row in the last five years because of a systematic practice of torture and forced confessions and so on as these Police Officers every one of them isnt guilty but every one of them is part of the conspiracy of silence. Absolutely. Five days after the San Francisco bombing that took the life of officer mcdonald the weather under ground bombed john mertahs home. Judge mertah was a trial judge hearing a case involving the panther 21 and your group objected to the wafdz handling that case. We were supporting the panther 21. And his home got fire bombed in the middle of the night. He had a 9yearold boy in there named john who has been public about the bombing. In your book with bernadine you quote the weather under ground communique. You say as follows, i am quoting now, two weeks before the townhouse explosion four members of the group fire bombed judge murtaghs house whose trial was just beginning. To many people this was just a good action. Many said because this action didnt hurt anything to hurt the pigs materially it wasnt very important. I didnt write that. Its in your book. Which book . Its in your book with bernadine. It is from one of your communiques. That was not my communique. Its your wife. I think it was a group. Its your wife. Not only that but a former weather ground member Kathy Wilkinson further offered her own arrest tation of what happened. She claims the weather under ground while she was in it committed that crime. She may have claimed it. She wasnt telling the truth either . I dont think so. John murtagh said you perpetrated that crime. When i was hosting a show he came on and he said the following i want to give you a chance to respond. Youre a 9yearold little boy asleep in your bed and what happened . On washingtons birthday four bombs went off two in the front of the house. There were two in the front that went off. There were bombs placed under the tank of our car the first tw the notion bill ayers to make it sound like they were egging cars in the middle of the night. As far as i am concerned bill ayers and Bernadine Dohrn have blood dripping from their hands. Not true. It was always Property Damage in our activities. It is just not true. You deny that terry robins was responsible for that bombing . Is he was part of the weather under ground. He was in new york. I have no idea he was. I dont think he was. He is one of the guys who blue into the pub. Thats right. One of the activities four years ago i dont think its bad to stir through them and try to understand them. You have written about them . I have written about them myself. I think it would be fair and balanced to also look at the violence that was and is going on perpetrated the government, by the official agencies in ordinance of the government. Let me tell you what i hear when i hear that. I hear you saying, you sound like with respect to osama bin laden. In order to evaluate my actions which have hurt a lot of people. I know you deny it. But theres evidence that the weather under ground was involved. When john murtagh says theres blood on your hands what is he talking about . He is talking about the San Francisco Police Officer and weather under ground individuals who were killed. Right. But we had nothing to do with San Francisco. Thats what you claim. Hes talking about the brinks armor car incident. We were already above ground. There is evidence of it. There was a former member of the weather under ground who came out and said theis is murder. You guys got to the point where you considered murder. You acknowledged that yourself. It got to a point where Property Damage wasnt good enough for you. Still ahead ayers reacts to evidence that the weather under ground went way beyond vandalism including accusations against former members of his own group. 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His reaction to the evidence that despite his claims his group went way beyond vandalism. You guys got to the point where you considered murder. You acknowledge that yourself. It got to the point where prop hurt handling wasnt good enough for you you decided on mass murder planning to bomb a military bomb. Terry decided it had to go further. Thank goodness it didnt which i also said at the same moment. You understand professor what began as a group as outrage over mass killings turned into a plan to kill hundreds of americans. Did you not see the moral problem. That was true for a few people and it was one of the things we split on. I write about it extensively in fugitive days. You should read it. There is extensive explanation. As i hear you sitting you dont sound remorseful. You want me to be remorseful for something i didnt do. This is your drink. This is the Weather Underground that was going to bomb military officers. We criticized it then and now. We said it was wrong. It was wrong and is wrong. The only thing it didnt happen is because the bomb blew up on those who were making it. When it blew up your girlfriend diana otton was killed. You later described her death as valiant. I later described imaginary nobody knows what happened. What i image in those days is her trying to stop that horrendous event from taking place. Thats how i described it. I describe it i dont say you describe her death as valiant. I talk about her trying to stop it. How do you know she wasnt against that bomb . We dont e no. You dont know. John mer taw doesnmurtagh doesn. It strikes me as nuts. We were destroying property and in the course of discussions some people thought we should go much further. Your critics say when you make that argument you sound like Adolph Hitler . You want to talk about who is in a grand tradition of destroying thousands of people the american war in vietnam. Where john mccain was dropping bombs on civilians and he did it consistently. When the weather under ground went into a townhouse and put together a bomb with nails in it and allegedly killed a Police Officer and bombed the home of john murtagh a federal judge with a 9yearold boy in bed. Didnt kill a Police Officer. You deny it but theres evidence to the contrary. Doesnt mean they can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. The San Francisco Police Department says they believe you did it. Not true. John murtagh is not true but he had his opinion. Nobody was hurt or killed. The town was as i said was a terrible, terrible deviation. It was issued by the Weather Underground tack credit for the murtagh bombing. You made that point. Thats back to the end justifies the means. Is that not the slippery slope towards hitler. That is back to the ends justifies the means. It is not. The United States is saying the ends justify the means. Grur yoyour group had to go ground. You went under ground whiyou stole, you lied, you hid. Are we in agreement. Yes. You did. You wrote about it in your book. We stole id. You stole purses, wallets. You stole money. Some. You ripped off dead babys identity. Right. Yet the violence continued. Just because you went under ground didnt mean the violence stopped. What violence . June 9th, 1970, you bombed the new yorksy headquarters. Let me list it. March 1st, 1971, you bombed the u. S. Capital. May 19th, 1972 bombed the pentagon. January 9th you bombed the state department. That is destruction of property. You can call it violence. But to equate it to the murder of human beings is nonsense. You realize people could have been hurt. I said people could have been hurt and thank god they werent. We made every attempt not to. You appreciate the recklessness of that . Who are you to potentially endanger the lives of those individuals who may have been in or around this building. I dont say it wasnt reckless or illegal. It is way beyond legality. You could have murdered somebody with those bombs. And we didnt. Actually. The people who were conducting war in vietnam did murder people. The answer is to make yourself a murderer as well . The endsh n of the fight agt communism justify those means. You answer a question with a question. You account for your reporting. This is all from your book, sir. You talk about lies nothing is more clear than the systematic lying of the American Government to get us into war after war after war. You dekeep dodging you keep pointing at the government and not taking accountable. I said it again and again. What i am responsible for and what i am not responsible for in print. It is hard to get me to admit i am responsible for something i didnt do. You did the bombings. You admitted the Weather Underground did bombings. I would not apologize for destroying property in defense of stopping 6,000 people when it comes to somebody being injured you deny it . I think that would have been a real problem. What happens when ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn resurface . 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Capital and the state department all he said to protest the vietnam war another left wing causes of the 70s. Afraid to face the consequences of their actions ayers and dohrn went under ground in 1970 and didnt resurface for ten years. When Bernadine Dohrn promised to spend her energy org niedz to go dpee fe defeat the american empire. You say you had resolved that point not to hurt anybody but your comrades did not apparently get the lets be more haesful medal. I say this because Kathy Wilkerson a member of the Weather Underground, correct . She was with us under ground. She wrote after the fact and i quote, the process by which weather leaders change from the language of glorifying violence in january 1970 to moderation was invisible to almost all weather members. Certainly the assumption of most is to build a clandestine fighting force was full steam ahead. If ayers says things different in the west knows martis pa mt participants didnt know this. I dont agree with cath me. I dont know what to say about it. We were a lose organization not a disciplined organization. But we changed dramatically in the 1970d. You take responsible. I read the communique which said you bombed the murtagh house. There are many communiques. Theres include after the townhous townhouse. It says you burned. You rile people up with your incendiary rhetoric and then setting upon the American Public with a commitment to vie he knows will. We did not set ourselves upon the American Public. Where did we set ourselves upon the American Public . You were calling for violence. Riling people up. Wilkerson says there was a decision not to get more peaceful. The people who riled up the spns they got over the five years in the early 1970s was the government itself riling us up through genocide. I thought we should do more i have a lot of criticism. It meant more violence. Didnt always mean more violence. You are using violence in an inflated way. December trouks of property. You want 20yearolds to understand i meant mill tan see i didnt mean i want to bomb property but i dont want to kill people. I can trust all of these people to follow my convictions. Through out the left the catholic left, people were destroying property again and again and again. Once again you blame somebody else. I am talking about you. Today i have you at the table. I am saying we should have done more to stop that genocidal war and that included destroying more property. Your argument in response to the what you did to tamp down the violence you should have amped it up. We should have done more to stop the war that means being more effective on every level including destroying more draft vials hammering on nuclear war heads. I feel the awed why he knows has a feeling for where you were at this point in your mind. This is when you resurfaced were being under ground. Within a year of that october 20th, 1981, was a triple homicide. David gilbert of the weather under ground, kathy bow dean weather under ground and judy park they killed two cops Eduardo Grady and Waverly Brown along with a Security Guard named peter pace. You were close with gilbert and budine. Still am. Kathy bow dean learned some of her criminal tactics while in the Weather Underground. You adopted her child because she was in jail. Hes in jail. She got out after 20years she pleaded guilty. No question she did it. She pled guilty. She paid the price for that. It was a terrible dreadful miss calculated horrible action and they paid the price. You doesnt see her as valia valiant . I dont think what they did was valiant. You dont think anything they did had anything to do with what they heard or learned in the Weather Underground. You are saying you had nothing to do with it . Absolute sli not. We had to do with adopting her son and raising him into the wonderful person he is today. Your wife Bernadine Dohrn was asked to cooperate in that investigation. Thats right. She refuse the. She spent 7 months in jail. She refused to speak to a grand jury. Why would she do that . Because a grand jury is a star chamber that takes you behind closed doors without the benefit of a lawyer and asks you to speak to the u. S. Foern. She had to hide. If they wanted to talk to you about a bunch of stuff, bill oreilly mainly you dont have anything to hide. I would say two cops are dead and so is a Security Guard and i will help the government put whoever did it behind bars. Absolutely not. Thats not what they said. They said we are not going to show you the evidence or tell you whether you are a target in this. We are going to ask you a bunch of children. Nine children lost their fathers that day. Why didnt your wife help . I agree with you. I think it was a terrible, terrible crime. That is not what we are disagreeing about. Grand juries are terrible over reach of u. S. Government and they should be resisted. Everybody who thinks about it has been resisted. They were used against Monica Lewinsky many people. They are a part of our justice system. The question is whether your bief bernadine in the 1970s she felt perfectly fine. She said about the Charles Manson murders the pregnant woman offing those rich pigs with the fork and knives far out. The weather men dig Charles Manson. This is your sweetheart . This is your soul mate . This is nonsense. This is something that gets recirculated. You deny she said it . Absolutely. What she said is American Culture is so obsessed with the craziness it still goes on today. The New York Times reported it just exactly as i said it. They lied, too . They lie daily. Dont they . The communique lied, theres a long list of people that told terrible byes about the Weather Underground. I am completely candid in the Weather Underground. You dont believe that the New York Times get things right all of the time. Even Kathy Wilkerson admitted doern made this speech about manson and how the Weather Underground digs him. Heres not true. She said here we are in a genocidal war and what does the news media focus on this crazy guy who stuck a fork in somebody and she was mocking it and it was reported as if they were supporting it. She doesnt support it. It doesnt matter. It is an endless echo chamber that you help perpetuate. Is it true the weather under ground had a serious discussion before it went underground about whether they should kill all white babies as a university of arizona professor claims. Here he is. I remember going to the last above ground weathermen or the Weather Underground, the last above ground convention. Sitting in a room and the question that was debated was, was it or was it not the duty of every good revolutionary to kill all newborn white babies . Because they would you tell ultimately join the revolution. Theres no truth to it. It is hard to have a conversation with you die know if that man is telling the truth or not. No truth to it. When you became a parent did it soften you at all the reality of what you had done potentially endangers other peoples parents or children . It was the best thing that ever happened to me becoming a parent. Did it soften me. I dont know what that means. The best thing i have done is to raise three remarkable young men. The big question is how close was ayers to barack obama. Have they spoken since he became president and would bill ayers bomb America Today . Is thats next. [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. And never quite get over it. Y. Seven billion hungry people. Well, we grow a lot of food. We also waste about a third of what we grow. So, we put our scientists to work. And they found ways to keep the food we grow fresher, longer. Using innovative packaging. There are still a lot of hungry people in the world. But we have a lot of scientists. This is the Human Element at work. Dow. Welcome welcome back. As we said at the beginning bill ayers was able to reinvent himself with a Prestigious College job and helping launch the political career of our current president. Heres that part of our interview. You got a job teaching with the university of illinois do you see any irony in accepting a government paycheck . Whats the irony . Opposing the government regime wanting to throw down the government as you put it. We all live in the actual world. Even the things we critical of. This is the things we are critical of. Should i not make a living . No, its fine. Your wife got a job teaching at northwestern. And very successfully. It is amazing. They must be operating classes from what you can learn from your future clients. Are you surprised you got the job offers you and she . Oo she was on the fbi ten most wanted list. A lot of great people have been on the list. She is also a professor. The thing is i got my doctor at when i was 43 years old and i nt vi interviewed and its the best opportunity i got. We moved to chicago with our three kids. She started a center for children and families. Others ended up at columbia as well. A lot of members of the Weather Underground ended up in academia. President obama how much ideology did you share . Zero. I knew him as well as he knew 10,000 other people. I wish i knew him much better and he would hlisten to me. Did he ever contact you once you became a story in his president ial race . No. I wish i were. I have no advice for him. I want him to stop droning people. I want him to close guantanamo. I want him to universal healthcare. Dont you think we deserve universal healthcare seriously . Medicare for all. You say in your book you cant image putting a bomb in a building today but you cant image entirely dismissing that possibility either. What would it take to make you bomb this country again . Oo you are saying that sentence in a funny way, but what i am saying is it seems so long ago and far away like another world. On the other hand, as violent and nuts as we can be as a country, i cant completely say no i would never ever rise up in opposition in a very militant way. I cant say i wouldnt. I doubt it. Iment 70 years old. It is unlikely. I wanted to say exactly what bernadine said is i am not committed to nonviolence. Frankly, neither are you. We live in the most Violent Society around and we commit war crimes day in and day out often as a matter of policy. That seems perfectly fine with you. Bill ayers. Thank you. My exclusive sit down with bill ayers as the filmmaker debates american exceptionalism. son oh no. Can you fix it, dad . 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Built for business. We met bill ayers we met bill ayers on our set for a special about dususas new film about america. That may have been the most interesting part of our exchange as it turns out. Here is part of their debate on american exceptionalism. Why do you at this it is few liberals say they are proud to be american. Are you proud to be american . I am not proud to be american. I dont buy the american exceptionalism at all. The reason i am not proud to be an american is because of the damage we do around the world is so serious and so ongoing. If you look anywhere in the world ordinary people on the street admire cuba for one reason. They stood up to america. They stood up to imperial i. We stood up to people, too. Germany. I understand. That was at our best. Why do you go right to the bad. Why do you think about the good . I do think about the good. I wouldnt call myself an american exceptionalist. I am a human being. I believe we should be struggling with the question what does it mean to be human in the 21st century. What is it that is required of us . We are all human. America is five percent of the population. We should think of our selves as people among people not exceptional people. As soon as you start saying american exceptionalism you say actions done by us verses other people are different because of other people. Not at unusual attitude. Exceptionalism doesnt mean a different moral standard applies. Foreigners going back to toll canville. I grew up in a different culture. You see things in america you dont see anywhere else in the world. If you took the power america has in the worlds sole group of power you gave it to russia or you gave it to china. They would use it far more expansively, far more brutally and more to gain themselves. America is benign in the way it exercises its power. The idea of Wealth Creation is being embraced in india and china all over the world. It is lifting hundreds of people out of poverty. The formula we are moving away from at home under obama is being embraced all around the world. Benign in iraq for example. You say we use our power benevolently in iraq. Those are benign uses. We went to afghanistan because the taliban supplied monkey bars to the guys of 911 to attack us directly. Why didnt we get the guys who attacked us directly . Because the moment incidentally the entire history of the last six years of American Foreign policy is we go in under the guys of being benign and we go in under the lies of one president after another then we goot booted out . What do we do . We gain the brown guy it is almaliki. I hope he is ready in vietnam. You think we are blaming almaliki for the mess in eye can ra. Is that what you think . I think we always blame our clients. That is a generalization. Do you think we are blaming almaliki . I think we blame our vclient and our clients hap tpen to be brown. Dem got a pull let in the head from kennedy. Because he failed in vietnam. We didnt fail we were perfect. America has made mistakes it made mistakes in vietnam. I think the iraq war in retrospect was a mistake. But theres a difference between making a mistake and doing something inhair rintly wicked. Any one else who went into iraq would have reem mursed itself by taking iraqi oil. Instead we spent all of the money in iraq we turn over the keys to the oil to the iraqis we say its your oil, use it, sell it, burn it. Em merelyists northermally go ad to make money. You are saying the oil is there and iraq is using it the way it should. Shell has nothing to do with it and mobile has nothing to do with it . You are dreaming. On the balance america didnt make money in iraq. The people in halliburton made gazallions of money. Thats not responsive. America. America on balance lost. At the end of the cold war all Eastern Europe is prerussia has a noncommune iist government are they better or worse off because we won the cold war . I think you are dreaming about that. Was it a good thing . I think the end of authoritarian government is always a good thing. I think this notion we go out in our beneficence spend a trillion dollars a year on military budgets have 150 military bases those are not for ben nef sent purposes. For the rest of that debate go to facebook. Com the kelly files. Like the page we have a comment to tell us what you think. We will be right back. In new york state, were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. And startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. Thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. No property tax. No business tax. And no sales tax. Which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. 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That is our show tonight. And now john stossel

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