His sad and sagging Approval Ratings in that france would be speaking german if it werent for us. Also make france great again which can only mean losing mimes. This seems like a spat between a french chef and yankee cabdriver. Trump doesnt care. Trump gets along with macron, the canadian dude, the nice lady from germany and the englishwoman who is not the queen. That doesnt affect his candor. He will tell you when your fly is down which is why bill clinton relied on him so much. Trumps friendship means hes going to elbow you but if anything were to happen to you he would be there in a heartbea heartbeat. We would never abandon france, even if we had to invade the country to save it again. Overlooked in all of this, the greatest thing. During a somber event marking 100 years since the ceasefire that ended world war i, heres the moroccan king dozing. Wait for the end. [speaking french] the best ever. Can we watch it again . Trump glares while the king naps. Thats a damn good metaphor as we keep watch over europe. Jesse, ive built that entire monologue around that one clip. I just wanted to do that clip and i had to work backwards. I have a theory that that seven or eight seconds explains everything you need to know about trump. Everything comes from a disdain for lethargy. If you cant keep up with me, if you cant stay awake, why are you here . Jesse i was thinking he was upset at the king not for disrespecting the ceremony but for disrespecting melania. How dare you fall asleep while sitting next to melania, the most beautiful woman in the world . Morocco is going to get a lot of tariffs. No one will survive that. I want to talk about the frenchamerican wine war. Theres been tariffs thrown around, threats. This is a trade warm going to be following closely. It doesnt really affect me too much because i drink trump wine and tariffs dont really apply. But i know a lot of people that own vineyards and they cant get any of their cabernets sold in france because they cant compete in the marketplace. I like how trump is sticking up for the bluecollar workers in sonoma valley. These people are the hardest working people you ever see. President trump was elected not to be the president are nice but to be the president of napa valley. These napa valley cabs cant compete in tariffs. I think this is America First at its finest and i say we go after the cheese next. Greg i think there is going to be a case of something arriving soon for you. Jesse trump wine. Greg im going to defend macron. I think he was actually kind of saying what trump wanted witches we should have a european army. We should defend ourselves, right . Isnt he kind of agreeing with trump . Juan i thought trump came back and said if it wasnt for us, you wouldnt exist. I think he was saying you dont need an army. You should pay your dues to nato. Greg macron was kind of thing if you wish just build up a big european army. I would think trump would go thats pretty good. Juan i dont know. Im just trying to gasp. I do think trump was really upset that macron took him on on the nationalism when he was saying that nationalism is bad and clearly trump has had recently that hes a nationalist and i think macron was saying, nationalism means we dont care about the rest of you. We just care about us. This is not the way the world goes. Especially if you think back on the armistice and what it meant in terms of nationalism as fomenting world war i, but this would be a recipe for a new phase of disaster, not learning from history. I think theres a lot of people, maybe not the moroccan king, who are making fun of trump for not marching down the champselysee champselysees, no american going to the cemetery, Arlington National cemetery. Jesse who cares with the moroccan king juan i care as an american that my american president and no white house official celebrates veterans on veterans day. Its unbelievable. Imagine if obama do that. If obama did that, you would be apoplectic. Jesse probably true. But i will say at least this president finds the military. Jedidiah obama didnt know the difference between memorial day and veterans day. This wasnt someone who was beloved by the troops. I dont want to hear the comparison. This idea that somehow patriotism and nationalism are mutually exclusive, it actually doesnt make any sense. I know Emmanuel Macron felt like he was being incredibly profound when he said patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. Thats not true. Globalism, which you could argue is the opposite of nationalism is very exclusive to patriotism. Those who are globalists tend to be apologist for their own countries, like president obama. He was the academy of globalism and he went to other countries. He went to the Brandenburg Gate and apologize for the United States. Juan i think we live in a globalist, economic world. Kennedy i love the free market economy, dont get me wrong. Juan if you love capitalism and global markets, i dont understand how you can say we dont care about whats going on over there. We are just protecting whats going on here, and then you come into the energy that nationalism translates, especially White Nationalism jesse oh greg oh no no, no. Kennedy thats code for nazism. Juan is not the shining city on the hill that attracts people from all over the world. Greg there is a nationalism that seeks to invade other countries. Thats not the United States. Hes putting America First, meaning lets get our stuff together. Jed, what are your thoughts on this whole thing we are talking about . Jedidiah Trump Reminds me of my cat. What used to happen if somebody would pull his tail and he would look around and get agitated and then pull it again, get it more agitated. The third time, he bites. He bites back. Thats what trump does. This guy, macron was digging at him. You spoke about the antinationalist speech, that was a dig. Then grouping the United States with china and russia as people they might have to guard themselves against, thats a dig and then somehow when trump responds and says something even remotely little bit outlandish or little nasty come everybody blames trump. If you poke over and over again, hes going to stand up for the country and bite back. People should learn that about trump. The clip of the king of morocco was the best thing ive ever seen in my entire life. As a former teacher who had many students fall asleep in their class, thats the best. Kennedy you know who else loved that jeb bush. Jesse lowenergy king. Kennedy jedidiah were yg to see, if he opened his eyes and you just see trump staring at you. Jesse i think we are burying the lede, greg. Im not worried about france standing up an army in the continent. The glory on the battlefield, not since napoleon. Its actually germany. They said they want the keys to the car of the european army, they didnt go so well last time. Its like giving the keys to the son who has wrecked her car twice and say who you go again. She sounds a little bellicose, angela merkel. I think we could see another land grab if they get another army there in germany. Greg a lot of what macron is doing, they come in with high Approval Ratings but they cant get anything done because of the unions in france. So you choose the United States to slap around. Juan you know it was delicious, trump, in response to your point, says macron is simply engaged in distracting people because of his low approval. I was like oh, my god. No selfawareness. No selfawareness. Cruz knows that when he sees it. Kennedy at least hes reading the correct page in the playbook. He knows exactly what macron is doing. Juan how come Trump Supporters never get this . Greg trump is never trying to distract you. Hes just doing what he does. Its two years now. Juan changing the subject every time. Greg he changes the subject to what hes interested in. Election chaos continuing in florida, as the heated rhetoric ramps up. The latest. Thats ahead. People tell me all the time i have the craziest job, the riskiest job. The consequences underwater can escalate quickly. The next thing i know, she swam off with the camera. Its like, hey, thats mine i want to keep doing what i love. Thats the retirement plan. With my annuity i know theres a guarantee. Annuities can provide protected income for life. Learn more at retireyourrisk. Org annuities can provide protected income for life. So a and as if thatyour brwasnt bad enough,tals it. Now your insurance wont replace it outright because of depreciation. If your insurance wont replace your car, what good is it . Youd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. Im regret that. With new car replacement, if your brandnew car gets totaled, Liberty Mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Juan the florida recount nightmare grows with more accusations, more lawsuits and more insults as the state scrambles to make thursdays deadline. President trump is calling on bill nelson, the senator, incumbent, to concede and is accusing county officials of fraud. Senator nelson calling on Governor Scott to recuse himself in the Senate Battle saying that his opponent is using his power as governor to try to undermine the voting process. Scott denies the charge. The governor is not responsible for recount. We have separately elected supervisee elections in each county and they do the recounts and the numbers are seo the secretary of states office. The governor is not involved. My goal is that we follow the law. Juan the controversial Broward County election supervisor at the center of the firestorm is defending herself is even as our growing calls for her to step down. The lawsuit as they are written cast dispersions on my character and ive worked here for about 15 years. I have to say this is the first time this office or i have been under such attack. If you make juan jedediah, there seems to be lots of questions. Everyone saying this is like 2000 again. Hanging chads. We are all aiming towards thursday but the key at the moment seems to be that a judge has said so far there is no evidence of wrongdoing by any of the officials in Palm Beach County or Broward County. The president , as you saw, saying there may be fraud here. Stop it. We should stick with what happened in election night. Jedidiah i cant get over brenda snipes. I cant believe shes allowed ag to do with an election. People saying this growing concern. This has been going on how long . When you look at the list of stuff this woman has done, mixing accepted and rejected provisional ballots. Shes been reprimanded twice by the court for illegally destroying ballads during 2016 primary, illegally opening mailin ballots in secret. How many things do you have to need for someone to do thats illegal, the court is deemed are improper for you to say this is not someone that should be in a position of authority handling the situation. For her, to have the audacity to get on tv and act like these people, they think im doing something wrong. I havent done anything wrong. The court decided you did do something wrong. Juan no come in the past, they cited her but in the Current Situation the court says theres no evidence of any wrongdoing. Jedidiah if the court found her guilty in the past of violating floridas public records act, why is she in this position . We shouldnt be talking about her because she shouldve either resigned or been fired from this position already. I think they should do the recount. We should get some answers. It should be a fair process. I dont think rick scott needs to remove himself. Hes not doing the recount manually himself. I think its funny when people step in and say rick scott has to recuse himself but brenda snipes is fine, she didnt do anything wrong. Those people arent paying attention or being honest. Juan 12,000 votes separate senator nelson and Governor Scott, with nelson losing right now. What we know is from the past, 4,000 plus instances where theyve had some kind of recount. Very few, i think theres only three races that have ever been changed and in all cases, its only been 500 votes. It doesnt look like there is really going to change the outcome. Yet President Trump is calling into question the election process. Jesse thats because it went from 60,000 to 15,003 days after the vote. Thats a little fishy. It never goes to that extreme. You say that no loss of been broken. I id disagree. She broke the law which he failed to account and broke the law in a timely manner. She broke the law and she failed to allow lawyers to monitor the process. She broke the law when she mixed, as jedediah said, provisional ballots with mailin ballots and they found random bags of votes. She has undermined the trust and integrity of the election process and no one believes its being done in a fair and balanced way. I would and argue brenda snipes has done more to interfere with the elections and the russians. If you think about it, with the obama and Trump Officials said was that in the 26 election, russia didnt interfere with any votes being counted or cast at all. They had a few facebook pages and they paid some woman to dress up like crooked hillary. Here you have a woman refusing to say how many votes were counted, castro tabulated, breaking all sorts of timing loss. She has a track record of breaking the law, talk about undermining the integrity. Greg she needs a nickname juan i must say the courts dont seem to agree with you. Jesse the courts agree because they told her to knock it off twice. Juan we have a situation, kennedy, where we have protesters outside apparently sent by jesse watters, and they are yelling lock her up. Whats your take . Kennedy this is the way some people feel they are part of the democratic process and to some, especially those who engage in protest tourism, this is trust a great opportunity to put a story on instagram which is fine. I think jesse is right, and this may be the ultimate exonerating factor for the president and the Mueller Probe because you dont need russia to have chaotic collections. All you need is florida. They have not internalized some of the lessons that the entire nation in the world learned in 2000. Some of the machines they are using to count those votes, particular in Broward County where brenda snipes lording over the entire process, they dont work well. Sometimes they are just down to one machine. You should anticipate that this is going to be a close vote because the polling always is in florida and you should know you have to have things working so you can get the night over with. Its been a long election night. Juan a week long. Greg, i know rich, affluent people like you who often take vacations go to Palm Beach County. Greg i know. Juan apparently Palm Beach County wont meet the thursday deadline. This is not broward. This is not brenda snipes. This is palm beach. Greg they have a lot to do. Brunch, the beach. I have to say after i have to give credit to the Democratic Party. This contest at the fair. They surround the car and the persons hand is on the car the longest, they win the car. Thats how the democrats he elections. They just hang in there. They hang in there. They knew that republican sooner or later are going to drop out or pass out because democrats really dont have anywhere else to go. Politics are their lives. They have very few friends, not you, juan. Im talking about democrats in general. Juan i remember florida and republicans hung in there. Greg we learn from the best. Republicans have more stuff to do. Its unfair to republicans because we have to get to work. Juan yeah, that could be a problem. Although socialism that those terrible democrats want. [laughter] the question is about trust in our system and we will see where this goes. In arizona, guess what, all those ballots that came in late helped out the democrats. Greg he has editorializing juan its true. Democratic hopefuls lining up to battle President Trump in 2020. 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Coroner search teams, many accompanied by a chaplain have fanned out across paradise and visited dozens of addresses that belong to people reported missing since the fire. The sheriff is also bringing in cadaver dogs, portable morgues and even anthropologists because in some cases, the only remains our bones or bone fragments. They are also using a rapid dna analysis system so that relatives can provide samples and identify bodies burned beyond recognition. The other people working here in paradise our Law Enforcement to prevent any looting and utility workers. They are taking down damaged poles and power lines, working around the clock to secure the area and restore power because only then can the Evacuation Order be lifted. For now, 52,000 people are trying to find comfort where they can. We did get notice. We lost everything. Its very disheartening to know you are homeless. The president has been expressing his sympathies and last night declared a major disaster in california, freeing up federal funds to help with the recovery and tweeting his support for the firefighters and the families. The impact of this fire extending beyond paradise, toxic smoke is literally affecting millions of californians and even forcing School Closures in the San Francisco bay area. Some 180 miles away. Kennedy, these calm winds are good for the firefight but really, really bad for the air quality. Kennedy unbelievable pictures. Thank you. Lets switch gears to focus on the road to the white house. It has begun. At least three dozen democrats are floating the idea and taking on President Trump in 2020. Some talking about getting into the race. What President Trump has been putting into this country is so disturbing, divisive, dark that i believe i have been called to fight as hard as i possibly can to restore that moral integrity and decency. Im thinking about it. We were in iowa this weekend. Are you running for president . Very well received there. The new want new and ideas and confidence. Kennedy according to a new pool, joe biden, Bernie Sanders and beto orourke are the top potential candidates. You had a physical reaction. Greg three white men. The Democratic Party is a party of white nationalist, well, their nationalities anyway. They are white. I was doing my juan imitation. Juan i love kennedys imitation. Bernie sanders. Greg what changes the equation, before you could maybe pick the best person, the most persuasive person. Now it has to be the best person who can beat trump because it takes a special person. Youre going to buy a car and then you realize maybe i need a fourxfour with more traction control and a set of mod tires do i have a michael moore, a monster truck or bill nye the science guy which is a prius. Kennedy as you look at the landscape, sanders, biden, orourke, they are on the podium to take part. Who are you most excited about is a potential contender . Jesse you have crazy bernie and overrated orourke. I dont think they stand a chance. I wanted to talk gillibrand. The clintons are going to drive a stake through her heart. At the heart of the me too mov, she said bill Clinton Shouldve resigned. Very ungrateful. The only reason she got her senate seat is because hillary gave it to her. Its not going to fly. Eric swalwell, the name does not really fall off your tongue. He is young, handsome, athletic. He has that going for him. Hes extremely short. Hes extremely short. I dont think its going to play. He is also younger than i am they be hes going to run to investigate kennedy hes going to pull a peter brady, hang from the swingset and stretch. Jedidiah which had line of what you said. Dear in the headlights, short. Greg the one who helped get rid of franken. Jesse when democrats run on moral decency, item that i dont think that platform is going to play. As a democrat. Kennedy democrats really have to decide who was riding the bus. Is it someone who is going to do an impression of the president and get down and dirty and be insulting and continued this divisiveness that they claim to hate, or is it going to be someone with an economic message . Juan i dont think thats exactly it. What youre looking at his who can win in the midwest, who can flip those dates that were so critical to trump winning in 2016. If you look at the midterms, the blue states and even now, we could say arizona and nevada, they are really more democratic territory i think. You look at the east coast and clearly thats a strong democrat territory. We are talking about the midwest, the south remaining strongly held by the republicans. You think who can have success . The reason joe biden is at the top of this is he calls himself working joe, workingclass joe, middleclass joe. He can relate to those voters. The other thing, gillibrand specifically, women are doing very well in terms of elections, as democrats running. Kennedy is Kamala Harris are more impressive candidate been Kirsten Gillibrand . What do you think . You are a democratic analyst. Juan i dont know if Kamala Harris has, she comes from california, apparently tremendous ability to raise money. We will see how gillibrand does in the money raising. Thats part of it. Kamala harris has an advantage in that regard. I dont think, its interesting to hear greg talk about the top two and quote Michael Avenatti about white men. Kennedy he is at 0 . Juan the thing about biden and sanders is on election day 2020, 77 and 79. Jedidiah i think they need someone charming. Joe biden would be the pick, someone who can speak greg is saying no. He speaks trump speak. Talk about workingclass voters. Hes not politically correct. Biden really does listen when you talk to him and he speaks in a way that people feel greg that you are talking to an older white man. Jedidiah he overcomes a lot of that. Kennedy talking about hillary, do you think shes going to run . Jedidiah she might run but its going to be a blessing to trump. Kennedy up next, the white house not backing down after cnn seeks to restore jim acosta as trespass. Press pass. A onceinfive hundred year storm should happen every five hundred years, right . Fact is, there have been twentysix in the last decade. Allstate is adapting. With drones to assess home damage sooner. And if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. Plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . President trump i think you should let me run the country. You run cnn. If you did it well, your ratings would be much better. Thats enough. Thats enough. Thats enough. Thats enough. Pardon me. President trump thats enough. Jesse after that fire exchange, cnn is suing President Trump and his administration demanding that they reinstate jamie acosta jim acostas press pass. Arguing that his Constitutional Rights are being violated. The white house is fighting back by dismissing it as more grandstanding from cnn. What i learned is that jim acosta was first name is emilio. I had no idea. Going by his middle name, jim. Jesse im glad you didnt butcher it. You butchered every name in the last block. Heres the issue with acosta. They might have a point even though he has a daily pass he can apply for every day. He may have a point, the problem is you dont care if they have a point because he is so unlikable. He is the student in class that disrupts the class or no one else can learn and trump is basically the teacher that grounded him or said you have to bash the erasers during recess. Then you go maybe you want to be sympathetic to acosta but because you you cant because all he does is make it about himself. Every time he asks the question to President Trump, its like will you agree with me that you are a racist question right they have a point. We dont care because we dont like him. Jesse should trump just give him the hairy eyeball like he did with the king of morocco . Kennedy i think they both get so much from these exchanges, i think those who come of the American People, when hes grandstanding, hes not, no one is holding the administration accountable. Also all of the journalists in the room get very annoyed because they do research and they have questions. They spent a lot of time crafting questions so they can ask six things within a question and then when acosta sucks the oxygen out of the room, they want to have a secret prison party. Jesse we are hearing that no one likes him at cnn as well. Jim acosta has yelled things during the white house easter i roll. Hes yelled things during historic signing statements with kim jong un. He is called the president of the United States racist, refusing to pass the microphone to this white house intern. At what point do you say shape up . How long do they have to put up with this . The white house would never put up with any behavior like that if it was barack obama in the oval. Juan have you ever heard of Sam Donaldson . A White House Correspondent to grandstands regularly. Jesse did he call president reagan a racist . Juan i think half the American People think the president is racist. Jesse is that the job of a hardnosed reporter . Juan reporters asking that last week and the president said you are stupid. You are dumb. You ask a racist question. Lets leave it alone because it gets so deep so quickly. I think its interesting bob woodward said that this suit is a mistake. What you have a cnn playing antitrumps hands and it feeds the anger. They should cover him aggressively and in terms of his actions, statements and policies. I will say i think cnns suit is on solid ground. You cant say that because a guy is rude or he asks tough questions that he cant be a correspondent of the white house. Greg he can apply for the past. Jesse and john levin wanted to sit in the front row at the white house, could he ge . Jedidiah i think the best thing they could do with acosta is ignore him. Revoke his access. He is dying to have it revoked because he gets to go and tweet my access has been denied, and he gets to be the story. I would ignore him. It would drive him insane. His behavior is abysmal. I know you want to throw him out of the room because they do tracks from the ability for mother reporters to ask questions. Hes ostentation and annoying but the second you revoke it, its a gift to him. I wouldnt have done this. I think the lawsuit may hold up but your right someone has to be able to get his behavior in line. This guy cant just walk in there every day and act like its like hes a contributor on a talk show. Greg are you suggesting a shock collar . Juan they banned another Senior Correspondent because they didnt like her questions. This is like the video, the doctored video as unofficial white house document. Thats propaganda. It makes people think whats going on in the white house kennedy if i worked for lets say fox news and i went into the white house and every day during the press briefing i played trumpet that was really, really annoying for everyone in the room, does white house have a moral obligation to keep me in the room although although im annoying everyone in there. Juan they have no obligation to keep you but they dont have the right to throw you out. This is about protecting the president and his family. Thats about it. Jesse so in juans opinion, you can go to the white house and behave like a total idiot and they are constitutionally not allowed to touch you. Next democrat president , i am applying for a hard pass. Im going to misbehave. Greg he can still get a daily pass. Jesse up next, the pc police outraged over this Serena Williams magazine cover. The controversy up next. These people, they speak a language we cannot understand. [ telephone ringing ] whoa. [ indistinct talking ] deductible . Definitely speaking insurance. Additional interest on umbrella policy . Can you translate . Damage minimization of civil commotion. When insurance needs translating, get answers in plain english at progressiveanswers. Com. He wants you to sign karens birthday card. Its a high honor. He wants you to sign karens birthday card. If youre waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. Its time to get out of line with upmc. At upmc, livingdonor transplants put you first. So you dont die waiting. Upmc does more livingdonor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. Find out more and get out of line today. Jedidiah the left is freaking out again, this time over a issue honoring Serena Williams. Gqs covert sparking outrage because of features the woman of the year title with the word woman in quotes. People say its disrespectful to the champion. The controversial text was apparently handwritten by a Fashion Designer who uses quotation marks in his designs. Greg, this designer, i do know his stuff. Greg he does all my socks. Heres the deal. Whos outraged . Thats the question. You cant find people who are outraged. If you look at the headlines of every story, they go parks and outrage. But they dont have the names of people or they say causes a backlash. They are written by other magazine writers. So its a turn. Someone does this and someone writes about it and then they have nothing to write about. Gq is not a real magazine anymore. Jedidiah he does this on a lot of his clothes. He designed the cover. He designed a two tutu for ser. You see all sorts of things in quotes. Even the word website is in quotation marks, thats part of his branding. People look at the cover and dont know the designer and see woman, is it possible that they assume people think its okay when in fact people would be offended. Juan once she was in the french open, somebody made a nasty comment about her body and her size and strength. The lady who wrote harry potter, j. K. Rowlings, she issued a statement saying that she is such a woman and she just had a baby. Shes a woman. I think people may think on the other hand, because i am a cynic, im thinking is this advertising for gq . Kennedy it is like Rolling Stone putting a glamorous shot of one of the boston bombers. Gq knew that there was going to be a backlash. Greg they are doing it on purpose. Jedidiah if you look at the cover, she looks gorgeous. She looks like a boss, a powerful, beautiful woman. Its amazing to me that so many people ignore that, what a great photo, beautifully designed. Shes amazing. Shes this amazing talent and instead they chose to be outraged by something which is clearly defined, as kennedy said, right in the bottom corne corner. Jesse is that a gucci belt . What is she wearing . Jedidiah that is chanel. Greg jesse is like i dont even want to get involved. Jedidiah you are supposed to comment about fake outrage. Jesse very outrageous for many people on the left. Fill in the blank. Liberals outraged. Juan how about grievance industry . Kennedy i love the fact that she owned her strength and power and she is a goat, the greatest of all time. Greg how dare you call her a goat . Jedidiah one more thing. Onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. 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Now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy the best simple salad ever . D great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Greg what one more thing, tickets are opening up. Grand rapids, michigan. San antonio, texas, september 8th, you can go. Ggutfeld. Com. Opening capacity right now. Three videos, you are going to vote on it. Video one. Here we have a couple of cool cats cruising the street with friends. Cant get cooler than a couple of cats driving around. Very inspirational because i dont have a drivers license maybe i do number two, cat gets a back massage from another cat. If you cant have a feline friend around to feel frisky or get a little friction, what good is it . And finally, cats pajamas. They put pajamas on a cat and the cat cant walk around because the cat is in pajamas. When they say its the cats pajamas, its obviously a bad thing. Lets go around the table. Jedediah . Jedidah cat jammies. Jesse i wasnt paying to the first one. Im going to go with jammies. Kennedy come on, the first one grade cats pajamas win 31. Juan if you started your christmas shopping, the hall of fames announced their class of 2018, the three winners are the magic 8ball, who know, the card game, pinball machine. They will join such notables as barbie doll come up as well as the simple delight the big cardboard box. This years winners see more my people my age and my grandkids. Among the nominees were the ancient vibrating board give football and a very old ford game chutes and ladders. Greg jesse . Jesse the best tshirt company, golf shirt company, they did a lot of great stuff. They raised over 10,000 for the american humane shelter which trains and matches rescue dogs with vets suffering from ptsd or traumatic brain injuries. Look at some of the good fans that we have. Jasper is a fan of roback over here. Who do we have, john boehner to grow i how about the guys over at barstools board, the party brose chad kroger, also watters world big roback fan greg kennedy . Kennedy die guy fieri, good person, took a ton of free meals and plenty of sites for all the firefighters working around the clock from many states in order to combat the fire up north where he was in the two big fires. Greg jed . Jedidah broken a world record 5,039pound 110foot long heap of nachos. Think of the deliciousness, 900 pounds of tortilla chips, 450 pounds of salsa, 2200 pounds of delicious cheese. Jesse what do you call cheese that is not yours . Greg nacho cheese. Set your dvrs, never miss an episode of the five. Special report is up next. Whats up, bret . Bret nacho cheese. The death toll skyrockets as the wildfires continue to burn. A democrat comes from behind to win in arizona. President trump lodge is a pointed twitter Counter Assault against french president macron, telling him to make france great again. This is special report. Good evening, im bret baier. The total and human lives, properties growing tonight in wildfires in northern and southern california

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