President changed their Sexual Assaultal policy and even used it to push a sex crimes bill. Lets just take a look at some of the Media Coverage that this article, this very compelling article in Rolling Stone magazine that led the nightly use nice. The claims of a particularly shocking Sexual Assault have been made public. An extraordinary move on one of americas most prestigious campuses, the university of virginia shutting down all fraternities as it investigates Sexual Assault claims. After a very disturbing Sexual Assault allegation at one of americas most prominent colleges. Their exposed in a Rolling Stone article and led to suspending all fraternity and sorry errority if it is a hoax, i think we can all be glad that it did not happen to her. Interestingly, Richard Bradley has a blog. Its richardbradley. Net, and he was an editor for george magazine. On his blog he wrote some questions because he had been dp dupeded as an editor into believing steven glass a writer who ichbs denltly was in the same journalism class in college. He was making people think, does this story really hold up . And subsequent reporting have proven that this looks like its all a hoax. Right. Right. So, i saw this story come out today, let me get this straight, a major u. S. Publication is a poll jazzing for not Fact Checking a story that accuses gang rape by a major United States university, by the way, one of the most respected universities in the country, they didnt fact check. So the time between the rape and Rolling Stone publishing that piece, they had plenty of time to fact check, they had plenty of time to go kablg the accused rapists there, so they ran with the story and its been two weeks since the story ran with Rolling Stone, the Washington Post has fact checked the story and has found a lot of d discrepancy ies with it. Almost two years, from the time of the rape until they published the story, they had two years to fact check what Washington Post found in two weeks. And the fraternity, kimberly is phi cap she said we didnt have a party that night. There are some things i just have to wonder if the reporter didnt have any sort of nagging doubt, even though it does seem in the apology from Rolling Stone that theyre kind of blaming her, the person that they said was their source, but nobody actually knows her name. A question for you s can can the university or the fraternity expect any sort of litigation to be successful because of Rolling Stones negligence . I think so. Right . You have to and there should be something that corrects the situation, where there should be some emphasis that if people are going to engage inner responsible reporting that has devastating consequences and impact, that theyre going to be punished for it. This will act as a deter end for other reporters, to fact check whether or not even a party happened on that day. That would have been the tipping point. They are going to have to pay money for this. I guarantee theyll have to settle some lawsuits. I should have mentioned in the green room. The Washington Post years ago dealt with a major story that was a fabrication about a young child who was in danger, whose parents were giving him drugs, and everyone because on the lookout, and it turns out that was fabricated as well. Lets keep in mind the context here, uva has been under pressure now for a whole bunch of rapes that were unreported and some of those are in the process of being indicted. Im not accusing Rolling Stone, but theyre not alone. The stripper down in north carolina, you remember that . That got a whole bunch of guys in trouble. The university ended up having to settle with those Fraternity Brothers who were not guilty. And this is not the first time its too attractive a story, thats the problem, youve got Something Like this, a gang rape at a fraternity. I dont have any personal experience with this, a lot of times there are people who are going to yell that something happened that didnt happen. What about in new york city in central park . These young black kids got accused of doing this to the woman, it turned out not to be true. Richard bradley, the blogger i mentioned that used to work at george magazine. One of the things he says is the reason why he got duped by steven glass is that the story line started to fit his own biases. And in this case, at what point does the narrative that the media wants to report on overtake their sensibilities and causes people to lose further trust in media. I think this woman who wrote this story, she went in there looking for this narrative. I think she shopped around to a few ivy league universities. She latched on it. Ignored her source, her source at one time didnt even want to be put in the article, she still bu pushed for it. The woman is a left wing ideal log, she es not credible. So say this targets the reputation of Rolling Stone. Rolling stone put the boston bomber on the cover. Rolling stone hosed mcchrystal on an off the record conversation. The new york post, the conservatives its confirmation bias, she went in looking for a story, she found the story and she decided not to fact check it. She wanted to know that Sexual Assault on campus is was a huge epidemic, and she saw this case and she latched on to it. Lets say that was the case, she was looking for it, she shopped it, she found what she wanted, she found a nugget, and sure turned it into a whole turkey. Rolling stone is at fault, even if she writes it, even if she believes it, Rolling Stone as a responsibility to fact check it. Would you be careful with that pen . Because its getting very close to my eye. Im not accusing Rolling Stone here , its not just Rolling Stone, a lot of the newspapers and magazines where they have been set up and they want the story, they want the story bad, they go and they take journalisti journalistic,. Let me ask about the statement, specifically, so Rolling Stone doesnt take any responsibility for itself, its basically blaming the victim, if she really is a victim in this. They have to, because if they blame the victim, then they dont have to pay, they cant say that the they were irresponsible, recklessness. Its not just negligence, i mean destroying peoples lives just because theyre desperate to sell a couple of magazines. They have no problem sensationalizing, its just shameful behavior and shoddy journ journalism. Five guys in paterson, new jersey were arrested over the weekend for accusations against the same. So i do think that is clear. That thes a fallout to this article, thats a fallout to this woman writing the story. The fallout is, when do you believe it . When do you not believe it . Will people still come forward . Will they be afraid that theyre going to be falsely accused, will they be afraid theyre going to get dragged through the media, thats one of the negative aspects of the story. Remember what happened with dan rather, dan rather did the same thing, he wanted to find out what was going on in texas with bush and he bought this hoax with all these forged documents. Peoples lives are at stake. It turned out to be accurate, didnt. It did bush really do that. No, not bush, zimmerman. Do you think she was a racist. Absolutely. It was rob blewy, who was a blogger at the time noticed the fonts were different. It wasnt that the investigative journalists had a big publication. A lot of conservative bloggers saw this, asked questions and now look at it. They would be held to a different standard, its just basically journalism. I dont think a lot of the reporters are going to send people to Rolling Stone asking questions. If this was a conservative organization that was doing it, they would be knocking dun their doors. I have a really good point to make. Ahead new yorks mayor may have questioned the racial bias of his own police force, but they want the Africanamerican Community to know they have nothing to fear. And its facebook friday, if you have a question, you could have it answered. Back in a moment. Its been a rough couple of weeks for Law Enforcement america after the grand jurys in protesters nationwide have been voicing mistrust of police and their sentiments have been echoed by some of the leaders on the left, including the president. The way we go about policing has to change. People need to know that black lives and brown lives matter as much as white lives. All lives must be valued. All lives. Africanamerican, most particularly africanamerican men, are still more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes and sentenced to longer prison terms. There are still problems and communities of color arent just making these problems up. The latest accusations against Law Enforcement follow the decision of eric gardner in new york city. The nypd is hoping now to reassure the Africanamerican Community that they have nothing to fear. What does a black man in new york have to fear from the nypd. Actually he doesnt have anything to fear from us. Unfortunately, though people out there on the street dont think so. Thats correct. I dont think every on the street is worried of police officers, especially if youre not committing any crime. Im trying to give you every advantage by letting you hear what he said and then you can respond. I think these are two deci d decidedly different cases, one was much clearer in ferguson. In this case this cop is a murdering, disgusting thug who should have been indicted and the grand jury were scared to do it. Can you walk that back a little bit . Not the slightest bit. The murdering part, maybe you can say he used excessive force. Bill de blasio injecting race, saying the reason why garner is dead, because of scenturies of racism. The cop may have used excessive force. May have used . In my opinion i dont think he did. But there is a question. So bill de blasio injecting race into something no one has everyone involved including Eric Gardners daughter said, race had nothing to do with her fathers death. De blasio doing it, its racebaiting, its liberal, its progressive, its b. S. And conductcoming a may your. 99. 999 dlerz of police stops are not fatal. Theres so many other things going on that are really good in the police force, this is a terrible example. I agree that there are some systemic problems, black people being pulled over more, even being sentenced longer. The grand jury results, thats not the Police Departments fault. Once the case goes to the grand jury, whether its ferguson or Staten Island or whatever, the police have nothing to do with it. I think we should keep in mind 99. 99 of Police Encounters across the country are not just nonfatal, but theyre actually good at keeping the peace all across our country. They have a very difficult job and they dont get any appreciation whatsoever. They put their lives on the lightning. And police are in these neighborhoods because thats where a lot of these crimes are being committed. Police officers do arrest black people and a lot of the black people are committing crimes, especially Violent Crimes and felonies at a higher level of the percentage of the population than white people. Thats why theyre there, to protect other people in those neighborhoods. If they werent there, all hell would be breaking look. So i understand why if a black man is Walking Around and he gets extra attention. I understand why hes getting a little bit bent out of shape, but the media like this is narrative of these racist white cops keeping the black man down. They had every right to go up to him, that there was a crime being committed, and that a crime was being committed. He doesnt have a riling to resist arrest, even if he thinks the nature of the arrest shouldnt be happening, theres a procedure to be followed and this man as a preexisting medical condition that km exacerbated this mans death. I never said this guy was racist, i dont believe that he was, de blasio made a mistake by saying that, but he is a murder because the fact of the rules of engagement say youre not supposed to you had five people there they should have just tased him. If they had a taser it would have been better if they had just tased him. And he could have died from that too. So what are you supposed to do. They didnt go after him because he was asian. If he was asian, do you think they would have taken it easier . It doesnt have anything to do with the situation. Does a guy thats selling an illegal cigarette it certainly looks like they treated him like he just shot a cop or killed somebody. They seemed very aggressive. You can say that, but i dont think in the beginning, theyre talking to him, then he starts to resist, hes a big guy, they do have a right and ability to be able to protect themselves. One guy couldnt take him down. What youre saying is the reaction is disproportionate to the nature of the crime. But they had the right to do what they were doing. Where it became a police issue says because they outlawed that form of chokehold. Theres five cops around, isnt there they could have been working on. Its your team that passed that law. Dana, the city counsel passed a law saying that it is illegal to sell loose cigarettes, so store owners have the right to believe that you have a right to call the cops. You absolutely do. If the city council thinks that its worth it to have to the Police Respond to citizens that report laws that are being broken, then they should change that law. But you cant ask a cop to say, okay, well, wire going to pass these laws so we can play indicate the store owners, but we really dont want you to enforce them, or if the big guy says, no, hes not coming with you, what do they do, walk away. They have an absolutely right to say this guy is breaking the law and its hurting my business. But the cops dont have a right to get a gang crowd. Bob, you just inflame the situation, you engage in this and youre hysterical about it. They were doing their jobs, they werent breaking the law, eric gardner was, if you want to address the legislation they were follnt following rules. But it was Police Procedure that they were following. Youre the police advocate here. She incites the riot. Facebook friday, and up next, the grammy nominations are in, did your favorite artist get a nod . Did ours . Finding out ahead in the fastest seven. Welcome back. Time for all right, this is going to be one of our best fastefast est several minutes on television. One exuberant host. First up, so last night during a break in the bearscowboys game, i switched over to nbc to see what the big peter pan live thing was all about. After all they had been hyping it for weeks. My jaw dropped, i couldnt believe what they were airing. It looked like a bad high school musical. How can i hide it when deep down inside i got to let go and grow three hours of that. I mean honest. Like my kindergarten recital was better than that. I love peter pan, but whoa. She was very talented. But the productproduction. Her singing was good. Seeing williams looking like a boy, that was awkward for me. And christopher walken, he was so stiff during the sword fight scene. At one point he was supposed to keil over. It was supposed to be lip zippizip i syncing. This is a live performance. I wish that more Media Companies would do things like this, to bring life performances to the stage. Sometimes it doesnt work. If you go to broadway, you go, okay that show wasnt very good. But all those people that dont get a chance to see live television. I dont fault them for doing it. It still got 9 million viewers. Last year in the sound of music, they had carry underwood. I think thats the reason ratings were better last night. The 2015 grammy nominations are out. Taylor swift, my personal favorite sam smith, but surprisingly, one of the best rock songs in my opinion got snubbed, seven tcenturies by fa boys. That easter rirnl. That s terrible. No wonder. I edondont like that song a all. What is your favorite on the list . I love iggy azalea. Thats something you can bump to. All right, bobby. First of all, i just want to lodge a complaint. Kimberly called me kneeander the only two people i recognized on the entire list, was because i met her in the green room at fox and friends and said what do you do for a livi living . And the other one was tony benefit. And they were nominated for a duet album. What about the one that you like. It was awesome. Since last april, i have been telling everybody to download the dirk bentley album. And it is nominated for the best Country Music album. You heard it here first. You know you have a relationship with him, right . I have seen it. Between her and her dog. So john legend was nominated who . For all of best of pop. Go in your pocket, get your man card out and pop it on the table. You say john legend, all of me . I think there was a good reason that didnt make the cut. I think your man card is permanently revoked. This could be pay attention. This could be the best best of seven segment, thanks to president obama. He show off his dance moves during the National Christmas lee lig Tree Lighting in d. C. Bob, i think you two have some things in common. Hes got that same facial expression. He ees dancing like his pan are falling off. What a dreamer. My building knows not to let you know anywhere near the premises. Theyre not going to be there after i get you arrested for harassment. What about the president s dance moves. Hes a better dancer and a singer than he is a president. I had some things prepared for this, but i was censured. Did you ever see the tribal moves . I was there. I would say that president bush was a more enthusiastic dancer. I think dana was offended by that. I really liked it when president obama had the thumbs up. Because this is kind of an interesting signature move. Do you know who else dances like that . We got to go. Dont go away. Yeah, whats going on . I got to get my taser out. Dont go away, facebook friday is up next. 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Sixtyfive may get all the attention, but now is a good time to start thinking about how you want things to be. [ male announcer ] go longâ„¢. Time now for facebook friday. We answer some of the questions you sent in for us. Lets get started. From nancy h. , does jasper get his own stocking and Christmas Gifts . Not from me. But my mom and my sister are coming up. You hang a stocking on the mantle . I dont do stockings. Great. Our dog gets a stocking. Eric, from mel d. What is your opinion on acquiring college debt from a prejudice tij outsidal school like harvard, is the six figures debt actually worth it . The amazing increase in starting salaries just by graduating from one of those schools. And the contacts. Danas right, for the rest of your life, you have what are card contacts. From dennis w. , what happened to the october surprise . I really want to know that. Let me explain something to you, dennis. It was there, but if something happened along the way, but its going to come back. Come on, answer the question. Was there an october surprise . You made it up. How do you know i made it up . You make everything up. I do not make everything up. You are a sexual harasser is what you are. To kimberly from greg l. You have this talent for making a point very clearly, have you ever considered entering the political arena . What a good question. Now that i have sharpened my skills on mr. Beckle run against one of your exhusbands. Five of them have political contacts dont they. I think its a great way to serve. I loved being a prosecutor, but if i worked for the state and i was able to get into the community and so that was important to me. And i wouldnt rule it out in the future. Whoa. You heard it here first. You heard kimberly announce on the five. Jesse, how do you u keep a straight face when you do watters world. We have two cameras on the set, but when we edited it, it looks like im keeping a straight face. Dandana, if you had the executive order pen for one hour, what would you write in the law and why. Would it be an executive order that was legal . That would be the first question that i might asking, because i would want it to stick. I think if i was being serious, i would do something on tax reform. By i dont think it would hold up because taxes oraniginate in the house. You could declare april 9 natural jasper day. From john c. , eric, who do you think will make it to the nfl playoffs this year . Yeah, the nfl playoffs . Green bay beating the pats. Green bay is playing amazing football. And the afc, you cant rule out Peyton Manning in denver. I would love to see that green bay diamond. Bob, from peggy w. But just wondering if you have a favorite christmas song. As a matter of fact, its white christmas. Of course its white christmas. It is, why . Because its pure, its like me. Its like the driven snow. I think its great. I love christmas, and i dont like any of this new pop crap they put up, because old Christmas Songs is the way to go. The older the better for you. Kimberly from laura d. Do you think its more difficult for an attractive woman to be taken seriously even when they have the credentials . Yeah, good question. To all women out there, i think whats important, dana would agree with me. Get a great education, try to avail yourself with a great internship, meet with people who are in professions that you think you would enjoy, and shadow them for a day. And then youre going to find your bliss, something you feel passionate about. Thats what you should focus on, that u year well prepared and well educated and that you work hard, people are going to respect that. This is for me, a question from melanie h. Jesse, do you or did you have a mentor . I didnt have a mentor. I did this all by myself. I need a mentor. Would anybody like to mentor me. Bill oreilly. Oh, my god. Do you hear this . Bill oreilly . That was for me, thats right. All right, next, are robots on the verge of replacing humans . A word of warning from one of the worlds most well known scientists next. Oh, god i hope e e e e e terminator schwarzenegger has kept his word. If we die tonight, mankind dies with us. I have been waiting for you. You can stop judgment day from happening. And the new upcoming sequel, the terminator is sent from the future to warn about the impending robot populous and fiction may not be a far stretch from reality, with famed scientist steven hawking. Warning of developments its probably the end of the human race. He was right, the guy predicted. All right, thanks, stephen thaw very much. Bob, youre supposed to ask a question, take it around the table. Be a little professional. Prepare for the segment, i dont know. Would you take a robot . Kimberly, i want to replace you as a robot, it would have nice long legs and no mouth, it wouldnt talk. No, seriously, he says hes done to the voice stuff, hes g some machine that follows his brain. How is that possible . Hes a genius, thats why. If hes a genohes hes s has an amazing capacity to think ahead scientifically, he doesnt get bogged down about who won the grammys. Do you think its possible on a serious note, there was some argument about computers taking control of systems because theres so much stuff thats are you worried about computers taking over . No, you know what im worried about . Another Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. They were great, 20, 30 years ago. Theyre great now. Have you seen one scene with Arnold Schwarzenegger that lights him up . Thats how its artistically produced. I love arnold. By the way, you cant replace those legs with a robot. Youre right. I dont know what to say. Jesse, seriously, youre a man whos a computer genius, do you think computers could take over for human intelligence . A little c3po running around . It would be great. I dont know if its going to happen in my lifetime. Its time now for would be more thing. Im going to start with eric. Its friday so its time for remember i told you that well, look at what we found thats been posted and check out this, this is a voice only track without background help, listen to this. More than you could ever know so make my wish come true because baby all i want for christmas is you so superstar diva, not showing up for rehearsals and not getting that one right, mariah carey. Can you stop saying broad all the time. You get to go next, kimberly. So speaking of right. Go ahead. Speaking of cute and subway thank you. Danas this is the cutest little girl you have ever seen, she started a little dance party on the new york city subway, take a look. Grateful dead and shes jamming there. Looks like a minidana. The guy that was playing the bagpipe, that was a lot. But she s cute. Shes super cute. Bob, youre next. Jesse had this is jesses choice for the Grammy Awards for john legend. Thats your one more thing. Shhh. Listen. Love your curves and all your perfect imperfections can can i borrow a beyond this rough exterior is a man inside, whos very sensitive, bob. I dont know. Dont judge a book by its cover. The feminine side is coming out. I love the pop collar. Watters world has created a monster here, smash success all over the country, now people are starting to copy it. This guy, Daniel Hughes from world star, check out what he did. Where did the Boston Tea Party take place . Boston. Boston. Boston. Boston. In boston, man. No, no, no which state did the Boston Tea Party take place . England . No jcht. Youre really dumb, for real. So that just goes to show you these people are actually that clueless. Its not me whos making it happen. Its really out there. Im going to go last, one of my favorite things is to give everyone a reading assigningment, for the weekend. Today i wanting everybody to read Charles Krauthammers column this morning, its called the real fight among the democrats while republicans are debating the tactics of president ial lawlessness and inherntdly difficult congressional undertaking, particularly if you of course control a single how, democrats are trying to figure out what they believe and whom they represent. What do you think is the more serious problem . Charles answers it in the next piece. Have a great weekend, everyone. Special report is next. Hope you are too. See you monday. Welcome to hannity. Tonight they are the forgotten victims of ferguson, missouri. Small Business Owners whose stores were looted, some burnt to the ground by protesters in the wake of the Michael Brown grand jury decision. But on hannity we are making their voices heard tonight. I had surveillance running on my computer and saw the whole thing. Its hard for us to get back to where we were before. We cannot

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