In both directions, major thoroughfare, takes people into the city and out to new jersey. Three lanes in each direction, sometimes four lanes. Next to that is a popular, wellknown, longestablished bike path. Its not a path. Its a Concrete Street but only for bikes. It is separated by a median between the West Side Highway and the bike path. There is a median in the middle with trees, sometimes just a curb but always a separation. To the right is the highway, to the left is the bike path. We are looking north. A truck got into that bike path and began mowing down pedestrians and bicyclists. The hudson river to the right, new jersey. These are all victims. At latest report from the authorities, this white truck, this home depot rental truck, not one driven by a home depot trying to piece together what happened as you said, this does appear to be an Act Of Terror. Everything that the witnesses observed is consistent with an Act Of Terror. None of the authorities going on camera here at this time saying that. But it certainly looks like this was a terroristic act. There are a number of published reports that say the gunman did shout allah akbar. None of the witnesses i talked to said they heard him say anything but another report says he resembled someone of Middle Eastern descent. Again, we expect to learn more in the next 2 minutes. Speak to that video is crucial. If you can hold the phone up again. Ive been down, not the Landscape View but the other view so that it is full screen and tilted forward a little bit to remove the glare. We can get a much better shot of it. We are getting a bunch of text in here now. Let me shepard he has a better view. There we go. We have it. We are ready. Youve got it now. Shepard yes. And that is the suspect. In his hands are those two fake guns, as they are described by police. The glare is an issue but you get the idea. We will feed this in a more proper way but it was after that video. Thanks so much. After that video was taken, thats when police engage the suspect. He had is described as two fake vehicles. Police shot him, two different officers fired, shot tim and the like. Hes in the hospital. Heres the location of the carnage. The bike path on the left, highway on the right and then pan around and will be looking southbound. Hudson river, west on highway. We are between chambers and Houston Street. Soho in new york city. According to the authorities, that man killed six people, injured nine people. We are waiting for a News Conference to begin at 1 police plaza, locations of the headquarters of the new York City Police department. Eric shawn on scene and we will join him. Early reporting of the details of this came to us from our Senior Correspondent rick leventhal, who is he with us again. Rick, an update and a look back. The video of the aftermath supports everything weve been hearing about what happened on there which a scene of carnage as this truck apparently went a block south along the bike lanes, hitting pedestrians and people on bicycles, killing at least six and injuring at least nine. Law enforcement sources, some of them local Law Enforcement, members of the joint Terrorism Task force which works with the fbi tell me that the jttf has determined this truck was rented from a home depot in jersey city and that members of the jttf are there now, looking at surveillance footage, trying to figure out who this person was. If he was with anyone at the time that he rented the truck, who might have been with him, who mightve been connected to this individual. They are fast tracking it to try to make sure theres no one else in no other threats lingering. They have told me, Law Enforcement sources, that this individual drove eight blocks south in the bike lane, was stopped when he had a school bus, got out, as you saw from the footage. Apparently with two weapons. One i was told was a bb gun, the other was a paintball gun. Officers shot him twice. Hes expected to survive. They are trying to figure out exactly who he was and while he was fair and why he did what he did. Sources telling us he may have been carrying a florida i. D. Probably likely rented that home depot truck from a home depot in jersey city, new jersey. Shepard rick leventhal, thanks for that. Continue watching this video. I want to tell our viewers. If you look at manhattan, on the west side is the hudson river and then you get to new jersey. In the 30s, 40s there is the Lincoln Tunnel. A couple lanes in and out. If you go to the lower end of manhattan around canal street, in the area where this happened, there is the Holland Tunnel. If you get in the Holland Tunnel on the new york city side and go under the hudson river, when you come out on The Other Side, you are in jersey city, new jersey. Its the first thing when you get out of Lower Manhattan and go across, its the first thing you hit. There is nothing before it but the river. Jersey city has a huge Waterfront Area builds up in recent years, extremely high riverfront condominiums that tower into the sky and overlook Lower Manhattan. If you go a little bit inland from jersey city, you can get on a labyrinth of highways that takes you all over new jersey. You can go south to philly. Over there, jersey city, just The Other Side of the river, that is where rick is reporting he rented this truck from home depot. Literally a mile from new york city you have to go under the tunnel, through the Holland Tunnel to get there. Now, where all of this began was around the Lincoln Tunnel. Which also goes to new jersey in the 30s, 40s. Thats where this started. We are getting reports he went at least nine blocks. What do we have . Lets listen. Okay, okay. Stand back. Stand back. Shepard we are listening to a witness described what he saw, multiple reporters in on it and one didnt want others hearing. You can see the media scrum. We are going to get official word from the new York City Police department and a News Conference scheduled to begin in 3 minutes. Eric shawn is there. Good afternoon, shep. We expect andrew cuomo, Bill De Blasio, and james oneill to brief us. This sadly becoming an alltoofamiliar scene here in new york and around the world. The specter of radical islamic terrorism striking the city yet again. I heard ricks comments about the Home Depot Truck Being rented in jersey city. It was in new jersey where the bombers of the World Trade Center in 93 rented the van that they drove into the World Trade Center, first islamic attack, 1990. The shooter in a midtown hotel, an egyptian follower. He had a selling jersey city. It went on to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993. The landmark bombing plot in 1995 to bomb not just the u. N. Building but the Lincoln Tunnel and Holland Tunnel. Lincoln, probably where this van driver came out as well as, weve had other Terrorist Plots that that have been foiled. New york city has detectives around the globe whose specific job is to deal with these type of terrorist threats. Certainly this is a fastmoving developing story. Trying to find exactly what the motivation was and who the suspect is and if indeed he had any radicalization or help or direct assistance from any foreign terrorist groups, all part of the wideranging investigation right now as we expect the mayor, governor and Police Commissioner as well as other officials to brief us momentarily. Shepard we will have live coverage on fox news channel. Fox stations across the country. From the new york daily news, i thought it was a Halloween Prank, said the witness from queens. I saw the gun, gunmen running in a circle and i realized it was serious. Nypd snipers took positions on the roof of the City Vineyard restaurant. The daily news reports. We thought the guns were fake and it was a Halloween Prank, said the Stuyvesant High School student. There was a car crash and he started to shoot. This was 3 00 in the afternoon. Stuyvesant high school, literally you can throw an apple to Stuyvesant High School from where this thing ended. Stuyvesant high school was just letting out for the day. Halloween afternoon. Lots of kids in costume, people in costume all over the place. Clearly the man did have fake guns. The authorities they won was a paint gun and one was a bb gun. Some people at least on scene thought it was a Halloween Pran prank. Other information we have just gotten, we have a lot of new Traffic Issues in new york city which i want to mention. Manhattan bound lanes, the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel is shot. Traffic in Lower Manhattan is in gridlock. There is a gridlock alert. Police activity all along the lower west side. We do not have an update on the annual Halloween Parade, scheduled for Greenwich Village. A Million People expected to be at that. Suffice it to say, good luck getting there. You cannot come in the wake of a Terror Attack in new york city. Authorities believe it was terror related, that the driver of the Rental Vehicle got on somewhere around Houston Street, traveled for at least nine blocks and the bike lane. One witness quoted to have said he was traveling in the neighborhood at one one point fr zero , 50 miles an hour. Mowing over bicyclists and pedestrians. Running into another vehicle, our understanding that the vehicle who was crossing had the rightofway. The bike lanes wouldve had a red light for lack of a better term and bicyclists would have been stopping allow cross traffic. Instead, the perpetrator in this case continued to drive south in the bike lane. This is a northbound look. You can see victims and the bike lane to your left. Looking north, and then it turns around and looks to the south. That can happen about now. The camera is going to pan to the left and we are looking south to the hudson river, West Side Highway. There is the bike path. You see helpers running and bicyclists down, people helping each other. Bicycles crumbled in the background and then the video ends. This is the video of the perpetrator taken by a witness on scene. Described as appearing of Middle Eastern descent, carrying two fake weapons. Described by police, running around, shouting, according to multiple witnesses allahu akbar, which is god is great in arabic. Being taken down by police. We believe in this area, he was running around. You see police. This is the West Side Highway, southbound lanes. That would be Northbound Lanes of the West Side Highway. Because of the way the shadows are going. This is the scene in that neighborhood that appears to be southbound traffic. Southbound traffic pretty much gridlock in Lower Manhattan, getting up to one of the bridges. This is a chopper from wnyw, the fox chopper. You can see in this intersection, i am not sure which intersection but i know that is southbound lanes of the West Side Highway. You can see the shadows going away from the screen. They are telling me. To cross the street to help the kids. We walked over, i see a home depot pickup truck mashed into a street post. Two people laying on the ground with sheets covered. They appeared to look like they had been run over. Were they in the middle of the West Side Highway or the edge . Stick with they were in the bike lane. I see another gentleman on The Other Side laying on the floor while ems was trying to assist. Reporter could you see the suspect, a man with a jacket, a stripe across the back . Stick oh, no, i didnt see anybody. I only saw those three people who appeared to be injured. Reporter we are hearing waving them around. The leaders of our city are entering the News Conference. This is a picture of the perpetrator as taken from a cell phone on scene as recorded by someone elses phone by david lee miller. Authorities are beginning their update from 1 Police Plasma in Lower Manhattan, an apparent Terror Attack on the nations largest city. Lets listen. Good afternoon, everybody. Keep in mind this incident occurred a little more than two hours ago. The information we are giving you right now is preliminary and subject to change. After i speak, youre going to hear from Governor Cuomo and mayor de blasio, bill sweeney, assistant director in charge of the new york fbi office is standing up here and members of my executive staff. Members of the state police. First i want to say today there was a loss of innocent life in Lower Manhattan. The dead and injured were just going about their days, heading to work or school or enjoying the afternoon sun on bicycles. This is a tragedy of the greatest magnitude. For many families here in new york city and beyond today. We want to commend the response for the nypd officer on post near the location who stopped the carnage moments after it began. Also the work of the First Responders, including the Fire Department and ems personnel truly help save additional lives. I will give more a villa chronology. I would like to introduce now mayor de blasio. Thank you, commissioner. Its a painful day in our city. A horrible tragedy on the west side. Let me be clear, based on the information we have, this was an Act Of Terror, and a particularly cowardly Act Of Terror aimed at innocent civilians, aimed at people going about their lives who had no idea what was about to hit them. We, at this moment, based on the information we have, we know of eight innocent people who have lost their lives. Over a dozen more injured. We know that this action was intended to break our spirit, but we also know new yorkers are strong. New yorkers are resilient, and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence, enactment to intimidate us. We have been tested before as a city very near the site of todays tragedy, and new yorkers do not give been in the face of these kinds of actions. We will respond, as we always do, we will be undeterred. I want to thank everyone at the nypd, all of our First Responders for their extraordinary efforts in the midst of this tragedy starting with the officer who stopped this tragedy from continuing. All of the First Responders who came to the aid of those who were injured. The investigation is underway to get all the facts. What we tell you today will be preliminary. But we know we will get to the bottom of what happened. I want to ask all new yorkers, all americans to keep the families of those lost in your thoughts and prayers. They will need our support, and i want to ask all new yorkers to vigilant. We know its halloween night and we know in the days ahead, people will be uneasy. We ask all new yorkers to live by the idea of you see something, say something. Tell an officer immediately. Anything unusual, anything that worries you. Be vigilant and know there will be extensive additional appointments of nypd officers this evening and throughout the days ahead. We will also keep you posted as this Investigation Continues and as the nypd gains more information. Governor cuomo. Thank you. First, our thoughts and prayers are with those new yorkers who we lost today. Reminds us all how precious life is. They left the house this morning. They were enjoying the beautiful west side of manhattan on a beautiful fall day, and they are not going to be returning home. And that shock and pain is going to be very real. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of them. Our First Responders did an extraordinary job, the nypd, the fdny, fbi, new york state police, ems. We have the finest security on the globe. To see them in action today prove that once again. The new Terrorist Tactics which they have called for publicly are these lone wolves who commit an Act Of Terror. This is all very preliminary. Its only been a couple hours but at this point, theres no evidence to suggest a wider plot or a wider scheme. But the actions of one individual who meant to cause pain and harm and probably death and the resulting terror. And that was the purpose. We will be vigilant, more police everywhere. You will see them in the airports, in the tunnels. Its not because of any evidence of any ongoing threat or any additional threat. It is just out of vigilance and out of caution. And the truth is, new york is an International Symbol of freedom and democracy. Thats what we are, and we are proud of it. That also makes us a target for those people who oppose those concepts. And we have lived with this before. We have felt the pain before. We feel the pain today. But we go forward together, and we go forward stronger than eve ever. We are not going to let them win. And if we change our lives, we contort ourselves to them, then they win and we lose. We will go about our business. Again, there is no ongoing threat. There is no evidence of that at this time. So there is no reason to have any undue anxiety. You will see more security forces, but thats only because its an abundance of caution, not a signal of Anything Else. And there will be continued investigation and justice will be done. But again, for those we lost, they are in our thoughts and our prayers. To the First Responders, thank you. Thank you, thank you for the job you do. You put your life on the line every day. You do it better than anyone else. And to new yorkers, be new yorkers and live your life. And dont let them change us or the terrorists. Thank you, mr. Mayor. I am going to go through the chronology. We are not going to go too deep into it. After i get done with the chronology, we will talk about the injuries. At 3 05 00 p. M. , a male driving a rented home depot pickup truck entered the West Side Highway bicycle path at Houston Street, began driving southbound, striking a number of pedestrians and bicyclists. At Chambers Street, the truck collided with a school bus, entering to go adults and two cochildren. After the collision, the driver of the truck, 29yearold male, exited the vehicle branching to handguns. Uniformed Police Officer assigned to the first precinct confronted the subject and shot him in the abdomen. He was transported to a local hospital. The Paint Ball Gun and pellet gun were recovered. The subjects identity is not being released pending further investigation. At this point, there are eight fatalities reported in connection with this incident. In addition, several people have been injured. The commissioner from the Fire Department will discuss it. Thank you. As the Police Commissioner said, six of the people died were pronounced at the scene between Houston Street and Chambers Street. They were all males. Two others were transported in traumatic arrest and were pronounced at the hospital. We also transported 11 people all with serious but at this moment not lifethreatening injuries. The injuries are what you may expect as the truck went at high speed down the bicycle path and struck by struck bicyclists and pedestrians. There may be more injuries as people self determine that. That is the Patient Count and deaths as we know it now. We are going to take some questions. Hold on. Hold on. Reporter Terror Attacks or things these truck companies. Had you talked to home depot recently about this vigilance . Do you want to talk about the program . As you know through the shield program, we do a very wide outreach. We have just under 20,000 members in the private sector. After isis a Magazine Issue about two years ago, suggesting car attacks. He recalled one of the targets they suggested was the thanksgiving day parade. We did extensive outreach to the truck rental business. We visited over 148 truck rental locations in this area. The obvious ones. Uhaul, writer, home depot and talked about suspicious indicators, after attacks on the german christmas market, after nice, rerepeated those visits either by telephone, email, going back to the same places. The industry has had a high level of awareness on the matter from the nypd. Reporter and indication the suspect as a lone wolf . It is way too early to discuss it. This happened two hours ago. Its part of our investigation. Reporter police activity. Initially we thought it might have been but it turned out not to be. Residence in new york. All part of the investigation. Reporter reports of schools under lockdown. Anything going on, police activity. Something people should be aware of. Speak of this incident is over. It did end by Stuyvesant High School. We had to make sure the kids were taken care of. This incident is over. David. Reporter the age of the suspect and the victims. Indication about a van. 29yearold male. I am not going to talk about the truck. Reporter can you confirm the suspect said allahu akbar. Is that the only indication that this may be an Act Of Terrorism . What else leads you to believe he did make a statement when he exited the vehicle. If you look at the m. O. Of the attack on it is consistent with whats been going on. That along with the statement enables us to label this a terrorist event. Not right now. Reporter do you have is nationality . Any intelligence leading up to this there was something in the works . To go it is two hours old. We will update you as we go along. Being conducted jointly with the nypd and fbi. Reporter from florida. Not going to go into that. John, not right now, no. Reporter [indistinct question] after the times square incident, any incident in new york in the country or around the world, we have to learn from it. He is in the hospital. Im not going to tell you what hospital. Im going to let the chief tell you about the parade. In less than 90 minutes, the parade will take off. We have added more resources, more Police Officers, heavy weapons teens teams. Heavy weapons teams deployed at key locations. [indistinct question] this is why we do investigations. Im sure whoever put that out wasnt sure the event was in two hours into it, this is the determination. Too early in the investigation. [indistinct question] i havent looked at the video yet. We are retrieving as much video as possible. We do know he entered the bike path at Houston Street and exited the bike path At Chambers Street when he collided with The School Bus. There are no intersections on the west side of the bike path between houston and chambers. Hold on one second. The children on the bus, how are they . Among the injured that are serious but not lifethreatenin lifethreatening. Reporter which home depot . We are not going to talk about where it was rented from. Do you know how many people on the bus . Two adults and two children. Reporter where he came into the city. Dont know. Thats part of the investigatio investigation. We dont have that. A lot of information to be gotten. Want to give you preliminaries. We will have more for you later. We will you another briefing after more information develops. At this point, i would ask you to wait for further information. I will close out by saying nypd is investigating this with our federal partners, with our state partners. There is going to be a very, very thorough investigation. The most boring thing, as Governor Cuomo said, as commissioner oneill said, people should go about their business knowing nypd is out in force with our Partner Agencies tonight and throughout the week. Very important additional measures are being taken for peoples safety. The bottom line is we are going to go about our business in the city. We are not going to be deterred. We will get you updates later in the evening. Shepard police, governor and others explaining eight people have been killed, multiple injured as a suspect that we have been reporting throughout the afternoon entered around Houston Street, traveled multiple blocks, about nine to Chambers Street in the area of the 9 11 memorial in the World Trade Center, according to rick leventhals reporting, shouting allahu akbar. We see video of him being pursued by police and eventually being taken down by police and in custody. To rick leventhal. Authorities have confirmed what we have been reporting, that this does appear to be a Terror Attack. They have the suspect in custody. As you mentioned, he was shot after exiting his vehicle. He apparently entered the Bike Lane At Houston and a truck rented for my home depot i am told by members of Law Enforcement, rented in jersey city, new jersey, at a home depot, driven into the city and onto the bike path where he struck at least 20some people. He killed eight, wounded at least 12 others. Down the bike path and hurt some people on The School Bus that he struck when he reached Chambers Street. The vehicle with the damage front and back. He injured two adults and two children on the bus, got out, yelled. He had to go weapons. Bb gun and paint gun. He was shot by nypd. This is just across the street from 1 world trade and the ground zero site. There is already a have a heavy Police Presence there. They are continue with plans for the Halloween Parade tonight in Lower Manhattan but there will be trucks blocking many cross streets. There will be heavy weapons teams and other additional security on scene because of any concerns about a followup attack. The mood at the parade can be what it might have been considering whats happened in Lower Manhattan. The most important thing from the News Conference was that there is no evidence to suggest there is anyone else involved or any other plots currently against the people of new york city but they are obviously investigating and we dont know yet what they will find a couple hours after the incident. Shepard rick leventhal, thanks so much. The parade from Spring Street to 16th street. From Lower Manhattan through Greenwich Village and up to the border of the chelsea neighborhood just north of union square for those of you familiar with new york. A few blocks east of this area where the Terror Attack happened. That parade, which in previous years has drawn a Million People or more, will go on as planned under the umbrella of new york will continue. We will continue to operate. We will not change our way of life. We will not change our activities. No one guy with a rented truck who comes barreling down the bike path is going to change life in new york city. That was the unmistakable message from our leaders from the podium. Eric shawn standing by. As rick indicated when i asked if there was any indication they suspect as a lone wolf or a tie potentially to an International Terror plot, they would not comment at all pending the investigation but its it important and poignant to point out that this incident occurred very close to the World Trade Center which is now 1 World Trade Center and the beautiful sight on the west side. As we heard from deputy Police Commissioner john miller, the city has had a remarkable effort, method to reach out to 20,000 businesses in the new york city metropolitan area, including the truck and Van Rental Firms in response to the previous incidents in nice, similar to that when they suspect drove a rental truck along the boulevard in nice. This site, similar to that in the sense that its on the edge of the hudson river. Clearly part of the investigation will be who this man is, where he indeed rented the truck in jersey city. They know now and what he told them when he apparently rented that truck. We do not have any confirmation on the name of the suspect. They are not releasing it publicly. Clearly all part of the investigation which is in its early stages. There are also told the suspect had a paint gun and a pellet gun, not a. 22 or. 38 caliber gun. He came out of the van where it was cut off by The School Bus. A new York City Police officer, its why they call them the finest, saw what was happening and took the suspect down who is recovering in an unidentified hospital. Shepard eric shawn, thank you. We have confirmation inside sources at Bellevue Hospital in new york city. Two patients have been taken and are in the Operating Room. One with lower extremity injuries. Two are stable and not in the Operating Room. The perpetrator has been or was or has been there, received a gunshot wound. According to fox news reporting, the gunman was taken to Bellevue Hospital under heavy guard, treated im sorry . Treated for his injuries. Four people, two in the Operating Room at Bellevue Hospital with lower extremity injuries. They were the ones hit by the vehicle. Two others are stable, not in the Operating Room. The perpetrator there after receiving a gunshot wound. David lee miller, who has been reporting and had the extraordinary video of the perpetrator himself. David lee. Hi, shepard. Still a great deal of shock in Lower Manhattan. In an area still desperately trying to figure out what happened a few hours ago. This tragedy coincides with the start of halloween, adding an eerie element to what is taking place. Many people walking through the streets in costume in Lower Manhattan, and also worth noting that some of the witnesses we talked to thought this was some type of Halloween Prank. Sadly, we know now that was not the case. A short time ago, we talked to a witness, a College Student here who recorded the perpetrator fleeing. You can see the video. I can describe for you what the witness told me he observed. He was walking on a bridge over the West Side Highway on the west side of manhattan when he saw an individual running. The individual you will see in the video, carrying with him what appeared to be at the time two handguns. We know they were either pellet guns or paint guns. A few seconds after this video came to an end, thats when the shooter was apparently shot at least once in the leg by the police. He is now being treated at Bellevue Hospital. Others who saw this unfold say there is no doubt in their minds for the individual who was driving a rented pickup truck from home depot, we know now, intentionally tried to mow down bicyclists. One witness said he saw at least two bodies covered over with some type of material. A both of them appeared to be dead. Authorities telling us eight people have been killed, at least 12 injured. Authorities trying to figure out more about the perpetrator. Consistent with everything we have heard, authorities are investigating this as an Act Of Terror. This is a joint investigation by the new York City Police department as well as the fbi. It appears there was only one perpetrator. Authorities, as best we know at this hour, not looking for another individual. This appeared to be a lone wolf acting out. We do not know the catalyst, why now, a few short hours before halloween when the streets of Lower Manhattan are packed with thousands and thousands of people. Theres a Halloween Parade that takes place. The city of new york saying that parade is going to take place as scheduled. People should go about their regular activities. Authorities point out there will be significantly more security. Lastly, worth noting, as bad as this tragedy was and it was horrific, it could have been a great deal worse. The incident took place around 3 00, about the same time a local high school dismissed students and there were hundreds and hundreds of kids heading home, soon on their way home. This incident not in any way connected, as best we know, with the high school. None of the schoolchildren were hurt but it couldve been worse. As it is, it is horrific. At least eight people have been killed by a lone attacker. Shepard david lee miller. That is Stuyvesant High School, a famous high school in the tristate area. Letting out just before 3 00. This happened at 3 05. Normal high schools in normal cities across the country, school was over. They keep things contained. Most people get out and head to the subways or public transportation. They walk in large groups. Some no doubt get on their bicycles and head up the West Side Highway to their homes. So thankful the young people from Stuyvesant High School were largely not affected. We keep mentioning this Halloween Parade because of the Million People expected to attend. The Herculean Task on the part of the new York City Police department. This is the route for the parade. It starts on Spring Street. Sixth avenue goes up the center of the island of manhattan. Houston street, the second area, second from the bottom. Houston street, generally speaking, west of there. You see the 1 with the circle, that is the 1 subway line. Thats about where this was. Lower left, then sixth avenue goes past bleecker street, the iconic Greenwich Village and up to west fourth street. Washington square park on the right. Eighth street and the new jersey path station. Fourth street, that is union square, thats where it ends at 16th street. A Million People along the area, all barricaded in. Authorities tell us there will be large sand trucks and lots of cops with long guns. Something new york City Residents have become somewhat accustomed to in the years after 9 11. To have this level of security tonight at a high profile event, it is astounding to know that New Yorks Finest and bravest could pull such a thing off tonight with a massive and expansive terror investigation on the lower west side. Just to the east, a matter of blocks, you can walk from this to the Halloween Parade in 5 minutes on a normal day come, maybe ten. To think that the police and Fire Department can handle up to a Million People is the next ordinary testament to the courage and bravery of the men and women who serve and their ability to make sure life goes on because in this city, new yorkers know, as the mayor put it and the governors had repeatedly, the Police Commissioner, we will go about our day. No man in a rental truck will change life in new york city. We have a Halloween Parade scheduled for tonight for 1 Million People. It will happen in new york city because this is new york city. One man and one rental truck from home depot is not going to change our lives. An extraordinary statement on behalf of the new York City Police department, so very proud and brimming with pride over what just happened there. Is it one of those matters where you are like, i want to avoid it . For some people, may be. I would bet you to the end of my life that by the Tens Of Thousands they will come in defiance of this matter. Will it be the kind of revelry we are used to . I am confident we will not, not with eight new yorkers i presume, most of them new yorkers, dead in the streets of our fine city and so many injured. No question that life goes on. Rick leventhal, a reporter that this was believed to be an Act Of Terror. We were hoping someone had made a wrong turn, as we always do. It happened in times square not long ago when a very drunk man made a wrong turn and caused havoc and panic in the largest Tourist District in the largest city in the world. It turns out it wasnt a terrorist at all. It was a man wasted out of his mind and went the wrong way on a one way. In this case, its a different world. As you know, since that happened, they put up Concrete Barricades along most of the sidewalks to prevent anyone from doing what that apparently drunk driver did by driving on the sidewalk. They put up additional barricades to try to prevent that sort of thing from happening. Unfortunately down here in Lower Manhattan as you look at the bike lane, there are places where you can still drive on the bike lane and sometimes maintenance vehicles, Landscape Vehicles will go in there. Its the first week scene of an apparent Terror Attack. Its going to mean they are going to have to fortify the bike lanes in the wake of whats now being called a Terror Attack by this individual who drove a rented home depot truck onto the lane next to the West Side Highway and started mowing people down. It was a scene of chaos and terror and he left at least eight people dead and a dozen injured. As you reported, the suspect shot by police and expected to survive is being treated at one of the hospitals where some of the victims are being treated. A couple people and a couple kids on a school bus that got in the way of that guy. Who knows how many other people he might have hit the had not hit that school bus and jumped out and it led to that video of him running in the intersection. Shepard zero reason to believe anybody else was involved. They are going to try to determine it. They are working on it. One of the things i was told by Law Enforcement, a member of the joint Terrorism Task force, working with the fbi. The fbi is the lead agency and anything terror related. They have investigated this and have already gone to the home depot in jersey city where this person apparently rented the truck. They want to look at the video, look at the evidence he left behind to see if anyone was with him when he rented the truck, how did he get there. Did he leave a vehicle in the parking lot . Is there anyone else connected to this guy who mightve had knowledge of the attack and or might have been working with him on other attacks. That is something that the jttf, joint Terrorism Task force, is examining closely, as they must. Shepard we are not yet using his name but we certainly believe we know who he is. We know authorities know who he is. Have they found out anything about his background . Noel. I know they have an i. D. I know there is a name but i have it not been told Anything Else beyond a person described as a Middle Eastern background. He did, according to witnesses, Yell Allah Akbar and ran into the intersection. Shepard as new yorkers, we know in the past, there have been cells of people, Sleeper Cells might be describing it wrong, but groups of people of like mind and one, or someone might go do something and then others would have similar designs. That is the reason for the question, and im sure many new yorkers have those questions. Of course. They want to know anyone who this person had contact with who were his friends, who were his associates . Who were they talking with . As you have been reporting, a major event. A million potential revelers in new york city not far from this location, scheduled for later this evening. They will be beefing up security at the Halloween Parade. There will be sand trucks acting as Blocker Vehicles to protect other lanes of traffic. Heavy weapons teams with long guns, snipers on rooftops. They have to do this now because of the environment we live in but they are boosting it even further because of what has happened in Lower Manhattan this afternoon. Shepard my guess would be for people who dont have to work tonight, it would be a big destination tonight. The mayor and the governor and even the Police Commissioner telling new yorkers to go about their business, that we will not be deterred by acts like this. I hope thats the case, and i hope people remain strong and vigilant but at the same time, its hard to just turn your back on this, hard to not think about it. I would be surprised if the crowds were as large as theyve been. Shepard i would be surprised as well, rick leventhal, thank you. Leading the new york times, the paper of record and quoting from above the fold as of this hour. Eight People Killed when a man drove 20 blocks down the bike path besides the hudson river on tuesday afternoon before he crashed his pickup truck, jumped out with fake guns and was shot by Police Officers, authorities said. Federal authorities treating the incident as a terrorist attack. We are taking the lead in the investigation, senior Law Enforcement said. Other official said after the attacker got out of his truck, he was heard yelling allahu akbar, arabic for god is great. Mayor Bill De Blasio said based on information we have, this was an Act Of Terror and that particularly cowardly Act Of Terror. Continuing the times reporting, officials said the driver of the truck, a 29yearold man who came to the United States in 2010 was in grave condition. One official said he had rented the truck in your jersey. Fox news is reporting in jersey city, new jersey. Continuing, the times reporting. Motorist driving south on the path in a home depot rental truck had numerous people. At Stuyvesant High School, letting out for the day. Officials have at least 15 people were injured. Officials were working to assess the exact extent of the casualties. He jumped out of the truck with a pellet gun, yelled allahu akbar, and the first precinct laid him up. That from a lawenforcement official referring to a Police Officer on postnearby. Authorities credited with saving lives, one of New Yorks Finest. Witnesses described the gunshots, People Scrabbling for cover and a street strewn with bodies and crumpled bicycles. The driver, the times reported, shot several times and being treated at a nearby hospital. Fox news is reporting Bellevue Hospital. He had crashed the truck into a school bus. It was unclear if anyone was on the bus. Police said they were not looking for additional suspects. A large section of west side high was closed for the investigation, as hundreds of officers, including bomb squad responders. Truck At Chambers Street facing east bound. Students at Stuyvesant High School reported said they saw the man shooting from a pickup truck and saw the truck turn. Raymond cruz said the driver appeared injured. Mr. Cruz said he heard someone yell run, hes got a gun. Run, run. Several nearby buildings, including Stuyvesant High School, placed on lockdown. Now the investigation begins. Who is this man . Why did he do this . To whom is he connected . Are there others in his group of similar mind . In the meantime, new york city rolls on. The Afternoon Rush is underway. The sun has set. The Halloween Parade is expected to begin one hour from now. 1 Million People to pack into Greenwich Village to celebrate a night of revelry in the americas largest city. And the Police Commissioner and mayor announced the parade will go on, and we will protect the people of new york. They urge them to go about their business. If you are watching on a local

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