The thumb of powermad leaders. Also tonight in the lockdowns where they are loosening, democrats are working overtime to expand mail in voting. Why is that . We will show you also why the president is warning about potential fraud is on target. And Raymond Arroyo is here on the trump biden show down and wet memorial day could tell us about the campaign. But first, those who bet against america, that is the focus of tonights angle. We know who they are here at they short the market. They short the dollar, and when things look unfavorable and the situation gets a little rocky at home, they look for the exit. Maybe they move their money or businesses offshore because they think america has seen her best day. About truly smart people, including smart democrats, know that betting against america has always been a losing proposition, even during our darkest hour. The civil war, the Great Depression. At a recent brookshire meeting, Warren Buffett who is no fan of donald trump discussed americas past and future trial. You have this testing period and people really, they have lost faith to some degree. They just didnt see the potential of what america could do. And nothing to stop america when you get right down to it. And the Great Depression and it may be tested now to some degree. But in the end, the answers never bet against america. Laura and it shouldnt surprise you, any of you, that Warren Buffett is a hell of a lot smarter than leftwing economists who have been predicting doomsday scenarios for the u. S. Economy sense covid. Well, today the dow jones jumped 500 points almost closing about 20,000. Consumer confidence across the board are seeing and in texas, georgia, south carolina, utah, florida, alabama, mississippi, all ran by pretty conservative governors, well you see life is finally getting back to normal. Even californias lockdown gavin newsom is under pressure from lawsuits, Business Owners and people in the faith community, and he has had to ease up also. Los angeles county officials initially suggested the lockdown can last through the summer. But after massive backlash across the board, l. A. County is aiming to reopen on july 4th. And churches are opening at 25 Capacity Starting tomorrow. And as for those governors who want to just accept yes for an answer, dont believe for a second pair fraudulent justification that its all for your own safety. You know, they always say that when they are taking away your constitutional rights. But it is becoming more obvious by the day that these powerhungry governors and radical mayors are endangering the states future and will eventually see the states left behind. Now, isnt it enough andrew cuomo created death traps in new yorks elderly facilities . But now his slow roll to reopen is doing untold damage to his state going forward. The Washington Post wrote this piece over the weekend. They ran it how the covid shut down has been the straw that broke the camels back for new york. More residents now are reporting being so fed up with life in the big apple that they are relocating to places where they can actually have a decent standard of living. And cuomo wants taxpayers in florida and texas beyond to bail him out . None of these lockdown liberals should get a penny more in bailout money so long as we continue this lockdown stuff because the longer they stayed lockdown and you have all these other onerous and unnecessary restrictions in place, the more difficult, the more expensive and i would say the more dangerous it becomes for their state the longer in a recovery be. Given that we know the virus is a lot less deadly than we thought and its most dangerous to the combined elderly . There is no good reason to keep any part of the country completely closed. Unless that is, you dont want america to recover at least 12 trumps president. An article in politico you may have heard it, it reported democrats are privately freaking out, yes, you heard that right. That the American Economy will be in massive recovery in the fall. Check this out. My big worry said former Obama White House official who is so close to the former president asked about the level of concern among top party officials. He said it is high, high, high, hide. Now how do you describe this except to say that democrats see their only serious path to victory hinging on your despair . Deep down, it seems like they are rooting against life Getting Better for american families. They are rooting for americans to remain unemployed . Can you believe that from anyone or for schools to stay closed . Well, not long after we flatten the curve they issued these grim warnings of a second wave, a third wave that can come next month and come in september. It could be worse, i mean, or the superspreader phenomenon you have to have 18 feet social distancing or 30 feet or feet spread 40 feet. Every minute of every day you have to push the panic button to scare you back in your home. They shame people who dont bow down to their new rules. But in the end, most of these people seeking to control your behavior dont apply the rules to themselves. They never do, do they. We will share the biggest offenders with you in a moment. Now what worries these hypocrites is not the dire situation they created in their own states, they are worried about the possibility of your safe, economic recovery. Trump could be poised to benefit from the dramatic numbers produced during the partial rebound phase that will coincide with the four months before november. That has Many Democrats spooked. Now, let that sink in for a moment. Where you and i are spooked about the idea of living like mass zombies waiting for government chipped the mic checks for the foreseeable future. The democrats are spooked by the idea that in march, bidens campaign, pelosi and the whole gang betting that the virus would cripple the economy right through the election. The only way that that happens now though is if enough blue state governors make life unlivable for the 99. 99 of americans who survived the virus. That is a pathetic antiscience sicko campaign strategy. But let them make that bet. America will not allow this crisis to beget a waste. And that is the angle while some blue state governors have heated president s trump to reopen laces of worship not all of them have. New jersey has let beaches, Bicycle Stores and some retailers open up. Ends soon start practicing again but governor murphy is keeping churches still under lock and key. He hasnt even set a date to reopen house of worship and he wants to subject them to arbitrary 10 limit. And for those reasons my next guest want to have the governors orders overturn and bobby bledsoe, founder of the Dwelling Place Network based in new jersey. Pastor, thank you for joining us tonight. Your governor is letting 500 people walk into a grocery sto grocery store, but doesnt trust you and other religious leaders from other faiths as well to keep churches, mosques were temple safe. What is going on . Laura, thank you for having me on tonight. Yeah, it is a shame. Who would ever think in this 21st century, convicts would be released and pastors would face scrutiny. I told my congregation the other day, we had outside parking lots and how many thought today on your way to church you may get arrested . It is a shame. The religious freedom that our country was founded on is one of the most essential basic human rights that we have in america and we have to stand up and thats why we decided to take action against their government. Laura pastor, the president said last friday that he wants churches to open up. They need to open up. Do you want more from the federal government and states like new jersey where these onerous restrictions to one place and are out our outright shutdown for churches should the fed stepping here . I know you are suing, but you need federal help . I hope the attorney general does do something, and i believe he will. I think they made their statement, but i have to now say the responsibility is now on my fellow pastors. I have been saying this since day one. We have to stay open. The church is already central to the well being, the psyche of people in our communities. We minister to people. You know, when a church, the psyche of a church, the church when you think about it, the hope by the world. When the doors of the church are closed, who do people begin to look for for help . The government . Maybe thats what they want, but i still believe that pastors now have to take a stance. You have to count the cost. It may cost you something, but you have to open. Laura think about the great sacrifices of religious leaders around the world and parishioners around the world of all faiths. In syria and other parts getting killed on the way to church, and they still make it to church and mass and temple. Pastor, this is what governor murphy said about churches defying his lockdown orders. Watch. There will be repercussions in any case who willfully violates our executive orders. And there are a willing amount of folks who lead institutions of faith. They understand this. They are chomping at the bit, we get that, but they understand the risks associated with it. We have to make sure we are all in this together and do this the right way. Laura pastor, will you reopen despite the threat from governor murphy . Well, what i can say is this. The last time we know it is okay but we need to meet in person. We need to meet in person. All as i can say is for me and my congregation, we have a plan to get together into worship. And i would call on all pastors stomach pastors in new jersey to take a stand. Pentecostal sunday is upon us next sunday. That is when the church was birthed on the day of pentecost. Im asking all churches no matter your denomination to stand strong and be the church of jesus christ. Laura there are not enough jail cells come i dont think. All christians and people of faith throughout the state of new jersey. There are not enough. So thank you, pastor, thank you for standing up for your faith and doing it responsibly. Thank you so much. Thank you. Laura and petty tyrants across the country adhering to the punishing lockdown they demand of their own citizenry . Take Gretchen Whitmer after telling not to flood areas upstate that are reopening. Her husband was caught doing just that. Demanding a harvard master release. And when they refused, he responded, im the husband of the governor. Will this make a difference . In other words, unreal. So how did his husband respond . He made a failed attempt at humor when checking in with the Small Business and dock up north. Knowing it would make a difference, he jokingly asked if being married to me might move him up in the queue. Obviously, with the motorized voting prohibition in our early days of covid19, he thought it might get a laugh. Laura well, that sunk. That attempt for justification sunk like the titanic. As whitmers husband seeks treatment, my next guest doing everything to keep a michigan barbershop above water. 20 me carl mann key owner of the barber and beauty. When he openly defied a governors lockdown order, the state tried to suspend his license. The judge struck it down. Carl, great to see you. The governor further extended this is unbelievable, until jun. And how does that make you feel to see what the own family is doing . And a sense, i think the governor is a little immature for this job. This assignment she has been given obviously little bit more than what she is capable of handling. Laura what do you make of her husband trotting up north to get his vote released but meanwhile you cant be released to cut hair and give beauty treatments to people, even though the curve is flattened . Well, you know, this is pretty typical of people who want to rule rather than govern. Often times they will use these type of tactics, do as i say and not as i do. And it sort of like our mothers at time and truthfully, shes not my mother. So i probably dont listen to much. And i am under 14 Different Administration starting with fdr. I was born in 1942. Ive never seen anything like this one. This one is the most ridiculous. Even back during the 1960s come i remember when the Democrat Party at that time was the party of free speech, no censorship, against a government for human rights and civil rights. She is completely turned upside down on this thing and become more of a police state than anything else. You know i wrote a story. I wrote a book called age of shame and in that story, it takes place in warsaw in the 1940s. At that particular time the jewish people were packed into one square mile about 800,000 north square mile. Now the younger people knew what was going on. They knew what the were up to at that time. The older people feared that if the younger people wouldnt behave themselves, that the government, the German Government would punish them. So they would turn in their younger people. And willingly, listened and watched, and told him all that they were going to have a wonderful day. Laura so karl manke i dont mean to interrupt and we are running out of time, but we were talking about the encouraging snitching on your fellow citizens. That is exactly right. Laura he opened up too early and you cut the hair of a protester. Ive never seen that ever in the United States of america, but we have elected officials encouraging that type of neighbor spying upon neighbors to tell the authorities. I dont think that washes well in the United States of america. I dont think it works. You know, we need in michigan right now at this point, we need to stand up. We need to stand up. We need to open up our businesses, and we need to show up. This tactic, you know that turns one neighbor on another, one neighbor scolding another one for social distance. Another one scolding another one for not wearing a mask. They love this kind of. Laura but karl manke, when people snatch on her, she givese bogus excuse, o a poor attempt at humor, oh, really . Nobody is buying that. These governors should be recalled, against her and all the rest of them. It is infuriating to me what you guys are going through. I am so sorry that you are combing through this. Keep up standing up and speaking the truth and thanks for being with us tonight. Thank you very kindly for the opportunity. Laura absolutely and speaking of hypocrites Virginia Governor Ralph Northam was shaming people on friday for not following the latest covid fashion fad wearing a mask could literally save someone elses life. That is becoming clearer every day as we move further into managing the virus over the long term. Laura so it is stunning to see him the next day Walking Around Virginia Beach taking selfies with strangers right up against them unmasked. The very activity he just said could actually kill people. Okay, he obviously didnt believe that. That is what i was saying earlier. They dont believe what they say but they just want to control you. Was he embarrassed . Not in the slightest. He is making what he failed to do mandatory in public for all members of the commonwealth of virginia. Everyone will need to wear a face covering. When you are inside at a public place starting this friday. I am taking this step because science increasingly shows us that the virus spread less easily when everyone is wearing face coverings. Laura by the way if you think that will ever be rescinded, he wants us mast from here on out. Hes exposed as a hypocrite and all virginians have to suffer. Vote article section 1 of virginias constitution, a state, this, let me read it. Can you pack it up, guys . I want to read it so you know what is said. Let me read this quickly. All men by nature equally free and independent and certain inherent rights when they enter into a state in society, they cannot by any contact deprived or depressed prosperity. All powers vested in and consequently derived by the people that magistrates or trustees and servants and at all times amenable to them. Joining me now Harmeet Dhillon civil rights attorney and founder of civil liberties. Do they have a legal case against the mask mandate and other orders such as those . Thank you, laura. Clearly the governor himself is clear in mast or blackface but most arent. And can they do it the way they are planning to do it . The way virginia is doing it is different than other states, laura. They actually say they will find the businesses, the restaurantse people go indoors, not the actual citizens of virginia like you or i if we walk and pier that is interesting. That becomes an economic regulation subject to rational basis scrutiny. Now if it is true as we have been told, and i think you said this on your show before, that maybe the masts dont work or they cant prove they work. The Governor Northam didnt think it worked. Maybe we can disprove the rational basis that the government says applies here. That would be one route to go. Other challenges to masts include that mask or expressive form of communication. They commune a im scared or the left says i care about you. But can we carry that message forward. I can see a cause of action where individual going into a store says i dont want to convey that message and there is no rational basis for this why would like to challenge it. It will raise some interesting issues in that regard, laura. Laura if it is all for safety, then everyone should know, this is not a temporary thing. They will come if they get real power, pass a rule making at the department of transportation, mandating that masks from here on out on Public Transportation whether a plane forever. If that is the argument, you have to wear it all the time. Forever masks. It is not just during covid. Forever. If thats what people want to come i guess thats what they will get. Great work harmeet on the liberty case is as well. You had a big victory for the barbers and come california and we will watch those cases, great work, harmeet thank you so much. And more complete picture regarding covid and mortality rate. Is there a greater risk of being locked down . We may reading remediation is next. Stay with us. Your snacks more nutritious. And reminds you when it comes to caring, there is no expiration date. Milk. Love whats real. At what point do the numbers drop to the reopening threshold . Now, people can speculate. People can guess. Im out of that business because we all failed at that business, right . All the Early National experts. Here is my projection model, here is my projection model. They were all wrong. They were all wrong. Laura well, where they all wrong, andrew . Is that what we are saying now . Some smart people were questioning this and not just the old model. Just three weeks ago, the experts at hhs and fema predicting daily covid death toll would double to 3,000 by june 1st. Well, the reality only 510 new debts reported yesterday. Joining me now is victor david hanson, the senior fellow at the harvard institution. It isnt just the conventional scientific wisdom surrounding the disease. It self has been wrong but the refusal to admit the harm of a unnecessarily long lockdown. Explain that. Welcome i think the Progressive Party has become the party superstition and faithbased information. It is not based on science. Most everything they have told us has been wrong. It is not two or three people per 100 that have died but two or three per thousand. And we know from sessions when you move the trillion dollars a year and we are losing 1 trillion in gp a month, we know statistically how many people will die and excess because of that. Northern california suicides are more with a virus but the coming of the medical cost of fill lockdown in addition to the Economic Cost and thats not faithbased but actual data. And that thing, d day when colonel taylor said there are two cotypes of people on the beach. There are those that are dying, those that are dead and those that will die so lets get off of the beach. There are two types of people lockdown, those who are broke and those who will go broke for the most part. So its trying to get out of your house and take a risk. It is a scientific risk. I think most americans would follow George Patton penn george mcclellan. That is a choice we have right now. Laura it is a Reasonable Risk to get into a collective field position. Laura america is built on risk. The most risk takers on earth were Founding Fathers of america. Everything that they risk, they were fortune, their blood, they are everything for freedom of liberty. Look at what we are doing. Governor newsom issued this morning, watch. The reality this pandemic has just begun and has not ended by any stretch of the of matt. This virus behind us and i just couldnt be come i think more precise in terms of my recommendation. Laura victor hes prepping people to get used to this kind of rolling series of draconian controls over their daily lives. We are seven weeks now from his march 19th warning that 25 Million People would be infected at the given rate and 2 , we should have had 600,000 dead californians. We have about 3800. That is a tragedy. We are the largest state in the country with 40 Million People. And we havent seen any of that. Maybe its because scientists have warned us or ignore that the virus has mutate and often weak when mutate. Or maybe because we are developing immunity or may be the weather is 103 where im talking to you from. But all of that and the perfect storm passion has not given us the predictions of doom and gloom and armageddon. He has no credibility anymore, none at all. And people know that. So this all begs the question, why are we doing this . In other words you dont have to be a cynic anymore that they are willing to destroy the fifth largest economy in the world with which this country cannot rebound before november election. New york and california 20 of the gdp, excuse me about 15 , 20 of the gdp front of the states. Laura come from those two states. It is betting against america and holding back against america and a lot of conservatives want to let loose, not the virus but the people in their ingenuity and innovation and hard work. Let that loose and we will be okay in the end. Victor, thank you so much. Speaking of faulty models, faulty data. Remember the german study that claims the kids were the Covid Superspreaders . It was hired by the new york times, the guardian and dr. Fauci did a study initially and cuomo echoed the findings. Given all of this, no one should be surprised it turned out to be a load of you know what. A reanalysis of the studys own data, is this sounding familiar . Came to the exact opposite conclusion. Children have lower viral than adults. And this is a equivalent of a war crime. 20 may now, the president of the committee to unleash prosperity, fail, despite that study coming from germany, none of the german medical societies gave it any credence, so why are we . Its a good question, laura every major German Medical Society condemned this paper and said that all should be back in school. And support reopening the schools immediately with no restrictions. And other European Countries come up with this study was written for one reason and one reason only which was to scare and frighten governments all over the world and to keeping schools closed. The conclusion was predetermined and prewritten before they looked at the data, and the numbers as much as they torture them to try to support that conclusion just dont support that. And multiple analysis looking at the data from that paper and finding that children have about a quarter of the viral load as adults. Laura francis, even though france went through a horrific time with the virus, francis reopening school and the Education Minister told the bbc it is obvious a lack of school has increased inequality. And social, describing the need to unlock the country schools. One more tragedy per capita than the United States, they are reopening schools, phil. So what the heck is the United States waiting for . It is really bizarre. Weve only got a couple of states that reopen schools. I think montana and wyoming and maybe north dakota started summer school. But that is it. Almost all of europe now, the United Kingdom going back june 1st. Imprints 1. 4 million children go back to school, 70, 70 of 1. 4 million tested positive for this virus. That is such minuscule tiny, nothing number, no threat and yet that headline was plastered all over the world and all over american outlets, opening sale, 70 students. What a tiny number. Laura the Scientific Community will have a lot to answer for, the Modeling Community mobile stats, and of course, the media in all of this. Huge, huge disservice they did to not just this country but to the globe. Phil, thank you so much. My pleasure. Laura in moments, Raymond Arroyo will break down joe bidens racial blunder culminating a ridiculous interview on cnn. But the new development unmasked gates seen and unseen, unmasked. Esperately sought, is found. This is whats worth protecting embracing. And ensuring for others, especially now. This is why medicare from Blue Cross Blue Shield continues to improve what we can do for you. Putting over 80 years of healthcare expertise into action. And making Coverage Even more accessible in times when its needed most. Were here for you now, and always. This is the benefit of blue. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. Laura it is time for our seen and unseen segment. We revealed the stories behind the headlines. Joining us with all the details, Raymond Arroyo fox news contributor. Raymond, now you think memorial day may have given us an insight into the campaign to come. How so . Laura if you look closely what happened during those dueling memorial day ceremonies. Voters look at this. They are looking for signs. They were looking for impressions of how they should vote. From the basement for to lay a wreath at memorial at delaware. He wore a black mask, dark gray bands and his gait tentative. He projected an trepidation fear, trump on the other hand, peered at fort mchenry. He is surrounded by the drummond core, flags waving behind him, no mask. He seemed to be aligning himself visually at least with that american spirit of defiance in the face of adversity. It even had the touch of revolutionary spirit about it, laura. Voters are picking up on this with her they recognize it or not it is they are, they see it, they feel it. Laura i dont think america come i dont think they want masks longterm. Even if short term they do the masks because they think it is safe. They are worried that this will become the new normal forever. Which i think the blue state governors want. They need a visual to keep this narrative going since the curve has been flattening. And to keep people scared. The mask for some, not saying it has no use, but for some, it it keeps that visual front and center. Dr. Fauci said it had very little use but joe biden it is a way to set himself up for trump in the first inperson interview in two months he set down 12 feet apart from cnns dana bash and explained why he wore the mask on memorial day. I watched the president yesterday wearing no mask. And so making fun of the fact that i wore a mask. The truth of the matter is, i think he should lead by example. One of the things our governor, keep social distancing and stay at home has been the order until june 1. Laura, the governor of delaware is now setting the course for joe Bidens National campaign . I mean, this is bizarre. Really, who is he protecting on memorial day . The flap at memorial day . His wife he has been quarantining with for months . It was very bizarre. But i think it is political. There is a political piece to this. Laura and now, we are reading stuff about how you can damage yourself by wearing a mask and you are breathing back, you know, potentially not everybody changes their masks everyday work cleans it. They were too busy. And so you know we will read an article a month from now about how unhygienic masks or superspreaders of the virus. I mean, that is coming. Raymond, biden is still trying to clean up those comments he made on that popular radio show last week. Here is the exchange starting with a biden aide interrupted. Its a really hard time with my apologize. You cant do that to black media white media and black media, my wife has to go one. If you have a problem figuring out if you are for me or trump, then you aint black. The the naacp has endorsed me every time i have run. Come on, take a look at the record. Not only was his presumptive and inflammatory but the ncaa ncaa p, for fury from black americans was immediate including black leaders. He tried to walk it back on cnn today and watch this. He is being a wise guy and i responded and i shouldnt have done that. Look, the state, the largest black population. A vote of population. And ive got overwhelming support every time i have run but i work like because i work on the east side. I worked on all the things i care about making sure that their houses are a bit as valuable as the white persons house and a white neighborhood. Laura, how condescending is that . Im going to make sure that a black persons house is worth the same as a white persons house in a white neighborhood . This is stereotype and almost as offensive as the other comments. Laura welcome i will say this, biden had eight years to make improvements and the africanamerican community. And it took donald trump before covid to make more progress in helping the unemployment efforts and pushing for School Choice and all the things hes for. Criminal Justice Reform and obama did not accomplish any of that. God bless these guys duking it out. But you have to armory and the in the realm of effects. Great to see you on a tuesday night. Thank you, laura. Laura if you think the democrats push mailin voting, you are right. So the media big tech way are they claiming otherwise . Dan patrick highlights a major ballot harvesting case. Coming up in texas next the return of drifting drafting the return of the slide job ripping the wall gasngo bumpnrun the return of loud nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house. Staying connected your way youre just a tap away from personalized support on xfinity. Com. Get faster internet speeds with a click. Order xfi pods to your home in a snap. Or change your Xfinity Services with just a touch. All in one place. Youre only seconds away from all of that on xfinity. Com. Faster than a call. Easy as a tap. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. When you do all aeolian voting ballots, you are asking for fraud. People steal them out of mailboxes. People print them, and then they sign them and give them in. People dont even know if they are double counted. The california, the governor said sending millions of ballots all over the state to anybody. People that arent citizens, we are not going to destroy this country by allowing things like that to happen. Laura now President Trump is not the first to warn about the potential for massive amounts of fraud from mailin ballots. The Bipartisan Commission on federal election was cochaired but noted right wing or jimmy carter. Okay. It found in 2005 that absentee ballots the major source of voter fraud. Citizens who voted home from a Nursing Homes come at the workplace or church more susceptible to pressure overt and subtle or intimidation. Vote buying schemes more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail. Joining me now texas Lieutenant Governor dan dan patrick. The geniuses at twitter subjected trump to their first ever factchecked that in your state a recent investigation didnt you guys uncover alleged ballot harvesting scheme involving mailin ballots . Well, we found many over the years, laura but this story just broke tonight literally. I think youre the first person to talk about and i know very well come a very good citizen, Investigative Reporter spent two years on this. She found where a Democrat Congress woman in houston paid a convicted forger and there was another convicted forger working on the campaign. They also have audiotapes and have been talking about how to harvest these ballots. Group them up in groups of 50. The signatures were the same on the envelope as they were on every one of these ballots and the ballot signatures. So look, twitter owes the president an apology. They factchecked him laura for his opinion, and by the way hist because the democrats are tryin. I just tweeted out that the democrat plan to have everyone vote by mail as an invitation for fraud and it is a total scam. Tonight, i would like all of your millions of viewers to tweet their own tweet out about how mail in malin powell lets see if they factchecked me and millions of people, that network said go to the window and shout out you are mad as hell ad wont take it anymore . The modern day go to your computer millions of tweets the democrats plan, write your own tweet, folks, send it out and lets see if twitter goes after him like they go after the president. They owe him an apology. Laura he will not get it from jack. They need to stop factchecking opinion. Laura are they going to factchecked all the modelers in covid . All of the people that were wrong and other doomsday scenarios . Jerry nadler a congressman liberal from new york said this dan, 2004, watch. My experience in new york, paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud. I want a paper trail. I want paper somewhere. But pure paper with no machines, i can show you experience which would make your head spin. Laura jerry nadler might have lost a little weight since then but the weight of his comments are on target there. Laura come i was one of the coauthors of voter photo i. D. Before Lieutenant Governor and thats what they said on the floor, the democrats we dont have to have photo voter i. D. Because scam is in the mail and mailin ballots ans why Everyone Needs to vote by mail. Look here is the deal the further away you get from the ballot box, the more opportunity for fraud. The democrats used to say, you dont have to, you know, show an i. D. To vote but now they dont want you to vote. As far as protections, they say this is about safety but now it has nothing to do with safety. 65 years old and older citizens in this country in texas in almost every state can almost already vote by mail. With the democrats want to do is automatically send out ballots which is against the law in texas. You have to request them to vote by mail. They want to send it out to every citizen. This is their opportunity to try to rig the election. We will not put up with it, and if they get away with it, laura, it is the end of democracy. Not just the end of this president ial campaign. If they get away with this, democracy has been shredded. Laura i remember hailing a rockies to pull to the vote with her purple fingers. They risk their lives to vote. It is so important to them. We can do it safely, in person just like everybody through the history of the country if you really need an absentee ballot for real reasons, you can get it, but this is a complete democrat scam, 100 , dan, thank you so much. You bet. Laura how proud with cnn over social distancing bite an interview . W . We have a doozy for you next, the last bite. Laura today cnn outdated self and virtual signaling of the biden interview. We were socially distant, you can see that we were 12 feet apart. It was a very small footprint. You drove by yourself in your own car, thats a safe way to do it. And the crew drove in a separate car. Laura i love it when people are wearing a mask in their own cars down the street. Shannon bream and the speed 20 lake Bank Fox News night team it from here. Shannon i notice and have questions. We spent a lot of time in virginia, we will be wearing more masks apparently. Laura we will see. Have a great show. Shannon laura, i am keeping an eye on you. Laura dont be a snitch. Have a great one. Shannon reports tonight, panicked over what is predicted to be Economic News for the country in the weeks leading up to the president ial election. The news comes as Analysis Shows tonight that red and blue parts of the country are experiencing

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