Party for tomorrows primary. Throughout the hour we are going to be talking to some of our favorite analysts, South Carolina voters, and those who know the state best. Along the way we are going to show you our own interactions with the voters today, including from fox news own Gianno Caldwell who is on the other side of the state at joe bidens rally tonight. As for joe, the former Vice President seems poised to win based on the latest polls. S. Hes up about 12 points in the real clear politics average. You might remember, i told you this last night, those most invested in the biden blowouts tomorrow are the democrats in the media establishment. They see sanders as a threat and they hope before can pull out a comeback move and catapult himself and his campaign ahead for the super tuesday contests that are coming right down the pike. Biden himself thinks a victory tomorrow might wrap up the whole thing for him. So many others who have supported me, you send me out of here with the victory that is significant, then i think im going to be the next nominee of the United States. Laura albright, Barack Obamas upset victory here over Hillary Clinton in 2008 was his springboard to the nomination but does biden really have the obama magic . One word, no. Even if biden does win make tomorrow, he still has major problems and im going to talk about them tonight, walk you through this right now. S m heres the first problem, his continuous stream of gaffes andf just bizarre statements. It seems to be getting worse and not better. Just listen to some of what he said just in the last 24 hours. Im looking forward to appointing the first africanamerican woman to the United States senate. China doesnt have enough water. O water. The idea, the idea that they are our competition, that they are going to beat us is bizarre. If someone in this room got up, took off all their clothes and walked out the door, no man has a right to touch her. Laura number two, his campaign is quickly running out of cash and big donors are holding back. That suggests a much bigger problem, as former obama era official van jones pointed out. There is a weakness in the Biden Campaign that is obvious. Its not just a weakness in the candidate. A former Vice President , two term Vice President , obama the guy should be just sucking and money. He is broke. That shows a lack of enthusiasm, not just at the grassroots level, where he needed that, but also at the top. Laura van jones himself seems bored, doesnt he . And three, third problem, onethird of the democrat delegates are awarded and that doesnt look good for biden, okay. In california he is going to get his clock cleaned by bernie who is up, on average, today it was about 17 points in the latest polls. Meanwhile, biden is pullingn under 15 in the state. That means he might not even meet the viability threshold to get any delegates, because that is how many are in california. Its a huge treasure trove. The last three polls out of texas have bernie leading in biden thought at some point was going to be his firewall. Its just not adding up here that doesnt even take into account commanding leads that bernie has in massachusetts, wisconsin, and utah, states that will also be voting on super tuesday. Di even if biden wins tomorrow, how can the democrat establishment deny bernie the nomination if this is what the landscape remains after today, after tomorrow . Joining me now is chris bedford, Senior Editor at the federalist and vice chair of the Young American foundation. Hes been following theni democrats around South Carolina for the last few days. Also with me is a g. O. P. Chairman, a man who knows the ins and outs of the state better than most. Barring of an epic collapse, he seems to be assured of a victory but of appearances on the trail, its actually kind of sad. If got to say. Personally, have always liked biden. Hes actually kind of a lovable personality. Ive always really liked him. His extremely lovable. Laura but its almost like someone needs to stop him. Its time for the early voting corralled dinner. Joe biden is an extremely likable person. He has a lot of history, but its been clear he probably should retire for some time. What he could get tomorrow, which would be a big win for him, potentially, if he actually just get a bige win. Ten points or more points that he can carry and because the worst thing for any candidate, even worse than this lack of money is the stink of loser. And if people think youre a loser, theyre not going to back you no matter what, especially in the super tuesday states. If he does well he can stay in this race and the New York Times reporters are actually showing the Democratic Party is willing to break their own party to stop the superdelegates from making bernie the nominee. If he can make it to the conventional alive, he has a chance at being the nominee. Laura true. He has to bend over backwards to try to reassure voters that he has fire in his belly. Watch. What is your fire . Because you see bernie, you see Elizabeth Warren, you see that fire. Thats what im looking for. What is your fire . Decency and honor. The fact that im not screaming like bernie and waving my arms, look elizabeth, is not a lack of fire. Laura all right, is that kind of reminds me of that interview that ted kennedy did with roger mudd years ago where he can explain right offthecuff why he wanted to be president. He couldnt answer that question. Like, why is he actually running . Other than to stop bernie or to save the establishment. Theres people that arent really excited about supporting his campaign and his problem here is whether he wins here or not, when you leave here youre going to states where he doesnt have much organization, he has to spend money. Bloomberg has dropped half a billion dollars in 20 states so what are they going to do even if he wins or . Wins by ten, or by five, whatever it may be. Theyve a structural problem over the long term and that is proportional delegate allocation in all states and it took how long for hillary to put bernie away last time in the two person race and how youre talking about three, four, five people from the convention . Theyve got a math problem and then you get to the superdelegates, what are they going to do . Ki half of those guys are elected officials, they dont want to run with bernie on top of the ticket so they take it away from him, and either way, heads we win, tales they lose. Laura congressman clyburn is incredibly popular, significant figure in this state for all the reasons weve discussed before on this show. He soaping his endorsement will get biden the momentum going all the way to texas is what he said. Were trying to create a surge here. 14 states voting next tuesday and we would like to see him go into those 14 states, a big boat out of South Carolina, it would signal to the people of texas that joe biden is in fact surging. Laura jim clyburn doesnt even seem excited about biden and he is the biggest endorsee that he has. Rn my big question is why is an congressman clyburn here . Why isnt he here to speak on behalf of him . Why are there local officials and hollywood movie stars there to try to pump up the crowd because joe biden is not really pumping up the crowd. Why isnt he down there stumping for the guy who he thinks is the future of the Democratic Party . Democratic candidates are really worried. Bernie sanders has a chance to go for a nationally and donald trump. They will sacrifice their party not to have Bernie Sanders. Laura they will sacrifice the next four years to stop him. That is how important they think stopping Bernie Sanders is, if they have to lose to trump its better than losing the whole party. Am i saying that correctly . Its telling that this endorsement comes just four days before the primary. Why wasnt he on the trail with biden two months ago . Laura desperation. By the way, Bernie Sanders was not happy about the president being here tonight, check it out. Turns out Donald Trumps in charleston today. He is here in South Carolina. He doesnt even have any opposition in the republican party. Why is he here . He is here to try to disrupt the democratic primary how pathetic and how petty can you be . Laura apparently, the president is not allowed to travel. They dont want him to travel to South Carolina, state hes goino to win, by the way. The fact South Carolina is the last stop for all the media is in one state for a solid wee, so why wouldnt the president come here to get his message out . He had a winning message in 2016 and a winning message now in a record to go along with it to advertise it. Laura it reminds me that they dont want him to travel to california, he cant go to california because theyre goins to have riots, he cant go to chicago, they threatened violence last time last election, and now they dont want him to come to South Carolina. Nice try. O South Carolina want him here. He is popular. Laura thank you so muchh for being here tonight. The beer is on me. Thanks so much and as i mentioned many times before on this show, democrats are heading down a dangerous road this election cycle. One that many of them dont want to go down. They are on the highway to socialism and a lot of people are asking how did we actually get here . I posed that question to some of the folks in the charleston area earlier today. Laura we are here in charleston, South Carolina, where frankly there are a lot of tourists. Spectacularly beautiful, little chilly, but were trying to find out why socialism is making inroads into our public consciousness, our thinking. A why is it becoming more popular . What about socialism . Everybody want socialism in america. Do you want socialism . No, but my kids do because they are broke and they keep asking me for more money. Laura but they went to college. My kids are voting for bernie. I think socialism is great possibly in theory. Laura you are worried about socialism coming more popular . I am because the campuses are more liberal. I own my own business so its all about capitalism from. Laura Bernie Sanders is on the rise, 78yearold guy, heart attack but so what . I do think its is going to come down to Bernie Sanders and trump. Bernie sanders is a very smart man. He knows exactly what hes doing. Laura what did Bernie Sanders not get right . What do you think the push for socialism is hurting him . Yes, that word is definitely going to push a few people out. Laura lets find some angry socialists. Hes going to win it big. Laura by the way, the bike messenger, taxi driver, whatever you call him, he was awesome and i am pretty sure that he is a trump supporter. And he thinks the economy is great. That was the most fun part. Despite suggestions from some of the folks that you just heardd that the general election will be sanders versus trump, joe biden and the never bernierd democrats see South Carolina as the decisive 2020 primary contest. They may have a point. According to the washington post, since first becoming a binding primary, the state has become a bellwether for important constituencies. Southern africanamerican voters. On top of that, the eventual democratic nominee has won the primary every Election Year with the exception of 88 and 2004. Joining me now is Political Science professor at the college of charleston and author of first in the south. And jamie lovegrove, political reporter at the post. Will South Carolinas reputation of clarifying things the democrats be intact after this . Is going to be tough. 2004 they supported john edwards. He ended up getting beaten by john kerry in the end. This is a crowded field so i think they could give some life to biden. May be biden will fight to be the alternative to Bernie Sanders, but this is a lot more multiyear than in previous years. Laura would you have predicted that it was going to be, this, four years ago after hillary obviously stumbled to defeat no, if you had told me for a while, Bernie Sanders had a chance to win the South Carolina primary, that wouldve blown my mind. But he got 25 last time. So it really blown out by Hillary Clinton but because there are so many candidates and because hes done a good job ofn keeping his supporters loyal to him, you win 20 , that looks pretty good. Jo laura hes an an amazing retail politician. Young kids love him, he spent a lot of times on College Campuse networking. When you look at the landscape here, this is a state unlike any other state in the country. Every state is unique but thispe is a very Different Democrat Party in this state. Much more moderate. It really isnt in many ways a bellwether of what is coming down the pike, but bernie is Still Holding up so far. If its bellwether of anything it is of Southern States and that is obviously not the whole country but if you look to some of our neighbors, georgia and North Carolina and some other states on super tuesday, alabama and virginia, it might be indicative of what we will see there but certainly south carolinians and South Carolina democrats, both parties pride themselves on the fact that they are independent thinkers, and they like to go their own way. I dont think there is any state other than probably delaware where joe biden has a stronger relationship with democrats and they are poised. Laura theres a lot of excitement today. A lot of them want to get rid of trump and i keep telling them that is not going to happen but you can have fun tomorrow. Anyway, Bernies Campaign guy tried to explain why bernie left the state early. T watch. Where is your senator going to be tomorrow . In South Carolina or some other state . Hes in some other states tomorrow, massachusetts and he will finish in vermont. Are you assuming hes not going to do well in South Carolina . , not at all. We typically do this, after the first few states have moved on. Laura thoughts . I think he has seen some polling and it doesnt look particularly why waste the time here to think biden will probably get a victory, but is it going to actually be a springboard or a dead cat bounce where he wins here and then bloomberg has so much money and bernie does well, and not as much money. Laura its interesting to see the generational divide in the democrat party, and its interesting, and msnbc moment, talking about africanamerican voters about, who are they going to vote for versus his parents. Watch. My parents live in South Carolina. Are they going to vote tomorrow . Yes, they are. They were more biden in the beginning but they werent really following. They just know biden and obama. I kind of had to pull them along, tug them along. Do you know who they are voting for tomorrow . Yes, i do. Laura he convinced his parents to go for Bernie Sanders. But we talked to folks today, i saw that divide over and over and over again. Congressman clyburn is over there for biden and his grandson works for Pete Buttigieg. There is a generational divide, intimately in the Africanamerican Community as well. Laura but also president obama, that is a driving force here. There was an older africanamerican voter i talked to who viewed the symbolism of biden, a white establishment politician standing behind a black president for eight years loyally laura low realism goes back. De absolutely, they remember joe biden coming down here with fritz holling. Laura oh, my gosh, youre really going back in time. They have these memories. The older voters are much moreee worried than the Younger Voters of a repeat of 1972. B laura oh, they remember. They view Bernie Sanders as essentially a landslide defeat candidate, so there a lot more worried about the Younger Voters wanting inspiration. Laura a number said it would be considered for them a repudiation of obama, which they dont want to say. Fascinating, i cannot wait to see how this plays out. Thank you so much. Faced with a fourth or fifth place finish tomorrow, Elizabeth Warren is backtracking on a Major Campaign promise that cant be happening. We expose the latest and then we will speak with some actual warren supporters on the ground here on whether they care. Stay tuned. My message to bernie is its time to wrap it up, buddy. Youre wasting a lot of peoples time and money. Tv just keeps getting better. How you watch it does too. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Laura Elizabeth Warren likes to frame herself as a champion of the people, especially the little people. Someone they can trust, someone of impeccable character really. And to prove just how pure of heart she is, warren built her Campaign Around a solemn promise. Im not taking a dime of pac money in this campaign. I dont take corporate money. Shoot, i dont take pac money of any kind. Im not cozying up to super pacs. If you really want to live where you say, then put your money where your mouth is and say no to the pacs. Laura but something has happened since warren said that last part just three weeks ago. Shes losing, faced with more humiliating defeats, including a possible fifth place finish tomorrow, that cant be, can it . Warren is now shamelessly backtracking. If all the candidates want to get rid of super pacs, count me in. I will lead the charge, but that is how it has to be. It cant be the case that a bunch of people keep them and only one or two dont. Laura joining me now is the publisher of the federalist and charlie hurt, Washington Times opinion editor and fox news contributor. All right, ben, this is the latest in a long line fromio warren. A super pac message. Honestly, everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face and she has been punched in the face in this election over and over again. Disappointing over and over again. Laura she was good in the last debate, she did her duty in going after bloomberg. Yes, she did, and in this situation shes making a calculated decision. This is the only way that she can still have a shot in the long term. It just requires her to totally give up on all the things she said were so central to her appeal all along. Im authentic, im not going to do these deals with the rich guys, im someone you can believe in and thats not the case. Laura i almost believe her when i heard those statements, the tremor in her voice, i just really want to believe anything she says. Maybe she just had a bad day, i cant really get my, this is like a john kerry epic flipflop. I dont think this is just a bad day but i love that clip you just played of her saying, everyone else wants to get on board, i will be glad to lead the effort. That is exactly thean definition of what a leader is not. A leader is not someone who says hey, as long as everyone does what i say, that i will lead the way. That is not how it works. Elizabeth warren will literally say anything it takes to get elected, or whatever she thinks it will take to get elected. But to me, the most interesting thing about all of this is tohi look at the amount of money that this new super pac is pouring into her campaign, this dark money that she and a lot of democrats say are the problem, the root problem with politics today. The fact that they are willingsa to pour this much money into her Campaign Says two things. One, it says how terrified these big money establishment democrats are of Bernie Sanders. And it also says how comfortable they are with someone like Elizabeth Warren sticking up for their interest in protecting the status quo for democrats. Laura that you were saying during the break, reminding me that you are from here, and you come back home, like welcome back. I grew up in north charleston, i came back here, actually went and visited with a very nice gentleman who lives in my family home here. Hes actually leaning towards pete. Laura Pete Buttigieg . Yes, because he is 73 and he thinks hes too old to be president so he thinks biden is too old to be president but ive got to tell you, the real lesson we are going to get tomorrow is they do not like the brand of extremism that they see from this Democratic Party from Bernie Sanders and to a degree from Elizabeth Warren as well. They want a Democratic Party that is actually going to reach out to moderate voters and theyre worried that by going too far left, having too much extremism, theyre going to end up losing to donald trump. Laura charlie, theres another moment from the cnn town hall when Elizabeth Warren tried to use the coronavirus to prove her liberal progressive authentic bona fides. Check it out. Im going to be introducing a plan tomorrow to take every dime that the president is now spending on his racist wall at our southern border and diverted to work on the coronavirus. [applause] laura charlie, the racist wall, the coronavirus. Any of that work . . Shes not only completely out of touch with regular americans, shes out of touch with the very democratic voters that Hillary Clinton lost in the last election and went and supported donald trump. And thats why shes going to finish fourth or fifth tomorrow, and the fact that joe biden still stands a chance at winning South Carolina, coming in first in South Carolina, even if he came in second it would be amazing considering the number of gaffes and all the trouble he has had so far, but it just underscores how deeply dissatisfied most rankandfile democrat voters are with the current field. They dont like the socialism, and these other people that are just laura its power to the people, come on. Li part of the people in South Carolina. All right, gentlemen. Its great to have you both on. After the show was over, hang out with us behind us. So what to voters in South Carolina thank of liz warren . Do they think its time for her to go . Stay . Heres what some of them told me earlier. Laura a lot of people are saying that Elizabeth Warren should drop out. Th most recent polls show that she can even win her home state. Why do you think she is staying in it . Because she likes to annoy people. All she is is annoying people when she talks. Sorry, elizabeth, its time to hang it up. Laura is she pulling both from Bernie Sanders at this point . Any thought about whether she should stay or go . I think she should stay because i think a lot of people are on the fence between her and bernie but the woman edge could put her over with female voters. Laura what about warrens own . Are they worried about where she is now . A good debate performance customer quote about these poll numbers. Are they actually that shes gone back on that promise not to take pac money. It joined me, two warrens supporters. All right, does warrens flipflopping bother you enough to maybe reexamine your support . In my opinion what ive seen is that no candidate has really truly stuck with not taking endorsements from super pacs. Laura not just endorsements, taking money. Youre right, but laura i tell you, i was almost believe in her. She seemed really sincere in what she said about, im not going to take it and the other people taking it are corrupt. She has even asked the super pac to release the specific donors that have contributed anh i think it is a very difficult situation where, as our president currently has said, wanting to drain the swamp, getting the money and the politicians who are corrupt laura she backtracks. I mean, your buddy backtracks with you on a promise, thats not such a good buddy anymore on a promise that big. That is a big one for her. Its not a small one. Its not a policy, that was central to her appeal but it doesnt change your support. P p it doesnt change my support because she still wants to pass bills and laws that are going to get money out of politics. Laura but she has to spend it first. But the system hasnt changed. D. Laura barbara, her poll numbers in her home state, here is where they are. In massachusetts, bernie is at 25 , Elizabeth Warren is at 17 , biden is at 9 in massachusetts. If you cant win your home state, where are you staying in this race . It just ends up fracturing the party more. Im really not that impressed with poll numbers. I have been voting for 50 years and the whole time, not one time have i ever been polled on who im going to vote for. Laura so you dont believe any poll . I dont believe any poll. Laura well, they certainly werent accurate last time. We will have to wait and see. When i go to vote tomorrow, and i will be voting for elizabeth, and ive told her that. Laura did you do a selfie with her . Oh, sure. Several. I actually had several good conversations with her too. Ou laura you think she is authentic . That she is a true progressive . Yes. Ua laura how do you compare her to bernie . Hes a democratic socialist and she doesnt call herself that. I dont like labels. I like people that actually accomplish things. E and as i was telling someone the other day, i dont like the idea of someone having a platform. Platform is a big, wide word. Laura im just curious, how do you judge people . You dont like platforms or positions, flip flopping doesnt matter, so what does matter . Having specific policy. My background is in public policy. I like policy, i like ideas of how you are going to accomplish things, having ways in specific things and that is one thing i like about elizabeth. Laura what about college kids . They are going to go for bernie, the college kids love bernie. They love him, think it is just hilarious. People want change,e regardless of bernie or any other candidate. When it comes down to the young voters, what they want is to see someone other than trump take the white house. Laura so that is the governing philosophy other than trump . I think overall, that is whah matters to voters. Laura thank you both for being here tonight. And kyle and barbara give us their point of view but weves. Got a lot more to get to. Coming up, is the coronavirus being overhyped to hurt trump . Wait until you hear from South Carolina voters on that. We are going to show you how cnn is needlessly creating panic while blaming fox. Stay there. He doesnt care about the politics, he cares about america, he cares about the individuals. Fo so yeah, all the way. To think he doesnt need the aggravation because he has all the money he wants but that goes to show you how much he loves this country. Too early. Or too late. Too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Im a doctor and im not concerned about the coronavirus whatsoever. I think it is being blown up, especially by the democrat party. Do you want to buy anything from china . Not now. I try not to buy from china anyway. D we would love to keep it in the u. S. I think of the numbers were higher we would be a little bitt more concerned but i trust everything thats been put in place to protect the american people. You cant control everything, you can only do so much. I think the democrats are just looking for something to push against trump. To even blame it on him, as some of them are, making a political is just nonsense. Laura South Carolina voters at trumps rally can see right through the medias ulterior motives about the t coronavirus. And President Trump does as well. Now the democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right . Coronavirus. They are politicizing it. This is their new hoax. We did something that is pretty amazing. We are 15 people in this massive country, and because of the fact that we won early, we couldve had a lot more than that. We are totally prepared. The press is in hysteria mode. E. Laura just to give you an example of how the left is shamelessly politicizing whatis could be a serious issue for the United States and certainly the administration is taking it very seriously, look no further than washington governor jay inslee. He tweeted just received a cali from Vp Mike Pence thanking Washington State for our efforts to combat the coronavirus. I told him our work would be more successful if the Trump Administration stopped at the science and told the truth. Joining me now, kayleigh mcenany, National Press secretary for the trump 2020 campaign and conservative commentator and filmmaker, author of the upcoming book United States of socialism. Ec all right, do these people realize how this makes them appear, as we could be on the cusp of an outbreak. It could be extremely serious. The president says we are very fortunate so far. These people dont recognize it. They are creatures of the swamp, these are leftists, these are people who live and exist in manhattan, in the swamp and they never leave it. And what is so sick to me is what is bad for america is good for democrats. Its incredible that they think this way. They root against the stock market, they root for this toy take hold. They have a demented dream of taking our President Trump, p doesnt matter how Many Americans they destroy in order to get there. Laura if they were cheering on, it seems, recession last year, didnt happen, thought mueller was going to deliver, thought impeachment was going to be their nirvana. Then they were trying to say russia was meddling again, that didnt pan out, so now they think they have him. They think they have the roadrunner. All right, cnns pied piper of putting in his bespeckled sidekick are blaming fox for politicizing this. If you actually watch the channel the only people politicizing this are on that network. It does seem like this is an effect of trump meter to make this all about trump and politics when this is really not the arena this is being fought in. Laura the media poll looked at 36 questions asked, 60 invited guests, even medical specialists were urged to criticize the Trump Administrations handling of the epidemic. They must have the biggest glass house in america. Oh, sure. The media in general has been all over this and feeding a panic that has obviously affected the stock market. Look, trump is no more responsible for the coronavirus than obama was responsible inct 2014 for the ebola virus. This is just simple foolishness. But the truth of it is weve reached a moment where theju democrats are now relying on flu virus. They are trying their political fortunes to a flu virus. Its almost like these little, toxic mite and say, help us defeat donald trump. Everything else weve tried hasnt really worked. Te laura yeah, and the infamously poor predictor of economics, the economist actually tweeted about the dow going down and he seems to be celebrating it. O look, he has an exclamation point. He mightve had a little balloon emoji there. This guy is a hack job in a horrible economist. He predicted that if trump would win them we would go into a global collapse. Laura may be three and a half years later. Ob paul krugman, retire from your profession because is not working for you. Cnn cutting away from the president s presser and going to a Michael Bloomberg town hall. Really, fake news cnn . This is what we are dealing with and it is why were going to win in november. Laura is this a shortterm hit on the market and of course momentary panic . I mean, the democrats areon appealing ultimately to the bottom of the electorate because there is a faction of the electorate that is going to believe this. I read just today on social media, theres a bunch of people who wont drink corona beer because of the association of the name with coronavirus. Ed so these are people who obviously cant tell because from affect. There are people who were going to listen to the panic but i think the real malady here is not the coronavirus. Its a trump derangement syndrome. Laura yeah, they are infected with that, that is for sure. Thank you so much. We are hours away from the polls opening in South Carolina. There are still undecided voters. What are they waiting for . All right, we are going to ask a few of them next. What do you think about Bernie Sanders . I think bernie would be a sure way for trump to get reelected. If he got the nomination then we are definitely going to have no chance of winning the senate. Inside these buildings in jerusalem and throughout israel, there are many elderly jews who are suffering daily. sobbing . And they need our help now. As christians and jews, we know that we have a scriptural mandate to feed the hungry, especially at this time of the jewish passover. 17 years ago, edna was in a horrible terrorist attack. Shes still in excruciating pain and she cant even afford her medicine. Ive lost my will to live. All the time i suffer alone with sickness and pain. [narrator] your help is urgently needed. Please call right now and make a gift of 25 that will rush food and essential aid to an elderly jewish person struggling to survive. Your special passover gift today will show your love to gods people. For over 35 years, the International Fellowship of christians and jews has been bringing christian and jewish communities together. And its only with your help that we can meet this challenge and rush basic essentials, like food boxes, to the elderly who need it the most. Inside each food box we put a passover holiday note letting the recipients know that this is a gift from christians and jews who love them. [man] it means so much to me. [narrator] your help will bring food to their tables and much needed peace into their lives. Whether you can help one time or once a month, you will receive gods blessings when you bless these children of abraham. speaking in Foreign Language [yael] i pray that god will speak to you, even now. We need your help, more than ever before. somber music laura foxs own Gianno Caldwell talks to the students at the university of South Carolina, which is where the Biden Campaign is tonight and he wanted to know which candidate had students most excited most excited. Are you voting in the South Carolina primary . Yes, sir, i am. Do you know who youre voting for . Yes, joe biden. Ive always been a fan of biden ever since he was the Vice President for obama. What he think of trumps actions on criminal Justice Reform . Criminal justice is an important part of my life because i have family members that were incarcerated from the system. I feel like we need someone in the chair who can help us get to a better place. Im going to be voted for tom steyer this weekend. Ter i think is an outstanding personality. If i have to choose between a democratic nominee and a republican nominee, v donald trump, i would probably go donald trump. Im voting for senator Bernie Sanders. Are you concerned that considering the fact he is in his late 70s, if he were to win, you would be handing over a presidency to someone who is in their 80s . Im not that concerned about it. Hes only five years older than our current president. Sanders has been fighting for over 50 years and hes never really slowed down so i dont think its an issue. I am voting for senator tulsi gabbard. Her stance when it comes to Climate Change and health care, she wants of the public option but shes not pushing so hard to becoming more socialist. T if its between Bernie Sanders and donald trump, who would you vote for . I would vote for Bernie Sanders. How do you feel about joe biden . I hear he has poor mentalu health right now. Laura we are just hours away from the polls opening in South Carolina tomorrow, and there still a bunch of undecided voters, believe it or not. What are they waiting for . Lets ask. Joining me tonight are two of them. Democratic voters who havent made up their minds yet. Gibson is a candidate for South Carolina state house in julie riggs, she is a Strategic Partnership offer at wings for kids nonprofit. You havent made up your mind but youre leaning towards . I had made up my mind on wednesday night at the town halp with joe biden. And it just touched my heart in a way that i could not have j imagined it would, so now i have decided. Laura oh, my goodness. Yes, julia. Im a little bit more of a moderate so it is hard because i want somebody who is going to reflect my policy views but im also looking for someone whos got strong leadership, vision, strong character, so for me, im kind of leaning towards pete right now. N, laura Elizabeth Warren was speaking to this idea of the new core, new core of the democrat party. Check it out. Bernie is winning right now because the Democratic Party is a Progressive Party and progressive ideas are popular ideas. Even if there are a lot of people on this stage who dont want to say so. Laura sanders is ahead and describes himself as a democratic socialist. Not so much as a progressive but really democratic socialist. Its different than a socialist. They dont like to think that but it is different. Laura how so . He wants for there to be a focus on air Community Coming together and making our entire community stronger. And you do that with more affordable our entire community. Laura do you mean our country . Our entire community. Mm our country as a community. Laura i like to say that too, i like people to get alongg but the fact is america, we have never really gotten along. Its a democracy, we fight out ideas, we have duels. Thank goodness we dont do that anymore. But the idea that america is going to be united for socialism, do you really think that is going to happen . That is going to rally for democratic socialism in the end . You think that is going to happen . I think they are looking for a strong candidate that is going to lead with vision. Someone with strong values that will lead for the future. That is what people want to rally behind. Laura tell me what country you really wish we were more like. Here in the United States, the way that we build our bridges and roads, the way that we find our public libraries, Public Schools laura we didnt build that. People making profits and being able to pay taxes and a lot of taxes. Actually, no, we build them for nonprofits and Government Agencies. Laura where do you think the Government Agencies get their money . From taxpayers investing in the community. Laura and do you think taxes right now are too low . Do you think taxes are too low . I think they are for some people, yeah. What kind of taxes are we talking about . Laura what is the rightt level of income tax . I think there a lot different demographics of folks who are struggling. Laura i cant wait to see what happens and you guys will decide tomorrow for whom youre going to vote. Thank you ladies so much. And its just my luck that tonights axe throwing night at the brewery, so how did i do . The video, we have it next. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again . Today was not all politics. A little fun at the brewery. It was ax throwing night. I was the targets worst nightmare. Oh i have to do better. Now i know how to do it. Nice oh [laughing]. All right. I missed the first time. It fell to the ground, but i wasnt bad. Thats addicting. Thats all of the time tonight. Thanks to the brewery. Shannon bream. Shannon we begin with the fox news alert. Shannon oregon announcing the first presumptive case of coronavirus, what does that tell us about the probability the virus spread. The latest developments. Across the country in South Carolina in a matter of hours voters will head to the polls for the democratic primary. Report from on the ground live in a prayer view from my colleague martha maccallum. Are we on the verge of peace in afghanistan ending the longest war in American History . It is reportedly incite tonight

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