Question for me is what am i going to do about it . And ive decided im a candidate for president of the United States of america. Welcome to the journal editorial report. Well, hes finally in former Florida Governor jeb bush officially launched his president ial campaign monday pitching himself as a washington outsider and promising to get the nations capital, quote out of the bils of causeusiness of causing problems but can he ride his twoterm record in the Sunshine State all the way to the white house . Lets ask wall street journal columnist and Deputy Editor dan heninger and Washington Column im kim straussle and wall street journal contributor jason riley, so jason, i think that most people thought that jeb bush needed this launch to reinvigorate his candidacy after a couple of lackluster months. Did he succeed . Well see. He certainly needed to do that. I think if youre a bush supporter. If youre part of his team theres some concern here that he, you know at this stage very early on its really about name recognition, yet he has the name recognition. He has the money and he hasnt been able to distance himself from the pack. And i think that really concerned him, so hes trying something new here which i think is to shift the focus to a big idea on Economic Growth. He mentioned the 4 . Annual target. Hes being mocked by that but the reality is we did it in the 80s and 90s and most importantly he did it as governor of florida within the state. I think hes going to start stressing his executive experience more Going Forward. Dan, that 4 growth figure is being criticized on the left for saying, oh you cant do nobody can do it. Obama cant do it so how could anybody else do it . But was it good politics to put that target out there . While it is nice to have that target as an aspiration it does make you a target if you dont meet it. I think it was a good idea for precisely the reason you just described, which is the left instantly said 4 growth is impossible. They actually are arguing that for a lot of restructural reasons we can only hit 2. 5 growth which if that is true the country is in big trouble in terms of its employment and getting jobs for young people. Thats a different kind of america. Thats a different kind of america. So as a political matter, 4 is high maybe 3. 5 to 4 3. 5 growth youre sounding like an economist. This sounds like somebody who wants to make an appeal to the American People as jason was suggesting that this country can be stronger. And stronger means more jobs for more young people more people who want to enter the workforce. Kim, what about the other thing that struck me about the rollout which was his emphasis on his hispanic associations. His wife was born in mexico. He obviously speaks spanish well. He did it in his speech. Did that strike you as something that is going to be a big bush theme . Huge. I think if you look at the bigger gop field youre starting to see already that the camp is falling into two types. Theres those like bush. I think you put rubio in there. I think youd put rand paul. They want to be the uniters. They want to try to bring more people into the party, big tent grow the gop. And i think you see on the other side those who are more the dividers maybe mention ted cruz, Mike Huckabee they are appealing very much to a narrow conservative base hoping that they can win on that alone. But, look the reality is paul the democrats have won the popular vote five out of the last six president ial elections and the gop is going to have to grow so it is important that bush is doing that and hell be a leader in that area. Jason, the bush family name he cant run away from it and he didnt. He embraced it. He said he made a reference to brother and father were two president s. But the fact is there are some voters who say, for that alone is disqualifying because we dont need another bush for the third one in 30 years. How is what did you think of the way he handled that in his in his speech . Because he also said look nobody is going to deserves this by right or name. This has got to be earned. Everybody has to do it. And im glad he said that and the media is going to continue to bait him on that. How are you not your brother . How are you not your father . He shouldnt take the bait. He stumbled early on with this. We were all surprised because he had to know the question was coming. I think Going Forward so long as he doesnt take the bait and say im my own man and heres what im going to put forward, i think hell be fine. I agree with the outreach to hispanics and his his ability to do that. He was governor of a state, the largest hispanic population. But an actual hispanic is also in the race paul so its not just the appeal. Can he argue that hell have greater appeal than an actual hispanic. Thats a tall order. I think he does better to focus on his record as governor, you know marco rubio hasnt run nipg the way jeb bush has run something and done a good job running it i think that will be his edge giving the current field. Dan, how does he distinguish himself from his family . I mean how does he step out and say and show voters look right, my last name is bush but im my own man . Well hes going to have to talk in substantive terms. Hes going to have to tell people what he proposes to do. In many ways he and hillary share the same problem, which is that they both come from political family but the politics has shifted since bill clinton was president and even since george w. Bush was president with immigration on the right and issues like education, common core hillary obviously the party has moved to the left. They both have to define themselves both against their predecessors and within the reality that theyre confronting right now. And i think in that event the other day jeb bush did a pretty good job of stepping away from the past. Kim, lets talk briefly about donald trump. I think we can stipulate hes never going to be president of the United States hes not going to win the republican nomination but hell probably be if the current polling sticks in the debate. What will be his impact on the republican field . Could he do some damage to the eventual nominee . He absolutely could because he plays up to some of the worst stereotypes that some voters have out there about republicans, i mean this is the guy that started the birther movement. He is very antiimmigration. Hes got a lot of conspiracy theories. And this is just it leaves the impression that the entire republican field is that way and that could be damaging. All right, dan . He has a huge presence on social media which is something, a phenomenon that people do not quite grasp yet but he could cause a lot of trouble in the media for these candidates. And the media will love donald trump and play him up. When we come back House Republicans throw president obama a lifeline reviving the trade agreement that nancy pelosi did her best to kill a week ago, but as it heads to the senate will the democrats deal the president another blow . Vo todays the day. More and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®. As my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. Today, im asking about levemir®. Vo levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus® which lasts 28 days. Levemir® comes in flextouch® the latest in insulin Pen Technology from novo nordisk. 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House republicans threw president obama a lifeline thursday reviving the trade agenda that Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had all but left for dead. Gop leaders and protrade democrats joined this week to push for a revote. Ultimately pals ing lyly passing the socalled fast track bill that will allow the president to fenish ishfinish a 12country trade deal. They gained one republican vote. Switched from no to yes. So whats the strategy now to get this through . So this goes off to the senate where Mitch Mcconnell is hopeful that hes going to be able to keep the republicans he had before and keep most of the democrats he had before on this vote get past 60 and immediately send this bill to the president s desk. At which point the president would sign it. And then at that Point Congress would return to this other question of providing some sort of Financial Assistance to workers who are theoretically displaced by trade bills. This was something democrats had wanted. But they had sabotaged, that was their means of sabotaging the broader trade package last week. And the idea here is if the president gets and signs the fast track bill there will be no reason why not everyone wouldnt join to finally just pass that worker assistance and everything would be on his desk end. So jason, this is a case where the republicans taking heat from some on the right, critics on the right, Mike Huckabee is out there, a couple of the other president ial candidates saying dont give obama trade so theyre sticking with their principles here even though theyre aligned with a democratic president. This is a progrowth policy. This is the first opportunity in decades open foreign markets to u. S. Goods and services and also theres a geopolitical issue here china wants to be the Regional Power in the western pacific. This would help prevent that from happening. This goes down its a step forward for china in that direction, so this is a this is something i think republicans should be rallying around. You dont get a lot of progrowth agenda items out of this administration we should take advantage it. And 28 democrats voted for the first time for it and voted again despite big opposition from labor, and they deserve real credit here for resisting their own left flank. I believe they do. I think there is an understanding, ive been asked why is barack obama doing this considering how many things hes done on the left. I think there is an understanding in democratic circles with a few exceptions that tanking a Free Trade Agreement would be bad for the u. S. Economy, ultimately and for u. S. Workers and that they understand that this is not something they can step away from both for the political reason that jason mentioned and for economic reasons. So kim, is this going to pass the senate . Because it only passed the first time with 63 votes so to beat a filibuster you cant lose more than three. What are the prospects . The Senate Leadership is very confident that they are going to get there. Now, right now you hear a number of Senate Democrats in particular saying, oh i dont know if i can vote for fast track on its own if we dont have this worker assistance bill attached to it. Theres a view that a lot of that is posturing. They do seem to be very confident that theyre going to get pretty much all of the Senate Democrats that they got in the past and, look the reality is paul that usually the senate has been the eamesier lift on trade. Sure and historically it has been. But this one it was a lot closer. It is closer. But the president is working with all of these people and the end goal is fundamentally fast track and also this worker assistance bill there is really no reason why the Senate Democrats who voted for it the last time around shouldnt this time. Its simply a question of sequencing it all ends up on the president s desk in the end. Its good policy jason, and i agree with you that it is good progrowth policy. Why are some on the right hostile to it . You get the talk radios saying dont give it to obama. Its a trust issue, they are automatically against anything hes for. Hes done nothing, you know, politically to to prevent getting to this situation. This is a guy who has wanted to go forward with executive authority and executive actions instead of working with congress and trade is something where you have to work from the middle out. Youre going to lose the protectionists and youre going to lose the progressives and you have to build coalitions and this is not what this president its not his forte. All right, when we come back pope francis wades into the Climate Change debate calling for an end to the use of fossil fuels, but would that actually hurt the poor hes trying to help . When i started at the shelter, i noticed benny right away. I just had to adopt him. Hes older so he needs my help all day. When my back pain flared up we both felt it i took tylenol at first but i had to take 6 pills to get through the day. Then my friend said try aleve. Just two pills, all day. And now, im back for my best bud aleve. All day strong and try aleve pm now with an easy open cap. Pope francis this week called for changes in lifestyle and Energy Consumption to avert what he called the unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem in a papal declaration released thursday he said wealthy countries were mostly responsible for Climate Change and blamed the use of fossil fuels in part for, quote turning earth into a mess pile of filth. Wall street journal columnist mary ogrady and bill mcgernlkcgern join us with more. Youve read it what do you think of his overall message . The overall message is that we have to radically reduce our consumption. This is not about tempering the western model. This is about radically changing it. Its very dark on the idea that Economic Growth can lift people out of poverty. And its very dark about technology. And the irony of this document is that its getting applause in a lot of parts of the secular world that, you know sort of dont accept the popes authority on faith and morals but theyre now looking to him on science . I mean the New York Times called this unexpectedly authoritative, i think on this. I should stipulate were all catholics here in this discussion and you just spent a week in rome mary so the message that dark message about technology and capitalism you are also a specialist in latin america, so you also know his roots. Do you think thats part that influences his thinking this well it may be. But even that doesnt explain i think how far he goes in this document. I mean hes basically saying two things one, he wanted to remind us that materialism will not make us happy and, two, that we have an obligation to help those who are worse off than we are. But he equates materialism and development. Its almost as if, you know youre in a society where development is important, thats a materialistic approach to life and that has to be condemned. I think also this is very disappointing to a lot of people who are looking for the church for leadership on moral issues. I mean we have big problems with drug consumption and breakdown of the family and violence in our societies. Its not the those problems are not caused by too much airconditioning which is one of the things that he cites as a problem. Attacks the connellsumption and attacks airconditioning in that consumption. The airconditioning example, he also refers to the defied market and the defenseless environment and how shes being plundered at will. Lets talk a little bit about the politics here paul. I think people who are in favor of Climate Change politically think they have gotten support from the pope. Im not so sure really . Because i think more measured presentation might have had that effect that there would be young people and catholics who say, well the pope thinks so maybe theres something to it. But the extremity of his language is a parody of the private market i think has damaged the message politically and a lot of average people are going to say im not sure i agree with that. The irony of this is the pope has made the core of his pastoral message in the first year help for the poor and rightly so terrific. But the irony is that the policies that he endorses really hurt i mean the policies that he attacks have done more to lift people out of poverty. Hundreds of millions of people across the third world. Further to dans point, its hard to overplay the pessimism in this. This is a in many waifs about human possibility and the cleaner environment, a very dark document. But, you know, mary i spent a lot of my early years in asia traveling around and i could see the countries that embraced free markets and capitalism lifting people out of poverty. Those that didnt they stayed mired in poverty. And yet and i havent traveled in latin america like you have but does he see some difference between that reality which is true. I mean, china and india and Southeast Asia does he see Something Else in latin america . I think precisely for that reason while he thinks that somehow making common solidarity with people who believe in Climate Change and so forth will increase his influence in the world, its actually going to damage his influence. The church is not going to be influential, more influential in latin america if it keeps going down this road. Two things that jumped out at me his bias against fossil fuels which are needed for development, and the bias against mining. Mining has been the engine of growth in chile. The only country that has significantly reduced poverty in the last 30 years in the region. And now its happening in peru and the church and a lot of ngo ms are against it. President obama will embrace it, though. He already has. The pope is going to be at this u. N. Summit on Climate Change so, you know the vatican says this isnt a policy document. Its a little misleading. All right. Well follow this. There will be more going right through september on his visit. We have to take one more break. When we come back our hits and missileses of the week. Listen up team i brought in some protein to help rearrange the fridge and get us energized im new ensure active high protein. I help you recharge with Nutritious Energy and strength to keep you active. Come on pear its only a half gallon. Ill take that. 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For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys. Married my high school sweetheart. And pursued a degree in education. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat this pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Time now for our hits and misses for the week. Well a monumental miss to the Obama Treasury Department for its decision to take Alexander Hamilton on the 10, move him somewhere to dotlike size and replace him with a woman. Look Alexander Hamill toventon a signer of the u. S. Constitution George Washingtons chief of staff in the revolutionary war, this is absolutely pathetic. There had to be an alternative, but with the Obama Presidency who can be shocked . But were saddened. All right, mary . This is a miss for the new York City Council which this week passed a resolution calling for the Early Release from prison of oscar lopez rivera. He was one of the leaders of the Puerto Rican Liberation Army otherwise known as the faln. They carried out more than 100 bombings in the u. S. In the 1970s and early 1980s. Hes never expressed contrition for that in this time of terrorism i think thats a very bad idea. Bill . I say a miss and swing and a miss to the st. Louis cardinals. Do you remember how the journal broke the story about the 1951 home run by bobby wisconsin, st. Louis cardinals are now accused on spying on the Houston Astros breaking into the Computer System and finding information. Corporate espionage is something we associate with chinese hackers and not the national pastime. Thanks bill. To the victims and their families in Charleston South Carolina our sympathies on the horrible massacre this week. Our prayers to them. Thats it for this weeks show. Thanks to my panel and to all of you for watching. Hope to see you right here next week. Hello, and welcome to americas news headquarters. Topping the news this hour a day of mourning in South Carolina as supporters bring flowers to Emanuel Ame Church in honor of the nine murder victims, now the long processed toward healing begins. And nearly 20 square miles going up in flames east of los angeles while firefighters swept through 100degree weather all trying to get wildfires under control. Plus donald trump says hire me for president. Does he have a real chance . Well talk about candidates who might be running just for the exposure instead of running for

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