Alarmists who were already blaming Global Warming before the storm even hit. Were really seeing a lot more of this kind of extreme event. Thats what we expect. Thats what the Climate Science says. We have not seen temperatures of the water this high contributing to this weather pattern. So in a sense is this somewhat New Territory for us in the meteorological world. The very strong winds that will be associated with this storm in the next couple days, these could be connected to Climate Change. Thank you for your show, reverend. You know youve been fighting the good fight on Climate Change and we can see the crazy climate here and wed like to have a little bit more of you down in washington. So, greg, you have to ask if the best computer models that money can buy on the planet blew it completely, just kind of blew it for this whole area, how do they know that the climate the earth is warming by 0. 02 of a degree over decades . You have to separate this out. The hype on the storm is unavoidable. Its like trying to predict a drunk whos stumbling down a hill. Its going to take an odd bounce, but you know its coming. So thats why i dont think the meteorologists were that wrong, its just that theyre predicting a drunk which is like predicting me. No one ever wants to play down something because if you play down something and theres death, you have death on your face. Having said that, the link between extreme weather and Climate Change has never been proven and has not been proven. Bill nye even admits that which is why he offered not a single sin scintilla of proof. They had 58 inches in saratoga springs. So if this current blizzard proves Climate Change, the logical conclusion the logical conclusion is that Climate Change is awesome because a storm 130 years ago was much worse than a storm now. That is a logical conclusion that flies in the face of all these idiots who have absolutely no evidence linking extreme weather to Climate Change. Its almost id i mean using hypothetical models is wrong. Saying 2014 was the hottest year. They used fixed models. The satellites show otherwise. Its all bogus. Dont you find it funny they know for a fact that Global WarmingClimate Change is a fact without any dispute. Theres no question in their minds, yet they cant figure out where this storm is going to go. I founding it hugely hypocritical. Theres also no trend in insurance losses from extreme weather, despite more people and more co2. Maybe the science guy can explain that. Can i get k. G. To weigh in on this. What did you call it . Can we apply that to the mayor who had the crazy thought to say, hey, al sharpton, thank you for your stance on Global Warming. Crazy big bird strikes once again. I dont have to tell you this didnt i at least he plowed the Upper East Side of new york this time because that was getting weird. No one can predict weather really, lets be hoppest. I think the Weather Service did a pretty good job of predicting big events. Guess what, because i called Mother Nature this morning on an exclusive and she said hey sometimes i just dont tell you what im going to do. A slight change in temperature, et cetera, can throw a storm completely off track, move it in a different direction. Thats the beauty of nature and of events that we cant completely control or predict. You do your best in an abundance of caution. Today they did that. If they didnt wed all be screaming about it. You cant predict weather but you can predict the alarmists coming out in droves saying look what Climate Change is doing to us. Its the explanation for everything. Because the storm wasnt that severe that is also because of Global Warming. Because it is 52 degrees in rawlings, wyoming where my aunt has the Bowling Alley she sent me a photograph saying 52 degrees at 11 00 a. M. And you should be jealous, the Climate Change folks would also say thats because of Global Warming. It becomes the catchall for everything. I agree with kimberly. I think we ask too much of our meteorologists. I think that the hype is a little overdone but i also dont think we can ask them to predict precisely how many inches of snow were going to get and i think thats the wonder of the world. Mother nature is still very much in charge. Do you want this one or do you want president obama . Ill take this one. It strikes me that, you know its a lot like people who make political predictions and they often are wrong. I dont know why you guys are giving them a pass. Today you guys are like oh the meteorologists, letting them go. Ive got to tell you something theyre paid to be right and they were wrong. Juan, we were doing it too. If you looked at our network, we were shouting i was coming, baby. I was on my train because the media hyped it too. Oh, we jump on it because the ratings are there. Can i add something to that mix . When that happens the store shelves sell out. There was a story about so its good for the economy. It might be. Kale . People ran out to buy kale . On the upper west cited last night. Disgusting. Kale and glutenfree products let me tell you something though. Did you listen to the radio . Like if you listen to all news, the weather station, old people they just scare them to death. You better run to the Grocery Store now. This is it. This is armageddon coming. Its like democrats saying were going to steal your social security. Oh, gosh. Lets get to this. On a bigger picture, much grander scale president obama is pressing the country to do more to fight Climate Change and to no ones surprise he apologized for americas role in Global Warming or cooling or you know, when the weather changes. With rising seas, melting himalayan glaciers, more unpredictable monsoons, cyclones getting stronger few countries will be more affected by a warmer planet than india. The United States recognizes our part in creating this problem so were leading the global effort to combat it. Wow dana really . Well, okay. For a long time there has been an International Effort to try to get some sort of International Climate agreement. The protocol was the big one. President bush withdrew from that and i think he was right to do so. At the ending of the Bush Administration after having said we cant know whether or not humans for sure caused it so lets err on the side of caution and do something about it, there was a Big International agreement on the table with china and australia, called the asianpacific partnership, this administration basic agriculture has nothing to show for it. They tried in copen haguen en hagn hague enand failed. But they couldnt get everybody to buy in. It wasnt the United States. What im saying, the usa, and i think both administrations tried very hard to get a deal because they recognize its in our interests, in our financial interests in our Health Interests to get something done. But what i was going to say, juan, that the key is our emissions in the United States have continued to go down and they will continue to do so, even though we consume a lot. But we have better technologies. China, india, brazil, the big emerging countries. When president obama says basically were at fault and youre going to be in harms way because of our actions, i dont think thats the most responsible way to deal with the situation. Let me get kimberly in here. Therein lies the problem that he went and apologized for our own contribution to Global Warming instead of calling out the countries, including india, including china, including some of the other industrializing countries, saying you need to get on board too. Well, hes the apologizer in chief. Were sorry about everything. Were sorry about offending people with our words. Were sorry that were awesome that were america, were sorry for exceptionalism. Im sorry. Sorry i got an a on the test sorry i studied and worked hard and built a company. Can i suggest another way to think about this that maybe maybe in history, historically, we did in fact because of our manufacturing superiority and we used it, but secondly that this is a point of leverage to get india on board saying were willing to do something telling india that were at fault no thats what we did with china jump in. I said this before. For the left man made Global Warming is their war on terror because they can at least identify the villain which is always going to be america. That is how your educated on campus and the media continues this idea. We are always at fault. But what if the warmists who believe that man made Global Warming is real and causing a slight increase in temperature, 0. 02 of a degree, they may be wrong but not in the way that they think. If the warmists say their man made Global Warming is real that in fact might be0g because cold is deadlier than warmth. Any slight increase on average of a temperature actually saves lives around the world because you have increased vegetation and you have less of a spike during the wintertime that kills thousands of people. Cold winter spikes are worse than summer spikes. So in fact we should be we could destroy this internal debate by saying yes, its real and we love it. That destroys the whole debate. You have frozen my brain because i mean wait a minute. If the polar ice caps melt and new york city is flooded by the way we have record sea ice in the antarctic and more polar bears than week shake a speaking of frozen they are crazy the Obama Administration is actually sought tone list disneys help to push its Climate Change agenda. Remember this movie . Let it go, let it go youll never see me cry now listen to what the state departments representative for the arctic is suggesting. He thinks the film should be used to teach our kids about Global Warming. In explaining why we wanted disneys assistance on this, i said youve taught an entire generation about the arctic. Unfortunately, the arctic that you taught them about is a fantasy kingdom in norway. Where everything is nice. I said what we really need to do is educate the American Youth about the plights of the polar bear about the thawing tundra about alaskan villages that run the risk of falling into the sea because of the lack of sea ice protecting their shores. So much with that. I hear this song in my head so many times. I think this should be part of the new enhanced interrogation program, just play frozen over and over again on a loop. What part of what he said had any sort of accuracy. Everything. Ill tell you why because people go after Global Warming skeptics or anybody who questions the hysteria saying you dont read the science. I read the science and i go for the credentialed people. Roy spencer is a climate scientist. He was a Senior Scientist at nasas Marshall Space Flight center. His satellite monitoring stations show that we are not getting warmer and that theres an abundance of evidence that we are just as warm 1,000 and 2,000 years ago as it is today. He believes this is all about funding. Thats all it is. You know what, though, youve got the National Science foundation, youve got the National Center for Atmospheric Research all saying the same thing. Let me just say this. You know what i feel, this table is frozen. I feel frozen because it seems to me that all you guys its just become a political conversation. Why dont i just give you facts. The right says no climate, were denying it ever happened. Hey, i did not deny a single damn thing. I presented science to you and youre denying the science. You presented one scientist and said this is my guy and, therefore, end of story. You just brought up who did you bring up . National science foundation, nnl center for Atmospheric Research. Tell me the degree increase that they said for 2014. I think it was it was in the margin of error. I think 14 of the warmest years on record have happened in recent years. Because of the margin of error not in new york. Freezing here all the time. Walt disney was a conservative. He fault environmentalists so he could open up disney world, disneyland. He would be rolling in his grave but hes frozen too, i think. No his head is frozen. His head would be rolling. I dont know about his environmental perspective, but i do know he was a great story teller and he was great for children. And i think that we should let kids be kids. You know, let them watch a show without having to have some sort of political ideology shoved down their throat. Just let them have can i just say one thing about the guy from the arctic. If theyre so concerned about these little alaskan villages that may or may not sometime in the future fall into the ocean, but yesterday president obama announced that he was basically taking all of alaskas future oil growth off the table. So people who might get jobs in that industry in alaska im actually worried about those people today. Hes the village destroyer killing jobs. Juan what do you think about that . I know how i feel but why start now. Breaking new developments on Bowe Bergdahl. Could he be getting charged with desertion . What the pentagon says, after this. Its been seven months since president obama announced the controversial prisoner swap that freed Bowe Bergdahl from the taliban. Weve been waiting for the results of an investigation ever since. Nbc is reporting the army will charge the former sergeant for leaving his post and a former military Intelligence Officer told bill oreilly the same last night. The army has come to its conclusion and Bowe Bergdahl, Sergeant Bergdahl will be charged with desertion. Ive been told ive been confirmed by two other sources that his attorney was given what we call a charge sheet. A charge sheet essentially is the results of the investigation listing out the articles of the uniform code of military justice which have been violated. The key violation is desertion. And this is this has been done, the decision has been made. But the pentagon was pressed on the subject today and it denies that any decision has been made. No decision has been made with respect to the case of Sergeant Bergdahl. None. And there is no timeline to make that decision. I think it is extraordinarily premature for anybody to say that they know what the general will decide and when hes going to decide it and when hes going to transmit that. Were just not there in the process. So the pentagon pushing back hard on that, kimberly. Im thinking that it could be no decision has been made yet but this is a decision theyre marching towards and its possible that the president has asked to be back in the country by the time this decision is made. But maybe admiral kirby knows something we dont know so we possibly have to trust him. The question for you is what is the penalty, if it is decided that he is was a deserter what is the penalty or the range of penalties that he could face . Well, he could be killed. He could be executed. Do i think this is going to happen . No. This is someone who was held as a prisoner of war essentially right, is what hes saying for five years. Was that sufficient or should he face some other extreme punishment. The one thing is the president is bound to uphold to these military laws and so therefore, he wouldnt be able to per se step in the way of it. Maybe theyll give him some sentence and dishonorable discharge, something to that effect, and perhaps some time, well have to see. But this is amongst the most serious charges that you could face as a soldier. And this is an investigation, eric, that seems to have gone on for a long time. I was cautioned today by someone in the know that said that this is not unusual that the army was trying to be as thorough as possible, so maybe thats why its taking so long. But the white house did make a decision to have a big pr event around the release with the father in the rose garden. Is this something theyre going to continue to regret . So the daily beast ran a piece by Nathan Bethea who was in the same batallion as bergdahl. He said everyone knew bergdahl had walked off camp on his own volition, he just left. It wasnt that he was lagging behind on a mission, he literally walked. That said, he outlined six people who were killed looking for bergdahl. Two by ied one shot in the face, two killed in an ambush and one stemmed on a land mine. Add that to the five bad guys, the terrorists that we traded for bergdahl if theres any truth to this, k. G. I dont know. There are a lot of people who are dead or who will be dead based on bergdahl walking away. He may get more harsh well, he could. Theres key language in here as welch is basically what they deem to be fit. Such other punishment as a courtmartial may direct. So in the courts discretion, that could be up to ten years. I just dont think that theyre going to save his life to take it. In fact we were saying at commercial break that after the army went through so much to try to find him and to rescue him, it would be unlikely that we would execute him. Yeah that would make little sense. But it does lead to one conclusion that i have ive said before about the administration. I dont think president obama knows the price of things. He doesnt know the price of gitmo. He doesnt know the price of health care. He doesnt know the price of the unity of a nation. He squanders value because he never bothered to look at the price tag of these things he doesnt take seriously. Hes like a billionaires spouse with a martini and a credit card, never checking the price of anything and squanders these things of value. The question is not just about the desertion but whether the trade was worth it. He gave away five terrorists for one guy. Essentially gave up a ferrari for a hot wheel. All for a rose garden moment. All to make obama look like greg, you know what to make him look like a savior. Forget politics for a second. We bring home american soldiers and i think weve done that from the day of the founding of this great country. No, no, let me finish up. Hang on. The administration has made some terrible misstatements c susan rice calling his Service Honorable and all that. But theres no question that whenever you can get an american soldier back home you should do it even. If he deserted . Im telling you yes. He was held nobody disputes he was held as a prisoner of war, he was in a cage. Hes a crazy kid. He made a mistake. If its my kid and my kid makes a mistake, i want my child back. If he is in the army uniform of the United States military bring the kid home. Hey, they were soldiers, they know what theyre in for. Bergdahl made a mistake. No, no, but for his conduct of desertion and going wandering, he left on his own volition and was asking and looking for the taliban. Thats those are the facts that we have. Thats why hes going to be charged. You dont think mistakes are made in the course of war . He has to be accountable because other soldiers lives were lost because of his conduct. We have all kinds of misconduct and crazy leadership in that platoon. So dont go crazy here. I will agree with juan in that we have to be honest about hostage efforts. Its very easy to make these decisions when you dont have skin in the game. You have to think in your head, if its my wife or if its a child, you would do Anything Possible to get that person back, so when you make these decisions and you make these calls, you have to say am i willing to sacrifice that for this. I would agree with you if in fact he was taken. Oh, my god, of course. If he lagged back on one of the missions and he was taken, i would totally agree with you. But if he didnt which a lot of people are saying in his battalion saying he walked off in the middle of the night after they had already returned from the mission, got up, left his stuff neatly piled lets say i grant you your point. Dont you understand what im saying about american a guy an American Flag on his sleeve. I wouldnt trade one good guy, let alone five bad guys for him. And now he became the Tipping Point for an unprecedented policy of prisoner swapping with the United States and that is the worst outcome of this besides the loss of u. S. Soldiers lives looking for him. Okay. Coming up bill maher said a lot of controversial things lately about the u. S. Military. One of his guests just set him straight and the showdown didnt end well for maher. We have that next. Sorry, over. Okay, last friday bill maher trashed a navy ad he saw on the television. Roll the ad, francis. To get to you, they have to get past us. Americas navy. Which led maher to ask dumb questions about the navys role in fighting terror. Who is they that the navy is guarding us from . Because certainly the 9 11 attackers didnt have to get past the navy. I dont think isis is planning an Amphibious Assault on new york city. So why do we need more money for the navy if the people we are fighting against dont have to get past the navy . Thats when smarty pants Bret Stephens cleaned his clock like a world class clock cleaner. Who took out Osama Bin Laden . Do we need 11 aircraft carriers to do that . We need aircraft carriers to reassure our allies around the world. We need force to make sure that russians or iranians or chinese are deterred from aggressing in the persian gulf against israel, against japan. Yeah, we do need those things and i think we live in a safer, better world where we can talk about ha ha isnt it funny, why dont we need a navy. Im not saying we dont need a navy. So would you like that . Is it a matter of fact because we had a base in afghanistan, the war you opposed, we were able to go and kill bim. N laden, thats how we got him. I bring this up not to trash maher but to expose his schizophrenia. Recently he bravely identified our enemies. Because its the only religion that acts like the mafia that will [ bleep ] kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book. But then he wonders if those who fight these enemies dont really need more help. Thats what i would call a disconnect. Its like proclaiming your love for whole foods but condemning the trucks who get the chow there. I mean do you really need all those vehicles to get my free range kale on the shelf . But look its bill, hes learning. The islamic threat is an education for liberals the same way murderous communism was decades ago. As tens of millions of bodies piled up many on the left could no longer applaud such utopians. Some still do denying communisms massive death toll, instead infecting this toxin into matters like Climate Change and race. Every race baiter and climate hiss taker is a thirst for the death of the west. But maher as liberals realize it built the shield that now harbors evil. Islami phobia is the antianticommunism. How many terror attacks does one really need is the same question as how many millions must die before you condemn communism. Sadly, its always more. So, juan youre about as old as i am. Is it islamiphobia, the maude erp antianticommunism . The thing about it is maher is pretty strong on this point. But i must agree with you, i thought Bret Stephens was like the professor with the student in the back of the room whos been playing the dunce all day. How can you not understand the importance of having the navy . It was quite i dont even think that its about bin laden, by the way. I was more impressed by the idea that you want to deter aggression by the soviets or the chinese. Weve recently had examples like that. Let me just throw out here maher seems so unprepared to defend that comment. Its like he just said it to walk back some of the prior comments that were frankly awesome. He called radical extremists muslims what they are and now he got a lot of heat for it and maybe hes walking it back. Can i point one thing back one big inaccuracy in mahers comment. He said what is isis going to mount an offensive on american soil . Today we founding an isis video and theyre saying they called out president obama saying were going to cut off obamas head in the white house and well transform america into a muslim province. So maybe they do want to come here and maybe we do need the navy to help shield us. You know maher represents the kind of progressive who embraces Big Government but Big Government stops at our shores correct . Right. Well, if you look at something bear with me. So sweden today makes an announcement that says hmm, maybe we should not have let our military decline so much. Maybe we should have invested more in our military but now were screwed but theyre facing the same kinds of threats we are. Thats not exactly an apples to apples comparison, the United States and sweden. Apple strudel. I think of how someone could have handled something differently. When Bret Stephens calls out bill maher and says, well, you had the navy s. E. A. L. S there, it would have been great if bill maher said great point and he could have moved on and not had that situation. He was woefully unprepared. He doesnt even understand in the slightest way the role of the United States navy or what they do, if by air, by sea by land, okay. They dont just hang out on big boats all day. Thats not what they do. Thats not what they did with Jessica Lynch or bin laden or any of the other capture and kill operations theyre involved in. So basically he was just a dumb bleep. Besides, it was a great ad. It was a really good ad. You know, im not against, by the way, military reform and all that. All right. A super bowl alert is next. It involves reality nightmare Kim Kardashian. We dated once, i dont want to talk about it. Yeah, right. Stay tuned. Super bowl xlix is just five days away and a lot of people expected deflategate to dominate the talk at media day but patriots owner robert kraft was able to side step most questions about the scandal. He did off this defense of his team yesterday. If the wells investigation is not able to definitively determine that our organization tampered with the air pressure in the footballs, i would expect and hope that the league would apologize to our entire team, and in particular coach belichick and tom brady for what they have had to endure this past week. Communicate with me, dana perino. His message too late . When youre wrestling on your back and you flip someone over like that, theres a wrestling move. Its called someone. He just went back on offense. So he just said, okay, youre going to owe me an apology. Its a reverse triple indy. Okay that. He did that. Anyway from a communications standpoint if i were his people, i would say i thought he did a nice job of getting it back on track for the patriots. But should he have said it earlier . For a while it was crickets. Really nobody knows what to do initially. You always want to do the right thing and do it as quickly as possible but they didnt have the information, they didnt have the investigation. It was strange to hear him come out and say that today. The only thing i can think of is that someone internally, whether with the kraft his company, the patriots, or nfl said this whole scandal is driving viewers to what they think is going to be a Record Number of viewers for the super bowl and theyre perpetuating it. This could die. This could have gone away if he didnt say the nfl owes us an apology, people owe us an apology, right dana . That keeps the story alive another day or two. Its an interesting theory but not one i share. What a diplomatic way to say shut it down. How about this juan, should he have borrowed a line from Hillary Clinton and said what difference does it make . Exactly. Because of the second half . The problem is that there really were footballs that were underinflated. So i mean yeah but not in the second half. So apologize . No, no youre talking about the outcome of the game. I dont think there was any question the patriots were the better team. But you shouldnt cheat. It seems to me that he says oh, the nfl and this wells investigation, theyre going to owe an apology. And he says belichick and brady are like family to me and these guys have never lied to me and, therefore, why are you picking on us. Gee, do the patriots have a little history here . Oh, gee. And oh gosh, its all about you, its not about the game . It sounds like you dont like the patriots. I dont mind the patriots. I have to defend tom brady. Im not patriotic. We want to get to gregs exgirlfriend Kim Kardashian. Its a little weird, i dont believe it. But anyway shes going to be featured in one of the ads and weve got a little taste for you. Hi, im kim. Each month millions of gigs of unused data are taken back by wireless companies. Tragic. Data you paid for that can be used to see my makeup, my backhand, my outfits my vacations, and my outfits. Sadly, all lost. Please, help save the data. Are you sympathetic for your former Love Interest . You know, she made herself the butt of her own joke. This proves danas point that you made last week. This game should have been played weeks ago because theres absolutely nothing to talk about, about the game and you know that when you when Kim Kardashian enters the story pitches for the 5, it shows how thin the gruel is. Right now were on our hands and knees searching for things to talk about the game when were at this point talking about her. Thats a very good point. They added this week off for media and for us to do stupid stuff. And then youve got to feed the beast if youre going to do that. How dare you how dare you you know people today paid 28. 50 to go to a media day . I know. They call media day a yearly an annual spectacle. The game is an annual spectacle. If that is an annual spectacle so is my hangnail. The players hate it. They despise it. They dont want to be there they dont want anything about it but they have to do it. They can get in a lot of trouble. What about this guy marshawn lynch. Fined 10,000. Doesnt say a word. Now hes got a commercial. Hes going to praise rainbows. Theyre going to ask him if he likes rainbows. Oh thats sweet. What we were really talking about during the break is whether Kim Kardashians butt was real and greg said he thought it was. Im going to go with implants. Juan said implants too, right . No, no, no. Immediately, did Lance Armstrong settle down on doping . What the former cyclist just admitted that may surprise you, next. Test Lance Armstrong was stripped of his seven Tour De France titles. That was after admitting to using performance enhancing drugs. If he could go back in time would he do it again . His answer might surprise you. If i was racing in 2015 no i wouldnt do it again. Because i dont think you have to do it again. If you take me back to 1995 when it was completely and totally pervasive id probably do it again. People dont like to hear that. Thats the honest answer. He would do it again. You know he is finally being honest. You know who is being dishonest about this thing are the media. So he dopes to win races. How many anchors in any business cnn, fox news, botox their face wear wigs. I wasnt talking about you. I am talking about all of the work done. I know for a fact that if you removed all the work done on dana she would be a 76yearold man from queens named sal. You are looking good for sal. How is the family . I dont know. I murdered them. What kind of show is this . Back to topic. Back to lance. Another twitter storm. Dont say it. I wont say it. You know where i am on performance enhancing drugs. For here is whyc because the people who use performance enhancing drugs and get away with it win all the titles skpl all of the awards when they get away with it. If you just even the Playing Field by allowing it and letting people do it if they want to you even the Playing Field. You have to perform. You dont want some other guy all muscled up because he is taking drugs. Performance enhancing. They are anyway. Maybe we should require it. Everybody has to take performance enhancing drugs. Thats the other way to level the Playing Field. What do you say . About kardashians. He loved afrin. I loveaminvitamins. If it was against the law he shouldnt do it. That sounds like a mother talking. You heard from mom. Dont do it because everybody else is jumping off bridges would you still trash the people that worked around you and ruin their lives . Drink green juice and eat kale and cycle faster. There are protein drinks and certain mixtures you can take lifting weights. Other people dont want to take it because it can effect your kidneys. How about muscle milk . What about the supplement Kim Kardashian took . One more thing up next. Time for one more thing. Well, monday night in somerville, massachusetts at 10 15 if you were looking out you saw yeti. Someone was dressed up in a yeti costume walking the streets trying to hail a cab. Unbelievable. You could have gone on twitter to keep up with yetis adventures including apparently delivering food. This is crazy. I love the pictures. It was lou dobbs. So today was big day for the new york schools. They were closed. That means one of those great snow days. I never had one growing up in san francisco. He hit the park with his buddies. There he is enjoying the sledding. Everybody was out there. So it was a positive way to celebrate the snow. So unsafe. Look how happy he looks. Terrible mother. And then he is like School Tomorrow . Dont go to much school anymore. It is one day. If you live in seattle get prepared you could be tagged with a red tag on your garbage bag if you throw food away a new effort to try to get more composting in the city. They want to get the composting rate up to 60 . They have people going through the trash can. If you threw away a Red Velvet Cake you get a fine. You can be fined up to 50 for throwing away food in seattle. I hope that doesnt happen here. Good job, ap. Time for gregs secret to happiness. This is an important tip. When you want to get drunk do it at home because if you pass out you dont have to drive like this fellow here. Clearly he had been he fell asleep in his own drink. He can just go sit down and sleep it off. I think cats didnt like water. Its vodka. Animal abuse. Just keep watching the cat video. You never know. Over the weekend chuck todd took a shot at donald trump saying he might not be a credible candidate for president. That didnt sit well with the donald. He had a series of five pretty angry tweets so many people have told me that i should host meet the press and replace the moron who is on now. Just too busy, especially next it is wednesday january 28th. Cities buried in snow this morning. Some biggingdigging out from nearly 3 feet. New england bearing the brunt of this bliss arred. We are live tracking whats ahead. A terror group leads to isis now claiming to be behind an attack at a libyan hotel. New threats against the u. S. Is our administrations prisoner policy making it worse . We report, you decide. Dramatic moments caught on camera. Firefighters rushing into a burning home to save three children. The heart stopping moments straight ahead. Fox friends first strart ahead. Fox friends first starts right now. Niflive in times square. It looks different than it did yesterday all cleaned up on the streets of new york city. Good morning to you. You are watching Fox Friends First on this wednesday. I am heather childers. I am ainsley earhardt. Thank you for starting your wednesday morning off with us. Nearly 3 feet of snow falling in some parts of the east coast not in the clear just yet. While the west gets ready for rain. Maria molina is in the weather center. Look at the snowfall totals we picked up from a nor easter very significant across parts of massachusetts and auburn. 36 inches of snowfall in connecticut 33. 5 inches. Parts of New Hampshire also getting 30 inches. The storm system packing a punch significant flooding occurring across nantucket new england. It is Still Producing additional areas of snowfall. We are not in the clear yet. Parts of maine picking up snow and parts of new england as well. Snow showers will continue to linger. The other concern with this system isnt