Sense of urgency to what shes learning and her view of World Affairs without boring us. Dana, she did speak to the media after the commander in chief forum, briefly. Seven questions. A couple of softballs in there. Do you think shell take questions today . Yes, i do, partly because shes under pressure to do so. As you pointed out, in august, she really wasnt very visible. She raised a lot of money. She had a lot of private events. And in some ways, you can say that may have helped her, but also the pressure was mounting for her to do something with the media. Now shes going to do more. She took questions from reporters on her plane earlier this week. I think shes going to want to do more media now. I think her people want her to do more media because the polls have tighten and theyre worried. Problem is, remember what happened last time she tried to do more media . Her poll numbers went down further. Oh, my goodness. So thats why they pulled it back. Depending how she does here and for the next few weeks before the debate, i think you will see her engaging more, because she has to find a way to be on the Television Screens making news. Are you noticing were zooming in on that guy over there off to the left. That always means something is about to happen. About to happen. But im not sure. I want to say about the matt lauer thing, the reaction is so ridiculous. Because basically, matt lauer did her a favor. She cant be treated like a egg in a room handled with sterilized tongs. Trump is not going to do that. Matt lauer was giving her a taste of the future, and if theyre that frazzled, thats a bad sign. That means theyre not preparing her. If she tha was shocking to her, the people doing the mock debates, whatever, theyre not playing rough with her, and they need to. Its a bad sign, if thats traumatic. A twominute warning. Okay. We should see the madam secretary any minute now. Go ahead, your thoughts. All right. Well, im waiting for the big thrill. But i want to follow up on that, and its really a good point, because you would think she would be a little bit better, like battleready, tested for a question, an interview with matt lauer. Its true, are they not preparing her properly . Is she not listening . Is she not coachable . Because you know, its going to be very unpredictable when shes on that debate stage with him and she doesnt want to be caught off guard. So, so far, that wasnt kind of a good pregame sign. And now here, dana, i agree with you, shes got to come out, shes got to be communicative. She has to try to take back the news cycle in a positive way and regain that kind of mojo, the momentum she had coming out of the democratic convention. But you know, what can she say in order to try and lure people back in and charm them again . I think theres a lot she can say, kimberly. I mean, the thing is, shes coming out of a briefing. Remember, trump during the lauer event, he said he was getting body language and signals from the intelligence breeferz that they didnt agree with the president , didnt like the president. Its wild, but thats what he said. That gets attention. I would also say to you, greg, i dont think it was the questions to her. She handled the questions fine. I think it was the lack of questions to donald trump from matt lauer, and i think thats why people said, it looked like, you know, he was just i mean, it looked like the media was pumping donald trump to make money and get ratings. And that is the beauty of 2016, the reversals of the roles of right and left. The left used to be aggressive and bold in their assertions you know, were powerful. And the right, were always on the back foot, defensive, calling out the media. Now its reversed. Now you have the left going, hey, thats not fair its kind of refreshing. Maybe shell explain about the earpiece, because the conservative media think, oh there was an earpiece no, it was a hair piece. A hair piece i got it wrong. Juan, you were in her ear, right . Donald trump did answer all of matt lauers questions, but it was widely perceived, lets put it that way, that donald trump won the night, maybe because shes just not that likable. Can you coach likability . Probably not, but you can i think what shes going to try to do today is show competence and her experience. And i think the other thing is that her this is a National Security briefing, and one of the things that, just to drill down on something thats important one of the most important states for either candidate is North Carolina. The polls that came out today show trump is doing better in florida and ohio. Down in pennsylvania. But down in North Carolina, and that matters. One of the things that North Carolina has, a lot of military families, a lot of military voters. Shes polling donald trump is getting only 46 of military voters in North Carolina. You need to be up around 60 . But you can get voters elsewhere, but usually republicans are around 60 in North Carolina with the military. So, maybe he helped to hurt himself the other night, but she is going to try to press that advantage with that now. Hes beating her by 19 amongst military families true, but romney beat obama by 40 with the military. So 19 mccain also had that similar margin. Gary johnson leads both of them in the military. If this is if everything is on a knifes edge, all of these voters matter. And so, i think with this, shes trying close out the National Security week on a relatively high note for her. I dont know if shell be able to hit that note, but shes going to try. K. G. , big news today. North korea says theyve successfully tested a Ballistic Missile, Something Like five times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima. Do you think she addresses this and what she would do with north korea . You know, it is a Good Opportunity to take the world stage and address these issues, especially those that are areas of concern of great National Security risk, to provide kind of her assessment. I dont know if shes going to give some specifics on it, but she should know, listen, im the one that you should choose, especially in these turbulent, uncertain times. I can provide the stability, based on my experience, based on my time as secretary of state, and try to highlight some of those things and juxtapose to mr. Trump to say, look it, im the one thats been here, listening to intelligence briefings, gathering information. Ive invested this many years working on behalf and trying to understand, comprehend, you know, National Security and how to handle it, and thats why i have these people supporting me. Eric, i was interested to hear you say you thought trump won the other night, because i said widely perceived wassed on polls because what i was gee, are you sensitive on this issue or what . No, i anyway, anyway, i was just, i mean, what struck me is that everyones talking about all of this praise for putin. He goes on russian tv to talk about putin . He says putins a better leader than obama, and i see republicans going, were not comfortable with that. Well, he went on larry king, a podcast. And dana, ive done posted by russian intelligence ill tell you exactly how this goes down, and im 100 being right up front with this. Larry kings producers contact you. Last month i was asked to do something for wake up america, the book. And i said sure, ill do a podcast. You go through the proper channels, you get approval. And what you find out later, the podcast is now put up online, but also on russian tv they dont tell you . When they book you, they dont specifically say youre going to be on russian tv. I remember that. You said i just did an interview with larry king. I was like, on Russian Television . No, but, you dont have an army of staff. Right. You dont have people that say, excuse me, larry king works for the russians. You dont have that. If you are running for president , you should know that. And then, well, they tricked me. Just own it, move on. I did the interview, but it kmoz a day when just as Hillary Clintons having another bad news cycle, they rescue her with, you know, what looks like praise for putin or acceptance of putin, and i cannot accept he doubled down just an hour ago from the value voters summit. He said, you know what, if putin and russia want to join the fight against isis, i welcome them. Will she push back on that . I think heres the problem with his statements about putin is its valuefree. Like, its easy to be a strong leader if youre killing the opposition, but the United States doesnt do that. So, youre comparing here she is. Here she is, looking great. I shall be quiet now. Oh, my god, what a shock. Good afternoon. I just finished meeting with a distinguished group of National Security experts. Some served under a republican president , some under a democrat, some under both, and some in uniform. They dont agree on everything, but together they represent a great deal of expertise, experiences and lessons learned. I asked them to join me for a candid conversation about some of the most challenging issues facing our country, because i believe that americas National Security must be the top priority for our next president. To do that job, you need to constantly seek new information and new perspectives, test your assumptions, ask and answer hard questions. Thats what today was about, and im grateful to these men and women for sharing their insights with me. I hope and intend that our conversations will continue, because as ive said many times, i believe in a bipartisan Foreign Policy. We wont always see eye to eye, but when it comes to questions of war, peace and the safety of our country, we cant let Party Affiliation stand between us. We need to put partisanship aside and Work Together for the good of all of us. And i know we can do it. Ive seen it happen under both republican and democratic president s. So, that will be my goal, if im elected this fall. Today our main conversation was, as you might expect, isis and other terrorist threats. We discussed how isis is finding ways to convince young men around the world, and some young women, including in our own country, to get assault weapons or strap on bombs and kill large numbers of people. And we talk specifically about a strategy to protect us from that threat here at home. We went into detail on what it will take to surge our intelligence to help us detect and prevent attacks before they happen. We also discussed methods to disrupt online recruitment so they stop reaching and radicalizing young people on the internet. And one of the points that many of the participants emphasized, which deserves a higher priority in a counterterrorism strategy, is the role of local governments and Community Leaders here at home who truly do act as our first line of defense. While we protect the homeland, though, we need to take the fight to isis. That means smashing their strongholds, denying them safe havens, dismantling the Global Network of fighters, financing and arms that supply these terrorists, which requires working closely with our allies. It does not mean sending contingents of american combat troops to take and hold territory. Thats neither wise nor in the interests of the United States, and it is exactly what isis wants. Instead, we have to hit them from the air and intensify support for local arab and kurdish partners on the ground. I support deploying more special forces, enablers and trainers as needed, increased surveillance, intelligencegathering and reconnaissance. And as i said earlier this week, i also believe it should be a top priority to take the leader of isis, abu bakar al baghdadi, off the battlefield, just like we did with osama bin laden. That will help us focus our efforts and make it very clear that no one attacks the United States or inspires attacks without being brought to justice. Here today we talked about what we need to do. I would stand up a mission team to bring focus and priority to this effort. We will devote the intelligence assets necessary, combined with the capabilities of our allies and partners on the ground and the precise application of military force. We know how to do this. We have models to draw from. It will be a paramount priority for me as president , and it will send exactly the right message. History tells us that we need an approach thats comprehensive and deals with multiple, overlapping conflicts in the region and along the entire arc of instability, from north africa, through the middle east, into central asia and beyond. As weve been reminded in just the last 24 hours, with reports of another nuclear test in north korea, we face threats from many parts of the world. Indeed, isis and north koreas quest for a Nuclear Weapon are not entirely unconnected, because the greatest threat of all would be terrorists getting their hands on loose nuclear material. So, its vital we bring the world together to stop north koreas dangerous game. In discussions of National Security, it can be easy to get mired in the tactics or overly focused on the threats, but lets not lose sight of what this larger project of American Leadership is all about. It is about creating more peace in our world, more prosperity, more human dignity, and thats what we have to also be focused on every day. There were a number of very excellent suggestions about what we can and should be doing here at home to try to bring our American Muslim Community much more closely and welcomed into the struggle against radicalization and recruitment. And i am anxious to follow up on the ideas and even some of the model programs that are currently under way. Im humbled to be supported in this race by a growing number of retired military leaders. Earlier this week, 95 retired generals and admirals endorsed me for president. And in the past 48 hours, another 15 have joined them. So have people on both sides of the debate that have defined our Foreign Policy for the last 30 years. Their support is an honor. I am grateful for it, but its also a signal that this election is different. I dont want to rehash everything my opponent has said in this campaign, but no conversation about our National Security would be complete unless we acknowledged that the nominee on the other side promises to do things that will make us less safe. National Security Experts on both sides of the aisle are chilled by what theyre hearing from the republican nominee. That may be the number one reason why this election is the most important in our lifetimes. So, im not waiting until november. Im bringing democrats and republicans together now, because i plan to get right down to work on day one. The stakes are too high and the issues too serious for anything less than that level of preparedness. Americans should be able to count on their president and commander in chief to provide rational, confident and evenkeeled leadership, especially in Tumultuous Times like these. So, im very grateful to the men and women i met with today, experts with a broad range of understanding and willingness to share their insights, and i look forward to continuing to receive their advice in the days and weeks ahead. So, well take just one or two questions. Secretary go ahead. [ inaudible question ] if elected, how would you differ from the one president obama employed for four years while you were in office and [ inaudible ] well, amy, i think its clear that the increasing threat posed by north korea requires not only a rethinking of the strategy but an urgent effort to convince the neighbors, most particularly, china, that this is not just a u. S. Issue. And i think we have an opening here that we havent had for the last several years that i intend to do everything i can to take advantage of. But were also going to support and equip our allies in the region with the Missile Defense systems that they require to protect themselves. That is not something that either the North Koreans or the chinese or the russians in the region are particularly pleased about. But is what the alternative . We are not going to let anyone who is a treaty ally and partner of ours be threatened, and we are not going to let north korea pursue a Nuclear Weapon with the Ballistic Missile capacity to deliver it to the united st territory. That is absolutely a bottom line. And if other countries want to assist us in this effort, we welcome that, and we will engage in intensive discussions as soon as possible. Secretary clinton, you put out a statement earlier today saying that you support president obamas call for additional sanctions on north korea, but theyve faced sanctions for years, and clearly, it hasnt stopped them from moving forward on their nuclear program. So, how will a few more sanctions help . And would you consider the kinds of negotiations that you pushed for with iran . Well, the answer to the second question is yes, because we faced a similar problem in 2009. As a senator, i voted for every sanction that was put before the senate against iran in our effort to try to prevent iran from moving forward on a nuclear program. It didnt stop them. They built covert facilities. They mastered the nuclear fuel cycle. They were able to acquire and put into operation a significant number of centrifuges. So, our sanctions, despite our best efforts, were not enough. And although we have International Sanctions against north korea, some of which i helped to negotiate when i was there, they arent enough either, and they arent enough for the very same reason i was responding to amy about. Theyre not enough because china has not yet made the decision that it needs to make, that north korea poses a threat to the region and poses a threat to the kind of stable border relationship that china has always valued with north korea. So, we are going to continue to look at how we tighten sanctions, because i do think there is a role for sanctions. The regime in north korea lives off of goods and material that can be smuggled in to keep their lifestyle and their love of luxury going. So, i think theres a lot more we can do, and it will be on the top of my list in dealing with china on how were going to prevent what could very well be a serious conflict with north korea. [ everyone talking at once ] well, jennifer, you know, you dont talk about leverage until you actually produce leverage. And i believe that we do have leverage with china. And i believe based on my extensive discussions when i was secretary of state, that there is even a conversation starting within china about how to handle the changes in the north korean regime. China has no interest in seeing the kind of buildup, which we are going to be doing. And i will stress this and underline it we will not leave our friends and allies unprotected. And we will do everything we can to put in the most effective Missile Defense system against anything that north korea does. Chinese are not happy about that. We have a lot of leverage, and were going to exercise that leverage, and were going to put together the kind of negotiations that i think can lead to a beginning of containing and controlling the behavior of the north korean government, which has the danger of affecting everyone, including china. Thank you all. Thank you all. Okay, so, there it is. Secretary clinton came to the podium. She did a presser, because she actually took questions. She spoke for eight minutes hold on, shes got more. This just becomes more and more of a Reality Television story, show. Its not a serious president ial campaign. And it is beyond ones imaginati imagination, to have a candidate for president praising a russian au autocrat like Vladimir Putin and throwing his lot in with him in the way that he has approved of his wish list and not even really understanding what putin has already done, like invading and occupying crimea. We are living in challenging times, and that certainly was reinforced by the excellent discussion we had today. No one who wants to assume the responsibility of being president and commander in chief should be making the kind of reckless and dangerous statements and identifying with a regime that has some aggressive tendencies toward our interests, our values, our friends and allies. So, can i say i was surprised . Im not sure anything surprises us anymore, but i was certainly disappointed that someone running for president of the United States would continue this unseemly identification with and praise of the russian president , including on Russian Television. Thank you all. All right, i was going to say, she spoke for eight minutes and took four questions. Apparently, as she was leaving, some reporter threw a question to her about donald trump, so she came back to the podium, addressed her thoughts on donald trump and russia, so make that five questions. Almost all of them, four of the five were on north korea. Were going to break for a commercial very quickly and come back and discuss it more after the break. Remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Whos with me . Im in. Im in. Im in. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. With toothpaste or plain water. An their dentures we are all in for our customers. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. 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After meeting with National Security advisers, Hillary Clinton took some questions from the press today in new york. Lets go around the table and get some reaction to what clinton had to say, beginning with dana perino. Ill speak mostly to the tablgtic. So, she had a bad couple days in the media, well, actually, a bad couple days well, because of the email situation, the commander in chief forum that some people think she did well, but most people, as eric was saying, that trump won. So she didnt want that to go into the weekend with that being the National Security story she had to own. So at 5 00 on a friday, instead of a document up from the fbi, she did a press conference with flags behind her, where she was trying to look and sound president ial. Interesting, though, she talked about two things that i would think would be a break from president obama and herself. First one was talking about all of these things she will do to combat isis. And if you wonder, if all of those things were available, why isnt president obama doing those now . And secondly, she talked about russia at the very end when she came back and answered that question about russia. Yes, of course it was to try to pop donald trump in the nose, but it also exposed that her russian reset was a failure. And there wasnt an opportunity for the press to ask a followup on that, but she does go into the weekend now with different sound bites and a different look and feel than two days ago. Eric, she said that trumps comments about putin were reckless, dangerous, and that he was identifying with a regime thats been aggressive and antiamerican. And like you said, he doubled down earlier today, saying hey, we welcome the russians in the fight against isis. I found it interesting. She had a very, very subdued tone. She stayed on policy for four questions and left and then had that one opportunity and had to take it, to take that shot, that political point she had to make right before the weekend. So, she came back and took a shot at trump. You think thats the headline . I just found it interesting. Okay. Because up until then, it looked good, like she had a lot of policy ideas out there and, wow, that was pretty cool. Then she came back the comeback, to erics point, kimberly, it looked like she was trying to demonstrate mastery, experience, both as a senator and then as secretary of state in the way that she was speaking. Would you agree . Well, i think thats what she thinks. I think she did very well for herself. I liked the tone. It was measured. It was stabilized. Its like, okay, im going to come out here, im not going to be shrill, raise my voice. Im going to show that i have command of the situation, but umm i am not excitable about it because i am a person of considerable experience and exposure to National Security matters. So, she hit all those notes that we talked about that she needed to. She did answer the questions, so she can kind of like quell the noise on that in terms of not doing press conferences. But then she didnt miss the opportunity when she heard something that she wanted to get dag at. She went out and then didnt take the bait and left the room. Now for our media critic. What do you think of her performance, greg . I enjoyed the part where she says she wont send troops in, except for special forces and enablers. Thats like saying im not going to get drunk because im only going to do shots. Makes no sense, but the tone well, they look so little, deceiving. Yeah. But you know, it was so calming, so relaxing. It was like being at a spa, like a nice bath filled with milk. I could really nap to her. It was like an npr podcast just on a loop. If i need to relax or take a nap, im just going to put that on. It made me feel so good. Was it anti trump . I have to say, i enjoyed it. She didnt cough. No earpiece. Up next, its one of the most fascinating stories in american history, the story of flight 93. Our own dana perino went to shanksvil shanksville, pennsylvania, yesterday where that plane went down 15 years ago. Its been that long. Youve got to stay tuned for her extremely powerful, emotional piece. Its sure to change your perspective. Well be back in a moment. We are the tv doctors of america. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. Doctor poses. Learn your key health numbers, and take control today. I know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. Age. John mccain, a war hero. Hes not a war hero, hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured ok. Donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. How would you answer that father . What sacrifice have you made for your country . I think ive made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. Ive had tremendous success, i think. Those are sacrifices . Its peyton on sunday mornings. Eman what up, peyt. You know i have directv nfl sunday ticket. I get every game, every sunday. All in hd. Yeah. I know that. So you wanna come over . Ill make nachos i cant right now man. Im playing. Oh yeah. Alright. Ill pencil you in for tuesday. vo get nfl sunday ticket included at no extra charge. Only on directv. Sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice. So nice, so nice st. Croix full of pure vibes. So nice, so nice. St. John a real paradise. This winter experience Us Virgin Islands nice. Book your trip at visitusvi. Com before october 31st to receive your 6th night free, plus 600 in spending credits. On sunday, america will commemorate the 15th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. And yesterday i had a chance to do something ive always wanted to do, visit the flight 93 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. The bravery of the passengers and crew members of that flight can still stop me in my tracks. When they got word that a plane had crashed into the pentagon, they knew the hijackers werent taking them back to the airport, so they decided to act. Then, bonded by patriotism, faith and courage, they rushed the cockpit and saved untold numbers of people. And i always wonder if id have been able to do the same. I hope so, but i dont know. Heres their story. Thanks for having us to this amazing memorial. I always wanted to come, because having worked in washington an having so many friends working at the capitol at the time, this flight to me makes me extremely emotional. When you think about the brave actions of these men and women on that particular morning, it really culminates with this tremendous 2,200acre memorial. I wonder if you could show me a little bit of how they tornado out. Id be honored to do so. Here along the flight path, it shows American Airlines flight that went into the tower, at this point throughout america, i think we can ae all agree that people werent sure what was happening. United Airlines Flight 175 collided with the south tour at 9 03 02. So, i think at that point, we all knew that america was really under attack. The men and women on flight 93 had the ability to communicate with loved ones and others from the outside, so they were receiving information in realtime. They looked at one another and said were not going back to an airport. And is that the site of that boulder, which is where it finally crashed. Kenny, thanks for being willing to talk to me. Your brother was on the flight. Yes. Lewis Joseph Mackey ii. We called him joey. So, this is the final resting place. Yes. This is where i truly believe the spirit of the 40 heroes of flight 93 are. What a hero. It just amazes me that 40 different individuals from all walks of life had an opportunity. They were put in such, a situation that no one is trained for. People coming together, getting the information, putting it together. Then the most democratic thing we have in our country is our right to vote, and they vote on a plan. While terrorists are are watching it. Piloting their plane. And then they kick it off. They execute the plan and they prevent that plane from striking its intended target. I dont think when they started their assault that they thought they were going to lose. No. I think they had all the drive in to go home and have dinner with their families. President bush said it was the first act of counterterrorism in the war on terror. With their brave decision, they launched the first counter offensive of the war on terror. Most likely target of the hijacked plan was the United States capitol. Well never know how many innocent people might have been lost. First battle won, because they didnt reach their intended target. Right. They took their lives, their destiny in their own hands, and they said, not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Do you feel pride . Oh, more than that. Its hard. I keep waiting for joey ato wal out of the trees, and theyll dust themselves off. You said you shed your last tear. I did, didnt i . Joey was an amazing dad, husband, brother, cousin, and friend. And patriot. Yes. Citizen. Very well said. This is him. Yes, thats him. You know, i always come by here, i rub my my hand back and forth, just to let him know im here. Im here with park Ranger Robert franz. What is the most frequently asked question that you get . Why did we fill in that impact site . Because when the fbi had finished with the investigation, it looked nothing like it did on september 11th, 2001. They turned the site over to the coroner, and he looks at those large piles of dirt. Hes gathered about 8 of the remains, but he realizes hell never gather anymore. That earth there, those piles of earth are their final resting place. So, the question, why did they fill it in . Thats why. Its sacred ground. It is. One of the things president bush said in 2011 is that we have a duty to remember and a duty to live. We have a duty beyond memory. We have a duty to live our lives in a way that upholds the ideals for which the men and women gave their lives. You probably have younger people come. How do you help them understand the importance of the site and the historical significance of it . I hope to plant a seed, because one day, i say, i wont be here to tell the story. And hopefully, one of them will be, because its a story that has to be told. That was a really remarkable experience and a very emotional day. Joey nacke would have been 57 years old today. So, i thank kenny again for opening up and sharing that with me. We have the full interview up on our Facebook Page, because he just opens up and its very raw. And i realize, eric, that 15 years later, hes still grieving. And it was really hard to be there. But i thought it was important to go. Yeah. Fantastic package. Good job. And youve been saying for years, you wanted to get to that place. I think during our road trip, you asked if there was a way to get there and we couldnt work it out, but you got there. Look, that represents what americas all about. Yes, you can attack us, you can hit us, but well never forget and we will end up winning this fight. And its just heartwarming and wrenching to see it happen. Heartwarming to see the people who were affected by it, so many of us were, Still Holding the out and still having that much emotion 15 years later. A couple things that i didnt really remember, greg, was that there were only four terrorists on that plane because one had been turned away because an i. N. S. Agent at the said there was something funny about him, a look in his eye. So i asked, what happened to him, because they didnt arrest him. Guess what. He leaves. We eventually pick him up on the battleground in afghanistan, and hes at guantanamo bay. Mmhmm, which means hell be released by obama. Out soon. The biggest story for me on 9 11 will always be flight 93, because for me, its the single most heroic event in my lifetime and its an event that you could actually map your behavior after. Ive said this before. Think like 93, in any situation like that. When you risk your life, it is better to die crushing the throat of a jihadist than frozen with fear. I was with a musician last night, talking about bataclan and how so many people were frozen, a, in disbelief, and didnt believe they were being killed and they didnt run or know what to do. I think a great thing would be to do is kidnap truthers in the middle of night, kidnap a truther and fly him out there and force him through this. I love the idea that they voted. Oh, yeah. And of course, it was ted beamer and that whole language his child is 15 years old this year. I was just going to ask you about the kids. We were talking before about children. What did you learn there . Well, they expect that this memorial, kimberly, about 3,000 people to gather. But whats interesting in talking to kenny is that the family theres only 33 passengers and 5 crew, that those families have actually, because they have a shared grief and a shared experience, they come together, not just on 9 11, but theyll be together on sunday. Its really heartwarming, and it just, you know, reminds me again how great this country is, how brave and the people that were on that flight. They werent thinking about gender. They werent thinking about race or religion. They were united in a desire to save lives. And its just so much of whats beautiful about this country and about what we should focus on for the future and become more united and think about these moments, you know, thee opportunities. Let me add one more thing. To heal. I want to remind people, at this memorial, you can actually pick up and listen to recorded phone calls from there were about 15 phone calls that were made. Only three well, there were four, but they have three recordings that you can pick up and listen. And its not like youre just going to pass by shanksville on your way somewhere. You have to make an effort to go there. Some people said it was on their bucket list. Just go. It helps you understand what it was like and i think it can make us better people and inspire us going forward. Again, you can see my entire interview with kenny nacke and my visit of the Visitors Center in shanksville at our website, the five. There will be more remembrance of september 11th right after this break. Great job. Continuing now with our remembrances of september 11th, 15 years later. Most of us were in new york. You were in the air. Yeah, i was in the air. I was on American Airlines and we had i had just taken off from rome and was heading to new york city and they rerouted our plane, had to stop in london, you know, for a week. Couldnt get back. And it was horrible, because people, the pilot, his voice was shaking, he was terrified. They werent sure that our flight was compromised or not. And just the idea, you felt like you were never going to get back to the country, that you were never going to see anyone that you loved. And it just seemed like the end of the world. Like america was under the attack and you didnt know what was going to happen, you know, next, and looked around on the plane and you didnt know. You didnt know if you were one of the ones when they said one tower went down and then the next. It was a very difficult time, but i did see the international community, when we were in london, people were so lovely to the americans and those who had fallen and lost their lives. Juan . I was in d. C. Working, and the things that struck me, one, seeing soldiers everywhere on the streets of the Nations Capital, the kind of fear, dana told you that plane was headed for the capital, but then the fear at the state department, the white house, everywhere. But you know, one final thought that was kind of encouraging, so many flags. I dont care where you were, what kind of neighborhood, urban, rural, we were all americans ready to fight. Ive never been so moved by that kind of patriotism impulse. Eric . So, i worked a to the world trade center. Went in that day, heard all about what was going on. Didnt realize it was terror. When i got to the this side of the water, this side from new jersey, i saw people walking. Ill never forget this image. People fully, completely white, like they were clay. Like they were stone. And they were because they were drenched in ashes. Right . And they were just walking, even their briefcase, stone faced, getting on trains. I saw what happened. I saw people literally jumping out of the window. I got back on the boat, went across to new jersey, took the train back home, got my 3yearold son out of preschool and my wife and just cried. Just broke down. And in fact lost 16 colleagues in the attack. I think it might be worth pointing out two things. I want to thank two entities of the federal government. First, the National Park service, they run the flight 93 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania, the park services. They deserve a lot of credit. And the tsa. I know we complain about the tsa, but before 9 11, there was a lot of ability to walk on a plane and be able to do all sorts of things to use planes as weapons and kill innocent people. So i want to thank the tsa. I know its not easy, but were glad for you. Technology will enhance terror. Its not an if, its a when, and it will be an act that will probably make 9 11 probably look much smaller. But hopefully our Technology Improves so we can fight it better, too. One more thing is up next. Ive been taking fish oil from natures bounty to support my heart. Eating better, keeping healthy. So that no matter what happens in the future, my future self will thank me. Thank you 45 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. Natures bounty its scary when the lights go out. People get anxious and my office gets flooded with calls. So many things can go wrong. Its my worst nightmare. Every second that power is out, my citys at risk. 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Thank you, st. Martins prep. Tomorrow, going hard, cashing in. Go hard on kaepernick. You bought a jersey . I bought that three years ago when they were in the super bowl. Are you looking at me . Thank you. So i have something very special to talk about. Tomorrow the publics invited to a special event at Arlington National cemetery to hear marine corps Lieutenant Colonel nicole mann discuss her journey to become a nasa astronaut. Mann will present her gold wings to the family of a Navy Fighter Pilot who lost her life at the age of 2016 during a 2013 training mission. I have much more information about this event on my Facebook Page and encourage you to go to that page and to the five page to see danas package. Virtual loco motion. Its a one day event of a Breast Cancer walk. Its going to benefit the American Cancer Society to find lifesaving Breast Cancer research. They caught up with jasper and put him up in this getup. So check it out. Virtual loco motion. You can even do this in your own neighborhood. He seems to like it. Tomorrow night, 10 00, my show, ive got tyrus, nick sirsy, and this. Gregs crime corner. Check out this take. Youll see this guy, 26yearold brian lopez, walk in and steal from this woman in a wheelchair, maria vazquez, shes 93 years old. Walked in, took her money, and left. He was caught, but i want to point out, this is an evil man. But what makes him even more evil, guess. Man bun this should cause everyone to cut i have a that you are man bun. If you see him, what do you do . Beginning this sunday at 8 00 and continuing until november th, election, Fox News Channel will have a special report with bret baier. The show will be a weekly indepth focus on the 2016 election, president ial senate, and house races, and of course, bret will have his allstar panel. All right that should be a good one. Make sure you catch that one, as well. Have a great weekend, everyone. Stay right there. Special report, next. Donald Trump Defends religious freedom and stands by his praise of Vladimir Putin as a better leader than president obama. While Hillary Clinton insists the Trump Campaign is not serious. This is special report. Welcome to washington. Im bret baier. Donald trumps speech to the value voters summit here in the Nations Capital seemed very well received, judging by the audience reaction. The republican nominee promised that his administration will cherish, protect, and defend the countrys christian heritage. Meanwhile, trump is being criticized for his praise of the leader of the nation