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Keeping nearly 1,000 jobs in indianapolis instead of moving them to mexico. Lets bring in wall street journal columnist kim strausle. James freeman and mary ogrady and brett stevens. Brett, general mattis, good pick . Terrific. I mean, my joke about mattis is he can scare the feathers off a chicken just by looking at it. And putin too . You want a defense secretary who will inspire the respect of your adversaries and also, a secretary of defense who is going to inspire the respect of his generals and of american troops. I think mattis, he was the first general to go into afghanistan in 2001 as a one star. This is a guy who is well known in the defense department. Hes seen as a scholar warrior. I dont think were going to see the likes of this person since George Marshall was secretary of defense. Speaking of marshall, mattis having been as an officer is going to need a special dispensation from congress. They have to pass a law to have him serve as defense secretary. Do you have a problem with that . I dont. Obviously we have to enforce a principle civilian control of the military. But mattis has the confidence of john mccain and other senators on the Senate Armed Services committee. That wont be particularly problemat problematic. Nor would it be problematic if former general petraeus also serves in the cabinet position. I agree with you on both. What about his economic choices, mary . Lets turn to those. We have a wall street guy. Wilbur ross. What do you think . Well, on treasury secretary, i think he could have done worse than steve ma nushen. He talks about growth. He says we can do 3 to 4 growth. Hes a tax cutter. I think he is not so good on individual tax rates. Seems to have that sort of the rich should pay more. We could have done worse. On commerce i dont think he could have done worse. You know, wilbur ross has a long history as a protectionist and he basically would in the Commerce Department send a very bad signal to the rest of the world about free trade. The u. S. Should be a leader in free trade in the world, not a leader in protectionism. Yet, thats what donald trump ran on, james. Well, he also ran on draining the swamp. And ma nushen and wilbur ross arent a couple of swamp drainer. Explain that. Why is that . Especially on ross, what hes doing is hes ramping up the Commerce Departments role as kind of a center of krohny capitalism in washington. Ceos are going to get special favors for their industries. These the big problem isnt it . Basically its government intervening on behalf of Certain Companies to help them out. So this department is about to get a lot more important and powerful in a very bad way in washington. As far as treasury, i agree, steve ma nushen i think will be generally favorable as they seek to cut taxes but he had this squeemishne squeemishness. Is this tension between ma nushen and his growth impulses, tax reform, helping the economy grow with antiregulation d deregulation, is that the tension well see in the Trump Economic Program . Absolutely. One thing about the ma nuchen and ross picks and its wor worrysome as well. The two guys are from wall street and the intention of the left and the press is now going to be to make them out to be the kind of old fashion antipopulist thing that trump said he ran on to make the Trump Campaign feel guilty about this and play on those instincts so they wont cut top rates and do some of the reform things that trump said he would. But yes, there is a bigger tension within the campaign about growth versus protectionism. They have not settled it and these guys are the perfect examples of those two war in camps. Lets take an example which is the carrier deal. Trump went to indiana, took credit for saving these jobs. On the other hand, he really did hold a gun to the head, i hate to use that metaphor but its true. He said look, this is were going to put some tariffs on your products if you dont keep these jobs here, if you move that plant. Its a very worrysome signal. We were worried about it but now he proves that hes going to do exactly these kinds of things. Lets remember that he would not have been able to put tariffs just on carrier products, he would have had to put them across the industry. Theres a difference of opinion about whether or not under iran sanctions laws you can sanction an individual company, some lawyers are saying trump can do that. As your so lister, i would say hes not. However, lets keep in mind that mike pence, the subsidies are 7 million from the state of indiana. Mike pence is the governor of indiana and the head of the Economic Development corp. If this could have been done by mike pence, mike pence could have done it long ago. He could have done it in the summertime. But in fact, i think what happened here was trump saying to carrier, listen, United Technologies which owns carrier has a lot of defense contracts, and by the way if you can think about whether you want to stay up all night thinking about what i can do to you and carrier was worried. Wihe also did say were goin to cut your tax rut from 35 to 15. Were going to make a lot more competition in the make a lot more competitors stay here and that was incentive as well. Yeah, but look, for business to thrive it requires a certain amount of predictability and when you have a charismatic president who likes to swoop in to save jobs in politically sensitive states, you dont have that kind of predictability. This was a tactic that Vladimir Putin likes to employ for political effect going to one company or another and telling them not to cut jobs. Its a dangerous and populous precede precedent. Donald trump vows to leave his Global Business empire but just what does the president elect have planned . Will it be enough to silence his critics . Ittle love today spread a little love my way spread a little somethin to remember philadelphia cream cheese, made with fresh milk and real cream. Makes your recipes their holiday favorites. The holidays are made with philly. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. [and her new business i do, to jeanetgo. Jeanette was excellent at marrying people. But had trouble getting paid. Not a good time, jeanette. Even worse. Now im uncomfortable. But heres the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. Send that invoice, jeanette. Looks like they viewed it. And, tada paid twice as fast. Oh, shes an efficient officiant. Way to grow, jeanette. Get paid twice as fast. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Amid growing calls from democrats for congress to investigate his business deal g dealings for conflicts, donald trump took to twitter vowing to unveil a plan on december 15th that would take him completely out of the organization that bears his name. The president elect didnt provide any details about how he planned to separate himself from the companies saying legal documents were being prepared. But trump has previously said that he would leave his Business Operations to his three oldest children, donald jr. , eric and ivanka. Were back. Wall street journal editorial page writer also joins us. Kate, do you think its good news the trump tweet about saying hell separate himself but of course the details matter . Its great news and well judge the plan when it arrives. But i will note how broad the conflicts are here. The children running the Business Operation but we have ivanka sitting on meetings like with the japanese at traump tower and her husband who is likely to be a white house adviser and he has his own interests. Jared kushner. Yes. Its a broad problem and well have to see the details. At a minimum, do you think what do you think he should do . Should he start, this is president elect, by selling his assets in trump . This is a vortex. I think he has to make a clean break and get rid of his assets and sell them and basically put the cash proceeds in a blind trust of stocks and bonds thats managed by an independent trustee and not his children. That would take the kids out of managing it even. You think that would pose a potential conflict . I think he would like to find a way even if he sells the company to at least have the children still do the business. Yes. I think its more of a political question than a legal question since president s are exempt from conflict of interest laws. The question is whether he could set up a plan that satisfies these questions and there are a lot of them. Does he want his presidency defined by endless media and congressional tussles over whether his policies may be engineered to do favors for one business or another, whether its in the United States or abroad. If thats how he wants his presidency to wind up. That will be a shame. Its not why he ran for office. To quote jpmorgan, liquidate, liquidate, liquidate. Gives some benefit to real estate property, democrats will be wait a minute, youre helping the trump organization. James, what do you think about this . Certainly we ought to see his plan and how he intends to manage this conflict. We as journalists ought to keep a close eye. Do i think its reasonable to say you Must Immediately liquidate all of these highly liquid arizonassets, this is no something you can sell quickly without taking a very large loss. I think we also have to understand we dont want to create rules that we have not applied to his predecessor. What rules are we applying to him that we havent applied if youre saying all the cash, that would be a new standard in politics. Other people have done that all along. No. Jimmy carter what happened to jimmy carter. Basically all of his predecessors have liquidated their assets. No. They didnt all go to cash. They still they didnt go to cash. But they were in a blind trust and didnt know what those assets were. Its certainly in his interest when he comes out in december to say heres the plan and heres how im going to avoid conflicts. But just to step back a little. I think people did understand because he was hocking his products constantly on the campaign trail. Theyre relatively transparent. I had a lot of problems with the way Mike Bloomberg ran this city. I dont think it turned out his ownership of the Media Company that bears his name was the big problem there. That had far more conflicts. This isnt necessarily a legal question or ethical question. It is a political question. How do you want the next four years to be defined . What happens if democrats take control of one house or another of congress in two years time and hold endless hearings on the subject which will politically sink the trump with greatest respect i am sure that a talented children like ivanka trump and her brothers will do just fine no matter what comes next for the trump organization. Can i inject a bit inject a bit of realism here. I think that the reality side is being missed. Look, this is donald trump. His entire Business Empire is based off of his name and brand. I think the likelihood that he is going to sell his companies and his businesses are what we should be looking at and it seems to me a very small prospect that he would. The question then needs to be is that wise for him not to do that . It is arguably not wise. However, i think the question is going to have to be given that reality, what is the situation in which you can have a business setup that is the best form of this that you can have a blind trust that you can have very clear rules that will have the president off as much as humanly possible and pro tetects him fr the criticism. Last word, kate. I think the big argument from the trump camp is they cannot put the children out of business and i think the idea that ivanka trump cant pay her bills is not persuasive to the public who is relying on him. Thank you, kate. When we come back, recounts under way in some battleground states amid claims of voting irregularities as the president elect says voter fraud robbed him of a popular vote win. Well look at both charges next. This is your daughter. And she just got this. Ooh boy. But, youve got hum. So you can set this. And if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. Because youll get this. You can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. Youll know. So dont worry, mom. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. A vote recount under way in wisconsin thursday, part of a push efficie vote initiated by jill stein. President elect donald trump took to twitter to blast the recount effort as a scam. While alleging serious voter fraud in virginia, New Hampshire and california tweeting last sunday quote, in addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide i won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. A former member of the federal Election Commission and senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation and coauthor of the book whos counting, how fraud stores and bureaucratics put your votes at risk. Lets start with the recount. Is there any evidence of enough voter fraud in these states to overturn the election outcome . Remember, jill stein is not claiming voter fraud. Shes claiming hacking of the Voting Machines. She has absolutely no evidence of any kind to do that. In fact, the way those machines work, they are not tied into a central computer system, not networked. That is the machines, the scanned ballots. The ability for hackers to get in is nil. This is a waste of time by jill stein. Just to take her suggestion of hacking seriously for a second, what would a hacker have to do in our decentralized electoral system to be able to influence the outcome of the results . How would they have penetrated so many different sites . They couldnt. For example most electronic Voting Machines are not networked. You would have to get physical access to each electronic Voting Machines. Similarly in precincts that use paper ballots, the kind optically scanned, you would have to get physical access to the computer scanner. That is almost impossible to do, very, very difficult. The chances of this being hacked is just about nil. So just in a recount, normal recount, have you ever seen a recount that overturned more than 10,000 votes in any kind of election . No. Look, in the last two decades there have been a little more than two dozen statewide recounts, only in three of those was the race overturned, one was the Coleman Franklin race in 2008 in minnesota. In every case the margin of victory was less than 1,000 votes. You are not going to get a Bigger Movement than that even in a statewide recount. Lets talk about Donald Trumps claims of fraud in the election. What do you make of his claim that there were up to millions of fraudulent voters. Well, i would say hes more right than his critics. We actually dont know the answer to that and the problem is that our whole Voter Registration process is pretty much based on an honor system. I will tell you we know for certain that noncitizens are illegally registered in voting. There are cases people being prosecuted for that. Theres no systemic way of verifying citizen ship. A lot of surveys have looked at this and citizens admit they are registered to vote. It could be anywhere from 10 to 15 of citizens being registered. Where if youre an illegal immigrant here you can get a fake id, fake Social Security card, drivers license and register to vote even with those fake documents. Nobody is going to check those. As you say, its the honor system. Thats the basis for the ability of people to register even if theyre not citizens, correct . Yes, but also, noncitizens who are here legally. Many go and get drivers licenses and they are asked if they want to register to vote and theyre allowed to register to vote. A case in virginia just before the election, more than 1,000 noncitizens were found registered in just eight counties in the state. All illegally registered and many voted in prior elections. A question of magnitude. Do we have any sense of what that is . You mentioned anecdotes and anecdotes are worth mentioning but statistically we dont know how many people might be fraudulent voters, do we . We have to look at the sur rays. Based on the surveys it could be anywhere from 2 to over 6 of noncitizens voting in elections which could be anywhere from a couple hundred thousand to over a million. What should states do to limit this voter fraud . Every state should have a law like kansas that says when you register to vote you have to provide proof of citizenship. And the Homeland Security starts checking state voter ring station lists to verify citizenship. But this is done on a state basis. This is not something you would do nationally. Thats right. But states have had problems with the Obama Administration because the Obama Administration has tried to stop all verification of citizenship on Voter Registration lists. Thanks for being with us. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Ahead, nancy pelosi keeps her post as democratic leader in the house while president obama weighs in on what he thinks was behind his partys election losses, so did democrats learn the right lesson from their defeat . We have a responsibility and we embrace the opportunity that is presented. We know how to win elections. We have done it in the past. We will do it again. Never again will we have an election where theres any doubt in anyones mind where the democrats are when it comes to americas working families. That was congresswoman nancy pelosi as House Minority leader. Beating back a challenge by ohio congressman tim ryan who launched an upstart bid to replace her after the partys Election Results and the concerns that democrats have become out of touch with the White Working Class voters who sent donald trump to the white house. President obama weighed in on that concern in an interview released this week telling Rolling Stone magazine, quote, in this election they turned out in huge numbers for trump and i think that part of it has to do with our inability, our failure to reach those voters effectively. And part is fox news and every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country and part of it is democrats not working at a grass roots level, being there, showing up, making arguments. Were back with kim, james, kate and brett. Kim, the three weeks in to this post election period. What lessons are the democrats taking away . The heads are still in the sand. You know, they do not want to acknowledge that this is not a failure of getting their message out. It is the message itself. But this is what youre now hearing from them everywhere. Obama. People are watching too much fox news. Nancy pelosi. We need to do a better job of making sure the middle class voters understand our policies are all about them. Look, the problem is that voters out there understood that these policies were not in fact working for them. And this is why they lost the election. Reelecting pelosi is just keeping the same in place. What message were the democratic rank in file sending . They were sending a message on a number of fronts. One, they want new and younger leadership. Nancy pelosi has been in that spot now for ten years. Shes four for four in terms of losing elections. They want new voices and a new bench. Thats part of it. They also want a change in policy. What we have is nancy pelosi, barack obama, harry reed speaking to a shrinking base of their liberal supporters. I think if obama wants to understand why the democrats lost the election, he should look in the mirror and in particular, on two points. Not fox news . Health care and the iran deal. When history remembers his presidency ten years from now theyll remember he shoved those two things down the throats of the American People and they both failed on his watch. And so that combination of american weakness abroad and the Health Care Law that didnt deliver what it promised instead delivered rising premiums goes towards explaining why that happened. I dont think the democrats will resolve their problems until they come to grips with those two failures. As i see the liberal press, i think james what theyre doing is saying james comey did it. Hes at all the. Hillary clinton did it because she was a lousy candidate. Theyre not looking at their ideas, kate. In addition to Nancy Pelosis will to power, part of the story is democrats have lost 900 legislative seats and a dozen governorships since 2008. They have no one to put forward to take her on. I would like to tell the americas bars and restaurants for giving consumers what they want. Every time i go to the airports. Were working on it. Look, they cant really have a debate in washington because there are no moderates left in their elected representation in the house or the senate. So you had this kind of phony debate over the last week where tim ryan who sort of looks like a Middle America voter was running against left wing coastal nancy pelosi but the truth is hes pretty far left, was for obamacare for cap and trade, all of the crazy regulations. The debate that ought to be happening about how you bring that party back toward caring about Economic Growth and job creation cant help within the party. Let me play devils advocate. Donald trump in the middle of the evening on tuesday a lot of people didnt think they were going to win. Thenar rowly won pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. Trump lost the popular vote. Maybe pelosi is right to bet that all we need to do is see the republicans mess up and well inherit the congress again in 2018. That is a real risk for republicans. Lets all hope they understand that all the spotlights are on them and they have no more excuses if things dont go right. You see them saying we need to change the Electoral College. Thats not going to happen. The reality is this has largely become a party of the east and west coast and they have got to figure out a new way they can talk to White Working Class americans, a broader caucus out there because increasingly they are becoming the party of identity politics with a narrower and narrower message, the democrats and the republicans both do best when they are big tent and the determines seemed to have given up. Republicans won the house vote nationwide by 3. 2 million votes. Trump lots by one and half percentage points. The democrats have a geographic problem and thats one issue which i think someone like tim ryan was trying to address. They also have a cultural problem. When you listen to nancy pelosi you are looking at a very wealthy west coast elite who clearly doesnt seem to have much empathy or a sense of what coal miners in app laborer shah are going there and until they fix those the problem remains. Thank you. Still ahead, Donald Trumps pick for education secretary under fire from Teachers Unions for her School Choice position. Well talk to someone who knows betsty da boswell when we come back. Oooh when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. sighs sadly try this. Only aleve can stop pain for 12 hours. Plus, aleve is recommended by more doctors than any other brand for minor arthritis pain. Aleve. Live whole. Not part. President elect Donald Trumps choice for education secretary under fire from the left with Teachers Union chief calling betsy devos the most ideological antipublic nominee. Chair of the American Federation for children. My next guest is a founding board member and executive counsel. Kevin chapus joins me from washington. Good to see you again. Good to see you, paul, thank you. The unions are saying betsy devos wants to gut public education. Whats your response . Thats absolutely not the case. I mean betsy devos is an excellent choice. I worked closely with her for many years and in spite of the hype around the notion she wants to private ties education, nothing can be further from the truth. What she really wants to do is empower parents because so many parents have kids trapped in bad schools. One of the most Amazing Things about union politics, they dont like any education secretary. One of the things they said about arne duncan was hes destroying what it means to teach and learn. Anyone who buffs the status quo theyre going to be against doesnt matter democratic or republican. I think betsy devos is in good company if theyre talking about they dont like her. Talk about the agenda at the national level. You and betsy devos have been fighting for School Choice at the state and local level. What can an education secretary do from washington to promote that agenda . Well, there are a couple things. One is to have a School Choice advocate and again, the essence of School Choice is putting the power in the hands of the parents, not the government or bureaucracy. Thats far different than the way its run over the past years. As a leader of education is the bully bull pit and hes going to make sure that policies are in place that help parents to find quality options for their kids. Dont have a lot of money at the federal level. Most of the money is state and local. You dont have that leverage and plus the Congress Passed an update to no child left behind. So youre not going to change that law. Its basically bully pulpit and maybe a little money at the margin . Money but it sets the right tone. Look at the attention that her selection has been given. It sends a message to parents that they matter. It sends a message to kids that were going to deal with your needs today and not tomorrow. The other thing thats really, really important, it sends a message to the status quo that the status quo is inaccurate acceptable. Yes, most of the action is in the individual states but theres so much that can be done in terms of leveraging public funds. Im sure that secretary devos will do that in terms of creating Better Options for the states to access money to promote School Choice. It doesnt matter if theyre charter schools, choice of charters which are forms of Public Schools or vouchers that can go to private or religious schools . Either one is okay . Either one is okay. The more the better. I think that each jurisdiction needs to pick the choice that works for them. No School District has ever reformed itself from within. The best form of reform frankly and pressure comes by way of School Choice. If you look at whats happened in d. C. , in florida, in milwaukee, new orleans, because they have robust and diversified School Choices, it energy icedizicezed the local system. I think people will embrace that. What you have been doing with American Federation for children is to fight basically across the country and legislative districts in the states against the unions to be able to turn some of these legislatures more towards the pro choice, pro reform argument. How has that been going . Its an underreported story that you guys had a lot of victories this year. We do. One of the things im proud of working with betsy and the leadership that we have been able to accomplish is we actually go to individual states, we design laws that work for kids, we elect legislators who support promoting School Choice. And the beautiful thing about it, which flies in the face of the union rhetoric, is were bipartisan. We elect a lot of democrats and republicans to support School Choice. The hallmark of betsys leadership is she believes in collaboration. Thats the big surprise, paul. I think shes going to be a star in the cabinet because she believes in reaching out across the aisle and putting politics secondary to the interest of kids. Frin frankly its the toxic nature that has infected our education policy and i think betsy will go a long way to removing that. You came up as a democrat in washington, d. C. As i recall on the city council. I did. I helped start our Charter Movement and our voucher and Scholarship Program. Look, after ten years of our Scholarship Program in d. C. We have got 6,000 kids who have benefitted from it. Get this. Of those 6,000 kids, 90 have graduated from high school. Some of the best private schools in the area. Those 90 , 90 of those graduates have gone on to college. Its been a lifechanging experience. This is what School Choice is all about, about making sure parents are able to afford these options that otherwise they wouldnt be able to get. Kevin, thank you very much for being here. Thank you, paul. When we come back, as fidel castro is laid to rest, a look at his brutal legacy and how relations are likely to change under the trump administration. The remains of cuban dictator fidel castro making their way to the final resting place this weekend following a fourday journey across the country he ruled for nearly 50 years. The Obama Administration decl e declined to send a formal u. S. Delegation to the funeral with the white house acknowledging this week that its relationship with havana remain quite complicated. Were back with kim, mary and brett. What hes the fidel legacy. Its complete and total ruin. He inherited a country that was one of the most prosperous in latin america in 1959. He immediately shot more than 500 people by firing squad. He got very rush the example of castro. Look at a country like venezuela experiencing hunger. Eelectricity shortages. Sky rocketing crime. 1600 inflation that modelled itself under chavez on the cuban way. That was what it resulted in so its been more than just the effects on the island. The administration it hasnt changed at all for average cubans. What you have seen is that the state has been able to take advantage of this normization of relations with the United States. It is the regime that has profited from this. This is why trump will have to very much rethink the policy and maybe this is a chance to start from scratch after 50 some years people digging on sides on this issue. Heres a question mary. Say obstacle, symbolic and real, to any change on the island. His brother is the dictator now and the military has been built up to control it. Is this a moment where maybe, maybe some of the authoritarianism on the island breaks up . I think its fanctle. Raul castro has no intention of going anywhere, and theres the next generation of cubans behind him, and its a big beneficiary of all the hard currency that comes through tourism. Basically, what the u. S. Should ask for is release of all Political Prisoners and no more putting new ones in jail. Stop beating the dissidents. And allow some normal level of entrepreneurship. Some free speech and some economic freedom. And access to the internet . The thing is i dont thnk the castros are going to agree to any of that. They have always said we will not take any conditions from the empire. If that happens, if mary is right, how should trump respond . The way he should punish the castro government, very sharply. I spoke or i reported about jose ferrer earlier this week, a cuban dissident. He expects pressure to increase because raul is going to be nervous about the base of his power now that the symbol of tyranny is gone. Trump should mare it clear in exchange for reform in cuba, the United States will look favorerably on it, but if raul becomes more authoritarian, they will pay a heavy price. The economy in cuba is in really, really bad shape. Its probably going to contract this year. So theyre desperate for dollars. Thats why opening up to cuba at this time is a big mistake. But thats an incentive for them to change, is it not, if they want to improve lives for cuba . Agreed, but opening up unconditionally is a mistake when theyre on the ropes. Thank you. We have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week. He is. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. Patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. Ensure enlive. Always be you. Time now for our hits and misses of the week. Kim, start us off. This is a hit for barack obama for reassuring the nation this week that his wife, michelle, will not run for elected office. You know, there used to be a tradition in this country, the president and the first lady, when they were done, they had attained the highest office in the land. They would fade off, do some charitable work, be elder statesmen, that all changed with the clinton with their desperate grasping for power, subjecting the nation to 30 years of the clinton regime. Theres grace and humility to this move. Congratulations to the obamas. Maybe Chelsea Clinton will pay attention. This is a hick for mecklenburg an dree murray who said he found no legal wrongdoing in the shooting death of keith scott. Remember mr. Scott was killed ipseptember by a police officer, initially, it sparked two days of rioting in charlotte, north carolina, before anyone knew the facts. It was very courageous for the District Attorney to do a real investigation, find out that the shooting victim was armed, the police were had reason to use force. And to put the thing to rest. All right. Kate. This is a miss for the taxpayer and not the first. This week, the Government Accountability office reported that the government is set to lose 108 billion on student loan forgiveness. President obama has a way to attract millennial voters has expanded programs that allow h borrowers to limits their repayments depending on their income. They scored it to save money. That fiction has been exposed. And james . We heard all about this debt. Another disturbing fact about millennials is only 20 has ever tried a big mac. We were reminded of what they have been missing this week with the passing of jim delligatti, world war ii veteran and longtime mcdonalds franchisee and creator of the big mac, great contribution, giving us tasty food at a low price. Thank you. And remember, if you have your own hit or miss, tweet it to us. Thanks to my panel. Thanks to you for watching. We hope to see you right here next week. Hello, everyone. Welcome to inside americas news headquarters. Im eric shawn. Topping the news, more sad news. The death toll now rising to 30 people in the wake of that massive fire at the oakland warehouse music party. This as we also learn the city had started an investigation of conditions at that building weeks ago before this heartbreaking tragedy happened. In political news, president elect trump continuing his push against outsourcing. Threatening a hefty tax penalty for u. S. Companies who move their operations overseas. Well have the details on that. And the fight

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