Couple dozen, i couldnt really count, these White Nationalist protesters. There are a ton of Police Boxing them in. But on the other line of this, this line of Police Officers, these are all counter protesters. Right now theyre trying really hard to keep these people away from these people. There was a ton of profanity, some of the counter protesters were grabbing at flags that some of these White Nationalist protesters had. This is about as chaotic as senior can have in washington d. C. So far, it seems like its pretty peaceful but have a look on the sidewalk. There are signs, likewise matter. Hate not welcome here. No place for hates. Then over here, we dont see any signs brought by the Jason Kessler led protest which just arrived a few minutes ago. But all these counter protesters seem to outnumber the guys that are here for the unite the right 2. They were waiting for them. So the police really have their hands full. Look at the scene right here. You ever see anything like this, we are walking down 23rd street away from the foggy bottom metro. I think this guy wants us to move. You go all the way down the street which is blocked right now, it would be at the lincoln memorial. So essentially, there will be a turn onto pennsylvania. Eventually culminating yeah. It appears the police are at least trying to keep the sides separate unlike what happened in charlottesville. Reporter yeah, can we come right here for one second . So this is the front of the line. And its a lot of counter protesters on either side. On the sidewalk, on the north side. Theres a lot of middle fingers, a lot of profanity. Its hard to tell even what side is what, to be honest. On the sidewalks. But, all of the unite the right protesters and their sympathizers appear to be inside this police formed human shield essentially. The way that it works, they all went to the vienna metro station in northern virginia. 10 stops away on the orange line or silver line in washington d. C. The police temporarily closed the station down so that all of these unite the right White Nationalist protesters could board and so they could get off at the foggy bottom metro. That give counter pressproteste lot of time to be there waiting. The crowd continues to grow. But, it doesnt look like the unite the right people are gaining any new members. All of the counter protesters seem to be growing in size. All right peter. We will continue with that and have more coverage from there and elsewhere too. Elsewhere, Griff Jenkins is light at the shut it down counter protest. Tell us whats happening there. Reporter we are moving now. The first group of the shut it down dc protesters, leading along with black lives matter. Leading their march from Freedom Plaza to their position in Lafayette Park. They have a position there as well. You can see its very peaceful here. Theres been no confrontations but it is certainly a Spirited Group as you march along. One thing thats fascinating about what we saw in Freedom Plaza, was that this broad group of coalition of people, whether it beblack lives matter nt antifa, its a message geared for the president. Specifically to unite the right rally. We will walk along with them. We are about two blocks from the white house from Lafayette Park turning on vermont heading south and we will see as they join the already growing crowd at Lafayette Park in front of the white house. Have you been there at Lafayette Park yet . For you there earlier and then came back to meet this group . I dont think he can hear me, thats understandable so we will keep an eye on that situation there. Griff jenkins walking with those protesters heading for the white house to Lafayette Park. Of course, the protesters are marching in washington d. C. Back in charlottesville, virginia, where one year ago tragedy struck with three people being killed. Of course these issues continuing in our doug mccalla way is there now reporting. Reporter for the first time in 48 hours since we been in charlottesville, we saw our first instance of real violence. Happened about a half hour ago just as Heather Heyers mom was visiting. As she was there, just outside the security perimeter, about 1520 feet away. A group of antifa protesters got into a scuffle. They were interfering with the cameramen. There were a lot of cameramen from all of the affiliates around here. One of the techniques that they frequently use is to put their hand or a piece of paper in front of camera lenses to obscure the work that these cameramen are doing. One cameraman had enough of that. Hes working to make his living point somehow a scuffle ensued and in contrast to what happened last year, the Virginia State police jumped on that in a heartbeat. They dissembled on this rumble. Pull people apart. One person was detained. Several others were booted out of the immediate area. And did so forcefully. One state trooper was heavily armed with riot gear, forcibly grab someone and shut them out of the way. Theyre making a case here that they are not to be messed with in contrast to last year. And it seems to be working because that was the only arrest we were aware of today. Three arrest we saw yesterday for minor violations been this all began this morning with auntie forantifa and antiracist rally at booker t park. You are supposed to seek a permit but they did not. The police let them have their way in that park. They had their rally. When it ended an hour later, they decided to spontaneously march to downtown. They didnt have a permit for that but the police let them do that anyway. Proactively try to help them avoid any kind of escalating tensions. I talked to the state trooper in command. He approached the leaders of the march thing whos in charge . They said, we dont know whos in charge. There was no leader. The command officer said, where are you going, we want to escort you to wherever youre going. They said we dont know where were going. Anyway, they ended up in this area and that for that scuffle ensued. At the same time, police are being very gentle and standoffish but when violence breaks out, theyre jumping into it and thats where we stand right now. The antifa people come and go. When theres intervention by police they break apart and then they filter back again later. Its difficult to predict what will be happening. We will keep our eyes on it. Seems like lawenforcement ha a better handle this year. Nt ifa are not only trying to put their hands in front of, but also cutting camera cables. We were with Griff Jenkins a few moments ago. He was walking alongside some of those protesters in the socalled shut it down protest in dc on their way to Lafayette Park. Have you reached your location . What is happening . Reporter we have. We are here at the corner of Lafayette Park. You can see, its a couple thousand people that marched peacefully to Lafayette Park. This is of course the counter protesters. This is black lives matter, they are waiting to find out what they will do next. They are certainly rallying and we will keep watching this and come back to as things develop. We will get there when we need to. In the meantime, stay tuned because we will rejoin the journal editorial report in progress and we will be back lines as needed but definitely at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. See you then. Paul firefighters in california battling several major blazes across the state including the largest wild fire in its history. Montecino complex is larger than city of los angeles and Officials Say it may not be contained until september, President Trump seized on the issue earlier this week, the californias Environmental Policies have exacerbated a dozen large fires in the state right now. The president tweeting that bad environmental laws are magnifying the fires by not allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized, he added must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading, we are back with dan henninger, kim strassel and allysia finally, why are the fires as severe as they are . Well, they were pretty severe last year and started earlier this year, one reason high temperatures especially up in the north, heat wave, high heavy winds and a lot of dry vegetation after 7 or 8 years of drought. We had plus you had actually one wet year paul the Previous Year. The Previous Year which actually provided more vegetation over growth and so the fires have more fuel to burn. Paul okay, lets take the president s issues, the water, is there a shortage of water to fight the fire . Not to fight the fires but theres a shortage of water in california, huge shortage. Paul whats the problem . The problem is that environmental restrictions to protect fish mainly the salmon in delta where all the rivers in the north run in to. They are using the water for fires. The pumping restrictions very little of the water actually moves down paul where does it go . To the ocean. Paul they take fresh water that they could use down south and pump it out to sea . Pumping, right. Paul so what that does does not help the north but where it hurts creating further dry conditions in the central valley. And in the south land, Southern California where youve had fires, one raging in orange county, south orange county. Paul kim, let me go to you, i know you follow closely when it comes to tree clearing. Is the president on strong ground . Absolutely, ground zero problem of why you are having fires, by the way not just in california but throughout the pacific northwest, alaska, other places where going back 20 years the federal forest, the logging band in federal forest kicked off a trend, you see it driven at state level by very bad environmentalist policies, leave it alone approach. The usda did report in december, 129 million dead trees in california and theres government level to go in and really do any lugging, cutting, thinning, this is whats providing fuel for the fires when they get raging you cant stop them. Paul this is a puzzle for me, kim, and im a mid western and not a westerner, why wouldnt environmentalists want healthy forests . So why wouldnt you want to clear some of this stuff out so that it is less vulnerable to raging fires . Well, its the problem with most modern green environmental policy, it doesnt do much to help nature. It is involuntary belief that man should not interfere at all, you do not manage nature and let nature take its course but if you do that for instance, they are estimated in Sierra Nevada had four times trees in them as you would in normally healthy forest. We used to be able to have the massive fires that can just burn and clear everything out but we cant really allow that anymore given population and the devastation they cause, so your alternative is to go and manage them mechanically with cutting. Paul dan, jerry brown claims Climate Change and just about everything bad that happens on Climate Change, but at some point when do you take responsibility as a political leader, okay, lets say hes right and this is related to change in climate, the government has to do something. They do have to do something but jerry brown and the democrats, the greens have put themselves in a position where very simply incapable of moving and i want to pick up the point that kim was just making, one alternative to this is in vast areas of running controlled burns, you burn down some of the forest to clear the area, i mean, they are forests, they are full of trees, trees are wood and wood burns, but for last 100 years or 200 years or so, the country has set aside vast areas of the west and they have not and theyve been untouched as kim suggested, they are too big for the federal government to manage even if they were going in and doing that sort of thing and as she suggested, if you allow logging companies to come in, private owners, they would be responsible for keeping the forests in healthy shape. They are not healthy. Paul quick question, how much does the state of california spend on tree cutting . Very little relative to how much they are spending on the subsidies. They are spending 300 million on electric cars and given maybe 30 million on tree cutting. Paul so ten times on electric cars for subsidies than tree cutting. What the move signals about the administrations approach to both countries next. We are going to be continue with the international community, there has to be changes from iran. Liberty mutual accident forgiveness means they wont hike your rates over one mistake. See, Liberty Mutual doesnt hold grudges. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty the first person to survive alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen by funding scientific breakthroughs, advancing public policy, and providing local support to those living with the disease and their caregivers. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. The protesters were trying to get a block from here to there civil rights march. I saw kessler, he was carrying an American Flag but there were a lot of people really yelling at him. Every step of the way. In fact, if you point the camera over here, it looks like Jason Kessler, the leader of this movement is over here. Hes in a blue suit and hes carrying an American Flag. This is an unexpected stop but you can see the police really have their hands full. Pardon the language that is around us from these counter protesters. You can hear that they are yelling and the unite the right folks are yelling back. There goes kessler with the American Flag. Theyre letting the unite the right protesters march down pennsylvania avenue which is totally sealed off but the rest of us media, somebodys pulling on the cable. Are we good . Looks like someone was trying to mess with our camera cables. Police are taking the White Nationalist protesters to Lafayette Park. And a lot of the counter protesters will have to find another way to get to Lafayette Park which is essentially just Walking Around the corner instead of walking straight. Peter, great job. We will come back to you when we need to of course. Weve got ted williams on the phone. You just heard peter doocy report that basically what the police there have done is to create a path for the white supremacist, White Nationalist protesters to go through as planned. And you have an unexpected, and unexpected amount of counter protesters to show up. Given what happened last year, perhaps thats not so surprising. What you think police are doing and it seems from my perspective, you tell me. That they are trying to keep them separated . Let them go on as planned and then what happens . Absolutely. Police officers are very much in control here. They have alternative plans in place. What youre having here is that Law Enforcement is attempting to allow the White Nationalist and their minority togroup to conduct their demonstration. They are trying to keep it separated. Theres a great deal of tensio. As you know, there are 340 demonstrators that are clearly outnumbered by the more peaceful individuals were not White Nationalists. So these are contingent plans that the Dc Police Department along with other Law Enforcement agencies have had in place and it appears to be working right now and keeping them apart. Hold that thought. Let me take a break and we are back in a moment. I tried to quit smoking for years on my own. I couldnt do it. I needed help. For me, chantix worked. It did. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix, without a doubt, reduced my urge to smoke. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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So you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. Dates, deals, done tripadvisor. Visit tripadvisor. Com we continue our coverage of the dueling rallies. White supremacist and White Nationalists have arrived at Lafayette Park across the street from the white house. It appears to be a fairly contains an controlled situation. Because police had several layers of protection. Want to point out, they can only have about two dozen of these guys. 3 dozen or so basically just over a handful causing this type of attention and confrontation. As they are faced down by the socalled shut it down counter protesters. On the vote is ted williams, former dc homicide detective. Youve got to give it to police and kudos to Law Enforcement. You had several layers of security. Next to them were Police Officers on bicycles using the bicycles as mobile barriers to basically keep both sides apart. I guess you could say protect the White Supremacists and keep them away from the counter protesters. It does appear to be a fairly peaceful despite the catcalls and yelling and the electricity in the air. Absolutely. What the viewers need to understand is this is the Nations Capital and there are all sorts of demonstrations throughout the year in the Nations Capital. The Law Enforcement here is always very welltrained and on alert with these various demonstrations. The only concern that i have right now is while im able to control and keep the small group of White Nationalists away from the Majority Group. The thing about the Majority Group is there are different agendas of various groups in the Majority Group. So youre always concerned about that Group Getting out of control. We have seen that with the antifa protesters. There are reports that they cut camera cables and attacked the media who we have objectively been covering both sides. Youve got those type of attacks against the free press. Absolutely. That is what Law Enforcements greatest concern is right now. Theyre trying to protect both groups. But the problem you have here is that each one of these groups have their own agenda. And their own agenda may not be always to peacefully demonstrate. Again, i have seen in the past when you get a permit, a White Nationalist group for about 400 people and then you only have a handful showing up. That appears to be what happened here today. You mentioned not only do you have local police, youve got the National Guard present. You mentioned because this is the washington d. C. Area. Youve got secret service out there. What role do they play in all this . Primarily, the secret service, in light of the fact this is taking place in Lafayette Park. Our viewers need to know that Lafayette Park is right across the street from the white house. The secret service is primarily there to protect the white house. So the role they are playing is to make sure that the demonstrators on either side, dont get too close to the white house itself. So thats a very prominent role the secret service has in this process. And then as you have these protesting, and counter protests happening simultaneously. You have visitors. This is after all, august. You people visiting the Nations Capital. This is international news. People just wanting to see whats happening. Who are not there with any skin in the game if you will. How does that affect what police need to do in terms of keeping not only the Peace Keeping people protected . That is where it becomes rather difficult for the authorities. They cant discern demonstrators from individuals who are just there on vacation perhaps in washington d. C. And want to see what is going on with the various demonstrations. As long as they can keep it peaceful, theres no teargas flying more canisters flying or having to take any action against either group, i think everyone will be safe. I thought by now because i leavelive here in the dc area. Where these demonstrations are taking place is about three blocks from my law office. I anticipated right now it would be raining and that would have some effect on quelling everything down. But that is not the case. I do believe that Law Enforcement as you represented earlier, is very much in control here. It doesnt seem at this stage it has gone out of control. To that point, last year when this happened and the unfortunate, unexpected violence broke out, ending with the death of Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others. Police were criticized for not having enough presence. Now there is more than enough presence. So speak to that and also this point, speak to me in terms of the prep. Not just physically but mentally. Their state of mind going into this. Let me just quickly say, youre right about charlottesville. The problem was, its a very contained area and the Law Enforcement were not ready for the incident. They were not prepared. They are prepared this year. I think what you found is the Dc Police Department has learned from that and they themselves are more prepared for what is going on. Ted, what exactly did they learn . I will ask you after this break. Stay with us. We are back in a moment. Come away with me barnabas but i am a simple farmer. My life is here. [telephone ring] ahoyhoy. Alexander graham bell here. No, no, my number is one, you must want two two, i say like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. Ahoyhoy as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. door bell rings its ohey. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications havent worked well enough. 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A very small sample of the Police Presence out there. Weve got peter doocy out on the scene as well as Chris Jenkins. I think we will go to Chris Jenkins with an update. Reporter its a little hectic. This is the ntantifur protests. They are dressed in all black and they dont want to be seen by the press. They came sort of out of nowhere. They werent gathered at Freedom Plaza, they came from the north part of the city, down 17th street. They are just outside the west side of the Lafayette Park where kessler and his group one in. I was speaking with some of the leaders. We have people here from outside as well from philadelphia. They are making their presence known. What you see here, this is the true antifascists. Its been peaceful. Theyre just marching. There hasnt been any confrontations. Obviously, kessler and his group are inside Lafayette Park but we had a spontaneous march that stopped just outside the entrance to Lafayette Park on the west side of the park. We will keep monitoring this. As you look around, i will just show you. One of the tactics that antifud they dont want to be seen by the press. This is a conversation had by many of the leaders, this is directed toward, they are legalists. The message is not just at kessler, its also at what they see as a repressive fascist administration under President Trump. We also have ted williams, a Fox News Contributor and former dc homicide detective whose office is a few blocks away from the main event happening at Lafayette Park. Ted williams, when you see these groups, showing up with scarves on covering their faces, how does that alert police . It becomes very chilling and scary for Law Enforcement because while they are already on alert. They dont know when at any moment, during the course of these demonstrations that there could very well be a disruption. You asked earlier about the mental preparation of Law Enforcement for these kinds of demonstrations. I can tell you what happens is, they do roleplay in demonstrations. To see how these various groups will act. They will have a group acting like antifa, a group acting like White Nationalists. They will be prepared because they say all sorts of derogatory things to Law Enforcement and they want a reaction. Law enforcement has to be professional and not give in to these various groups. We are watching Jason Kessler on the right. He had a permit which was approved. He claimed 400 people, they dont have that many. Maybe about three dozen. How long do think this will go . Hes using this as a media storm to get his message out while hes speaking with just a few supporters. He is surrounded by thousands of counter protesters. Ive seen his rodeo before in dc with a group of White Nationalists, neonazis, or coming to town and they will be in masks and large groups. They always come with just a small minority. What theyll do is there trying to get as much attention for their beliefs as they possibly can. Youve got kessler out here. Its got his flag. His leg is backwards, by the way. Just pointing out. And thats really strange. Weve been talking about how nfl players have supposedly been disrespectful. This group is also disrespectful to the people of the united states. By the manner in which they are using a flag for theirbeliefs. Ive been very direct about this. Coverage of these protests here on the Fox News Channel. Ill never find a safe used car. Start at the new carfax. Com show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. And its time to get outside. Pack in even more adventure with audible. With the Largest Selection of audiobooks. Audible lets you follow plot twists off the beaten track. Or discover magic when you hit the open road. 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I think you were making the point that here it is you have this guy and his group of white supremacist claiming they would be in dc by the droves. Of course, a call for a lot of Police Presence. Lots of protection for them and for counter protesters. Because it was their group last year that ended up killing Heather Heyer, unfortunately. The 32yearold paralegal in charlottesville. Here they are one year later. They are now in dc, within earshot of the white house at Lafayette Park. The question i asked you based on the point you relating to, while everyone has a First Amendment right and we are not at all trying to quell that but i do ask you, where is the legal line when you have 30 people who have now created this entire up for and how is it they can be legally allowed to have all of this Law Enforcement and all of that Police Presence and those resources on hand. Being utilized and could potentially incite an enormous amount of violence and it could be worse. How are they allowed to do this and create allthis have it . Havoc . We are unfortunately, close in the Supreme Court ruled in illinois where the nazis wanted to march. They were permitted to do so. We have to remember, he asked for a permit for possibly 400. And yet they show up with about 3040 of them. [indiscernible] the man or woman that goes into Law Enforcement has to protect those 40 individuals. Thats a heck of a lot of money being utilized to keep these two groups apart. This White Nationalists group, [indiscernible]. Ted, hold on as i think your phone is breaking up. Do we have griffith or peter doocy . Want to point out, the strategy of some of these protesters. Is just to provoke confrontation. And then you have other groups that are like, give me a reason. Then they come out to get Media Attention for some folks calling it a staged protests. Kesslers group doing this on purpose knowing he will get this coverage and they will try to incite emotions for his cause. You mentioned the right word. It is emotions. When i say the other son, give me a reason. This is so emotionally charged that you have these white supremacist trying to promote their propaganda. Their message. And you have other people on the other side, highly offended by that. While they have a right to be there ted williams. And all marking the oneyear anniversary of the tragic death of Heather Heyer as well as the two troopers there monitoring the unrest last year and they were killed when the state trooper helicopter went down. Because they were above monitoring the violence as it turned out from above. Ted williams, i think we still have you. Were going to be coming up against a break but grabbed onto your thoughts for me. Because after the spring we will come back to you. I want to hear what you were saying about their right to protest and the resources that are being exhausted to protect everyone out there. We are live, just in earshot and across the street from the white house at Lafayette Park watching these dueling protesters and we will continue our coverage after this break. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . The white supremacist rally in charlottesville virginia. Hello everyone i am arthel neville. Welcome to a brandnew hour inside americas news headquarters. We have been covering the rallies. When youre after the march in charlottesville turned violent and ugly. Leaving three people dead. Of course, two Virginia State troopers and the night the right group is led by Jason Kessler. Only two or three dozen of them in Lafayette Park. You have shut it down grow, counter protesters include the antitrump protesters that walk around with faces covered and masks with reports have said also attacked news media in several places. We continuing to Fox News Channel complete team coverage, Griff Jenkins is live at Freedom Plaza in the Nations Capital. We will begin with peter ducey where the socalled unite the right white supremacist nationalists protesters got off of metro station and what really was an organized controlled march under heavy police protection. Right. They came over to her to this Lafayette Park. As you can see, Griff Jenkins earlier was at a really big rally at Freedom Plaza which is a few blocks away. You can see there are thousands of people, counter protesters right now. We are all a pinch point to get into Lafayette Park. Just for a little bit of context, there already a few thousand counter protesters here. We got over here to Lafayette Park and were having a hard time figuring out where the unite the right protesters happening. But if units ago we watched as the unite the right White Nationalists wanted to have their white civil rights rally were taken as a group, there were no counter protesters and no press. They were taken as a group on to close pennsylvania avenue. It is a little bit tough to see from here just because there are so many counter protesters. But the unite the right rally happening about 100 yards in front of the fence line. It looks like, it is tough to get account but it is a they wanted to have this white civil rights event. They are only it appears, talking to each other. Because again, there are very few press, there is no other outsiders who came to protest the event. But you know, there were thousands of people