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The media will pipit to now protect democrats and he expose their utter disdain for you the american people. But first, the establishments last chance, that is the focus of tonights angled. Of move they confirm the worst suspicions about the oligopolie and big tech, Twitter Announces its banning the president permanently. Youtube is removing any videos that questioned question the 2020 election results. We know that. Tonight, google play has suspended the parlor app with apple threatening the same. As i said, 11 days before trump leaves office. A petty and big indicative nanc pelosi is planning as second trump Impeachment Vote unless h resigns even though he already assured the nation of a smooth transition. The executive branch is a deranged unhinged dangerous president of the United States. There should be prosecution against him. I gather that the 25th amendment is off the table. They are trying to silence the critics. They claim that theyre worried about violence and unrest, but their muted reaction to last summers burnings and lootings and before that there toleratio of public threats and harassmen of political opponents, that shows us its all a fraud. The reason they want to shut down opposing speech, the reaso they want to demonize millions of you, is because they want total and absolute power withou ever having to defend their policies. Open borders, china trade, wars and the middle east, the polly were disastrous for the poor in the middle class, this is why they refused to do interviews with hosts on fox prime time, they dont want their policies question. Joe bidens rambling reference today to germany was shameful. It was divisive, he didnt hear mitt romney mentioned that grea it was something that you would expect from a beat of marxist berkeley professor or a member of the squad, but not the president elect. Theyre part of the big lie commit the big lie. You keep repeating the lie, repeating the lie. There was a point that when dresden was bombed, firebombed, there were to hundred 50 people that were killed or was it to thousand 500 people were killed and he said no, no, 25,000. Or 250,000 were killed. In the papers printed that. Lets set aside the fact tha the man cant speak. But thats going to calm things down . After the tough time of the pas year, the past few months, and the past week, its probably a good time to take a step back and take stock of how we got here. Lets go back, shall we . In 2000 we were the richest and most powerful country on earth. But by 2016 we had stagnating wages, a rising china, were as they killed thousands of americans and wasted trillions of dollars. Worsening racial tensions even under president obama, and declining standards and performance in our schools. The partys answer to that was to try to force another bush an another clinton on the voters. But, as we know in 2016 the voters rejected that choice and trump one. The establishment then didnt just hate him for it, they trie to destroy him for it. And at times, of course, the president did get his critics t huge openings and we called the out on those unforced errors, most of those involved tone and not substance. But the anger and disillusionment in america on both sides isnt going away on january 20th. They were burning in rioting in baltimore and in ferguson when obama was in office, and beto this week has been raging in portland, but you didnt even know that. And remember, auntie maxine urging people to confront trump allies in Public Places and pus them out. Remember all those viral videos of trump staffers getting harassed in restaurants . Did joe biden call out those . Soon the democrat establishment will have all the power, all th government under their control once again. And they have piles of big mone from big donors, and of course they have the help from big tec to support their candidates and speech going forward. They have a pliant media to carry their message. So lets see what they couldnt do with all of that power. Recent history shows the establishment basically has fiv major problems. Number one, their stupid. This isnt the establishment of john kennedy having dinner with dozens of nobel prize winners. This year establishment types spends a lot more time working out than reading books. Their knowledge of Thomas Jefferson comes from the play hamilton. Their knowledge of Middle America comes from watching roseanne reruns. Their knowledge of china and th ccp comes from pro china forces. He has not been dictator. Hes not a dictator . Has a constituency to answer too. Internet commit you kind of slow down for four or five year until you see the lay are the land. Were not slowing down. The rising china is a positive development. Not only for the people of china , but for the United States. Could get no wonder they dont want to debate the issues. Those reeducation camps a problem, jamie . Number two, they are incompetent. They told us that nafta was a good trade deal in letting chin into the wto would lead too. It represents the most significant opportunity we have had to create positive change i china since the 1970s. Wrong. They told us that we would be greeted as liberators in the middle east. Where a liberating power. As nations in europe and asia can attest as well. They told us that President Trump could never feet Hillary Clinton. This man has got some momentum, and we better be read for the fact that he may be leading the republican ticket. Anna you dont believe that. They didnt foresee the rise of china, they didnt perceive the housing bubble, the housing crisis, the internet bubble. Or the harmful effects of government lockdown. They have been wrong over and over and over again on almost every major issue. If they want to be successful, they have to Start Holding themselves accountable for thei mistakes. Number three, they are corrupt. Jefferson died on the verge of bankruptcy, hamilton died leaving behind huge debt, those days are gone. The play in these days is to come to dc come with do the peoples business, for a while, and then cashin. They show the clintons made combined 10. 7 million last yea far less than the 28 million they made the year before. The obamas shirt has deals with netflix to help develop documentaries and Television Shows with modified, on the end of course they have both had book deals. If the establishment wants t be respected, they need to spen more time thinking about americas bottom line and messe less time thing about their own. Number four, they are cowards. Their Immediate Response to any challenge is to try to be on th challenger. Whether its from cocktail circuit, from the club come up from the airwaves. And as weve seen this week, even from twitter and facebook. In their answer to almost every problem involves using more troops to fight the people overseas or more restrictions and surveillance to limit folks here at home. If they want to make a difference, they should try harder to win on the merit, and stop focusing on trying to silence their enemies. Number five, they despise the working class. Its not just their views that they hate, its the people themselves. Trump has been a disaster, but what i worry about even mor is there is Something Like 74 Million People voted for him. Theres going to be a reckoning. The rest of the country is what we really need to work to fix. I believe they have blood on their hands and no one should forget that. Of course, abc news politica director nick klein writing thi week getting rid of trump is th easy part, cleansing the movements he commands or gettin rid of what he represents for s Many Americans is something else. Cleaning up the movement. We already know his truth though. The establishment goal of cours is to chart a route from supporter is a violent marauder or secondclass citizen citizen of a view into the ellipse on wednesday and walked to the capital, and were peaceful, youre still an enemy combatant. How sick and how poisonous. Its as toxic as what the mobbe it inside the u. S. Capital. If anybody is to blame its all of us. The media is to blame, the righ in the left is to blame. Congressman, i dont think you saw the media encouraging this yesterday. The fact is that media never bothered jim supporter, instead they could agree with hillary that they were deplorable and irredeemable. They never even attempted to understand them to even really talk to them and be objective. That in the depth driving to trump and fed public frustratio and anger. When leftists occupied the capital back in 2011. Or during the repeated and the federal courthouse over the summer. Where were the democrat at . This is how democrats condemn the blm riots. The protesters arent lost. They are mothers and veterans, and mayors. Weve seen mothers and veterans peacefully protesting. Not beaten and gassed. The vast majority of protesters are peaceful. There are some people that have strong feelings. Note to self, only blm and n for are allowed to have strong feelings and create waves. Governing is really hard right you have to actually care of th people you serve though, all of them for a trump ended up growing his support among my no minority groups. His policies work for them. Not just for the tech barrens o wall street, but it worked for everybody. The establishment types, biden and his teams, republicans like romney and makowski. They should be spending their time figuring out middleclass voters away in the first place. That will require excepting the fact that the vast majority of people who voted for trump did so not because they wanted to storm the capital, they did so because they love their country. The Political Violence and unrest of the past year cannot be tolerated and must be prosecuted. And if government passively supports one group groups actions over anothers, and then , who is the establishment going to blame . And thats the angle. Joining me now is conservative author and filmmaker, starting on monday, they cant help but think thats been swiftly followed by an attempt by his friends to eradicate. I think what we sakamoto leaves seen today is just terrific and in essence it almost puts the country into a kind of freefall. It is one thing to face disappointment. Its a complete other thing to say that all of these new technologies people have integrated into their normal lives for the ways they get information and ways they communicate with their friends. Ways they express themselves politically. These are going to be somehow snuffed out. They were banned permanently from these platforms, but ultimately ordinary citizens trying to speak out. I cant think of a more horrifi development. One of the most important thing in election, once the election is over is to make youre political opposition feel safe. To believe the new government will represent their interest a well as the interest of people who voted for the government. And the biden ministration on the left is doing exactly the opposite, they are terrifying the opposition into believing ultimately that not only would that will they have lost politically, but their basic Civil Liberties are mortally endangered. Dont they see that this is going to backfire. It feels good at the moment. Is going to grow the movement, have no idea what President Trump is going to do, but that movement of people, its not like theyre going to seo, you banned me from twitter im definitely going to be on your site now. There is no question that th movement will find his own outlet and theres no question it will ultimately find its voice. I think what is disturbing here is the mentality of the other side to pray theres certain jubilation on the left calling on people of bands of people to be caught left. You got all these people in our country who dont believe in basic Civil Liberties and they are in powerful positions in tech and in the media. So all of this means that ultimately, the Maga Movement has defined the envoys, the own institution perhaps. Its own cultural institutions, make its own movies, have its own schools, but they are not going to be safe it doesnt see in bidens america. He was absolutely giddy toda over the news. Here is a moment in history, as well as a moment of politica history. So many World Leaders use twitter to communicate, but thi is a historic moment where twitter has stepped in and said that world leader, that United States president is too dangerous to use our platform. What youre seeing is when you had the infamous, its not the book burning, you see all these people dancing around the fire with these books being lit on fire. Im not making a direct analogy but im saying that there is a certain trend ago street. There is a streak of fascism that is very difficult for people with any sense of histor not to immediately recognize. In the last 24 hours you had Michelle Obama calling for more corporate censorship, of the president , you had Hillary Clinton tonight tweeting out check because she told trump to delete his account back in 2016. You have some of the richest most powerful political and tec individuals in the world bandin together, so its a combination of government actors and business together to squelch speech. They have crossed over. And i think conservatives are taking notes and i think they are going to grow the conservative movement. Forget the Republican Party right now, theyre going to gro the conservative movement. They kicked a hornets nest in a big way and its actually delma. Thats one thing, the establishment is not that smart. Its not does the president being silent sprayed the most powerful leftist forces in all of america are attempting to silence you come at me, all of us. My next guest knows this all to well. The founder of the Walkway Campaign Grassroots Movement dedicated to helping liberals walk away from the democrat party. Brandon, after your group was given the boot, completely from facebook, this is the email yo say they sent you, hateful, threatening or obscene are not allowed. It could be a permanent loss of your account. So what was hateful and threatening on your page . I guess they found us to be threatening to the success of the democrat party. I mean basically my page, the only content that goes on the Walkway Campaign page are testimonials, true stories, videos and written testimonials coming from people all across america and across the world wh have had enough of exactly the type of behavior we have been seeing from social media in the last couple of days not to mention from the liberal media and from the extremist behavior of the. More left, and more extremity, this is what theyre walking away from. To this is the only content tha goes on my page our these testimonials. There will never be any opportunity for anyone to glorify breaking into the Capital Building or glorify an act of violence because people are just talking about why they want to leave the left. It was pretty scary today when we woke up and found our group had been shut down, everyone of my employees, they have all bee banned commit my volunteers hav been banned. Brandon, were you going to g because now apple is threatenin to remove parlor from the Apple App Store meaning youre not getting parlor either at least on apple, google play looks lik the same thing. So where are you going to go . We are rebuilding right now on a conservative owned social media platform similar to facebook great want to encourag everyone in your audience to go immediately to sign up. Can you spell that. Clouthub. Com. They have an app that you can load in the app store as well. The group is now starting, wher every building from scratch so help us out there. This is really, its really damaging great the people who m employees who got banned, some of them are merck managers some of them are videographers. They dont care. The left doesnt care. They want total control, no questions asked. Sit down, shut up, get locked in , and thats it for you. They dont want to debate, they dont want a conversation, they want you silence. Its a lot like the cpp if you ask me. But their outlets ohms house still get heard in the United States a media platform. Brandon, thank you so much grea if you thought joe biden and Kamala Harris were going to lower the terms, think again. Welcome, todays discussion will be around sliced meat. Moms want healthy. And affordable. Land o frost premium no added hormones either. Its the only protein ive really melted with. Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. No one can tell me that have had been a group of black lives matter protesting yesterday, they wouldnt have been tech treated very get very differently. Within the mob of thugs that stormed the capital. Its about how to reform, ho to transform, adjust the system that does not work equally for all. What does she mean by that . Transform the system, reform th system what system is going to come out on the other side of that one . If you saw them pushing yesterday felt familiar, you need look no further than their democratic. We know the bias remains. No institution is entirely immune. That includes our police departments. If we had a son he would loo like trave on. We dont need a ferguson report to know thats not true. This nations racial history just passed with long shadow upon us. Hears heres a rhythm we statements. The new documentary, what kille shelby brown. This seems to be commit just you and i have been discussing these issues now for decades, but now we are at a new place with censorship, corporate censorship, and incoming president with such in the american justice system. The power of the left, the history of americas racism and its a shameful treatment of blacks and the left today has absolutely no other source of power than that moral disgrace that plagued america indulged i for so long. They are milking it for down to the last drop. They tried to do my phone. The do a documentary, the cancellation is a moral act, is the way in which i show myself to be on the site of the good, and aligned with all god wants in the world. That is the power that explains why joseph biden is the president of the United States and donald trump is not too. Donald has no moral appeal remotely on that level. In fact, he goes the other way as i think most conservatives rightly do. We have to move on. We cant continue to milk this as power, but the left is milking it and the interesting thing is racism is virtually gone. There is a little bit of it her and there, but no longer in American Life is your life goin to be stunted by racial persecution. You are able as black in today america did do pretty much whatever you have talent for, and the society at large will for the most part offer you goodwill. And encouragement. So racism is not there, but racism is the source of liberal power. So they love it very. At shelby, they dont want t talk about what their policy, o their method of teaching have done to innercity americans, have done to black youth in our Public Schools, the family, the dont want to talk about those issues. They have to be the other drum the other drum is the only drum they can beat because otherwise you have to say honey asked lan hartford, how do you explain to st. Louis, how to explain oakland. They dont want to explain that. They dont care about those people. They are, i grew up when racism was the oppression, toda liberalism is the great oppressor of black americans an other minorities because it steals away from them there agency over their own life. Liberals have no faith in human equality of black men, they believe all their policy is reflected that blacks are inferior and cant make it on their own and that that their whole mission is to help blacks make it despite the fact that they are inferior. Speaking of that, shelby, th push for reparations is coming commit nbc news today saying experts say hr 40, the reparations bill could be an early test for biden and harris. There will be enormous pressure. They feel that they have the wind at their back. They have the momentum, they have trump going out of office and all the maga people, they have the enemy combatants, ridiculous. Now they want to pay off. They want a payoff, and ill tell you one thing, if broader america my i wont say white america, but broader america does not overcome its insecurit about being racist, and terrorized the label, they will be in the left will be very successful in achieving these reforms and we will be paying reparations. At some point, americans have t stand up and get over this whit guilt. This guilt of being with historical evil and stand the ground of principles. Her race is our power, that was the evil that sanctioned slaver and jim crow segregation. Oddly, what they are doing now is work with corporate censorship. They are actually treating 80 plus million americans at least if you follow twitter like they are subhuman. They are subhuman, they are secondclass citizens and they must be punished and punished again. They are doing that hollow huge of americans. That is the bill left functions, they dont have function because they invented the computer or they discovered oil or something. They have power because they discovered racism. They know they can shame americans on and on and on by calling them racist and chattin them up in dispensing with them and canceling whatever they object to it, cancel it. With all the help theyre getting. They are getting help from corporate america, big corporations that buy into it, and academia has been poisoning our kids that america is an awful rotten, racist plays. Nothing redeeming about the founders nothing redeeming abou any of its. I think its going to backfire, i think theyre only empowering people who disagree with them ultimately. I think its a huge backfire, but people have to stand up and say stop the madness we dont tolerate this anymore. Thank you so much. Its wonderful to see you tonight. While the media trashes half th country, there is one group the will protect at all cost. We will tell you who that is in the popstar protecting her childs innocence. That is next. Its friday and that means its time for a muchneeded friday volleys. We turn to raymond arroyo. Raymond, the new democrats, georgia senators they got lost in the drama over the last few days, but warnock did show up o the view i see. The senator elect did have a appearance, but when Meghan Mc Cain dared to ask him if he would join and oppose packing the courts, welcome that this happened. Senator, i understand. Actually, actually im going to end,. We are going to say thanks t the senator elect, reverend raf l warnock, and we will be right back. Thank you for coming back, sir. Any other questions, we woul like to protect and another politician from . He was like jumping jack flash. Its a preview of things to com commit this is how the press ha decided to treat and all these shows democratic elected officials. They become like lapdogs with absolutely no sense of curiosity. My eyes bugged out as i watched it. Do you think that any tough questions are ever going to be asked of joe biden or Kamala Harris . May be every two weeks, well Say Something that someone questions a democrat everybody was ao, hes so objective, but in general, they never call him out. Our job is to probe and you can do that adversarial he but with he was asked the three following questions, should trump remain in office, should and are you going to prosecute trump officials. Nothing about his agenda but if you dont understand this journalistic approach, there is some in between the coverage. You will see these unguarded moments, and it becomes clear that some in the media just despise and look down on half the country. These people are society losers. Theyre on a societys true friends. They that wants to think tha Donald Trumps the smart one, an hell lead us for them. Theyre going to go back to the olive garden and to the holiday and that their staying at in the garden marriott and they are going to have some drinks and theyre gonna talk about the great day they had in washington. Saari, anderson vanderbilt. As you and Shelby Steele wer saying, this is dehumanizing. These are the people to talk about justice in decency, civility, this is not the road to unity. This is condescending elitism. How can you cover people or their concerns when you despise them. This is how they celebrated new years eve and casey you missed it. Does it hurt . To get it does hurt. It does hurt. It does sting a little bit for it. We checked back in with john lynam at dons house. Cnn after derek is a scary place. All that was missing was chris cuomo streaked by the window. Its amazing the disconnect. They need to get out of the hamptons and with real america. We all cant be from the vanderbilt family. We all cant go to the hamptons every time we blink. But imagine if republican said that about some poor guy in chicago who lived on the south side, they would never see the light of day again. Biden have another presser toda and it was a perplexing affair. Weve done our job, weve begun my job of naming these people, restaurants, bars, lost more than 372,000 jobs. Its not only humorous, during the campaign this was mildly humorous, but now were talking about him leading the free world, consider what other countries think when they see that missteps, the confusion an the halting approach. It was announced this week his inauguration will be largely virtual, including the parade too. My sense is his entire administration is going to be virtual hes going to be the ma headroom of the presidency. Scripted, choreographed, and a little awful around the edges. He has trouble with numbers. Every time numbers come up, lik 2500, 250,000, weight, 25 commi to. Its like you have to pick a number at one point, joe. Tell us about the protective popstar next week. Have a great weekend. In their show has exposed the rot that resides at the top of the Teachers Union from School Administrators as well. Up next, were going to bring you the latest and perhaps the most shocking admission by one to date. Stay there. Bottom line is, moms love that land o frost premium sliced meats have no byproducts. his voice baloney automated voice has joined the call. voice from phone hey, baloney here. I thought this was a no byproducts call . Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. You need to see in the dark. To have the wisdom to understand multiple cyber threats. The precision focus to end attacks instantly. On computers, mobile devices, servers and the cloud. Join the worlds leading companies in our mission to defend. Cybereason. End cyber attacks. From endpoints to everywhere. This show has done more than any other to expose the moments when School Administrators let their guard down a tonight we have a new one. Listen to this from a School Board Member in alexandria, virginia. I think the fact of the matter is we have to live with this incredible uncertainty. Do you want your child to be alive, or to be educated . Joining me now, president of the committee to unleash prosperity. Phil, these people are vile, their pediatric flu death dorff s what weve seen from covid. Schools have not been big super spreaders. She is basically saying that if you want your kid to get in person learning, you want your child to die. This is where liberals have taken the Public Schools for ages so they can sit and collec their checks at home. Its pretty stunning that in january of 2021 we still have anyone making such a ridiculous assertion. As you pointed out, at the risk of hospitalization and death fo children is substantially highe with influenza then it is with covid. That means this is probably the safest winter for kids to be in school ever because flu is gone completely. The flu is gone we have covid instead and covid is much less dangerous. A study came out this week out of sweden in the new england journal of medicine 1. 9 Million School children never stop goin to school even through Massive Community spread never had masks , never had distancing. Zero pediatric status in the country of sweden and just 15 icus out of those 1. 9 Million Schoolchildren. Children are not at risk, they are lower the risk this winter than ever before. If somebody would say such a thing is shockingly offensive, not just to parents who want their kids to have an education but to anyone who cares about facts and has been paying any attention over the past year. I cant even believe somebody would say that. I cant believe they are sending these little tiny children to school with masks, and they cant go near each other. They cant be together. Even if there in school, which many of them are not, its not scientifically based, you just cited the new england journal o medicine. As weighted experience, south dakota has remained open and kids in school and i dont believe there have been any big outbreaks in south dakota. I dont believe there have been School Outbreaks of any great note in the country . There have been infections here and there, but im talking abou disastrous deathly events for students. We havent seen it anywhere. A brandnew study just came out in the journal of pediatrics this week in north carolina, 11 School Districts did all of their tracking and tracing and testing, and there were infections that showed up, ther were 700 infections that showed up that were caught at home or somewhere else in the community brought into the school. There were 30 some forward transmissions n0 from children to teach or spread. These are facts. Want everyone to know, these ar facts. An Inconvenient Truth for twitter after they ban trump. I will explain. Some very sad news tonight for twitter. Since it decided to permanently ban president President Trump, its shares have dropped over 2 percent. To couple of minutes ago it was almost up at 4 percent. That has wiped out billions in their market cap, so their insidious little corporate sensors are having to pay. We will see where this goes. It never works while. Thats all the time we have tonight. Sheehan and bream in the fox news at night team take it from here. Welcome to fox news at night. We are in washington. Senate majority leader Mitch Mc Connell tonight laying out the timeline for articles of impeachment. The democrat say their drafting against padgett President Trump. What mcconnell says can and cannot get done by inauguration day. Following the capitol hill riot a major crackdown underway righ now involving minute by minute from social media to smalltown america. The president now banned from twitter permanently and he is not the only count on ice tonight. The social media plat

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