Families. We are living in very dangerous and on certain times. But President Trump vows america will aggressively confront the threat and warned the muslim world it must as well. There can be no coexistence with this violence. There can be no tolerating it, no accepting it, no excusing it and no ignoring it. This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate a human and decent people. Drive them out. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy lands. And drive them out of this eart earth. Kimberly we cannot tolerate terror. We must confront it. Following the devastating new attack on the u. K. This week, she thinks we must learn to accept the barbarity. Europe is getting used to attacks like this. We have to. We will never be able to totally wipe this out. As isis gets squeezed in syria and iraq it, we will see more of these kind of attacks taking place in europe. Europe is starting to get used to that. Kimberly greg, people should reject this idea was that we should accept terror and learn to coexist. Greg its an interesting contrast. Theres nothing more refreshing than blunt language. Whether you like them or not, thats what you get for trump. The most blunt explanation of what one must do to fight terro terror. Caddy k, not okay. Imagine saying get used to it like other injustices. A bullied child. Get used to it. A victim of Domestic Abuse or rape. Kimberly separate sexual a. Greg as you perpetuated into society, you are not okay but it from an outsider or somebody who has a grievance, real or manufactured radical islam. Adopting the grievance culture. We have to get used to it. Kimberly dana, do you think its kind of attitude that people have, coexisting to accept it becoming one with the idea that we live in a world of terror is dangerous . Dana im not exactly sure thats what she means. I think she was trying to be practical. Europe does have a severe problem. All across the continent. Thats been because of several decades of allowing basically unfettered immigration and now they cant track them down. The thing is, its not just month that up causing them problems. Its the children of refugees. The next reservation generatioa sort of revenge. I would never accept it. I think that has to be a whole different way of fighting it. President trump met with nato members, the other thing he was doing was making sure they knew they had to pay up. But also hes preparing for a very big decision on afghanistan and a new approach to that. Theres a new debate in the white house as to what that should be. This foreign trip that you just took would actually lead him to wanting to do more. I feel like he has this transformation over the past six months. In particular, when hes there in europe theres this massive terrorist attack. Everyone looks to him. Like you are the leader of the free world. What are we going to do . He says were not going to put up with it. Thats on the table for him in the next couple weeks. I think we we will see a stronr position put forward on at least the afghanistan plan. Kimberly in the wall street journal, talking about there with an impact on president bush as well after 9 11. A transformative experience. Dana for example, Nobody Campaign they want to go to war. They campaign to be president because they want to make schools better or new taxes. Obama, hope and change. When stuff happens on your watch and you become the responsible party, you have a different attitude towards it. You become the decider and have to move forward. Kimberly jesse, the president having a very consistent message during the campaign. Put America First. Make america safe again. Now telling the world we must drive them out. Terrorists and people who practice jihad. Jesse i thought it was terrific rhetorical flourish. He had a great overseas trip. He went there with still an America First attitude. 110 billion. We are getting jobs, cash for that deal. Letting the saudis take the lead in confronting the iranians and other bad actors in the region. Thats one thing. He put the onus on the muslim world. America is not going to be able to seize these islamic fascists on ourselves. Also the obama administration, they will have to be the tip of the spirit if we are going to drive these people out. This is not a war on christianity versus israelis versus islam. This is a war of savages versus civilized people. He kind of was uplifting and he said the middle east used to be this is amazing trade route. This access into asia, the bedrock of civilization. Lets get back to that, return to that prosperity because the prosperity as they are. Until you guys drive out these awful, awful people youre never going to have any success. If you arent going to have families or money. Or safety. I think the president is very effective in doing that. He came back to israel. The bar a little high by saying he could possibly stop the Israeli Palestinian conflic. It just shows we will win when we defeat the evil losers. If no one wants to join a team thats losing, i think he really set that up effectively. Kimberly he doubled down. People criticize him for saying that. Welcome to the show. Great to see you. Richard i think they are losers. I will give you that one. Jesse way out to back to go out on a limb, fowler. Richard i think have to parse this. Yet the isis fighters in syria and then have those folks were self radicalizing here in the United States and europe. Solving those problems are two types of things. Then we have the syrian war. The three different isolated things. What i would hope to see from this administration is one, how do we solve self radicalizing here in the United States . How do we defeat isis in the middle east and how to become to some sort of resolution with the syrian war and take a sawed out . If those three things arent there, im against it. Jesse i dont think he wants to take a sought out in that speech. Assad. Its not necessarily been effective. I thought he said lets just kill isis and squeeze those people and then we can maybe come to a political solution. Richard i dont think you can. The reason why isis is sprawling is because of assad. Hes saying im going to gas people and blow people up. The Muslim Community is saying if we are going to blow us up, we will join these people who are going to blow you up. We have to deal with assad and assad has always been a problem. If we dont deal with him, isis will continue to expand. Greg this is a first for me, ive changed on my mind based on what someone else said. Jesse was it me or fowler . Greg no, it was dana. Ive been sitting here from 5 minutes thinking i was probably wrong about caddy cave. It was more like a depressed resignation over the event rather than saying get used to it. She wasnt saying get used to it, she was saying sadly, this has become a regular thing. I will retract everything i just said at the beginning of this show. Jesse while wow. Jesse i think europeans have a different mindset towards terrorism. World war i, world war ii, so much blood and tragedy on that continent. America is not used to that. Kimberly lets not get used to that. Jesse we dont want to normalize that. Greg during the ira experience, it was just carryon. Get on with it. The upside of that is you dont let them get the best of you. The downside is just stop it. Jesse republican moderate rhetoric i would say what katie katie said, we have to get used to it. I think thats a very effective recruitment strategy. The british have accepted business as usual. Richard heres my pushback on that. Ive rarely ever quote george bush but i will hear. Hes the one we should never cower to terror. One speech go to disney worl disney world. Keep living. That is how you beat terrorism. When you make them take shoes off at the airport, you have them win. Kimberly i think you have to do a lot. Its a multifaceted approach. You have to have the rhetoric there. The action, the military strength to back it up. You have to have a plan. Real intelligence being developed. Not just thrown everywhere. You dont get the information. Memorial day. Dana we know that these people that have committed to self radicalization, everyone has been on the radar screen of Law Enforcement at some point. With this in in particular, you have traveled to libya and a connection to isis. I dont fault a Law Enforcement. I know theyre doing all they can to share information but at some point, can there be preemptive measures . Richard i agree. Dana i dont know how you put somebody into custody before you commit an act but if you know they are on the radar, i think thats a conversation the world needs to have. Are we willing to do that . Richard the one thing i will say here before we go to break it, we can no longer afford to spend spill our blood treasure in the middle east. Period. Greg what if you took the evil and removed it from the middle east and said there was this bloodthirsty ward coming from another planet. We went think about it in a political way. We would think about it in a you unifying way like we are fighting this group. A roving band of creatures that destroy and mature young girls. We stop thinking about the middle east. We are thinking about the actual faction. We have to start thinking like that. I guarantee, there will be a group of people who say those people from planet x thats their culture. We should lay off. Jesse thats what trump is saying. They are barbarians and we are civilized people. Kimberly absolutely. You cant take anything off the table, can you . Greg not the table. Kimberly democrats are more determined than ever to win back the white house in 2020 and theres a lot of talk already about who may throw their hat in the ring. We have a list about some of the possible top contenders and our thoughts, next. For 10 years my tempurpedic has adapted to my weight and shape. So i sleep deeply and wake up ready to perform. Now through june 11th, save 600 when you buy select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. The future isnt silver suits anits right now. S, think about it. We can push buttons and make cars appear out of thin air. Find love anywhere. Hes cute. And buy things from, well, everywhere. How . Because our phones have evolved. So isnt it time our networks did too . Introducing americas largest, most reliable 4g lte combined with the most wifi hotspots. Its a new kind of network. Xfinity mobile. America needs us. Americans deserve strong, capable leaders. Who care about this country. That kind of sounds like you and me. I guess weve got to do it. We are doing it kimberly the rock and tom hanks having some fun in announcing a 2020 run on snlk snl. Bernie sanders and joe biden. Al franken would deafly be on that list, he has a book coming out tomorrow. He said hes not going to do that. Do you believe him, jesse . Jesse i do, i dont think franken is going to run. I think you will stay in minnesota and make jokes that no one laughed at. I dont think these celebrities are going to work. They are going to do trump ligh light. Kind of imitating that i dont think that works. I think you need a total contrast to President Trump. I remember when bush ran for reelection, they want to john kerry because he had experience in the military. During the iraq war. It doesnt really work. You need someone the opposite of trump if you are a democrat. To fire up the base and run a country. Kimberly who would that be, richard . Jesse elizabeth warren. Dana we are glad you are here, richard. Richard one contender. In november. President joe biden. Greg hes going to be quite old. Richard heres the thing, democrats theres a lot of arguments about why we lost in the election. I can rehash it but i wont. Part of it is we lost workingclass americans. Theres one guy in the country that really gets workingclass folk, thats joe biden. He was one. His father was one. Talk about electrifying a crowd. If you put joe biden in the room greg people are touched, literally. Richard in philly, there is more applause during his speech. Would you vote for him . Dana there are some californians on here. Kimberly the rumor that i was married to him at one point. Greg you win some, it you knew some. Kimberly and i knew some. [laughter] kimberly i think he would make a great governor. I think he has always wanted to run for president. I dont know. Dana did he tell you that . Kimberly secrets out. Hes very hardworking. Has a passion about what he does. I think his party is very lucky to have him. I disagree with many of his policies, as he knows but i appreciate his authenticity and his passion about it. Dana greg, do you think a celebrity could run after 20 20 . Greg yes and no, dana. Dana could you explain . Greg no. This is going to blow your mind. Everyone at home is going to go, hes absolutely right. The greg gutfeld role of 100. What happened 100 years before 2020 . If you dont run on that how can you lose . I would go with gabbard. A woman whose name i keep forgetting in california. Kimberly , harris. Greg 100 years. You already have it built in. He of the slogan. You have the slogan. About time. 100 years. Kimberly you cant get better than that. Please leave. Dana another person on here, governor andrew cuomo. Can new yorkers battle it out again . Jesse i dont know about cuomo. He was in a great trajectory and i think you want really far left richard i disagree. He has major problems with labor unions. Greg he hates de blasio. Jesse i dont think it translate to the rest of the country. Richard i think he has a new york state of mind and i think thats what we are doing in the white house. Dana jesse is loving it. Richard kimberly said she would vote for joe biden. You missed that. Greg what if gabbard runs and gets the nomination, what would you do . If gavin or rand . Jesse would you get back together . Dana what you have to offer . We have some advice for the class of 2017. Back in a moment. Recovering from his fourth back surgery. I am kelly wright. Back to the five. We are the champions my friends jesse congratulations to the class of 2017 but welcome to the real world. Never, ever give up. Carry yourself with dignity and pride. Demand the best from yourself and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interests and failed power structures. Dont lose a sense of humor. To confront bullies. Dont procrastinate. Conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, it that the matter as long as you believe that our common humanity matters most. There is no light without a spiritual life. Practice being grateful. A lot of people say oh, oprah, thats easy for you because youve got everything. Ive got every thing because i practiced being grateful. Jesse is become an annual tradition on the five test chair our pearls of wisdom. Lets start with k. G. Kimberly i like all the advice. I think the one thing is no matter how much adversity you face in life, no matter how many times you come up against a roadblock, dont be afraid to be courageous and to never give up. And try again. You will be your own best advocate, to put forward your passions, dreams and be able to get people to believe in you and take a chance on you. As a powerful thing inside of you that we all have. That desire to want have a good life. Like oprah said. Its a great feeling when you go to bed at night, doing something youre passionate about. Jesse richard, what about you . Richard believe in the power of your dreams. I say that constantly tell the folks a mentor. The second thing, you will likely fail. But fail quickly. Remember when you are failing, if you are looking at your feet if you can put 1 foot in front of the other, youve still got a chance. Jesse very good. Dana didnt you go to chicago recently with Eboni Williams . What was your message then . Richard same thing. I love lady o. Jesse i didnt know you guys were so close. Enough. Dana my advice is very practical. Get a job. Any job. Seriously. Theres some new parents now, friends of a friend im sure this happens to anybody. Can you help with the best internship ever . Can you help with this possible interest . Theres not enough to go around. My recommendation is dont wait six or seven months for that perfect offer. It might not come. In the meantime, while you wait for that offered, take any job. And also go away. Youre going to work the rest of your life. Take this time when youre young and excited, go see something new. It will pay dividends later on. Jesse i cant believe im saying this but i agree with dana. I was a bellhop after i graduated from college. It was the best job i ever had. I made a lot of tips. I learned how to hustle for money. I learned that i didnt want to be a bellhop for the rest of my life. Dana and now you tip the bellhop as well. Jesse i tip them big. Dana did you pop your collar . Jesse there is an attractive girl it would pull up. I would bring the backup. I would leave them at the door and i would say is there anything else . And then she would say no. And then i would realize i was wearing a bellhop uniform. Oh, yeah, no kidding. Greg. Kimberly while. That was wow. Humiliating. Greg my postcollege advice . Give up. Do as little as possible. Procrastinate. Dont challenge anyone. Dont be grateful. Dont dream. My point is, its too late for you. I have advice for people who are in college. If you want to be successful after college . In college, you have to abandon identity politics. What happens after college creates a visible chip on your shoulder that you can see from space. And no job recruiter is going to want to hire somebody who sees and expresses themselves as a perpetual victim. When you give off the idea that you are a victim, nobody wants to be around you. I want to paraphrase shelby steele. When he deals with someone in the thrall of grievance culture, he always asks them what would you say if you werent a victim . What would you do if you didnt think as a victim . Embracing victimhood allows an offramp from testing your abilities and taking advantage of the opportunities by constantly saying i am a victim, you have the world around you that offers so many things but you are angry. Youve got to let that go. Dana i would never hire that person. Jesse and dont take Greg Gutfelds job. A big remake on the new improved wonder woman, up next. Richard memorial day, the unofficial start of summer. The most anticipated film, wonder woman. At the 1970s tv classic starring linda carter. Wonder woman kimberly so cool. Richard in the 2017 movie remake, here is a clip. Who is this young woman . Shes my. Friend. Diana. Richard clearly, movie remakes are the new trend because with that being said i think superhero movies can be remade all the time. I was in xmen watcher as a kindergartner. Kimberly oh my god. How old are you . Richard i am happily 30. I watch all of the xmen remakes. With that being said, there are other remakes coming out like top gun. Kimberly yeah, i heard about that. Dana i dont like the remake idea. The great gatsby, that was pretty good. Leonardo dicaprio. Richard lets take a look. Roger. I got him. 909 closure. I feel the need. The need for speed. Jesse at the remake looks exactly like the original. [laughter] richard that was the old one. Whats your take on it . Greg let me just Say Something on it. Its not about the sequels are bad. Its that they never do the right sequels to the right movies. For example, theyve never done a sequel to seven. Which is a great movie. They could call it eight and Gwyneth Paltrows head would be reanimated by lightning and wreak havoc in an upscale aromatherapy shop. Kimberly i think you actually for real might have problems. At first it was a joke. Greg what about deliverance . I want to know what happens to the families. Kimberly whats next, hannibal lector . Richard dana, how do you feel about reading remakes . Dana now that i am older and i make a reference to pretty in pink or fast times at ridgemont high, young people weve never seen them . You can never come on the five again until you watch those two movies. Kimberly fast times at ridgemont high. Greg i think the whole audience needed that information, kimberly. Youre the kid they got kimberly that awesome bed you have downstairs. Greg you dont want to know whats in that bed. Richard dirty dancing is also doing a remake by abc. I took a look at the clip. You can put that baby back in the corner. Kimberly oh, my gosh, its bad . Jesse this is the original . Richard this is the preview for the new one. Jesse it doesnt look that dirty to me. Kimberly wonder woman to me looks exceptional. She could kill isis. Im totally into it. Also top gun. Greg a sequel to the graduate. What happened after . He ruins the wedding. You know its two months. They are going to be divorced. I want to see that movie. Jesse i would like to see f jaws. What was that shark doing befor before . Kimberly it would be by national geographic. Dana getting bigger. Richard i think of a lot of people with jaws because you have shark nato. Greg i want prequels. What happened before it happened. Like die hard. What were the terrorist planning before hand . Kimberly do you like prequels or sequels . Greg i like nyquil. Its when you watch a sequel at night, when you are drunk. Kimberly you are not supposed to mix that with alcohol. Greg i am mix it with pudding. Kimberly are you serious . Greg i dont know what im saying. Im just moving my mouth. Richard a things you dont do because of technology. Our robots taking over . Stay tuned for 10 years my tempurpedic has adapted to my weight and shape. So i sleep deeply and wake up ready to perform. Now through june 11th, save 600 when you buy select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. Greg technology is making a lot of things in life easier. If you are under 20 like me, youve probably never minimized a phone number, had a cd or record collection, use a real dictionary, we wanted to take a look back at those times when we those things before all the robots now take over the world. Dana, what you miss about the pretechnology list . Dana i dont miss a lot. The handwritten letter i still do. Although my handwriting has deteriorated. Things like memorizing phone numbers i used to be able to keep a lot of phone numbers in my head in a given that up and i think that has freed my mind to do other things that are really important. Greg you will be helpless if you lose your phone. You wont know the number. Dana thats why its really important, you should print out your contact list every six months so you can have those numbers just in case. Kimberly who will add them back in . Jesse i guess people dont use phones phone bills anymoret for drug dealers. Greg apparently dont walk the streets of you nork is much as i do. Jesse i use gps when i drive in my own neighborhood. Dana even when you know where you are going . Jesse my gps will tell me to go to the middle of the train wreck tracks and i will trust it. Even if i know where i am going, i will still follow the gps like an idiot. Kimberly it doesnt make any sense. Why would you do that . Greg there reports of people who do drive until the lakes because they were confused. Richard thats not technology. Thats just stupidity. Greg how about you . You are too young to offer anything of value. Richard i missed buying cds. Dana why . Richard it was fun. Dana did you ever go look for albums . Richard my first cd was destinys child. Greg i knew you were going to say it. Richard trying to open the cd and take the tape off 90 just go on itunes and press click. Its just not the same. Greg you lose the joy i picked college because of the record stores. Berkeley. Anyway, thats not for me to talk about. Kimberly. Kimberly he is a thing that was fun. Remember we used to make photo albums . When i was little, i had those little photo albums. Then i got married and never made that first one. Then i got married and still havent gotten to that one. One of these days, i will go back to making photo albums. Dana i miss cutting things out of the newspaper. Greg like hostage notes . Dana like i thought of you today when i saw this article. Greg dont you remember that in movies . Every movie, the bad guy was cutting stuff out from a magazine. They dont do that anymore. That gets to my point. The 1970s was a really crabby decade for a lot of things. The rotary phone was always covered in food because if you had kids i had three older sisters. I didnt understand the phone calls that would come in from mysterious men. Which are no longer you can no longer do an obscene phone call. No more prank phone calls. Richard can you do star 67 . Dana that still works. Greg theres no no more litter. Stray dogs. Really bad tv dinners. Jesse where did you grow up . Richard greg gutfeld had a lot of stray dogs and cats and litter everywhere. Greg the suburbs were a mess. Party line. Kimberly i miss mix tapes. I used to get the nicest ones. Dana the internet can do it for you. Jesse can you make me a mix tape, k. G. . Greg get rid of this segment. Right now. One more thing is up next. Kimberly time now for one more thing. Jesse. Jesse i want to give you guys a little throwback waters world to a famous beach quiz. Roll the tape. World war ii, who do we fight . My teacher watch as this. She will probably be real mad. China . The south . Jesse that was the last question. We fought the south in world war ii. Happy memorial day. Kimberly tough job you have there. Greg why did i have to see jesse with his collar up. We need to bring those tapes. The phrase i am banning today does not pass the smell test. Its disgusting. To say its not true. Does it pass the smell test . I find that offensive. Dana why . Greg i dont know. Kimberly kimberly i canu have low energy today. Dana there is a dog from virginia, he was shot in the neck during a pursuit of a suspect. The 2yearold german suffered acted when the suspect was shooting at officers. He was rushed to emergency surgery, hailed as a hero immediately after the accident. He has made a total recovery. Its hard to believe all the things hes able to do now. We want to thank all those k9 officers. Greg its a dog from spottsylvania. Dana its actually a city. Kimberly like a dog has spots. Greg remember back in the 70s . They were called spot. Kimberly back when richard was in kindergarten. Richard this one is for you. From street gang to fashion empire. They used to be a street gang, an lgbt group. They are now called checkered enterprises. I bought a tshirt. They believe they mentor others and escape bullying by embracing entrepreneurship. Dana i love that. Jesse check it out. Greg i was in a street gang. Kimberly i have a nice story here for us. Some amazing photos to share on this memorial day. Take a look at the bride, her 92yearold uncle world war ii and korean war veteran. I am her something blue. Complete with blue pants. Great respect and admiration for those in the armed services. Congratulations, have a wonderful life. For all of you at home and im us here on the five, thats all. Thank you for joining us here on this memorial day and godspeed for all our memorial troops. Have a great night, everyone. Specialistsfnc on twitter and facebook. 5 00 will never be the same. Special report next. On a day dedicated to americas war dead, President Trump pays his respects. The turmoil swirling around him takes a personal turn. This is special report. Good evening, im james rosen sitting in for bret baier. President trump express what he called the nations boundless and undying gratitude to the americans who have fallen in battle and to the families he left behind. The day of unity comes with the president freshly returned from his first foreign trip to a washington seemingly obsessed with his political troubles. The tension has come to focus on a Senior Advisor who is married to the president s