0 can see it, we hope that it increases your faith in what the bible says about history, mostly about jesus christ. he is in fact the savior of the world. >> pete: amen. the reason for the season, i hope folks will check it out on fox nation and chris, great to talk to you tonight. god bless you. great project. don't forget to watch the "life of jesus." don't forget to tune in tomorrow night. the great laura ingraham and her angle takes it from here. >> laura: hey, pete. i have a hard time keeping up with you. you interviewed me for your fox nation special. now you've got tracing jesus' steps. you are on morning, noon, night and it's fantastic. can't wait to watch. >> pete: thank you. >> laura: all right, pete, merry christmas. i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." joe and tony's on excellent foreign adventures. that is the focus of tonight's angle. it was also exciting, wasn't it? early 2021, president biden made his first visit to the state department. he pledged a new era in foreign policy. >> i have spoken with the leaders of many of our closest friends and rebuilding the muscle of democratic alliances that have atrophied over the past few years of neglect and i would argue abuse. leading with diplomacy means standing shoulder to shoulder with our allies in key partners. we must be engaging our adversaries and our competitors diplomatically. where it's in our interest and advance the security of the american people. >> laura: not only has biden failed miserably and engaging our competitors, russia, forget it, his actions demanding massive u.s. military spending in ukraine is prolonging and i would argue escalating this conflict. yes, russia has lost 10,000 men, spent about $82 billion according to forbes. in the meantime, ukraine's infrastructure is getting pummeled. you know what the american taxpayer is going to be forced to pay for it. imagine that price today. biden's speechwriters, i think they wrote lines that were meant to reassure the public but none of it has panned out. >> every action we take an hour conduct abroad, we must take with american working families in mind. advancing a foreign policy for r the middle-class demands urgent focus on our domestic economic renewal. >> laura: whatever. okay. beyond his mumbles, how has funding the war in ukraine advanced the interests of american middle class? it. it's hurt the american middle class. when gas prices skyrocketed because of sanctions, biden decided to deplete our strategic petroleum reserve. at that cost of the $100 billion and counting that congress would've approved this year alone in ukraine. however we going to that back? no one voting for any of this madness thinks about any of us were bothered asking, how does making america weaker economically advance our national security interests? this concept of peace through strength that reagan talked about, these people can't comprehend it at all. right now, tonight, the white house faces three major foreign policy challenges going forward. number one. china must be our first, second, third priority in foreign policy. the fact that our own treasury department is blocking efforts to get rid of tiktok in the u.s. tells you all you need to know. >> the senate voted to ban tiktok from all government issued phones. let's start with that one. >> as i have said before, want to be very careful commenting on any specific legislation at this time. we were free to congress on the next steps. we don't get involved in the process, as we have done in the past. >> laura: tiktok tracks americans who have downloaded the app on their phone and it grabs data from your phones, your contacts, phone numbers, locations, et cetera. >> my kid was on tiktok, they would have his social security number. they would know what his face looked like. they would know what his friends are. >> it's like a digital fentanyl or a trojan horse. if you have it, you should delete it and probably get a new phone. >> laura: we are giving china the ability to map millions of americans' lives. it's a huge problem. it's a no-brainer that we should get rid of tiktok. biden's brilliant and sophisticated foreign policy, all that dignity, his great diplomacy has driven russia into the arms of china. today we learned of new joint naval exercises between china and russia. remember, they used to be adversaries. now they are allies in large part because the war in ukraine and biden's 180-degree turn away from america first policy of donald trump. the american media can't seem to understand this. but russia is not our major problem in the world. they are not great actors. hooton. we don't really want him in there. but russia is merely china's puppet at this point. propped up by oil and agriculture purchases by the c ccp. everything we are now doing, it's only making china richer. it's making us weaker and more vulnerable. biden should be working right now on decoupling but he is doing the opposite. >> not seeking the decoupling in any way of our economy from that of china. trade with china between our two countries is grown massively. $4.5 million in 1972. it's now more than $750 billion. obviously that provides revenue for american companies which provides jobs for american workers and it provides connectivity with the chinese people. >> laura: look at what china did to us with covid. look at how many drugs are made in china, drugs that we need desperately right now. how much manufacturing has been moved back to the united states since covid. we were promised all of that. it shouldn't just be computer chips that we make here. that's the bare minimum. all essential items must be made here in the united states or by one of our very close allies. maybe mexico or canada in some cases. the second challenge, why isn't europe spending more money on its own military, its own defense? the e.u. has spent or pledged $35 billion. this is for the funding of the war in ukraine. germany has a gdp of 4.22 trillion but it's spent less than 6 billion in ukraine. in france, just 1.5 billion. italy hasn't even hit the $1 billion mark. if russia is such a big threat to europe, europe should be funding the lion's share of the war effort, not the american people. by the way, they are covering about 62% of the total war funding so far. if germany is so threatened, why have they just backtracked on their defense spending pledge? we need a real grown-up conversation. donald trump tried to have it with a your appearance. you're trying to break up nato. of course he wasn't. right now ukraine should be their responsibility primarily and our main focus again, going back to number one, should be china. team america, world police, it's not going to fly. we either have the money nor the support among the public to stay in ukraine as long as it takes which is what the biden people keep saying. you know anyone, by the way, another thought on this, anyone who wants to send their daughter or their son to fight in a war to protect finland? of course you don't. but our glorious state department is gung ho in supporting the expansion of nato which will just add to the bills we are already footing. >> finland and sweden will bolster our alliance not only for their military give abilities but both also their values. i'm confident nato will formally welcome sweden and finland as members soon. >> pete: oh, boy. everything we do in foreign policy has to ultimately be supported by the american people because the american people see it clearly benefiting them. again, that's the type of foreign policy biden promised us from day one. you heard it at the beginning of the angle. he didn't campaign on defending the borders of nonallies while leaving our own border wide open. as the media weep over the destruction in ukraine which is heartbreaking to see, where are their tears for what's happening right now tonight in america, in el paso? number three, the trade challenge. trade and foreign policy are inextricably linked. under biden, our trade policy is geared more toward making the rest of the world happy then preserving our own strength and independence. biden is basically giving into every women demand of the europeans, totally turning his back on the key tenet of his supposedly pro-america manufacturing position after complaints from his good friend macron during the state visit. >> transatlantic tensions at the moment, notably around trade and the ira, this inflation reduction act which is europe sees gives an unfair advantage, it's protectionist, helping american companies to the detriment of european industry. >> laura: well, after he picked kicked up a fuss, biden caved. though he sold to us as something that would give a huge boost to the made in america effort for things like electric vehicles and green energy. it turns out it was all a lie. >> the united states makes no apology. i make no apology, since i voted for the legislation that you're talking about. there's tweaks we can make. fundamentally make it easier for european countries to participate and/or be on their own. >> laura: weasel words. he's got to reverse his reversal on the fact we're even considering reentry into the reimagined trans-pacific partnership, that is pure insanity. >> the tpp was a disaster from the beginning. it was never ever going to increase exports. it was always about imports, the notion that it somehow is encircling china is a crazy notion. it was the biggest single gift to shine. it was a crazy notion. i asked people specifically, tell me what you think we are going to export as a result of this agreement. nobody can give me anything of any consequence. >> laura: our foreign policy can't end up being okay come american jobs are going to get shipped over to vietnam as multinational corporations get richer in china. just watch, those who are defending the tpp are going to argue that in order to save countries like vietnam and others in asia, we must sign this updated tpp because it will spur more u.s. investment in those countries. with the upshot being somehow china is going to get boxed out. this is ludicrous. just as we have seen with the world trade organization, world health organization, china will eventually be a signatory to the tpp. and then we are hosed. so will biden rise to the challenge in these three areas? unlikely. the globalists have a death grip on his foreign policy and they're only going to let go when it really starts to wound them politically. we know from experience that none of this is sustainable. there is no way on god's green earth that the american people as we approach 2024, will stand by and watch their own standard of living decline, as our incompetent, duplicitous white house blows billions on zelenskyy's lead latest wish li. joe and tony's unexcellent adventure will come to an ugly end. joining me a and i was wisconsin congressman mike gallagher who will chair the select committee on china and the new congress. it's great to see you. we know you're going to be focused on these issues that we raised in "the angle." can you promise estimate that the g.o.p. leadership is not going to try to sell us again on this trans-pacific partnership that you heard bob lighthizer, world expert on trade agreements absolutely say should be a nonstarter? >> i heard no discussion of it in congress. i can imagine it's going to be a priority. if we are interested in doing anything on trade, i think there some low-hanging fruit. a free-trade agreement with taiwan itself which is mired in disagreement right now. if we want to pursue a trade agreement, bilateral trade agreement would make far more sense as well as a post brexit gold standard trade agreement with the u.k. which is completely followed by the wayside. if you want to draw closer economically and technologically with our allies, let's think about how we can share intermediate range missile technology with the aussies for example, now that we are no longer bound by the inf treaty because trump smartly got out of it. we need to be thinking about how we selectively decouple technologically, economically, financially. in terms of data and dollars from china. potentially removing permanent normal trade relations from china, not allowing them to game the global trading system. >> laura: that's music to the viewers of "the angle," their ears. it's been a complete loser for the american middle class. as you heard, commerce secretary gina raimondo is confusing to say we should decouple from china. what you just reference. given the fact that our so-called allies won't even entertain the discussion of getting tough on china, shouldn't we begin to do this ourselves? given everything that we have seen. they cheat us blind on trade. obviously they are a slave slave state. >> there's three urgent things i think we need to do. the first is to ensure u.s. technology is not going into china's military modernization or abetting china's genocide. the second thing is to cut off the flow of u.s. dollars. in particular, tax-advantaged entities, tax exempt entities. think higher education, university endowments should not be allowed to invest in china. these are the same people that are lecturing us about esg investing. china stinks. if the g stands for anything it should stand for genocide here we need to decouple in terms of data. this starts with tiktok. it's long past time we ban tiktok. we don't have a reciprocal data arrangement with china and they effectively control the app and algorithms are highly addictive, highly deadly and they allowed the chinese communist party to effectively selectively edit the news. we do not want the ccp to control the largest media company in america. >> laura: congressman, why is a communist country allowed to buy u.s. real estate, u.s. major agricultural companies, food companies, in large tracts of real estate near military bases. why is that allowed? >> it's an issue we absolutely need to look into on the select committee on china. it shouldn't be allowed. critically that there is a clear affiliation with the pla. the short answer is they hide these connections sometime through opaque arrangements. oftentimes people don't understand that at least since the passage of the 2017 national security law in china, there's really no such thing as a private company in china. everyone is controlled by the ccp, subjected to the direction of the ccp and so it's important that we understand who we are dealing with. it's a genocidal communist regime that not only wants to oppress their own citizens, succeed where the soviet union failed in perfecting the model of total party control but increasingly to export that model around the world. they talk openly about destroying the capitalist system led by the united states in order to make way for the triumph of world socialism with chinese characteristics and slowly they have turned us into a nation of addicts, addicted to cheap chinese goods, addicted to fentanyl, addicted to ccp algorithms. >> laura: looking forward to your leadership on this committee, we appreciate you joining us. have a merry christmas. current american leadership isn't just sabotaging the country abroad but within as well. the mainstreaming of pot test, the same time as the drug has increased exponentially in its potency, its thc levels. as one highly cited paper points out, the consumption of marijuana is associated with the increase in violent behavior and a high risk of psychosis for frequent users. these issues are not of concern look into those to cash in on this burgeoning business. documents obtained by the "l.a. times" show that cannabis companies and investors provided some of the early financial support for ucla's cannabis research initiative. they funded it. writing checks for tens of thousands of dollars in donations and assisting with fund-raising events. they aren't alone. harvard, mit, uc san diego are among the schools that are accepted multimillion dollar gifts in recent years. joining me now is luke, executive vice president of smart approaches to marijuana. luke, the research for how safe and great weed is, some of the dollars are coming from the lead lobby. are we getting this right? >> yeah, thanks for having me on. big marijuana is terrified. there are volumes of research telling us that this new supercharged marijuana that the industry is pumping out is causing psychosis, schizophrenia. we are seeing addiction rates go up, they are targeting our kids, car crashes on the roads. all this is coming out in the research so they go to their big brother tobacco who, by the way, is their biggest investor and they start pumping out fake, bogus research. one of the people that funded the millions of dollars for ucla's research on marijuana, that company was called nugs. not run by sir isaac newton. they are not trying to advance scientific research, they are playing for publicity and misinformation which is exactly what big tobacco did. they killed millions of americans to make a buck and that's what marijuana wants to do with their big tobacco investors. >> laura: it is corrupt to the core. you chat with folks who maybe don't read up on this or haven't really followed what he does, especially to the young brain with frequent use, they say it's better for you than alcohol. it relaxes you. all the medicinal benefits. to that, you say? >> when i hear about the alcohol thing, i say if you have a car and you just broke your headlight, do you say okay, to be consistent, let me smash in my taillight? we have issues with alcohol. more than 100,000 americans die every year related to alcohol. it's not like that's going great. if you look at marijuana, you have the industry peddling these lies. marijuana helps with anxiety. we have ten research studies that just came out in the last five years that tell you marijuana actually makes anxiety worse. you hear these claims, marijuana is not addictive that the data are telling us from our nations and most revered researchers that one in three people who use marijuana in the last year will develop a cannabis use disorder. that's the medical diagnosis for addiction. there is these myths that the industry is trying to undermine your we need real science, not bogus science. >> laura: it reminds me a lot of the covert, you know funding, of research studies with covid. it reminds me a lot of that. luke, thank you for the work that smart approaches to marijuana does on this issue. the coordination between the fbi and twitter is so pervasive that the barrow temporarily granted top-secret clearance to twitter execs -- was one of the explosive findings in the latest twitter files. we walk through next.

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,Tenet ,Macron ,Inflation Reduction Act ,Complaints ,State Visit ,Tensions ,Advantage ,Ira ,Helping American Companies ,Fuss ,Protectionist ,Detriment Of European Industry ,Biden Caved ,Something ,Things ,Energy ,Vehicles ,Lie ,Made In America Effort ,Boost ,Apology ,Trans Pacific Partnership ,Weasel Words ,Reentry ,Reversal ,Notion ,Tpp ,Insanity ,Disaster ,Exports ,Imports ,Anything ,Nobody ,Agreement ,Consequence ,Gift ,Single ,Result ,Order ,Corporations ,Watch ,Investment ,Others ,Upshot ,Asia ,Signatory ,Areas ,World Trade Organization ,World Health Organization ,Globalists ,Experience ,Death Grip ,Unlikely ,God S Green Earth ,Lead ,Mali ,Ewish ,Incompetent ,Standard Of Living Decline ,Mwill Stand By ,Zelenskyy ,2024 ,Committee ,End ,Tony S Unexcellent Adventure ,Wisconsin ,Issues ,Leadership ,Estimate ,Gop ,Discussion ,Nonstarter ,World Expert On Trade Agreements ,Bob Lighthizer ,Gold Standard ,Bilateral Trade Agreement ,Disagreement ,Fruit ,Taiwan ,Missile ,Sense ,Qu K ,The Wayside ,Trump ,Technology ,Terms ,Example ,Inf Treaty ,Viewers ,Permanent Normal Trade Relations ,Trading System ,Music ,Loser ,Won T ,Commerce Secretary ,Gina Raimondo ,Blind On Trade ,Slave State ,Thing ,Genocide ,Modernization ,Flow ,Entities ,Higher Education ,Esg Investing ,Tax Advantaged ,University Endowments ,Data Arrangement ,Starts ,Rig Stands ,Ccp ,Algorithms ,Media Company ,News ,Chinese Communist Party ,Country ,Food Companies ,Congressman ,Tracts ,Real Estate ,Issue ,Answer ,Affiliation ,Military Bases ,Pla ,Company ,National Security Law In China ,Everyone ,Arrangements ,Connections ,Passage ,2017 ,Citizens ,Model ,Communist Regime ,Direction ,Soviet Union ,System Led ,Socialism ,Triumph ,Addicts ,Nation ,Characteristics ,Goods ,Addicted To Ccp ,Addicted To Fentanyl ,Mainstreaming ,Spot Test ,Current American Leadership Isn T ,Marijuana ,Psychosis ,Drug ,Consumption ,Potency ,Thc Levels ,Behavior ,Increase ,Risk ,Paper Points Out ,Show ,Investors ,Documents ,Cannabis Companies ,Concern ,Burgeoning Business ,L A Times ,Users ,Schools ,Donations ,Tens Of Thousands ,Events ,Writing ,Ucla S Cannabis Research Initiative ,Uc San Diego ,Mit ,Harvard ,Bogus Research ,Some ,Smart ,Executive Vice President ,Luke ,Weed ,Dollars ,Thanks ,Lead Lobby ,Right ,Volumes ,Industry ,Addiction Rates ,Schizophrenia ,Car Crashes ,Roads ,Kids ,Supercharged ,Big Brother Tobacco Who ,Research ,Investor ,Fake ,Snugs ,Ucla ,Publicity ,Misinformation ,Buck ,Big Tobacco ,Haven T ,Tobacco ,Core ,Alcohol ,Alcohol Thing ,Use ,Headlight ,Car ,Benefits ,Taillight ,100000 ,Lies ,Anxiety ,Nations ,Claims ,Five ,Ten ,Researchers ,Science ,Addiction ,Myths ,Cannabis Use Disorder ,Diagnosis ,Lot ,Work ,Covert ,Research Studies ,Fbi ,Execs ,Working At Twitter ,Files ,Coordination ,Clearance ,Findings ,Barrow ,

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