You already played the music. We get to hear a segment and then youre welcome. Youre going to love it. This is car music. You see those guys in the cars that go with the hydraulics. Yes, exactly. I like it. See if you can do better than juan. Julian assange could soon be extradited to the United States. Dramatic video showing the bearded wikileaks founder shouting as he was being hauled away. The doj charging him with conspiracy, Chelsea Manning hack into the pentagons computers. Theyre vowing to fight the extra tdition and saying its a crackdown on the free press. All media organizations in europe and elsewhere around the world. Any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having published truthful information about the United States. Edward snowden is calling assange arrest, a dark moment for press freedom. Other reaction also pouring in. If you believe in National Security, if you believe in the safety of the United States, hes avil villain. Julian ag ssange is a hero. I do not regard him as a hero. Julian assange has put american lives at risk. Im glad that the wheels of justice are finally turning when it comes to mr. Assange. Ive never been a fan. And President Trump was also asked about it earlier. I know nothing about wikileaks. Its not my thing. I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. Ive been seeing whats happened with assange. And that will be a determination, i would imagine, mostly by the attorney general. All right, well, well get to that in a second. The peoples opinions, greg, of Julian Assange have really changed over the years. At first the democrats loved him, then they hated him. Where do they stand now . Greg heres the deal. I emailed dana and our producer megan this morning. I said, i dont want to do this story because i cant even remember how i feel about Julian Assange. Because we when the five began, i guess going on eight years. 2010, 2011. Greg i cant tell you how i feel about assange and i dont think most of america even remembers because the last three to four years has been turned upside down. Every ideology, every side, every team sport has been somehow mixed up and changed. I cant tell you how i feel. I will find an argument in this. People upset about this arrest are saying this is an attack on journalism, a dark day on journalism. If that is true, you could never arrest anybody hacking into your computer or maybe even breaking into your apartment. Lets say my assistant goes into my computer and takes all of my emails. It doesnt matter if theres good stuff in there or bad stuff, she is stealing my property. She ships that over to the Washington Post and they have a story about me running an amazing drug ring out of my office not true she had broken the law. But if somebody is taking something that belongs to you, in this case thats what the charge is is breaking into a state Department Computer and stealing. If somebody comes in taking my emails, that is theft. Can you call theft journalism . I dont think you can. There is no reporting in theft. Right . Its only a story if they find something in your emails. But thats not journalism. That is hacking. Thats my theory. That is a great theory. One of many great theories from you, greg. Dana, the Obama Administration didnt charge assange with what he is now being charged with. People are saying why was it not illegal then, but now it is. I think its because my opinion about assange has never changed. Im team america. What he hes not even american. How does he get First Amendment protection for journalism. Greg now we remember the shows we did. Dana but i was right. It is very interesting. One of the things about the Obama Administration, theyre stymied. There were actual intelligence harms that were done, diplomatic harms that resulted from this. Then you have Bradley Mannings transformati transformation. Obama pardoned her at the end. Then these people take on these mythical like theyre heros. Ones a hero and ones a heroi in, now. They couldnt figure out how to charge him without being able to get journalistic protection. The Trump Administration should be like, look it up, we figured it out. Through additional investigation, maybe well find this out, they were the ones to say this is not a First Amendment claim, this was a National Security threat. They want all of our information to be open and free to everybody, except they howl about Internet Companies and privacy. It is bizarre. Juan, look great today after a big birthday night out, im sure. Juan oh, yeah, that was me. It seems like the left is trying to link President Trump with Julian Assange now, pulling all these tapes, i guess, from the campaign when the president was saying wikileaks, i cant wait to read what they said. I guess thats the new collusion, perhaps, is that it . Juan i think he was encouraging them. Today, he says, wikileaks, i know nothing about wikileaks. Its so obviously wrongheaded and hes just trying to avoid any connection. Lets leave that alone. Thats politics. Im very interested in this story because its evidence that the first, the ecuadorians threw him out. Dana he was also threatening their government. Juan clearly the first step is that they had been granting him asylum by holding him in that embassy. Once hes out, then hes subject to possible extradition. Now, the u. S. Charge is very careful. It doesnt get into the argument that greg and dana have been going through about journalism, not journalism. It says you were a coconspirator helping Chelsea Manning hack into our defense Department Computers. Thats clearly illegal. Thats why he can be extradited and likely to lose that case, in my opinion. When you ask me, though, you know, i got hurt by wikileaks because i lost my cell phone and i was awakened in las vegas after it was hacked and they had my cell phone. Its just very unpleasant. I got to use that excuse once, too. Greg you were answering the phone on air. Do you remember that . Juan people got a huge kick out of you answering my phone. Afterwards people were still calling numbers, so i got rid of it and theyd say, can i talk to greg. What about me [ laughter ] am i chopped liver here . Serious news organizations, you can walk in and say, hey, juan, heres the pentagon papers. Ill say, well, let me see it. Its not me telling you heres how to break the law. Greg the allegation was he was trying to crack the passwords in order to infiltrate the state department system. Amazing how he was able to stay in the embassy for seven years. There must have been a lot of behind the scenes dealings when the ecuadorians, the british, and the u. S. No longer. Legally think of it as a brilliant strategy, frankly, that the just d. O. J. Has undergone at this point because their burden of proof is so low, its so clear, its so simple. You are right, it has nothing to do with what was stolen or published or done, it was, you broke into the house. Theres no defense beyond that. The uku. S. Extradition treaty, right now at this point the next step after this bail thing which we know he might face a year in jail in the uk, the uk court will review the charging document. If there is the requisite specificity, then they extradite him here. As we know, he faces up to five years in prison. To me, that is interesting. We talked about this before the show. The seven years of his selfimposed compile and the wretched creature we saw being brought out of the embassy today, he was in a worse hell and worse prison anticipating all of this and worrying about it and freaking out than like pamela anderson. What about the statute of limitations . If there is, its usually five years. Because he was granted asylum by ecuador, it tolls the statute of limitations. There is no way they underwent all this without having them know they can rely on that to pull it, which means to pause it. I think on the left people say that hes a hero because, you know, it turned out that he revealed information about the u. S. Government, in fact, monitoring or surveilling american citizens and we, as americans, have the right to know is the argument. This is not about this. This about a guy participating in an illegal breach of american security. Also a villain on the left for the why did the New York Times and Washington Post use that illegal information. All right. Coming up, the New York Post eviscerates congresswoman omar over her outrageous 9 11 comments. Democrats in the media in fullon meltdown mode after attorney general barr says the Trump Campaign was spied on. The video is next. Limu emu doug what do all these people have in common, limu . [ paper rustling ] exactly, nothing. 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To Crystal Clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. Gigfueled apps that exceed expectations. Comcast business. Beyond fast. In california, janet miller, fantastic. Im very honored you chose this song for me and so is the attorney general william barr. He dropped this bombshell during a hearing on capitol hill yesterday. I think spying on a Political Campaign is a big deal. Yes, i think spying did occur. Democrats and some of the media are furious with barr for saying spying did occur on the Trump Campaign in 2016. Watch. The chief Law Enforcement officer of our country is going off the rails. He is attorney general of the United States of america. He is the attorney general of america. Not the attorney general of donald trump. It feels like that basically the attorney general gaslit the country. When barr opens his mouth, trumps words come popping out. He acted more like a personal lawyer for donald trump today than the attorney general. Is he saying the kind of language that trump wants to hear him use . So i think of bill barr as somebody very professional, who chooses his words carefully, tries to be very mature and reverveed. They brought back brennan. Yeah. Now theyre using the words you know what this is . The media trying to make a dozen sandwiches out of one cold cut. They need collusion helper. They need to make this meal bigger. Now theyre just arguing over words. Now theyre arguing over whether spy is positive or negative. The media were expecting this giant, massive hoagie. Hoagie, and all they got was a wet noodle. The attorney general, this is not his first rodeo. He was confirmed unanimously by the senate when he worked for george h. W. Bush back in the day. Do you think perhaps given the democrats something to howl about was also part of his plan . He did say there was spying, but he also said we need to know what it was predicated on and thats where the investigation is now going to go. Gregs right. Theyre playing word games now. Dont say radical islam, dont say spying. There was a tweet yet, they were just using covert overseas intelligence assets obtained via National Security letters and fisa warrants to secretly collect and distribute information about private u. S. Citizens. Say juan gets framed for a murder he didnt commit then acquitted. Wouldnt you want internal affairs to look into how the whole thing happened . I want to go home. I want to know how the whole thing happened. The media is so corrupt. Theyre not interested in the truth. Theyre not interested in the fact. You have a Democrat Administration spying on a republican president ial campaign, and the medias saying, eh, i dont care. They dont care but they want they were complicit in it. But they want to investigate Julian Assange and wikileaks and their involvement in spying on the democrats. I have a very strong differing point of view here, i think bill barr knew he wasnt hanging out with his chums just talking, he knew he was in front of the congress of the United States. He did it in a pandering gesture to President Trumps talk about coups and witch hunts. To me, the Inspector General at justice is apparently already looking into this. He should have simply said lets wait and see what the Inspector General finds. To jesses point, a fisa report, even if you said we used a fisa document, thats thoroughly legal. We dont know of course it went to the court, it went to the fisa judges who said we dont know no, no, no, hoodwinked the fisa judge. It was repeatedly put before the fisa court judges who made a determination. Everythings on the up and up, is that what youre saying . Thats what im saying. Why cant we investigate it . Barr says he has no evidence and then later tries to walk it back. Juan, juan, no evidence. You have fisa warrants fisa warrant is a legal document. You have human intelligence assets. Juan, they had in the 2016 campaign there was russian interference that blah, blah, blah. And of course u. S. Intelligence was can i get emily in . One more thing. If you have a paid fbi informant trying to gain access to the Trump Campaign and hes being paid by the Obama Administration hes not been paid by the juan, juan hes being paid a paid informant, yes or no . Thats not you have a paid British Intelligence asset come on. Trying to get a job on the Trump Campaign and invited papadopoulos over to london you know what . You are engaged in a torture conspiracy theory. All coming out now. Oh, yeah. Talk real fast. None of these people have memories, but i do. In 2013 when there was an entire freakout about the fisa court at that time and verizon and prism and how it was used, there was a bipartisan bill to declassify significant rulings of the fisa court. And nancy pelosi, for example, back then said that the administration is just aqueo custodian of info. She was clear she would not vote for it in 2005 and 2013. Here they all are not caring apparently this time around that theres a strong evidentiary assumption happening that in fact the government did expound its limits. For some reason now, everyone ceases to care. I like when you use big words. You missed it. She said dang. I did hear that. Up next, New York Post is not holding back with this powerful cover condemning omars comments. Guys, i want you to meet someone. This is jamie. Youre going to be seeing a lot more of him now. Im not calling him dad. Oh, nno. Look, [sighs] i get it. Some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, were all in this together. Right, champ . Im getting more nuggets. How about some carrots . You dont want to ruin your dinner. Youre not my dad thats fair. Overstepped. Thats fair. The lexus es. 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I switched. We switched. I switched to chevy. I switched to chevy. We switched to chevy. We switched for value. For family. For power. It was time to upgrade. I switched from ram to chevy. See why people are switching to chevy. We love our chevy. I love my malibu. My colorado. My camaro. My traverse. Why did we switch . Just look at it. Omar under fire again, this time for these comments about the 9 11 terror attacks. Here is the truth. Far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second class citizen. And frankly, im tired of it. And every single muslim in this country should be tired of it. [ applause ] care was founded after 9 11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. The New York Post slamming the freshman congresswomans 9 11 brushoff with this cover, the paper also ripping her in an oped, a member of congress cant acknowledge what happened on one of the most horrific days in u. S. History. Omar was on the late show last night, but Steven Colbert did not ask her about the comments. She did complain about a double standard. This kind of double standard really is quite, you know, offensive and very much embedded in a lot of our culture these days where you will have people get come after minorities for things that they say they might have insinuated. Greg, that was a pretty powerful message from the New York Post. It was one of their best covers. First up, the media strategy here is to gauge our response or frame our response as more offensive than what she said. Theyre creating an armor of victimhood for her. It holds no candle to the families and the victims of 9 11 and a country that was devastated. Im going to say she she made a mistake. I dont think she excused terror. She thought that the truth would offend her hosts. She is guilty of islamaphobia. She believed the strong moral language about 9 11 would offend her friends at c. A. R. E. So she conflated the aims of c. A. R. E. With the desires of the hijackers. Otherwise, why wouldnt she condemn it outright. These terrorists came and attacked a country i loved dearly. We have been harmed, too, since then. That would have been the shift. She felt she couldnt say that because she didnt want to offend her host. Thats her own psychological con inflation. Shes the islamaphobe in that case. Dana, she complains about a double standard. I talked in b block about bill barr as somebody who chooses his words carefully. Sometimes you get in trouble for things because you say it on live tv and didnt mean it that way. She chooses her words carefully as well, and its for that exact reason. Other than a Green New Deal and medicare for all, the republicans best Political Tool to use is to go against her and her comments. There are 31 democrats that won this past year in 2018 where trump won the district as well. So trump won in 2016, the democrat squeaks out a win in 2018. They are the targets for the republicans to try to take back the house. Every single one of them is going to have to answer, do you agree with congresswoman omar. This happens in wave elections like in 2018. People get swept ashore that wouldnt necessarily be able to usually win in an election, and the democrats have a real situation on their hands. I mean, i cant believe she was on colbert. Doesnt that take away . Think about this. Youre in from out of town and you get tickets to the late show and they try omar out. Oh, my god, who is this person. Shes not an alister, a blister. She doesnt know how to wave. She goes like this with her hand. She goes like this like a robot, which is weird. She sits down, acts totally uncomfortable and insecure. The audience is dead silent. Its probably the worst booking of all time. She doesnt know how to read the room. She is in congress now. Shes not back in her district in minnesota with her radical friends. She represents the United States of america. As a member of congress, you do not act dismissively towards 9 11 and about the 9 11 hijackers. She obviously doesnt get that. Thats a huge problem. She says dumb and controversial things, she gets called out for it, and then she plays the victim and plays the race card. And its not a clever act. And its getting tired. You know whos probably the most tired of it . Nancy pelosi. Nancy pelosi, they do well, the democrats when they try to keep a lid on the radicalism. Omar has blown the whole lid off. Its april and shes already been accused of antisemitism and antiamericanism and were not even three months into the new congress. What does the house leadership do . What do they do with this . I dont think they have to do much. They can go after her. They go after aoc. They make them into demons. Thats not the issue thats going to be, i think, in 2020 in the president ial race or mid terms. President trump is also playing this, oh, jewish people come vote you know what . Everybody sees that for what it is. The northeast, thats an inflammatory cover. There are lots of news organizations that wouldnt even use that cover and havent used it, but i think that even if you say its appropriate because of her comments, i would say it doesnt live up its not its not enough what she said to justify something as upsetting to me personally as the you know, a moment when, you know, i think thousands of people died in that moment. And my fellow americans. I i just think it wasnt enough for that. I will you think its a good reminder, though . You never forget. I think it was an attempt, again, because shes an easy target and i think legitimate rage in that cover. That that cover doesnt fit with what she said. She she was flip and i think she didnt speak carefully, greg, but i do think she needs to be careful because people will pick apart what she says. She misdated the date when c. A. R. E. Was founded. She has a legitimate point in terms of whether or not they are felly americans, muslim unfairly demonized in the aftermath of it. Amazon employees are reportedly listening to what you tell alexa. Drivers just wont put their phones down. We need a solution. Introducing. Smartdogs. The first dogs trained to train humans. Stopping drivers from liking. Selfieing. And whatever this is. Available to the public. Never. Smartdogs are not the answer. But geico has a simple tip. Turn on do not disturb while driving mode. Brought to you by geico. Plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. Every day, visionaries are creating the future. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Because the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. v. Especially when your easily distracted teenager has the car. The worst. At subaru, were taking on distracted driving [ping] with sensors that alert you when your eyes are off the road. The allnew subaru forester. The safest forester ever. This is real . Okay. I love it. I love it. All right. Amazons alexa isnt the only one listening to your conversation. It turns out the tech giants employees are listening, too. Amazon reportedly has thousands of workers reviewing, transcribing, recording from its echo device. They say its being done so alexa can better understand and respond to human speech. Its raising serious privacy concerns. Employees are saying they have chat rooms where they share amusing recordings among themselves. Amazon says they take Customer Security and privacy very seriously. Youre making noises. I am. Maybe three years ago, i got an alexa. We used it a little bit. It was kind of confusing. Id ask the jeopardy question of the day, maybe a podcast. Owner operated problems. We went away on that trip to africa, we came back and it didnt work. I couldnt get it to reset. It died of loneliness. Ive never plugged it back in because of this concern. Remember that story we had where the the conversation accidentally gets uploaded to all the friends in your contact list. I dont want anything to do with that. The stuff you talk about with peter is disgusting. I thought youd heard it. [ laughter ] theres nobody saying what theyre doing is illegal. I think the point here is that so many of us americans maybe dana is in this we dont know what were doing when we buy these devices. There are unintended consequences to facebook, amazon and google. Theyre using us. Totally. Its one more example of a pandoras box of data and information about which we know nothing and have no control. What stuck out to me are number one, the whole human designation of critical data. If your conversations include banking data, these guys are like, oh, were marking that one. It reminded me of mass discovery teams deployed for big cases in law where a bunch of young attorneys are looking through documents. Its so rife with error. I just want to bring up two questions. What is the duty and what is the scope . Do these people have a duty to report when they overhear a Sexual Assault . Because from what we know thus far, when they murder. Up the chain, they didnt. When Law Enforcement tried to subpoena evidence from alexa of certain crimes, amazon was like, no way. And so to me, i think it also it raises a lot of questions, certainly more than answering them. If it raises a lot of questions, would you put your faith in the company . Yeah. This is what i do. Since i know alexa is spying on me, i like to butter up my eavesdroppers. Id Say Something like i think jeff bezos is an incredibly innovative capitalist. Since we know the chinese are listening, ill be at maralago, over cocktails just drop this in a conversation, chairman xi is a strong leader. And we know the cia is watching and listening. I think the cia is just trying to keep us safe. The cia, alexa, chinese, all spying on us. Can i use that word spying . Is that okay . Thank you mr. Attorney general. I guess donald trump fed you that one, right . Thats right. Ooh. Greg . [ laughter ] the problem is Many Companies claim that using your information helps them better target you with the ads for products you want. The problem is, you really are what you buy. I agree. If youre ever sitting in front of your computer with a friend or a spouse and an ad pops up that is arguably targeting a personal desire or need, it can get pretty awkward. Something shows up i dont understand. Like like an ad like a what . A product you are drifting toward. It pulls up an ad you were targeting, like, oh. Technology happens first, and then were scrambling to create the boundaries. I made a list of the tech ahead of human consequences. Smartphones, which have led to car accidents. Social media which leads to bullying and scapegoating. Computers have led to hacking and attacks on grids and viruses. Alexa, google, loss of privacy. We create these things and then were trying to get back and figure out how to put that cat back into the sack. You cant put that cat in the sack, emily. Its too late. The cats out of the sack. The horse has left the bag. The milk is on the floor. Exactly all right. My thing is, its just so complicated and people dont understand it. Reality tv star Kim Kardashian is taking up a new career as a lawyer. Yep, a lawyer. Gregorys got it next on the five. 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Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. phone ringing get details on this state program call or visit a person id. Oh, my god. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really good. Moves onto another. Whats the last thing youd expect Kim Kardashian to reveal . That shes studying to become a lawyer. Thats right, Khloe Kardashians sister is apprenticing at a law firm, likely contributed by her advisement of the 63yearold woman jailed for years on nonviolent charges. Why not . If this person can become a lawyer, and this person can become a lawyer, and this person can become a lawyer, and i say person loosely, why cant kim . Shes got more sense than all of them combined. Avenatti just got his 5 million jet confiscated. What does that tell you . Lawyers get away with everything because they know how to get around everything. Avenatti only got caught because the medias roach motel drew him out of the noox aks and crannie where he did his dirty work. We should all become lawyers. Because if you look at life, its basically a game of monopoly and lawyers are the people who write the instructions and actually take a few minutes to read them. Without a law degree, were just saps. Instead of knocking kim for bringing a little boomboom to the courtroom, we should follow her lead and let her rest her case wherever she wants. Emily, you claim to be a lawyer. I dont doubt it for one second. You talk like a lawyer. Very fast. You read everything, the small print. You know whats going on in this world. Im scared of you. Okay. On this that wasnt a question. [ laughter ] i think what struck me about her reasoning for this and first of all, shes not going to law school. Shes undertaking a fouryear apprenticeship with the law firm. She takes a mini bar exam. If she passes, shes allowed to continue. Her statement, if i knew more, i could do more. If i knew more, i could do more . That is her statement . I wonder however if being an attorney is that. I think somebody with millions of followers who is literally the influencer of the century for everyone else, you know, but people at this table, then i think maybe she could do more with her attention rather were on the attention on her. But if she knew less, then she would dress less. I dont know. Juan, thoughts . If she knew less, she would dress less . I would say shes distracting in the courtroom. I this to me is like amateur hour. She said she was in i think it was the roosevelt room at the white house with the president , boy, these people are making i want to know more. To me, its very juvenile. You know what, shes going to have to stick it through. As you said, a fouryear deal. You know what, lets look at the positive side. As you said, emily, shes very influential with young people who hold her up, who admire her. Clearly shes morphed into somebody who says i want to do more with my life, i really want to have impact on america and the criminal justice system. Go, girl. You got it. When youre around a good lawyer, its a super power. Its like they have access to stuff you dont. And youre going to need one. Yes. You need a good lawyer in your life. Law school ive heard is like taking three Foreign Languages at the same time. I would add one thing. What . If she knew how, she would have more wow. Thats pretty good. Jes jesse, wouldnt the solution be to teach law in grade school . I cant get over her statement. [ laughter ] if i knew more, i would do more . Shes trying. You think knowing more is overrated. No. [ laughter ] my favorite is when jesse gets tears in his eyes. Whats her hourly rate . 200, 300 . I think 500. Pro bono would you hire a lawyer that didnt go to law school . Yes whats the song . To make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. But i can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my its the most wonderful life on earth. Car insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Time now for one more thing. Its jesses feeding press. Look at this package. Its pretty sweet right here. Check that out. Season eight premier i think is this sunday. Try these oreo pluralists plur. Three flavors of chips inspired for by music genres. Im going to go with the hot one. Lets eat this. If i had a dollar when you did that. Fans at the Las Vegas Ballpark came together to boo the employer. It wasnt because the bad call. Its because of this. So finn the bad dog is trained to pick up bats. When he took his job, the fans were not happy. He completed his task running off the field and tweeted, i still love you guys, though. Speaking of calling balls and strikes, im going to hand it to you tonight. I love how you do that all right. Robots are great has created a new robot that seeks out the sun when youre not home. So your plans get adequate sunlight so they can grow. The implication of this . It can kill your plans too. It can run away from the sun and kill your plans. This is part of the takeover. First they kill your plants, then the kill your children. You heard about the flying nun, how about the nun with a flying fastball. Thats sister mary joe still be asked during a strike at the white sox game last august. And top scum of the Baseball Company is giving her own card featuring her. Shes donating the money to a catholic scholarship fund. Emily, we dont have time for you so heres a chip. I have the best music never miss an episode of the five. Special report is up with bret. Bret im bret baier with washington. After seven years hiding in plain sight in the ecuadorian emcee in england, wikileaks founder julian massage is down actually in a sans is in and the u. S. Department immediately judged him with helping former analyst Chelsea Manning break into a pentagon computer. The big question now is if and when assange will be extradited to the u. S. John roberts at the white house with the president s reaction. Catherine herridge for what this means with the mueller

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