That turns you into the grinch . Geraldo shopping and watching all the amazon boxes cascade onto the front porch and toys that you have to or tecc stuff, that you have to assemble. Im very grinchy about those. Dana greg is there anything that doesnt turn you into the grinch . Greg thats probably the better question. The thing that always bothered me is caroling. I dont understand people coming to your house, strangers indo a Group Showing up on your porch and singing. I find that repulsive. You know the old days when they had big giant cold cauldrons of boiling fluids, that would be applicable for carolers. Some of the carolers, on the list of things that i dont like, one of the few things i like about christmas is seeing all my loved ones, there are so many. [laughs] dana so heartfelt. Jesse watters, does anything turn you into a grinch around the holidays . Jesse while im going to have the caroling squad skip gregs house this christmas because he scares me. I get very neurotic when people dont throw awayay the wrapping paper right away. So when everyone is gleeful and opening up their presence, im squatting around like a psychopath taking all the wrapping paper and putting it in a garbage bag. Dana i do the same thing. Its like you cant even let people have a minute to enjoy the mess. I dont enjoy the mess. Dagen . I hate it when people make fun of fruitcake. Its like a recurring joke every year, fruitcake is delicious. We always have claxton fruitcake inpl the house. Its very high in calories but my great grandmother used to make it fruitcake in january right after the new year and she would keep it in his chest in the basement and then he would kind of feed it like yeast with like booze in it. So you would feed it all year with the booze and then its readytoeat in december. So stop making fun of fruitcake. [laughs] s dana i think i know we are going to get you next year for christmas. I would say for me, i would not say it turns me into a grinch but im not good or patient about wrapping. Some people love to wrap and cut it perfectly with the ribbons and everything but im just like, can i throw it in a bag with a little tissue . If that works for me because im not great at wrapping. Heres another instagram message from carl. If you could travel this year what would be your favorite place to spend christmas . Er greg the antarctic. Someplace really cold, get into maybe the of it, north pole. I did that once. I enjoyed it and i ate a reindeer and it was delicious. Dana thats not one that was working that night of course. That was a different, extra reindeer. [laughs] where would you like to travel if you could . Dagen anywhere that i dont have to wear a swimsuit because ive gained about 20 pounds in the last year so i really dont want lots of clothing. t so like to gregs point, some are cold that i could just wear a giant puffy jacket. Dana if you gained 20 pounds you are hiding it extremely well, i dont believe that for a second and we would love to have you on vacation with us. Geraldo, where would you like to go . Geraldo i miss broadway, i miss the great white way. Im a native new yorker, and thi hot show on broadway, have a nice dinner and go to one of the restaurants there in the theater district. Not being able to access that, looking at shops being so empty, and, i can tell that you are homesick. Dana i feel like a counselor. However next year it will get better. It will be better next year. Jesse, where would you travel if you could . Jesse i would like to go to aruba and take geraldo with me because hes so melancholy. I use that word every single holiday. Dana i would like to go home to wyoming and see my family on the ranch and my family in chicago but i also have this strong hankering to spend christmas in spain this year. So maybe i can do that. Another instagram question. Who is the hardest and the easiest person to shop for. I think you could add,. In your family, but the hardest and easiest person to shop for. Jesse, how about you . Jesse my mom is really difficult to shop for. My dads easy, you get him close or wine and hes happy but my mother is impossible. But she loved the gift i gave her this year. Right, mom . Dana i bet she does. Greg, anybody hard or easy to buy four on your list . Greg the easiest people come and i know most people in america dont have this problem but when you live in an apartment complex you dont just to give stuff to your family. You have the guy at the door known as the concierge. You have the guy that deals with the boiler, the boiler guy. So you have to give them cash or booze. Thats pretty easy, you go to the liquor store, you go to the atm and get some cash. If you get any more complicated than that, they dont like you and they want the money and they want the booze. The hardest person to shop for as my wife because shes a stylist and so whatever i buy its always bad. I once bought her eight pairs of shoes, knowing that at least one of them, she will keep. She returned all of them. I would have assumed she returned for but she returned every single payer and not because it was a bad size, it was because they were horrifying. Ve dana i remember, i give you an a for effort, you tried really hard. Greg it was a stupid idea to go on amazon in order shoes. Dana i dont think that was your idea. Jesse i making it your idea. Because you are on the show. Dagen greg is the hardest person to shop for and thats why i have never given him a gift. I myself in the easiest person to shop for, i give gifts myself and wrap them and give them to my parents to give to my loved ones and then they give them back to me. But they have to pay for them. Dana geraldo, you have a big family, i know you have a lot of gifts to buy. Who is the hardest . Who is the easiest . Geraldo she handles all the Holiday Shopping and our list is infinite with five children and now five grandchildren and counting. For erica, thats the one gift that i buy. Diamonds are a girls best friend. Dana good answer. I think jasper is the easiest to buyy for. He always says he doesnt want anything, he doesnt want a crowded house with a bunch of stuff so consumables is anotheru good one. Another instagram question. What present do you want this year . The going on that theme, dagen, what do you want to wrap up for your family to get back to you . Dagen i just want this year to be over. So they dont have to do anything. [laughs] give me some booze, a few more pounds wont hurt. Dana we can get you some booze. Jesse . Jesse i just want to go back to the last question. If greg had told me the right gifts for the doorman, i wouldnt have given my dorm and a signed myself because i have a feeling they didnt like that gift very much. O and i think im going to pay a price for that. [laughter] dana booze and cash, thats what greg says. Greg, what do you want to have under your tree this year . Greg i would like assigned head shot of jesse. Because as you know, i bought a brandnew i bought a tactical, which is code for indoor, shotgun and i need some targets. Assigned jesse head shot would be perfect. So cool. That is dana geraldo, what do you want to see under your tree . Geraldo under my tree. I want to sail the great lakes down the mississippi. I want a nautical chart of a trip that i wanted to take this year but because of the fear that everyplace you pull in, someone will sneeze on you, i propose that mike postponed it to next spring. But i like adventures, i like going places. Dana all right. Way to pick up the mood there geraldo. Get excited for that trip because its going to happen. Up next, have we ever been mistaken for someone else who is famous . The answer to that and more of your fan mail questions when the fives Christmas Special continues. Questions were going to find the perfect tree. Were going skating. Were going to nanas. Wherever you go this holiday, chevy can help you get there. Which is why were making our chevy. Employee discount available to everyone. The chevy price you pay. Is what we pay. Not a cent more. So wherever you go, happy holidays from chevy. Use the chevy employee discount for everyone to get over six thousand eight hundred dollars below msrp on this equinox. Get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. Its moving day. And. Are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Jesse Merry Christmas everybody, welcome back to our fan mail special. Lets get to some of your questions right now. The number one instagram question from courtney maclean. Al have you ever been mistaken for someone famous that wasnt you . Greg, who do you get . Greg i think i might have told this story on the five before but i was sitting at a bar at Newark Airport waiting for my wife and this guy kept staring at me, he was an old dude. He kept staring at me and i could tell he was giving me the i hate fox news look. He started to get his bravery up to come over and Say Something to me and so i just sat there and waited and came overws and e looked at me and he said i just think you should know that you should be ashamed of what you do for a living. And i said, okay. He was quiet for a little bit and he said tmz has a room to so many lives. And then i realized, he thought that i was Harvey Levine and i couldve punched him in the h fe and he wouldve told police that i was Harvey Levine and i wouldve gotten away with a crime. Jesse i have a similar story to greg, some who came up to me on the subway and sat next to me and said, arent you the guy from fox that doesnt wash his hands . And i said no, thats pete hegseth. What about you geraldo . Besides geraldo, who do get mistaken for . Geraldo well tony orlando and i always use to joke because we were confused that we were cousins and brothers. When freddy prince was alive at the three of us used to hang out, we are all puerto ricans, all with mustaches and all similar age. Freddy was a little younger than we were but we had fun with it over the years. Its really brought us very close as friends, we communicate all the time and hes probably watching right now. Hey, tony. Feliz navidad. Jesse did you and tony ever play switcheroo with the ladies . Geraldo thats a great question. Greg thats not a great question. [laughs] i will interrupt to say that that is not a great question. [laughs] jesse dagen, what about you . Who do you get mistaken for . Dagen no one. Ive never been mistaken for anyone famous. However if i were to go into a apartment in new york city with my makeup on, invariably some angry woman will come up to me and shove a shoe in my chest and scream at me, size nine so people assume that i work in a million shoe departments around new york city. Jesse thats odd. Dana, do you get a lot of hollywood actresses . Dana no, not hollywood relief. One time when we first came back to the city after the lock down was walking in and there was a guy who was clearly struggling. I dont know if he was homeless but he was having a tough time and as i was walking and he said, are you Carrie Underwood . And i said, do you want to be best friends . That was a great complement. But the person i get mistaken for more often than not is laura ingraham. They have the right channel but the wrong blonde. Jesse you guys are very hard to differentiate my gas. Facebook question from stephenha b. If you could sit on a bench for an hour and talk to anyone from any period in history, who would you choose . Lets go to dana on this one. Dana i would love to talk to my greatgrandparents that immigrated from italy and the late 1800s and homesteaded in wyoming. I would love to hear the story from their point of view so that as we passed down family legends that we dont always get them wrong. But i would have really love to have known them and so i would choose them. Jesse thats sweet. Dagen, you . Dagen well, my mom, but i would love to hear from him about anything he had to say. Ge jesse all right. Geraldo . Some of the great people that have helped heal the world, i would rather interview or sit next to the great conqueror napoleon, i think that he would be fascinating. How he got france back on his feet and conquered all of europe, a big swath of the world, what made him so special, this little guy, and that would have been tremendous aorganizational skills. Greg you are quite the giant, geraldo. Jesse perfect segue to you, our little napoleon. Would you like to sit next to . Greg i wonder why it has to be a bench. But okay. If i could sit on a bench for an hour and talk to anyone history it would have to be adolf hitler because when i sit down next to him, i would immediately kill him dana problem solved. Jesse i didnt think we were going to go in that direction. Jesse i dont want to speak to anyone in history, im perfectly content to speaking anyone alive right now. Facebook question from steven d. What were you most known for in high school, geraldo . Geraldo high school was a long time ago, i was a cocaptain of the Football Team but i was also class for it. I dont like to admit it now looking back but thats who i was. Jesse youve changed so much. [laughs] greg, what were you known for in high school . Greg my goodness. There was a brief period of time when i was shoplifting playboys and penthouses from the Greyhound Bus station on Market Street in San Francisco and selling them when i got back to school. I went to an all boy high school. And there wasac quite a news std at the bus station. Jesse okay. Dana, playboy is a magazine with naked women in it. I dont know if youve ever heard of that. Dana i was not known for esthat magazine. I was not known for that magazine, no. T i was known for being able to basketball. Jesse yes, on someones shoulders. What about you, dagen, what were you known for in high school . Dagen useless trivia. Annoying useless trivia and having a clockwork orange poster on my wall in my bedroom. So not good. Jesse while i was known in high school for beinga annoying. So there we go. And i still am. We will take you to the break with more facebook questions on the other end. Merry christmas everybody, keep knocking back that eggnog. 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And rv in downtown nashville exploded causing widespread damages and taking down Police Emergency systems. Police think the blast was untouchable but dont know the motive for the target. The explosion the rv was blaring the warning that the bomb was detonated to end authorities believe they found human remains at the site. So far three people have been put in the hospital but are stable. The cdc announcing air travel all passengers in the u. K. Will test negative for covid19 three days of arriving in the u. S. The role stemming from concerns about a new coronavirus variant. The restrictions coming into effect on monday. Im Ashley Strohmier and back to this lifes passion. For all your headlines, log onto foxnews. Com. Jesse welcome back. We are answering more of your christmas questions. So maybe i should go to jesse first. J this is from steven d. What is with steven d today. Wait a minute, all three of my questions are from steven d. Anyway, what nondomesticated animal would you like to own as a pet . Jesse are horses domesticated . On greg you could have a little baby horse. What do you call those things . Ponies . Jesse ponies. Dana i think when you say domesticated, it means at the house. Jesse another animal besides me in the house . Lets see. Probably some sort of reptile because you keep that in a glass container and then just feed it little pellets. It doesnt make much of a mess and thats a high priority for me. How about you geraldo . Geraldo id have a wolf. I love the call of the wild, jack london, a big supporter of my literary history. I think that would be my pal hanging out with me. Greg and then the wolf was like, i have geraldo as an owner. Ive got to get something out of this. All right, dagen . Dagen by the way jesse if you keep snakes in your home, you feed them rats. I not live rats because they bite the snake but you have to buy frozen rats at the store and bought them in the microwave and then feed them the rats. Just in case you are interested. Jesse you are full of useless trivia information. Dagen thank you. And annoying. I would love to have an i elk because it would be so bad to just ride at least once before you kill yourself, ride the elk down the street. Greg thats interesting because i also freeze my rats but not to feed the snake. And dana, you grew up in a pharmacy must find a question like the silly. Dana while i also feel like i made a total mistake when i set a nondomesticated animal has to be something that could be in your house because i think domesticated animals alsole include horses and cattle so i think i screwed up this entire segment. And you would never believe that i actually grew up on a ranch. What what i like to have. You know, i do think i would like to have a monkey. You know, i think they are so cute. And they are curious. Greg until they start flinging the at you, dana. You arent going to teach a monkey to use the toilet, i can barely use a toilet. I would go for me, a slow loris. A, they are slow, and they are just adorable. When you look at a slow loris, you fall in love with a slow loris. Or perhaps a meerkat. Next question, again, guess who this a is from. Steven d. This is similar to a letter a block question. If you could all go on a road trip together, where would you want to go . That combines two variables, us and i travel. Weve done this before. What kind of road trip would you like to do . Dana i would like to take the five to the ranch. They are waiting for us with open arms, they have a horse just for you greg and i have a special and set up for jesse. Greg interesting. Just what i want to do on my dream trip, go to a farm, get up at 4 00 a. M. And milk a goat. Dana it will be awesome. Jesse id like to go to new jersey because its close by, you dont have to spend much time on the road in a cramped rv so we are going with new jersey. Greg thats a very smart move. What do you say, dagen . Dagen i would take you to my hometown. In virginia, its about ten hours and we could make it in a day and probably wouldnt kill each other before we got there. And youd feel a lot of love once you got there. Greg where would you see all of us going together as a group . Geraldo jesse jokingly mentioned aruba, i think that would be a great place to go. The Virgin Islands would be better than aruba. Jesse but thats not a road trip. Greg thats a sailboat. [laughs] heres my idea for us to be 25. We got to go on a road trip and recreate the three arc brady bunch episode when they went to hawaii, and we have to go to every spot that the brady bunch went to. When our fan mail special returns we will answer more of your questions about our holiday traditions. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Dagen Merry Christmas everybody, welcome back to the the five Christmas Special where we answer some of your questions. We will start with the instagram question from jp on, do you consider diehard to be a Christmas Movie . Greg, what do you think . Greg this is one of those debates where people like to pretend its a debate because, you know, its fun and silly. But i dont really care. I just think its a great film. You can see that film anytime you want to. Its got a beginning, its got a middle, its got an end. Its got friendship and amazing villains and it put bruce willis on the map. Before he was the star of moonlighting but after diehard he was at bruce freaking willis. By the way and diehard the villains are amazing and alan rickman is amazing in that. Do you remember the last scene of alan rickman . Come up to me with full screen alan rickman. [laughter] dagen jesse, you cant top that, that literally made my christmas. But is diehard a Christmas Movie or not . Jesse i cant top that. The only thing is, my wife is a lot younger than i am and has never seen diehard. She loves it and she now thinks im this big movie buff. Like some cinematic expert. Dagen geraldo, it also has Alexander Godunov in it, former ballet dancer that is no longer with us who i bet you hung out with down back in the day. Geraldo i knew him back then, then the lighting and hooked up with my exwife. Great guy and great movie, walks on glass and i made prefer ll for its a wonderful life but i would say diehard is a great movie anytime you want to watch it. Jesse how soon after her she was your ex did he hook up with her . Do we have specifics on that one . Geraldo i would have to go check my thesaurus. [laughs] dagen we are not going to just let them skate by. Dana, diehard, Christmas Movie or not . Dana im embarrassed to say that last christmas we have the same question in my answer was, i never saw diehard. Here we are a year later and i still have never seen diehard. So maybe a thing that makes me new to america as ive never seen diehard. Dagen youve got to go watch it. Up next facebook question from mary ellen and her tea. Real tree or fake, and why . Dana . Dana im going to go with artificial because, while i love everything about a real tree,nd the scent of it and everything, i have fear of fire in the home, and i feel like the artificial tree is just a little bit safer for my risk tolerance level. Jesse if you have fear of fire in the home, dont watch diehard. It will scare you. Dagen geraldo, real tree or fake . Geraldo real tree is, i love the scent of them. Fake trees seem so fake to me. The grandkids love cutting down the tree, they harvest the tree every year and i love it. I think its the nicest. One of the most difficult parts or aspects of being jewish is not having a Christmas Tree. I mean, ive had other situations where Christmas Trees were a big part of my life but for the last 20 years no Christmas Tree. I tried to say it was a hanukkah bush but that didnt go over very well. L. So i am nostalgic about Christmas Trees in my yard and other peoples homes. Dagen jesse, real or fake . Jesse i to geraldodn like the scent of the douglas fir that wafts to my nostrils around christmas time. I may real tree kind of guy, guess how much i paid for a real tree in manhattan . I picked it out, its not even that big. Its like as tall as i am, they charged me 170. 170 i couldnt tip my doorman, thats why you had to give him a head shot. [laughs] dagen you have to tip your doorman more than that. Some bad stuff will happen, some stranger will be in your apartment. Greg, finally. Real or fake . Greg i wanted to channel jesse but jesse just channeled jesse, so im going to try to just channel jesse, part two. You know theres nothing more american than a real treat. Because a real tree sacred, could signify a sacrifice. How can you enjoy a Christmas Tree if you didnt realize that it was dead, that it died for your presence . A plastic tree doesnt die. You have to go kill the tree, thats why it matters. Thats why its american and thats why its important. Dagen i not only have a fake tree, its a white fake tree and i think it was probabl, not made in the united states. And it sheds. Jesse heres why you dont want a real tree in new york because when you bring it home and unwrap it, a rat always flies out ofd it. Keep them outside. Dagen thats true. Dana and then you put it in a freezer. [laughs] dagen up next, more bouncy nests. More of your fan mail questions. Th topical nsaids first. A formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. 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Geraldo thats a good one. Dana . Dana well my dad, my dad was a big news consumer. Like a huge variety, we subscribe to every single magazine and he taught me from a young age, i had to read two newspapers before he got home from work and discuss them before dinner. So i got my start there with him. Believe it or not, i am quite athletic and i know you will laugh but i got that for my mom. Geraldo what you can dunk a basketball. Greg, did you have a mom and dad . Greg yes i did have a mom and dad and im very grateful in fact for their jeans. I got my dad sense of responsibility and my mother sense of humor. Geraldo thats good, jesse . Jesse from my dad i got my sense of humor and for my mother i got my grit and a d sense of empathy. [laughter] geraldo very good. Empathy, thats maybe you could work more on that one. [laughs] jesse thanks geraldo. [laughs] geraldo my dad told me to never let anyone work harder than you are at whatever the task is and from my mom, my loving mom, i got my hair. Next question is from nancy g. Dana, how did you spend your first paycheck . Dana oh gosh. I dont exactly remember but i did a lot of babysitting and at the time you didnt just by music on spotify. You could go and buy the album or the cassette tape and the cd, so im pretty sure it had something to do with music. Um geraldo dagen, music . Dagen it was kansas, carry on my wayward son the single plate on my record player. Geraldo what did you get greg . Greg it was probably music but im going to say like my first job paycheck, i would say i spent it on cheap black boots from sears. Because i was living out east for the first time and it was snowing, and i didnt have any boots or thick shoes. So i went and spent my check which was like 300 bucks for two weeks of work and i think i spent like 20 bucks on these really awful shoes. [laughter] geraldo jesse, do you have a humble story of your first paycheck . . Jesse humble, yes geraldo, thats what im known for. R. [laughs] i didnt have a bank account at the time so i took the actual physical check and went to one of those sketchy Check Cashing places where they take like 5 and got the cash and spent it right away that whole weekend on alcohol. Geraldo thats not bad. I bought a bicycle with the money i made from a newspaper route. One more question is coming up next. [laughter] were going skating. Were going to nanas. Wherever you go this holiday, chevy can help you get there. Which is why were making our chevy. Employee discount available to everyone. The chevy price you pay. Is what we pay. Not a cent more. So wherever you go, happy holidays from chevy. Use the chevy employee discount for everyone to get over six thousand eight hundred dollars below msrp on this equinox. Get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. Welcome back to her Christmas Special. That gets one more female question. Have you picked up any new hobbies in quarantine . Geraldo . I have not. I walked on the treadmill. I hate walking on a treadmill, being confined when you get cold in the midwest. Got to keep moving. How about you, dragon . I got to know my neighbors a lot better. I dont have any talent for hobbies but i tried to build a little community, tried to help out all the Business Owners who have almost gone out of business. How about you . I completely learned 100 different things. I can build a fire pretty quickly, tell a time like a psychopath every day, i know how to put on makeup. I had to put on my makeup to do my own hair. I learned how to cook. I have been playing guitar, to use this last 8 months wisely to make yourself a better person. Jesse cant do that because he is already perfect. I was going to say cooking but a better answer would be nothing, i know everything already. I think i have risen every day of quarantine. What greg and i got us to this quarantines, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, that is it for us, see you back here on monday. Good evening, i mike emanuel in for bret baier. Breaking tonight, President Trump has been briefed on the rb explosion in downtown nashville that occurred this morning. We continue to learn more as well. Were expecting to hear from the fbi any minute now after we learn human remains may welcome to washington. Breaking tonight donald trump has been briefed on the rv explosion in downtown nashville that occurred this morning and we continue to learn more. We are expecting to hear from the fbi any minute now after we learned human remains they have been found near the site. We will take you there when it happens. Lets go to Charles Watson who is on the ground in nashville covering it all. Reporter this is still a very active scene. Police have pushed folks a quarter of a mile up the

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