Politician. Hes running on raising taxes. Thats how crazy the world has become. This is probably the worst in the history of president ial politics. Win, lose, or draw. This man should not be a president. Number one, he is corrupt. Number two, he is not a smart man, never was. Number three, hes seen better days. Before the president getting ready for another rally in tucson, arizona, and hes feeling very confident about his election chances. I want to have said that three weeks ago. Three weeks ago, two weeks ago. I dont know. I wouldnt have set it. But when we are leading in michigan in the early go, thats unheard of. Juan meanwhile, joe biden, hes off the campaign trail this week. He is appearing for the final debate on thursday night. But yesterday in North Carolina, the former Vice President was attacking trump over the coronavirus. Trump set at one of his rallies, weve turned the corner. My grandfather would say, this guy has gone around the bend if he thinks weve turned the corner. Turn the corner . Things are getting worse. He continues to lie to us about circumstances. Juan jesse, are you nervous . Is that why you took off the t tie . Dana [laughs] jesse i need the tie back. Juan i didnt know. I thought this was about the election. I think the idea, to me that the president is in arizona where he won last time, spending time there were two weeks to go. Its like, why is he doing that customer jesse at least hes somewhere. Joe bidens nowhere. He is in his basement. He called the lid. He will be there until november 3rd. Thats what the Winning Campaign looks like, where you are actually going out there, you are rallying the crowds, and youre speaking directly to the American People. Juan can ask a question . But he spent the time attacking dr. Fauci. I mean, how she is a pretty popular guy. Jesse i dont think the American People care about that. He is running against a rigged system that is protecting a corrupt politician. Joe biden is running on the coronavirus. It is not even the leading cause of death in this country. Its far behind cancer and heart disease. And he looks like he was accused of a massive scandal and is hiding from it. Hes not facing it head on. And if you look at the books, juan, it is a felony for a public official to promise a benefit to a foreign country in exchange for something of value to a relative. And thats what happened in ukraine. We also know that his son was holding for the big guy after he flew over in air force two, which we paid for to china and then came back. That has not been explained. His Business Partner who is in prison has over 26,000 emails, which are being looked into. There is more stuff thats going to come out on joe biden come on china. And juan, i dont want you to go too far out on a limb for job joe biden. It is going to hurt his credibility peered just dial it back a little bit and wait and see. Juan i wont have to worry about that. So, dana, on a call with his Campaign Staff today, the president was going after not only dr. Fauci, but the new york times. And there was no mention of covid. Its like, no mention of any plan to deal with covid. Is this a message for the last two weeks . Dana they are basically making their final arguments right now. I think its kind of pass that. By the time we get to thursdays debate, its estimated that onethird of likely voters in this country will have already voted. So, thats a lot of votes that are already in the bank. A lot of them are also for President Trump. But it did not go bidens way, especially in Rural Counties come in michigan, minnesota, for example. And i think new Voter Registration is going to have a really big impact. I think you look back at the beginning of the Trump Campaign, which started in january of 2016. They had a concerted effort early on to register new voters. Like 100,000 in florida. 77,000 in pennsylvania. Trying to get a little cushion. I think the president is going to arizona because he knows that they could have some trouble there. We played it here. He said in the campaign three weeks ago, i didnt think we were going to win or i wasnt confident saying that. Today, he feels a little bit more confident. I think between now and thursday, what you will see him try to do is win every single day on the news cycle, whether he can or not. I do think its interesting that joe biden has decided to call a lid for four days. Its an interesting strategy. Can you starve these stories to death . Just to have them come up again on thursday night and have to freshly try to defend yourself . Or can you say i already answered this and try to move on . Juan so, greg, picking up on what dane is talking about, there are people who are saying why is joe biden spending all of his time appearing for the thursday night debates . I thought to myself, there are going to be more eyeballs on thursday nights debate than any round peer what you think . Greg well, i do think preparing for the debate that was in the intro, thats a lot. Hes not preparing for the debate. Hes calling a lid. Whatever is going on in his life. That does not inspire confiden confidence. That guy is under a lid with the tied. Its very strange. Do you know who needs to be under a lid is jeffrey kuvin. Someone should tell him theres a difference between a zoom call and a zoom lens. I think hes kind of confused. I think what you said, are they trying to starve these stories . You dont have to starve stories. Its not like the media is changing the story down. And its a huge story. This makes the dossier look like a hearty boy. No one is denying the stuff is happening. Even this china thing is a big deal. But the media is not chasing it. Instead, what they are doing is they are essentially trumps stenographer, right . Trump said this, trump said that. Because he says everything, right . You can bash a narrative. That is all the media is doing, constantly screaming about how awful he is and will he just said. Meanwhile, there is this giant blowing meteor of a story and they are not going near it. Unsubstantiated. That didnt stop them with the tax returns. Juan okay. So, what you think about . I mean, in my mind, joe biden won the first debate. But he did prepare. He won it. So, how can you complain about his strategy . Emily well, i think its up for a debate, no pun intended, whether or not he did in fact win it. I agree with greg that all ib eyeballs will be on this i would like to focus, if i may we look a lot alike. Emily i want to talk about just the next couple of weeks before the election. I think where its indicative, where the campaigns are shifting priorities are ther ad buys. Michigan and wisconsin. They are still running their ads, of course, in pennsylvania and in florida. The Biden Campaign pulled ads on friday from virginia and colorado. Likely conceding texas in red and thinking likely that colorado and virginia are in the bag. Why are you smiling . [laughter] and the Trump Campaign pulled ads from ohio and minnesota. So, i think thats where we can see where their priorities are shifting in the next two weeks beer thats going to be a good indicator of where they think they have it in the bag juan all right, thanks, emily. Election deja vu. Democrats worry it could be 2016 all over again and what President Trump is saying about that, next on the five. We made usaa insurance for this season. And the veterans that never quit on their team. When being a fan gets tough, and stretching your budget gets even tougher. Our agents put in the time and legwork for you,. 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Call 8557 fanapt dana joe biden is leading in the polls just two weeks ago. But those democrats are experiencing a 2016 repeat. Democrats went to the polls certain they would elect the first woman ever to become president and were punched in the face with a trump upset. This time, they feel the clench coming from 1,000 miles away. The worry is visceral and widespread. An internal biden memo reportedly showed neck and neck races. President trump is confident that he has the upper hand. Watch. President trump i think well do better than 2016. We are way better than we were in 2016 and i dont think anyone has ever done it. We built the greatest economy in the world that we are doing it rapidly again. If you look at arizona, you look at the job theyve done, i mean, every one of these republicans are doing phenomenally. The democratrun states are not. But they are not going to affect our numbers very much. Dana permission to make fun of me for a moment, please . Greg i wasnt listening to that at all because im still trying to figure out what you just said. Dana how do you say it . How do you pronounce it . Emily im wrong too. Im always wrong. Dana dont say it on tv. [laughter] those words dont work with us. Dana i read it earlier, but i didnt say it out loud. What would you say . Greg al omage. Juan look, look, look, youre my friend, so i wont sound pretentious. Dana we are hijacked in this segment. I wanted to ask juan, are there some bedwetting democrats . [laughter] juan im nervous. I mean, look, the only one that counts is the election day. Thats it. When you look at this right now, you say, democrats, dont be complacent. Youve got to work. Youve got to continue pumping. And i think the Biden Campaign is a student not to say we have this in the bag. You dont want to take anything for granted. Especially not after 2016. If there is a lesson right there. You should have learned your lesson. But at this point, dana, i would rather buy it and they end trump. Its not tied right now. When i look at the numbers, when i look at the analytics, there is no movement away from biden. No Movement Towards trump. It looks like all of the strategy looks to be right now just kind of dana what you think about the strategy to say that you are running behind or that its closer than you think . Bidens campaign manager, emily, is basically trying to tell everybody, dont get complacent. Emily i think thats why, so that voters dont get complacent. You always want to convey urgency for them so they show up to the polls. I beg to differ respectfully with one thing that you said, juan, in that i think the biden camp is worried about how much better trump is doing with nonwhite voters than he did in 2016. He is up 11 points with africanamerican voters and 14 points with hispanicamerican voters since 2016. And granted, he is losing ground with some white voters, but at the same time, we know that in the key battleground states, registration has increased ten points with white, noncollegeeducated over 30 voters. To your point, its not in the bag yet, but certainly there is a lot to his favor. Dana he lost the popular vote as other republican president s have done. But the Electoral College was what helped him get to the presidency. You only need 270. Jesse i think his basement right now is 260. He only needs to pick up one in that upper midwest region. If you just look at the early vote by mail, this is a landslide in the making. Democrats have to outperform by mail two and a half1 or 21. They are not going to overwhelm election date or not by republicans. Now its 50 50, oh where republicans are actually winning early vote by mail in wisconsin, michigan, and ohio, and are also right behind they are in arizona and democrats are doing very poorly in early vote by mail in florida. So, if you also look at just registration, President Donald Trump is going to win North Carolina and arizona just on registration alone. And so, also, party affiliation. In 2016, it was d three. Now its republican plus one. So, why are these Republican National polling people over standing them by 9 . There is no way that joe biden is winning in a doubledigit landslide. That is like where he won 40 out of the 50 states. No one believes thats happening. And if you go to the state polls, he has the president tied or ahead in michigan, pennsylvania, and arizona. He was the most accurate state poll in the last two cycles. Dana the fighting amongst democrats about who is going to become bidens secretary of state. It seems like there is an aura of vulnerability. Greg deniability. Dana [laughs] greg this is what happened with brexit. A lot of people just assumed that brexit wasnt going to happen. They didnt leave. They didnt leave their apartments or houses, but the people who wanted brexit to happen, they showed up. And i remember, i made this comparison, because remember, i was very critical of trump. I was like, holy, what does this mean . It was like, no, its a referendum. Ignore it. Ignore it. And i did. I ignored it. I was wrong. On a little bit serious note, juan is worried. Im worried for my neighborhood, right . I mean, its like, the problem with focusing the weeks up to the election, because we are not looking past the election. We are looking at the road, but not the cliff thats right at the end of this road. And we have no plan for unrest. The police say we cant do anything. If there is going to be lots and lots of stuff happening, whether its fires or arson, or riots, what is the plan . Juan do you have a plan . Greg oh, i have a plan. You have to protect your property, your family. It is on you as a citizen. And thats really, really bad when you have a government thats basically leaving the cities to the mob. Its scary to me. Anyway. Sorry to bring you down. Dana thats okay. Im going to work on my pronunciation. Greg pronunciation. Dana yes. Im trying to make fun of myse myself. Republicans claiming election interference and are demanding answers from big tech over the suppression. Joe biden was raised with middle class values. Joe doesnt need to be the center of attention. Or see himself on tv. He has always focused on getting the job done. Joe led us out of the 2008 recession, and increased Health Coverage for millions. As president , joe will focus on getting us out of our crises. Hell listen to experts, work across the aisle. And put the American People first. Ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. But we can still help protect each other this flu season by getting vaccinated. If youre 65 or older, get the superior flu protection of fluzone highdose quadrivalent. 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So far, the Biden Campaign has been trying to steer clear of the issue altogether. Joe biden, blowing up on a reporter for daring to ask about his sons alleged emails. I know you would ask it. I have no response. Its right up your alley. Jesse President Trump, railing against the media for ignoring the story. President trump hes a criminal. He is. Do you know who is a criminal . You are a criminal for not reporting him. You are a criminal for not reporting him. Let me tell you something. Joe biden is a criminal and hes been a criminal for a long time. You are a criminal in the media for not reporting it. Good luck to everybody. Have a good time. Jesse where the information came from. Well, we know that this whole smear on joe biden comes from the Russian Disinformation Campaign and the intelligence committee, it simply not true. The only thing they get is what we have given him. And we have given him no such intelligence. 33 so, there are receipts that have come out that show hunters signature when he drops off the laptop. They show receipts from the fbi. They took his computer about a year ago. So, i dont understand where russia comes up. Before you dont understand. Jesse how does russia have the computer. Juan let me just say that what we know from President Trumps fbi is that the russians are interfering in the 2020 election. Maybe these private Tech Companies have every right to say we dont want them to use our platform to spread a political listen, what we do know is that we cant verify where these emails came from at the last moment. We do know that this story was offered around and that there we cannot verify. We are not going to go with it. Today it was reported that even the New York Post writer who wrote it when it put his byline on the story. Jesse comes out all the time. Juan , no, you dont. No you dont. You wouldnt put something. Jesse the tax returns were in all those papers. Juan let me just say that when you have information, you have to go. I mean, you go to sources you can confirm. It can be wrong, as in the case you are talking about. You say, look, some of this turned out not to be true. Jesse all of it. Juan i dont thats true, but i think clearly this is in the filibuster. There is no proof. Jesse so, anything that is negative about joe biden could be censored, because it could be russia disinformation. Thats his theory. Emily that sort of a common argument coming from the left. I will say, you guys, that i have been locked out of twitter for months because of a password issue. It has been blessed. I dont miss it. The sooner we recognize collectively that all of these platforms are right feel for angst and antagonism and more evolved than the current, the better, meaning that these platforms are accessible. We know that. They bring out the worst of humanity and are also influence operations who have been operating here for decades. Secondly, the current law, as written, it just doesnt account for both identification of these platforms, what they are, including section 2 30 eight, and also the responsibilities as we want them to have. And remember, the quickest and most nimble way to bring things up to speed is legislativebased. If we want there to be changes, it has to be on the legislative side. Jesse what did you think of his answer . He didnt think these were fake . Dana i talked about them trying to start the story, but i also think a lot of people say they like him. Hes got an edge, right . And he will push back on reporters. He doesnt call them criminals. But i think that he obviously doesnt want to answer it. And i also, the John Ratcliffe appearing on tv to talk about this, to me felt a little bit light, wow. Walking right up to the line of politicizing intelligence. Jesse but hes making it up that its a big rush of conspiracy. Dana i think that a witness statement would have thrown cold water on the story. I just think looking like you are politicizing intelligence for the country is not good for either side. But i also would say this. Twitter, i think is in a lot more trouble than facebook but they are going to have to ask for it. Just treat us equally. Because the Michigan Republican candidate for senate, his opponent excessively edited something that he said. Nobody would respond to them. And then the Biden Campaign, immediately that issue was taken care of. The fact that their policies are not applied equally is a huge problem. Jesse its a class system. Greg. Greg whats interesting is, the same people who believe in Stephen Scully dont believe the story. The same people who believe that smal that i pronounce . Dana [laughs] greg there is no proof because there is never really any proof about him. All of the people that have been against it, they are going to do it again. Thats all they see. And again, if you use the argument that the steele dossier would compromise, youve got to say the same thing here. Because cutting 10 of what millions of dollars out of a china deal for daddy . Thats pretty big. And i say that, looking at the personal emails can be really gross. I dont want that stuff but we have already violated privacy now with media pushing stories from overheard conversations, which, to me, are just as bad. Gossip or vindictive rivals. So, at this point, all bets are off. This is a big story and i love the fact that they are now saying that it is unsubstantiated. They never use that additive with any other story. Jesse it let me just say to danas point. Biden did respond. Also, id like to say, i wish that the Trump Campaign had 1 100th of outrage over social media as they lack when it comes to russian interferen interference. Jesse i just dont know what printing an actual email juan how was it a smear . We dont even have the actual email. Jesse okay, juan, but you know what we do have . We have the receipt periods before you know what we have . We have a russian meeting with trump tower. Jesse up next, nancy pelosi refuses to budge. The speaker is still playing hardball to make her way on a stimulus deal. clapping hey, you alright . Find the nonpartisan facts behind the real stories at usafacts. Org emily welcome back. The stimulus standoff continues. Nancy pelosi, still playing hardball with the white house despite pressure from members in her own party to cut a deal. We want to have an agreement with the incumbent negotiation. And we can do it now. But what is the difference of a few days except that we could have it before the election, which is we want it as soon as possible. And i certainly want it, because i dont want to have to be sweeping up after the dump means of this as we go after. Emily meanwhile, the senate taken a different approach. They would extend the Paycheck Protection Program and expand unemployment benefits. All right, so greg, 8 million americans have slipped into poverty because of this pandemic and economic ramifications appeared what is she doing . Greg she is doing what she always is pure the fact is that we are always on her own. And it really care, especially if that is their survival. This is why we need term limits, because term limits always make politicians care less about winning and more about the people around them. Of course, we have never had term limits, so what am i talking about . Im looking forward to whatever innovation that comes out of this. Politics is already so depressing. We are already getting telehealth. The space program, right, the things that we got from the space program. We have to get something out of this that is going to make our lives better. Emily so, what is the benefit of this strategy, though . What, if any, is the benefit . Dana welcome as i said last week, if you look at februarymay, for example, a combination and food services, 38 , arch entertainment and recreation. I could go on. I have a whole list here. I think the key point for the president is actually think getting this deal done would help him the most going into this debate on thursday night. Because he is a dealmaker. The senate wants to do 500 billion. She wants to do 2 trillion. He could bring them together and put them in the room. It is the right thing to do for the country. It is imperative that they get it done sooner than later. Every day that you wait, youre going to get into the winter and people who are now finding themselves on food stamps or having to go to the food bank because all they want to do is work but we are not helping them, that is unconscionable. He is the one who could actually be a difference maker here. Hes got to get on the phone with these republicans and say, i am telling you, this is what i want. This is my priority. If he doesnt do that, i think a lot of them are going to say, we are not going to play Nancy Pelosis game. Be to you just answered your question. Dana she is realizing that she needs a deal too appears to be too i dont know. Jesse i think she wants to delay the deal until after the election. She can give the extra trillion and help bail them out so they can buy votes. It helps trump and the American People appear thats not what she wants. Shes not going to be able to spend that victory for democrats. We have brought so many people out of poverty. 5 Million People were brought out of poverty in the first three years of the administration. That is a record. They had it down to 10. 5 poverty rate, another record. And to hear about more millions of people going into poverty because they want to play politics, its sad because they are actually hurting themselves. Blue states have twice as high of a jobless rate than red states. So, they are only doing this to hurt themselves if you look at it. Emily she released a statement saying that she believes there will be a deal by the election. So, how is this a defensible strategy in the interim if she knows they are going to reach a deal and they may not reach it now so people can get help . Before trump is a dealmaker. That is his reputation. We know is that the house is twice past this kind of package. And trump initially said its not enough. Then he cut off the talk. He cut it off and said no more. So, if trump wants to make a deal, he should go to senator mcconnell, the majority of leader in the senate. Mcconnell is the one who is just frozen in terms of the house action. Its a dog and pony show. All that will do, it does more harm than good. Why . Because it will allow him to say, i gave you something. Thats enough. No more. The Federal Reserve chair, President Trump says we need more. So, where is President Trump . Why doesnt he make a deal customer jesse anybody can make a deal. You want a good deal. Emily coming up next, why School Officials are more concerned about Political Correctness than getting the schools back open. Good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strongd. St yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. So im voting yes. Nineteen allows seniors and all homeowners 55 and older to transfer their homes low tax base to another home. It also protects the right to pass my family home to my son. Weve all worked hard for our house and we should be allowed to give it to our kids without a tax penalty. Its time to limit taxes. Vote yes on 19. Greg while parents worry about getting their kids back to school, School Officials worry about more. The San Francisco School Names Advisory committee, if there is one, named 44 schools that needed to change their names due to his troubling links to the past. They are having remote lessons, which may actually harm minorities more than others. How does this changing names of schools which they cant even attend help them . It doesnt. They have as much interest in helping kids as covert itself. Schools included are abe lincoln high, George Washington high, roosevelt middle school, but also, get this, Dianne Feinstein elementary. Why . Because she once replaced a vandalized confederate flag. So, all these schools must come up with new names while they deal with covid, which is like trying to iron your socks during a house fire. So, why not help them . How about now . How about that great leap forward . Or stalin. He never owned a single. Instead, he enslaved millions and he killed them. Sir john harrington. He invented the first flushable toilet and the city is drowning. Isnt it time for our names . Ive come up with a few. Dana [laughs] greg the school for wayward cheerleaders. The dana perino Candyland Academy and my little pony. The just the waters Military College and fighting the war on christmas. And finally, its a bird, its a plane, its Juan Williams university. Dana what is your is going to be . Emily those are great. Greg i dont want to put myself into the story. I like to stay out of it. I dont like to insert myself into controversial topics. Greg how about animals for great elementary. Im not going to touch that. All right, emily, will this madness ever end . Emily it wont unless there is a stop put to it by people who rise up and dont accept this. Your point said it best, which is helping the disadvantaged students who cant attend both schools. This weekend, i spent time with a Public School teacher for special needs children. She told me how all of the children are floundering right now. The nonverbal kids who have to sit in front of the computer screen for hours staring and not participating. His mother sits with him the whole time it helps him. What about the families with two coworking parents . Another mother i talked to her works in a new york hotel, she has to take off to help her son and she has an hour and a half commute. It is intolerable. Greg juan, the only upside i saw was them actually calling out the absurdity. But i dont think you can stop it. Juan look, this is one fringe. The school board hasnt dealt with it. Its ridiculous. I mean, they lose people, when you talk about not honoring George Washington. It just seems absurd. But to me, when you have the mayor, the school board, everyone saying yeah, yeah, yeah, lets get back to the real word of getting our heads back to school him im with you. Jesse i dont have much to add. But i will say, greg, that some schools, it would cost half a Million Dollars just to rename. You can spend money on new uniforms and the signage of the scoreboard. Youve got to update all that stuff. And that costs a lot of money. I think they should just use that for may be new computers for the students, teachers salaries. Or you could keep all of the insignia and stuff and just name the school after a different George Washington. You know what i mean . There have to be a billion George Washington. Dana and you could focus on space. Greg you still have to change the uniforms. Dana well, but that would be fun. I think what emily said is really important. The more you hear from teachers who are also very frustrated. They miss their kids. They cant help them when they are remote and its not working. Greg yeah, all right. One more thing. Time now for one more thing. Im going to go first today, because my little girl had a birthday. Of course my little girl is a lawyer, a corporate executive, a three. Time passes, doesnt it . So she had a big girls birthday party. There she has on our front porch for a covidsafe birthday party. Her son eli is next to her as she blows up the candle and as a gift she got herself a new puppy to go with her two other dogs and you can see her kids had as much fun as their mom at the birthday celebration. So happy birthday, no matter how old she is, shes all was going to be my little girl, my joy. Jesse. Happy birthday to her, juan, i dont mean to be mr. Dr. Fauci on you but youre not supposed to blowing out candles during the pandemic. Even with her family . Its not right, juan. Im going to have to write you for that. It Rick Leventhal got married to kelly dodd last weekend and a beautiful ceremony there in sonoma california. Look at those two lovebirds he is just head over heels, and are they are. Big crowd there. They had some masks made up so it was covidfriendly unlike juans daughters birthday and they are dressed in black, very chic and rumors are that i think you might be taking her last name. Rick dodd. Hes very progressive, that guy. Are you joking . We havent heard. We reached out to the couple and we are waiting in response. It will probably show up in the daily mail. Dana perino. Thats great reporting, jesse. [laughter] okay, so obviously its been a hectic year, its been a stressful year people have been seeking a little peace and calm and juan us daughter got herself a poppy, a lot of themselves of gotten themselves dogs but some people are doing some thing different, cow hugging. Apparently this is a new thing. Its a wellness trend, greg, a wellness trend. Reportedly originated in the netherlands, its sweeping the globe. According to the bbc the practice of coddling cows is supposed to reduce stress in humans by releasing the bonding hormone oxycontin. Its not my day. I wish. Hugging that cow for days [laughter] i think he lets oxycontin go. Anyway. After you hug the cow do you tip it . 20 . Lets do this. We are not seeing a lot of sports because of the pandemic and some of the sports i kind of lost interest in except for soccer and check out this goalkeeper. Ready amazing. Blocking balls. Its pretty impressive. No idea if this is a zoom call, but this cat is incredible. Yeah. Wow. The fact remains everything in slow motion just always looks better. Not everything, greg. Thats true. That is true, and i apologize for that, jesse. I didnt know my computer was on. [laughter] how long are we going to milk the story . Okay, im done. Miss emily. I have a really special nonprofit i wanted to share with you that is close to my heart, the police k9 association. They are headquartered in ohio and it was created to help k9 handlers get the equipment, training and education needed to be a successful k9 team. If they support of ohios police and sheriffs and they just had a 5k run to support the association. They still need lifesaving ballistic vests for six of their canines. Are you coming more at policek9association. Com. Awesome. Does biden want to defund the k9 unit . Hopefully not, because they deserve everything. Hes running on raising your taxes, ive never heard anything like it. Crazy, especially if youre rich. Youre richer than i am, juan. You do owe more. I hope one day youre the richest man ever. Can we talk about the breaking news . What was the breaking news . I dont know, i was just thinking what cnn, what they are going do for legal analysts. Is there an opening . I dont know. [laughter] you guys are so mean thats it for us. Special report, its up next, hey, bret baier. Bret hey, juan, i found danas cow hugging story very moving. Good evening, welcome to washington, im bret baier. Breaking tonight, President Trump is scheduled to speak soon at a rally in tucson, arizona. He will likely continue his attacks, almost certainly come on joe biden, and the latest email controversy involving bidens son hunter, with just two weeks to go until election day. President trump is desperately trying to paint the biden family is what he calls a criminal enterprise. This evening a top u. S. Official is trying to shoot down one theory about the possible source of the hunter biden story. The Trump Campaign has also tried to get some lastminute changes to the format for the second and final president ial debate. We have fox team coverage. We begin tonight t

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