I really believe that, john. I think that were going to have a success. I think this will be a very big success. Paul joining the panel this week, dan henninger, bill mcgurn and in london, Editorial Board member mary kissel. Dan, you agree first with the decision to withdraw . Absolutely agree with that decision, paul. I think it had to be done to drive negotiations with the europeans, basically dragging their heels on it. There was a basic agreement that the deal that obama and john kerry did had imperfections. It did nothing to limit irans missile program. It did nothing to limit irans activities in the middle east and there was a problem with the sunset provision at the end that it was going to expire in 2025. Now, the europeans said they were willing to talk about that but we were making no progress on those talks. Paul this is something that this decision, mary, is likely to drive the europeans, theyre going to have to do something. They issued a cautious statement. They said they were disappointed by it. What options do they have now moving forward . The europeans have a very clear choice to make, paul. They can either trade with iran, a very small economy and a state sponsor or terrorism or they can decide to trade with the United States and u. S. Financial institutions. I think you saw two very different responses from brussels where the chief diplomat said that the iran deal was the grea greatest diplomatic achievement of all time ever, and the response you saw from britain, germany and france. Its important to remember that britain has strong links to the u. S. Financial system. I think theyre much more inclined to do a deal with the United States and try to close some of the loopholes that dan talked about. I think france and germany will protest a little more. They have many more business ties to iran. But i think ultimately all the europeans will have to come around because the economics are on the side of the United States, not iran. Paul do you think that explains, mary, the relatively mild response of the europeans . I dont know if you saw it. There was an op ed in a competitors paper by couple former obama officials on friday saying wit what the europeans sd do, they should call back their aambassadors from the United States and maybe if it escalates even and basically severe immediate diplomatic ties, normal diplomatic relations with the United States to try to rebikbukeamerica for this decis. What a remarkable thing to read, paul. And i called iran a state sponsor of terror. Theretheyre so much more than. Theres unrest across the middle east. To see former white house officials side with them instead of on the side of the free and liberal western world is really something to behold. But again, i think its incumbent also on the Trump Administration to explain continually why it was important to get out of this deal. You saw the europeans talk a lot, for example, about the u. N. Nuclear watchdog and how that washdog has given its stamp of approval to the iran deal multiple times. The Trump Administration needs to explain the watchdog doesnt have access to all of Irans Nuclear sites and iran has repeatedly lied to that watchdog. Trump Administration Officials should keep making an issue of that and talk a lot about it and often. Paul what impact do you think will have on the north koreans and going into that summit . Its a little different. The bet in iran is that the world will want to be in the u. S. Fansal system, right financial system. Paul thats the Trump Administration. Theres probably some guy in atehran calling his wouldbe partner in paris saying were waiting for that Wire Transfer and its not coming. Last night in elkhart, President Trump said im not going to go to singapore with kim jong un and come out with a deal like john kerry made. So, look, its good to show strength. I think we should be encouraged by what we see in north korea but, again, the goal isnt to sit down with kim. The goal isnt even to release prisoners. The goal is to prevent them from having the capacity to strike america with nuclear weapons. Paul the iranians said theyre not going to withdraw immediately. Theres a lot of debate back and forth in the media and in iran. Do you think that their incentives are to stay in or some people predicted they would get out and sprint to get a bomb. What do you think is going to happen there . I think the iran incentive as mary was suggesting earlier, the iranian incentive is at this point primarily economic. They got into this deal because they needed to get revenue flow from europe to help their economy. Just last weekend, there were riots and protests across iran by lower middle class iranians who were saying explicitly they had not benefit from the revenue resulting from the end of the sanctions. There is a problem internally. I think the primary goal here is going to try to do whatever they need to do to preserve those economic relationships. If the sanctions start tightening on those european companies, europeans and the iranians are going to have to do something to adjust to make the economy in iran survive. Paul thank you, all. Still ahead, a look at whats next following President Trumps decision to exit the iran accord. Can the president reach an agreement with european allies to fix the deals plows and will congress flaws and will congress have a role . Well ask senator ron johnson next. Man it takes a lot of work to run this business, but i really love it. Im on the move all day long, and sometimes i dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition im missing. Boost high protein now has 33 more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. And it has a guaranteed great taste. Man boost gives me everything i need to be up for doing what i love. Boost high protein. 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Senator, good to have you with us. Thanks for coming in. Do you agree with the president s decision on iran . I do. The world is less safe because of the iranian agreement that funneled about 100 billion plus into not only the economy, but even worse, the military of the largest state sponsor of terror and weve seen how they used that money, to destabilize yemen, destabilize syria, provide hezbollah more support, rockets in is ram and th israell did nothing to stop their Ballistic MissileTechnology Advancement either. Getting out of this will give us the opportunity to ratchet up sanctions and hopefully come up with a better deal. Paul are you record weed wod about the worried about the rift with europe. You could have more transatlantic tensions. Youre already fighting over tariffs on steel and aluminum. Does that concern you at all . We want to have a strong relationship with our nato allies and european friends as well. The western democracy has kept peace and security throughout the world. We need to hang together. The fact of the matter is, though same countries, britain, france, germany, new full well when president obama entered this unilaterally, did not consult with congress, did not ratify this through the treaty process, that agreement was worth no more than the paper it was written on and theyre recognizing that right now. Hopefully french president macron is certainly talking about working out a better deal and thats the better attitude to take. Paul if such a deal did come to fruition, adding a couple of the provisions that you mentioned before, like the sunset provision and intrusive inspections, do you think you guys in the senate would be able and willing to put those provision intuse your legislation provisions into your legislation that monitors and calls for review of the Iran Nuclear Accord . Do you think you could get bipartisan support to do that . I guess what i would rather do is come up with a new deal and send it through add vocation of the senate. Had president obama done that, the iranian agreement would have been far better and might have stood the test of time. It certainly would have had bipartisan support. Thats the danger of any president acting jun unilateraly and not going through the rat phi case process. Ratification process. I would rather see President Trump come up with a new deal and have it ratified by the senate. Paul the senate treaty, youve got to have 67 votes. You would have to get President TrumpPresident Trump would have to get an enormous number of democrats to sign onto that kind of deal. During the corker card yenen debate, the first thing we would have voted on would have been a treaty. If they up held the oath of office, that amendment would have passed 1000. We had republicans lobbying against it, unfortunately. From my standpoint, something so significant certainly is a treaty and it should be ratified and we would be in a better place to i do had he done that. Paul whats the mood generally speaking in the senate about this withdrawal decision . The democrats i remember when you had this debate. There was bipartisan opposition even among democrats, some opposed. I think Chuck Schumer voted against it or he was opposed to it in some of the crucial votes on capitol hill. Now democrats say we should stay in anyway. Whats changed . Well, they circled the wagons even back then to end up passing the Corker Carden agreement act. But from my standpoint, i think a lot of people are ambivalent. I could have argued this both ways, stay in the agreement, try and strengthen it. Weve already given up all of our leverage. The fiction of snapback sanctions was just that. There was no way to get the 100 billion plus back. There was no way to put irans behavior back in the bottle. So you could argue this both ways. But i have no problem with what President Trump has done, particularly if we start ratcheting up sanctions at this time. Prime minister netanyahu made a strong case, when you see spontaneous demonstrations in iran, obviously the money is not flowing in the comply for the benefit of the iranian people. This is a good point in time to ratchet up pressure on the iranian regime. Paul gina haspel, do you think she will be confirmed . Im going to supporter. Hopefully she will be confirmed. Paul you thinke think shesg to be confirmed . Again, theres talk within even our conference. It was not helpful. Senator mccain came out against her. I have a great deal of respect for senator mccain, but that was not helpful in materials of her confirmation in terms of her confirmatio confirmation. Paul thank you for being here. When we come back, a showdown between House Republicans and the Justice Department taking a new turn this week. What the documents sought by devin nunes and his colleagues may reveal about surveillance of the Trump Campaign. It took guts to start my business. But as it grew bigger and bigger, it took a whole lot more. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. And that 2 cash back adds up to thousands of dollars each year. So i can keep growing my business in big leaps whats in your wallet . This is the story of Green MountainCoffee Roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. First, we head to vermont. And go to our coffee shop. And meet dave. Hey. Why is dark magic so spellbindingly good, he asks . Let me show you. Lets go. So we climb. Hike. See a bear. Woah. Reach the top. Dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. Like these mountains, each amazing on their own. But together . Magical. 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Nunes and House Oversight chairman trey gowdy met with Rod Rosenstein and other officials at the Justice Department thursday in an attempt to resolve the standoff. The republicans are seeking access to information that could raise new and perhaps disturbing questions about surveillance abuses by the fbi during the 2016 campaign. Our own Kimberly Strauss has been reporting on this issue. She joins us now. So kim, tell us what we need to know here about this latest line of inquiry from devin nunes and why it matters. So heres what we know is based on some leaking that went on to the washington post, we know that this inquiry is focused on a source, a top secret source within that the fbi used, it was part of its russia collusion investigation, this is a u. S. Citizen, and i think this is really important, paul, because when intelligence operations or the fbi refer to sources, theyre not talking about their internal people. Theyre usually talking about some american in a looks like an average person but who uses their credential or their job to gather information and report back. And this suggests that perhaps the fbi had a person who was in fact spying on the Trump Campaign. Paul when you say spying, youre not talking about somebody in the Trump Campaign. Youre talking about somebody who was trying to engage with individuals associated with the trump cam campaign, people like yes. Paul and was do we know, seeking information, we assume on the russia probe . Probably seeking information to report back to the fbi that would have been used in conjunction with what we also know is the electronic eavesdropping they were doing as well on certain Trump Campaign members like carter page. Paul the timing matters here as well because were talking about 2016. Were talking about the months of the summers mayb summer, maye that in 2016. And why is that important . It matters because the fbi has doggedly stuck to this story that what launched the Counter Intelligence probe was a tip it received about a conversation that trump aide George Papadopoulos had. They claim they got this tip in july and that soon after they started this Counter Intelligence probe. If it were to be the case, that they had a spy who was functioning, potentially prior to that date, then that would mean Something Else inspired them to do it and that they havent been straight. Paul now i have to ask, kim, because you put it in your column, you said you think you know the name of who this individual, this sources. Why have you decided first of all, if nobody in intelligence and government told you, how did you find how do you think you know and why arent you publishing it . Well, theres a lot of other reporting out there about individuals who interacted with the Trump Campaign. Weve got some very good hints from the leakers themselves, probably from law enforcement, telling us about that this is a source, u. S. Citizen, giving some hints that they might have ties to overseas intelligence agencies. Paul just to interrupt, these leaks were from the government to the washington post. They actually disclosed a heck of a lot of information to the post in a story that was looked to me, anyway, to be intended to try to shut this investigation or this request from the house down. Yeah, and think about that. Up until then, we knewing in more thaknew nothingmore than ct a request about a new line of inquiry. The Justice Department themselves and people leaking, probably presumably from that side, that have given us all the rest of the tips about this person that they claim to be so worried about maintaining the sesecrecy of. Paul what do you make of all this . I think kim is absolutely right. Careman nunes is going chairman nunes is going to win this fight. Paul the disclosure fight. The disclosure fight. The Justice Department is a creation of congress. If congress wanted to, they could abolish it. If Congress Acts as a body, acts together collectively, not as an individual member, they have a lot of power to do this. And mr. Nunes is supported by speaker ryan, by the contenders for the leadership, Steve Scalise and mr. Mccarthy. It looks like the republicans are behind this. As long as they stick to their guns, i think theyre going to get it. Its clear now, you know, kim would say, i have no inside information on who this might be but twitter is full of speculation of a lot of people. So it has to be more than just the identity, one would think, that theyre trying to keep quiet. In other words, the circumstances of this individual. Paul what happened and and where he fits in the puzzle of all this. Paul dan, you i want to ask you, michael cohen, the president s lawyer, we have reports this week that he received money from a lot of from companies and individuals including 500,000 from a russian businessman and at t to influence because of presumably cohens access to trump. What do you make of that . Well, the key word, paul, is presumably. Presumably his access. I mean, at t just this week fired its washington representative who had paid cohens company 600,000 presumably to get some intelligence on what Donald Trumps thinking might be. I would assume, about their takeover of time warner. And recall back at the time, paul, no one really quite knew what was in Donald Trumps head. I mean, it was just like people were in a panic over the trump presidency. And so theyre reaching out to anyone, such as michael cohen, who they thought was close to donald trump. And trump has put distance between him now and michael cohen. Cohen is involved in an investigation with the u. S. Attorney in new york and so its just it was a phenomenon i think of that point in time. Paul one other question for kim. Kim, quickly, who do you think will win this fight . Do you think nunes will win the document request and search . Briefly. Yes, i do. Because as bill said, congress is united. I dont think the fbi has anywhere in the department of justice to hide anymore on this paul still ahead, lawyers for President Trump said to be nearing a decision on whether the president will sit down with robert mueller. Well talk to Michael Mukasey about all this and the perils or cooperating or not cooperating with the special council, next. With this clever little app called audible. You can listen to the stories you love while doing the things you love, outside. Binge better. Audible. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Paul lawyers advising President Trump in the russia investigation, hoping to decide whether l hell sit down with special Council Robert mueller. Mr. Trumps legal team has been divided over whether he should agree to an interview, a decision that exposes him to potential legal perils and could hasten the end of an investigation that began a year ago this coming week and has cast a shadow over his presidency. Muellers team has reportedly rejected the idea of the president answering questions in writing and rudy guliani says the president doesnt need to comply with a subpoena if one is issued. Judge Michael Mukasey is the former attorney general of the United States. Thank you for coming in again, judge. Good to be here. Paul the last time we talked about this here, you suggested that it would be wise for the president s team to work out a way to sit down with Robert Muellers team to avoid the possibility of a subpoena where he would appear in a grand jury without his lawyer present. Do you still agree with that . Im not sure. My own advice tends to change the way this matter seems to change. Paul sure, sure. And to ripeen an ripen and m. I dont know that there is a way to work out a way theres a way to work out a basis for him sitting down with the special council, now that theyve rejected the notion of written questions and i dont know that the special council is going to be in a mood to disclose all the questions in advance. Paul there was a leak with about 40 some questions that came out. I dont know what you thought of those questions, but i looked at them and i thought an awful lot of traps there for anyone, and especially President Trump. Right. And theres an awful lot thats off the point. The point, remember, having been whether there was a relationship between the Trump Campaign and russians attempting to influence the election. That was what supposedly got this started and what justifies the special councils existence. Paul did those questions and the way they were framed, many of them in kind of leading ways to get the witness to ramble, did those if you were sitting in the council seat advising trump, would that change your mind about sitting down for an interview . For sure. If those stand as they were described in the newspaper, absolutely. Because they are entirely focused on questions relating to reported obstruction and thats not what this is supposed to be about. Paul what happens if the president is subpoenaed and according to rudy guliani resists . How is that going to play out . I presume it would go all the way to the supreme court. Presumably it would go to the supreme court. The conceptual problem i have is that if the president is being subpoenaed, hes being subpoenaed in connection with an investigation in which he is the subject. Paul right. So if thats the case, then hes being asked to cooperate in an investigation to prosecute himself by the branch of government that he heads. Paul that reports to him,. Correct, correct. Its hard to see how you get there. Paul bill clinton was required to testify in a civil action. Right. Paul that was preceded his presidency. Right. All together different. Paul this would include presumably official as the president of the United States, dealing with the firing of jim comey, for example. Which the president had the constitutional power to do. Paul could he send a note that said mr. Mueller, my powers under article two of the constitution allowed me to fire mr. Comey, end of discussion . The subpoena wouldnt say what questions are going to be asked. So if the subpoena said were inviting you to answer this question and thats the question, then i guess he could respond that way. And the question would be whether a court would sustain that. Paul how do you think it would turn out . Its hard to i mean, these are questions we havent dealt with before. This is territory that we havent explored before and frankly its territory i hope we never have to explore. But i think ultimately a court would say that the president could not be subpoenaed in a case like this. Paul that he could not be subpoenaed. Interesting. Let me turn to this extraordinary display in court youre talking about a case uniquely like this, i. E. Where the question is whether he ultimately gets prosecuted by the branch of government that he heads. Its one thing to ask whether he could be impeached for exercising various powers. Thats a whole different thing. Paul thats a whole different thing. Thats a political question and congress could decide at any minute that they wanted under the constitution, that they wanted to impeach him for frankly anything they decided was a high crime. They define what a high crime and misdemeanor is. Paul the scope of the inquiry came up in a session in a room involving Paul Manafort and the prosecution by robert muleers team by Paul Manafort. The judge said i want to make sure your prosecution, involving the ukraine, not russian collusion, that it falls within the scope of the actual mandate you have from the Deputy Attorney general. What did you make of that review . What i made of it is that the special council is in somewhat deep water here, although if push comes to shove, i dont think that the court has authority to either dismiss the case or even direct the Justice Department to have somebody else prosecute it. Paul really . He couldnt say send it over to a u. S. Attorney in virginia . I dont think with all due respect and with a lot of respect and high regard for judge ellis who i think is a terrific judge and is not a man to be tr trifled with, i dont think he has the authority to pick who prosecutes this. On the other hand, he ought to be able to disclose whether this is within the mandate or not at the very least. Paul and if it isnt, what happens . It may very well be that not much happens. Paul he couldnt dismiss it . He could conceivably dismiss it based on prosecutor yall misconduct but that is a standard that is so flexible and is entirely theres no statute that define what prosecutor yalprosecutorial mi. It would have to be something really overreaching and very far. I dont think there its here in this case because the indictment itself sets out the factual basis for proceeding here including documentary evidence. And they seem to have a case regarding the crimes that theyve charged, which of course have nothing to do with paul russian collusion. Than thank you. Paul thank you. When we come back, gina ha haspl in the hot seat. Do you believe in hindsight that those techniques were immoral . Whoever came up with the term small business, never owned a business. Theres nothing small about it. Are your hours small . What about your reputation, is that small . When you own your own thing, its huge. Your partnerships, even bigger. With Dell Small Business Technology Advisors youll get the oneonone partnership you need to grow your business. Because the only one who decides how big your business can be, is you. The dell vostro 15 laptop, with 7th gen intel® core™ processors. Im still giving it my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im up for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. 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And if youve got cutrate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. So get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. Like me. Mayhem is everywhere. Are you in good hands . Paul President Trumps pick to lead the cia facing a grilling this week on capitol hill. Gina haspel, a 33 year veteran of the agency testified wednesday before the senate Intelligence Committee ahead of a confirmation vote there next year. Has pee peel facing questions haspel facing questions over the role in her post 9 11 Interrogation Program. Do you believe the previous interrogation techniques were immoral . Senator, i believe that cia officers to whom you referred its a yes or no answer. Senator, i believe that cia its a yes or no answer. Did extraordinary work to protect this country given the legal tools we were authorized to use. Paul mary, so what did you make of that exchange with senator harris . I think its a red herring. I cant believe Democratic Senators are relitigating a debate that the American People had more than a decade ago. Gina haspel did not put that Interrogation Program into place. It was legal when it was carried out by her and then we had a great debate about it and we decided to roll back some of those interrogation techniques. I think she was right to defend the cia officers who were carrying out their duty in a constitutional and legal fashion. Paul kate, you saw the hearing and there was some suggestion beforehand that it was going to be really worse than it went. Its going pretty well for haspel . I think it did. She addressed these allegations on enhanced interrogation in her Opening Statement and did so clearly and articulately and said i dont support bringing back such a program. It is against the law if congress were to try to change the law, i wouldnt support that either. She was very direct and clear and they were asking her to go back in time, and be claire i have want that the clarvoyant that the law and Public Opinion would change in such a way. Paul they got some pretty useful information. He she did. I would add what a par partisans fafarce owl all of this is. John brennan oversaw this program more closely than gina haspel did at the time. For some reason, gina haspel is being declared unqualified. Paul last minute entry in the debate, john mccain has a unique personal history, having been tortured himself in a prison in vietnam, speaks with i think unique moral authority on this and he said hes going to vote against haspel. How is that going to influence the vote . Well, it is worth noting that he and rand paul are on the same side of this question. Rand paul also said that he is not going to vote forgey that haspel. So far, we do have a couple democrats who are willing to supporter. I think s she is going to get through and john mccain, unfortunately, is ill and will not be there to physically vote against her or so we think. But so i dont think ultimately it hold up her nomination. Paul Lindsey Graham who is often john mccains comrade on questions of interrogation, he has broken with john mccain and said he will vote for haspel. I think Lindsay Graham has a better argument on her qualifications. Paul does this tell you anything about the democrats here, all of this debate. I assume shes going to get through. It tells me a lot about the democrats. It tells me on the one hand theyre going to pose any Nominee Oppose any nominee that donald trump puts up there. I think thats beginning to energize republicans in the country. The second thing that occurs to me, is Kamala Harris wasnt the only one raising that question. Senator Martin Heinrich said where is your moral compass. How do the democrats call this moral question, against a woman who was fighting a war against alqaida. It makes you wonder where the Current Democratic Party stands on the issue of National Security. Its a political issue. Do you want to turn National Security over to the sorts of people who are interrogating gina haspel or to gina haspel. I think i would go with ms. Haspel. Paul thank you all. Still ahead, tuesdays primaries in ohio, indiana and West Virginia seen as a boost to the republican as they battle to maintain control of the senate this november. What the gop learned from this weeks contest when we come back. Theres little rest for a single dad. And back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. This november indiana will face an important choice. You can send a really incredible swamp person back to the senate, like joe donnelly, or you can send us republicans like mike braun to drain the swamp. Paul that was President Trump thursday night at a rally in elkhart, indiana, giving a plug to businessman and gop Senate Candidate mike braun who won the primary there on tuesday. Primary results in the Hoosier State as well as ohio and West Virginia seen as maybe boosting republican chances of holding the senate this november. Were back with dan henninger, kim strassel and allysia finley. Whats the lesson for the senate here . Did they improve their chances . I think they definitely did by nominating candidates that are more viable that can actually beat democrats in West Virginia, you had the a. G. Morrisey beat democratic congressman. Paul state attorney general. State attorney general, beat the coal baronner who was in prison for a year, blankenship. He probably stood no chance paul blankenship, had he won. Yeah, had he won, he had mo o chance of winning. Paul mike braun beat two congressman. The Republican Voters in indiana are looking for somebody to change things in washington. What about braun, though . Hes a rookie. He hasnt done this before. I assume his record as a business man, ceo, is going to be exhumed in every detail by the democrats. Hes probably going to get the mitt romney treatment here, though he runs an Automotive Parts business. I think people in indiana, especially with the tariffs, theyre starting to realize how important trade actually is and supply chains. I dont think that will be used against him as democrats are hoping. And i think he does stand a strong chance against joe donnelly. Paul what about the antimcconnell, Mitch Mcconnell strategy, some people have been trying like blankenship. It worked ina alabama when roy moore youroymoore used. Is it fading as a strategy . It seems so. Hope the Republican Voters are realizing that after the passage of tax reform that mcconnell and President Trump share a lot of the same policy goals. Paul word in the house is not so good. I think the republicans may have set themselves up for losing a seat in North Carolina when they ousted sitting congressman in favor of a challenger. Why dont you explain what happened there. Yeah, so down in North Carolina this district you had robert pitinger. He was beaten by a fiery pastor. They had run and matched up against each other before. This time, this guy won. And this is very much a seat that would have been safe likely if it was in the incumbent. The new republican will face dan mccready, a moderate democrat, much more down the middle. This is the kind of strategy democrats have been exercising across the country. We saw it in pennsylvania with their candidate in conor lamb. Theyre trying to pick candidates that fit the district. This guy has a good shot of winning over this district in North Carolina. Paul interesting result in ohio. You have mike dewine winning the governors race there, to be the republican nominee, former two term senator i think, or at least one term senator, and hes going to run against Richard Cordray, the former head of the Consumer FinancialProtection Bureau who allysia has been torturing for four or five years with her i think hes been torturing us. Paul fair point. Weve been giving it back. It looks like turnout there in ohio, republicans had better turnout than democrats in the primaries which raises questions about just how big democratic enthusiasm will be this year. Well, we assume democratic enthusiasms going to be very big. Its been big, thats one thing that had they had going goingr themselves. The progressives are animated against President Trump. Mike dewine and Richard Cordray are two of the least inspiring public figures you can encounter. Be that as it may, the big thing i think we saw here is republicans are beginning to get interested in this race. The polling suggests their enthusiasm is growing. I believe thats what donald trump has recognized. Thats why hes doing these rallies like he did in elkhart. He knows that he needs more turnout from republicans. We have seen just in this past week at least two polls show that the generic ballot, republican versus conservative, has really, really tightened. Its below 6. Three in one poll, one in the reuters poll. That means its going to be very competitive. Paul we have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week. Prepare for your demise, mr. Billingsley do your worst, doctor. I will. But first, a little presentation. Hijacking earths Geothermal Energy supply. Phase 1. Choosing the right drill bit. As long as evil villains reveal their plans, you can count on geico saving folks money. 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Meanwhile the democrats running for governor is complaining there is not enough affordable housing. So not to mention maintenance costs. This seems to be some dissidents but maybe theres hope. I dont know. This is for the white house. This week proposed a spending cuts package for rescissions. I think when really exciting line item in this package which hopefully the house and senate will pass is 4. 3 billion from an Energy Department loan program that was responsible for pfister automotive which was an obama era debacle where large loan to carmaker that went bust and produce cars in finland. It was an irresistible metaphor. Cheers them for getting rid of it. Dan b. I am giving a hit to the Trump White House recall how china on insistence that American Companies stopped referring to taiwan as a country despite the fact that taiwan is an independent nation. Sarah sanders said this is nonsense and part of the parties will to put their views. Delta airlines and ron have apologized the chinese for this. And i give the white house credit for pushing back. That is it for this week. Thank you to my panel and all of you for watching. I am paul gigot. I hope to see you here next week. A fox news alert. North korea setting a date to begin shutting down a Major Nuclear test site. With a ceremony planned sometime between may 23 and 25th. This is another day looms large. June 12 when the president will meet kim jongun facetoface in singapore. Hello Everyone Welcome to americas news headquarters. Welcome back thank you. Let us of course noting gestures. They say nonetheless will maintain maximum pressure on north korea over the nuclear program. Of course, believesa discussi