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I got you, i got you, im so proud of you. Congratulations. Congratulations. Sean thank you. Laura im Laura Ingraham from washington tonight, what a show. Declaring racism a Public Health crisis, what that would mean for you. And the wnba for her, the atlanta dream owner is here to tell us. First, and the virus. We tore the lid off a series, the pandemics fall out, though of course extremely tragic could have been far worse, had he not shut down travel early and reopened the economy when need needed. Hospital systems in a few states were stretched but not overwhelmed. Given the democrats constantly wailing about what trump supposedly got wrong, we decided to sketch out what the situation wouldve looked like had joe biden and the democrats been in charge instead. First, biden would not have band travel from china. There is no way he would have done that, two months after trump did just that, biden was still worrying about hurting chinas ceilings. Being overly dismissive are spreading disinformation is going to hurt us and further advantage of the spread of the disease. Neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia, labeling covid19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misplaced judgment so far. Laura he was worried about xenophobia, not the virus. He would have effectively rewarded the ccp for unleashing this plague by allowing them to continue to steal our trade secrets and to take our jobs. Its clear that under biden there would be no tariffs and thus, no chinese concession. Someone said to the trump stance is a good one to counter chinese influence, would you keep the tariffs . No. Hey, look. Who said trumps idea is a good one . Speed when he would get rid of the tariffs, day one. A biden presidency is a dream scenario for the ccp and given that the w. H. O. Has been pimping from china for years, how would that help . Under biden, as under obama, europes feelings on a travel ban would have been more important than what was good for americans. Heaven forbid, cant offend the french. Banning all travel from europe may slow it but as weve seen, it will not stop it and travel restrictions based on favoritism and politics rather than risk will be counterproductive. Laura you cant make this up. And under biden, illegals, they would keep pouring in and forget ramped up border enforcement under biden as at all. Even European Countries like germany locked down their borders but joe would ever even consider a crackdown on illegal border crossings even during a pandemic, he opened the ice piece facilities, release all detainees and then ask questions later. After all, what would jorge ramos say . Trump campaign don build that wall, are you willing to tear that wall down . There will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration. Laura of course the border fence onto the walls, they are meant to force foreigners to formal points of entry where we can at least do some minimal screening for illnesses but biden will always choose open borders ahead of the health, safety, and economic wellbeing of americans. Number three, biden would keep you locked down until at least 2021. While hes letting millions of illegal aliens flood the labor markets, hed make sure you are still locked down in your home and your kids are out of school. His allies and politics in the press, who are messaging bidens plans, they spilled the beans. If youre not going to stay home and wear masks in public, we have to enforce and we will. This wouldve been a very different summary if wed had a better locked down, a longer locked down. Any concern that youve gone too far in any way with the date home restrictions no. Laura and biden hinted at this himself just last week. From the beginning, in my view, the president has given us a false choice. He said that we have to get back to work and also deal with covid. You cant get this country going again unless you get covid under control. Laura you know what that means, number four. Bidens lockdowns would obliterate the recovery. The cost of taking the country back in the lockdown would be staggering. This idea, people just throw this out willynilly forgetting the enormous human cost as well as the Enormous Economic cost, the country cant take that and there is no reason for that. Laura bidens lockdowns would also lead to more health crises. Even with a limited temporary lockdown things were bad, imagine if it had continued through most of the year pay last month the Washington Post reported that suspected overdoses nationally jumped 18 in march, 29 in april and 42 in may. And lockdowns around the world are leading to a resurgence of things like tuberculosis, hiv, and malaria. The New York Times reporting that a threemonth lockdown across different parts of the world and a gradual return to normal over ten months could result in additional 6. 3 million cases of tb, 1. 4 million deaths. In the worstcase scenario scenario, deaths from malaria could double to 770,000 per year. Number six. Biden would use the pandemic chair ran through far left policies. And of course the old saying, never let crisis go to waste would be bidens pandemic motto. And i truly think that if we do this right, we have an Incredible Opportunity to not just dig out of this crisis but to fundamentally transform the country. Laura wouldnt be a country left. We all know that means, ramming through every socialist wish list item. Empty of the prisons, singlepayer health care, government paid child care, the green new deal, guaranteed basic income and of course, reparations. And while President Biden went about transforming our country, hed of course get a free pass from the media. No antagonistic interviews with axios, no aggressive questioning from jim acosta, just a lot of gauzy profiles about his Vice President and how shes the first and shes also a global superstar. This laundry list of horribles should make all americans think about voting for change think twice about it in november. Given the violence in the streets and the return of the democrats, the type of home and change that obama promised 12 years ago, it would be far more radical and now there is far more at stake. But they hope their allies and their misdirection will make you forget about the unparalleled prosperity that we enjoyed before the pandemic hit in what we are on our way to see again under President Trump. Would you rather go back to that normal or experience the new normal, the democrats are giving us a glimpse of in california and in new york and on the streets of chicago and baltimo baltimore. In joes new society, you will be poorer, less safe, less free, and your kids will be less educated and at that point, of the virus will be the least of our problems and thats the angle. Joining me now, alex berenson, former New York Times reporter, author of unreported truths of covid19 and lockdown. Also with me, president of the committee to unleash prosperity. The democrats say the science demands us to go back into lockdown. Now since youve literally written the book on this, what are they missing . What theyre missing, first of all, what they are missing is that for 15 years the w. H. O. , the cdc experts on this thought that a lockdown would be a terrible idea. They also thought that border closings and travel restrictions like that would be a bad idea. The people who really looked at this the hardest for the longest for a long time all said the same thing, which is, wash your hands, sneeze into your elbow, and theres only so much you can do about this and trying to do too much is as likely to cause pain as it is to do any good. So fast forward to march, all of a sudden we all panic in the media leads that panic and other outlets lead that panic and suddenly in a matter of days we throw out 15 years of advice and that was what was so stunning to me in writing this book was seeing how strongly advice really was and how consistent it really was so we throw out this advice and now we are five months later and its fascinating, sweden, which didnt lockdown it all appears to be done with its pandemic. We will see but right now it looks like they are through it. In the sun belt states, the last six weeks, theres been a spike in positive tests, some spike in hospitalizations but the deaths are much lower than they were in the northeast in march and april which lockdown really harmed really fast so if you look on a country level or a state level, where is the support for lockdowns . And thats what people warned us about, thats whats so fascinating about this, we were told what would happen. Laura i warned about it, i know you warned about it, we knew what was going to happen and unfortunately most of it did happen. This is what the architect of obamacare had to say about reopening schools. You cannot consider opening in most states in the country now. A lot of Contact Sports are out, thats not a good idea. You have to not use the cafeteria where crowding can take place, reduce the crowds, reduce the congestion, reduce the time the kids spend with other kids and teachers. Laura he should lose his medical license for saying that, kids should spend less time with other kids in a disease that has an infinitesimally small rate of infection and mortality among kids . Speak of the cdc says that the risk of a schoolage child dying from covids one and 1 million, five to ten times less of the risk of dying from flu. When they do get infected its very unlikely to cause any kind of serious illness, the head of the cdc use the term, it has very limited pathogenicity for anyone under age 45 unless they have other serious preexisting condition so this is not a situation where children are in any danger but children are being scapegoated, punished, denied social interaction and unfortunately now we have seen a very steep rise in pediatric suicide and Drug Overdose of the cdc says dwarfs the number of pediatric covid deaths so that is a reckless and damaging thing to say and something that unfortunately results in the deaths of children as we are seeing School Systems all over this country extend their closures into the fall. Laura this is medical malpractice, journalistic malpractice, in some cases political malpractice. I need you to listen to what dr. Fauci said today with americans who disagree of some h some of what he advised. There is a degree of antiscience feeling in this country. Its almost related to authority and mistrust and authority that spills over into pushing back on authority, pushing back on government is the same as pushing back on science. We need to be more transparent. Laura alex, did the experts give us any reason to distrust what they said about this virus . Given everything youve documented and everything youve seen, its an insult to the American Public to say we are antiscience when we question what theyve tried to cram down without a vote. Its much worse than that, laura, you can find without trying very hard quotes from the cdc, the w. H. O. , the institute of medicine, the very best scientific authorities and not just in the u. S. , the swedish and german and Dutch National health a authorities all talking about the risk in schools, the lack thereof, all talking about what we should and shouldnt do in a pandemic. Just because im quoting you in a way that you dont like or quoting your agency in a way that you dont like because it reminds you of stuff you said before march that you wish you could make go away does not mean im antiscience, it means im doing my job as a journalist and thats Something Else that weve forgotten, all these reporters who are happy to get in the face of the president and i understand thats their right, their duty, they will not ask tough questions of dr. Fauci or anybody else who claims to have a Scientific Authority and that is a complete failure. Laura no, i think ive asked some of the toughest questions of dr. Fauci from the beginning. Despite being smacked down by Governor Hogan of maryland, Montgomery County through its unelected Health Official is still claiming they have the authority to order Nonpublic Schools closed for in school teaching, saying they continue to base their Public Health decisions on data and the data and the science, et cetera, et cetera. New reaction to this on Nonpublic School ruling, phil . Montgomery county, maryland, is averaging five people presenting at Emergency Rooms per day with covidlike symptoms. The percent positive in its testing is about 2. 3 , half the level that deborah birx, the most antischool of all the experts says its safe to open schools. The publicschool union forest of closure even though the Health Department wouldve been fine with them closing not wanting people to disenroll and go to the private schools in Catholic Schools that are open because they will lose money as a consequent of that. This is grotesque politics and an example of liberal politicians insisting on the equal sharing of misery by imposing pain on private School Children simply to match whats being imposed on public School Children, it is being challenged in court and i think the order is illegal. Laura thank you so much, great to see both of you tonight as always. Some of the lefts most regarding covid had to do with what may be potential prophylactic treatment, offlabel use of hydroxychloroquine, we havent dropped it. They gleefullynegative studies, men of many of them flawed, weve discussed that ad nauseam him on this show but they bury any good news. But will they be able to ignore the latest research, using Data Collected from more than 2. 6 billion people around the world, a new study finding that the risk of death from covid is 79 lower in countries where hc q was widespread and use early on versus those where it was limited. Joining me now, original member of the medical cabinet and ceo of fox all cardiology in d. C. Is this data legitimate . I think the data is legitimate and they provide over 150 references to support their findings. The data is really, what you see as countries that dont spend like we do, 20 of our gdp on health care have done incredibly well with covid. And its really devastating to dr. Fauci, dr. Redfield and their performance, i think not only should they be embarrassed but i think they really need to be held to account. Laura we heard, was it dr. Redfield, i cant member who said the other day, we have to move on from this. We have to move on from hydroxychloroquine. What . What are you talking about . They are threatening a medical license so the woman in texas who went viral trying to completely be malicious toward her, because she said im trying to save lives, thats all im trying to do. Shes not being political, shes trying to save lives, there threatening people now. Pico and physicians have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interest of their patients, hydroxychloroquine is very safe, its been around for 65 years, you know my own article in the british medical journey of looked at the cardiac safety in Covid Patients specifically and clearly showed this was safe as well pay the real question, laura, is given how much money weve spent in this way, we have to ask ourselves whether corporate and Institutional Research has really twisted, perverted how we handled this crisis and lead us to have a very poor response, frankly. Laura President Trump seems to understand this, hes talking about how big pharma is against his efforts to lower drug prices and he gets it but someone around President Trump clearly doesnt get it and clearly its at the fda, clearly at the nih, theres a lot of buck floating around there. Dr. Jonathan reiner made the point about health and heart on cnn today, watch. This drug can hurt people. If used, you know, without careful ekg monitoring, this drug can cause fatal arrhythmias. The reason this drug has been safe in some Clinical Trials is that it was studied carefully in Clinical Trials and those patients were monitored. Thats much different than being out in the community. Laura you are a cardiologist, he is not. Your response . He is a cardiologist and i respect, determinedly bu tremendously but jonathan simply hasnt read the literature, hes not up to speed in this area of medicine and the fact is that this ha drug has been used for decades without any cardiac monitoring and its been used safely in monitoring patients in france, united states, throughout the world with tremendous results. If this bill was so dangerous why do we see countries that clearly dont have the ability to monitor these patients so carefully having such tremendously positive outcomes. Look for yourself, they list all the references, its tremendous. Laura turkey is one of them. We appreciated and thank you for correcting me, i love being corrected by you. Thanks so much. First, michigans witless witmer decimated her state with lockdowns and now she is recognizing racism as a Public Health crisis. Why would she do this and what is at stake . Dinesh dsouza explains it all. Hike Simon Pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Today i also signed an executive directive declaring racism as a Public Health crisis in michigan, this pandemic has confirmed and highlighted the deadly nature of these preexisting inequities caused by systemic racism and this reflects longstanding, deep, societal, economic, and environmental disparities. Laura stay with me here, the real Public Health crisis is not covid, its racism. She also mandated that state employees go through implicit bias training and created a black Leadership Advisory Council to eradicate racial inequality in her state. Joining me now, dinesh dsouza, conservative commentator, writer and director of the film that will b be at any moment, trump card. This feels like its all about witmer and the democrats consolidating power but what are they really doing here . Well, they are unleashing a set of balloons that have become a completely untethered from their original source. This is where the new george floyd videos are very illuminating, not only because they show that george was resisting arrest from start to finish but more importantly, its not even clear this was about race at all. Its very eyeopening to watch and realize that race may not even have entered into the equation. What the left has done is built a gigantic narrative on top of george floyd, one that is obsessed with race, racism and sports, racism in education, racism in health care as if somehow the virus itself is racist. Of course we have health care problems, obesity, probably the biggest disparity in health care right now is caused by going to black lives matter riots and rallies because that is surely one easy way to get the virus so if you want to reduce Racial Disparities in health care, stop going to those riots. Laura it so bad now that you have these hollywood celebrities issuing these tearful on camera apologies for having weddings at, i guess, old facilities that used to be plantations, they are apologizing for that, apologizing for playing a role where their race doesnt quite match the original character in a biopic, this is wild. These are not genuine confessions, because people who really think that they have privilege, undeserved privilege, you notice they never actually give up that privilege, a student on campus who says hey, my position here at yale is purely the result of white privilege. If i say to him, okay, why dont you go to the Registrars Office tomorrow, withdraw from yale and turn over your position to an eligible minority, they go oh, no, no, i want to stay here and fight racism. In other words the bottom line of it is, this is a form of pointless virtue signaling, its actually an assertion of power over other students and a bogus claim of moral superiority. Laura i think a lot of it itself is racist because youre boiling down the differences between humans to skin color which is what i thought we were supposed to try to get away from and treat each other as human beings, that includes george floyd should be treated as a human being and someone with a different skin color should be treated like a human being, everyone should be treated equally which i know is maybe a dream, not going to happen never perfectly about that supposed to be the ideal but thats not really what they want. The reason they dont want it is that the original formula to move america in a socialist direction was class warfare, the revolt of the working class but that is never happened and so the left has realized that there actually are soars of racial grievance in this country and by trying to sort of use Racial Division to substitute for class division, theyre hoping ultimately to achieve goals that couldnt be achieved in any other way, to move us more toward a government control our economy. Laura dependency. Great to see you tonight, thanks so much. Shut down fatigue is turning into shut down fury and combined with backfiring blm protests, it may be driving key voters away from biden, a crop of new swing state surveys show that bidens strategy of embracing these radicals may be faltering. Trump is closing that gap with biden in florida and pennsylvania and in ohio, a recent Monmouth University poll has trump with a threepoint lead in iowa. Joining me now is john mclaughlin, john, also had a Harris Health survey out, i saw it weeded out tonight, National Poll showing a sevenpoint lead for a biden now down to three points, interesting, that was two weeks ago, biden was up seven points, whats at the heart of these apparent shifts . Well, we know we are winning, in the campaign we run like underdogs but we know we are winning, the president s message is strong, ever since his Mount Rushmore speech, growing jobs, he knows how he can take care of the nation and keep us strong and keep us safe and now, ive been on your show for months talking about the fake media polls that would have too many adults are too many registered voters, getting likely voter polls and on top of that you have the Rasmussen Reports that showed us gaining three in a weekend had us down three but we were down three nationally four years ago and thats how we won the key battleground states. Also if we win the states where hes got us tied in florida, virtually tied in pennsylvania, hes got us in all those battlegrounds, virtually tied, this is way earlier than 2016 when we were trailing Hillary Clinton at this point of the president is running strong, running like an underdog, people are responding and biden wont commit if hes going to debate, he still in the basement, they are hoping that things shut down. Biden is not going to his own convention, that was announced today so, not going to wisconsin. I still say he doesnt debate trump, i know they say hes going to do it, he cant get through a minute or two without some major verbal blunder. I mean we all screw up occasionally but it seems constant with him and yet they raked trump over the coals every time he does an interview that might not be his best and i dont think the axios interview was something i wouldve done but nevertheless, people are focusing on the racial grievance game, they are getting tired of it, the crime, they are getting really tired of it and they are sick of these shutdowns and want their kids back in school and i think thats driving this whole narrative right now, close it out. They want this country to be strong and safe and is only one candidate that can make america strong and safe and that is donald trump, President Trump, we need jobs, we need people healthy and strong and safe, tomorrow the president will be in ohio talking about precisely how hes bringing manufacturing jobs back from china, right . Joe biden was in in favor. Laura weve got to a role biden said today explicitly that he would get rid of the tariffs on china, thats music to chinas ears. We will have you back soon, thanks so much for the update and even has murders at spike by double digits, only one l. A. County supervisor voted against taking hundreds of millions of dollars away from the l. A. P. D. Shes here and shes going to tell us why she voted that way. Breaking news out of l. A. Tonight, new tactics by the players, wnba owner and senator Kelly Loeffler refuses to back down to blm, one of the few who does refuse to back down and shes here exclusively to tell us why. Laura remember when they told us that the lockdowns would reduce crime . In the wake of these mass protests and riots, we know marder is on the rise in major cities, rates are way up from a 14 and lhs from this time last year and despite this troubling trend, the l. A. County board of supervisors just voted on a proposal to gut its criminal Justice System pay lets go live to l. A. Where bill is standing by. Bill . Hey, laura, good evening. This proposal is a pretty big talker out here in l. A. , its called reimagining Los Angeles County and we in a nutshell, what it would do is potentially strip away about 400 million away from local Law Enforcement, the sheriff, the dea, the court system and redistribute that money to local social programs in underserved communities, this is going to go on the ballot for voters this november and the l. A. County sheriff says look, theres no sugarcoating this, he feels this is a blatant attempt to plant the seed to defund local Law Enforcement, specifically his Sheriffs Department and says this will have a catastrophic effect on Public Safety, its going to immediately cut 173 million from his department on top of the 45 million the board of supervisors already cut from its budget, hes going to have to lay off more than 1,000 deputies, close up to five patrol stations, greatly reduce patrols and own a unincorporated areas and close down some jails, this would end up hurting the minority and low income communities l. A. County think they are protecting with this proposal. Take a listen to what he had to say to me in an interview. They are laying the groundwork for defunding the Sheriffs Department as we know it, bottom line. That is their goal and they are going to fund all of their ideas and pet projects through the Sheriffs Departments budget. We take the net county costs and thats what theyre going for. Only one l. A. County supervisor voted against this, she expressed concern about budget issues and potential mass layoffs with county staff if this gets approved in the fall, it would permanently change l. A. Countys charter, roughly reallocate to those social programs and local Law Enforcement would not be able to access that money at all. Laura . Laura bill, thanks so much. We will have that l. A. County supervisor on now who voted against taking money from Law Enforcement. Catherine, thank you for being with us tonight. Murders in l. A. Are up more than 14 since last year, so why would any of your colleagues regardless of politics be in favor of defunding the police at this time . I think there is a Movement Across the nation to take money away from Law Enforcement and place it in programs in especially the inner cities and what ive said all along is it not should not be an either or. Quite frankly, Law Enforcement is taking the place of work that maybe social worker than others should be doing but we dont have enough of it so i think my frustration is that, to defund Law Enforcement and call it reimagining is a bunch of baloney, i think what frustrates me is that the voters are going to look at the title and believe this is something positive not recognizing that what its doing is taking money away from Public Safety and its not just the sheriff, the d. A. , the prosecutors, its going to impact this county in ways that if this passes will impact generations to come. Laura catherine, what i found interesting today is this new gallup poll that found that 81 of black Americans Want Police to spend the same amount of time or more in their area so this whole thing is about black lives, then why are we voting and other democrats ignoring this because youre not going to have more Police Spending more time in these troubled areas if you are cutting 400 million, thats just not going to happen. I think the reality is i believe it is going before the voters because many politicians are afraid of being blamed, out here we have ab 109 which was done legislatively to transfer prisoners down to local jurisdictions, they got backlash from a lot of people upset because they are being transferred into their communities and crime one out. They put a proposition on, let the voters vote on it and i hope people are reading the fine print, we seem to beat governing through propositions now and i think voters dont recognize these types of votes and the implications they will have on their community. Laura its going to be staggering and i love california, still a member of the california bar, catherine. Thanks so much, great to see you tonight. And for refusing to bend to the need to blm, senator and team owner Kelly Loeffler is once again under attack from the wnba, shes here to explain her latest move and why she still will not back down, next. Ching. I honestly feel that thats my calling to give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Go musical laura last month we got a big reaction, we told you about how the wnba players tried to cancel team owner and georgia senator Kelly Loeffler coming out against the radical black lives matter movement. Now they are going after her senate seat. Players are now openly endorsing one of her challengers. Reverend rafael warnock. Before tuesdays game, players on the atlanta dream, and to the chicago sky wore shirts that read vote warnock. Senator, whats your response to all this . I thought it was about winning games, now its about Winning Senate seats. L, laura, thanks for having me on. It really proves my point, this isnt about playing basketball, its about playing politics and it truly is about politics. Look, everyone has a right to choose who they want to vote for but because i stood up for our american flag, suggested that we replace that with, you know, the divisive idea of this Political Organization, black lives matter. Not the statement, we all agree with the statement but this Political Organization that wants to defund the police, promotes antisemitism and violence, doesnt believe in the nuclear family, we are talking moms and dads, i said how can the league support that, lets tag for th stand for the flag ad the players have walked out for the national anthem, i had to draw the line and i had to speak out. Laura peers who reportedly orchestrated the new campaign against you, one of your own players, Elizabeth Williams said the idea to publicly endorse warnock came from sue bird. Both williams and byrd are executives and the Players Union, consulted with stacy abrams, what . Joined the Players Union board of advocates last summer. Stacy abrams has nothing else to do, shes involved . This is just so petty and i dont see how this brings more people into watching the wnba. I think this turns people off, people want people to be treated equally and well, want people to have full, wonderful lives but this is just mindnumbingly absurd at this point. Well, you are right, because stacy abrams has endorsed my opponent so its blatantly clear that this is all about politics and not about the unity that sports can provide. I grew up playing sports, i think we all know the power sports has to bring people together from all walks of life and to support people of different backgrounds and the tolerance that you get by being part of sports and thats been totally eradicated in this moment where because i have a conservative voice they want me out, they want to cancel me and basically saying our sport is not big enough or conservative so i will always stand up for the conservative voice and all americans who dont feel they have a voice right now. Laura Elizabeth Williams who i just mentioned, one other to make your players on why they were the tshirts. We wanted to come in and where vote warnock certs, hes currently running for u. S. Senate right now and he supports everything that all the playersn the wnba support so we wanted to make a statement and be really vocal about that about that. Laura all the players in the wnba, not one player . Everyone has to have the same orthodoxy . Everything is uniform, no dissent ever, apparently. Weve gone from a league of being one of tolerance and unity and diversity to being intolerant and i think thats a cautionary tale, this is the direction, emblematic of whats happening across the country, this isnt about me. Im standing up because i have a platform for americans who cant have a voice. I worry about the student, the business owner, employee who feels like they are silenced because of this. Laura may be the intimidation of players who disagree with us who are afraid, maybe there are not that many but i bet there are a few. Senator, thanks so much. Up next, whats the one phrase biden cant live without . I reveal it, next. Behind every 2020 census takers mask is a friendly neighbor. Theyre teachers, retirees, vets, people committed to doing right by getting the count right. If you havent responded yet, theyll be stopping by to ask some simple questions that will inform how billions in federal funds are spent on local Services Every year for the next decade. So when they come knocking, say hi from a safe distance and do your part to support your community. Time is running out. Shape your future. Start here at 2020census. Gov. Where is the party, come on, man . This guy is not barack obama. Come on, man why the hill would i take a test . Come on, man i am very willing to let the American Public judge my physical and mental my physical as well as my mental fitness. Laura are you sure about that, joe . That is all the time we have tonight. Shannon bream with fox news night team, take it all from here. Come on, Shannon Shannon come on. Laura come on, shannon. Im going to do that every night for the next few days. Shannon and i will receive it, thank you laura. Laura have a great show. Shannon breaking news tonight, breaking from los angeles democratic Eric Garcetti announcing homeowners holding parties could have their water and power turned off. All night clubs and bars have already been close so people are trying to make it home. L. A. Says no more, enough

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